Features of Oracle User Management. Core Security includes Oracles Function and Data Security models , as well as Role Based Access Control. Administrative Features build upon Core Security and include Delegated Administration, Registration Processes, and Self Service and Approvals. Core Security and Administrative Features are implemented in successive layers a nd each builds upon the one that precedes it. Organizations can optionally uptak e the various layers, depending on the degree of automation and scalability that they wish to build upon the existing Function and Data Security models. In general, Access Control with Oracle User Management begins with basic system administration tasks, progresses to more distributed, local modes of administrat ion, and ultimately enables users to perform some basic, predefined registration tasks on their own. The following diagram illustrates how the layers build upon each other. Oracle User Management Layers Oracle User Management provides support for legacy and application-specific secu rity mechanisms through workflow business events. Oracle User Management raises these events once a user s request is approved. Organizations can then intercept these events, determine the appropriate action, and assign any additional privi leges that may be required. Function Security Function Security Layer Function Security is the base layer of access control in Oracle E-Business Suite . It restricts user access to individual menus and menu options within the syste m, but does not restrict access to the data contained within those menus. For ex ample, an organization could use Function Security to provide its sales represen tatives with the required menus and menu options for querying customers. It coul d also control access to specific components of those pages such as a button on a sales forecasting page. For a more comprehensive explanation of function secur ity, see the Oracle Application Object Library Security chapter. Data Security Data Security Layer Data Security is the next layer of access control. Building on Function Security , Data Security provides access control within Oracle E-Business Suite on the da ta a user can access, and the actions a user can perform on that data. Oracle EBusiness Suite restricts access to individual data that is displayed on the scre en once the user has selected a menu or menu option. For example, Data Security restricts the set of users that a local administrator can access within Oracle U ser Management. Data Security policies can only be defined for applications that have been written to utilize the Data Security Framework. For a more comprehens ive explanation of data security, see the Oracle Application Object Library Secu rity chapter. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) Role Based Access Control Layer RBAC is the next layer and builds upon Data Security and Function Security. With RBAC, access control is defined through roles, and user access to Oracle E-Busi ness Suite is determined by the roles granted to the user. Access control in Ora cle E-Business Suite closely follows the RBAC ANSI standard (ANSI INCITS 359-200 4) originally proposed by the US National Institute of Standards & Technology (N IST), which defines a role as "a job function within the context of an organizat ion with some associated semantics regarding the authority and responsibility co nferred on the user assigned to the role." A role can be configured to consolidate the responsibilities, permissions, funct ion security and data security polices that users require to perform a specific
function. This is accomplished with a one-time setup, in which permissions, resp onsibilities, and other roles are assigned to the role. Users are not required t o be assigned the lower-level permissions directly, since permissions are implic itly inherited on the basis of the roles assigned to the user. This simplifies m ass updates of user permissions, since an organization need only change the perm issions or role inheritance hierarchy defined for a given role, and the users as signed that role will inherit the new set of permissions automatically. Organizations can define roles that closely mirror their business situation. For example, an organization can create an "Employee" role and then assign that rol e to all of its employees. It can also create an "External" role and assign that role to customers and suppliers. Further examples may include specific roles su ch as "Support Agent", "Sales Rep", "Sales Managers". In these examples, each ro le contains a specific level of access privileges that restricts its assignees t o the scope of their job functions. Some members of the organization will probab ly be assigned more than one role. A sales representative would be assigned the Employee and Sales Representative roles, and a Sales Manager would be assigned t he Employee, Sales Representative, and Sales Manager roles. Roles and role assig nments are stored in the workflow directory, which is interpreted by the securit y system at runtime. Role Categories As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite RBAC model, Oracle User Management introd uces Role Categories. Administrators can create role categories to bundle roles and responsibilities to make the process of searching for roles and responsibili ties easier. For example, all sales and marketing related roles could be include d in the Sales & Marketing category. Role Inheritance Hierarchies Roles can be included in role inheritance hierarchies that can contain multiple subordinate roles and superior roles. With role inheritance hierarchies, a super ior role inherits all of the properties of its subordinate role, as well as any of that role s own subordinate roles. The following example demonstrates how rol e inheritance hierarchies can greatly simplify user access control and administr ation. Role Inheritance Hierarchy In the above figure, the arrows on each side of the diagram indicate membership inheritance and permission inheritance. Text in the rounded boxes indicates role s. An arrow pointing from an individual to a role indicates that this individual is assigned the role. An arrow pointing from one role to another indicates that the role from which the arrow points is the superior role, and the role to whic h it points is the subordinate role. Permissions associated with a role are inhe rited by all of its superior roles and the individuals to which any of these rol es are assigned. In this example, some roles such as "Employee" or "Manager" are assigned general permissions for a given function. For example, the Employee role may provide ac cess to menus generally available to all employees, while the Manager role provi des access to menus that should only be viewed by managers. Because the Employee role is a subordinate role of the Manager role, anyone assigned the Manager rol e automatically obtains the permissions associated with the Employee role. Other roles in this example pertain to more specific job functions, such as Sales Man ager and Sales Representative, or Support Manager and Support Agent. These roles may provide access to job-specific menus and data such as the Sales Forecasting menu, or the Support application. Delegated Administration Delegated Administration Layer Delegated Administration is a privilege model that builds on the RBAC system to provide organizations with the ability to assign the required access rights for managing roles and user accounts. With delegated administration, instead of rely ing on a central administrator to manage all its users, an organization can crea te local administrators and grant them sufficient privileges to manage a specifi
c subset of the organization s users and roles. This provides organizations with a tighter, more granular level of security, and the ability to easily scale the ir administrative capabilities. For example, organizations could internally desi gnate administrators at division or even department levels, and then delegate ad ministration of external users to people within those (external) organizations. Delegation policies are defined as data security policies. The set of data polic ies that are defined as part of delegated administration are known as Administra tion Privileges. A delegated administrator can be given the capability to perform one or more of the following role management actions: Create Role, Manage Role, Manage Role Hie rarchy, Run Security Wizard, Assign Role, and Revoke Role. Older releases requir ed delegated administrators to be given either all role management privileges, o r none. Now the administration operations have been separated, so.the super admi nistrator can specify which operations can be performed by which delegated admin istrator on which set of roles. Administration Privileges Administration Privileges determine the users, roles and organization informatio n that delegated administrators (local administrators) can manage. Each privileg e is granted separately, yet the three work in conjunction to provide the comple te set of abilities for the delegated administrator. User Administration Privileges A local administrator must be granted User Admini stration Privileges to determine the users and people the local administrator ca n manage. Local administrators can be granted different privileges for different subsets of users. For example, a local administrator can be granted privileges only to query one set of users, and granted full privileges (including update an d reset password) for another set. Local administrators cannot query users for w hich they do not have administration privileges. Role Administration Privileges Role Administration Privileges define the roles t hat local administrators can directly assign to and revoke from the set of users they manage. Organization Administration Privileges Organization Administration Privileges de fine the external organizations a local administrator can view in Oracle User Ma nagement. This privilege enables an administrator to search for people based on their organization, if the local administrator has additionally been granted acc ess to view the people in that organization (User Administration Privileges). De pending on the user administration privileges, an administrator may have the abi lity to register new people for that organization. Oracle E-Business Suite continues to support the traditional System Administrator level of administration privileges, where a designated group of people manages a ll users and access privileges. Oracle User Management ships a predefined Securi ty Administrator role, which gives the administrator the privileges to manage al l users including system accounts and all roles in the system. Delegated administration setup for User Administration requires the creation of instance sets and permission sets. Instance sets can be created from the main UM X screen. All possible combinations of seeded UMX permissions are seeded as perm ission sets and made available from this screen. A data security object, UMX_SYS _ACCT, represents system accounts. Administrators can create instance sets again st this object to specify system accounts that can be managed. Delegating to Proxy Users There are a number of business scenarios in which users of Oracle E-Business Sui te need to grant delegates the ability to act on their behalf (act as proxy user s for them) when performing specific E-Business Suite functions. Traditionally, delegators have done this by giving passwords for specific applications to other users. A delegate who was given another users passwords for certain applications could assume the identity and privileges of the delegator within those applicat ions, and only those applications. The integration of Oracle E-Business Suite with Oracle Single Sign-On (SSO) make s this traditional strategy insecure. If a delegator grants a delegate access to his SSO password, the delegate will be able to access every SSO-enabled applica tion to which the delegator has access, not just to specific applications. The n
ew mechanism was designed to enable limited, auditable delegation of privilege f rom delegators to their delegates. Important: Employing the Proxy User mechanism gives all-or-nothing delegation ca pability. However, start and end dates can be defined to limit the duration of p roxy access. Examples of Delegation There are a number of common scenarios where a user may need to allow another us er or users to interact with Oracle E-Business Suite on their behalf: Executives allowing their assistants to access selected business applications on their behalf In a similar way to executives and their assistants, but for a more limited dura tion, managers may need to grant peers or subordinates limited authority to act on their behalf while they are out of the office Users may need to grant help-desk staff limited duration access to their E-Busin ess Suite accounts, so that help desk staff can investigate problems and provide assistance The Proxy User mechanism allows such users to obtain limited, auditable access t o accounts such as SYSADMIN that might otherwise have to be shared and therefore harder to audit Companies may be subject to audits that require granting a specific user (the au ditor) access to employees E-Business Suite accounts, normally on a read-only bas is. The ability for users to access the proxy feature is controlled by a Security Ad ministrator role. Users with this role determine which set of users can create d elegates who can act on their behalf. Provisioning Services Provisioning Services Layer Provisioning services are modeled as registration processes that enable end user s to perform some of their own registration tasks, such as requesting new accoun ts or additional access to the system. They also provide administrators with a f aster and more efficient method of creating new user accounts, as well as assign ing roles. Registration processes accomplish this by encapsulating core componen ts of registration, including: The role(s) assigned after the user successfully completes the process. An optional registration user interface for collecting account or additional inf ormation. A workflow for approval, confirmation, rejection, and identity verification noti fications. The Approval Management Transaction Type. A transaction type represents a set of approval routing rules that are interpreted at runtime. The set of users that are eligible to sign up for additional access (only applic able for Request for Additional Access registration processes). Whether identity verification is required. Identity verification confirms the id entity of a requester before the registration request is processed, by sending a n email notification to the requester s email address. If the recipient does not reply within a specified time, the request will be automatically rejected. The set of local administrators that should be able to register people and/or cr eate users through the Account Creation by Administrators registration process. When a user completes registration using a registration process, the system capt ures the required information from the user, and subsequently assigns that perso n a new user account, role, or both. Oracle User Management supports three types of registration processes: Self-service Account Requests, Requests for Addition al Access, and Account Creation by Administrators. Self-Service Account Requests Commonly referred to as Self-Service Registration, self-service account requests provide a method for individuals to request a new user account. Consider a case where customers may need to register before they can purchase an item from an o nline store. Once the registration process has been completed, the customer obta ins both a user account and the necessary role(s) for accessing some portion of
the web site in which they registered. This release of Oracle User Management provides sample Self-Service registration UIs for internal employees, and for new, external individuals. Organizations ca n copy these sample Self-Service registration and extend them based on their own requirements. In addition, organizations that wish to support other types of us ers, or capture additional information specific to their applications, are able to extend or create their own registration UIs and business logic. Oracle User Management provides support for displaying different registration li nks on the login page based on the application tier login page that provides acc ess. The registration link can contain additional parameters that are not known at design time, such as the country code. These additional parameters can be use d later during the registration process. Using country code as an example, a reg istration process could route the approval requests to the most appropriate appr over. Therefore, all those who request an account from Norway could be routed to a Norwegian account approver. Note: "Accounts" and "User Accounts" refer to login accounts, stored in the FND_ USER table. Requests for Additional Access Users can request additional access through the Oracle User Management Access Re quest Tool (ART), available in the Global Preferences menu. Requests for Additio nal Access uses the same Oracle User Management infrastructure and processing lo gic as Self Service Account Requests. Additional Access and Self Service Eligibility Eligibility defines the Roles for which a user can sign up using the Access Requ est Tool. It determines the groups of users defined in the workflow directory th at are entitled to register for a given role. A registration process of type Addi tional Access can be made available to predefined sets of users across all roles or groups. Eligibility is defined as a data security policy, and interrogated at runtime by the Access Request Tool. Because roles are stored in the workflow directory, they can be used both to gra nt access to applications and to define eligibility. This enables organizations to define an incremental registration process in which new users can sign up for roles if they are first approved for the ones that precede them. For example, o nce a new user is approved for the A Role, the user can then sign up for the B R ole. If, however, the user is not first approved for the A Role, then the user c annot sign up for the B Role. Oracle User Management can define eligibility policies for any groups and roles stored in the workflow directory. Delegated Administration and Registration Processes When an administrator assigns a role to a user, the administrator essentially fu lfills a registration request on behalf of the user. When the administrator assi gns a role to the user, Oracle User Management invokes the corresponding "Additi onal Access (Administrator)" registration process (if defined) and interprets th e registration processes metadata. If a registration UI is defined, Oracle User Management launches it and the administrator completes the registration process. Notification workflows are only invoked when a registration process is defined for the role that is being assigned to the user. Directly assigning a role to a user bypasses any pre-defined approval routing ru les, as defined in Oracle Approval Management. Administrators can view all roles that are assigned to a user, but cannot assign or revoke roles for which they d o not have administrative privileges. An administrator assigning a role to a use r is essentially fulfilling a registration request on behalf of the user. Account Creation By Administrators Administrators benefit from registration processes having been designed to strea mline the process of creating and maintaining user access. Registration processe s of this type are geared toward administrators, especially delegated administra tors, to ensure consistent application of the organization s user security polic ies. Each account creation registration process can be made available to selecte d administrators. Registration Process Infrastructure
This section describes components of the common infrastructure that handles all registration requests submitted through Oracle User Management. User Name Policies Oracle User Management enables organizations to define their own user name polic ies for new users. These can include such formats as email address, "firstname.l astname" (or an abbreviated version), employee number, social security number, o r some other meaningful information. When the account request is submitted, Orac le User Management reserves the specified user name for the duration of the appr oval process. Oracle User Management ships with a default user name policy that identifies use rs by their email address. This is implemented as a configurable infrastructure that organizations can easily customize to suit their specific needs. Email Verification Oracle User Management provides a mechanism for verifying the identity of the re quester before the registration request is processed. Identity verification is b ased on the email address provided by the requester. Oracle User Management send s the requester an email notification when the requester has completes the regis tration flow. If the user does not reply to the email notification within a spec ified time, the request is automatically rejected. Email verification is only ap plicable to Self-Service account requests, and is enabled or disabled for each r egistration process. Note: Oracle recommends that when building self-service registration UIs with id entity verification enabled, an organization should indicate in the UIs and conf irmation messages that a response is required to process the user s request. Temporary Storage of Registration Data Oracle User Management provides a mechanism to store registration data in a pend ing state until a request is approved. This data is available to the workflow no tifications used for sending approvals, to Approval Management routing rules, an d to the business logic that writes the information in the final destination tab les. Oracle User Management accomplishes this by using event objects that are pa rt of the Workflow Business Events infrastructure. Registration Engine The Oracle User Management registration engine uses a workflow to define the bus iness logic that drives the registration process once a request has been submitt ed. The name of the workflow is UMX Registration Workflow (UMXREGWF). This process: Raises business events Provides temporary storage of registration data Provides identity verification Includes the integration point with Oracle Approval Management Activates user accounts Reserves and releases user names Assigns roles Maintains registration status in the Oracle User Management schema Launches notification workflows Organizations can customize the components of the registration process (such as notifications, approval routing rules, and user name policies) without having to review and understand all Oracle User Management code. Routing Approval Requests Approvers can be configured based on rules that are specific to each type of req uest. Organizations can define these rules according to their requirements, and can specify types of requests that do not require approval. Oracle User Manageme nt is integrated with Oracle Approval Management, an application that provides a flexible and powerful rules engine that can be configured through declarative m eans to route approval requests. Oracle User Management also provides APIs that enable approval rules to be based on any information captured during the registr ation process, including any parameters passed from the "Register Here" link on the Login page, which may not have been known at design time. Workflow Business Events Oracle User Management raises the following Workflow business events:
Oracle User Management Workflow Business Events Event Description oracle.apps.fnd.umx.rolerequested An event that is raised when a role is r equested. oracle.apps.fnd.umx.accountrequested An event that is raised when an account is requested. oracle.apps.fnd.umx.requestapproved An event that is raised when an account or role is approved. oracle.apps.fnd.umx.requestrejected An event that is raised when an account or role is rejected. <custom event> A custom business event is raised for the owner of the registrat ion process to write the registration. The custom event is raised multiple times . For more information, see the UMX Developer s Guide, Knowledge Document 399400.1 on My Oracle Support. Note: Oracle recommends using the UMX events mentioned above only for centralize d requirements such as auditing. For any registration-specific processing, use t he custom event defined for the registration process. Depending on the context, the event parameters listed in the following table are set automatically by the Oracle User Management registration engine when busine ss events are raised. Any additional information captured in the registration UI , approval notifications, or programmatically through business logic is also ava ilable as event parameters. Oracle User Management Workflow Business Event Parameters Name Description REG_SERVICE_CODE Represents the primary key of the registration process REG_SERVICE_TYPE The type of registration process REQUESTED_BY_USER_ID Identifies the user submitting the request REQUESTED_FOR_USER_ID Identifies the user for whom the request is submitted REQUESTED_USERNAME The requested user name WF_ROLE_NAME* Represents the primary key value of the requested role or the de fault role for any account requests AME_TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID Represents part of the primary key for the transaction t ype in Oracle Approval Management AME_APPLICATION_ID Represents part of the primary key for the transaction t ype in Oracle Approval Management * WF_ROLE_NAME is not required for Self Service Account Creation or Account Crea tion for Administrators registration processes. In such cases, a null value is p assed. Any additional information captured in the registration UI, from approver s, in approval notifications, or set by business logic is also available as para meters when an Oracle User Management business event is raised. Sample Program /************************************************************** This is a sample subscription to any of the above events. Function custom_logic (p_subscription_guid in raw, p_event in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T) Return varchar2 is l_first_name varchar2(30); Begin l_first_name := p_event.getvalueforparameter ( FIRST_NAME ); // Manipulate the data End custom_logic; **************************************************************/ Registration Status Users can check registration status of requests through the Access Request Tool (ART) and administrators can do so using the Administration screens. For any pen ding requests, the Show Info icon shows the current approver and confirmation nu mber. The confirmation number represents the number (ITEM_KEY) of the Oracle Use r Management Registration Workflow (UMXREGWF) workflow process handling the requ
est. Notification Workflows Notification workflows enable an organization to define its own email notificati ons that are specific to each Role or Registration Process. Notifications includ e: Oracle User Management Notification Types Notification Recipient Approver notifications Each approver. Approval confirmation notifications Individual for whom the request was file d. Rejection notifications Individual for whom the request was filed. Identity verification notifications Individual for whom the request was file d. For each request that requires approval as determined by the Oracle Approval Man agement Engine, Oracle User Management invokes the notification workflow to requ est approval. Notification workflows can be written to allow approvers to review the information submitted in the registration process, make changes, and provid e additional information if required. Any changes or additional information provided can be passed back to the Oracle User Management registration engine for further processing. For example, if Orac le User Management is used to provide self service registration capability for i SP (Internet Supplier Portal), then approvers can provide additional information about site and contact restrictions for the requester. Information entered by p revious approvers, including comments, are available to subsequent approvers. Oracle User Management provides the following sample notification workflows that organizations can use directly or can copy and modify based on their requiremen ts: Sample Notification Workflows Name Item Type Description Oracle User Management Additional Access Request notification workflow UMXNTWF1 Sends notifications pertaining to all requests for additional access. Oracle User Management Notification Workflow (Account Request) UMXNTWF2 Sends notifications pertaining to all account requests. Self-Service and Approvals Self-Service & Approvals Layer Once registration processes have been configured as required, individuals can su bsequently perform self-service registration tasks, such as obtaining new user a ccounts or requesting additional access to the system. In addition, organization s can use the Oracle Approvals Management engine to create customized approval r outing for these requests. For example, an organization may enable users to requ est a particularly sensitive role: however, before the user is granted the role, the organization can require that two senior members of staff, such as a manage r and a vice president, must approve the request. Oracle User Management also provides self-service features for resetting forgott en passwords, and ships with the following sample self-service registration proc esses: Employee Self-Service Registration Customer Self-Service Registration (external individuals) Organizations can either use these registration processes in their existing form , or as references for developing their own registration processes. Oracle User Management Setup and Administration Setup Tasks This section discusses the setup tasks for Oracle User Management. The implement or or system administrator sets up access control and security policies in Oracl e E-Business Suite by defining roles, role inheritance hierarchies, role categor ies, and registration processes. These components specify the different levels o f access to various application menus and data that are available to administrat ors. Defining Role Categories
As part of the Oracle E-Business Suite RBAC model, Oracle User Management introd uces Role Categories. Administrators can create role categories to bundle roles and responsibilities to make the process of searching for roles and responsibili ties easier. In the Oracle User Management Overview section, see Role Based Acce ss Control (RBAC). Steps 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typic ally as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigator an d then click the Role Categories subtab. 2. Go to the editable table, click the Update button and then click the Cre ate Lookup Code button. 3. Enter the required information in the Create Lookup Code fields and clic k the Apply button. Creating and Updating Roles In Oracle E-Business Suite, a role represents a job function that confers the pr ivileges required to perform that job. Roles can be defined to determine what ap plications (responsibilities) as well as what data and functions within those ap plications users can access. In the Oracle User Management Overview section, see Role Based Access Control (RBAC). Steps 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typic ally as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigator an d then click the Roles & Role Inheritance subtab. 2. Click the Create Role button. 3. Enter the required information to configure your role and optionally con tinue to configure it by accessing the following: o Permissions. Use this tab to assign permissions to your role. Delegated Administration Setup Using the Security Wizard Information in this section only applies to delegated administration roles in th e context of the Oracle User Management application. User Administration. Enables you to determine the set of users that can be manag ed by administrators to whom your role is assigned. The administrator can assign or revoke user accounts and roles for the users you specify here. Organization Administration. Enables you to determine the external organizations that can be viewed in Oracle User Management by administrators to whom your rol e is assigned. Role Administration. Enables you to determine which roles the administrator can assign to or revoke from the set of users specified in the User Administration s ection. 4. Click Save or Apply to save your changes. 5. Optionally update the role by performing the following: a. Locate the role you want to modify by using the Search fields or by expa nding the appropriate nodes in the Role Inheritance Hierarchy menu. b. Click the Update icon and modify the role as required. Guidelines The Save button saves your changes and continues to display them in the current page. The Apply button saves your changes and returns to the previous page. You can optionally organize your roles using role categories during the process of c reating and updating roles, otherwise they will be stored under the "Miscellaneo us" role category by default. For more information, see role categories. You can also define any required subordinate roles or superior roles through role inher itance hierarchies. Security Wizard The Security Wizard page lists the security wizards available to the currently l ogged-in user. After launching the wizard by clicking its name, the user can use it to set up the data security policies associated with the role. After complet ion of the wizard, the user will be returned to the Create/Update Role UI. Assigning Permissions to Roles You can assign permissions to a role by creating a grant that specifies the navi gation menu, permission sets, and/or the data security policies that are availab
le at runtime to the role s assignees. Menus and permission sets in turn include individual functions and permissions. In the Oracle User Management Overview se ction, seeRole Based Access Control (RBAC). Steps 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typic ally as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigator an d then click the Roles & Role Inheritance subtab. 2. In the Role Inheritance Hierarchy, access the role to which you want to assign a permission and click the Update icon. 3. Click the Permissions subtab and the click Create Grant button. 4. Define the grant by entering the required information and clicking Next: a. Enter the required information to identify the grant, such as Name and E ffective From date. b. Security Context. These optional parameters restrict the availability of the permissions being assigned. If you do not define the security context, then permissions are available to users in all contexts. Security contexts are also referred to as Activation Contexts. i. Operating Unit. In many cases, an organization consists of several diffe rent operating units. You can limit your grant to only be active in the context of an individual operating unit. ii. Responsibility. Responsibilities determine the applications that can be accessed by users. You can optionally limit your grant to be available only in t he context of an individual responsibility, or with all responsibilities. c. Data Security. You must select a business object when you create Data Se curity policies. For more information, see the Oracle Application Object Library Security chapter. 5. If you have defined a specific object in the preceding step, then choose the object data context for the object, also referred to as the data scope. Spe cifying the object data context provides an additional level of access granulari ty for the object. Choose one of the following from the Data Context menu: o All Rows. This option provides access to all rows for the database objec t. For example, if the database object is a book, creating a data security polic y for all rows of the object will provide access to all books catalogued in the database. o Instance. This option provides access to an instance of the object. A sp ecific instance generally corresponds to a single row in the database, and is ty pically identified by the primary key value for the object. For example, a data security policy for the book object could contain a unique ISBN number, to retur n only one book from the database. o Instance Set. This option provides access to a related set of instances of the object. This set is specified as a predicate on the attributes of the obj ect. The predicate is expressed as a SQL WHERE clause, and can optionally be imp lemented as a VPD policy. For example, a data security policy could include an i nstance set for all books published in the year 2005. Select the required permission set or navigation menu containing the fun ctions (permissions) that you wish to assign to the role, by choosing an option from the LOV. Review your grant information and click Finish. Searching For Assigned Roles The number of roles and responsibilities in some installations can be in the ten s of thousands, or even more. Since any given user can potentially have a very l arge number of roles and responsibilities assigned, it can be very time-consumin g to determine which roles have been assigned to which users. A search capability allows administrators to look for: All Roles: Find all roles assigned to the current user Specific Role: Find if a role has been assigned to an user, and quickly change t he attributes associated with it. Inactive Role Assignments: Find all inactive User-Role assignments. Active Role Assignments: Find all active User-Role assignments. Assignable Roles: Find all roles for which the current logged in administrator h
as "Can Assign" privilege. Revokable Roles: Find all roles for which the current logged in administrator ha s "Can Revoke" Privilege. Steps 1. Navigate to the User Management responsibility and then click the Users sub-tab. 2. Use the search fields to locate the required people or users. 3. Click on the "Update" icon. 4. Select any of the above specified criteria, such as "Specific Role" in t he drop-down menu and "Sales Manager" in the text box. 5. Click on the "Go" button. Examples All Roles: If a user selects "All Roles" in the drop down, all the roles assigne d to the user will be displayed. Specific Role: If a user selects "Specific Role" from the drop down menu, anothe r text box user appears to allow entry of a role (for example, User Management). A list of users with that role will then be displayed. Inactive Role Assignments: If a user selects "Inactive Role Assignments" from th e drop down menu, all inactive User-Role assignments will be displayed. Active Role Assignments: If a user selects "Active Role Assignments" from the dr op down menu, all active User-Role assignments will be displayed. Assignable Roles: If a user selects "Assignable Roles" from the drop down menu, all roles for which the current logged in administrator has "Can Assign" Privile ge will be displayed. Revokable Roles: If a user selects "Revokable Roles" from the drop down menu, al l roles for which the current logged in administrator has "Can Revoke" Privilege will be displayed. Diagnostics for User-Role Assignment UMX is heavily dependent on Concurrent Manager, Deferred Agents and Background e ngines. If any of these are down, the assignments do not take place or may only take place after an excessively long time. A diagnostic feature built in the User-Role Assignment page checks that the requ ired processes are running when an update is submitted. If they are all running, it reports how much time may be needed for the changes to be effected. If one or more are down, the diagnostic feature displays a warning and advises w hich processes will need to be started in order for the changes to be made succe ssfully. Creating Instance Sets and Permission Sets Delegated administration setup for User Administration requires the creation of instance sets and permission sets. All possible combinations of permissions are seeded as permission sets that are available from this screen. A data security o bject, UMX_SYS_ACCT, represents system accounts. Administrators can create insta nce sets against this object to specify system accounts that can be managed. Steps 1. Log on as a user who has been assigned the Security/LSA Administrator ro le (typically as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the nav igator.then click the Roles & Role Inheritance subtab. 2. In the role hierarchy, access the role to which you want to assign user administration privileges, and click the Update icon. 3. Click on the Security Wizards button. 4. Click on the Run Wizard icon for "User Management: Security Administrati on Setup". 5. Click the User Administration sub-tab, then click the Add More Rows butt on. 6. In the Users field, select the set of users that can be managed by Admin istrators to whom the role is assigned. The drop down list contains various data security policies that relate to the User Management Person Object (UMX_PERSON_
OBJECT) and User Management: system accounts object (UMX_SYS_ACCT). The user can now create his own policies on both these objects by clicking on the link "Crea te Instance Set For Users". 7. In the Permissions field, select the permissions to be associated with t he delegated administration role. The Permissions drop down list includes permis sion sets that contain permissions associated with the User Management Person ob ject and User Management: system accounts object. All possible combinations of t he existing permissions have been seeded here, enabling organizations to add per mission sets based on their general business needs and the level of granularity they prefer for administering users. Create Instance Set (Data Security Policy) Selecting Required Permission Set (Data Security Policy) This capability means that there is no longer any need to navigate to the Functi onal Administrator or Functional Developer responsibilities when creating permis sion sets and instance sets, so that the entire delegated administration set up should now take no more than a few minutes. Defining Delegated Administration Privileges for Roles Delegated Administration Privileges determine the users, roles and organization information that delegated administrators (local administrators) can manage. Eac h privilege is granted separately, yet the three work in conjunction to provide the complete set of abilities for the delegated administrator. In the Oracle Use r Management Overview section, see Delegated Administration. Defining User Administration Privileges for Roles A local administrator must be granted User Administration Privileges to determin e the users and people the local administrator can manage. Local administrators can be granted different privileges for different subsets of users. For example, a local administrator can be granted privileges only to query one set of users, and granted full privileges (including update and reset password) for another s et. Local administrators cannot query users for which they do not have administr ation privileges. Oracle User Management ships with the following seeded permissions for defining user administration privileges for roles: Seeded User Administration Permissions Function Code Display name Description UMX_OBJ_ACTIVATE_ACCT Create, Inactivate, Reactivate User Account, Update User name Permission for creating, inactivating, and reactivating user accounts, a nd updating username. Must be granted with a data security policy on the User Ma nagement Person. UMX_OBJ_EDIT_PERSON Edit Person Details Permission for editing person de tails. Must be granted with a data security policy on the User Management Person (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT) business object. UMX_OBJ_PASSWD_MGMT Reset Password Permission to reset passwords. Must be g ranted with a data security policy on the User Management Person (UMX_PERSON_OBJ ECT) business object. UMX_OBJ_VIEW_PERSON Query Person Details Permission to query person detai ls Must be granted with a data security policy on the User Management Person (UM X_PERSON_OBJECT) business object. Note: This is the minimum permission required by any security administrator that wishes to manage people and users in Oracle User Management. UMX_SYSTEM_ACCT_ADMINSTRATION Maintain System Accounts (users not linked to a person) Create, Inactivate, Reactivate, Reset Password for all System Accounts ( defined as user accounts not associated with a person). Note: Only grant to System Administrators. Steps 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typic ally as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigator an d then click the Roles & Role Inheritance subtab. 2. In the role hierarchy, access the role to which you want to assign user
administration privileges and click the Update icon. 3. Click on the Security Wizards button. 4. Click on the Run Wizard icon for "User Management: Security Administrati on Setup". 5. Click the User Administration subtab and then click the Add More Rows bu tton. 6. In the Users field, select the set of users that can be managed by Admin istrators to whom the role is assigned. The drop down list contains various data security policies that pertain to the User Management Person Object (UMX_PERSON _OBJECT). Oracle User Management ships with sample data security policies for us ers. Organizations can use these policies or create their own. For more informat ion, see Defining Data Security Policies. 7. In the Permissions field, select the permissions that you wish to associ ate with the delegated administration role. Permissions determine the actions an administrator can perform when managing the set of users defined in the previou s step. The Permissions drop down list includes permission sets that contain per missions associated with the User Management Person object. Different combinatio ns of the existing permissions can be grouped into new permission sets, enabling organizations to add permission sets based on their business needs and the leve l of granularity they prefer for administering users. For more information, seeP ermission Sets. 8. Click Save or Apply to save your changes. Guidelines Delegated administration can provide different permissions on different subsets of users. Once you define users and permissions for a role, you can optionally v iew the permissions that belong to the permission set by clicking the Show node. You can also remove the user administration privileges for a set of users by cl icking theRemove icon. Defining Role Administration Privileges for Roles Role Administration Privileges define the roles that local administrators can di rectly assign to and revoke from the set of users they manage. Oracle User Management ships with the following seeded permission for defining r ole administration privileges for roles: Seeded Role Administration Permission Function Code Display Name Description UMX_OBJ_ADMIN_ROLE Assign/Revoke Role Permission for assigning/revokin g roles in the User Management application. Must be granted with a data security policy on the User Management Role (UMX_ACCESS_ROLE) business object. Steps 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typic ally as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigator an d then click the Roles & Role Inheritance subtab. 2. In the navigation menu access the role for which you want to define role administration and click the Update icon. 3. Click on the Security Wizards button. 4. Click on the "Run Wizard" icon for "User Management: Security Administra tion Setup". 5. Click the Role Administration link and use the Available Roles fields to search for the role(s) that you want to associate with this role and which admi nistrators can manage once they are assigned this role. 6. Select the desired role(s), move them to the Selected Roles column and c lick Save or Apply. Guidelines The Save button saves your changes and continues to display them in the current page. The Apply button saves your changes and returns to the previous page. Defining Organization Administration Privileges for Roles Organization Administration Privileges define the external organizations a local administrator can view in Oracle User Management. This privilege enables an adm inistrator to search for people based on their organization, assuming the local administrator has also been granted access to view the people in that organizati
on (User Administration Privileges). Depending on what administration account re gistration process has been granted, the administrator may have the ability to r egister new people for that organization. Oracle User Management ships with the following seeded permission for defining o rganization administration privileges for roles: Seeded Organization Administration Permission Function Code Display Name Description UMX_OBJ_VIEW_RLTNSHPS Query/Register Organization Relationship Permissi on to query/register organization relationship. Must be granted with a data secu rity policy on the User Management Organization (UMX_ORGANIZATION_OBJECT) busine ss object. Steps 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typic ally as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigator an d then click the Roles & Role Inheritance subtab. 2. In the navigation menu access the role to which you want to define organ ization administration and click the Update icon. 3. Click on the Security Wizards button. 4. Click on the "Run Wizard" icon for "User Management : Security Administr ation Setup". 5. Click the Organization Administration link and then click the Assign Org anization Privileges button. The drop down list contains various data security p olicies that pertain to the User Management Person Object (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT). O racle User Management ships with sample data security policies for organization administration privileges. Organizations can use these policies to create their own. 6. Search for and select the appropriate organization privileges. 7. Click Save or Apply to save your changes. Guidelines The Save button saves your changes and continues to display them in the current page. The Apply button saves your changes and returns to the previous page. Defining Data Security Policies With Oracle E-Business Suite, organizations can use Data Security to manage perm ission assignments that control access to objects. Data Security policies can on ly be defined for applications that have been written to utilize the Data Securi ty Framework. For more information, see Data Security. Access to the specific ob ject must be formed with a specified Data Security Policy (also referred to as t he Data Scope or Access Policy). The Data Security Policy restricts operations s o that they only can be performed on a subset of instances of the corresponding database object. For more information, see Object Instance Sets. Steps 1. Log on as a user with the Functional Developer responsibility, click the Functional Developer responsibility in the navigator, navigate to the Security tab and then click the Objects subtab. 2. Search for and access the object for which you want to create data secur ity policies. For example, to locate the User Management Person business object (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT), enter "UMX%" in the Code field, click the Go button, and th en click User Management Person object (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT) in the search results list. For any object for which you are creating a policy, ensure that the SQL s tatement returns the primary key value for that object. In this example, this is a list of person party IDs. 3. Click the Object Instance Sets subtab. Click the Create Instance Set but ton to create a new object instance set or click the Update icon to modify an ex isting one. 4. Enter the required information and then click the Apply button. Caution: For performance reasons, ensure that SQL predicates are tuned properly. For security reasons, ensure that they are tested and that they return the corr ect result. Oracle is not responsible for the performance or correctness of data security policies defined by organizations. Defining Role Inheritance Hierarchies
With role inheritance hierarchies, a role can contain sub roles. When a user is assigned a role, the user inherits the privileges defined for that role and for all of its sub roles. For example, the Sales Manager role can contain the Manage r and Sales Rep roles, both of which in turn contain the Employee role. Any indi vidual who is granted the Sales Manager role automatically inherits the Manager, Sales Rep and Employee roles. Role Inheritance Hierarchies With Role Inheritance Hierarchies, roles inherit the permissions assigned to the ir sub roles. Steps 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typic ally as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigator an d then click the Roles & Role Inheritance subtab. 2. Locate the role for which you want to create a role inheritance hierarch y by using the Search fields or by expanding the appropriate nodes in the Role I nheritance Hierarchy menu. If you are building a role inheritance hierarchy that contains several roles, start with highest level role to which you want to add inherited subordinate roles. 3. Click the Add Node icon next to this role. 4. In the resulting menu, search for the role either by using the Search fi elds or by locating it in the Role Inheritance Hierarchy menu. 5. Select the role and then click the Select button or the Quick Select ico n. 6. Repeat this process until you have added all of the required subordinate roles to their corresponding super roles. You can optionally verify the results by expanding the nodes for all super roles within your role inheritance hierarc hy. You can also remove any subordinate roles by clicking the Remove Node icon. Deployment Options Organizations can use different deployment options for role inheritance hierarch ies depending on their requirements. Assigning Existing Responsibilities to Roles Using Role Inheritance Organizations that have already defined their responsibilities can utilize RBAC by creating roles and assigning their existing responsibilities to those roles. For example, an organization could create an Employee role and a Manager role, a nd add to these the Expenses and Human Resources responsibilities that it wishes to make available to employees and managers respectively. Then, instead of manu ally assigning or revoking each of these responsibilities to or from its employe es, the organization can simply assign or revoke the Employee and Manager roles as required. Since the Manager role inherits the employee role, managers that ar e assigned the Manager role also inherit all the responsibilities and privileges associated with the Employee role. In the following example, a Human Resource Manager inherits the Human Resources Manager Self Service responsibility through the Manager role as well as the Huma n Resources Employee Self Service responsibility, which the Manager role inherit s from the Employee role. Note: In this section, references to the Expenses and Human Resources responsibi lities are used as examples only. Some applications may require organizations to create multiple responsibilities to operate with their existing security models . For more information, please consult the application-specific documentation. Assigning Existing Responsibilities to Roles Using Role Inheritance Steps 1. Create roles representing the required job functions such as Manager and Employee. 2. Define a role inheritance hierarchy. For more information, see Defining Role Inheritance Hierarchies. 3. Ensure the responsibilities are inherited by their corresponding roles. 4. Assign the roles to users as required. Fully Utilizing RBAC and Role Inheritance to Determine Access to an Application
In older releases of Oracle E-Business Suite, access to individual functions wit hin an application could only be defined through responsibilities, menu hierarch ies, and menu exclusions. Responsibilities had the dual role of defining applica tion navigation menus and granting permissions to the application. New responsib ilities with one of the following had to be defined for each set of users with d ifferent job functions that required access to a set of pages within an applicat ion: A completely new menu hierarchy for each responsibility, or A common menu covering the superset of all functions within the application, and menu exclusion rules defined for each responsibility. The Human Resources application, for example, typically required a minimum of tw o responsibilities, one for employees and one for managers. Separating Navigation Menus and Access Control Oracle User Management provides new alternatives for defining access to an appli cation with RBAC and Role Inheritance, allowing organizations to separate naviga tion menus from access control. Responsibilities can now be defined to represent an application itself and as a result, only one responsibility may be required for each application. A menu can be tailored for each application with specific consideration to usability and end user navigation experience. Access to parts o f the application (responsibility) and its corresponding menu hierarchy are inst ead controlled by different roles, each representing a specific job function or set of people. Benefits Using this mechanism for determining access control provides several benefits. Administration and changes can be accomplished with minimal effort: o A new page only has to be added to a single menu. o The permission to access a new page, only has to be granted once to the lowest level (subordinate role) in the role inheritance hierarchy. o An entirely new application (responsibility) can automatically be assign ed to a set of people by simply defining it as the subordinate role of an existi ng role. o Permissions to access the various pages and functions within a new appli cation should only be assigned at the lowest level in the role inheritance hiera rchy. The permissions are then automatically inherited by all superior roles in the hierarchy. o Revoking access to a page, or an entire application, can be accomplished as easily as adding access. Improved end user experience. In the applications navigator, end users will see a list of applications to which they have access. Access to the various function s within each application is determined by the roles assigned to the end user. Steps Note: In this section, references to the Expenses and Human Resources responsibi lities are used as examples only. Some applications may require organizations to create multiple responsibilities to operate with their existing security models . For more information, please consult the application-specific documentation. 1. Define a new responsibility that will be used to represent a specific ap plication such as Expenses or Human Resources. For more information, see Definin g a Responsibility. 2. Design a complete menu that includes all the menu functions within an ap plication as well as any required submenus, and attach this menu to the new resp onsibility. For example, both the Expenses and Human Resources responsibilities would include all employee and manager menus. For more information, see Defining a New Menu Structure. 3. Following the "principle of least privilege", all the menu options withi n the application (each menu item corresponds to a function/permission) should b e disabled by default. To accomplish this, remove the selection from the "grant" checkbox for each menu item: The following figure illustrates application responsibilities (in this case, Exp enses and Human Resources) with all their menus disabled: Responsibilities Representing an Entire Application with Disabled Menus
Note: A user cannot access any of the menu items (functions) within the applicat ion if you assign the responsibility to the user at this stage. 4. Create roles representing the people with various job functions that req uire access to the application, for example, a Manager role and an Employee role . For more information, see Creating and Updating Roles 5. Define role inheritance relationships. For more information, see Definin g Role Inheritance Hierarchies For example, the Manager role should inherit the Employee role, and the Employee role should inherit the Expenses and Human Resou rces responsibilities. The following figure illustrates a role inheritance relat ionship in which a role inherits the responsibilities that are inherited by its subordinate role: Role Inheritance Relationship in Which a Role Inherits the Responsibilities Inhe rited by its Subordinate Role 6. Assign permissions to each role. For more information, see Assign permis sions to each role. Each permission maps to a menu item (function) within the ap plication (responsibility) that should be available to the users to whom the rol e is assigned. For example, an organization will grant the employee-related perm issions from the Expenses and Human Resources responsibilities to the Employee r ole, and will grant the manager-related permissions for these responsibilities t o the Manager role. Consequently, the manager role will have access to all the m enu items within these responsibilities, but the Employee role will only have ac cess to the Employee-related functions. Permissions, Roles and Inheritance Permissions assigned to a subordinate role in the role inheritance hierarchy are automatically inherited by the superior roles. For example, if you grant the pe rmission for accessing the Online Tax Forms page to the Employee role, anyone wi th the Manager role will automatically have access to this page through role inh eritance. Because the Hire and Fire Directs page is only granted to the Manager role, it is not available to users that are only assigned the Employee role. Permissions are always assigned through permission sets, which represent named s ets of functions (permissions). When determining what permissions (functions/men u items) should be granted to each role, you may have to create new permission s ets. Menus and permission sets are stored in the same tables in the database; wh ich means that they are interchangeable (both can be used) to assign permissions . 7. Optionally assign any additional permissions and data security policies to roles as required by each application. Guidelines Oracle User Management ships with the following Customer Administrator and Secur ity Administrator roles. These roles illustrate how to setup Roles and Role Inhe ritance to determine user access within an application (responsibility). Both ro les inherit the User Management responsibility but each role is granted differen t permissions and data security policies. The User Management responsibility has the grant flag removed for all functions (permissions) in the menu hierarchy. I nstead, these permissions are granted to the role depending on each role s requi rements: Role Attributes and Roles Role Attributes Customer Administrator Security Administrator Permission Sets User Maintenance UIs User Maintenance UIs Setup screens Maintain system accounts User Administration Data security policies to manage people and user account s for the customer administrator s own organization Typically, the Customer Administrator can only assign or revoke a subset of role s Data security policies to manage all people and user accounts The Security Administrator can assign or revoke all roles Other Permission N/A ICM Override Privilege
Creating and Updating Registration Processes Registration processes are predefined registration components that enable end us ers to perform some of their own registration tasks, such as requesting new acco unts or requesting additional access to the system. They also provide administra tors with a faster and more efficient method of creating new user accounts. Oracle User Management provides four types of registration process: Self Service Account Requests Self-Service Requests for Additional Access Account Creation by Administrators Administrator Assisted Request for Additional Access In the Oracle User Management Overview section, see Registration Processes. Steps Registration processes all use the same infrastructure and processing logic. Ste ps for defining a registration process will vary depending on the type of regist ration process you are creating. 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Security Administrator role (typic ally as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigator an d then click the Registration Processes subtab. 2. Click the Create Registration Process button. 3. Enter the required information for the Registration Process Description and click the Next button. This information specifies: o Role. The role with which you optionally associate the registration proc ess and that is assigned to the user at the end of the registration process once the request has been processed. o Type. The type of registration process you wish to create. o Registration Process Code. The unique identifier for the registration pr ocess. o Display Name. The display name for the registration process. o Description. A description of the registration process. o Application. The application with which the registration process is clas sified. This can be used to help query the registration process. o Active From. The date from which the registration process is first activ e. o Active To. The date you can optionally specify to terminate the registra tion process. 4. Enter the runtime execution information for the registration process and click the Next button. This information specifies: o Registration Start Page. The first page (which is represented as a funct ion) in the registration process that captures any additional user registration information. This is optional unless you are creating a Self Service Account Req uest registration process. o Notification Event. The workflow business event that invokes a workflow. The notification workflow subscribes to the event and subsequently sends notifi cations to the approver or to the user. o Approval Transaction Type. The set of approval routing rules that is int erpreted at runtime by the Oracle Approval Management rules engine. The rules de termine whether approval is required and by what set of users based on user tran saction types you have defined specifically for use with Oracle User Management. o Business Event Name. Custom business event that will be raised by Oracle User Management with context information for processing. 5. Enter the eligibility information for the registration process by select ing the appropriate roles or groups from the Available Groups column and clickin g the Submit button. For Self-Service Requests for Additional Access, eligibilit y defines the users who are able to register for the role associated with the re gistration process. For Account Creation by Administrators, eligibility determin es what administrators can register new users through the registration process. Oracle User Management ships with the following seeded permissions for defining eligibility policies: Seeded Permissions for Self Service Additional Access and Account Creation by Ad ministrators Eligibility
Function Code Display Name Description UMX_OBJ_ADMIN_CRTN_FLOW Administrator Assisted Account Creation Permission repre senting "Administrator Assisted Account Creation" registration processes. This m ust be granted as a data security policy on the Registration Process (UMX_REG_SR VC) business object. UMX_OBJ_ROLE_ELGBLTY Self Service Eligibility Permission representing registration processes for additional access. Determines the set of end users th at should be eligible to register for a given role/registration process. This mu st be granted as a data security policy on the Registration Process (UMX_REG_SRV C) business object. 6. Register subscriptions to the appropriate business events raised by Orac le User Management, and ensure that your subscription logic writes the registrat ion data into the appropriate destination schemas. 7. Optionally update the registration process by searching for it and click ing the Update button in the search results page. 8. Optionally set the following profile options for registration processes of type Self Service Account Request: o Registration Links. Oracle User Management provides support for displayi ng different registration links on the login page based upon the mid-tier throug h which the login page is accessed. Organizations can set the server level profi le option, UMX: Register Here Link - Default Registration Process (UMX_REGISTER_HE RE_REG_SRV) to specify different destinations for the registration link. o Registration Parameters. The registration link can also contain addition al parameters that are not known at design time. These parameters are available at all stages of the registration process; for example, for routing approval req uests. You can set the server level profile option UMX: Register Here Link - Defa ult Registration Parameters (UMX_REGISTER_HERE_REGPARAMS) for this purpose. The f ormat for setting this profile option is: "ParamName1=ParamValue1&ParamName2=Par amValue2": o UI-specific Parameters. Organizations can additionally specify parameter s used to control the rendering of the registration user interface, such as the menu displayed in the registration UI. The server level profile option, UMX: Regi ster Here Link - Default HTML Parameters (UMX_REGISTER_HERE_HTMLPARAMS) can be se t for this purpose. The format for setting this profile option is: "ParamName1=P aramValue1&ParamName2=ParamValue2": Note: The Apache server may need to be restarted for the changes to take effect. Configuring the User Name Policy The Oracle User Management registration infrastructure supports a configurable u ser name policy. This policy is used to generate a suggested user name in the sa mple user creation flows shipped with the application, as well as for validating the chosen user name format. Note: Oracle User Management is supplied with a default policy that identifies u sers by their email address. Seeded User Name Policies The following table lists the seeded user name policies that are shipped with Or acle E-Business Suite. Seeded User Name Policies Code Description UMX_USERNAME_POLICY:EMAIL_ADDRESS User name policy with email address form at defined as the policy. UMX_USERNAME_POLICY:NONE User name policy with no restriction on user nam e format. Administrators can configure either of these seeded policies. In addition to the se, custom policies can also be implemented if desired. Note: For details of how to create a custom policy, see the UMX Developer s Guid e, Knowledge Document 399400.1 on My Oracle Support. Configuration of user name policy is a three-stage process. Stage 1 - Suggested User Name Generation Subscription Setup 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Workflow Administrator Web Applica tions responsibility (typically sysadmin).
2. Go to Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Business Events 3. From the Business Events page, search for the Business Event with the na me oracle.apps.fnd.umx.username.generate. 4. Click on the Subscription icon to go to the Subscriptions page. 5. For the subscription corresponding to the policy, change the status to En abled. Stage 2 - Validation Event Subscription Setup 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Workflow Administrator Web Applica tions responsibility (typically sysadmin). 2. Go to Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Business Events 3. From the Business Events page, search for the Business Event with the na me oracle.apps.fnd.user.name.validate. 4. Click on the Subscription icon to go to the Subscriptions page. 5. For the subscription corresponding to the policy, change the status to En abled. Stage 3 - Profile Option Setup 1. Log on as a user that is assigned the Functional Administrator responsib ility (typically sysadmin). 2. Go to Functional Administrator > Core Services > Profiles 3. Search with the Profile Name of UMX: User Name Policy in the Maintain Pr ofile Options page. 4. Click on the Update icon to go to the Update Profile Option page. 5. Choose a value corresponding to the policy and click on the Apply button . Additional Requirements In all the three of the stages above, the values set must correspond to the same user name policy. The Listener and JVMs must be restarted after the user name policy is changed. Delegated Administration Tasks The Delegated Administration layer of Access Control in Oracle E-Business Suite enables local administrators to perform a variety of specifically defined admini strative tasks. Once they are assigned the appropriate roles, local administrato rs manage the subset of users and people to which they have access by creating, updating, or disabling accounts, granting or revoking a limited subset of their organization s roles, and changing passwords. Maintaining People and Users Oracle User Management enables local administrators to manage people and users i n the system. People are individuals in the system who may or may not possess a user account, whereas users are individuals in the system who possess user accou nts. In addition, system administrators can also manage system accounts that are not linked to people. Typically, people and users are managed by local administrators, who can perform the following tasks: Register new people (optional: requires access to have been granted to the "Acco unt Creation by Administrators" registration process) Create, update, or disable user accounts Reset passwords Grant users access to different parts of the system by assigning or revoking rol es Common Prerequisites The following are prerequisites for performing any delegated administration task listed in the preceding section. Each task may have additional prerequisites: A role that is granted the User Maintenance UIs (UMX_USER_ADMIN_UI_PERMS) permis sion set. The role must also inherit the User Management responsibility. Appropriate privileges for User Administration, Role Administration, and Organiz ation Administration. The Query Person Details (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT) permission for the set of people an d administrator can manage. Optionally, the Edit Person Details (UMX_OBJECT_EDIT_PERSON) permission for the set of people that the administrator can manage.
For system administrators, the Maintain System Accounts (UMX_SYSTEM_ACCOUNT_ADMI NISTRATION) permission. Steps 1. Navigate to the User Management responsibility and then click the Users subtab. 2. Use the search fields to locate the required people or users. 3. Manage the generated list of people or users by clicking the required ic on and performing the necessary steps in the resulting window. Options for manag ing people and users vary depending on the permissions assigned to the administr ator. Oracle User Management ships with the following basic and advanced options for maintaining people and users: o Query users o Edit personal information o Reset password o Maintain account information (create, inactivate, reactivate accounts) o Maintain system accounts o Assign or revoke roles Creating, Inactivating, and Reactivating User Accounts Administrators can create a user account for any person in the system who does n ot already possess one. Prerequisites To create, inactivate, and reactivate user accounts, an administrator must be as signed the following: Common prerequisites, as detailed in the Maintain People and Users section, Comm on Prerequisites. The Create, Inactivate, Reactivate User Account (UMX_OBJ_ACTIVATE_ACCT) permissi on for the set of people that the administrator can manage. By default, user names are derived from the person s email address. Steps 1. Log in as a user with a role granting you access to the User Management responsibility, select the User Management responsibility in the navigator and c lick the Users subtab. 2. Search for the person for whom you wish to create an account and then cl ick the Create Account icon next to the person s name if the account does not al ready exist. Your search will only generate results for the subset of users that you are eligible to manage. 3. Enter or modify the required information and click the Submit button. Guidelines Oracle recommends that you base user names on the person s email address. Resetting User Passwords Oracle User Management enables administrators to reset passwords for the set of users in the system that they manage. When the password is reset, an email messa ge is sent to the user using the UMX Password (UMXUPWD) workflow. Prerequisites To reset user passwords, an administrator must be assigned the following: In the Maintain People and Users section, see the Common Prerequisites. The Reset Password (UMX_OBJ_PASSWD_MGMT) permission for the users that the admin istrator can manage Steps 1. Log in as a user with a role granting you access to the User Management responsibility, select the User Management responsibility in the navigator and c lick the Users subtab. 2. Use the Search field to locate the user whose password you wish to chang e and then click the Reset Password icon next to the user. 3. Select one of the following options, provide any required information an d click the Submit button. o Generate Automatically. No additional information is required and the sy stem automatically generates the new password. o Enter Manually. The system prompts you to enter the password and a confi rmation of the password.
The person for whom you reset the password receives and email notification stati ng that the password has expired and must be reset the next time the user logs i n. This notification is sent by the UMX Password (UMXUPWD) workflow. Unlocking Locked User Accounts Oracle User Management enables administrators to unlock user accounts that have been locked due to unsuccessful attempts to log in using an incorrect password. Prerequisites To unlock an account, an administrator must be assigned the following: In the Maintain People and Users section, see Common Prerequisites. The Reset Password (UMX_OBJ_PASSWD_MGMT) permission for the users that the admin istrator can manage. Steps 1. Log in as a user with a role granting access to the User Management resp onsibility. 2. Select the User Management responsibility in the navigator, and click th e Users subtab. 3. Use the Search field to locate the user whose account you wish to unlock . The user account is locked if the Account Status column displays a padlock ico n along with status "Locked". 4. Click the "Reset Password" icon next to that user and follow the steps m entioned in the section above to reset the user s password. As a result of reset ting the password, the user account will be unlocked. Assigning Roles to or Revoking Roles from Users Oracle User Management enables administrators to assign roles to or revoke roles from the subset of users that they manage. Prerequisites To assign roles to or revoke roles from users, an administrator must be assigned the following: Common prerequisites from the Maintain People and Users section, Common Prerequi sites. The appropriate administrative privileges for the role the administrator assigns or revokes. For more information, see Defining Role Administration Privileges f or Roles. Steps 1. Log in as a user with a role granting you access to the User Management responsibility, select the User Management responsibility in the navigator, and click on the Users subtab. 2. Search for the person to whom you wish to assign roles or from whom you wish to revoke roles. 3. From the search results table, navigate to the User Details page by clic king on the Update icon next to the person s name. 4. To assign a role to the user, click the Assign Roles button on the User Details page and select the desired role. To revoke a role from the user, you must end-date the role. If the role is an in herited role, you can only remove it by removing the role from which it originat es in the role inheritance hierarchy. You can view a role s inheritance hierarch y by clicking on the Show hyperlink next to the role. Additional Guidelines The administrator can only grant or revoke roles for which he has the appropriat e privileges. If a registration process exists for the role, it will be invoked and the request will be handled by the Oracle User Management registration engin e. If not, then the role is assigned directly. If the role is associated with a registration process for existing users and the registration process has a refer ence for capturing additional information, then the "Additional Information Requ ired" link is rendered. The administrator must click on this link and provide an y required additional information before the request is processed. Fine Grained Access Control for Role Administration Fine grained access (FGA) control for roles extends the delegated administration functionality by securing administrator operations for role administration. Fin e Grained Access for RBAC (FGA for RBAC) , provides the functionality to support
requirements.of the form this administrator can run security wizards for some ro les but not others. More specifically, FGA for RBAC allows a security administrat or to set up a limited administrator, who can only perform restricted actions on a role. The following privileges are available for administering roles: Assign Role - Allows an administrator to assign only a certain set of roles. Revoke Role - Allows an administrator to revoke only a certain set of roles. Update Role - Allows an administrator to update only a certain set of roles. Manage Grants - Allows an administrator to create grants on a set of roles. Alter Hierarchy - Allows an administrator to change the role hierarchies of only those roles upon which this privilege is given. Run Security Wizard - Allows an administrator to run security wizards on a certa in set of roles. The security administrator can define privileges for roles via the Role Administ ration tab on the Delegated Administration Screen. Steps 1. The Security Administrator creates a new role, such as one called Limite d Security Administrator, then enables FGA on this role by running the Delegated Administration setup wizard. 2. In the setups Role Administration tab, the Security Administrator creates a new role administration criterion, for example HRMS Role Administration. A cr iterion is simply a set of roles to which a set of privileges can be assigned. A n administrator role can be associated with any number of criteria. 3. The Security Administrator assigns the Assign Role and Manage Grants pri vilege to this new criterion. Any administrator to which the new Limited Security Administrator role is assign ed will only be able to administer those roles present in the role administratio n criterion. The following screenshots illustrate this process. Create New Criteria - Starting Link Create New Criteria - Define the Criteria Create Criteria - Select Roles and Privileges and Save Update Criteria - Select Criteria to be Updated Update Criteria - Populate Roles and Privileges Update Criteria - Modify and Save Managing System Accounts UMX formerly supported data security policies for users with a party_id in the T CA schema (HZ_PARTIES table). All such user operations were based on the "User M anagement Person" Object (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT). As this object was based on the HZ _PARTIES table, it could only manage users linked to a person, or (to put it ano ther way) who had a party_id in the TCA schema. Actions such as "Query Person De tails", "Reset Password" , "Edit Person Details", and "Create, Inactivate, or Re activate Account" on users were dependent on data security policies and permissi ons granted on the User Management Person Object (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT). Administra tors therefore had to create data security policies on the User Management Perso n Object (UMX_PERSON_OBJECT). This raised the question of how to administer system accounts, which lack a part y_id. UMX had a permission called "Maintain System Account" Permission, which us ed to maintain all users who lacked party_id. Administrators with this permissio n could perform all operations on users who lacked a party_id. However, this did not address the issue of how to administer some sets of system accounts with re stricted operations. UMX_SYS_ACCT Object A data security object called "User Management: system accounts" (UMX_SYS_ACCT)
is now provided to support accounts that lack a party_id in the TCA Schema. This "User Management: system accounts" object is based on the database object (tabl e) "FND_USER". Steps to use UMX_SYS_ACCT 1. Log on as a user who has been assigned the Security Administrator role ( typically as sysadmin), select the User Management responsibility in the navigat or, and click the Roles & Role Inheritance sub-tab. 2. In the role hierarchy, access the role to which you want to assign user administration privileges, and click the Update icon. 3. Click the Security Wizards button. 4. Click the Run Wizard icon for "User Management: Security Administration Setup". 5. Click the User Administration sub-tab, then click on link "Create Instan ce Set For Users". 6. Click the Add More Rows button. 7. In the Users field, select the set of users who can be managed by admini strators to whom the role was assigned. The drop-down list contains various data security policies that pertain to the "User Management Person" and "User Manage ment: system accounts" objects. Select the instance set that you created in Step 5. 8. In the Permissions field, select the permissions that you wish to associ ate with the delegated administration role. If you want to query a user and reset his password, select "Query and Reset Pass word" permission set in the drop down 9. Click Apply or Save or to save your changes. Managing Proxy Users This section describes how to set up and use the Proxy User feature. Note: For more information on managing the roles of users, see the section Assig ning Roles to or Revoking Roles from Users. Setting Up Proxy Users 1. Log in as System Administrator and navigate to User Management > Users. 2. Query the user (delegator) that you wish to have the ability to grant pr oxy privileges to other users: click on the Update icon of the results table to navigate to the User Details page. 3. On the User Details page, click on the Assign Role button, and search fo r Manage Proxies role in the list of values. Pick this role, supply the justification, and click the Apply button. 4. By assigning the Manage Proxies role to the delegator, you make the dele gator eligible to grant proxy privileges to other users to act on the delegator s behalf. Delegating Proxy User Privileges 1. As a user with the Manage Proxies role (see previous section), log on to Oracle E-Business Suite and click on the global Preferences menu. 2. Under the Manage Proxies link, click on the Add People button (see Note below). 3. Select a user from the list of values, updating the start and end dates if required. 4. Click on Apply to save the changes. 5. Once the changes are saved, a notification will be sent to the user who has been granted the proxy privileges. Note: The permission that controls the list in the Add People LOV is UMX_OBJ_DES IGNATE_PROXY, and the object is UMX_USER_OBJECT. The out-of-the-box instance set contains all the people. The list can be modified by creating a new instance se t and a grant (and deleting the existing grant), to restrict the list of people. Acting as a Proxy User The proxy user mechanism is employed by users as follows: 1. If you are a user permitted to act on behalf of other users, you will se e your name with the prefix Logged in as in the upper right-hand corner of the p age. This reminds you who you are acting as. 2. To switch to another user (act as a delegate), choose the Switch User ic
on and link to access the Switch User page. These are only displayed for users w ho are permitted to use the Proxy User feature. 3. Click on the Switch User icon to switch to Proxy Mode, where you can act on behalf of the selected user. 4. The Switch User page shows an alphabetical list of people who have speci fied that you can act on their behalf, as a delegate. 5. After you have selected a delegator, the application will enter Proxy Mo de. While in this mode, the icon and link will change from Switch User to Return to Self. 6. The user login information details reflect that you are now acting on be half of the selected delegator. 7. While in Proxy Mode, you cannot switch directly to another proxy, but mu st first switch back to yourself. 8. To exit Proxy Mode, click on Return to Self. Running the Proxy User Report In Proxy Mode, Page Access Tracking (PAT ) is automatically turned on, to audit the pages visited by the user when acting as a proxy for the delegator. To run a report on proxy user activities, carry out the following steps: 1. Go to the Preferences > Manage Proxies function. 2. Click on Run Proxy Report. 3. Provide the appropriate parameters and run the report. A concurrent program, Page Access Tracking Data Migration, needs to be run for t he proxy to see the most recent updates in the report. Refer to Chapter 5 for de tails. Registering External Organization Contacts Oracle User Management provides a sample registration process that enables admin istrators to register new people for their organizations. Organizations can use the sample registration process directly or reference it as an example of how to define their own administration registration processes. Prerequisites To register new people, an administrator must be assigned the following: The common prerequisites detailed in the Maintain People and Users section, Comm on Prerequisites. The necessary privileges to invoke the specific administrative account creation registration processes; these are defined as part of the registration process de finition. Organization Administration privileges for all organizations for which an admini strator needs to be able to register new people. Steps 1. Log in as a user with a role granting you access to the User Management responsibility, select the User Management responsibility in the navigator and c lick the Users subtab. 2. In the Register dropdown list, select administrative account registratio n process you wish to invoke, and click the Go button. 3. Enter the information required by the registration process as defined by the registration UI for the registration process, click the Submit button and t hen click the OK button in the resulting page. Self Service Features Implementors and administrators can verify the successful configuration of end u ser functions by performing the tasks described in this section. Self-Service Registration Oracle User Management enables users to register for access to applications with out requiring assistance from administrators. To register for application access , users must provide information in the required fields and click the Submit but ton. Oracle User Management ships with the following sample self-service registration processes: Employee Self-Service Registration Customer Self-Service Registration (external individuals) Organizations can use these registration processes in their existing form, or ca
n use them as references for developing their own registration processes. Requesting Additional Application Access Oracle User Management enables you to request additional access to the specific applications for which you are eligible. Application access is based on roles an d to access an application you must be granted the appropriate role. Perform the following to view the roles you have been assigned and to request additional on es. Steps 1. After logging into the system, click the Preferences link in the upper r ight corner, and click the Access Requests link in the sidebar menu. The Access Requests page displays the roles you have been assigned. Click the Request Acces s button to request one or more additional roles. 2. Most roles are organized according to role categories: roles that are no t categorized appear under the Miscellaneous node. Select the role category that contains the role you want to request. If you do not see the required role, the n either you are not eligible for the role or it has not been set up to for addi tional access requests. 3. Select the role or roles you require for additional access to the system , and click on the Add to List button. You can optionally remove roles from your list by clicking on the Remove Roles button. 4. When you have selected all your required roles, click on the Next button . 5. Enter a justification for your request and click on the Next button. You can remove any pending roles or check their status in the page that appears nex t. Guidelines Some roles may require you to provide additional information. In such cases, the system will prompt you for additional information before you can complete the p rocess for requesting a role. If the role being assigned would cause a separation of duties violation, the ope ration will flag this in the workflow attributes, and any approvers for the requ est will see the details. Login Assistance It is not uncommon for system administrators to have to reset a user s forgotten password, or even advise a user of the account s user (login) name. This is unp roductive for both the user, who cannot do any work in the meantime, and for the administrator. In addition, a user will occasionally request the password to be reset, when it is actually the user name that has been forgotten, or vice versa . This type of occurrence leads to even more time being lost. A new feature reduces the time spent in such administrative activities by implem enting a login help mechanism that is easily accessed from the E-Business Suite Login Page. A user simply clicks on the "Login Assistance" link located below th e Login and Cancel buttons. On the screen that appears, you can either: Go to the Forgot Password section, enter the correct user name and then click on the "Forgot Password" button. You will then be emailed details of how to reset your password. Go to the Forgot User Name section, enter the email address associated with the account, and click on the Forgot User Name button. The user name will then be em ailed to the address specified. For security, the relevant data is stored securely in workflow tables, and the U RLs employed have both an expiration time and a single-use limitation. The identify verification process required in previous releases of Oracle E-Busi ness Suite is no longer needed. Instead, a link to a secure page is sent to the email address of the user name defined in the system. From this secure page, the user can change password immediately. Security Reports The Security Reports feature of UMX enables a security administrator to query th e security infrastructure, identifying users who have access to specified securi ty entities and listing the type of access those security entities grant.
Home Page From the main page of Security Reports, the security administrator can create re ports on the basis of User, Role/Responsibility, Function/Permission, or Data Security Object. A different set of reports is created for each parameter. When creating reports, the security administrator can specify: The report required Whether the report is to be viewed online or offline The format of the report In addition, the security administrator can: Schedule recurring reports (reports that are generated offline on a periodic bas is) Filter conditions specific to the report, to help restrict the number of rows se en in the output For example, a check of offline reports filed by a user might show: The following sections describe some the reports that can be produced. Listing Functions for a User This report will display assigned functions to a given user. The main record wil l show: Function display name Internal name Function type Who columns For each main record there will be a detail row that will show all the paths fro m which this function is available to the end user, whether it is accessible fro m that path, and if not, the reason and the date of assignment. Filter Conditions This report has the following filters: Function Type: Zero or one function types can be selected; only those records wh ich have this function type will be shown. Include Global Granted Functions: This filter allows or prevents information on functions assigned from global grants being added to the report. Function Name/Function Display Name: This filter accepts a wildcard for function name, and can be used to check if a given user has this function. Listing Data Security and Business Objects for a User The fields listed in the main table for this report are: Object Name: The internal code for the object, and a sortable column for this ta ble. Object Display Name: The user friendly name for the object. Database Object Name: The database object with which the object is associated. The detailed region (Show/Hide) contains the following information: Instance Type: The type of object instance to which the user has access. Valid v alues for this field are: o Set o Instance o All/Global Assignment Type/Assigned Through: This field indicates the source via which the user has an access on this object. Valid values for this field are: o Role Grant o User Grant o Global o Permission set: The permission set name through which the user has acces s on this object, the permissions are shown as a comma separated values. As the same object could be assigned through multiple paths, all the paths are s hown here. Filter Conditions This report has the following filters:
Database Object Name: This filter is used to control which objects are shown in the report. Listing Roles and Responsibilities for a User The fields listed in the main table for this report are: Role Display Name: The user friendly name for the role. Role Type: Can be a responsibility or role. Assignment Status: Indicates whether the User-Role/Responsibility Assignment is active or not. Assignment Type: This field indicates whether the role is directly assigned to t he user, inherited by the user, or both. The valid values for this column are: o Direct o Indirect o Both The detailed region (Show/Hide) contains the following information: Dates information: For all roles (both direct and indirect), this region contain s information about: o Effective Start Date: Date from which the user- role relationship is act ive. o Effective End Date: Date on which the user-role relationship ends. o Role/Responsibility Start Date o Role/Responsibility End Date Justification/Comments: This field is shown only for roles whose assignment type is Direct/Both . It lists any comments added by the administrator who has assi gned the role or responsibility to the user. Assigning Role: In the case of indirect assignments, this column shows the paren t role through which this role was assigned to the user. Filter Conditions Role Name: Used to control which roles and responsibilities are shown in the rep ort. This filter accepts a wild card. Assignment Status: Controls whether the end user sees Active, Inactive, or All a ssignments. Role Type: Controls whether the end user wants to see Roles, Responsibilities, o r All. Assignment Type: This filter controls whether the end user wants to see assignme nt types of Direct, Indirect, Both or, or All. Listing Users With a Given Role The fields listed in the main table for this report are: User Name Assignment Status: Whether the User to Role assignment is active or not. User Status: Whether the user is active or not. Assignment Type: Whether the role is inherited, directly assigned, or both. Vali d values for this column are: o Direct o Indirect o Both The detailed region (Show/Hide) contains the following information: How: This information is given only for the relationships that are indirectly in herited by the user. o Parent Role Name: Name of the Immediate Parent Role through which this role has been inherited by the user. If the role has been assigned to this user through different paths, all the parent roles from the various paths will be sho wn. Justification: Given only for the relationships that are directly assigned. o Justification is ASSIGNMENT_REASON in WF_User_Role_Assignments. Filter Conditions Assignment Type: Controls whether Direct , Indirect , Both or All types ar e shown. User Status: Displays report based on User Status, which can be specified as Ac
tive , Inactive , or All . Assignment Status: Displays report based on User to Role Assignment Status, whic h can be specified as Active , Inactive , or All . User Name: Displays report filtered by User Name. Listing Functions That Can Be Accessed From a Given Role This report displays assigned functions to a given user. All columns are sortabl e. The main record will show Function Display Name, Internal Name, Function Type , and Who columns. Filter Conditions Function Name: This filter accepts a wildcard for Function Name, and can be used to check if a given role has the functions in question. Function Type: Only those records with the specified function type will be shown . Listing Objects for a Given Role The fields listed in the main table for this report are: Object Name: The internal code for the object, and a sortable column for this ta ble. Object Display Name: The user friendly name for the object. Database Object Name: The database object with which this object is associated. The detailed region (Show/Hide) contains the following information: Instance Type: The type of object instance to which this role gives access. Vali d values for this field are: o Set o Instance o All/Global Assignment Type/Assigned Through: This field indicates the parent role through w hich this role grants access on this object. Permission Set: The name through which the user has access on this object s perm issions, which are shown as comma-separated values. As the same function or permission could be assigned through multiple paths, all the paths are shown here. Filter Conditions There are no applicable filter conditions. Listing Users for a Given Function The fields listed in the main table for this report are: User Name Who Columns The detailed region (Show/Hide) contains the following information: Accessible Through: The Child Role/Responsibility/Grant through which the functi on is accessible from this role. Accessibility: Whether the function is accessible through this path. Reason: The reason the function is not accessible. As the same function or permission could be assigned through multiple paths, all the paths are shown here. Filter Conditions User Name: The report can be restricted on the basis of the User Name (for examp le, Joe%). Listing Roles and Responsibilities for a Given Object The fields listed in the main table for this report are: Role Display Name: User Friendly Name Role Type: Responsibility/Role Who Columns The detailed region (Show/Hide) contains the following information: Instance Type of Grant: Can be Set, All, or Instance Permission Set: Permissions granted for this role on this object As the same role or responsibility could be assigned through multiple paths, all the paths are shown here.
Filter Conditions Role Name: The report can be filtered on the basis of Role Name.