Road RIPorter 8.3
Road RIPorter 8.3
Road RIPorter 8.3
The Little Alliance That Could, by Larry O’Hanlon.
Pages 3-5
Regional Reports & Updates. Page 6
New Resources. Page 7
Depaving the Way, by Bethanie Walder. Pages 8-9
Get with the Program: Restoration, Transportation
& Science Program Updates. Pages 10-11
Odes to Roads: A Southern Radical, by Tom
Petersen. Pages 12-13
More Regional Reports & Updates. Pages 14-15
Biblio Notes: Roads, Fragmentation & Neotropical
Migratory Songbirds, by Adam Switalski.
Pages 16-18
Activist Spotlight: Judith Spencer. Page 19
Policy Primer: Travel Planning, by Bridget Lyons.
Pages 20-21
Around the Office, Membership info. Pages 22-23
ORV tracks scar a desert hillside; a broken fence reveals a disregard for private property. Check out our website at:
Photos by Lisa Philipps.
— See article on page 3 —
Center for
ere at Wildlands CPR we’ve had a pretty exciting and surprising couple of
months, with several important legal and agency victories coming through. preventing and removing roads and limiting
There’ve been tough spots, too, but it’s nice to have something to crow motorized recreation. We are a national
about for a change, so here we go… clearinghouse and network, providing citizens
with tools and strategies to fight road
First, an enormous thank you to Wildlands CPR board member Mary O’Brien for construction, deter motorized recreation, and
her tenacious efforts to protect Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (on the promote road removal and revegetation.
Idaho/Oregon border). In 1994, Mary put together a coalition of folks to develop a
citizen’s alternative to the Comprehensive Management Planning process. For the
next nine years, Mary dogged the Forest Service, the Council of Environmental Director
Quality, and even the members of the coalition (including me), to ensure that our Bethanie Walder
alternative was fully considered in the planning process. On July 23, we found out
that more than 50% of what we asked for was included in the final decision for the Development Director
management plan. Now let’s be clear, the plan’s not perfect, but Hells Canyon is Tom Petersen
going to close 33% of its road system (with possible decommissioning, too), restrict
off-road vehicle use to designated open routes only, and limit grazing. See page 14 Restoration Program
for details. Coordinator
Marnie Criley
Second, a huge thank you to Brian Scherf and Amy Atwood. Brian has been
working with the Florida Biodiversity Project to protect Big Cypress National Science Coordinator
Preserve from ORVs for at least as long as Mary’s been working to protect Hells Adam Switalski
Canyon. Amy is a lawyer with Meyer and Glitzenstein law firm in DC, working with
Brian and others to protect the preserve. On August 1, the district magistrate in NTWC Grassroots
Florida upheld the Park Service’s off-road vehicle plan limiting off-road vehicle use Coordinator
to 400 miles of designated routes. (One more judge still has to approve the Lisa Philipps
magistrate’s report.) We also intervened with Brian and several other groups on
Program Assistant
behalf of the Park Service plan. See page 6 for details.
Kiffin Hope
And the third thanks goes to Paul Spitler and others who’ve been working on
ORV issues in California. While Wildlands CPR hasn’t been at all involved in their
Dan Funsch & Jim Coefield
project, the work they have done is commendable. The state of California recently
entered into a Memorandum of Intent with the Forest Service to inventory and
Interns & Volunteers
analyze all ORV routes on the California National Forests, and then determine which
Maureen Hartmann, Jason Kiely,
ones to designate as open, and which ones to close, by December 2007. This is a Beth Peluso, Ryan Shaffer
first-of-its kind model for changing USFS ORV management and could provide a
model for other states. (The state of California is funding the work, not the Forest Board of Directors
Service). We’ll have many more details about the pros and cons of the agreement in Karen Wood DiBari, Greg Fishbein, Dave Havlick,
the next RIPorter. Greg Munther, Cara Nelson, Sonia Newenhouse,
Mary O'Brien, Matt Skroch, Ted Zukoski
In this era of negative environmental policy-making we’re all routinely bom-
barded with bad news — from the rescission of the roadless policy by a Wyoming Advisory Committee
judge with a conflict of interest, to the exponential growth in RS 2477 claims and Jasper Carlton, Dave Foreman,
settlements by itinerant counties and states. We hope you’ll take as much pleasure Keith Hammer, Timothy Hermach,
as we have in these three stories of good news. And of course, don’t forget the Marion Hourdequin, Kraig Klungness, Lorin
Lindner, Andy Mahler, Robert McConnell,
cover story — a stunning success by a small group of private property owners in Stephanie Mills, Reed Noss,
Nevada. If we work together, it’s amazing how much of a difference we can make! Michael Soulé, Steve Trombulak, Louisa Willcox,
Bill Willers, Howie Wolke
The Wilson Canyon Alliance’s existence and the current public In the months that followed, local resident
controversy started earlier this year when a locally-raised nature Lauri Christine and I (both property owners near
photographer decided he could no longer stomach the hideous scars Wilson Canyon) learned of the meeting and started
that were multiplying on either side of the highway west of the mouth asking Worley questions about his group’s goals,
of Wilson Canyon. Large, frequent encampments of off-road vehicle plans and affiliations. What skimpy responses we
(ORV) users along the river caused the scars. To the south of the got did not answer our questions and made it clear
highway and the river, the US Forest Service (USFS) was seeing rapid that we were not invited to participate in their
deterioration of hillsides that had virtually no tracks or trails ten process, other than in a minimally responsive
years ago. To the north of the highway and river, the BLM had “suggestion box” sort of way. We tried to get
informally allowed ORV use for years, but had failed to pay attention around this by contacting Worley’s political
as damages increased at a cancerous rate, spreading to every hill and advocate, Lyon County Commissioner Phyllis
ridge in the otherwise scenic area, spilling onto private property and Hunewill, but she stuck to Worley as the only voice
fouling the lush, rare desert riverside “riparian” zone. on the matter and was openly hostile to what she
called “outsiders” (translation: anyone not born in
the area or a residing there continuously for more
than 30 years).
. . . we were not content to stand by
We were not satisfied with trusting the ORVers,
while the BLM and county officials nor were we content to stand by while the BLM and
made deals without public input or county officials made deals without public input or
notice to local property owners. So, we started
notice to local property owners. making noise, broadcasting e-mails to all sort of
folks we didn’t know. We hit paydirt when a
sympathetic “insider” (by Hunewill’s definition)
contacted us: Ron Walter. After talking it over with
In late 2002 that photographer, Ron Walter of Gardnerville, NV, Ron, we realized that for our vision of a restored,
complained enough that a meeting was arranged between Walter, his planned, intelligently managed, multiple-use Wilson
father, representatives from USFS, BLM, a local county commissioner, Canyon to become a reality, we could not leave it in
the Nevada Department of Transportation, and a group that called the hands of the ORV folks — whose sole motiva-
themselves “Friends of Wilson Canyon” (FWC). At that meeting the tion appears to be fear of losing ORV access.
“Friends” leader Chuck Worley explained that his group was working
on the matter with the USFS, and were hoping to post signs and erect Hollering the Truth
barricades to block some trails to ORVs. The upshot was the formation of the Wilson
Canyon Alliance. We created a petition for emer-
gency closure of the BLM lands near Wilson
Canyon to ORVs and other vehicles (but not to non-
motorized use). We then developed the website to broadcast the
issues at Wilson Canyon and address the ORV
misinformation people were reading in the Mason
Valley News, the weekly family-run newspaper in
Yerington, NV. Every time someone approached us
with a claim like “dirtbikers are good for business,”
we mulled the matter over and did some research.
Those claims and our responses now fill the
website’s “Truth about ORVs” section so people
can find their way through the Blue Ribbon
Coalition’s smokescreen. On that particular issue
we concluded it was unfounded, and that dirtbike
destruction is bad for business in the long-run
since it drives away visitors looking for natural
beauty and river access. What we were beginning
to build was a watertight case for protecting Wilson
A canyon once quiet . . . Wilson Mountain (top) and a beaver dam Canyon.
on the West Walker River (lower left). Photos courtesy of the
Wilson Canyon Alliance.
The NPS plan will designate a 400-mile trail system for off-road
vehicles, along with access points and nighttime and seasonal
closures. Prior to the plan, the Preserve had wracked up more than
23,000 miles of user-created routes, as swamp buggies were allowed
to drive anywhere. This resulted in extreme damage to the preserve’s
fragile biodiversity and wetlands ecosystem. While we are extremely pleased with the
Judge’s report, the NPS must still assure that the
ORV groups challenged the management plan, and the Park management plan is fully implemented. This will
Service was engaged in intense backdoor negotiations with these require adequate funding from the Department of
groups for a long time. Fortunately, however, these negotiations Interior and congress. Along with implementing
failed. Meanwhile, a coalition of environmental and animal welfare the plan’s trail system and protections, the NPS
organizations intervened in the lawsuit to defend the management must fund research, monitor impacts, educate the
plan on behalf of the federal government. public and enforce the terms of the plan.
Wildlands CPR has been working with Brian Scherf and the Judge Frazier’s Report and Recommendation
Florida Biodiversity Project for years to protect the Preserve, and also must be approved by Justice John Steele, Chief
was joined in the litigation by the National Parks Conservation Judge of the Ft. Myers Division. The coalition of
Association, The Fund for Animals, The Wilderness Society, American intervenors were represented by Amy Atwood and
Lands, Biodiversity Legal Foundation, Bluewater Network, Defenders Eric Glitzenstein of the Washington, D.C. public
of Wildlife, Humane Society of the United States and the Sierra Club. interest law firm of Meyer & Glitzenstein.
n this era of great political diversions, it was
with some humor that I read the title of the
Earth Day speech given by Forest Service Chief
Dale Bosworth: “Great Issues and Great Diver-
sions.” Bosworth used this speech and continues
to use this language to argue that conservationists
are focusing on issues that aren’t a problem, while
missing what’s really important in this changing
By Marnie Criley
W ith the economic study complete (check out our website for
the Summary Report and full study) and two interns hard at
work, the restoration program has been quite busy this summer. Beth
Peluso, our contract researcher assessing the Clearwater National
Forest’s road removal program, will return from fieldwork in Septem-
ber to finish her project. Her goal is to develop a template for a
model road removal program. Maureen Hartmann, one of our summer
interns, is already using Beth’s work to strategize a road removal
workshop/training curricula geared toward Forest Service personnel
and Tribal members. Maureen has already collected training materi-
als, researched training opportunities within the Forest Service and
Tribes, and researched potential workshop presenters and sponsors.
Many agency personnel in this region have expressed interest in such
a workshop, which would focus on the steps needed to create a
successful road removal program.
D rebuilding; to bring
ave Petrig is a seventy-one year old retired lawyer from
Atlanta who bought 460 acres in western Montana with his
daughter. After a few minutes walking with him on an old back to good health or
logging road, Petrig paused, leaned on his walking stick, and care- vigor; to put back in its
fully surveyed their purchase. His grey beret sat cocked at an angle former position; to
on his head, and his red and black checked flannel shirt was
crisscrossed with camera and binocular straps. He looked part reinstate or stabilize.
pioneer, part pirate. We were in Montana, Big Sky Country, the land
of open spaces, but also the land of Gold and Silver (the state motto (Webster’s Dictionary)
is “oro y plata”), the land of mining and logging and roads, and now,
in some desired places like the mountains of western Montana, the
land of second-homes. But Petrig didn’t buy the land to develop it.
He bought his Montana dreamland to restore it.
“Nope, not going to build on it,” he firmly stated, shaking his
head as we continued walking his land. “Just going to take these old
roads out, get a check on the knapweed, and bring back some of the
streams. I just want to make it a better place.”
I turned my ear towards him to make sure I heard him right. Buy
land in Montana and not develop it, not subdivide for a good profit,
or put in a house and a road and a three-car garage?
A fter almost 10 years, the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (HCNRA) in
northeastern Oregon finally released a new Comprehensive Management
Plan (CMP) that offers encouraging new direction. The Record of Decision (July
22, 2003) for the CMP directs the HCNRA to be sensitively managed “as a healthy
ecosystem that is an integral component of a larger biological region.” Hells
Canyon Preservation Council (HCPC) and partners organized under the CMP
Tracking Group (including representatives of tribal, hunting, and scientific
communities and Wildlands CPR) presented the case for the Canyon through
hundreds of letters, documents, and meetings; thousands of public comments A tributary of the Snake River in the
from caring supporters; and the development of an alternative for the Forest Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.
Service’s consideration during its planning process: The Native Ecosystem Photo by Bethanie Walder.
Alternative. It appears the HCNRA listened.
There are approximately 250 species of neotropical Although much of the birds’ tropical habitat has been
migratory birds, most of which are songbirds. They breed in degraded, studies suggest that conversion of large tracts of
North American forests during our summer and spend North American forest is the leading cause of their decline
winters in Central and South America in search of insects, (Terborgh 1989; Böhning-Gaese 1993). Much of North
nectar, and fruits. These songbirds play a major role in America’s forested area has been logged, converted to
maintaining the health and stability of forested ecosystems agriculture or suburban landscapes, and left inhospitable for
by dispersing seeds, pollinating flowers, and consuming songbirds.
massive amounts of insects that if unchecked could lead to
defoliating outbreaks. They are also enjoyed by millions of More subtle causes of habitat loss include the construc-
people. tion of roads and power lines. These linear barriers also
have been correlated with a decline in neotropical migrant
Although songbirds are arguably the most watched and songbirds (Berkey 1993; Boren et al. 1999; Ortega and Capen
beloved of wildlife, they have experienced a significant 2002). Whether by forest conversion or the construction of
decline in recent years (Terborgh 1989, 1992; Finch 1991; roads and power lines, fragmentation subdivides habitat
Hagan and Johnson 1992). This decline is concerning into smaller and smaller parcels. The result is an increase of
because bird populations are indicators of ecological edge habitat, or the boundary between intact forest and
integrity and are highly sensitive to adverse environmental surrounding impacted areas. Small forests with large
change (Maurer 1993). This article reviews two important amounts of edge habitat are a hostile landscape for nesting
factors — roads and habitat fragmentation — in the decline neotropical migratory songbirds. In these areas, songbirds
of neotropical migratory songbirds. face two great threats: 1) the loss of eggs and nestlings to
predators and, 2) parasitism by cowbirds.
Why are neotropical migratory songbirds
declining? Nest Predation
Songbirds require large amounts of continuous forested Nest predation is thought to be a leading cause of
habitat for survival and successful reproduction in both declines in neotropical migratory songbirds (Wilcove 1985;
their wintering grounds in Central and South America Andrén and Angelstam 1988; Yahner and Scott 1988). Forest
and their summer breeding grounds in edges comprise ideal habitat for many predators that would
North America (Robbins not typically invade a forest ecosystem, and many opportu-
1979; Whitcomb et al. nistic predators concentrate their feeding efforts along
1981; Robbins et al. these edges. When roads, power lines, or pipelines are
1989). constructed through forests, small mammalian preda-
tors such as raccoons, opossums, skunks, and feral cats
use these linear avenues to access songbird breeding
grounds and prey upon their eggs and young. Addition-
ally, egg-eating birds such as American crows or blue
jays also focus their hunting along forest edges.
Brood Parasitism
The Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) also
thrives along forest edges and may pose an even
greater hazard to songbirds than that posed by preda-
tion (Brittingham and Temple 1983; Temple and Cary
Sedge Warbler. 1988). Cowbirds are an obligate brood parasite, which
means they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and
rely on the host parents to rear their young. This can
Other Factors
In addition to fragmentation and edge effects, roads and
other linear barriers contribute to the decline of songbirds
in others ways. Songbirds are very sensitive to noise and Andrén, H., and P. Angelstam. 1988. Elevated predation rates
will avoid roads with a large volume of traffic (Reijnen et al. as an edge effect in habitat islands: experimental
1995, 1996). With millions of miles of roads in North evidence. Ecology 69: 544-547.
America, this renders ineffective a huge amount of potential Askins, R.A. 1995. Hostile landscapes and the decline of
summer breeding habitat. Songbirds also can be attracted migratory songbirds. Science 267: 1956-1957.
to less-traveled roads for gravel to aide in digestion, for Berkey, T.U. 1993. Edge effects in seed and egg predation at
insects and worms on roadsides, and to take dust baths two neotropical rainforest sites. Biological Conservation
(Noss 1995). This can lead to collisions between birds and 66(2): 139-143.
vehicles (e.g. Novelli et al. 1988). It is estimated that a Böhning-Gaese, K., M.L. Taper, and J.H. Brown. 1993. Are
million vertebrates are victims of road kill every day in the declines in North America insectivorous songbirds due to
United States; many of these are songbirds. Additionally, misuse of breeding range? Conservation Biology 7(1): 76-
worms contaminated by road pollution can be fatal to the 86.
birds that feed upon them (Noss 1995). Boren, J.C., D.M. Engle, M.W. Palmer, R.E. Masters, and T. Criner.
1999. Land use change effects on breeding bird
Conclusions and Solutions community composition. Journal of Range Management
Neotropical migratory songbirds are beloved and 52: 420-430.
provide priceless ecosystem services, however, a severe Brittingham, M.C., and S.A. Temple. 1983. Have cowbirds
decline of songbirds has been documented. Many causes for caused forest songbirds to decline? Bioscience 33: 31-35.
this decline have been identified. Edges created from roads, Finch, D.M. 1991. Population Ecology, Habitat Requirements,
forestry, agriculture, and suburbanization have resulted in a and Conservation of Neotropical Migratory Birds. USDA
number of ecological changes for songbirds, including Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-205, Fort
greater susceptibility to nest predation and brood parasit- Collins, Colorado.
ism. Habitat fragmentation has created a population sink in Hagan, J.M., and D.W. Johnson (eds.). 1992. Ecology and
many of the areas where songbirds once thrived. Conservation of Neotropical Migrant Landbirds.
Smithsonian Instution Press, Washington, D.C.
To reverse songbirds’ decline, it will be necessary to Hennings, L.A., and W.D. Edge. 2003. Riparian bird community
preserve critical summer breeding habitats and, where structure in Portland, Oregon: habitat, urbanization, and
possible, protect and restore large tracts of intact forest. spatial scale patterns. The Condor 105: 288-302.
Conservation efforts should be focused on a regional scale Maurer, B.A. 1993. Biological diversity, ecological integrity, and
because small nature preserves alone will not be sufficient neotropical migrants: new perspectives for wildlife
to preserve songbirds (Askins 1995). Maurer and Heywood management. Pages 24-31 in D.M. Finch and P.W. Stangel,
(1993) recommend decreasing timber harvest on remaining editors. Status and Management of Neotropical Migratory
tracts of extensive forest on public lands. In urban areas, Birds. USDA General Technical Report RM-229.
Hennings and Edge (2003) suggest increasing forest canopy Maurer, B.A., and S.G. Heywood. 1993. Geographic range
and reducing street density within a 100-meter radius of fragmentation and abundance in neotropical migratory
streams. Successfully protecting and restoring large birds. Conservation Biology 7(3): 501-509.
continuous forest tracts, reducing forest edges, and improv- Noss, R. 1995. The ecological effects of roads. Road Rippers
ing urban/suburban habitats should help slow songbirds’ Handbook, Wildlands CPR, Missoula, Montana. Available
decline. online at:
— Adam Switalski is the Science Program Coordinator for
Wildlands CPR.
— continued on next page —
continued from previous page
Novelli, R., E. Takase, and V. Castro. 1988. Study of birds killed Robbins, C.S., J.R. Sauerr, R.S. Greenberg, and S. Droege. 1989.
by collision with vehicles in a stretch of Highway BR-471, Population declines in North America birds that migrate
between Quinta and Taim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. to the neotropics. Proceedings of the National Academy
Revista Brasileira De Zoologia 5: 51-59. of Sciences of the United States of America. 86: 7658-7662.
Ortega, Y.K., and D. Capen. 2002. Roads as edges: effects on Temple, S.A., and J.R. Cary. 1988. Modeling dynamics of
birds in forested landscapes. Forest Science 48(2): 381- habitat-interior bird populations in fragmented
396. landscapes. Conservation Biology 2:340-347.
Reijnen, R., R. Foppen, C. ter Braak, and J. Thissen. 1995. The Terborgh, J. 1989. Where Have All the Birds Gone? Princeton
effects of car traffic on breeding bird populations in University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
woodland. III. Reduction of density in relation to Terborgh, J. 1992. Why American songbirds are vanishing.
proximity of main roads. Journal of Applied Ecology 32: Scientific American 26:56-62.
187-202. Whitcomb, R.F., C.S. Robbins, J.F. Lynch, B.L. Whitcomb, M.K.
Reijnen, R., R. Foppen, and H. Meeuwsen. 1996. The effects of Klimkiewicz, and D. Bystrak. 1981. Effects of forest
traffic on density of breeding birds in Dutch agricultural fragmentation on avifauna of the Eastern deciduous
grasslands. Biological Conservation 75: 255-260. forest. Pages 125-205 in R.L. Burgess and D.M. Sharpe,
Robbins, C.S. 1979. Effect of forest fragmentation on bird editors. Forest Island Dynamics in Man Dominated
populations. Pages 198-212 in R.M. DeGraaf and K.E. Landscapes. Springer-Verlag, New York, New York.
Evans, editors. Management of North-Central and Wilcove, D.S. 1985. Nest predation in forest tracts and the
Northeastern Forests for Nongame Birds. General decline of migratory songbirds. Ecology 66(4): 1211-1214.
Technical Report NC-51. USDA Forest Service, North Yahner, R.H., and D.P. Scott. 1988. Effects of forest
Central Forest Experimental Station, St. Paul, Minnesota. fragmentation on depredation of artificial nests. Journal
of Wildlife Management 52:158-161.
Drawing by Elizabeth O’Leary.
udith Spencer and her husband had a vision of a peaceful life,
where she could continue her writing and he could enjoy his
retirement. Their vision never included an intrusive off-road
vehicle (ORV) playground, but after they relocated to their dream
home in the small town of Arnold, California, noise and trespass from
ORVs at the nearby “Interface” zone became unbearable. The
Spencers had to keep their windows closed and seldom used their
deck because the air was so filled with dust.
The Interface is an 8,600-acre parcel of the Stanislaus National
Forest that is surrounded by private land. Thousands of homes are
directly impacted by ORV use, as is wildlife and four major streams, Judith and her dogs on Cougar Rock in the
all headwaters to the Calaveras River. Despite a forest-wide policy Interface. Photo by Bob Spencer.
allowing ORV use on “designated trails only” (i.e. the eighteen miles
of designated Interface trails), ORVs have extended their reach to
more than 100 miles of additional, unauthorized routes (of these, the
Forest Service has acknowledged only fifty-five miles). Despite this, Judith has persisted. CORE
On a Sierra Club-sponsored day hike in the summer of 1998, remains a community-based group whose member-
Judith met other area residents disturbed by ORVs. Forest Service ship has grown to 102. They use an ad hoc
personnel were on the hike and informed them of an upcoming public approach by meeting only as necessary, and stay in
comment opportunity. communication through e-mail and telephone. In
Ten of the hikers decided to organize. They formed Commitment February 2003 CORE joined the Natural Trails and
to Our Recreational Environment (CORE) and began generating public Waters Coalition (NTWC). According to Judith,
awareness through outreach to residents in the four surrounding “Our association with NTWC couldn’t have come at
towns. Though lacking activist experience, Judith agreed to head the a better time. They provided the opportunity for
group, believing the process would be completed and a decision my meeting with the DC offices of our Senators and
rendered in four months. Congressman just as the Interface Trails DEIS was
CORE conducted a survey to determine how the Interface was issued. NTWC provided a grant for our outreach
being used — they found that 90% was non-motorized use — and then campaign, which enabled us to mail or hand
encouraged residents to submit comments. The bulk of the com- distribute nearly 4,000 flyers to the community.
ments called either for restricting ORV use to the northern third of And they helped us plan for broad media involve-
the Interface, or completely removing ORVs. Judith remembers ment — then secured an interview with The L.A.
thinking the Forest Service would appreciate learning what the Times.”
communities wanted: “We had a lot to learn,” she now says. On the The latest public comment period ended May
last day of the comment period the District Ranger was transferred, 19th. This time the DEIS includes an alternative for
and soon thereafter, the EA was withdrawn with no decision ren- totally removing ORVs from the Interface, and the
dered. vast majority of the more than 1800 comments
When the next EA was issued the vast majority of comments support this alternative. A decision should be
again called for restricting ORVs to the northern third, or excluding imminent.
them entirely, although the EA still offered no alternative for removing Though she’s contemplated moving away from
ORVs. This EA was withdrawn without a decision just as a third the Interface — thinking it would be easier to fight
District Ranger began his tenure. if she wasn’t living on the battlefield — Judith’s
Judith and other CORE members hoped to reach a compromise belief that communities, non-motorized recreation,
with the ORV recreationists, and initiated a “stakeholders” meeting. and the environment deserve protection from ORV
Four local homeowners met with representatives of the Blue Ribbon impacts on public land has given her the strength
Coalition, the American Motorcyclists Association, Enduro Riders to continue the campaign. She finds among the
Association, and one local rider. These folks turned out to be well- group the needed skills, energy and dedication to
paid lobbyists — backed by ORV manufacturers. The ORV lobbyists keep the process moving in a positive direction.
offered to give up the lower two-thirds of the Interface as soon as the Besides, she says, “We had to wait for 15 years to
Forest Service provided an equivalent area for them — meaning a be here full time — and we don’t want to be forced
mile of new designated trail for every mile of illegal trail ORVs had to leave.” Thanks, Judith for turning over every
created. When this “compromise” was rejected, the ORV lobbyists stone and never giving up — we hope you’ll soon
refused to continue the talks. be able to enjoy your deck in peace and quiet!
Travel Planning
By Bridget Lyons
fter more than a month of dire predictions from land manag- Road-Ripper’s Handbook ($20.00, $30.00 non-
ers, fire season in the northern Rockies finally exploded members) — A comprehensive activist
during the second weekend in August. Over fifty fires blew manual that includes the five Guides listed
up in two days, ringing the Missoula valley with fire and smoke. below, plus The Ecological Effects of
Those of us who live in Missoula were lucky or unlucky enough to Roads, Gathering Information with the
watch one fire torching on a ridge just outside of town: beauty and Freedom of Information Act, and more!
terror in one breath. The fires led agencies to shut down most Road-Ripper’s Guide to the National Forests ($5,
activities on public lands, though some lands remain open for limited $8 non-members) — By Keith Hammer.
use. Many area road removal programs, however, have been discon- How-to procedures for getting roads
tinued until the fire danger dissipates. closed and revegetated, descriptions of
Here in our office, things are smokin’! We have three terrific environmental laws, road density
interns this summer, and they’ve been working on some fantastic standards & Forest Service road policies.
projects. From June through early August, Ryan Shaffer collected Road-Ripper’s Guide to the National Parks ($5,
data from national forests throughout the country to determine how $8 non-members) — By David Bahr & Aron
much road removal is actually happening on the ground. While he Yarmo. Provides background on the
wasn’t able to answer our questions conclusively, he revealed the National Park System and its use of roads,
shortcomings in Forest Service tracking capacity for restoration and outlines how activists can get involved
projects and provided some insight into which regions and forests are in NPS planning.
restoring the most roads. We’re hoping to have another intern this Road-Ripper’s Guide to the BLM ($5, $8 non-
fall to set up a ground-truthing program to field check Ryan’s findings. members) — By Dan Stotter. Provides an
See page 11 for a short summary of Ryan’s work. THANKS RYAN, we’ll overview of road-related land and resource
miss having you around. laws, and detailed discussions for
Just after Ryan began, one of our former interns returned for a participating in BLM decision-making
second round. Mo Hartmann has been working with Marnie and processes.
contract staffer Beth Peluso to develop a workshop to help agencies Road-Ripper’s Guide to Off-Road Vehicles ($5, $8
develop strong road removal programs. Mo formerly worked with us non-members) — By Dan Wright. A
assessing wildlife mitigation structures and we’re thrilled to have her comprehensive guide to reducing the use
back — especially since she’s double-timing as a road obliteration and abuse of ORVs on public lands.
inspector for the Nez Perce Tribe. Includes an extensive bibliography.
We’re also very excited to have Jason Kiely join us to develop a Road-Ripper’s Guide to Wildland Road Removal
more significant organizing component to our road removal work. ($5, $8 non-members) — By Scott Bagely.
Jason worked as an urban organizer in Chicago for five years before Provides technical information on road
moving out to Missoula; he stepped into our office just as the Center construction and removal, where and why
for Environmental Economic Development was finishing their road roads fail, and how you can effectively
removal economics report. Jason’s been working with Marnie and assess road removal projects.
with groups in Montana, Washington, and Oregon to promote the Trails of Destruction ($10) — By Friends of the
economic benefits of road removal in rural communities. Earth and Wildlands CPR, written by Erich
We’ll keep you posted on the results of their work — and thanks, Pica and Jacob Smith. This report explains
to all of them, for bringing so much skill into our summer internship the ecological impacts of ORVs, federal
program. funding for motorized recreation on public
On the down side, two of our staffers have decided to move on. lands, and the ORV industry’s role in
Jen Barry, our tireless program assistant for the past two years, is pushing the ORV agenda.
returning to school full-time in fine arts, while Bridget Lyons, who
recently joined us to work on transportation issues, has decided to
move on. By the next RIPorter, we should be able to introduce their
replacements. We thank both of them for their fantastic contribu- — To order these publications, use the
tions to Wildlands CPR — they will be missed. order form on next page —
Finally, we’d like to extend a big thanks to the Flintridge, Lazar,
Maki, Wilburforce and Weeden Foundations for generous grants
supporting our work.
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