Sunshine Herald: From The Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen
Sunshine Herald: From The Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen
Sunshine Herald: From The Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen
A Monthly Publication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving
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It is November, and when I think about November, I think about food. I think immediately about Thanksgiving. I think about turkey, dressing, and all of the trimmings. I think about leftovers and an ever tightening waist line. Because of those thoughts I consider myself blessed. I am blessed because I have the food to eat. I am blessed because I do not have to worry about where my next meal will come from. However; as you all know, not everyone is as blessed. There are many people, too many people, for which their next meal is anything but guaranteed. You have to travel no further than right here in Ocala, in Marion County, to see that plight become a very intimate reality. There is a real need for food and hunger ministries in our city and town. I do not know why this never occurred to me before now, but we as a church fill a real need in that area. Druid Hills United Methodist Church creates and gives away 2x4 boxes. These boxes are full of enough non-perishable food to feed a family of four for two days. These are available to people who come to the office asking for help. We also have partnered with Interfaith Emergency Services to provide a monthly meal to the residents living in their facility. We prepare, deliver, and serve this meal on the second Friday of each month. Then we take the time to eat and visit with the residents. Then to further our commitment, we are part of the Food 4 Kids backpack program. Every week that school is in session, we pick up backpacks from our adopted elementary school, take them to a central site, fill them full of food, and then return them back to the elementary school. Then selected children pick them up Friday afternoon, take them home, and return the empty backpack Monday morning for the cycle to start again. These backpacks are intended for the children that might not otherwise eat over the weekend. S.O.S. (Sisters of Soul) is supporting our food ministries with their brown bag program. That is not all we do either. We also open our kitchen during the summer months for the County to come in Monday through Thursday to prepare a hot breakfast and a hot lunch that is free to any child in Marion County that shows up. But we are not done in our commitment. We host a free lunch every Sunday immediately after worship. There have been many people that came for spiritual nourishment and we were able to offer them physical nourishment as well. This meal, while it gives us as the body of Christ, a chance to visit with one another and fellowship, is also a tool we can use to be the hands of Christ to others. Just like all of our other endeavors, this Sunday meal is given without charge, obligation, or offering. It is simply free, for all people, at all times.
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11/02 Josef Johnson 11/04 Jim Knepp Mary Lou Welsh 11/07 David Palmer 11/14 Marge Grieves 11/16 Phyllis Ward 11/24 Mary Ann Roos 11/26 Adele Stipp 11/28 Wesley Allen 11/29 Daryl Allen 11/30 Joyce Baugher Joyce Thompson
11/03 Roxana & Bob Greene 11/05 Violet & Raymond Dyer
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Sunshine Herald
Prayer serves as the backbone of the church. It is what supports all our efforts of ministry. In that spirit, you are invited to hold these persons in your prayers and thoughts. Just as the Spirit needs healing, so does the body. The two, it seems, go together in Gods plan.
The Sunshine Herald is the monthly publication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church. Editor: Carole Newlin Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen Pastors Blog: Email: Phone: 352-629-5688 Mail: 1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd. Ocala, FL 34471
Geneann Apodaco, Carolyn Bailey, Jason Bonell, Brittany & baby, Thomas Carroll, Eunice Charles, Joyce & John Clayton, Fred Coder, Tiffany Critchfield, Cynthia & Jim Dekersky, Raymond & Violet Dyer, Lisa Faulk, Brad Fuller, Chris Garris, Kendra Gordon, Evalyn Gouge, Heath Graff, Marge Grieves, Ruth & Jim Griffith, Joey Hager, Peg Hamilton, Tola & Emil Hass, Joanne Heil, Robert Hildenbrandt, Jean Hoesman, Ariana Hutchinson, Ellen Keller, Tom Klotz, Jim Knepp, Joanne Knepp, Alene Krouse, Flo LaVine, Michael MacPherson, John Martin, Berniece Mason, Sandi Moore, Peggy Sue Munday, Sue & Karen Murray, Lilly Nettles, Keith Norman, Landon Parish, Doris Pitts, Kathy Puskar, Jan & Don Ridley, P. R. Rion, Ilene Rittmayer, Wilhelmina Rogers, Joe Scott, Joe Scott, Jr, Floy Smith, Wayne Smith, Jane Stahurski, Adele Stipp, Norma Jean Uher, Diana Whiteman, Eileen Zimmerman
Our Mission: We are a fellowship of believers Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving
IMPORTANT REMINDER Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, all articles for the December Newsletter are due November, 11. Thank you for your cooperation.
Average Attendance Worship ........93 Sunday School Adult Focus.. .10 Nursery..0 Childrens Church......4 Bible Study..34
NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The Newsletter deadline each month is the 3rd Sunday. If you have information you want published, you can write it up on the proper submission form and submit it to the church office prior to the deadline or email Carole at Please remember when writing articles for publication to include all the basics of the information you want communicated: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Articles may be edited as necessary. Thank you for your cooperation.
Sunshine Herald
FROM THE PASTOR: (continued from page 1)
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WOW! Folks, that is a testimony. That is this congregation striving to reach out and offer Christ to all we can. This Thanksgiving, be proud of our church. Please pray that our church can continue to be involved in filling the needs of the hungry. We have much to be thankful for, and I think that shows in our commitment to the people of Ocala. Happy Thanksgiving,
ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER Our Thanksgiving dinner will be held Nov. 16 at 6 PM in Fellowship Hall. Dinner is open to all members, friends and families. It is our tradition to provide the turkeys, stuffing, gravy & beverages. If you would like to volunteer to roast a turkey, make stuffing & gravy, please contact Mary Lou Welsh. Reservations are required in order to determine how many turkeys to purchase. All others attending are asked to bring a dish that will serve 10-12 persons. Some suggestions are mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, hot macaroni dishes, hot vegetables, salads (molded, 3 Bean, slaw, tossed), pies or other desserts. Make your reservations, (including your name, the number attending and the dish you plan to bring), at the Connection Station, by email to or by calling the office at 629-5688. Deadline for reservations is Sunday, Nov. 11. We are going to try something new this year at our Thanksgiving Dinner and Pastor Daryl needs everyone's help. He would like to create a slide show, to play on the projector, that is full of pictures from the lives of each of you, showing something you are thankful for from this past year. It can be a picture of the new addition to the family, a picture from an incredible trip, or any other reminder of how you have experienced the feelings of thanksgiving this year. If you would email those to him, or lend it to him to scan, along with a brief caption about the picture, he can put those together to share with everyone in attendance. If you have any questions, please call the office at 629-5688 or email him at
CHILDRENS MINISTRY Coming soon, a new look to the Childrens/Youth Library in the Nursery/Preschool room! Our Sunday School Bible lessons are continuing on Treasures of the Nile, plus arts/crafts and Bible verses. Upcoming new crafts are: children will be making their own chair covers by decorating them from canvas bags, Were Just Kids which will include recipes, hints and ideas; Buggy for Books Library Club and a childrens/youth workshop which will include a drama workshop. We do different types of projects almost every Sunday. This Is Just the Beginning If you would like to help with the drama workshop, please see me or call me at 854-2629 during the evening. I would like to begin this workshop next year, watch for additional details in future newsletters. Ill need your help, the children and I are looking forward to this. Heading toward the future and the future is NOW! I hope to hear from you about helping with these projects. Joy Anderson
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Dear friend...This year we anticipate reaching an important milestone in the history of Operation Christmas Child - 100 million gift-filled shoe boxes since 1993! Your shoe boxes represent more than smiles and laughter; they become Gospel opportunities that open doors to share the love of Jesus Christ with children and their families around the world. We give God all the praise and look forward to the best Operation Christmas Child season ever! Franklin Graham, President, Samaritans Purse Please see Libby Orbison if you do not have an empty shoe box. Included with your shoe box will be a leaflet that explains what items to pack. All shoe boxes must be returned to Druid Hills UMC no later than November 12. If you do not want to pack a shoe box, you can make a donation to DHUMC to cover the postage needed to mail the shoe boxes.
FROM THE HEART - UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The next meeting of the UMW is Tuesday, Nov. 20 at 10 am in Fellowship Hall. Please remember UMW is open to all ladies of our church. The UMW will be hosting the Advent Breakfast on Sat. December 1 at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend. A sign-up sheet will be at the Connection Station. When you sign-up, please include the number in your group who will be attending. Deadline for reservations is Sun. Nov. 25. If you have any questions, please see Joy Anderson, Hilda Bolomey or Vivian Bathurst.
MODELs MODELs (Mostly Older Debutantes Eating Lunch) will once again try to meet at the Ivy House, in the former 1890 House at 917 E. Silver Springs Blvd on Nov. 15 at 12:30 pm. If you plan to attend, please email your reservation to or call the office by Nov. 13. Dont forget to bring a dollar to be donated to a charity at the end of the year.
WREATHS OF HOPE The Bridge at Ocala is kicking off the 3 Annual Wreaths of Hope Festival. This years charitable event will be partnered with Habitat for Humanity. The proceeds will go toward their Project Patriot Veterans Housing Initiative. Project Patriot focuses on the housing needs of more than 50,000 veterans that call Marion County home. The main objective of the initiative is No Veteran in Marion County will reside in substandard housing or suffer from quality of life issues related to housing. The wreaths will be displayed the Monday, November 26 through Thursday, November 29. Bid on finely decorated wreaths donated by individuals, local businesses and organizations between 8 am and 6 pm. On November 29 at 6:45, there will be a gala for our all-occasion wreaths display, entertainment, hors doeuvres, chocolate fountains and more. A $3 donation per person is requested for this event. The event will be greatly advertised and is open to the public. For more information or to donate a wreath, please contact Sandra Stuner at 873-2036 or
Sunshine Herald
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APRIL 2007
2 pm - Block Party
6 pm - Girl Scouts 4 9 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship 5 6 All day - Elections 8:15 am ROMEOs 7 pm - Choir White Sunday 11 9 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts 12 7 pm - Boy Scouts 13 8:15 am ROMEOs 10 am - Worship Cmte 7 pm - Choir Canned Food Sun. 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts 18 9 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship: Christ the King Sun. 12:30 pm - S.O.S. 2 pm - Ocala Health & Rehab Sisterhood/ Brotherhood Sunday 25 9 am - Adult Focus Group 10:30 am - Worship Hanging of the Greens 6:30 pm - Cub Scouts 26 19 7 pm - Boy Scouts 20 8:15 am ROMEOs
10 am - UMW 3 pm - NCD
6 pm - Brownies 21
6 pm - Girl Scouts 22
6 pm - Thanksgiving dinner
23 Office closed
7 pm - Choir 7 pm - Boy Scouts 27 8:15 am ROMEOs 10 am - UMW decorate FH 7 pm - Choir 6 pm - Brownies Office closed
7 pm - Boy Scouts
6 pm - Brownies
6 pm - Girl Scouts
November 2012
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Sunshine Herald
THE SCOUTING SIDE Pack 112 Pack 112 is having a great year! A bunch of our Scout families attended the Cuboree at Camp Sozo in October. The boys got to camp for two nights & had a full day on Saturday of activities, including canoeing, swimming and tug o war. Our Tiger Den had a fun Go See It at the Ocala Public Library and the other Dens have been working hard in their meetings and having a lot of fun. Ive seen some great Halloween decorations, signs for our October 27 car wash and other projects worked on by the boys. They have also spent a lot of time doing physical fitness activities and outdoor games. We have our first Pack Meeting coming up and will be marching in the Light Up Ocala parade and going on a Pack family camp out in November. A big thank you to Druid Hills UMC for allowing us to hold our car wash fundraiser in the parking lot on Oct. 27! If anyone has any questions about Pack 112 Cub Scouts, please contact me. Kelsey Burnette, Cubmaster - 804-1193 GREAT LAKES SCRIP CENTER Christmas is coming! Please consider buying gift cards for family and/or friends who have everything. If they are going to do home repairs or buy new appliances, consider purchasing Lowes, Home Depot or Sears cards. Many people have e-readers, consider purchasing Amazon or Barnes & Noble cards. Consider buying them Winn Dixie or Walmart cards for grocery shopping. There are cards available for all major gas companies. Remember, the cards do not have an expiration date. The following cards have bonus offers through the end of the year: Bass Pro Shops 2% bonus, Home Depot 1% bonus, Jiffy Lube 3% bonus. The following cards have bonus offers through Nov. 9: iTunes 5% bonus, jcpenney 1% bonus. If you have any questions or to place an order, please do not hesitate to call me. Carole Newlin THANK YOU The Memorial Committee is appreciative of gifts given to Druid Hills UMC in memory of Bill Pitts by Stuart and Teresa Mosher and Joyce Fraser. In memory of Les Krouse by Joyce Fraser. MARK YOUR CALENDARS November 3 - Block Party 5 - Charge Conference 6 - National Election 11 - Dec. Newsletter articles due 16 - Thanksgiving Dinner 18 - Christ the King Sunday Laity meet with Bishop Carter 22 - Thanksgiving - office closed 23 - Office closed 25 - Hanging of the Greens 27 - UMW decorate Fellowship Hall 30 - UMW set-up for Advent breakfast December 1 - Advent breakfast 10 - last day to place Scrip orders before Christmas 16 - January Newsletter articles due 21 through Jan. 6 - Caroles vacation 24 - Christmas Eve service - office closed 25 - Christmas - office closed January 1 - New Years Day - office closed
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But blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that send out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8 Weekend 1: February 1-3, 2013 - Keynote Speaker: Rev. Fawn Mikel; Bible Study Leader: Rev. Alexis Talbot; Music Leader: Sue Sommer; Devotions: Karen Sutherland; Enrichments: Donna Bauernschub, Becky Bell, Marcia Mullett, Colleen Harrison; Concert: Tonya Yungman; Hymn Sing: Margie Anderson. Weekend 2: February 15-17, 2013 - Keynote Speaker: Rev. Geraldine McClellan; Bible Study Leader: Kelly Dixon, Music Leader: Samantha Cannon; Devotions: Jeannie Baker; Enrichments: Rev. Anne Butcher, Becky Bell, Lisa Stamp, Donna Williams; Concert: Sue Sommer; Hymn Sing: Margie Anderson. Weekend 3: March 1-3, 2013 - Keynote Speaker: Rev. Sue Haupert-Johnson; Bible Study Leader: Rev. Beth FogleMiller; Music Leader: Maureen Still; Devotions: Nancy Lewis, Marjorie Johnson; Enrichments: Rev. Sara Campbell, Rev. Emily McGee, Denise Carpenter, Joyce Woodrow, Maureen Corristan, Melanie Wilson, Rev. Kim Uchimurra, Kathy Hubbs, Lynn McIntyre; Concert: Maureen Still; Hymn Sing: Margie Anderson. How to Register: 1. Plan to register early to avoid the disappointment of your weekend/housing preference being full. Registration opens Oct. 1, 2012. 2. Indicate a 1st and 2nd choice for the weekend you wish to attend. If you only select one weekend and it is full, we will place you on a waiting list. 3. Choose your housing option carefully and indicate your choice. 4. Choose payment option: Check or Credit Card. Make checks payable to Florida Conference Treasurer. A service fee of $35 will be charged for returned checks. Mail in registration will require a $45 deposit with balance due 30 days prior to event. Mail to: Womens Retreat Registration, 450 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., Lakeland, FL 33815. For credit card payment, you can register online at and click on your weekend of choice. Please note, online registration will require payment in full. Refund and Cancellation Policy: There is no discount or reduction of retreat fees for attendees who arrive late, depart early or do not attend the retreat as scheduled. All cancellations MUST be made in writing (see address below). Cancellation requests received 30 calendar days prior to the event will be refunded the full amount paid LESS the $45 non-refundable program fee. If notice is received less than 30 days prior to the event, or no notice is given, no refund will be made. Written requests for cancellations may be emailed to or mailed to Heidi Leab, 450 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., Lakeland, FL 33815. For more information, there is a flyer on the counter in front of the volunteer desk in the Church Office. Additional information is also available online at I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lords people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:16-18 CHURCH HISTORIAN Do you have an eye for history? Do you enjoy preserving important events in the life of the church, through word & picture? Then we can use you. We are in need of a Church Historian. The position is not time consuming, it just needs someone who is passionate. If you are interested, please see Pastor Daryl & we can talk.
Sunshine Herald
1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd. Ocala, FL 34471