Emily Wilkins: 344 Square Sir George-Etienne-Cartier, Montréal, QC (438) 823 - 4592

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Emily Wilkins

344 Square Sir George-Etienne-Cartier, Montral, QC greenwood.island@gmail.com (438) 823 - 4592

My intention is to obtain gainful employment and to develop skills in areas outlying my career in postseconday education, to maintain a more diverse skill-set. My special interests are in food preparation, horticulture, and writing, and I seek employment in the long-term and a reliable workplace environment. EXPERIENCE: Teaching Assistant September-December 2011 Concordia University, Montral, Qubec. Supervising Professor: Dr. Lauren Freeman. responsible for two seminar groups during the Fall semester encouraged a focussed discussion and critique of texts in Ethics responsible for the marking of both midterm examinations and final examinations performed tasks consistently and reliably, without supervision Cook, Salad station, Dessert station, Dishwasher, Waitress August-October 2006 38 Degrees Restaurant, Peterborough, Ontario April-December 2008 The Old Bridge Inn Restaurant, Youngs Point, Ontario April-October 2009 Employers: Evan and Kelly Podd. (705) 652 - 8507 May-April 2010-11 http://38degrees.ca/ http://www.theoldbridgeinn.com/ responsible for the line preparation, salad and dessert staton, and dish station during service worked occasionally on grill during dinner service, grill and line during lunch service, when needed produced fast-paced, quality work meeting the standards of both high-end (award winning) establishments took on additional tasks such as serving, bussing and turning over restaurant organized, facilitated and oversaw catered events willing to diversify and gain new skills, and also improvise when necessary Laundry Worker and Attendant Might Whites Commercial Laundry, St. John's, Newfoundland Employer: Constance (709) 753-7947 independently managed customer and business orders without supervision handled financial records and accounting produced quality work in fast-paced, stressful environment January-April 2007

Coffee harvester October-January 2006 Everest Coffee Co., Bhannjyang, Kaski District, Nepal Employer: Surya Prasad Adhikari general farmhand during the post-monsoon growing season aided in harvesting, refining, drying, processing beans adapted to strenuous work conditions, very long hours also took on external tasks such as guava/ mandarin harvesting, running errands into town Kayak & Canoe sales, Bicycle sales, General sales April-August 2007 Adventure Outfitters, Lakefield, Ontario August-October 2006 Employer: Adriana Wilkins, (705) 652-7986 June-July 2004 sales employee, worked on commission for sale of kayaks, canoes, mountain bikes responsible for clean workspace and restocking shelves developed good customer service and independent problem-solving. EDUCATION: completed two semesters at Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, 2007-8 (Linguistics) completed Bachelor of Arts at Trent University, Peterborough, 2008-11 (Philosophy)

currently completing Master of Arts at Concordia University, Montral, 2011-present (Philosophy)

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