Occupy Broad Ripple With Guns. Who Is Behind It?

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Occupy Broad Ripple With Guns

Who is behind it?

The driving force behind the group* is John Hallgarth, aka motowncrackpipe and Mayor John E. Wang of Fountaintown (which doesnt have a mayor). On his Facebook page his name is Der Ecips Gnaw, which reverses to Red Spice Wang, a type of incense. Hallgarth has a long history of enthusiasm for racist and neoNazi images and groups. In 2004, Hallgarth recommended the National Alliance in a web post. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), National Alliance was the most dangerous and best organized neo-Nazi formation in America. Explicitly genocidal in its ideology, NA materials call for the eradication of the Jews and other races what a principal foundational document describes as a temporary unpleasantness and the creation of an all-white homeland. Hallgarth lauded the National Alliance as the foremost resource for racially concious person. He now claims he was referring to another group by the same name, but that group has nothing to do with race and his sentiments are clear. A book by the founder of National Alliance was the inspiration for Timothy McVeighs bombing that killed 168 and injured 800 people. Much more recently, Hallgarth created a Facebook page opposing Black Expo. Under Info he placed a link to the web site of Stormfront, which SPLC says is the Western worlds most popular forum for so called white nationalists to post articles, engage in discussions, and share news of upcoming racist events. He has removed access to that FB page, but someone had already saved a screen shot of his racist link you can see on the reverse side with his email address and alias. On a following page you will find some hateful and disturbing items posted by Hallgarth. In one there is a photo of a rope over a tree limb with the caption, We made this noose for a Mexican or a Nagger. The photo is titled, A Nagger Hanger. Another shows a group of people doing the Nazi salute with the title White Power!!!!! and the caption reads, Facism (sic) is here to stay... Heil Hitler!!
* The phrase driving force was applied to Hallgarth by WRTVs John Rinehart in his Nov 23 story.

John Hallgarth, driving force behind Occupy Broad Ripple With Guns.

Explanation for this leaflet

This is meant to explain what is behind the Occupy Broad Ripple With Guns stunt, not to discredit the right to own firearms. It is not to suggest that all people who attend the event are racists or neo-Nazis, though some may be. The Indianapolis Star and all of the TV stations have known for days about Hallgarths racist history, but chosen not to report it. Reporter John Rinehart of WRTV was told about the Hallgarth problem before he did his report, but didnt mention it. Why? Ask the media. Attorney/Blogger Paul Ogden, a gun rights supporter, exposed Hallgarth on his blog November 23, but the local media have continued to avoid the issue. (ogdenonpolitics.com) First breaking the Hallgarth story was the blog civildiscoursenow. com

Above: A Facebook page created by John Hallgarth with a link to the racist site Stormfront.

Right: A post made by Hallgarth titled White Power!!!!! and captioned Facism (sic) is here to stay...Heil Hitler!!

Posted to the web by John Hallgarth under his alias, motowncrackpipe.

A Myspace post by Hallgarth featuring his racist, mexican eating spider and a racist tag reference to the Colts. Inset is Hallgarths senior picture with his spider.

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