Cable Fault Location in Power Cables Guide
Cable Fault Location in Power Cables Guide
Cable Fault Location in Power Cables Guide
Contents: 1. Testing, diagnosing and partial discharge measurements 2. Cable fault location Regarding the task to be performed, a distinction must be made between two main groups: Testing, diagnosing and partial discharge measurement Condition-oriented maintenance Localising all types of cable faults Result-oriented maintenance
Objective of the cable test: Checking quality before running and fitting a cable Correcting weak points in the cable which can jeopardise the operation During the cable test, flash-overs are generated at the weak points in a cable. These faulty points must then be localised (cable fault location). Depending on the insulation and the test object, the following voltage forms are mandatory: Paper-insulated lead-covered cable (PILC) DC voltage AC voltage 50 60 Hz VLF (0.1 Hz) AC voltage 50 60 Hz VLF (0.1 Hz) DC voltage and AC voltage 50 60 Hz
Objective of the dielectric diagnosis and partial discharge measurement: A non-destructive check for testing the condition of the insulation in cables and fittings and localising faulty points. Dielectric diagnosing Integral check of how the cable has aged by means of IRC analysis (isothermal relaxation current analysis) in PE and XLPE cable insulation types Integral check of the moisture content by means of RVM analysis (return voltage measurement) in paper-insulated lead-covered cables Partial discharge measurement (PD measurement) Recording, location and evaluation of partial discharges (PD) in the insulation and fittings of medium voltage cables. Remark: These subjects are dealt with separately in the following articles.
The steps necessary for determining fault locations can be sub-divided into five main catagories. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fault classification identifying the type of fault Pre-location determining the distance to the fault Route tracing determining the route of the cable at the site Pinpointing determining the exact position of the cable the site Cable identification determining the faulty cable amongst several cables
The following diagram shows the common procedure for identifying and locating cable faults:
Insulation test (with 500 V or 1000 V) Identifying faulty conductors and fault classification
no fault detected
Route tracing and pinpointing Establishing cable route Pinpointing fault position by means of acoustic and inductive method
Measuring methods in cable fault location: Insulation test, measuring the resistance of a fault Testing DC test (determining the flash-over voltage) Sheath fault test VLF test (determining the flash-over voltage) Pre-location Teleflex measurements (pulse reflection measurements, TDR measurements) ARM (Arc Reflection Method) ARM Plus (Arc Reflection Method Plus) ARM power burning Decay Plus (Arc Reflection Method igniting the fault using DC generator) Decay (travelling wave method, oscillation method) Current catching (ICE) Three-phase current catching (ICE) ICE Plus (low-voltage networks only) High-voltage bridge method (pre-locating sheath faults) Voltage drop method (pre-locating sheath faults) Fault conversion Burning Performance burning Route tracing Line location Line routing Pinpointing Audio frequency generator (twist field method, minimum turbidity method) Shock discharges (acoustic field method, acoustic pinpointing) Pinpointing sheath fault Cable and phase identification Phase identification when earthed Phase identification and phase determination on live systems