Bias N Heuristic
Bias N Heuristic
Bias N Heuristic
Heuristic Approach
MB2101-Decision Making
Herbert Simon
Nobel Laurates 1978
“[is awarded the Nobel Price in 1978] "for his pioneering research into the decision-making process within
economic organizations"
Distinguished Scholar in the Decision Making Field
Daniel Kahneman
Nobel Laurate 2002
“[is awarded the Nobel Price in 2002] “for having integrated insights from psychological research into
economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision-making under uncertainty“
Distinguished Scholar in the Decision Making Field
Gerd Gigerenzer
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin Germany
How should we make decisions when NOT all relevant alternatives,
consequences, and probabilities are known?
First, they expose some of our intellectual limitations and suggest ways to improve the
quality of our thinking.
Second, errors and biases often reveal the psychological processes that govern judgment
and inference.
Third, mistakes and fallacies help the mapping of human intuitions by indicating which
principles of statistics or logic are non-intuitive or counter-intuitive. (Tversky and
Kahneman, 1982)
PAD634 (heuristics-biases.ppt) 11
3 Types of Heuristics
Kahneman & Tversky, 1974
1. Availability Heuristics
2. Representativeness Heuristics
3. Adjustment from an Anchor Heuristics
Availability Heuristics
Kahneman & Tversky, 1974
• People believe that car accidents cause more deaths than stomach
cancer in United Stated.
• This believes occur because car accidents get more exposure from media
than stomach cancer
Bias associated to Availability Heuristics (2)
2. Ease of imagination is not related to probability
i.e. Civil engineer in charge of construction project may
find it easy to imagine all the circumstances that could
lead to the delay of project such as strikes, adverse
weather condition, interruption in the supply of
material and equipment, geological problem. The
result could be a gross overestimate of the risk of the
project overrunning the deadline.
Biases Associated to Availability Heuristics (2)
3. Illusory correlation i.e. celebrity experienced divorced, then people usually correlate
(Chapman & Chapman married celebrity with divorce.
Subjects might
overestimate the
correlation due to easier All people with beard correlate with terrorist
association of suspicion
with the eyes than other
body parts
Representativeness Heuristics
Kahneman & Tversky, 1974
i.e. if you find out that only 10% of the delegates at your
conference party were sales people then this should be clearly be
considered when you estimate the probability of a person being a
Biases associated with Representative
Heuristics (2)
2. Expecting sequence of events to appear random
i.e., when a sequence of events generated by a random process
people expect the sequence of represent the characteristics of
randomness. Example tossing a coin six times. People tent to
expect the sequence of H-H-H-T-T-T to be less likely to occur then
the sequence of T-H-H-T-H-T
Biases associated with Representative
Heuristics (3)
3. Expecting chance to be self-correcting
i.e. If a fair coin is tossed and a long sequence of head appears,
many people will think that the occurrence of a tail on the next
throw is highly probable because the tail is overdue.
Biases associated with Representative
Heuristics (4)
4. Ignoring regression to the mean
i.e. people assume that, when an event follows an extreme event,
it will be maximally representative of the extreme event. But in
fact, they should considering the combination of chance factors
which unlikely to recur in the following period
Biases associated with Representative
Heuristics (5)
5. Conjunction Fallacy
The conjunction (or co-occurrence) of two events cannot be more probable than each
event on its own.
People were told that Linda majored in philosophy and was a social activist. Then they
ranked the probability of 8 statements about Linda.
– Linda is a bank teller
– Linda is a bank teller and a feminist
80% of people rated the statement “Linda is a bank teller and a feminist” as more likely than “Linda is a bank
This contradicts the fact that the probability of x is greater than the probability of x and y co-occurring (when x
and y are independent events)
Anchoring and Adjustment
People often estimate by adjusting an initial value until a final
value is reached
The initial value, or starting point, may be suggested from historical
precedent, from the way in which a problem is presented, or from
random information