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The American Revolution

By: Virgi n ia Fren ch

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Trenton

The fall of 1776 was not a good time for the Continental army because the British were chasing them and beating them, but George Washington (the general of the Continental army) had a plan. His plan was to make a surprise attack on the Hessians the night after Christmas. He wanted this plan to come into action because he thought it would inspire more men to join the army. He made that plan happen when he led 2,400 men into the Hessians camp in Trenton, New Jersey. There was a brief battle, but the Continental army obviously won. The Hessians never saw it coming because they were so tired after Christmas. The Continental army had much more spirit than the Hessians because the Hessians were hired to fight. The soldiers of the Continental army chose to fight for their beliefs. They werent Germans who were fighting for money. This was a great win for the Continental army because before this battle they were having a hard time. They were chased and beaten, but this win raise their attitude. It made them feel like they really could win this fight.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Princeton

They went into this battle with their spirits high because of their win in Trenton. The Red Coats leader wanted to go to Trenton and attack Washington and his army. He told his men to go shoot from somewhere up high, but Washington was a lot smarter than their leader, and he took some of his men to Princeton. Washington told his men in Trenton to make as much noise as they can to distract the British. When the British got there, the Continental army and Red coats fought overnight on January 3, 1777 in Princeton. Then the British retreated to Trenton, and the Continental army didnt follow.

The Continental army called it a win for them. It was a very important battle because it made their trust in each other a lot higher.
Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Saratoga

General William Howe and General John Burgoyne were one of the most celebrated British Generals. They had a lot in common with each other. A way that a German official described General Howe was, Sir William liked to enjoy himself, so much that he sometimes forget his duties as a commander. He could be pretty lazy, but he sometimes was a pretty good general. General Burgoyne was a know it all. He was too proud of Britain, and he thought Britain was so much better than America. He once said, I look upon America as our child, which we have already spoilt by too much indulgence. The Battle of Saratoga took place in Saratoga, New York and happened on October 17, 1777. The Britishs plan was for General Burgoyne to get more soldiers from Clinton, and then for General Howes men and for General Burgoynes men to meet halfway between the Hudson River and New York City. Then they could meet up and attack the Continental army. Their plan was definitely unsuccessful because Clinton didnt send the soldiers in time, and General Howe didnt get the order in time. There were a lot of problems with timing here. When General Burgoyne was in New York waiting for his soldiers, the Continental army was in New York too. On October 17, 1777 General Burgoyne and his remaining soldiers were forced to surrender. The Battle of Saratoga was so important because the Continental army got lots of British prisoners, but they didnt take advantage of any of their weapons or gun powder. I think that that was the wrong decision to make.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

Winter at Valley Forge

At the end of the 1777, Winter at Valley Forge happened. It was a very freezing season, and it made some of the soldiers even leave! Men used to chant, No pay! No clothes! No provisions! No rum! They were mad because they had to live in a camp where it was freezing cold. It really affected their attitude. Washington had to live in the camp too, so he was cold, and tired, and not very happy on how they were living, but he was very positive. That made a very good influence on the Continental army. He definitely gained their respect. Then Baron Von Steubon came along when the Continental army was all in rags. They were in bad shape for fighting in a war, so Von Steubon trained them to be the best they could be. He was so good that Congress ranked him to a major general. He was a big help to winning the Revolutionary War.

Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Battle of Yorktown

On September 28, 1781 the Battle of Yorktown was going to decide who won the Revolutionary War. General Cornwallis was one of the most important British generals, but he was very full of himself. He was very good though because he had lots of defeats in the south. He and Clinton were always fighting about strategies and that was a big contribute to the Britishs defeat. After the Continental army won the war, Clinton and Cornwallis blamed each other. Cornwallis was waiting for more troops from Clinton in Yorktown, Virginia, but Clinton was so scared that Washington would come after him, that he would not part from his troops. On the anniversary of Burgoynes capture, Cornwallis and his men chose to surrender to the Continental army and Washington. Washington did not know immediately that the war was over because the British still overruled some colonies. Washington was very confident that they could win and that gave the Continental army confidence. That was one of the three key factors; the other 2 were Cornwallis didnt get extra troops from Clinton, and the French helped give troops, weapons, and supplies. This battle was very important because it ended the Revolutionary War!
Tuesday, February 5, 13

The Treaty of Paris

John Jay, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin went to Paris and helped make a treaty. They made sure it said that nobody could overrule their independence, including Britain or Paris. They called this treaty the Declaration of Independence. Jay, Adams, and Franklin were very careful when they were helping to write the treaty. The French were trying to use America to get more land, but Jay, Adams, and Franklin didnt let them. On September 3, 1783 Jay, Adams, and Franklin signed the Treaty of Paris. On January 14, 1784 the treaty became fully valid, and America was declared independent! The next step was for them to learn how to be on their own and be independent from Britain. The Treaty of Paris Men writing the Treaty of Paris
Tuesday, February 5, 13

American Revolution Clothing

Clothes were very expensive for the soldiers and their families to buy. Mens and boys trousers were always patched. However, rich people could get their clothes shipped from England or get a tailor to make it for them. They would have to get fitted, then buy the fabric, and then the tailor could finally make the gorgeous outfit or gown. Men and boys always wore clothes made out of wool and linen. They always wore a tricorner hat, breeches, woolen stockings, vest, and leather shoes. Rich boys and men wore a wig, satin breeches, silk vest, silk stockings, and leather shoes with silver buckles. Women and girls always wore a mop cap, a tucker (which is something they wore around their neck), a apron, and a gown. Wealthy women and girls wore a lace cap, a silk tucker, a hoop skirt (under their gown of course), and a silk gown. Men and boys always wore the same clothes, and women and girls always wore the same clothes. They had to wear many layers, which mustve been hot. Im glad we dont have to do that today!
Tuesday, February 5, 13

!!!THE END!!! +american+revolution&localizeMetaData=false
Tuesday, February 5, 13

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