High Level Technical Meeting On Health Risks at The Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
High Level Technical Meeting On Health Risks at The Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
High Level Technical Meeting On Health Risks at The Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
DAY 0: Monday 14 November 2011 16:00-20:00 Arrival of participants and meeting registration Location Foayer de Grupos Torre Danubio,1st floor Sala del Consejo Main building, 19th floor Location Foayer de Grupos Torre Danubio,1st floor Bugambilia Room Main Building 3rd floor
DAY 1: Tuesday 15 November 2011 08:15-09:00 09:00-10:00 Meeting registration OPENING SESSION (plenary) Part 1: Welcome Note Official Opening speeches Chair: Mauricio Hernandez Mexican representatives: Mauricio Limon Enrique Sanchez-Cruz Hugo Lopez-Gatell Tripartite representatives: Keiji Fukuda Berhe Tekola Bernard Vallat Part 2: Objectives of the meeting Presentation on purpose, aim and objectives of meeting and working methodologies Presenter: Bernard Vallat
High Level Technical Meeting on Health Risks at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
SESSION 1 (plenary) Keynote speakers 1 Topic: Setting the scene (1): landscape for cross-sectoral collaboration to address health issues at the human-animalecosystems interfaces (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion)
Coffee Break Salomon Chertorivski (Minister of Health, Mexico) Mauricio Hernandez Mauricio Limon Enrique Sanchez-Cruz Keiji Fukuda Bernard Vallat Berhe Tekola Chadia Wannous Philippe Lamy Bugambilia Room Main Building 3rd floor
SESSION 2 (plenary) Keynote speaker 2 Topic: Setting the scene (2): practical examples of cross-sectoral collaboration to address human and animal health issues at the human-animal-ecosystem interfaces, including key actions (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion) Discussion on presentations 1 and 2
High Level Technical Meeting on Health Risks at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
Juan Lubroth
12:45-14:00 14:00-16:00
Lunch SESSION 3 6 Working Groups (break out rooms) WG A: Zoonotic Influenza in at risk countries (sporadic outbreaks) WG B: Zoonotic Influenza in entrenched countries WG C: Rabies transmitted through dogs WG D: Rabies transmitted through bats and other wildlife WG E: AMR in animals and humans in country with regulatory systems in place in both human health and animal health sectors WG F: AMR in animals and humans in countries with no regulatory system in place or system established in only one sector 6 Facilitators
Saln Pavilln, Lobby floor Main Building WG A: Constitucin A WG B: Constitucin B WG C: Constitucin C WG D: Imperio A WG E: Imperio B WG F: Colonia Torre Danubio, 2nd floor
Reception Cocktail
High Level Technical Meeting on Health Risks at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
DAY 2: Wednesday 16 November 2011 09:00-09:15 09:15-09:45 Summary of previous day (plenary) SESSION 4 (plenary) Presentation 1: Overall aim: to help the participants understand the benefits of national cross sectoral collaboration in assessment of risks at the human-animal -ecosystem interface Discussion 10:00-10:30 Presentation 2: Overall aim: to help the participants understand the benefits of national cross sectoral collaboration in management/mitigation of risks at the human-animal -ecosystem interface Discussion 10:30-11:00 11:00-11.15 Introducing the working groups composition and methodology of work SESSION 5 (break out rooms) 4 Working Groups WG G and WG H to address commonalities and differences in Risk Assessment addressing the three issues (influenza, rabies, and AMR) as well as others, including successes, real-world impediments and practical options for overcoming impediments WG I and WG K: to address commonalities and differences in Coffee Break Juan Lubroth Chair: Maged Younes Presenter: Mario Perez Barrera Chair: Maged Younes Chair: Maged Younes Presenter: Dilys Morgan
Constitucion Room, Torre Danubio 2nd floor WG G: Imperio A WG H: Imperio B WG I: Imperio C WG J: Colonia
Torre Danubio
High Level Technical Meeting on Health Risks at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
Risk Mitigation for the three issues (influenza, rabies, and AMR), as well as others including successes, real-world impediments and practical options for overcoming impediments. 12:30-13:30 13:30-15:30 Session 5 continued (break out rooms) Working groups One hour discussion and one hour to prepare presentation |Lunch Saln Pavilln, Lobby floor Main Building WG G: Imperio A WG H: Imperio B WG I: Imperio C WG J: Colonia Torre Danubio 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:30 SESSION 6 (plenary) Presentation of working groups and general discussion 15 minutes per working group presentation plus 30 minutes discussion Coffee Break Chair: Berhe Tekola Constitucion Room, Torre Danubio 2nd floor
Transportation from the Hotel to the National Anthropology Museum Guided visit to the museum. Interpretation will be available in English, Spanish and French
hotel lobby
High Level Technical Meeting on Health Risks at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
DAY 3: Thursday 17 November 2011 09:00-10:30 SESSION 7 (plenary) - Summary of Days 1 and 2 and introduction to final day. - Summary of Day 2 discussions and consolidation of key elements of a future policy statement to be developed between now and the Joint Ministerial Meeting (JMM) and brought to Ministers during the JMM. - Presentation of a roadmap to the JMM with milestones. (15 minutes) Panel discussion on key elements: refining/ modification/completion (1hr 15mins) 10:30-11:00 11:00-13:00 SESSION 7 continued (plenary) Panel discussion Agreement on components of policy statement and next steps to the JMM (Roadmap) 13:00-13:15 SESSION 8 (plenary) Closing remarks Chair: Hugo Fregoso Mexico representative: Enrique Snchez Cruz Tripartite representatives Coffee Break (as above) Chair: Keiji Fukuda Presenter/facilitator: - Summary day 1&2: FAO - Summary day 2 & consolidation: WHO - Presentation of roadmap to JMM: OIE Panel: - Keiji Fukuda (as Tripartite Representative) - Francois Le Gall (WB) - Alain Vandersmissen (EU) - Mauricio Hernandez (Mexico)
High Level Technical Meeting on Health Risks at the Human-Animal-Ecosystems Interfaces Mexico City, Mexico 15-17 November 2011
Press Conference
Designated Tripartite Spokespersons and Mexican representatives: Mauricio Hernandez Mauricio Limon Enrique Sanchez-Cruz Lunch
SESSION 9 (plenary) Wrap up and planning session for Secretariat and Steering Committee, including next steps (Roadmap) to JMM
Chair: Hugo Lopez-Gatell Mexico representative: Mauricio Hernndez Tripartite representatives Members of the Steering Committee
Saln Pavilln, Lobby floor Main Building Constitucion Room, Torre Danubio 2nd floor