Autism Article

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Article : 1 What Is Autism?

By Sabra L. Katz-Wise

What is autism? Autism is a brain disorder that often makes it hard to communicate with and relate to others. With autism, the different areas of the brain fail to work together. Most people with autism will always have some trouble relating to others. But early diagnosis and treatment have helped more and more people with autism to live independently as adults.

What causes autism? Autism tends to run in families, so experts think it may be something that you inherit. Scientists are trying to find out exactly which genes may be responsible for passing down autism in families. Other studies are looking at whether autism can be caused by other medical problems or by something in your childs surroundings. Some people think that childhood vaccines cause autism, especially the measles-mumps-rubella, or MMR, vaccine. But studies have not shown this to be true. Its important to make sure that your child gets all childhood vaccines. They help keep your child from getting serious diseases that can cause harm or even death. What are the symptoms? Symptoms almost always start before a child is 3 years old. Usually, parents first notice that their toddler has not started talking yet and is not acting like other children the same age. Symptoms of autism include:

A delay in learning to talk, or not talking at all. A child may seem to be deaf, even though hearing tests are normal. Repeated and overused types of behavior, interests, and play. Examples include repeated body rocking, unusual attachments to objects, and getting very upset when routines change.

There is no "typical" person with autism. People can have many different kinds of behaviors, from mild to severe. Parents often say that their child with autism prefers to play alone and does not make eye contact with other people. Autism may also include other problems:

Many children have below-normal intelligence. Teenagers often become depressed and have a lot of anxiety, especially if they have average or above-average intelligence. Some children get a seizure disorder such as epilepsy by their teen years.

How is autism diagnosed? There are guidelines your doctor will use to see if your child has symptoms of autism. The guidelines put symptoms into three categories:

Social interactions and relationships. For example, a child may have trouble making eye contact. People with autism may have a hard time understanding someone elses feelings, such as pain or sadness. Verbal and nonverbal communication. For example, a child may never speak. Or he or she may often repeat a certain phrase over and over. Limited interests in activities or play. For example, younger children often focus on parts of toys rather than playing with the whole toy. Older children and adults may be fascinated by certain topics, like train schedules or license plates.

Your child may also have a hearing test and some other tests to make sure that problems are not caused by some other condition. How is it treated? Treatment for autism involves special behavioral training. Behavioral training rewards good behavior (positive reinforcement) to teach children social skills

and to teach them how to communicate and how to help themselves as they grow older. With early treatment, most children with autism learn to relate better to others. They learn to communicate and to help themselves as they grow older. Depending on the child, treatment may also include such things as speech therapy or physical therapy. Medicine is sometimes used to treat problems such as depression or obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Exactly what type of treatment your child needs depends on the symptoms, which are different for each child and may change over time. Because people with autism are so different, something that helps one person may not help another. So its important to work with everyone involved in your childs education and care to find the best way to manage symptoms. How can your family deal with having a child with autism? An important part of your child's treatment plan is making sure that other family members get training about autism and how to manage symptoms. Training can reduce family stress and help your child function better. Some families need more help than others. Take advantage of every kind of help you can find. Talk to your doctor about what help is available where you live. Family, friends, public agencies, and autism organizations are all possible resources. Remember these tips:

Plan breaks. Daily demands of caring for a child with autism can take their toll. Planned breaks will help the whole family. Get extra help when your child gets older. The teen years can be a very hard time for children with autism. Get in touch with other families who have children with autism. You can talk about your problems and share advice with people who will understand.

Raising a child with autism is hard work. But with support and training, your family can learn how to cope.

Article : 2
Autism - Symptoms
By Sabra L. Katz-Wise Core symptoms The severity of symptoms varies greatly between individuals; however, all people with autism have some core symptoms in the areas of:

Social interactions and relationships. Symptoms may include: o Significant problems developing nonverbal communication skills, such as eye-to-eye gazing, facial expressions, and body posture. o Failure to establish friendships with children the same age. o Lack of interest in sharing enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people. o Lack of empathy. People with autism may have difficulty understanding another person's feelings, such as pain or sorrow. Verbal and nonverbal communication. Symptoms may include: o Delay in, or lack of, learning to talk. As many as 50% of people with autism never speak.1 o Problems taking steps to start a conversation. Also, people with autism have difficulties continuing a conversation once it has begun. o Stereotyped and repetitive use of language. People with autism often repeat over and over a phrase they have heard previously (echolalia).

Difficulty understanding their listener's perspective. For example, a person with autism may not understand that someone is using humor. They may interpret the communication word for word and fail to catch the implied meaning. Limited interests in activities or play. Symptoms may include: o An unusual focus on pieces. Younger children with autism often focus on parts of toys, such as the wheels on a car, rather than playing with the entire toy. o Preoccupation with certain topics. For example, older children and adults may be fascinated by train schedules, weather patterns, or license plates. o A need for sameness and routines. For example, a child with autism may always need to eat bread before salad and insist on driving the same route every day to school. o Stereotyped behaviors. These may include body rocking and hand flapping.

Symptoms during childhood Symptoms of autism are usually noticed first by parents and other caregivers sometime during the child's first 3 years. Although autism is present at birth (congenital), signs of the disorder can be difficult to identify or diagnose during infancy. Parents often become concerned when their toddler does not like to be held; does not seem interested in playing certain games, such as peekaboo; and does not begin to talk. They also may be confused about their child's hearing abilities. It often seems that a child with autism does not hear, yet at other times, he or she may appear to hear a distant background noise, such as the whistle of a train. With early and intensive treatment, relate to others, communicate, and Contrary to popular myths about completely socially isolated or "live in most children improve their ability to help themselves as they grow older. children with autism, very few are a world of their own."

Symptoms during adolescent and teen years During the teen years, the patterns of behavior often change. Many teens gain skills but still lag behind in their ability to relate to and understand others. Puberty and emerging sexuality may be more difficult for adolescents and teens with autism than for others this age. Teens are at a slightly increased risk for developing problems related to depression, anxiety, and epilepsy.

Symptoms in adulthood Some adults with autism are able to work and live on their own. The degree to which an adult with autism can lead an independent life is related to intelligence and ability to communicate. At least 33% are able to achieve at least partial independence.2 Some adults with autism need a lot of assistance, especially those with low intelligence who are unable to speak. Part- or full-time supervision can be provided by residential treatment programs. At the other end of the spectrum, adults with high-functioning autism are often successful in their professions and able to live independently, although they typically continue to have some difficulties relating to other people. These individuals usually have average to above-average intelligence. Other symptoms Many people with autism have symptoms similar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But these symptoms, especially problems with social relationships, are more severe for people with autism. For more information, see the topic Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. About 10% of people with autism have some form of savant skillsspecial limited gifts such as memorizing lists, calculating calendar dates, drawing, or musical ability.1 Many people with autism have unusual sensory perceptions. For example, they may describe a light touch as painful and deep pressure as providing a calming feeling. Others may not feel pain at all. Some people with autism have strong food likes and dislikes and unusual preoccupations.

Article : 3 Autism - Treatment Overview

By Sabra L. Katz-Wise Early diagnosis and treatment helps young children with autism develop to their full potential. The primary goal of treatment is to improve the overall ability of the child to function. Symptoms and behaviors of autism can combine in many ways and vary in severity. In addition, individual symptoms and behaviors often change over time. For these reasons, treatment strategies are tailored to individual needs and available family resources. In general, however, children with autism respond best to highly structured and specialized treatment. A program that addresses helping parents and improving communication, social, behavioral, adaptive, and learning aspects of a child's life will be most successful. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the

following strategies for helping a child to improve overall function and reach his or her potential:4

Behavioral training and management. Behavioral training and management uses positive reinforcement, self-help, and social

skills training to improve behavior and communication. Many types of treatments have been developed, including Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH), and sensory integration.

Specialized therapies. These include speech, occupational, and physical therapy. These therapies are important components of managing autism and should all be included in various aspects of the child's treatment program. Speech therapy can help a child with autism improve language and social skills to communicate more effectively. Occupational and physical therapy can help improve any deficiencies in coordination and motor skills. Occupational therapy may also help a child with autism to learn to process information from the senses (sight, sound, hearing, touch, and smell) in more manageable ways.

Medications. Medications are most commonly used to treat related conditions and problem behaviors, including depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

Community support and parent training. Talk to your doctor or contact an advocacy group for support and training.

Stories about alternative therapies, such as secretin and auditory integration training, have circulated in the media and other information sources. When considering any type of treatment, it is important to know the source of information and to ensure that studies are scientifically sound. Accounts of individual success are not sufficient evidence to support using a treatment. Look for large, controlled studies to validate claims. Experts have not yet identified a way to prevent autism. Public concern over stories linking autism and childhood vaccines has

persisted. However, numerous studies have failed to show any evidence of a link between autism and the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.5 If you avoid having your children immunized, you put them and others in your community at risk for developing serious diseases, which can cause serious harm or even death.

Article : 4 Special Kids With Autism.

As more students with autism attend their local schools, more educators require information about this disability. This monograph is intended to provide an introductory understanding of autism. While it is not a comprehensive guide to planning for the student with autism, it does provide an overview of the disorder and a bibliography of additional sources of information for better education and treatment. Introduction Autism has been found throughout the world in families of all racial, ethnic, and social backgrounds. It occurs in approximately twelve of every ten thousand births and is four times more common in boys than in girls. It seems likely that there have always been children with autism, although it is only since 1943 that they have been recognized as a distinct group and thought of separately from other severely developmentally handicapped children. There are several theories about the cause or, more likely, causes of autism, but as yet there are no definitive answers. It is clear, however, poor or rejecting parenting does not cause that autism. From our latest study

it have proven that most Autism Kids mother has been through some kinds of chemicals and early over dose of folic acid. For educational purposes in The Tole, autism has been identified as communication exceptionality, and educational interventions have focused on the child's need to communicate with others. More accurately, autism is a severe, pervasive developmental disorder, identifiable by the presence of the following three characteristics: significant impairment in the development of social relatedness

significant impairment in verbal and non-verbal communication unique patterns of behavior e.g., preoccupation with certain objects or parts of objects, routines, and interests; distress over changes in seemingly trivial aspects of the environment; and an insistence on maintaining sameness

The following are some of the symptoms:

variability of intellectual functioning uneven developmental profile unusual perceptual responses aggressive or self-injurious behavior difficulties in sleeping, toileting, and eating

This disorder is characterized by a range of functioning levels; approximately 20 per cent of children with autism are in the normal to superior range of intelligence, and up to 80 per cent function below the normal range of intelligence. All children with autism have impairments in the three key areas listed above and may or may not have any of the associated features. The degree of impairment and the extent of their abilities differ significantly from student to student. As a result, it is essential that planning occur on a highly individualized basis and that professionals from many backgrounds work together if the needs of these students are to be met effectively. The following sections of this monograph elaborate on each of the facets of this definition of autism. Taken together, they provide educators with a phenomenological sketch of a child with autism and some preparation for dealing with the special qualities and needs of their children. Autism Isolated in worlds of their own, people with autism appear indifferent and remote and are unable to form emotional bonds with others. Although people with this baffling brain disorder can display a wide range of symptoms and disability, many are incapable of understanding other people's thoughts, feelings, and needs. Often, language and intelligence fail to develop fully,

making communication and social relationships difficult. Many people with autism engage in repetitive activities, like rocking or banging their heads, or rigidly following familiar patterns in their everyday routines. Some are painfully sensitive to sound, touch, sight, or smell. Children with autism do not follow the typical patterns of child development. In some children, hints of future problems may be apparent from birth. In most cases, the problems become more noticeable as the child slips farther behind other children the same age. Other children start off well enough. But between 18 and 36 months old, they suddenly reject people, act strangely, and lose language and social skills they had already acquired. As a parent, teacher, or caregiver you may know the frustration of trying to communicate and connect with children or adults who have autism. You may feel ignored as they engage in endlessly repetitive behaviors. You may despair at the bizarre ways they express their inner needs. And you may feel sorrow that your hopes and dreams for them may never materialize. But there is help-and hope. Gone are the days when people with autism were isolated, typically sent away to institutions. Today, many youngsters can be helped to attend school with other children. Methods are available to help improve their social, language, and academic skills. Autism is found in every country and region of the world, and in families of all racial, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds. Emerging in childhood, it affects about 3 or 4 people in every thousand and is three to four times more common in boys than girls. Girls with the disorder, however, tend to have more severe symptoms and lower intelligence. THE TOLE is dedicated to understanding the workings and inter-relationships of the various regions of the brain, and to developing preventive measures and new treatments for disorders like autism that handicap people in school, work, and social relationships and brain damage or vegetable. Also described are symptoms and diagnostic procedures, treatment options, strategies for coping, and sources of information and support. THE TOLE' WAY OF MEDICATION HAVE GOOD EFFECTIVENESS FOR IMPROVEMENT ON AUTISTIC KIDS and very high result for brain problems and complications. Some autistic kids is now living a normal life some with extra ordinary IQ and special talent, all these parents did not expect their kids to be as normal as they are now, they were trying to improve them in their daily living, so now all are very happy!

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