Lecture 15, Ch. 34
Lecture 15, Ch. 34
Lecture 15, Ch. 34
■ Chapter 34 ~
Evolution and
■ Notochord: longitudinal, flexible rod
located between the digestive and the
nerve cord
■ Dorsal, hollow nerve cord; eventually
develops into the brain and spinal cord
■ Pharyngeal slits; become modified for
gas exchange, jaw support, and/or
■ Muscular, postanal tail
Invertebrate chordates
■ Both suspension feeders…..
■ Subphy: Urochordata (tunicates; sea squirt); mostly sessile & marine
■ Subphy: Cephalochordata (lancelets); marine, sand dwellers
■ Importance: vertebrates closest relatives; in the fossil record, appear 50 million
years before first vertebrate
■ Paedogenesis: precocious development of sexual maturity in a larva (link with
Subphylum: Vertebrata
■ Retain chordate characteristics with
■ Neural crest: group of embryonic cells
near dorsal margins of closing neural tube
■ Pronounced cephalization: concentration
of sensory and neural equipment in the
■ Cranium and vertebral column
■ Closed circulatory system with a ventral
chambered heart
Vertebrate diversity
■ Phy: Chordata
■ Subphy: Vertebrata
■ Superclass: Agnatha~
jawless vertebrates
(hagfish, lampreys)
■ Superclass: Gnathostomata~
jawed vertebrates with 2 sets
of paired appendages; including
tetrapods (‘4-footed’) and
amniotes (shelled egg)
Superclass Agnatha
■ Jawless vertebrates
■ Most primitive, living
■ Ostracoderms (extinct);
lamprey and hagfish (extant)
■ Lack paired appendages;
cartilaginous skeleton;
notochord throughout life;
rasping mouth
Superclass Gnathostomata, I
■ Placoderms (extinct): first with hinged jaws and paired appendages
■ Class: Chondrichthyes~ Sharks, skates, rays
■ Cartilaginous fishes; well developed jaws and paired fins; continual water flow over
gills (gas exchange); lateral line system (water pressure changes)
■ Life cycles:
■ Oviparous- eggs hatch outside mother’s body
■ Ovoviviparous- retain fertilized eggs; nourished by egg yolk; young born live
■ Viviparous- young develop within uterus; nourished by placenta
Superclass Gnathostomata, II
■ Class: Osteichthyes
■ Ossified (bony) endoskeleton; scales operculum(gill covering); swim
bladder (buoyancy)
■ Most numerous vertebrate
■ Ray-fined (fins supported by long, flexible rays): bass, trout, perch,
tuna, herring
■ Lobe-finned (fins supported by body skeleton extensions): coelocanth
■ Lungfishes (gills and lungs): Australian lungfish (aestivation)
Superclass Gnathostomata, III
■ Class: Amphibia
■ 1st tetrapods on land
■ Frogs, toads, salamanders, caecilians
■ Metamorphosis; lack shelled egg;
moist skin for gas exchange
Superclass Gnathostomata, IV
■ Class: Reptilia
■ Lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodilians
■ Amniote (shelled) egg with extraembryonic membranes (gas exchange,
waste storage, nutrient transfer); absence of feathers, hair, and mammary
glands; ectothermic; scales with protein keratin (waterproof); lungs;
ectothermic (dinosaurs endothermic?)
Superclass Gnathostomata, V
■ Class: Aves
■ Birds
■ Flight adaptations: wings
(honeycombed bone); feathers
(keratin); toothless; one ovary
■ Evolved from reptiles (amniote egg
and leg scales); endothermic (4-
chambered heart)
■ Archaeopteryx (stemmed from an
ancestor that gave rise to birds)
Superclass Gnathostomata, VI
■ Class: Mammalia
■ Mammary glands; hair (keratin);
endothermic; 4-chambered heart;
large brains; teeth differentiation
■ Evolved from reptilian stock before
■ Monotremes (egg-laying): platypus;
■ Marsupials (pouch): opossums,
kangaroos, koalas
■ Eutherian (placenta): all other
Order: Primates (evolution)
■ Characteristics: hands & feet for grasping;
large brains, short jaws, flat face; parental
care and complex social behaviors
■ Suborder: Prosimii •lemurs, tarsiers
■ Suborder: Anthropoidea •monkeys, apes,
humans (opposable thumb)
■ 45-50 million years ago
■ Paleoanthropology: study of human origins
■ Hominoid: great apes & humans
■ Hominid (narrower classification):
√ australopithecines (all extinct)
√ genus Homo (only 1 exant, sapiens)
Human evolution
■ Misconceptions:
■ 1- Chimp ancestor (2 divergent branches)
■ 2- Step-wise series (coexistence of human species)
■ 3- Trait unison vs. mosaic evolution (bipedalism, upright,
enlarged brain)
The first humans
■ Ape-human split (5-7 mya)
■ Australopithecus; “Lucy” (4.0 mya)
■ Homo habilis; “Handy Man” (2.5 mya)
■ Homo erectus; first to migrate (1.8 mya)
■ Neanderthals (200,000 ya)
■ Homo sapiens (1.0 mya?)
■ Multiregional model
(parallel evolution)
■ “Out of Africa”
(replacement evolution)