Hill and Peterson Corrections
Hill and Peterson Corrections
Hill and Peterson Corrections
and is used as such for the remainder of the text. Page 37:Figure 2.6 is wrong, the following plot is of the constant pressure lines on a T-s diagram for constant specific heats;
s The last statement of the first paragraph, "Hence the curves are of the same shape displaced horizontally." is also wrong. At a constant temperature the slopes of the curves are equal. The last equation on the page is also incorrect, it should read; s s 1 = Cp ln T p R ln T1 p1
Page 69:Sentence in the middle of the page should be, "Since the wave is unaffected by o and X, Eq. (3.2) reduces to" Page 75:Middle of the page should read, "We can in turn obtain the dependence of the stagnation temperature on Mach number as follows:" 1
Page 97:Second paragraph. "Often an adjustment of the free-stream flow results such that the adverse ...." (geometry should be flow). Page 100:Figure 4.8 is wrong. The turbulent boundary layer profile does not approach free-stream conditions at y/ = 1.0 as it should. Page 118:Equation between (4.19) and (4.20) should be ; u y = U
Page 119:- Last paragraph has an incorrect reference, [10] should be [12], Moses' paper. Page 165:The F404 should be presented in Section 5.5, Turbofan Engines, as it is confusing to present it during the discussion of turbojet engines. Page 166:The estimate of the thermal efficiency of the Olympus engine of 0.6 (during cruise) seems rather high! My estimate follows; Rolls-Royce Olympus 593 turbojet: Static thrust = 169 kN @ 16100 m and a flight speed of Mach 2 (Ta = 216.65 K, pa = 10353 N/m2, a = 0.1665 kg/m3, aa = 295 m/s); Thrust TSFC = pc = T
44.6 kN = mf / T = p 03/p02
u u
= =
th = 0.459 Page 184:A matter of convention, but most other texts, most software programs (i.e. ONNX and GASTURB) and most engine companies define the specific thrust of a turbofan engine as the overall thrust divided by the overall mass flow rate through the engine (both core and bypass air). A copy of my notes on this section follows; Bypass ratio, b, ratio of the bypass airflow to the core engine airflow rate; m a + m f = m e + m ef = m ef me ; f= mf me
For an exhaust pressure equal to atmospheric pressure the specific thrust equation becomes;
T = m eu e + m efu ef m au T
ma since; ma me ma me + mf me =1+ m ef me ma m ef ; ma me m e m ef 1 + f = u e + u ef 1 + f u 1 1 + f
= 1 + f;
and the thrust specific fuel consumption becomes; TSFC = mf = f u e + u ef 1 + f u (5.47) Page 223:Should the equation in the middle of the page not be Cpmax = ... ? Page 277:- The angular momentum of the particle about the z-axis is simply mc. The radius needs to be omitted or else it is the moment of momentum. Page 279:Page 289:Fig. 7.3, one of the radial coordinates is miss labeled as Cx1. Should be Cr1. Fig. 7.10, the vertical axis label should be; h o U
Page 301:Last sentence should be; "Most compressor-performance graphs indicate the danger of surge at points on the constant-speed lines where the slope is still negative."
Page 302:The first inequality in the first sentence of the second paragraph should be changed around. Stall occurs when the flow coefficient is less than the design value, not greater. Page 314:Page 330:Page 336:Fig. 7.29 uses two symbols for the Total-pressure-loss coefficient. Last sentence of the first paragraph, should reference Fig. 7.40, not 7.32. Second last paragraph. Euler methods cannot account for friction losses!
Page 339:- Should the first sentence of the second paragraph not refer to torsional stresses rather than bending stresses? Page 388:Page 397:Page 398:Page 407:Last sentence refers to Fig. 5.25 & 5.26, are these correct? Last sentence, should refer to Eq. (8.28) not 8.23. Fig. 8.22 should have Eq. (8.28) as a label, not 8.23. Fig. 8.26, the horizontal axis should be; m RT02 p02 and the constant speed line should be labeled; N T02 to be consistent with Fig. 8.25. Page 416:Problem 7; " .... 2h is 70o ......"
Page 690:- Conversion factors; 1oR = 0.5555 K 1 K = 1.8oR Appendix IV:- Please the annotated photocopy of the Appendix. Page 745:The answer to problem 11.1(e) should be 11.1(f).