Review of Literature
Review of Literature
Review of Literature
SUBMITTED TO: Mrs. Sini Neeruzhi Assistant Professor Al- Shifa College of Nursing SUBMITTED BY: Mrs. Jasmin. T. V. Msc Nursing 1st Year Al- Shifa College of Nursing SUBMITTED ON: 08-02-13
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CONTENT Introduction Terminologies Objectives of review of literature Purpose of review of literature Importance of review of literature Criteria of review of literature Skill needed for review of literature Uses of review of literature Sources of review of literature Characteristics of review of literature Criteria for selection resources Points to be considered for of review of literature Advantages of review of literature Review of literature Conclusion
Review of literature is one of the most important steps in research process. It is an account of what is already known about a phenomenon. The main purpose of literature review is to convey to the readers about the work already done and knowledge and ideas that have been already established on a particular topic of research. It is a piece of discursive prose, and not a list of describing or summarizing one piece of literature one after another. It stimulates the researchers thinking and can provide a wealth of ideas for the researcher .It forms the backbone for the intellectual and logical discussion of ideas .Understanding of what has been done already provides direction and guidance to offer something in return, towards the total body of knowledge. Literature review is laborious task ,but it is essential if the research process is to be successful .Research studies are usually undertaken within the context of an existing knowledge base ,because research cannot be conducted in an intellectual vacuum .Before starting any research ,a literature review of previous studies and experience related to the proposed investigation has to be done .Nursing research may be considered as continuing process in which knowledge gained from earlier studies in an integral part of research in general.
RESEARCH The systematic investigations into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions Research is a process systematically searches for new facts and relationships (Notter) LITERATURE SEARCH Literature search means locating and identifying the most up- to-date and relevant material. REVIEW OF LITERATURE A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of knowledge on a particular topic of research. (ANA) Literature review is defined as a broad, comprehensive, in depth, systematic and critical review of scholarly publications, unpublished printed or audiovisual materials and personal communications. (S.K. Sharma, 2005) PHENOMENOLOGY Phenomenology is a qualitative inquiry which focuses on people experiences regarding some phenomenon lived
GROUNDED THERY It is an inductive, qualitative research method that seeks to understand and explain human behavior
It is a qualitative inquiry which involves description and interpretation of cultural behaviors of a group of people HISTORICAL RESEARCH It is a systematic collection, evaluation and interpretation of data relation to past occurrences
Critical analysis, as it enhances your ability to apply analytical principles in identifying unbiased and valid research in your area.
Comprehensive understanding It is skilled reading designed to increase understanding of the terms in relation to the context or the parts of the studies in relation to whole article Analysis understanding It is designed to break up the content in to parts so that each part of the study is understood critiquing process is begin. It is the process objectively and critically evaluating the research report Synthesis and understanding Synthesis is the combination of putting together ,combining parts in to whole During the final stage ,the reader determines how each steps relate to the all the steps of the research
QUALITATIVE PROCESS PHENOMENOLOGICAL- compare findings with information from the review of literature GROUNDED THEORY Constantly compare literature with data being generated ETHNOGRAPHIC- provide frame work for the study HISTORICAL review of literature is a source of data QUANTITATIVE DESIGN The review of the literature is used for all design and levels .It is usually a step of the research process and used in developing all the steps of the research process
Problem Need and significance Question and hypothesis Theoretical and conceptual frame work Design /methodology Validity and reliability Data collection method Data collection method Type of analysis Findings Simplification of findings Recommendations based on findings
NON RESEARCH The major non- research focus of the literature reviewed is on uncovering the knowledge for use in the educational and clinical practice settings In educational settingThe literature review is used by students to develop academic scholarly papers and to prepare the oral presentations or debates of a topic or a problem or issue It used by the faculty to develop and revise curriculum and theoretical papers for presentations In clinical settings Implement research based nursing interventions Develop nursing protocols or policies related to patient care Specific quality assurance and continuous quality improvement Review of literature is used by professional nursing organization and governmental agencies to develop major policies and standards for clinical practice and develop practice guidelines
Electronic database
Conference paper
ELECTRONIC SOURCES Computer- assisted literature search has revolutionized the review of literature. Theses searches however ,for a variety of reasons may not provide the desired reference .Electronic literature search through the web may be very useful ,but sometimes it can be time consuming and unpredictable because there are many website and web pages that can lead to information overload and confusion However ,currently it is one of the most important sources of literature searches .General literature search can be conducted through search engines like Yahoo(www,yahoosearch,com)Google ( .com) ,Web crawler ,Alta vista . The most relevant nursing database are
CINAHL (Cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature) Accessible at http:www.cinahl .com ,it contains citations of nursing literature published after 1988.Even full test articles are available MEDLINE (medical literature analysis and reviewed system online). It is another electronic sources of literature review commonly used by nurses. The national library of medicine provide free access to MEDLINE through Pub Med, available at www.pubmed .com or http://www.ncbi.nih /.gov /entrez/query.fcgi. Generally, abstracts of research articles are provided free of cost; some of full text copies are also freely available and some others are available for a fee PUBMED Pubmed can be used to search research abstracts, available at www. MEDLINE PLUS It is the national library of Medicines web sitee for consumer health information. It is available at http://www.medlineplus .gov Registry of Nursing research
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing makes this database available through its Virginia Henderson international nursing library .The research abstract are searched via key words ,author and title of the research study .Free access at this data base may be found at http://www.nursing library .org COCHRANE DATA BASEOF SYSTEM REVIEWS Health care related literature can be from this source available at http://www.cochrane. Org ERIC Education recourse information center is the largest source of education information .Free search may carried out at http://www.eric PsycINFO The PsycINFO data base belongs to American Psychological Association, and covers the literature form psychological or related discipline .It may be searched at Dissertation abstracts online Abstracts of masters and doctoral theses are available on this electronic data base ON LINE JOURNALS Following are the website addresses for journals and magazines that are available online http://www.nursefriendly .com/nursing/linksections /nursingjournal.html http://www.juns.nursing
OTHER ONLINE DATABASE INFORMATION) on hazardous agents) health information database) database network) Cancer lit EMBASE(Exerpta medica data base ) Health star(health services technology administration and research) Radix(nursing and managed care database ) CD-ROM-(Compact disc-read only memory) with research database
PRINTED RESOURCES Printed resources can be searched either manually or electronically sources are located .The print resources can be located by the use of print indexes and abstracts journals .print indexes are books to locate .It includes journals periodicals ,books dissertations ,publication of professional organization and government organization. The index available for nurses are International nursing index Cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature Nursing study index Hospital literature index ABSTRACTS Nursing abstracts Psychological abstracts Sociological abstracts Dissertation abstracts Masters abstracts
JOURNALS There are several national and international journals which can be used to review the research related literature .some of the national and international nursing journals are
NATIONAL NURSING JOURNALS Nursing and midwifery research journal Indian journal of nursing and midwifery The nursing journal of India Nightingale nursing time International journal of nursing education Indian journal of nursing studies INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Nursing research Research in nursing and heath Nursing science quarterly Western journal of nursing research Applied nursing research Biological search for nursing Advances in nursing sciences Clinical nursing research Worldviews on evidence based nursing Journal of qualitative research American journal of nursing International journal of nursing studies
GOVERNMENT AND CORPORATE REPORTS Many governmental departments and corporations carryout short term and long term research projects. Depending on the field of study, the researcher can obtain useful informations from the finding of the findings of those projects. THESIS AND DISSERTATION A thesis is a research project completed by a masters student as a part of the requirements for the masters degree A dissertation is an extensive, usually original research project that is completed by a doctoral student as a part of requirement for a doctoral degree
INTERNET It is the fastest growing source of information. Most preferred are electronic journals because an editorial board evaluates the work before publishing CD ROM In academic libraries contain more and more bibliographies, so they act as a valuable tool in searching for the information as one needs. NEWSLETTERS, PAMPHLETS AND LEAFLETS They provide brief information with few opportunities for discussion and explanations
OTHERS Research report Unpublished dissertations Magazines and news papers Conference papers and proceeding Encyclopedias and dictionaries Books
Has the author clearly defined the problem/issue and has its significance been clearly established? Could the problem or topic have been approached more effectively from another perspective? What is the author's research orientation (interpretive) and theoretical framework (developmental, feminist)? In a research study how sound are the basic components of the study design? How accurate and valid are the measurements? Is the analysis of the data accurate and are the conclusions valid and logical? Who is the intended audience of the material? Is there an objective basis to the reasoning or is the author merely trying to prove their already held beliefs? How does the author structure the argument? In what ways does the item contribute to your understanding of the problem? What are the strengths and limitations? How does the item specifically relate to the research you are about to undertake?
Credibility - The informants' accounts and researchers' interpretations should be credible Transparency - Researcher should open about the methods used and any potential bias Validity - The extent to which the results of the research are likely to be free from bias. Reliability it should be reliable Generalisability - whether the results from the sample in the study can be applied across the whole population
summary of what is known on relevant aspect of the topic by referring to research and known research literature Review of relevant literature Review of the previous studies helps the researcher to explain what has been achieved so far and provides opportunity to learn from achievements and mistakes of other researchers It provides theoretical and conceptual basis of the study Review or relevant literature provides an idea to the researcher about the frame work available and their utilization in nursing research
Preventing contamination at the time of central venous catheter insertion: a literature review and recommendations for clinical practice.
Source Department of Anesthetic, St Vincent's Public Hospital, Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia. Abstract AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the evidence base and rationale underpinning the various infections control strategies during central venous catheter insertion and to promote discussion about the key, recurring concepts and recommendations in the literature. Logistical and organizational factors relating to central venous catheter insertion are also examined. BACKGROUND: Catheter-related bloodstream infections following the insertion of central venous catheters are associated with significant patient mortality and morbidity, prolonged hospital stays and increased economic costs. Limited published literature specifically examines microbial contamination during the peri-insertion process.
METHODS: An integrative literature review supervised by a health informatics librarian was undertaken. On the basis of these data, considerations for clinical practice are provided. Retrieved articles were categorised under the following themes: risk of contamination at insertion; clinical and organisational impact of contamination; strategies for reducing contamination; controversies and challenges with decontamination strategies; recommendations for practice and implications for further research and organizational practice. RESULTS: Specific recommendations for reducing catheter-related bloodstream infections based on recurring themes include the following: reducing microbial burden on skin prior to the central venous catheter insertion; decreasing contact of gloves and insertion equipment with the patient's skin; using specifically trained staff to prepare and maintain a sterile field; and ensuring a sterile technique is adhered to throughout the central venous catheter insertion process. The need for organizational, procedural and clinical practices to support better healthcare outcomes is demonstrated. Highlighting the importance of executive support and regular review of policy and guidelines are necessary to improve patient outcomes.
CONCLUSIONS Preventing infections related to central venous catheters requires the integration of clinical, organizational and workforce factors. Direct and indirect measurement of physical activity in older adults: a systematic review of the literature. Source School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education and Department of Psychology, University of Victoria, Victoria, B,C, Canada. Abstract BACKGROUND: Due to physiological and cognitive changes that occur with aging, accurate physical activity (PA) measurement in older adults represents a unique challenge. The primary purpose of this study was to systematically review measures of PA and their use and appropriateness with older adults. A secondary aim was to determine the level of agreement between PA measures in older adults.
METHODS: Literature was identified through electronic databases. Studies were eligible if they examined the correlation and/or agreement between at least 2 measures, either indirect and/or direct, of PA in older adults (> 65 years of age). RESULTS: Thirty-six studies met eligibility criteria. The indirect and direct measures of PA across the studies differed widely in their ability to address the key dimensions (i.e., frequency, intensity, time, type) of PA in older adults. The average correlation between indirect and direct measures was moderate (r=0.38). The correlation between indirect and other indirect measures (r=0.29) was weak, while correlations between direct measures with other direct measures were high (real world: r= 0.84; controlled settings: r=0.92). Agreement was strongest between direct PA measures with other direct measures in both real world and laboratory settings. While a clear trend regarding the agreement for mean differences between other PA measures (i.e., direct with indirect, indirect with indirect) did not emerge, there were only a limited number of studies that reported comparable units. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the lack of a clear trend regarding the agreement between PA measures in older adults, the findings underscore theimportance of valid, accurate and reliable measurement. To advance this field, researchers will need to approach the assessment of PA in older adults in a more standardized way (i.e., consistent reporting of results, consensus over cut-points and epoch lengths, using appropriate validation tools). Until then researchers should be cautious when choosing measures for PA that are appropriate for their research questions and when comparing PA levels across various studies.
A review of literature is a comprehensive description as well as an evaluation of the evidence related to a given topics. It sets the stage for the reminder of the article. An effective relevant literature includes those studies which have been completely executed, clearly reported and closely related to the research problem. Well-written reviews of literature include evaluative statements regarding the studies described. Comment about sample size, instruments used, research design, and other components of the research process can be helpful to the reader in better understanding the value of the results of the investigations. In conducting an in-depth search of the literature, the investigator needs to identify all relevant publications in the area of interest.
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