Journal of Molecular Cell Biology: Number 3 June 2011
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology: Number 3 June 2011
Journal of Molecular Cell Biology: Number 3 June 2011
Small molecules for big tasks J. Wu 143
Research Highlight
Learning from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic: prospects for more broadly effective inuenza vaccines E. C. Settembre, P. R. Dormitzer, and R. Rappuoli 144
Meeting Report
The bioinformatics of next generation sequencing: a meeting report R. Shankar 147
MicroRNAs: new players in the DNA damage response H. Hu and R. A. Gatti MicroRNAs in NF-kB signaling X. Ma, L. E. Becker Buscaglia, J. R. Barker, and Y. Li The emerging roles of microRNAs in the molecular responses of metabolic rate depression K. K. Biggar and K. B. Storey Cancer and neurodegenerative disorders: pathogenic convergence through microRNA regulation L. Du and A. Pertsemlidis The agents of natural genome editing G. Witzany 151 159 167 176 181
Hemoglobin expression in rat experimental granulation tissue M. Tommila, C. Stark, A. Jokilammi, V. Peltonen, R. Penttinen, and E. Ekholm 190
Cover: MicroRNAs modulate the NF-kB pathway and as a transcription factor, NF-kB transactivates the expression of a number of microRNAs. The cover gure shows the mutual regulation between microRNAs and NF-kB signaling. MicroRNAs involved in the NF-kB pathway are highlighted in red, while their targets are shown in purple. See pages 159 166 by Ma et al. for details.