Intelligence Bulletin Dec 1944

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No. 6 - 17 Dec 1944

Page No.

Jap Division Replacements Japanese Army Reorganization Air Corps Recruiting and Training Notes On Leyte Jap Mines As Hand Grenades Leyte Liaison The Japanese Prepare for Gas Topics for PW.Interrogation Valuable Formosa Bamboo Spike Jungle Traps Attitude of Japanese Troops

1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 Z1 14

Amphibious Assault and Infiltration Unit

Plastic Jap Mine Fuze And Incendiary Notes Nipponese Conversations Revised Code Names for Jap Aircraft

18 21 23 28

The material contained herein may be reproduced within the limits of security regulations.


AC of S, G-2

NOTE: - Material in this Bulletin which is based on PW interrogations should be appraised accordingly.

COVER PAGE - Three Jap fourteen centimeter cars at TANAPAG. coast defense guns on flat



(From SWPA Military Intelligence Bulletin No. 961 N

8-9 Nov 1944)

A Sergeant-Major PW, 1 Company, Regiments, 16 Division stated: 1 Battalion 33 Infantry

"Usually one group of 1,000 replacements a year were sent to a Division. Now that Koreans have been conscripted, there will be two groups of a thousand each per annum."

(From SWPA Military Intelligence Bulletin No.


4-5 Nov 1944)

A 2d Lieutenant, 2 Army HO, PW stated:

"During 1943, machinery for vast expansion and reorganization of the Jap Army was set up. The number of men available for training during 1944 and 1945 was to be doubled by the induction of 19-20 year old men. This class was to be inducted Dec 1944, Jan 1945 and Apr 1945 for

a minimum of three years service.

The number of officers training was in-

creased by 100%, mainly regular officers, and training period was increased from eight months to 10 months, The period of training for irregular officers was maintained at six months, but intensified. Soldiers who had served three years in MANCHURIA automatically returned to their homes in JAPAN but after a short period were recalled to the colors and sent to divisions overseas. PW gave as an example: an ex-member'who had served

in 1 division in MANCHURIA would be recalled to 101

Regiments in TOKYO and sent to 101 Division in

149, or 157 Infantry


"The Jap Army hoped that the new call-up would supply sufficient manpower to enable districts fully to maintain their regiments in the fild. The plan was to increase regimental strength to 5,000 - 6,000,streamline the regiments by inclusion of supporting arms, and that divisions, when moving overseas would carry their first reinforcements or replacements PW first heard of this reorganization when under-going officer with them. effect when training in MANCHURIA, in Oct 1943, and experienced its first At that time the personnel department of the at MANOKWARI, in Dec 1943. 2 Army HQ received an order from Imperial HQ through 2 Area Army HQ to send all 19 year old civilian employees under their command back to JAPAN for induction.


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(From Military Intelligence Service Report No 44, 27 Sept 1944) Following is informati on based on interrogation of Japanese PsW captured during Feb and Mar, 1944, A cooperative friendly Lance Cpl of the 751st'Air Unit, a voluble talker, reported the following details concerning recruiting procedures in the Air Corps. Navy flyers are supposed to be the "cream of the crop" of the available man-power pool. Youths who volunteer for the Air Force are usually selected at the age of 15 when they become Class "B" Air Cadets. At 17, after finishing their middle schooling they are put in Class "A" Air Cadets. After serving in the Air Corps for 12 years, they become. regular pilots, in the capacity of Non-Coms, until they are comissioned. Even,. ordinary privates may pilot planes. When PW was at RABAUL in Nov, 1943, he noticed 20 pilots who were only privates. "A" and "B" class pilots can rise to the rank of Colonel, Group and Flight Commanders must be college graduates. When fliers go on missions, they don't expect to come back alive. If they do, they feel very fortunate. They perfer to attack destroyers and cruisers r-ther than fighter planes. According to PW this helps to build up the spirit of competition among pilots. PW stated that fliers have very little spare time. He knew of one pilot who had participated in the CHINA Campaign who boasted that he had 7,000 hours in the air to his credit. Commenting upon this he added that "There are to tell the story." still-some pilots left Whil' taking basic training' fliers were in the air all day, weather permitting, taking off right after breakfast, carrying their luncheon with them. They were particularly trained to simulate attacks. at dawn. PW claimed that the average Japanese has better eyesight than the American. When he was at NEW CALEDONIA in a PW stockade, he could spot the small lights of the tip of the wing of an American reconnaissance plane whereas the American MP's were not able to spot these. PW thought his eyesight was just average, Just before going into actual combat, flight training becomes extremely intensive and Japanese pilots frequently take 'several meals up in the air.. Food.for flying personnel is usually rich in vitDmins; in addition to eggs, :milk, rice and vegetables, they.receive vitamin pills also. Candy and wine are available (the latter is non-intoxicating and made from grapes which contain vitamins.) They also obtain sake that is enriched with vitamins. As a rule Japanese air-men take some liquid .before .going into combat. The excellent food give to air personnel is a strong morale-builder in the Japanese Air Force.

(From XXIV. Corps G-2 Summary No 1 20 Oct - 5 Nov, 1944) To combat our Anti-tank mines tied to road and push the mines reported that the enemy the tracks on our tanks tanks, the Japanese were reported using bamboo poles. The Japs would hide along the under the tanks as they passed. It was also used sticks and poles in an attempt to throw without success. front. 96th dead. Cuts in have also been Many of these

Mines have been reported all along the Corps Infantry Division reported mines being placed on enemy telephone lines were found booby trapped. 75mm shells reported being used as mines along roads and bridges. improvised mines have never been armed.

As pictured by all evidence available the enemy had intended to defend at the beach and to employ his reserves to drive our forces back into the sea. Our naval and air bombardment was of such intensity that he was forced to'abandon his beach positions about A-1. There is good evidence that the Japs suffered heavily in these early bombardments although'few enemy dead were found on or near the beaches. The absence of enemy dead is'explained by the fact that the Japs have throughout the campaign evacuated their dead whenever-po'sible. It is believed the forced evacuation of the beaches and the rapid advance of our forces did much to disorganize the enemy. Further disorganization resulted by the attack of the 7th Division wept of the DULAG-BURAUAN Road which split the 20th Infantry forcing part to the southwest and the remainder to .the west. It is estimated that it was 8 to 10 days before the remnants of this regiment were assembled again. The sharp actions around KILING and TABONTABON probably were the result of attempts to escape rather than deliberate attacks or delaying actions. This is borne out by the identification of enemy dead in these areas from the 9th Infantry and the SNLP Within the Corps Beachhead; the roads have followed the less advantage of this fact by The enemy ha's taken full swampy ground. fighting a continuing delaying action along the DUILG-BURAUEN-DAGAMI Road He has made maximum use of mortars .and and the TANAUAN-DAGAMI Road. machine guns to delay and force time consuming flanking movements. In general the fight has been .almost wholly an infantry deaction. The enemy's tanks were not effective or effectvely emlaying ployed, His artillery was insufficient for the task at hand and his method of employing it as accompanying guns further reduced its effectiveness. The close of the period finds the, remnants of the
Infantry, the 20th Infantry,.the


3d Bn 83d Infantry and some service

and air base troops driven into the mountains west of DAGAMI where the enemy is no doubt reorganizing and regrouping for further action.

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Captured Equipment: taken on LEYTE by EEIST: Ordnance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Listed below are items.of Jap equipment

One tank, modified, about 12 tons Two high speed artillery Prime Movers about six tons each with altogether new features. One bomb, approximately 2,000 pounds. Several 8-inch rockets. 20mm AA gun, Model 98 37mm Aircraft cannon (may be modification of known model)

Chemical Warfare 1. Type 97 Toxic Smoke Pots, contents not analyzed, but not previously seen or reported. 2. Army Gas Mask, modification of Type 99 (six found). Dated 1944. Signal 1. Vehicle Transmitter and Receiver with Motor Generator; 1st model - Jan 1944, Model M7, Type 1367.

Engineer 1. Land Mines of Three types; Improvised Box Mine with 99 Grenades as igniter Improvised Box Mine with conical well (fittings for igniter, but none attached) Round clay Land Mines, non-magnetic, with plastic fittings.

(From Intelligence Bulletin No 20, 31 Oct 1944 Office Dir of Intel ASF) "An infantry Pfc, who served in a Mine Platoon, states that the Japanese 93 mine was sometimes used like a hand grenade-thrown at tanks and stuck to them by four magnetic prongs. At other times the Japs used bamboo poles - about ten feet long and an inch in diameter and reached from the roadside to place the 93 mines under passing tanks. This mine will blow a hole in a light tank or stop its tracks.




The following is based upon an interview with a G-5 representative of POA whose task it has been to establish and maintain liaison with guerilla troops on LEYTE. The account is in no sense an official report, and. is presented for the interest and value it mby have for future similar operations. Background: - After the fall of ITAAN in April 1942, guerilla forces were formed and gradually organized and enlarged. At first, on LEYTE, there were two leaders: Capt Erphy in the south, a former sergeant in the US Army of the PHILIPPINES, commissioned after the outbreak of hostilities; and Gordon Lang, a Navy yeoman before the war, now a Navy Lieutenant. At this point, Col Kanglcon, a Colonel in the Army of the PHILIPPINES entered into the picture. Kangleon, a resident of LEYTEzhad been captured by'the Japs and imprisoned on IMINDANAO. Money was raised by guerillas on LEYTE and a party was commissioned-to go to MINDANAO to effect his release. His escape was engineered through bribery of a Korean guide and the help of natives and their sailing canoes. His arrival on LEYTE resulted in friction among the now three leaders. Lang persisted in maintaining his own command, and Kanglaon retired to the south, where he induced Erphy to join forces with him. Shortly after, however, Lang relented and also joined forces with Kangleon, who thereupon became commander of all the guerilla forces on LEYTE, with Erphy becoming the Adj Gen of the USAFIP. From comparative chaos, Col Kangleon brought order. The guerillas led a completely independent life, moving their entire families out into the hills to positions completely cut off from their former surroundings, Their early function was principally one of survival, The PHILIPPINE Volunteer Guards were formed whose function was solely to secure food and other necessary supplies for the guerillas. Through gradual improvement in organization and technique, the guerillas soon were able to indulge in ambush and harassing tactics against the Japs. In their early days, the guerillas in many cases conducted their attacks on the enemy armed only with bolos,(see illustration) with which they did effective work. Demolitions also were extensively used. At first, many sorties had a minimum of success because of the emotional nature of the attacks on the enemy. Under Kangleon, the emotions of the Filipinos were curbed and the degree of success of the missions was increased greatly, through the use of definite plans for operations. Later they armed themselves with home-made shotguns, rifles and home-made grenades, etc, until January 1944, when Gen MacArthur sent in a submarine with supplies. Throughout the intervening time, it must be remembered that supply of everything was scant and inflation was drastic. In this connection, it was found necessary to print money. This was approached wisely, the approval of Col Kangleon and the President of the Commonwealth of the PHILIPPINES being required for the printing. This supervision was maintained in order that this improvised currency would retain value' after the Japanese had been driven out. It was. possible to effect some contact with US through one radio capable of receiving broadcasts.



Invasion - Oc Liaison Officer of the invading troops organizationally was attached to 2,'th Corps Staff. His mission was to accomplish liaison with the guerillas in the sector under the jurisdiction of the C rps. :t ib *.~, Ut O Officer was landed to make contact with the guerillas and arrange for evacuation of the local civilian populace to places of safety. Information of military nature obtained by this officer was quite complete, but too late to be of maximum value. For example, maps prepared by the guerillas were vastly superior to those in the hands of our fores prior to and immediately after landing. Guerrilla,agents (operatives) were in every town and village gathering intelligence. Agents even included aged women. Also, many former members of the loyal PHILIPPINE Constabulary worked into the Jap controlled Bureau of Constabulary, and obtained valuable information* The guerrillas had controlled the APJYAG-BAYPAY Road for six months prior to A-Day, and were as prepared as could be for that event, though they had no heavy weapons and only a few MGs captured from the Japs. They did have Enfields, Mls, 45s, Tommy-guns and hand grenades, as well as a few BARs. After invasion, the 6th Army took control of the guerrillas under G-2 jurisdiction, and the guerrillas became part of the US Forces in the PHILIPPINES. Front line units used guides which in a'few cases turned out to be unreliable civilians posing as guerrillas. The Japs had given orders to have some of their troops, dressed in civilian clothes, infiltrate to our lines and try to join our forces as guides and scouts, The Liaison Officer conferred with Col Kanglhon to work out a system to detect these spies and to pass all orders to guerrillas through Col Kanglon. Confusion had existed among the guerrillas at the many sources of orders to them. The 6th Army ordered the guerrilla forces proper to remain in They were the mountains and harass the enemy and report Jap activities. assigned sectors for which they were responsible.



- LEYTE Guerrillas gathered about their Headquarters established by American Liaison Officer. Identified in the picture are Jap Rifles (Type 38), American M-l's, Jap LMG's (Type 99 or 96), Jap ammunition pouch, Jap helmet, Jap hand grenades and Jap grenade discharger shells.

#2 - Home made shot-gun, devised by LEYTE guerillas, and Bolo knife with sheath. The.hinging device is - Breech of home-made shot-gun. a strip of metal, he flexibility of which allows the barrel to rise from the stock sufficiently to insert the shell, FOLLOWING PAGE Guerilla, money, printed and issued by LEYTE guerillas.


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It is believed that while some of the gueri as were at ,its first attached to the US divisions they were later to ,have-reverted to the 92d guerrilla Division, upon the arrival and establishm.ent of i,, eadquarters in the vicinity of the 6th Army.
For supplies, front line units requisitioned from G-4 for the guerrillas as beded by them. Actually supplies for the guerillas were very limited. There were none specifically set aside for their use until about A-i18. The Liaison Officer acted as coordinator between Corps, Army and the guerillas. He established a small headquarters at KULAG, so that messages could come in from guerrillas to definite center. Intelligence sometimes came to regiments through divisions to Corps, so that lower echelons could act immediately upon the information. Communications, Land the problem of collecting and disseminating information were very slow, mostly on foot, and one of the guer.illa-s greatest needs in the field was for radio. Organizationally, it proved advantageous for intelligence purposes to have guerillas: work with division; for tactical purposes, they should work with regiment. Appraisal of the guerillast - Division used guerillas for intelligence purposes and on reconnaissance patrols only with American troops. The reason for this is that American soldiers had better training and background (superior ability in sketching, ete,) It must be borne in mind that the average guerilla was not a soldier before the war and subsequent to the war is training was practically nil. From a military point of view, guerilla tactics do not require the training deemed necessary for the regular soldier. The guerillas were most valuable for their knowledge of the country, particularly the trails, which could not be detected from aerial photos, hidden as they many times are, by dense foliage. Our soldiers were better trained to observe and obtain intelligence, making it desirable for guerillas: and soldiers to work together, The cooperation of the guerillas was excellent. They were willing to undertake any assign: cnt although they were handicapped by lack of clothing, equipment and weapons. Their lack of proper training in organized warfare made it inadvisable to use guerillas in massed attacks. Recommendations - Hereafter, effort should be made to establish contact with the 'guerrillas in an earlier date: perhaps as early as A-60 Maps for use in the disposition of our troops, etc,., should be obtained and sent to the task force. These maps would be of inestimable value since they would be based on actual ground study of the terrain. This early liaison should set up groups to act as guides and scouts ready for immediate use upon the landing of our force; approx one man per squad (300 per Division). Th se guides and scouts should be fully organized (leaders, etc.) Those not used as guides and scouts . should be controlled by Army, Army should have a section set aside devoted to coordination of guerilla activity (3 officers, 1 or 2 EM and 2 * tonstrucks )



should be given maximum information rega.rdTrusted guerillas ing the proposed operation consistent with security, at the earliest practicable date. Airrangements should be made to have clothing, supplies, equipment and weapons landed on A Day or as close thereto as practical' -for use of guerrillas. On about A-Q1 an American Officer should be sent in with up-todate information. He should know points of landings so he could,, by devious means, make most advantageous dispositions of guerilla troops, guides, scouts, etc, without divulging vital information. Each guerilla- should be propeirly, identified by-a card on his person. These cards as well as typewriters for their writing, should be sent in prior to A day. Onlyregimental commanders should be authorized to sign these cards, making it easier for MPS to check their ,authenticity. Passes should not be easy to duplicate, and MPs should be given specimens. 'In this connection, on LEYTE it was A plus 18 before identification of the majority of bona fide guerrillas could be accomplished with any certainty. Guerillds- should operate almost exclusively.behind the enemy lines, employing infiltration tactics, etc. Later, they could be brought out of hills, uniformed and trained and assigned the task of mopping up after organized resistance has ceased.' Precautions should be taken to do as little as possible to upunits, as confusion easily results set the organization of the guerilla when orders emanate from varied and unfamiliar sources. On LEYTE, there as all officers, most non-coms and a good was no language difficulty, percentage of guerilla troops spoke English. Of course this will not hold true on other fronts where English has not'been so extensively used and taught as in the P.I. Information supplied to our forces by guerillasas ws very valuable, but slow owing to communication by foot. Radio would have made tremendous differences (walkie-talkie, for instance'). Guerillas' suffered heavily from our artillery. Steps should be taken to supply them with some means of identifying themselves to our aerial artillery observers. (Smoke grenades, etc.). This was accomplished on LEYTE at about A-23. SIt'would be helpful to assign technicians to work with the guerillas (radio, etc.). If feasible',' these should land early, A.60, if possib'le.



(From ATIS XXIV Corps Advanced Echelon Report 14 Nov 1944) The following information is from an Operations Order of the 16th Division covering the period 15 Jan 1944 to 11 Sept 1944. Taken at DAGAMI by the 96th Infantry Regiment, it was classified TOP SECRET. From KAKI OpOrd No 609, 14 Feb. LOS BANOS 16th Div Order. "1. In consideration of the use of gas by the enemy, the Div will step up its program of preparing for chemical warfare, All unit and element commanders will commence chemical warfare preparations, basing their work on the annexed 'Outline of Chemical Warfare Preparations.' In view of the influence exerted by chemical warfare over warfare in general, precautionary reasures to maintain secrecy are of extraordinary importance, Extreme precautions will be taken, therefore, so as not to give the enemy incentive to develop his chemical warfare



(Div Comdr, OBA, Shihei "Distribution: 9th Inf Regt, 20th Inf Regt, 33d Inf Regt, 16th Cav Regt, 22d FA Regt, 16th Engr Regt, Div Sig Unit, 16th Tpt Regt, Ord Service Unit, Med Detachment,-st, 2d and 4th Fd Hospitals, Horse (Army) Depot, Water-Purification Unit, and other units. Translation of the Annex referred to follows: "Unitswill be organized for gas defense and use of' smoke as follows: Units will have as much training as possible. "a. Div Gas Control Unit. 1. Two (2) Plats. 2. Duties, Ist Plat, Gas decontamination (TN: SHODOKU), use of poison gas and smoke. 2d Plat, Gas removal (TN: JODOKU), and use of poison gae andh-"oke. Inf Work (TN: SAGYO) unit (from each Inf Unit). 1. One Plat. 2. Duties; gas control and use of poison gas and smoke. Engr Work Unit. Two Plats (subordinate soldiers) from within the Engr Regt will be assigned to usage of poison gas and smoke.



"Use of Chemical Warfare equipment in attacks will depend upon Army orders."



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(From ATI8 Enemy Publications No.


15 Nov 1944)

Memorandum on the gathering of material for foreign propaganda from Prisoners: of Tr.

"Whoen .aPW is 'captured, an rimmediate investigation will

be made in accordance with what follows, be made. .and a prompt report will

"A. The nam.e (in RO'XJIT), unit and family (or friend's) address of an important, newly captured Pv will be reported immediately by wire. "B. Followig are examples of the scrt of propaganda material useful for spreading disunity' btwooen .AIR IC. N and AUS-

TR:.LITN, forces and breaking down their will to fight:"1.

TRALIAN forces. "2. Dissension and friction between A RICAN and AUS-

Doubts cast upon the war aims.of '2El URICAN and AUS-

TRAIAN troops in the field.

"3. Discriminatijn against natives; CHINESE, I 'N'tive troops. "4 "5. destroyed. "6. Supply situation, causes of illness and condition of ALso situation regarding relief of front line troops. Enemy losses, NISEI and

especially personnel losses.

Current situation as regards ships sunk and aircraft



Enrmy opinion of


attacks and jungle


Fighting spirit of enemy troops.

"9. Enemy opinion of battle action of JPANESE Air Force and Fleet. "10. "11. .Ativities of PW up to time of capture. Extent of interception of field broadcasts.

"12. Effect of our propaganda,, especially .in regard to dissension betwo..n AERICAN and AUSTRALIAN troops, native revolts and the extent to which all types of homefront unrest in :AMEICA, (or

has affected

the front




Sad plight of nurses and the women's auxiliary army."

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(From OSS Report 13 Nov 1944) Strategic and economic importance to JAPAN: - When liberation of the PHILIPPINES has been completed, JAPAN's most important southern outpost will be FORMOSA. Even if the EAST INDIES and INDO CHINA remain in Japanese hands for a time, their economic value to JAPAN will be sharply curtailed bynaval blockade. Both militarily and economically, JAPAN will continue to make important use of FOPRMOSA until this island or the waters around it are brought under the domination of US forces. Strategic position: The strategic location of FORMOSA - 150 mi. east of the CHINA coast and the same distance west of the LIU-CHI (Ryu-kyu) islands; somewhat more than 200 the north of LUZON; halfway between JAPAN and INDO CHINA and half-way between HONGKONG and SHANGHAI; loses some of its value with US reoccupation of the PHILIPPINES. From FORM OSA's harbors, the Japanese have assembled convoys for shipments of troops and material to the war fronts, TAKAO, near the southern end of the island and KIIRUN, in the north, have been considered among the busiest ports in the Far East. The two naval bases at IvIKO, in the PESCADORES Islands west of FORMOSA, and at TAKAO were important operational ports for units of the Japanese fleet. Airfields at OKAYAMA, HEITO and SHINCHIKU were used as staging bases from which aircraft were flown to combat areas. At OKAYAMA, the Japanese developed a large aircraft repair and assembly center,. Similar, but smaller, plants were built at HEITO and SHINCHIKU. Place in JAPAN'S Economy: - FORMOSA, taken by JAPAN from CHINA in 1895 and developed by Japanese capitalists and militarists, is now of Seventy percent of its primary importance to JAPAN as a source of food. Under Japanese population of 6,500,000 is dependent upon agriculture. exploitation, FORMOSA farms supplied JAPAN in the late 1930's with 20,000,000 bushels of rice annually (6% of Japanese rice consumption) and 1,800,000,000 pounds of refined sugar (the bulk of Japanese needs) as well aa significant quantities of tea, fruits and vegetables. The industrial development of FORMOSA came chiefly in the late The most important strategic 1930's when JAPAN was mobilizingfor war. industry has been the manufacture of alumina, Blockade of the South CHINA Sea, by cutting off FORMOSA and JAPAN from the principal source of Bauxite near SINGAPORE, will throw JAPAN back upon the use of substitute So long as clays and ores found in North CHINA, MANCHURIA and KOREA, baudite has been available, its processingin FORMOSAhhas saved valuable The TAKAO Plant of Nippon Aluminum KK has an estimated shipping space. annual capacity of 150,000 metric tons of alumina, 30 percent of the Japanese Empire total. A part of the product has been further converted Plants of TAKAO and at KARENKO (on the east to aluminum within FORMOSA. coast) together have an estimated aluminum production: capacity of 28,000 tons annually, Formosan copper smelters, with estimated annual capacities of nearly 20,000 metric tons of copper, have also processed ores from sources Some ores from the LEPANTO mines in the PHILIPPINES farther to the south. are believed to have been smelted in FORMOSA, The Kinkaseki Mine in produces 10,000 metric tons of copper annually, 72 percent FORMOSA itself of the total available to JAPAN.


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An important industrial development- in FORMOSA, dating back to the 1920ts and earlier has been the production of industrial alcohol from cane sugar molasses. Other industrial developments in FORMOSA are believed to include large ammonium sulphate plants at SHINCHIKU, at LARENKO and possibly at TAKAO. These furnish fertilizer for the island's agriculture and may also be associated with munitions manufacture on a limited scale. Ferro-silicon, maganese, nickel, cobalt, magnesium and calcium carbide have also been produced in FORMOSA, in part from raw materials imported from MANCHURIA and the CELEBES- These and other industries depend on ample hydro-electric power resources. The Jitsugetsutan development, in the center of, the island, has a 143,500 kilowatt capacity. By the end of 1945 the Japanese planned to have a total . electric power capacity of 650,000 kilowatts in FORMOSA, more than twothirds of which would represent the capacity of plants completed since 1938. The extent to which FORMOSA's aircraft assembly plants .at OKAYAA and HEITO, and harbor and industrial facilities at TAKAO have been damaged by recent operations must await reports of photo reconnaissance. It is apparent that FORMOSA's value to JAPAN will decrease as The loss of American operations in and about the island increase. FORMOSA's eaonomic resources will be serious for JAPAN'S war effort, but JAPAN'S loss of\ will not result in an appreciable shortening of the war, Formosan foodstuffs will be met by more tringent rationing, by drawing upon existing stocks, and by increased imports of other foodstuffs from MANCHURIA and KOREA. FORMOSA'S industrial production can be replaced in most part by stockpiles and the utilization of excess capacity and substitute materials in. KOREA, MANCHURIA and JAPAN proper,

(From A/MF1IR No. 120, 10-17 Nov.,


Panis:- Bamboo spikes sharpened to a needle point are formidThey were irst employed in jungle wrarfare by the hill able weapons. tribes. of the Indian province of ASSAM, and now have been adopted by certain United Nations forces for use as jungle traps against the Japanese. It is also reliably reported that the Japanese themselves are employing panjis. Ordinary panjis will penetrate thick uniforms or the upper has been hardened in fire, part 'of a shoe, When the point of a panj it is even more effective, and can easily penetrate the sole of any Although panji wounds are not necessarily shoe the Japanese. fatal, they are in any case -extremely painful and do not heal readily. (It is possible that the healing process is delayed by a natural acid Blood poisoning has been known to result from paji in the bamboo). wounds, particularly in cases where jungle tribesmen have placed spoiled meat on the needle point of the panji. Here are a few of the ways in - 12 which panjis arc used:

















BABOO SPIXE JUNGLE TRAPS (CONTD) Panji Pits:- A pit four to six feet deep, fourtosix foot i long, and three to four feeot wideis dug in.the middle of a jun /i trail or at a streanm crossing. A number of long sharp panjis ard"l placed upright in this pit, with their fire-hardened points slightly below ground level ( prcodc'ding page). The pit is concealed by a flimsy lid which is nothing more than a bamboo lattice covered with a few bamboo creepers. Last of all, a natural camouflage garnish of mud or leaves is applied, to blend with the surrounding terrain. Anyone falling into the pit is instantly inpaled on the spikes. SimilIy a slit Irench can be so placed that attacking Japanese will be likely to utilize it. Like the cover of the panji pit, the bottom of this trench is false, and underneath it there are sharp panjis, which will pierce the shoes of the Japanese when they jump into the trench. Bamboo Whip:- A three-inch bamboo pole can be bent back across a jungle path in such a, way that when it is released, the force of the blow will kill a man ilking along the path. w To ensure effective results, penjispiiles can be attached at the end of the whip, as illustrated on -ig page. The whip is held in position by a bamboo creeper or by wire, with a peg at the end of the wire pressing against two horizontal sticks. Contact with a trip wire across the path withdraws the lower stick, allowing the heavy bamboo to whip forcefully across the path. If the trip wi.r is covered with 'leaves, and if the bamboo whip is concealed by branches, the Japanese are much less likely to detect the trap. Camp Defense:- For the purposes of local defense,-a camp in the jungle is sometimes built in the form of a triangle, with a large tree- at each apex. The perimeter of the camp is surrounded by a panji wall, six feet .in do'th and varying from four inches to six feet in height. The blunt ends of the bamboo are' pushed into the ground with 'the 'psnji points outward. Gates are protected with bamboo sharpened at eac'h end, bent in a U-slhape, and so placed that the sharp ends point outward. Slit trenches, to be occupied in case of attack, arc.dug along the inner side of the fence. Lookouts posted in the trees at the apices of the trianrlo act as snipers in case of attack. Other Pan ji Traps:- Panji placed under water in a river or at a beach, with the points two inches below the surface, will rule out swimming as an enemy mode of travel and will puncturo the bottoms of ordinary notive river boats. Sometimes a bamboo knife, pointing downward, is attach:ed to the far side (from the expected enemy, approach) of a low limb overhanging a jungle trail.. A man bonding low to pass beneath the limb will receive a severe wound in the back when he straightens up. Panjis may also be propard by snipers lying in wait to ammbush hostile patrols. Along the. sides of the trail that a hostile patrol is lidkely to use, sharponed bamboo spikes, 18 inches long, are placed at intervals of about ono foot and are pointed toward the trail at 'hn anglc of 45 degrees. When the hostile patrol appears, it is fired upon by hidden snipers. ,,On hearing the first 'shots, the instinctive reaction of the members of the patrol is to sock cover. If they dart into the ,growth beside the trail, they are impaled on the bamboo sipikes. NOTE: - A section at the south end of a LEYTE Landing Beach was protected by sharponed bamboo stakes cxtbnding thr8 feet above the ground. These were set close together, at an angle of 600 to the horizontal.

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(From Military Intelligence Service Report No 44, 27 Sept 1944) Interrogations obtained in the USA of Japanese prisoners taken during Feb and Mar 1944 revealed the following opinions on the war and Americans. There were several PsW who claimed that they had no idea of the "cause" that prompted JAPAN to take up arms against the Allies. The slogan "ASIA for the Asiatic People" is expressed in the following words: "JAPAN wages the present war in the interests of all Asiatic peoples who should get along with each other under JAPAN's leadership. JAPAN does not want any Chinese territory but desires to make the Chinese realize that it is best for all Asiatic people to cooperate. "Every nation should mind its own business. ENGLAND and the USA planned to expand economically in the Orient. ENGLAND's move on CHINA 's economic markets made slaves of the Chinese, "JAPAN, being the only power in ASIA capable of stopping AMERICA's ambitions in the Orient, was forced to defend the honor of all Asiatic people." An 18-year old Superior Seaman, who appears to be thoroughly indoctrinated in JAPAN's ideology, believes that the reasons for JAPAN's war are: 1. USA's Immigration Law of 1924, 2. Threats against JAPAN by USA's fortifications of the outer defense islands near JAPAN, 3. Concentration of the Asiatic Fleet at PEARL HARBOR. A Civil Engineer serving the Navy, who is strongly antimilitary ascribed the following frequently cited reasons for the propaganda spread by the TOJO cabinet; "This is a war between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' with AMERIA taking the lead in choking JAPAN's < economic markets as well as JAPAN itself. After JAPAN is worn out by h her struggle against C1INA, AMERICA will step in to control JAPAN, JAPAN did not want war but was threatened and therefore had to defend herself." PW claimed that the average person in JAPAN does not know the real facts nor JAPAN's war-aims. Japanese government propaganda usually ends with the words: "This war will decide whether JAPAN is going to become a nation of slaves or whether she will survive. Everyone must put all his own efforts behind the war in order to avoid disaster." A civilian conscripted for labor in the Army believes that JAPAN started this war to control ASIA and to supervise the Asiatic races. He does not know what else JAPAN could be fighting for, adding that the people have no idea about the "cause" of this war, Before the butbreak of hostilities, people in JAPAN liked democracy; this was particularly true among the women. Therefore at the beginning of the war many of them sent flowers to captured American PsW. Although told by the government (which opressed civil liberties) that the war was a glorious adventure, people in JAPAN wish to live peacefully. While at heart they are set against the government, they accept government orders because they have been taught to accept regimentation, fearing to be executed whenever they voiced anything that is opposed to the plan of the government. "Japanese like the USA he said and Japanese who have visited AMERICA returned to JAPAN with nothing but praise for AMERICA,"

- 14-



Opinions About Americans: - A Navyy employee (civiion of# better than average education (1 year of University),thought that What he experienced in AMERICA, coincided with what he was taught at school about Americans. He thinks Americans are one of the most civilized and scientifically-minded people in the world, possessing wealth and natural resources.. Although he knew that Americans'were friendly and broad-minded, he was really surprised over the kind treatment which he received after his capture-. If both nations c:ould have exchanged goods and ideas the war would have been avoided. Japanese militarists rather than the Emperor wanted this war. A 2d Class Private, very cooperative and friendly, stated that he likes Americans, having no hostile feelings whatsoever towards them. He asserted that before the start of the war Japanesewomen in the bigger cities were westernized. Half of the motion pictures shown' in OSAKA were American. 'He believed Americans to be fair, intelligent.and civilized. In the same way a cooperative Superior Private stated.that Americans were the most intelligent most civilized people hJ had met, They are easy to make friends with because they are very broad-minded. PW wondered why he had been so often interrogated and why so many different questions have been asked;, also why he was guarded .so closely, he had never had any hostile sentiments towards Americans, believing they were a cultured race which he respected. When war broke out AMERICA was considered the "enemy" and he simply had to fight. PW heard that when Major Gen DOOLITTLE bombed TOKYO, most of the citizens when. first seeing the planes thought they were Japanese; children were waving their handkerchiefs to the "planes"; however, the attacking aircraft -swooped down and machinegunned them. From this incident, the Japanese concluded the Americans did not want to destroy military installations but harmless civilians and children. This made them fighting mad. . The change in morale and sentiments towards .the Americans, that took place in a 2l-year old before and after his capture (on TOROKINA in Mar 1944) is characteristic of many .PsW. He is a typical youth of average education and intelligence; very observant and cooperative. Being a Kendo (japanese Fencing) expert he stressed his. Bushido spirit. At the beginning of the war. he was working for the Manchurian Colonization Corporation as a laborer but as the war progressed, he felt a strong sense of responsibility to participate more actively; .therefore he decided to return to JAPAN where he. volun-teered for the Army and was accepted as a reservist. On completion of his basic training he requested an overseas assignment, however his request was refused. He repeated it by writing a letter in his own blood to his company commander who was greatly impressed by the soldier's.action and subsequently granted his request. When leaving JAPAN, he was high-spirited, hoping to die for the fatherland in a just cause. He participated in the battle for TOROKINA, with the Akira Unit (part of the 6th Division) until his capture. During the battle he volunteered for three suicidal missions but returned with only minor injuries, showing remarkable courage and the typical Japanese fighting spirit in the -face of death and' certain defeat. After his.. capture, he expected to be killed by the enemy and was surprised when instead the Americans treated him kindly. Before being captured PW regretted his inability to die for his country but since then his sentiments on patriotism have changed. Now he. feels let down by his officers who had told their men before the battle that the Japanese "fighting spirit" would defeat the enemy's superior weapons.



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He also felt let down by the authorities at home. who had described.conditions in the USA. asunribearable for he found them quite acceptable; and ,.at present he is.-convinced that the quality and quaniti of American weapons will .undoubtedly overwhelm the Japanese fighting spirit.., .Before being captured it was common talk among soldiers that they must expect the worst..from the Americans, that the wouded would be burned after oil had been poured upon them and that all prisoners would meet horrible deaths... .Now, he realizes that this was all propaganda, American Propaganda Leaflets: - PW read several American propaganda leaflets, distributed on BOUGAINVILLE in February and March -1944, which contained maps of territories conquered by the Allies. He stated that the Japanese welcome this information and they considered it of military importance because it made them realize the possible object of the next attack. ,The American propaganda leaflets contained more military information than was- released by -their Information Service. The pamphlets were considered complete failures as arguments for surrender because they were-written from-the American rather than the Japanese point of view. These leaflets circulated freely among.the troops who considered. them primarily as sources of information.- .After reading them, they burned the leaflets. PW remarks that the only effect they had was to incite the Japanes soldiers-to fight harder in order to avoid capture: The style in which the pamphlets were written was not very good, though understandable. ,-Main fault: the circulars used "big words" and the construction of sentences was poor. On the whole the American propaganda leaflets made interesting reading because of .the military information trey contained. Japanese Propaganda: - A sincere, observant and. cooperative PW states that the radio, newspapers, magazines and leaflets are all part of an enormous propaganda machine which operates to incite the Japanese against the Americans and to spread false information which in turn serves raise the fighting spirit of the people, TOJO's .propaganda.bureau led the Japanese"people into believing that AMERICA':was responsible for the war, claiming that the USA was secretly aiming at the final domination of all Asiatic people by strengthening her economic markets in ASIA. They by sending munitions blamed AMERICA for prolonging the "CHINAlaci et and fuel to the Chinese. It told the people tcat for years AMERICA had was preparing for war against JAPAN by fortifying her far-flung possbssine in the PACIFIC and increasing her Asiatic Fleet. Japanese propaganda is frequently reflected in pictorial magazines. For.instance, PWT saw in a magazine a- photograph of a congested traffic line of vehicles in -CHICAGO with the caption: "Due to the gas shortage, these cars are unable Other photographs depicted, strikes, racial discriminations and to fmove." luxurious living conditions of the American people. On hi.s arrival in . this country, PW had a chance to glance at one of the.American cities and he was amazed to see the number of cars which were running in the streets; then and there he decided that JAPAN would never be in a position to win, realizing that Japanese propaganda had erroneously led him as well as the rest of the Japanesepeople to believe that the Americans .are weaklings. He also recognized the mistake of the militarists who were responsible "Japanese production can never be..compared with for planning -this war. American. - This belief was stregthened in PW when. he hea.rd that modern construction methods enable the Americans to build. a ship, within. 48 hours, whereas it took over one year to build a second-class. cruiser in JAPAN.



... ,


Suggestions for Future Propaganda Leaflets: - It is suggested that advantage be taken in future propaganda of such statements as the following from PsW: "The6food I received 'on-, the DD after being captured was comparable to a feast," or "I wa's' amazed at the kind treatment I received by 'the American Medics," etc,. 'In order to appeal to the Japanese minds, the Japanese used in our pamphlets should be freed from clumsy expressions and foreigh-sounding idioms. Most PsW'interrogated Bbout the subject'found fault with the terms used in our circulars. Although they could understand their meaning they urged that more colloquial Japanese be used and that the composition be free from typical American mistakes. Another suggestion which might be capitalized takes advantage of the fact that'there is a strong rift between the civilian employees on some of the Southwest PACIFIC Islands ( such as KWAJALEIN, etc.) and the Military. The well-founded complaints are usually based upon the fact that the Military: authorities'had: , 1. Broken their word. : 2. Lured civilian construction worker.s into dangerous assignments (' at time of conscription no reference was made :of the fact that they would be sent to places where there was fighting). 3. Not given them any weapons with which to defend themselves. * 4. Promised that they wouldbe s.ent back to JAPAN upon the expiration of their contracts for one year service, whereas-they were forced to stay on indefinitely. 5. Treated them like inferior human beihgs. American propaganda pamphlets containing. such information might even be dropped over the Japanese ,mainland .proper, so as to .acquaint the Japanese civilians whth these true facts.

- 17 -'




(G-2 USAFPOA) A document presumed to have been captured on PIELIU I, PALAU, translated and published as CINCPAC-CINCPOA Item #11,801, gives the organization and equipment of an "Amphibious Assault and Inflitration Unit". The strength of this unit appears to be about 180 men* It is organized into a command sectionaand 5 platoons. The first 3 platoons are apparently rifle platoons, while the 4th platoon is a machine gun platoon and the fifth platoon is a mortar platoon. It will immediately be apparent that this organization is the same as the organization of a company of an amphibious regiment of a South Sea. Division. The basic weapons of the rifle.platoons of this unit are not indicated in the document, but it is-assumed that they correspond to the The machine gun platoon has 2 machine platoon. weapons of a normal rifle guns, probably 7.7mm HMG, and the mortar platoon has 2 "Lt Infantry Mortars." These mortars are probably 81mm, although the term "Light Infantry Mortar" is properly applied to the 90mm mortar. In addition to its basic weapons, this unit is equipped with a preponderance of explosives and demolition materials, Molotov cocktails, hand grenades, anti-tank mines and smoke candles. The third platoon is equipped with rafts, small cargo tubes and water-proof bags. The organization and equipment of this unit indicates that it is probably an amphibious version ot the TEISHIN TAI or Raiding Unit, with the mission of raiding our artillery, CPs, supply dumps and other rear installations.. While this "Amphibious Assault and Infiltration Unit" may be an independent unit especially organized with the specific mission outlined above, it is considered likely that one mr more companies of the amphibious regiments of the South Seas divisions may be trained and equipped to carry out an independent raiding mission as outlined in this document, in view of the similarity in organization, and the emphasis placed upon such tactics in Japanese tactical doctrine.

(From Miaobile Explosives Investigation Unit #4 Report 24 November 1944) Takcn on LETT herewith described. was a land mine (Jap.anse Type 3) which is

The mine case is circular in shape and is constructed of a non-metallic ceramic material known as terra-cotta. The outer surface is unglazed and earthen in color. The interior is smooth and The top of the case has a twocoated with a thin coat of lacquer. inch circular opening through which the mine can be filled w ith the

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explosive charge. A hard rubber bushing is inserted in this opening. Threads are cut in the center of the bushing to receive the threaded base of the fuze. / The mine case is manufactured in two sizes. The small mine is the only round now held by this unite measurements and weights follow: 1. Dimensions Diameter Height Thickness of wall Weight
rupty case Filled case

8 inches 32 inches 7/16 inches


6 pounds

102 pounds

The fuze body, cover, .plunger and striker support are made of bakolite. The body is of two piece construction, the lower body being threaded internally to receive the upper body. The upper body houses the plunger assermbly. A shoulder on the lower portion of the plunger engages on shoulder in the upper body and isprevented from moving upward. Surounding the lower part of the plunger asscnbly is the compression spring. The plunger is bored to two diameotrs to receive the striker and striker spring. In the cocked position the striker protrudes above the cut-out portion of the plunger head. It is hold in position by a stooeel wire release fork which cngages a cicumforential groove on the upper portion of the striker. A safety pin is inserted in the plunger at right angles to and directly above the release fork. l'hon in position the safety pin prevents withdrawal of the release fork and movement of the plunger. A nooeedle type firing pin is lite, threaded on its periphery to fit the lower fuzo body. suspended in a thin disc' of bakeinto the threaded receiver in

The base of the fuze is threaded internally with left hand threads to fit the fuzeto to the hard rubber bushing or fuze scat. Operation: After the safety pin has been removed the fuze is in an armed condition and may be fired by applying pressure to the head of the plunger or by pulling the release fork with an attached trip wire. Translations:- A translation of the label on the fuze container gives the following instructions for placing the fuzeo in the mine when screwing fuze into bushing. "hoisten with saliva te mke installation easier." Conclusions:- The non-metallic construction of the mine. case and fuze makes detection of the mine by the standard electric detector difficult. The fuze is a highly sensitive firing device as it incorporates a cocked striker which is fully armed as soon as the safety pin is withdrawn. A pressure of 20t25 pounds on the plunger or a pull of 22 pounds on the release fork will fire the fuze when armed.



PLASTIC JAP INE (CONTD) The mine, according to a. captured document, is considered effective against tanks and armored vehicles. It is further stated that the effective anti-personnel radius is approximately 26 foot. It is believed that this mine has not been put to use by the enemy. It may, however, be set either as a land mine or used as a booby trap device. If the mine is encountered in the armed position, but with the striker engaged by the release fork, replacing the safety pin and removing the fuze will render the mine safe. If on examination, however, it is found that the striker has been released from the release It is fork, the fuze should be considered in a dangerous condition. suggested that a method of removing the fuze and rubber bushing from One method that might be used is as follows: a distance be devised. Gently place the loop of a running noose. around the fuse body, then This will pull from a safe distance or from shelter pull the line. the fuse with its rubber bushing completely out of the mine, The gaino of the fuze is short enough to clear the edge of the opening in the top of the mine as it and the bushing are tipped out of the mine together. On actual test a quick jerk gave better results than a In using either steady pull. The latter tends to upset the mine. The technique, the slack should be taken out of the line first. foregoing operation is to be accepted only as a suggestion and not as an approved method of disposal. The 20 Nov 1944 G-2 Report from the INDIA BURA Theatre adds information about this mine, as translated from a captured document. According to the translation, the fuze may be functioned by a pressure of 4 pounds on its head, or by 22 pounds pull on the trip wiro. It is further stated that the fuse is intorchangeable with standard This affords many possibilities Ja~anose mortar and artillery fuzes. projectiles as booby traps or land for the use of mortar and artilleriy mines.


(F=cing_ Page)

1. 2. 3.

Pressure piece Safety pin Rolease fork

7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Pressure spring Fuze b.dy-lowor Striker Priming comp. Lead azside Tetryl Gainc.body

4. Firing Spring
5. Hammer Fuze body-upper


- 20-










uimiinmm inmu
(From ATIS Bulletin No 1581, 15 Nov 1944) "

Followving are extracts from the notebook of 2d Lt HORIUCHI, NI Force, dated 4 April, year not stated, containing notes on incendiaries from a lecture by Major BAN. ... Summary and Extracts Types of incendiary compounds



3. Yellow Phosphorous
: ; Potassium chlorate (Th't ' s)


Time Fuze Mk I (Carried by. NI:Force) This fuZe is used in bombs and employs chemical reThe fuze is moisture proof.

Construction .The solution corrodes the wire and releases the striker. The striker then strikes the detonator.


Fi xeda


." "



i" .

Wire W Spring Str



Striker "

,oster '



(there are two)

Precautions for use:-- V+'hen the fuze is to be used, remove,, the safety sleeve. See that the striker is .ixed, pour in the chemical solution up to, the fixed plate. Enlarge the, hole in the 1 milligram demolition cylinder and insert the gaine. Tie them together with a hemp string. Temperature has a great effect. (If employing a chemical reaction)

350 400

REQUIRED TIME 1.33 min 1.,20 min

1.12 min 1,05 min

ERROR -1 min tr min

2 min t2 min

The delay may be adjusted by varying the size of the wire and the type of solution used.

-- 2

S21 :
. .."...




'", ","

.. -.




. <"-7 ':! t 7



: . . ....

Time Fuze Mk 2.



Delay Chamber

Plunger Soluble Plate (celluloid) Wire

Igniting solution : (when the celluloid plate dissolves, the igniting. solution reacts with the
firing compound and ignites).

Firing Compound (powder)

Firing Chamber
;I powder Train

Black powderowderTrain 7 Seconds

7 Seconds




The inntr wires facilitate the igniting of the powder train

Prccauti ns for handling: When filling with the solution, insert the syringe to the bottom and fill gently (to prevent bubble1.) The delay may be adjusted by changing the amount of celluloid (1 mm) The powder train requires seven seconds to burn. If the solution (gasoline) is below the red line, put in some other chemical to bring it up to the red"line. (For cooling). 100

" ,.

2.00 35% error

Variations in purity
of the solution.




Changes in quality
of the" celluloid


i~ii~~ MMNS~~

22 -

(From Military Tntelligence Service Repo:Ort No. 46, 17 October 1944)

The following material has been selected because of its significance in reveal.irg personal attitudes towrard the conduct of the war and its outcome, from statements of ninety-three Japanese PsIT, made during September in the U.S.A. to Army, Navy and Air interrogators. About three, quarters of the total captured wore Mrchant Seamen. Some of these hadS been conscripted as seamen whose ships had been sunk, to help the Navy transport supplies and equipment to the South Sea Islands; others had been assigned by the Japanese Military authorities on the islands to emergency military luty as specialists to build airfields, gun replacements or other defenses on the atolls of the area. Nearly ono-third of this group was captured during the KW JALEIN occupation in February 1944; another third was taken in SAIPAN in June - July 1944; and the others were captured in other parts of the Pacific sometime between 3 February and 22 July 1944. KWAJALEIN DEFENDERS DSCRIBE THE ALLIED INVASION. "The Battle of IKJAJALEIN was really .an attempt to: hold. off the enemy as long- as I'possible. As everyono know'from--the start that it was going to-bb a. losing fight." 't"While we..were patrolling the beaches at sundown, American landing barges appeared off the South Fort. The cry went up, 'The enemy is going to land ' Everyone was excited, and all turned pale. Men and arms were concentrated at the anticipated landing points; but then suddenly the Amherican naval 'guns rozared on the opposite side of the island and we discovered later that the barges which we had seen, and were preparing to meet, were only dummies sent to draw our attention away from. the actual'landing point." "Each man was given 2 hand grenades and ordered to approach the landing point and throw these. It was a very dangerous mission and every man nervously fingered the firing pin." "When we came near the water ts, edge, none of the Americans had landed; but the naval guns opened up and we scattered like frightencd spiders and suffered many casualties. The gun. fire was terrific. While I was in the air raid shelter thlc Medical Supply Depot was blown up. 'During the hight the task force shifted its position. "The American battleships were in the strait between two whether they werd' islands. We saw them move in but could not tell ours or the enemy's. We signalled with green and red lights to the ships, but received no reply. During the night wvo h iar that fire had started .in the.torpedo asscnbly shop. As we patrolled the landing point, we showed a green light as a .signal that the enemy was going to land; but the ships did not fire the next day.. Then I ran into a dugout."




NIPPONESE CONVERSATIONS (CONTD) "The South Fort was bombarded by naval guns. It was hell! We hoard the blasts ass one after another of the ammunition dumps blow up.. The North Fort;., however, held out to the end." "Wha weapons the 'Americans had at dKAJALEIN1 If the lt people of,'JAPAN. could see these they would surely be discouraged in the outcome of the war. The Japanese Government should fool asham.ed of the fact that it has provided such inadequate arms." POSSIBILITY OF ALLIED LANDINGS IN JAPAN PROPER EXPLORED. "If the same tactics are used on JAPAN proper as were used on SAIPAN, I am sure rou Americans will land quickly; but it must be remembered that many Japanese are convinced that JAPAN is the land of the gods and that any enemy that attacks these home islands will suffer defeat, just as Genghis Khan did when only three of his 100,000 survived when he tried to invade Japan." "Landings would be very difficult, if not impossible, because all important points along the shoreline arc heavily fortified with large coastal guns and all are well guarded. The Americans might be able to bomb the cities but they would have to wipe out vital positionsby landing infantry and mechanized units in order to win a decisive victory."' "If the Allies take the PHILIPPINES and the outlying islands and start bombing JAPAN, it is doubtful whether the people can If it comes to that, JAPAN'S last stand would be taken in hold out. MANCHURIA. Ifthe l in JiAP.N proper that would be thye end." "In discussing this subject, consideration must be given to the fact that A ERICA has a long supply line and that they must take PALAU before they can take the PHILIPPINES, and so even though the PHILIPPINES will be safe in our hands-." SAIPAN and TRUK fall, ATTITUDE TOWARD AMiRICA iAND AMERICANS. "If it had not been for AMERICA, RUSSIA would have taken JAPAN during the RUSSO-JAPANESE war. JAPAN is therfore indebted to AMERICA for this and for the trade which she gave JAPAN in later years. Almost half of JAPAN'S population got its livelihood out of that trade. Come to think about it, JAPAN has been a miserable country since she became a world power - she's been fighting someone almost continuously." I bet therere ae more 'higher ups' in A.MERICA than in If JAPAN settles d.wn to a reJAPAN, who wish this war was over. -alization that this will be a long war, ;AERICA will then be the From what I have observed, Ameri.can soldiers first to ask for peace. Th.oy are more concerned on the whole have no stomach for this war. about' their wages and their future status than about winning the

CHIANGr-KALI-SHEK "CHIANG-KAI-SHEK is a groat, and an intelligent loader.' He he tried to rule CHINA made two great mistakes, however, - e.g. first support;. and second he failed to destroy the Comwithout Japeancse :: munist Party in CHINA"., - 24 -

* . .. . _ =

. ^" ,T







.. .

'' ,'i i . % ";.

is is

"The fall of the TOJO Cabinet right in the midst of the war something I cannot understand, I doubt if that means that JAPAN on the verge of collapse yet".

"It was disgusting at home to have to wait in line in order to buy essential foodstuffs. Vegetables were so scarce that even the vendors' families do not have enough to eat, The ration system is. very tedious and is not working the way it was planned to work, - the customers who come first got more than those who come later. An inflationary period is definitely underway,"!' "In order to make up for the shortage of rice ':'t now importing a tremendous smount of this", "Prostitutes now prefer commodities to -money". "There are follows running around with rice and candy playing with the wives of men overseas and with those of men who are away working all day", NATURAL RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC CP.BILITIES. "I doubt at times whoeter JAPAN has enough natural resources, such as iron and oil in order to carry forward the war". "There is.a plentiful supply of necessary resources to the south to meet all needs; and by transporting these materials close. in to the CHINA coast their safe arrival at processing centors is assured. Furthermore, over-land transportation routes ,are a.r ady cunder construction on the mainland and over these Japanese industry will continually receive these resources", home,


''The leaders of JAPAN have repeatedly said that we have enough resources to continue the war for years and win ultimately .. ..I wonder!"
"At the HONGKONG docks they are now building many la rge ships and torpedo boats. The Asosan Maru, a ship of from 8/12,000 tons was constructed at HONGKONG". "Men of 30-40 years of age have all.boon taken into industry but since they are untrained it will take a long time to make them efficient producers.. If this war is to be effectively 'waged, those things should have been taken care,of a long time ago". "Vhile I was at a shipyard in KOBE, I noticed that the workVictory cannot be ours men were without ambition and.many loafed. when these so-called essential, workers do not take the war seriously". "JAPAN does not have the machinery to make machinery". "I believe we are losing the war on the production line, certainly takes a long timO, to increase the production of planes,


, for example"


surely has grown weak" '

'" .-' i :
<' '

': ..


THE IMPER.IE "Where is boasted of"? JAPANESE NAVY. . .

the 'great undefeated Japanese Fleet, the Navy

"I wonder whore JAPAN'S combined fleet is. I heard that a great sea battle took place in the vicinity of TAIW~AN (FORMOSA) just before the battle of SAIPAN and the Commander-in-Chief was killed. "Who won"? "We must have lost this battle, othcrwise you could not havce landed as you did". "If the Japanese Navy would always take the offensive, we could believe in the possibility of an invasion of the U.S. Alas: the Navy hasn't yet come out". "One should, not even try to compare Japanese transports with those of 'AMERICA. Our transports are small wooden ships, slow in speed and armed only with LMGs, whereas yours are steel and armed with cannon and with more than a dozen AA guns. I was in a shipyard in KOBE where twelve 800-ton ships had just been built for the Navy. Only three of these were of the type that could be taken out on the open sea; and, if 'im not mistaken, eight were standing idle in port, - and this in the face of'shipping shortages". MORALE CCODITIONS AMONG TROOPS ..... Officers evacuated. "The fact that at' ENEBI, GUAM and on NEW GUINEA officers were evacuated by airplane did not help the morale", .Rations. "Canned goods were distributed to overybody at PALEIBANG. ,At first we didn't know what the contents were because a blackout had to be. maintained; but wh en we felt thoer we know they were rice cakes. There were ten in each can. By immersing those in boiling water from 5 to 10 minutes they tasste like frosh cakes The Air Corps has rations which are more and areovery delicious. tasty. Those are bottled and among the ten unit' contents are The submarine crews get even better chocolate flavored caramels.

"Year before last we had plenty of good things to cat, inFor sometime we ate nothing but cluding fresh fish - mostly tuna. Schools of this tuna were caught off the TRUK Islands". raw tuna. "Last year we had red snapper, in JAPAN". ;"We got sweets on rare occasions in the battle area. They which cost about 15 each

really made us happy"..

"The rations we received overseas were not much different This goes to show that the Japanese from those we received in JAPAN. in everything".. Government considers its armed forces first "We were entertained by a group of actresEntertainment. There wore two shows daily.. The stage was: imiprovisod in one ses. of the hangars and was decorated with shrubs and palms and 'cquipped The mange-gwavo a 'pep' talk before the show with amplifiers.

-- "W ;;Ig:"*^


. ..

^ ^^^'.



"% ,f

telling how.the ship on

hich: they sailed from JAPN s w

.sunk, how

two of the troupe were killed, and how all their equipment was lost; but, how *ith borrowed make-shift equipment. they were. carrying on". POSSIBILITY OF PsW RETURNING. TO JAPAN, "If the Empcror. orders us to return to JAPAN, saying that it .isnota disgraco to.bec a.PW, and -that..our fAiilies areo waiting to welcome us, then we can go back. But if: an arrangemcnt is made between governments then I shal. protest when they try to send me back, because my neighbors who have lost; sons and brothers, will look upon us PsW as traitors and cowards, .an.d generally make our lives miserable". . "Evon if JAPAN wins the attitude towards Ps i. will not be any different than it now is, We will probably be killed if we are returned. If JAPAN loses, PsW .will then have a chance, for the people at home will also then have become PsW." i'After the declaration of peace,. if: the U.S. doesn.t kill us, and if the Japanese peorit our return to- JAPAN, there is the possibility, of ourregaining footing again by migrating to MAl'CHUl~Ai or to some South Sea island ." REFLECTIONS ON BEING A' PW., '" en I came to the-PsW collection center there were about 500 .Japanese. there I was. surprised to soee so many healthy looking Japanese soldiers em" . "I am worried about my family. If.I am reported dead, the

government will support my family, and thed neighbors will look after themx, If, however, they learn that I am a PW, my family will be hold in contempt. Wouldn't it have boen"better that I had died than that I have boon made a prisoner?"

< '


- 27-


(From Technical Air Intelligence Center Summary No 2 "Revision of Allied Code names for Japanese Aircraft") Documentary confirmation of the Japanese Army-Navy method for designating aircraft according to a "Model/Type" system, makes a revision advisable in Allied nomenclature for. Japanese aircraft. At the same time, by using the proposed new system, advantage can be taken of the evidence also available on the introduction of new types, and code most of these new aircraft in advance, obviating the confusion which has hitherto existed when code-naming awaited actual crash investigation. The use of "Mark Numbers" following code names has been dropped and code names based on the actual "Model/Type" designations employed by the Japanese will be used. As well as being accurate, this method will allow the development of a basic model to be followed. In addition, it will enable performance or recognition changes to be more clearly indicated and permit the dissemination of information on new aircraft at an earlier date than has previously been possible. One incomplete answer as yet is the "Model/Type" designation for the blunt-wing version of OSCAR Model 2, and whether or not any model change is ,made fpor the fitting of additional fuel tanks, However, the proper OSCAR nomenclature will be clarified as soon as determined. Of the new aircraft assigned code names, it is believed that JACK' I1, GEORGE 11 REX 11, NORM 11, FRANCES 11, and. TABBY 22 and 32 are in production. SAM 11 and FRANK 1 are possibly in production. The remainder are in advanced stages of experimental development, or possibly, in limited production. It will be appreciated that, the Japanese Air Forces are undergoing a complete metamorphosis that, on the surface at any rate; seems to constitute a potential threat. For the purpose of consistency, -the future code names will be selected by Technical Air Intelligence Center on the followin broad basis: 4Male Names i.Army and Navy fighters, both single and twin-eingine, will be given male names. 2. Navy reconnaissance float planes will be given male names. Female Names 1. Army and Navy reconnaissance planes, land or carrier-based, both single and twin engine, will be given female names. 2. Navy torpedo bombers will be given female names. 3, Navy dive bombers will be given female names. 41 Army and Navy twin-engine and four engine light, medium or heavy bombers will be given female names. 5. Navy flying boats will be given female names. 6, Army and Navy transports will be given female names starting with the letter "T". Code names for future planes will be established on the basis of the primary function of the plane in cases where dual purposes may exist. At the present time, there are several inconsistencies on the code list, particularly in the case of JUDY and IRVING. The multi-use to which these two planes are put causes them to be listed twice.


\ K

Current Allied Code Name

Former Code Name.


nition Svoco
__ CI-

.. apanese Descrips Model tion Type Symbols

___. ,_







"Gekko" night fighter,


Model: 11 (13 Experimental 2engine land fighter)

See also "Navy reconnaissance". In use as night fighter, possibly with new engines. Originally listed with Sakac 21 & 22(22 reduction gear affects opposite prop. rotation). J2M1 was the experimental version, and J2M2 is now in production, with 4-blade propand heavier armament. In production. NLK-J was the experimental version. N1J2-J has modified fuselage and additional armament. In production. Possible replacement for RUFE.

JACK *' 11

J2M2 "Raiden" fighter (14 Experirnental interceptor fighter, modified) "Shiden" N1J2fighter J (15 Experimental interceptor fighter)


REX 11




Model 11 (15 Experimental fight-er seaplane) LUKE -" 11 17 Experi- J4Ml mental int rceptor fighter. NAVY RECONNAISSANCE BABS . 11 Babs

Reported to have 35-4Orrm. fuselage guns.


C5M1 Type 98 land recceplane, Model 11

Obsolete. BABS was used by both JAAF & JNAF. One of 2 planes known to be used. by both services, the Army's DINAH, being the other.

' Denotes newly coded aircraft

- 29 -

'i l "


Current Allied Code Name ... Japanese

Former Code
7 -; ;-~-

Recognition TYJOe
...... -;-~._i ------

De'scription .
7 .1---1-----



Type Symbols

-:-. Y+-



(CONTD) Obsolete.




Type.98. C5M2 land recce

Model 12




Type 2 D4Y1CarrierC , borne recce plane Model 11 (13 Experimental carrier bomber) Type 2 D4Y2CarricrR bornet-o reccc plane Model .12

See also "Navy Dive Bombers" Experimiental version had DB 600 G AE2A engine.



Coverted to use 2-K8 cameras.



Type. ,2
Carriecrborne recce land Model 22

No information.




Type 96 ' E9VW small or recce sea- E9N1 plane, 'AModel 11 Type 0 E13A1 recco seaplane Model 11 (12 Jxperimental 3seater recce

Obsolete. Used as





seaplane) GLEN 11 Glen IERFP Type 0 small seaplane Model 11

E14Y1 bJs b~:nc~ ,n PCe

30 -


Current Allied Former RecogCode Co.oe . ,nition Name Type Name

.- i ,

SJapanese DescripModel


Type Symbols



NAVY RECONNAISSANCE (CONTD) NORM * IERFP "Shiun" highspeed E15K1 . Scheduled for production at end of 1943.


recce seaplane,
Model 11 (14 Experimental '"

speed. recce seaplane) PAUL * 11 lE2SRFP

2-seateor recce .sea-



(14 Exprimental
recco seaplane 2-seater) PETE 11 Pete 1EOFP Type 0 Observation plane, Model 11 Type 2
landrecce FlM2

Kinsei 54 has .G synchronizer. Can be used as dive bomber. In production.

F lM & FlAl were

the experimental versions.




See also "Navy Fighters".

plane, Model 11

(13 Experimental land fighter) NAVY TORPEDO PLANES KATE '11 Kate 1 LE-TB Type 97 Carrierborne attack plane, Model 11 Type 97 Carrierborne attack plan9, Model 61




Kate iUk 2



Obsolete. Also listed as "B51N modified",

~' ;1yy~ie


~ (v


Current Allied Former Code Code Name -rr Name


Reoeo.- Do scrinition tion


.. Model








KATE .Kate lE TB



Type 97 Carr erborne attack plane, Model 12


Obsolescent:,. Being replaced by JILL.




"Tnzan . B6N1 Carrierborne. attack plane, Model 11. (14 Experimental carrierborhe

First version of JILL. Still being produced hut less than B6N2.





"Tenzan." Carrierborne attack plane, Mvdel 12 "Ryuse{ 16 Experimental carrierborhe attack* plane


Principal torpedo plane now in production.




Possible replacement of Aichi's KATE.

NAVY DIVE BOMBERS . VAL 11 Val 1E-TB Type 99 D3A1 Carrierborne bomber .Model 11 Type 99 Carrierborne bomber Model 22 D3A2 Obsolete.

Mk 1

VAL 22

Mk 2


Still .operational Being converted to trainer,

;:-ivm i i ii F

:: ~ ~2



Current Former, Allied Code Code Name Name ..

Recognition Type

Japanese DescripModel



... Type bo ---~- S....-C--s ----


Commeants l- i-l--

NAVY FIGHrTJRS .CLAUDE Claude 1E-F Type 96 Carrierborne fighter, Model 14 Type 0 Carrierborne fighter, Model 11 Type 0 Carrierborne fighter, Model 21 Type 0 Carrierborne



Obsolete, but reported in operations recently. May have Kotobuki 42 engine. Obsolete. Fixed wing tips.





Mk 1


Zeke Ik 1



Still fully operational, Folding wing tips. 142 U.S. gals. fuel.


Zeke Mk 2

Modified Still fully op-

fighter, Model 22

erational, Folding wing tips.

156 U.S. gals. fuel.




Type 0 Carrierborne fighter, Model 32


Out of production. Blunt wing tips. 137 U.S. gals. fuel.


Type 0
Carrierborne fighter, Model 52 Rufe Type 2 fighter seaplane Model 11


Blunt, rounded wing tips. 156 U.S. gals. fuel. Same span as

ZEKE 32.
A6M2 N Obsolescent.




Type 2 fighter


Identification not confirmed.

seaplane Model 12 SAM 11 1E-F 17 Experi- A7M1 mental

carrierbased fighter SDenotes newly coded aircraft
- 33 2' y

Scheduled for production April 44 Reported'to have 25-30 mm. wing gins.


Current Allied Code Name Fo rmer Code Name UII~L-U Recognition



apanese ii . ----Model :' Type tion . Symbols -.44



Comments ~clcl







Type 2 Carrier-

D Y1

bomber, also "Suisci" carrierborne bomber,

See also "Navy Reconnaissanc e It is still not known whotor this is, or was, intended to replace VAL.

Model 11
(13 Eparimental carrierborne. bomber)

JUDY. 12


"Suisci" Carrierborne bomber, Model 12. "Suisei" Carrierborne bomber, .Model 13 "Suisei" Carrierborne bomber, Model 21 NATY'BON







Described as "Suisci Model 11, converted for catapult usoe.

RS G3M1 Obsoletc, See also "Navy Transports"'

NELL ' 11

Nell. Mk 1

Type 96 land attack plane, Model 11 Type 96 land



Nell 1Mk 1



plane Model 21 NELL 22 Nell Mk 2 2E-B Type 96 . land attack plane, Model 22 G3M2B Obsolete.







Current Allied Former Code Code Name Name


r."..-I..-.14:+.-*..+- r r

Recognition Type

. +rkr .... -. r: +.


Model Type Symbols



Iww.-r.. -.


NAVY BOMBERS NELL 23 Noll Mk 3 -B Typo 96 land attack plane, Model 23

(COTD G3M3 Obsolescent. NELL is now.used mainly for training and trasport, Also listed as "G3M2 modified," See also "Navy Transports"'. When used as a transport, model/type symbol is not


Betty Mk 1

Type 1 land Attack plane,. Model 11




Betty k 2

Type 1 land attack plane, Model 22


Formerly called "Model 12". In production Overload w ight 33,000 lbs.


Type 1 land attack plane,

Model 24

Type 1


Formerly called "Lfodol 14."

plane, Model 25 BETTY Type 1 land attack plane, Model 34



Formerly called "Model 22", In production, Reported "compiltely bullet proofed", Believed unsuccessful. Redesigned by Nakaji ma as "G5NI".

LIZ 11



Type 2


plane, I'odel 11 (13 xperirental land attack 1pano

- 35 -


Current Allied Code

Former Code Name Recognition Ty'pe Doscription Model Typo Symbols Conrnents




LIZ 11

. Liz


Type 2 land attack plane, Model 1 "Ginka" bomber (15 Exper imental land based. bomber


In production. Used as transport.




In production.




"Ginka" converted for night flying

NAVY TRANSPORTS TESS Tess 11 (Trans) 2ETrans

Type 0
transport plane, Model 11 (D-2 transport plane) Type 0 cargo plane, Model 11


Evolved from Douglas "D-C 2".

Tess TESS 11 (Cargo)



Not same as TESS transport or passenger transport.

cargo plane) TESS 11 Tess 2ETrans Type 0 passenger transport Type 0 transport plane, Model 22 Type 0 cargo plane, Model 22 Type 0 passenger transport, Model 32 L2D3 Evolved from Douglas "D-C 3".

TABBY* 22Tess 2ETrans

(Trans) TABBY* 22
(Cargo) TABBYY Tess 2ETrans



32 (Pass)

* Denotes newly coded aircraft.

36 -

<I ~ 1 .i~

Allied Code Name


Former Code Name ~I-~ I~



Type ~--~-----~-i

Japanese DescripModel tion Type Symbols ---------------



Comments ----


Obsolete. See also "Navy Bombers " . Also listed as "CG3MD" Obsolete. Also listed as "G3M2-D special transport" Obsolescent.

NELL Noll 11 Trans(Trans) port


Type 96 L3Y1 land transport, Model 11 Type 96 L3Y2 land transport, Model 21

21: (Trans)



NELL Nell 22 Trans(Trans) port


Typo 96
land transport, Model 22

NELL Noll 23 Trans(Trans) port


Type 96
land transport,


Model 23
BETTY 11 (Trans) 2ETrans Type 1 land attack plane . Bomber modified to serve as transport.


MAVIS 11 Mavis 4E-EB Type 97 flying boat, Model 11 H6K2 Obsolete.




Type 97 flying boat, iModel 11

Type 97 Transport flying boat, Model 11 Type 97 flying boat,
Model 22


"H6K 3 is the commercial model".

,MAVIS Mavis 11 Trans(Trans) port


H 6K3

Type 97 flying boat, model 11 modified,








Type 97 flying boat, Model 23

11.1 ,

;..:-~~ :~::::-C :I:

- 37 -




Current Allied Former Code Code Name Name

'.i ' ... +


DQscrip.tion .

_~-~IL _~ G





Model Type Symbols ~L







Type 2 flying boat, Model 11 Type 2 flying boat, Model 12


7.7, MG in front and sides.




H K2

Fuel tank armor

increased weight by 900 kg; 20 mn cannon replace 7.7 MiG.




Type 2 flying boat, Model 22 "Seiku" transport flying boat, Model 32


Model 12 "made bullet

proof". H8K1-L
In production 1943.

EMILY Eily Trans32 (Trans) port





Type 99
flying boat, Model .11.



Oscar Mk. 1


Type 97
fighter Type 1 fighter Model 1
Typo 1

Ki 27 Ki 43

Obsolete. Used as trainer, Obsolete



Oscar 2 2.k


Ki 432

fighter Model 2 1E-F Type 1 fighter Model 2? Also reported from India with increased tankage.

OSCAR 2 (Blunt wing

TOJO 1 Tojo


Type 2 fighter Model 1

Ki 44

: iii ii --i i

:ii -




Current Allied Former Code Code Narme Name

-- --

Recog nition Type

Ja anese DescripMocdel. tion Type _ Symbols


i ...


. ,

:.N_ .+.:.4...w..s


ww ww.

"aby FIGHTERS (COnTD) .. r

TOJO 2 Tojo * 1E-F Type 2 fighter" Ki


Model 2
NICK i Nick 2E-F Type 2 heavy fighter
Type 3

Apparently in"use only in China, Burma theaters.

Ki 45




Ki 61

fighter Model.1 1E-F Highspeed fighter Ki 64

Engine appears to be based on DB 601 A Maye replace "Tony". Engine may be based on later model Daimlor Benz.

ROB * 1



Type. 3 super-

high-speed- Ki
fighter PAT * 1
1E -F

Super* . '-Ki range high-speed fighter Singleseater fighter Ki 84 Possibly replacing "Oscar.i, may be in -prod...ti.Lon, 4 blade prop reported.






Type 98 light bomber

Ki 32




Ki 36 Type 98 directcooperation plane

Type 99 'A' Ki 51 recco plane

Obsolosccnt. Used as trainer.








Type 99'B' Ki 51

* Denotes newly coded aircraft.

Has been used for ground attack and mistaken for

if T,3 ff

*" ;:


Current Japanesa Allieod ,Former RecogModel DescripCode Code nition tion ype Name P-*Name ICI l Typo Sl~m bols III--~-CC~---W-h ~LI -- ~ ~ ii


Commrents I Y14Th91S~a

--- ~--~




Typo 100 HQ recco plane Model 1 2E -R Type. 100 HQ rocco plano . Modbel 2

Ki 46

Ob solete


Dinah Elk. 2

Ki 462

Principal Recce plano. Used by both JAAF and JNAF. In production.




SType 100.
HQ recce plane Model 3

Ki 463

Mk. 3


HQ recce plane HQ recce plane

Ki 70

Possibly replacing "Dinah".



Ki 71

ARMY BOB'RS SALLY 1 Sally Ik. 1 2E-B Type 97 heavy bomber lModel 1 Type 97 heavy , bomber Model 2 Typo 97 heavy bomber Model 3 Type 99 Light Bomber Type 99 light bomber Type 100 heavy bomber Model 1 Ki 21 Obsoloto.


Sally Mk. 2


Ki 57?



Mk. 3


Ki 57?


Lily INk. 1 Lily Mk. 2



Ki 48



Ki 482

Undergoing improvenont and development. Obsolescent.


Ki 49

* Denotes nowly coded aircraft.

} ', Y S;~~


1F .

-rnmfk w0-6-6IiiMIA
x, as?




Current Allied Former Code Code Name Name ~ULIU~rl"

^ .^,Japanese __ RecogDescripMiodel nition tion Type Toc I---L: ~LY __-. ~--_ _ ..- Symbols _r----1_.11___-~


Comrmnts --_.__ _ II --1- r


2 H2.en 21-B Type 100 heavy bomber iModel 2 Type 100

CND Ki-492



Ki 493

bomber Model 3

Possibility production status not known.




Ki 34 Type 97 Transport plane Type 97 Transport plane Type 0 Transport plane Type 0 Cargotransport plane Type 100 transport plane Model 1 Type 1 transport Ki 56

Evolvd from the Nakajinma ".lT" Corncrcial.







Evolved from the "Lockhoed 14".

THELMA 1 (Cargo)



Ki 56




Ki 57

Evolved from the Mits-ubishi "MCi 20" Commercial.




Model 3 THERESA Theresa 1 23-Trans Type 1 transport plane

Ki 59

Evolved from the NCK.Ko r"T.Km .




1 V x


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