Connection: Faithlife Connections

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A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK Vol. 4 No. 37, September 20, 2012

The Chalice

Here, and Around the World

By Rev. Dr. Jerry Black, Associate Minister
Wow! What a celebration! Last Sunday was another day for us to remember with deep gratitude - for Bruce Barkhauer and his leadership, the praise band, the choir, responsive readings, table decorations, worship, good food, great hospitality, and the awesome, extravagant generosity of this people in 2012. We have practiced radical hospitality, welcoming the stranger and encouraging the searching. We have officially embraced another 57 people into our church family and many, many others who simply choose to worship with us and share our sense of community. We are indeed a people about authentic relationships, intentional faith development, and passionate worship. We study together, sing together, pray together, and work together. Because of these practices, we are moved by the love of God and the compassion of Christ to share. Since June of last year, the giving to missionslocal, regional, national, and globalhas exceeded $360,000. As a church, we have given to and provided for: school supplies, shoes, coats, sleeping bags, after school mentoring, pints of donated blood, free daily breakfasts and lunches, school clothes, Christmas boxes, military care packages, and more than 180 children in child care each day - just to name the most visible. For affirmation, go online to generosity and see our Annual Ministry Report videos. May you know our deepest gratitude for your partnership in ministryyour dedicationyour commitmentyour spirit and practice of extravagant generosity and the joy of giving. One gift touches many hearts. Thank you! And thank you for prayerfully considering your pledge commitment for 2013 so that we may continue to be the voice, hands, and feet of Christ, here and around the world.

FaithLife Connections

Friday & Saturday, September 28-29

Phillips Theological Seminary has developed a new lecture series FaithLife Connections. The first FaithLife Connection event will be held September 28-29 at Southern Hills Christian Church (co-hosted by First Christian Church) here in Edmond. Dr. Mindy McGarrah Sharp will speak on the topic of Sustainable Faith: Communities of Care in a World Under Stress. The format will include Friday evening and Saturday morning presentations, lunch and afternoon panel discussion (on Saturday). The cost is $30. Registration has been extended - forms can be found at the Welcome Center. Visit

Praying in COLOR Workshop This Sunday September 23

10:00 Unified Sunday School Workshop Fellowship Hall Ages Kindergarten & Up are Welcome!
Need help communicating with God? Maybe you love color. Maybe you are a visual or kinesthetic learner, a distractable or impatient soul, or a word-weary pray-er? Perhaps you struggle with a short attention span? But still you hunger to communicate with God. This new prayer form offers tools for a sensory prayer experience. This workshop will be led by Anna Lisa Stanley & Janet Helms.


One Gift TOUCHES Many Hearts!

so you should give a tithe back to Him. It became head knowledge for me, not heart knowledge. I knew in my head that our money was Gods, but in my heart I felt like we were the ones who got up and went to work and earned our check. Once Amanda and I made the decision to give our money to God first and that everything else was second, it became heart knowledge for me again. In James, we are told that every good and perfect gift comes from Him. As a new father, I can tell you that verse carries more weight for me now. It rings more true to me today than it ever has before. Everything is a gift from God- from your child to your checkbook. Everything comes from Him and it is a blessing to give a portion back to God.


Tithing - Head or Heart Knowledge? by Paul & Amanda Stuke

It seems like there is always one person in a marriage who keeps the checkbook. They track every little receipt, every debit and every credit. For our marriage, that person is my lovely wife, Amanda. And she does a phenomenal job at that. It is funny how much you can tell about your life just by looking at the little register that your wife carries in her purse. You would be shocked if you tallied up your restaurant checks for the past few months. While she keeps track of where we spend our money, our major decisions are made togetherwhat kind of car to buy, how much to give to Tatums college fund this month, etc. But one decision that we made a long time ago was to make a financial commitment to the church. I grew up in church with a pastor for a father, so it became clich to me over the years to hear, Its all Gods anyway,


PRAYERS for Our Campaign

Weeks 2, 3 & 4

THEOLOGY exploring faith in film

Sundays, September 30 & October 7
10:00 Optional Sunday School Workshop for All in Fellowship Hall
REEL Thelology will meet the last two weeks of our Extravagant Generosity series. Larry and Sharon Mullins will lead these forums, pairing weekly worship themes to film clips. On September 30, to illustrate the importance of mentoring and reaching out to others, we will explore clips from Finding Forrester and other classic films. On October 7, to illustrate the power of touch and reaching out to others, we will discuss film clips from such classics as Ghandi. Each lesson will be interactive, engaging, and provocative - join us! An optional faith forum for adults. Sunday School classes are welcome, or they may meet as scheduled.

We ask you to pray with us!

Enjoy a meaningful prayer time as you lift up our Annual Campaign by visiting the Upper Room (above the chapel). The Upper Room will be open during church hours over the next few weeks of the campaign. You are invited to spend a few moments in prayer for our campaign, church leaders, staff and our core values that make such an impact on our church an community. Thank you to Linda Quade, Tana Stufflebean and Jackie Stafford for updating the Upper Room!

Weeks 3 & 4

Find yourself easily distracted when you pray? Come try a method called Praying in Color. On Sundays, September 30 and October 7, an interactive prayer space will be open throughout the morning in Room 117. Children, youth, adults - individuals and families alike - are encouraged to come experience the Praying in Color method of prayer.

Donation Request: Quilting Project by Janet Helms

For this years Annual Campaign, we are planning a quilting project for the church. We are asking for donations - pieces of scrap fabric material (any color fabric) to be used in the making of quilts which will then be donated to the Newborns in Need charity. You may put donations in the box in the workroom. Thank you!

Prayers of the People

THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER Neal Hunt, Patsy Corrigan, Jim Hays, Bob Jennings, Jason Scheer (Larry & Judy Freemans son), Larry Hays (Dyke Moffatts brother-in-law), Jerri Jones, Rose Marie McKee, Bart Rodr, Virginia ONiel, Cynthia David (Winnie Halls daughter), Ed Berry, Bill & Mary Lou Womble

Happy Birthday!
9/23 Jerri Brigham, Donna Combs, Jim Downing, Jeff Fine-Thomas, Randy Jones 9/24 Melody Coco, Blair Eischeid, Alix Jackson, Leslie Lee, Ken McClain, Nick Rodr, Zoya Schmoyer, Anna Lisa Stanley, Bob Thomas 9/25 Campbell Christensen, Rob Farrah, Sydney Price, Aleene Self 9/26 Lynn Holzberlein 9/27 Karly Meadows, John Osburn 9/28 Brian Cavanaugh, James Larrison, Randel Shadid, Matt Williams 9/29 Jenna Fritz, Jane Nay, Sarah Rogers, Alan Simpson 9/30 Dallas Ayers, Paige Lagasse, Dean Shipley, Margery Wallace

Regional Minister to Retire

The Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Jewell will retire in December of 2012 after nearly 20 years as regional minister. He said, The years that I have spent as Oklahoma Regional Pastor have been some of the most exciting and challenging years in ministry. Working with congregations and pastors to grow and strengthen the Church of Jesus Christ has been most rewarding. The hundreds of Disciples that I have met along the way have shared with me a depth of commitment that is exemplary. The love shared so graciously with me, Kay, and our family has been a blessing. We have come to love Oklahoma as our home and plan to continue to reside here. A celebration of Toms regional ministry and work is set for November 17 at Southern Hills Christian Church in Edmond. More information to come.

Visiting Nurses Association will be giving Flu Shots on Sunday, October 7, in the rotunda from 8am to noon. Cost will be $25 or we can file Medicare for you if you have Part B. Be sure to bring your medicare card! Protect yourself and those you love!

Flu Shots Available

Its That Time!

Financial Report

Through two thirds of Budget Year 2012, General Fund Revenues continue to be ahead of General Fund Budget. Year-to-Date Pledge Giving is 104.0% of Year-to-Date Pledge Budget and Year-to-Date Non-Pledge Giving is 113.1% of Year-to-Date Non-Pledge Budget. General Fund Expenses are 97.5% of Year-to-Date Budget. The 2012 Year-to-Date Building Fund Revenue is lagging 2011. Building Fund Revenue Year-to-Date is 89.6% of Year-to-Date Building Fund Pledges. Year-to-Date (YTD), through August 31, 2012, Revenue and Expenses are: General Fund YTD Actual $758,170.22 $737,969.42 $20,200.80 Building Fund YTD Actual $162,165.53 $181,834.24 ($19,668.71)

from the Finance Committee

Make voluntary blood donation one of your gifts this year! Its not difficult what else can you do in an hour that has the potential to actually save someones life? Plus you get free Nutter Butter Cookies and a soft drink and your choice of an OU or OSU themed t-shirt! The Blood Drive will be located in Rooms 114 & 115. Call 877-3408777 to sign up or schedule your appointment online at

Sunday, September 23 8am to 12:30pm


Give a Stocking to Our Troops

Many of our troops will not be home for Christmas, so, the Blue Star Mothers of Edmond would like to send them a special gift - a Christmas Stocking! The goal is 100 Christmas Stockings for our troops by December 1. Can you help? If you can sew or if you are able to purchase stockings, contact Becky Winn at 532-5150 - Thank you and God Bless!

Revenue Expense Excess/(Shortfall)

Please remember to note on your checks or envelopes to which church accounts you want your contribution credited. Thank you!

Get Ready for the...

8:15, 9 & 11am

at First Christian
September 23, 2012

5:30 pm - Chili Cook-Off, Fellowship Hall 6:30 pm - Variety Show, Sanctuary


Take a Branson Trip!

October 23-25, 2012
This trip includes three great shows: 3 Red Neck Tenors, The Duttons, and the musical production Joseph; and, two great dinners at The Great American Chicken House and at the Keeter Center. Come join us for a fun-filled trip! The cost is $389 (2-person occupancy) and includes transportation, two nights lodging, plus all meals and attractions listed on the itinerary. Spots will fill up fast - reserve your spot early! For information and reservations, call Winnie Hall at 405-341-4297 or Ellen Chitwood at 405-341-2859.

With the Classics

Message: Rev. Greg Bunton Rev. Dr. Jerry Black Theme: Genealogy of the Church Scripture: Matthew 12:46-50

If you dont have a famous chili recipe, then please bring a finger food or dessert to share.

September 30, 2012

Message: Rev. Dr. Jerry Black Rev. Greg Bunton Theme: Mentoring the Faithful Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

Get out your old tap shoes, blow the dust off your horn, brush up on your jokes, because a new star is sure to be born! We would love to have all types of acts from every age group in the church. To register your variety act or pot of chili, pick up an entry form at the table in the rotunda or fill out one online at DEADLINE TO REGISTER is Sunday, September 30th! Questions? Ask the Follies Committee: Dana Theobald, Darcy Biby, Frank Gresh, Sherry Parks, Mark Nash, Ross Herndon, Donetta Herndon, or Diane Ball.


Shelley Regan, Editor Read News Online @ Submit Articles to

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