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Modeling and Simulation Lab

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record


1. FPGA Implementation of Simple Alarm System

2. FPGA Implementation of Parity Checker 3. FPGA Implementation of Scrolling Display

4. FPGA Implementation of Multimode Calculator

5. FPGA Implementation of Multimode Calculators 6. Modeling and Prototyping with Simulink and Code Composer Studio with DSK 7. Graphical Simulation and Modeling using MATLAB 8. Simulation of Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta Modulation and QPSK Constellation

Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology

Department of ECE

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

Exp.No: ________

Date: __________________

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Department of ECE

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record


SYSTEM AIM: To design and implement Simple Alarm System using FPGA TOOLS REQUIRED: Simulation : ModelSim Synthesis : Xilinx 9.2i

SIMULATION PROCEDURE: 1. To start the programs click the modelsim software.

2. The main page is opened, click the file option to create a new source

in VHDL. 3. After the program is typed, it is saved in a name with extension .vhd 4. Then the program is compiled and errors are checked. 5. After that it is simulated. 6. Then the program is viewed and the signal option is clicked from the view menu and input signals are given. 7. Then in the edit option, force is selected and the values are given. 8. Finally Add wave is clicked view the result waveform. SYNTHESIS PROCEDURE:
1. In the Xilinx, open a new project and give the file name.

2. Select VHDL module from XC3S400-4pq208. 3. Type the program and create new source. 4. Select implementation constraint file and give the file name.
5. Then click assign package pin (run) from user constraints.

6. Give the pin location and save the file.

7. Run the synthesis XST, implement design and generate program file

sequentially. 8. Select program and wait until it gets succeed. 9. Give the input and observe the output in the Xilinx kit.

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PROGRAM: library IEEE;

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity alarm is PORT (clk, rst, remote, sensors: IN STD_LOGIC; siren: OUT STD_LOGIC); end alarm; architecture Behavioral of alarm is TYPE alarm_state is (disarmed, armed, intrusion); ATTRIBUTE enum_encoding: STRING; ATTRIBUTE enum_encoding OF alarm_state: TYPE IS "sequential"; SIGNAL pr_state, nx_state: alarm_state; SIGNAL flag: STD_LOGIC; begin ----- Flag: ----------------------------PROCESS (remote, rst) BEGIN IF (rst='1') THEN flag <= '0'; ELSIF (remote'EVENT AND remote='0') THEN flag <= NOT flag; END IF; END PROCESS; ----- Lower section: -------------------PROCESS (clk, rst) BEGIN IF (rst='1') THEN pr_state <= disarmed; ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk='1') THEN

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pr_state <= nx_state; END IF; END PROCESS;

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

----- Upper section: ------------------PROCESS (pr_state, flag, remote, sensors) BEGIN CASE pr_state IS WHEN disarmed => siren <= '0'; IF (remote='1' AND flag='0') THEN nx_state <= armed; ELSE nx_state <= disarmed; END IF; WHEN armed => siren <= '0'; IF (sensors='1') THEN nx_state <= intrusion; ELSIF (remote='1' AND flag='1') THEN nx_state <= disarmed; ELSE nx_state <= armed; END IF; WHEN intrusion => siren <= '1'; IF (remote='1' AND flag='1') THEN nx_state <= disarmed; ELSE nx_state <= intrusion; END IF; END CASE;

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

END PROCESS; END Behavioral;

RESULT: Thus the Simple Alarm System was implemented in Spartan-3 Trainer and its working is demonstrated on interfacing board.

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

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Department of ECE
Exp.No: ________ __________________

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record


1. B) FPGA IMPLEMENTATION OF PARITY CHECKER AIM: To design and implement parity checker using FPGA TOOLS REQUIRED: Simulation : ModelSim Synthesis : Xilinx 9.2i SIMULATION PROCEDURE: 1. To start the programs click the modelsim software.
2. The main page is opened, click the file option to create a new source

in VHDL. 3. After the program is typed, it is saved in a name with extension .vhd 4. Then the program is compiled and errors are checked. 5. After that it is simulated. 6. Then the program is viewed and the signal option is clicked from the view menu and input signals are given. 7. Then in the edit option, force is selected and the values are given. 8. Finally Add wave is clicked view the result waveform. SYNTHESIS PROCEDURE:
1. In the Xilinx, open a new project and give the file name.

2. Select VHDL module from XC3S400-4pq208. 3. Type the program and create new source. 4. Select implementation constraint file and give the file name. 5. Then click assign package pin(run) from user constraints. 6. Give the pin location and save the file.
7. Run the synthesis XST, implement design and generate program file


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8. Select program and wait until it gets succeed.

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

9. Give the input and observe the output in the Xilinx kit.

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PROGRAM: library ieee;

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity parity is port(x,y,z,p:in std_logic; c:out std_logic); end parity; architecture tms of parity is begin process(x,y,z,p) begin if(x='0' and y='0' and z='0' and p='0')then c<='0'; elsif(x='0' and y='0' and z='0' and p='1')then c<='1'; elsif(x='0' and y='0' and z='1' and p='0')then c<='1'; elsif(x='0' and y='0' and z='1' and p='1')then c<='0'; elsif(x='0' and y='1' and z='0' and p='0')then c<='1'; elsif(x='0' and y='1' and z='0' and p='1')then c<='0'; elsif(x='0' and y='1' and z='1' and p='0')then c<='0'; elsif(x='0' and y='1' and z='1' and p='1')then c<='1'; elsif(x='1' and y='0' and z='0' and p='0')then c<='1'; elsif(x='1' and y='0' and z='0' and p='1')then

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

elsif(x='1' and y='0' and z='1' and p='0')then c<='0'; elsif(x='1' and y='0' and z='1' and p='1')then c<='1';
elsif(x='1' and y='1' and z='0' and p='0')then c<='0'; elsif(x='1' and y='1' and z='0' and p='1')then c<='1'; elsif(x='1' and y='1' and z='1' and p='0')then c<='1'; elsif(x='1' and y='1' and z='1' and p='1')then c<='0'; else c<='x'; end if; end process; end tms;

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

TRUTH TABLE: Three bit message X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 BIT EVEN PARITY CHECKER: Y 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Z 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Parity bit P 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1

TRUTH TABLE: Four bits Received X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Z 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 P 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Parity Error Check C 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

RESULT: Thus the parity checker was implemented in Spartan-3 Trainer and its working is demonstrated on interfacing board.

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

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Department of ECE
Exp.No: ________ __________________

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record



AIM: To design and implement Scrolling display using FPGA TOOLS REQUIRED: Simulation : ModelSim Synthesis : Xilinx 9.2i SIMULATION PROCEDURE: 1. To start the programs click the modelsim software.
2. The main page is opened; click the file option to create a new source

in VHDL. 3. After the program is typed, it is saved in a name with extension .vhd 4. Then the program is compiled and errors are checked. 5. After that it is simulated. 6. Then the program is viewed and the signal option is clicked from the view menu and input signals are given. 7. Then in the edit option, force is selected and the values are given. 8. Finally Add wave is clicked view the result waveform. SYNTHESIS PROCEDURE:
1. In the Xilinx, open a new project and give the file name.

2. Select VHDL module from XC3S400-4pq208. 3. Type the program and create new source. 4. Select implementation constraint file and give the file name. 5. Then click assign package pin(run) from user constraints. 6. Give the pin location and save the file.
7. Run the synthesis XST, implement design and generate program file

sequentially. 8. Select program and wait until it gets succeed.

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9. Give the input and observe the output in the Xilinx kit.

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

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PROGRAM: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity led is port(h,i,j,k:in std_logic; a,b,c,d,e,f,g:out std_logic); end led; architecture display of led is begin process(h,i,j,k) begin

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

if(h='0' and i='0' and j='0' and k='0')then a<='1'; b<='1'; c<='1'; d<='1'; e<='1'; f<='1'; g<='0'; elsif(h='0' and i='0' and j='0' and k='1')then a<='0'; b<='1'; c<='1'; d<='0'; e<='0'; f<='0'; g<='0'; elsif(h='0' and i='0' and j='1' and k='0')then a<='1'; b<='1'; c<='0';

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d<='1'; e<='1'; f<='0'; g<='1';

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

elsif(h='0' and i='0' and j='1' and k='1')then a<='1'; b<='1'; c<='0'; d<='1'; e<='1'; f<='0'; g<='0'; elsif(h='0' and i='1' and j='0' and k='0')then a<='0'; b<='1'; c<='1'; d<='1'; e<='0'; f<='1'; g<='1'; elsif(h='0' and i='1' and j='0' and k='1')then a<='1'; b<='0'; c<='1'; d<='1'; e<='0'; f<='1'; g<='1'; elsif(h='0' and i='1' and j='1' and k='0')then a<='1'; b<='0';

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c<='1'; d<='1'; e<='1'; f<='1'; g<='0';

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

elsif(h='0' and i='1' and j='1' and k='1')then a<='1'; b<='1'; c<='1'; d<='0'; e<='0'; f<='1'; g<='0'; elsif(h='1' and i='0' and j='0' and k='0')then a<='1'; b<='1'; c<='1'; d<='1'; e<='1'; f<='1'; g<='1'; elsif(h='1' and i='0' and j='0' and k='1')then a<='1'; b<='1'; c<='1'; d<='1'; e<='0'; f<='1'; g<='1'; end if; end process; end display;

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Numbe r to be display 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 inputs i 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 j 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 k 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

outputs a 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 b 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 c 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 d 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 e 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 f 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 g 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

RESULT: Thus the Scrolling display was implemented in Spartan-3 Trainer and its working is demonstrated on interfacing board.

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

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Department of ECE
Exp.No: ________ __________________

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record



CALCULATORS AIM: To design and implement multimode calculator using FPGA APPARATUS REQUIRED: Simulation : ModelSim Synthesis : Xilinx 9.2i SIMULATION PROCEDURE: 1. To start the programs click the modelsim software.
2. The main page is opened; click the file option to create a new source

in VHDL. 3. After the program is typed, it is saved in a name with extension .vhd 4. Then the program is compiled and errors are checked. 5. After that it is simulated. 6. Then the program is viewed and the signal option is clicked from the view menu and input signals are given. 7. Then in the edit option, force is selected and the values are given. 8. Finally Add wave is clicked view the result waveform. SYNTHESIS PROCEDURE:
1. In the Xilinx, open a new project and give the file name.

2. Select VHDL module from XC3S400-4pq208. 3. Type the program and create new source. 4. Select implementation constraint file and give the file name.
5. Then click assign package pin (run) from user constraints.

6. Give the pin location and save the file.

7. Run the synthesis XST, implement design and generate program file


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8. Select program and wait until it gets succeed.

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

9. Give the input and observe the output in the Xilinx kit.

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

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PROGRAM: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity cal is port (a, b: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); sel: in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); result: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); mulresult: out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)); end cal; architecture Behavioral of cal is begin process (a, b, sel) begin case sel is when"0000"=>result<=a+b; when"0001"=>result<=a-b; when "0010"=>mulresult<=a*b; when"0100"=>result<=a and b; when"0101"=>result<=a or b; when"0110"=>result<=a xor b; when"0111"=>result<=a nor b; when"1000"=>result<=a nand b; when"1001"=>result<=a+1; when"1010"=>result<=a-1; when"1011"=>result<=b+1; when"1100"=>result<=b-1; when"1101"=>result<=not a; when"1110"=>result<=not b;

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when others =>result<="00000000";

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end case; end process; end Behavioral;

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

RESULT: Thus the multimode calculator was implemented in Spartan-3 Trainer and its working is demonstrated on interfacing board.

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Department of ECE
Exp.No: ________ __________________

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record


2. PCB DESIGN USING CAD AIM: To design and implement 3 to 8 decoder SPICE TOOLS REQUIRED: 1. Orcad 9.1 2. Desktop computer PROCEDURE: Simulation:
1. Open Orcad release and open new project.

2. Create a new folder at a particular path and select analog and mixed circuit wizard option. 3. Select components from PSPICE library. 4. Place components in appropriate locations on schematic page, then make routing between the components. 5. Save the content and create netlist. 6. Open new simulation option in the PSICE tool and give run time details. 7. Place the markers and run the PSPICE model. 8. End of the process. Layout: 1. Select the *.dsn file in the left panel 2. Select the create net list menu in the tools menu bar 3. Select layout tag (PCB Foot print) 4. Browse the location to save the *.mnl file then click OK 5. Open the layout application 6. Click new menu in file menu bar

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

D S 0 T M 1

1 A 2 7 4 L S 0 4

U 1 2

2 A 1 2 7 4 L S

1 3

1 1 1

I N U 3 4 5 U 3 S 1 T M 2

2 B 6 0 7 4 L S 1 1


1 B 4 7 4 L S 0 4 U 9 1 0 1 1 2 C


8 7 4 L S U 3 A 1 2 7 4 L S U 3 B 6 7 4 L S

0 1 1

D S 2 T M 3

1 C 6 7 4 L S 0 4

1 1

1 3

1 2

0 1 1

I N 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 9 3 4 5

0 1 1

3 C 8 7 4 L S

0 1 1

U 1 2

4 A 1 2 7 4 L S

1 3

0 1 1

U 3 4 5

4 B 6 7 4 L S

0 1 1


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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

7. Load the template file (default.tch) in the working directory(C:\Program files\orcad\layout\data\default.tch) then click open 8. Load the text list source file where you have stored *.mnl file then click open 9. Save the board file *.max 10. 11. 12. 13. board Rearrange the components as you like Select the obstacle tool from the tool bar Draw space to cover all the footprints. Go to auto menu-choose place board then click auto route


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using PSPICE

Thus the given digital circuits were designed and layout was drawn

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

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Department of ECE
Exp.No: ________ __________________

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record


3. MODELING AND PROTOTYPING WITH SIMULINK AND CODE COMPOSER STUDIO WITH DSK AIM: To model and prototype the conversion of basic waveforms using differentiator and integrator in Simulink and to implement the basic examples in DSK Kit using Code composer studio APPARATUS REQUIRED: SOFTWARES: 1. MATLAB 7.5 2. CODE COMPOSER STUDIO HARDWARE:
1. DSK KIT (TMS 320 C 6711 Or TMS 320 C 6713 )


Step 1: Start MATLAB Step 2: Click simulink icon in the MATLAB Command Window Step 3: Create a new model - Select File > New > Model in the Simulink Library Browser Step 4: From the Simulink Library Browser click simulink. Select the sources required and track it to the new file created. Join all the blocks.

Step 5: Click Start simulation icon in the created new file and double click the scope

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

Step 6: Display Screen Scope will be opened and the respective output can be viewed. Step 7: Errors and warnings will be displayed in the Mat lab Command Window.

A.Conversion of Basic waveforms using differentiator and integrator PROCEDURE: a.Conversion of Basic waveforms using differentiator Step 1: Start MATLAB Step 2: Click simulink icon in the MAT LAB Command Window. Step 3: Create a new model - Select File > New > Model in the Simulink Library Browser. Step 4: From the Simulink Library Browser click simulink. Click Sources under simulink. Select Sine waveform and track it to the new file created. Click Continuous under simulink.. Select derivative dw /dt and track it to the new file created. Click Sources under Simulink. Select Scope and track it to the new file created. Step 5: Connect the blocks. Step 6: Click Start simulation icon in the created new file and double click the scope Step 7: Display Screen Scope will be opened and the output Cosine waveform is viewed. A. Conversion of Basic waveforms using Integrator Step 1: Start MATLAB Step 2: Click simulink icon in the MATLAB Command Window

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Simulink Library Browser.

Step 3: Create a new model - Select File > New > Model in the

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record





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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

Step 4: From the Simulink Library Browser click simulink. Click Sources under simulink. Select Square generator and track it to the new file created. Click Continuous under simulink.elect Integrator 1/s and track it to the new file created. Click Sources under Simulink. Select Scope and track it to the new file created. Step 5: Connect the blocks. Step 6: Click Start simulation icon in the created new file and double click the scope Step 7: Display Screen Scope will be opened and the output Triangular waveform is viewed. THEORY:

Simulink is a software package which enables to model, simulate and analyze the systems whose outputs change over time. These systems are referred to as dynamic systems. It is also used to explore the behavior of a wide range of real-world dynamic systems such as electrical circuits, shock absorbers, braking systems and many other electrical, mechanical, and thermodynamic systems.

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

Step 1: Connect adapter and power supply card to the System. Step 2: Code composer studio software to be opened. Step 3: In the screen, click the icon PROJECT and select open. Select C Drive. Step 4: Enter into TI Folder. Click Examples and enter into dsk6711. Step 5: In dsk6711 folder select the Bios file. Click Swill test. Select Swiltest.pjt. Swiltest.C Screen will be opened. Step 6: Goto PROJECT select Rebuild all. Swiltest.C program will be compiled



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Step 7: Goto FILE select Load Program. The output file is viewed as Swiltest.out. Step 8: Goto DEBUG icon select Run

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RESULT: Thus the conversion of basic waveforms using differentiator and integrator is modeled using Simulink.

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

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4 GRAPHICAL SIMULATIONS AND MODELLING OF AN IMAGE USING MATLAB AIM: To perform modeling of an image and simulate it using MATLAB TOOLS REQUIRED: MATLAB 7 or Higher Version PROGRAM: RGB to Gray scale conversion of Image clc; clear all; close all; a=imread('C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Water lilies.jpg')

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b=rgb2gray(a) subplot(1,2,1)

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

imshow(a),title('original image') subplot(1,2,2) imshow(b),title(Grayscaleimage):

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OUTPUT: RGB TO Gray scale Conversion of image

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Un sharp Image clc; clear all; close all; a=imread('C:\Documents h=fspecial(unsharp); b=imfilter(a,h); subplot(1,2,1)

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record




Pictures\Sample Pictures\Water lilies.jpg')

imshow(a),title('original image') subplot(1,2,2) imshow(b),title(Un sharp mask): PROCEDURE:

1. Open a MATLAB new file and enter the corresponding coding for the

RGB to Gray scale conversion and un sharp Image. 2. Save and run the mat lab file.
3. Obtain the corresponding output for image modeling

RESULT: An image has been modeled and simulated using MATLAB


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Un sharp Image

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

To simulate the delta and Adaptive delta modulation using MAT LAB TOOLS REQUIRED: Simulation : MATLAB 7.0 or higher version ALGORITHM: Step: 1: Start the program Step: 2: Get the length of the sinusoidal signal Step: 3: Compute the step size Step: 4: Plot the output sequence Step: 5: Terminate the process PROGRAM: DELTA MODULATION: % function to generate Linear Delta Modulation for sin wave % generating sin wave t=[0:2*pi/100:2*pi]; a=10*sin(t); n=length(a); dels=1; xhat(1:n)=0; x(1:n)=a;


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2 0 1 5 1 0 5 0 -5 -1 0 -1 5 -2 0

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

1 0


3 0




7 0

8 0


10 0

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

% Linear Delta Modulation for k=1: n if (x(k)-xhat(k)) > 0 d(k)=1; else d(k)=-1; end %if xtilde(k)=xhat(k)+d(k)*dels; xhat(k+1)=xtilde(k); end %k %Prints figure(1); hold on; plot(a) plot(xhat); plot(d-15); axis([0 100 -20 20]) PROGRAM: ADAPTIVE DELTA MODULATION: % adaptive delta modulation for sin wave % generating sin wave t=[0:2*pi/100:2*pi]; a=10*sin(t); n=length(a); mindels=1;

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dels(1:n)=mindels; xhat(1:n)=0; x(1:n)=a;

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

% Adaptive Delta Modulation d(1:n)=1; for k=2:n if ((x(k)-xhat(k-1)) > 0 ) d(k)=1; else d(k)=-1; end %if if k==2 xhat(k)=d(k)*mindels+xhat(k-1); end if ((xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)) > 0) if (d(k-1) == -1 &d(k) ==1) xhat(k+1)=xhat(k)+0.5*(xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)); elseif (d(k-1) == 1 &d(k) ==1) xhat(k+1)=xhat(k)+1.15*(xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)); elseif (d(k-1) == 1 &d(k) ==-1) xhat(k+1)=xhat(k)-0.5*(xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)); elseif (d(k-1) == -1 &d(k) ==-1) xhat(k+1)=xhat(k)-1.15*(xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)); end

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else if (d(k-1) == -1 &d(k) ==1)

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Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

xhat(k+1)=xhat(k)-0.5*(xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)); elseif (d(k-1) == 1 &d(k) ==1) xhat(k+1)=xhat(k)-1.15*(xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)); elseif (d(k-1) == 1 &d(k) ==-1) xhat(k+1)=xhat(k)+0.5*(xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)); elseif (d(k-1) == -1 &d(k) ==-1) xhat(k+1)=xhat(k)+1.15*(xhat(k)-xhat(k-1)); end end %Plots figure(1);hold on; plot(a); plot(xhat); plot(d-15)

RESULT: Thus the Mat lab program was simulated for delta and adaptive modulation the waveforms are plotted.

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Exp.No: ________ __________________

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record


5(C) QPSK CONSTELLATION AIM: To simulate the QPSK transmitter and receiver circuit and to obtain the constellation using MAT LAB TOOLS REQUIRED: MATLAB 7.0 PROCEDURE:
4. Open a MATLAB new file and enter the corresponding coding for the

QPSK transmitter and receiver. 5. Save and run the mat lab file. 6. Obtain the corresponding output for QPSK constellation, BER for QPSK PROGARM: %%%%%%%%%%%%PROGRAM FOR QPSK CONSTELLATION %%%%%%% %% nSamp = 8; numSymb = 100; M = 4; SNR = 14; seed = [12345 54321]; rand('state', seed(1)); randn('state', seed(2)); numPlot = 10; rand('state', seed(1)); msg_orig = randsrc(numSymb, 1, 0:M-1); stem(0:numPlot-1, msg_orig(1:numPlot), 'bx'); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Amplitude'); grayencod = bitxor(0:M-1, floor((0:M-1)/2)); msg_gr_orig = grayencod(msg_orig+1); msg_tx = modulate(modem.pskmod(M), msg_gr_orig);

Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology


Department of ECE

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

St co a tp tl e r 1 . 5

Q d t r u r u a a e

0 . 5

0 . 5

1 . 5 1 . 5

0 . 5

0 Ih n -e P a s

0 . 5

1 . 5

Ste l t ct r o a p 1 0 . 8 0 . 6 Q a r tu e u da r 0 . 4 0 . 2 0 -. 0 2 -. 0 4 -. 0 6 -. 0 8 1 1 -. 0 5 0 I- h e na Ps 0 . 5 1

2 .5

2 Amplitude

1 .5

0 .5

4 T e im

Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology


Department of ECE

msg_tx = rectpulse(msg_tx,nSamp); h1 = scatterplot(msg_tx); randn('state', seed(2));

Modeling and Simulation Lab Record

msg_rx = awgn(msg_tx, SNR, 'measured', [], 'dB'); h2 = scatterplot(msg_rx);

RESULT: Thus the corresponding plot for the QPSK constellation and BER were obtained.

Vidyaa Vikas College of Engineering and Technology


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