University Catholic Center November 23rd, 2008 Christ The King

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University Catholic Center November 23rd, 2008 Christ the King

Blood Drive Today! Thanksgiving Adopt-a-Student

Today, the UCC is having a blood drive to support the Blood and Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we would like to ask
Tissue Center of Central Texas. Stop by in the basement for families to open up their homes to college students who are un-
details and to donate. able to get home for the holiday. If you and your family are able
to open your home for a holiday meal please sign-up in the folder
Give the gift of life today! at the front desk. And for UT students, don't be alone Thanksgiv-
ing. Share a Thanksgiving meal with a wonderful UCC family,
check at the front desk for the student sign-ups.
Take An Ornament!
Be an angel. If you are interested in helping give a Christmas
gift to one of our friends at the Austin State School please pick Busy Person’s Retreat
up an ornament in the Lobby and return the gift by December The UCC will be offering a "Busy Person's Retreat" again this
7th. For some of the residents this will be the only gift they year. What’s that? It’s a “retreat” where you have the chance to
receive. Thanks for making their holidays special. meet with a spiritual director for an hour a day for three days.
Want to take a retreat but can’t take days away? This is your
RCIA Rite of Welcome chance!
We are happy to welcome nine individuals who celebrated the The retreat will begin December 7 after the 11:30 Mass with
Rite of Welcome on Sunday, November 9. All nine of them are brunch and an opportunity to meet with your spiritual director.
candidates - already baptized, and seeking full communion in the The "Retreat" will be three days long, Monday, Tuesday and
Catholic Church. They are: Natalie Carnine, Kris Carter, Victor Wednesday, December 7th-9th. Please sign-up at front desk for
Chatman, Whitney Douglas, Danielle Handsaker, Bryan Hanus, more information.
Bobby Jenkins, Rachel Vallejo, and Dung To Young. We pray
that they grow closer to Christ during their period of formation
and see in us reasons to be Catholic Christians. Remembering Our Deceased Loved Ones
Traditionally, the month of November has been a special time
for the Church to remember its deceased loved ones. So that we
may keep your dear ones in prayer, we invite you to write the
names of your beloved dead in our Book of Remembrance.

Calling All Scrapbookers!

Don’t miss St. Austin’s Annual Holiday Fair!
Do you enjoy scrapbooking? Do you love the UCC? If so, we are
Saturday, December 6, 3-8 p.m.; Sunday, December 7 8:30 a.m.-
looking for a volunteer to put together a scrapbook to commemo-
2 p.m. Don’t miss this opportunity to wrap up your Christmas
rate the 100th Anniversary of Catholic campus ministry at UT. If
shopping while supporting parish ministries and local businesses!
you're interested in taking on this project, please contact Vanessa
There will be several Fair Trade merchants including fair trade
Mena at or call her at 512-476-7351
coffee, chocolates and wonderful gift items. Support the Heifer
International Project by purchasing a flock of chicks, a beehive,
or a cow, and supply a family in an under-developed country
with a lifetime of opportunity. Raffle items will include hand- Become the UCC’s Communications Intern!
crafted jewelry, decorative pieces, crafts, purses, kitchenware, We are looking for an English, Communication, Journalism, or
fair-trade coffee, religious art, and a range of seasonal goods to Public Relations major who is interested in an unpaid internship
for the Spring 2009 semester. The intern will be responsible for
adorn your home for the Christmas season! Please plan to come!
compiling and editing the UCC’s quarterly newsletter, monthly
e-newsletter, writing press releases, and helping with other
communication-related projects as assigned. Working 10-15
READINGS FOR THE WEEK hours per week, the intern will gain great professional
Mon: Rv 14:1-3,4b-5; Lk 21:1-4 experience for his or her resume while providing valuable
service to the UCC. For more info, e-mail Vanessa Mena at
Tues: Rv 14:14-19; Lk 21:5-11
Wed: Rv 15:1-4; Lk 21:12-19
Thurs: Rv 18:1-2,21-23,19:1-3,9a; Lk 21:20-28
Fri: Rv 20:1-4,11-21:2; Lk 21:29-33
If you are concerned about your own or a loved-one's harmful
Sat: Rv 22:1-7; Lk 21:34-36 use of alcohol or drugs call the Alcohol and Drug Assistance
Sun: Is 63:16-17,19,64:2-7; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37 Ministry (ADAM) toll free at 1-866-203-4087 for confidential
Our Gifts to God Week of November 24th
Monday Nov 24 — Memorial of Andrew Dung-Lac
The Numbers: * 10 am — Baptism Holy Spirit Chapel
$20,000 $18,326 9 am Mass: * 12:05 pm—Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
$342 * 12:30 pm—Reconciliation St. Paul Rec. Chapel
$15,000 11:30 am Mass: * 5:30 pm — Student Leaders St. Thomas More Library
$669 * 6 pm — SJ Council Mtg Mother Teresa Room
5 pm Mass: * 6:30 pm — Social Justice Mtg Mother Teresa Room
$5,000 $2,429 $2,151 $2,373 $467 * 7 pm — RCIA Catacombs
8 pm Mass: * 7 pm — CFC Youth Mtg St. Francis Room
$0 * 8 pm — Longhorns for Life Mother Teresa Room
10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 * 9:30 pm — Movie Night! Catacombs
Other Income:
Tuesday Nov 25 — Opt Mem of Catherine of Alexandria
Thank you to everyone to pledged to the Diocesan Catholic * 12:30 pm—Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
Services Appeal. Your support will help make the Catholic * 1 pm—Reconciliation St. Paul Rec. Chapel
Church in Central Texas stronger during this coming year. * 2 pm — Staff Meeting St. Julia Conference Room
* 7 pm — LOA Pledge Mtg St. Francis Room
University Graduate Students & Professionals- UGAP * 7 pm — UGAP Mtg Mother Teresa Room
invites all grad students and recently gradated young * 7:30 pm — CIW Meeting St. Matthew Room
adults to join us on Tuesday nights at the UCC. We * 8 pm — LOA Active Mtg St. Francis Room
will meet in the Atrium of the UCC at 7pm. For * 9 pm — Night Prayer by LOA Blessed Sacrament Chapel
more information contact Nathan at Wednesday Nov 26—Weekday of the 34th Week of OT
* 12:05 pm—Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
* 12:30 pm — Carbos for Christ Atrium
The Catholic Channel on Sirius and now XM!
With XM and Sirius’ merger Thursday Nov 27—Weekday of the 34th Week of OT
complete, Paulist Father Dave Dwyer Thanksgiving! — UCC Closed — No Daily Mass
and the Busted Halo Show, along
with other great Catholic Friday Nov 28 —Weekday of the 34th Week of OT
programming, can be found on Sirius Thanksgiving Break — UCC Closed — No Daily Mass
Satellite Channel 159 and now on
XM Channel 117. Don’t have Saturday Nov 29—Weekday of the 34th Week of OT
satellite radio? is
always open and free. Check out the
podcasts and the great articles. Sunday Nov 30 —First Sunday of Advent
Masses at 9 am, 11:30 am, 5 pm and 8 pm
* 7 pm — Small Group St. Matthew Room
Weekly Reflection Question: * 7:30 pm — Rosary Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Who are the "least" that you encounter? How do * 8 pm — RCIA Dismissal Mother Teresa Room
you care for them?
December 14th begins our “Two Mass Sundays” (10:30a
and 8 pm)
Fr. Isaac Hecker, CSP, Founder of the Paulists, pray View the master calendar online at
for us!
Micah 6 Food Pantry
St. Theresa Parish Presents Amahl and the Night Visitors UCC participates in the ecumenical Micah 6 food
St. Theresa Catholic Church is pleased to present the family pantry through donation and volunteering on
Christmas classic Amahl and the Night Visitors at 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays and Saturdays. Many of the people we
December 12 and 13. The popular American one-act opera serve are homeless. Don’t forget our “neighbors” who have
based on the Adoration of the Magi is a tender, heartwarming nothing during the fall. Please bring canned goods and packaged
story about a poor crippled shepherd boy, his devoted mother and dry goods to Sunday Mass for the baskets near the fountain. We
a knock on the door which changed their lives forever. ask that you continue to support the Micah 6 Food Pantry with
your generous donations. Contact Jim Harrington at
For more information visit, email for more information., or call 275-7249.

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