AI Workplace Checklist

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WORKPLACE CHECKLIST ASSET INTEGRITY Notes: 1) The checklist is intended for use offshore and you will need

d to interview maintenance personnel. Some questions ask for opinions and are designed to check communications and culture in the maintenance group. It may also be used within onshore maintenance groups, but fewer questions will apply. 2) The checklist is based on the references given on page 2. 3) The expected performance standard is that all questions which apply can be ticked yes. Any dont know should be counted as a no. 4) If the checklist is completed by discussion with several individuals, mark relevant boxes with the answers for each person, then write the final totals in each box. Location: Question Safety Critical Elements (SCEs) Is a list of SCEs readily available? Do you agree all these should be on the list? Do you agree the list is complete? Is there a maintenance/inspection plan covering every SCE? Do relevant staff understand the expected performance standard (PS) for each SCE? Is there a decision-tree, or other tool, to help the OIM decide what to do if each SCE cannot meet its performance standard, including when to cease normal operations? Are any SCEs currently not fully operational (e.g. inhibitions in place)? If so, what has been done to ensure safety? Details: ___________________________________________________ Details: ___________________________________________________ Maintenance Records and Analysis Are maintenance/inspection tasks for SCEs clearly identified? When SCE PSs are checked, are allowable acceptance criteria used? Are SCE maintenance/inspection records accurate and up to date? Are these records used to increase/decrease SCE inspection intervals? After maintenance on a SCE, are relevant performance checks always done and recorded? Are unplanned SCE operations also recorded, including any failures to meet the PS? (e.g. alarm, deluge, ESD, emergency generator activation) When a PS is not met, is there a good system for recording the cause? If a temporary SCE repair is made, is its life always agreed and future maintenance/inspection schedules adjusted accordingly? Is the mean time between failures (MTBF) of SCEs monitored onshore? Is onshore support from technical authorities helpful and sufficient? Are decisions to change SCE maintenance intervals soundly based? Date: .. /.. /. Y N N/A

Totals carried forward

Rev1, March 2007

Question Totals brought forward Competence All those whose work affects SCE integrity and performance can demonstrate their competences? Including all contractors? Including onshore maintenance and technical support people? Good arrangements for recruiting competent people? Competence includes how to record work completed, findings etc? Training and competence assessment for any new equipment is timely? Work Planning (for all SCE maintenance/inspection) Do you have access to suitable manuals etc? Is the SCE maintenance/inspection workload well planned? Work packs are in sufficient detail to allow good recording? All required materials and equipment readily available? Independent Verification Body (IVB) requirements and tests included? Task backlog is prioritised, and acceptably low (in man-days)? Tasks not unduly delayed by continuing operations? Any SCE task deferred is approved by the onshore technical authority? Installation KPIs All hydrocarbon releases are recorded and reported onshore? All improvements required by IVB have timely closeout dates? Operational impact from loss of SCE integrity is monitored? Totals Yes column = Y; No column = N Compliance gap = 100 N/ (Y+N) % ignore all N/As


Check completed by: _____________________

Position: ___________________

Checklist based on: UKOOA/HSE Asset Integrity Toolkit, Step Change, June 2006 KP3, Offshore maintenance management template, HSE, undated

Rev1, March 2007

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