Sewer and Sewage

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Different types of waste Carriage systems of waste Types of sewers on the basis of working Types of sewers on the basis of material used Joints in sewers Shapes in sewers Hydraulic design of sewers Pumping of sewage

Types of waste
Night soil Garbage Sullage and storm water Sewage

Carriage systems (on the basis of type of

waste )
Conservancy systems Water Carriage systems

Conservancy systems
Old system Collection in separate vessels Deposition in pools & pits Removal once in 24 hours atleast Dry system In villages and small towns

Water Carriage system

Water medium Dilution ratio should be high Collection in sewers through WC Garbage not permitted Initial cost high Large amount of water required

Point of production Packer - Truck

collection Transportation of Garbage

S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Conservancy systems Unhygienic Foul smell Compact house design not possible Large labour force required Water consumption is small Initial cost small, running cost high Water Carriage systems Hygienic No foul smell Possible Negligible High High initial cost, running cost small

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

No technical person required

Acute Pollution problems Risk of spread of epidemic Large Land required for disposal Final disposal into stream have risk Good quality Manure Suitable for rural conditions

Required for operation & Maintenance

Rare No such Risk Small for treated sludge No risk Small manure value For urban conditions

Classification of WCS
Separate system
Sanitary sewer Storm sewer

Combined systems Partially separate systems

Separate Systems
Provides two separate systems of sewer Sanitary sewer:- for the conveyance of foul sewage such as faecal matter, domestic wastewaters, the washings, draining of laundries, slaughter houses, stables, and waste water derived from industries Storm sewer:-for the rain water, including the surface water from certain streets, overflow from public baths

Separate system

Separate Systems
Installation cost low Less load on treatment unit Easy to putrification Rain water need not any treatment

Difficult cleaning Foul smell may present due to less air contact

Combined Systems
One sewer Carry both foul sewage as well as rain water Treatment before disposal required Street surface washing is as impure as sewage

Combined system

Combined Systems

One set of sewer Less choking Diluted sewage Less Foul smell
High construction cost Difficult handling and transportation Increase in load on the treatment plant During heavy rains, may overflow


Partially Combined System

Only one set of underground sewer Carry foul sewage as well as early washing by rains If storm water exceed certain limit, is collected and conveyed in open drains to the natural streams Foul sewage still flow in the sewer

Partially combined system

(Open Drain)

Partially Combined Systems

Sewers are of reasonable size Combines the advantage of both No chances of choking No problem of disposing off storm water

During dry weather, velocity of flow is low Storm water increases load on treatment plant Storm water also increases cost of pumping

Sewers and its Types

Under ground Conduit or drain Conveyance of sewage Started from point of production of sewage Terminates at the point of disposal

Types of sewer
Sanitary sewer Storm sewer Lateral sewer House sewer Branch sewer Main sewer Outfall sewer overflow sewer

Materials used for sewer

Asbestos cement Plain or reinforced cement concrete Vitrified clay or stoneware Bricks Cast iron Steel Plastic

Selection of material
Hydraulic efficiency Resistance to abrasion Resistance to corrosion Strength Durability Cost Weight Imperviousness

Asbestos cement sewer

Mixture of asbestos fibre, cement and silica Asbestos fibre as a reinforcing material Other constituents converts it into a dense homogeneous material under pressure Diameter vary from 75mm to 500mm Length 3 to 4 m Used only as verticals

Asbestos cement
Considerable strength against internal pressure Easy handling Easy cutting and joining Resistive to salts and other corrosive materials Relatively smooth

Brittle and need careful handling Low structural strength Susceptible to sulphide corrosion

P.c.c. & R.c.c. sewers

P.c.c. pipes diameter vary from 80 mm to 450 mm Thickness vary from 25 to 30 mm For bigger diameters r.c.c. pipes are used Usual mix 1 : 1.5 : 3 Maximum size of aggregates limited to 6mm Water cement ratio varies b/w 0.5 to 0.7

P.c.c. & R.c.c. sewers

Strong under internal pressure as well as external pressure Can be made of any desired strength Easily manufactured even at the sight Used for main sewers and branch sewers

Get easily corroded and pitted due to corrosive action of the contents of the sewers

Vitrified clay or stoneware sewers

Manufactured from clay and shales Ingredients are taken in desired proportionate Formed in pipe press at about 0.85 N/mm2 Vitrification achieved at 1200c NaCl added to place the surface of pipe

Vitrified clay sewer

Highly resistant to sulphide corrosion Resistive to erosion Hydraulically efficient Highly imperious High compressive strength

Weak in tension Brittle in nature Bulky and heavy

Brick sewer
Used since olden days Plastered from outside Purpose-made bricks are used Preferred for large sized Combined sewer Lined inside with stoneware or ceramic blocks Resistive against sulphide corrosion

Cast Iron Sewers

Can withstand in tensile, compression as well as bending stresses Coated with paint or cement concrete Diameter from 150 mm to 750 mm Length up to 3-3.5 m High strength Costlier

Steel sewers
Light in weight Perfectly impervious Can absorb vibrations and shock loads Used in high external and internal pressure Used for mains outfall and trunk sewers having large diameters Corrosion resistive either due to heavy galvanization or bituminous coatings Easily welded Costlier comparison to others

Plastic sewers
Still in experimental stage High hydraulic efficiency Corrosion resistant Available in longer lengths Easy joining and bending Taken in use, in Netherlands, Scandinavia, France etc. In India, recently started as domestic sewers

Joints in sewers
Used for connecting two segments Water tight Enough strong Durable Economical

Types of Joints
Bell and spigot joint Collar joints Simplex joints Flexible or Bituminous joints Mechanical joints Open Joints

Bell and Spigot joints

Commonly use in P.c.c. or R.c.c. Each has a spigot end and a bell or socket end Cement mortar of proportion 1 : 1 or 1 : 2 Gasket or jute packing may be placed in inner side mortar caulked joint is finished at about 45 on the outer face

Bell and Spigot joints

Collar joints
The plain ends of the consecutive lengths of pipes are kept near each other A collar of bigger diameter is placed around Annular space is filled with cement mortar of 1 : 1 proportion Used for concrete pipes of large diameter

Collar joint

Simplex Joints
Also known as ring tie coupling Similar to collar joints Use for asbestos cement pipes Consists coupling of asbestos cement and two rubber rings Flexible in nature

Flexible or bituminous joints

more over same as Collar joints used For Making them flexible

Mechanical Joints
Use mechanical devices ( flanged rings, bolts, screw ends etc.) to keep the two ends together Use for metallic sewers made of cast iron , steel etc.

Open joints
Used, where is no objection to filtration

Shapes of Sewers
Circular sewer Non- Circular sewer
Standard Ovoid section New Ovoid section Horse shoe section Parabolic Section Semi-elliptical section Semi circular section U- shaped section Basket handle section

Different Non-circular Shapes

Circular sewers
Easily manufactured Greatest H. M. D. Most economical Less opportunities for deposits

Non- circular sewers

Gives slightly higher velocity during low flow (Ovoid shaped combined sewers )

Hydraulic design of sewers

generally design same as open channels. Except when it is specially required to design them as conduits carrying sewage under pressure Example- The case of inverted siphons .

Empirical formulas used

Chezys Formula-: V=C(RS) where V= velocity of flow C=chezys coefficient R= hydraulic radius or hydraulic mean depth S= slope of sewer

Mannings formula-: V=1/nR^(2/3)S Where n= mannings coefficient (from 0.01 to 0.05 ) Relation between mannings formula and chezys formula : C=1/nR^(1/6)

Crimp and Bruges formula -: V= 83.47 R^(2/3)S Relation between Crimp & Bruge`s formula and Mannings formula Same, if n = 0.012. This formula is commonly used in England

HazenWilliams formula V=0.85*CH(R^0.63)(S^0.50) where CH = hazen- williams coefficent(from 100 to 150) used for the design of conduits carrying liquid under pressure.

Minimum Velocity
self cleansing velocity of flow such that the suspended materials in sewage do not get silted up required velocity to prevent deposition & clogging of sediments. depends upon the shape,size & sp.gravity of particles.

Vs=1/nR^(1/6){(Gs 1)ds} Where Vs = self cleansing velocity =Dimensionless constant(0.04 to 0.80) Gs = specific gravity of sediments ds = diameter of solid particles

Maximum Velocity
Essential to limit the maximum velocity in the sewer pipe. Because the smooth interior surface of a sewer pipe gets scoured due to continuous abrasion caused by the suspended solids present in sewage. Depends upon the material of the sewer.
To prevent erosion of inner surface of sewers, should not exceed 3.0 m/s

Effects of Flow Variation

Depth of flow varies
Hydraulic mean depth (r) varies. Flow velocity (which depends directly on r2/3) gets affected from time to time.

Points to remember
Check the sewer for maintaining a minimum velocity of about 0.45 m/s at the time of minimum flow (assumed to be 1/3rd of average flow). Ensure that a velocity of 0.9 m/s is developed atleast at the time of maximum flow and preferably during the average flow periods also. Moreover, care should be taken to see that at the time of maximum flow, the velocity generated does not exceed the scouring value.

Hydraulic elements
Area of flow section Wetted perimeter Hydraulic mean depth Velocity of flow discharge

Circular sewers running full

Area of flow section A= D2/4 Wetted perimeter P= D Hydraulic mean depth R= A/P= D/4 Velocity of flow V=0.3968/nD^(2/3)S 5. Discharge Q= 0.3116/nD^(8/3)S 1. 2. 3. 4.

Circular sewers running partially full

Depth of flow d= D/2(1 cos/2) Area of flow section A= D2/4[/360sin/2] Wetted perimeter P= D/360 H.M.D r= D/4[1- 360sin/2] Velocity of flow v= 1/n*r^2/3*s^1/2 Discharge q= a v


When some area of a town or city is low lying it may not be possible to drain the low lying area by gravity to discharge into a submain or main located at a higher level. In such cases it is more economical to collect the sewage of the low lying area into a sump well by gravity and then pump it into the gravity main sewer of the high level area


Sewage contain a lot of suspended and floating material. Problem- difficult running of pump and clogging of pumps Sewage contain organic or inorganic waste. Problem-corrosion which reduce life of equipment Sewage may contain biological content including disease producing germs problem- delay of pumping, immediate repairing.

The size of sump or wet well is limited. problem-rate of pumping has to be adjusted with the rate of entering sewage. The pumps should be of high order of reliability. problem- failure of pumps will lead to flooding which cause unbearable nuisance.


pumping stations are used to move waste to higher elevations.Pumping stations in sewage collection systems, also called lift stations, are normally designed to handle raw sewage that is fed from underground gravity pipelines .

FUNCTIONSewage is fed into and stored in an underground pit, commonly known as a wet well. The well is equipped with electrical instrumentation to detect the level of sewage present.

When the sewage level rises to a predetermined point, a pump will be started to lift the sewage upward through a pressurized pipe system called a sewer force main or rising main from where the sewage is discharged into a gravity manhole. From here the cycle starts all over again until the sewage reaches its point of destination usually a treatment plant.



Specific speed of centrifugal pumps(in r.p.m.)Ns=N Q/H^3/4

N=actual speed of the pump in r.p.m. Q=discharge or flow rate H=head developed by the pump in m

1.Centrifugal pumps 2.Reciprocating pumps 3.Air pressure pumps or pneumatic ejector

1.Centrifugal pumps
Centrifugal pumps is a machine that impart energy to fluid to rise up at desired elevation. Types Radial flow, axial flow, mixed flow and ejector are among the types of centrifugal pumps.

The differences are based on the particular methods involved in pumping and extracting fluids. Radial flow involves accelerating the sewage at a high pressure. This ultimately results in continuous pumping activity in the suction line. Axial flow type pumps involve lifting fluids and The mixed flow pump is a combination of the radial and axial method

Reciprocating pumps
These pumps are used where it is to deal with diffcult sludge and where large quantity of sewage is to be pumped against low head. Type Plunger type- A plunger pump consists of a cylinder with a reciprocating plunger in it. Diaphragm pumps-The plunger pressurizes hydraulic oil which is used to flex a diaphragm in the pumping cylinder. Diaphragm valves are used to pump hazardous and toxic fluids.

Diaphragm pump


It consists of a receiver or "pot' that allows liquids and solids to enter without restriction. When the pot becomes filled, compressed air is introduced to displace the contents up to a higher discharge line. This pump is used for small quantity of sewage

Pneumatic pump

Prime movers
The various types of movers Electric motors Diesel engine Gasoline (or petrol) Steam engine

Environmental Engineering vol. 2 By Dr. P.N.MODI Environmental Engineering vol. 2 By B.C.Punmia m

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