Tuesday, February 5, 13
Tuesday, February 5, 13
Tuesday, February 5, 13
In September and October of 1777 the Patriots got lucky. General Burgoyne of the British got orders to move south of Canada to the Hudson River to meet General Howe. General Howe and his men were to move north from New York city to the Hudson river to meet General Burgoyne. But General Howe didnt get orders in time to move north, so only General Burgoyne and his men could ght the Patriots instead of both of there armies. Horatio Gates was chief of the Patriot army in NY. He and his men with skill use shelter of trees and rocks as shelter from the British. The British had been trained to ght in the open not in the forest. General Burgoyne asked for reinforcements form General Clinton but they came to late. That gave General Gates time to make General Burgoyne to surrender.
Tuesday, February 5, 13
Valley Forge
It was a very cold winter for the Continental army. They stayed in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania to protect the new location of the Continental Congress. The British had taken over Philadelphia and New York City, so they could have a nice winter in those two cities, but the could also attack at once. So General Washington thought this was a good place to stay for winter, so he could ght the British if they attacked at once. Many of the generals wife's came and kited socks and scarves for the warriors. Though many of General Washingtons army had died from either the cold, or disease, many stayed with and loyal to Washington. Baron Von Steuben joined the army when they really needed help. He had battle experience and was suggested to Washington by Ben Franklin. He got to Valley Forge in February of 1778. Washington put him in charge of the training. On march 24 1778 Baron von Steuben put his troops through a series of line-and-field drills to show Washington what they could do. George Washington was so surprised that he put Von Steuben one of the Generals.
Tuesday, February 5, 13
On september 28 1781, Yorktown, Virginia, General Cornwalls was waiting for reinforcements on a peninsula. The British thought that Yorktown would be easy to defend. They didnt think that the Help of the French would help the Continental army at all. Without the the british knowing, a big group of French arrived in America, but could only stay there for two weeks because of the Hurricane Season was coming up.
General Washington sent a lot of French war ships to wipe out the British ships that were protecting General Cornwalls, and make it so that the reinforcements couldnt come. After that, they were to trap General Cornwalls on the peninsula. On October 19 1781, General Cornwalls knew that there was no escape, or no way to fight through. So he surrendered.
Tuesday, February 5, 13
After the huge win at Yorktown, the war still wasnt over. What truly ended it was the treaty of Paris. On September 3 1783,the British, the americans in France, signed the treaty of paris that declared independence for the americans. The French forced the British to make America an independent country. France had done it! France had ended the seven year war against the americans and the british!
Tuesday, February 5, 13
Tuesday, February 5, 13
Tuesday, February 5, 13