Pic C Sample Code Rs232
Pic C Sample Code Rs232
Pic C Sample Code Rs232
Biology Technology
C Sample Code
THIS CODE WAS WRTEN FOR A PIC 18f14k50 using the Mikro C pro Compiler. Change the sample code to fit your processor this sample code will work for a pH/OPR/Dissolved Oxygen Stamp you must enable the fallowing libraries: C_String|UART|Software UART char input[20]; volatile bit rx_event; void interrupt() { if (PIR1.RCIF) { UART1_Read_Text(input, "\r", 20); rx_event=1; } void main() { short Start_up=0; short i; //used to control the start-up sequence //counter // if we get an interrupt from the RX pin // we read the incoming chars until we receive a <CR> ( "/r") or 20 chars // set rx_event=1 so we know data is holding // this char array is used to store the RX input data //this is a bit var to signal an rx receive event // all interrupts are dealt with here
//set up system clock to run at 8 MHz OSCCON.b6=1; OSCCON.b5=1; OSCCON.b4=0; OSCCON.b1=1; //set up hardware uart system UART1_Init(38400); ANSELH.ANS11 =0; IOCB.IOCB7=0; TRISB.TRISB7=0; TRISB.TRISB5=1;
//turn off analog functions on the RX pin //interrupt on change pin, disabled //config TX as output //config RX as input
Biology Technology
Soft_UART_Init(&PORTB, 4, 6, 38400, 0); // Initialize Soft UART at 38400 bps ^..........................port to be used ^.....................RX pin (we are to going to use the RX function) ^.................TX pin (pin 11) ^.............baud rate 38400 ^........rs-232 data is NOT inverted
//CONFIG UART INTERUPTERS INTCON.PEIE = 1; //peripheral interrupt enable PIE1.RCIE = 1; //Receive char Interrupt Enable bit PIR1.RCIF = 0; //Receive char Interrupt flag- reset to 0 INTCON.GIE = 1; //global interrupt enable rx_event=0; //initialize rx_evnet to = 0
delay_ms(1000); if(Start_up==0){ for(I = 1; I<=3;i++){ uart1_write_text("L0"); uart1_write(13); delay_ms(1000); uart1_write_text("L1"); uart1_write(13); delay_ms(1000);
//wait one sec for the stamp to stabilize //when the program firsts starts it will //flash on / off the stamps led //"L0" = led's off //<CR> //wait one sec //"L1" = led's on //<CR> //wait one sec //by setting Start_up to 1, we stop the leds from flashing on/off
} Start_up = 1;
Biology Technology
delay_ms(1000); uart1_write_text("c"); uart1_write(13); delay_ms(500); while(1){ short len=0; if(rx_event){ rx_event=0; len = strlen(input); for(i=0;i<len;i++){ Soft_UART_Write(input[i]); } Soft_UART_Write(13); } //reset rx_event to 0 //we need to know the length of the string we just received from the stamp is //we now loop through each char of the char array "input" //now we output each char through the soft serial port // when we finish outputting the data, we end with a <CR> //wait one sec for the stamp to stabilize after the led flashing //the command "c" will tell the stamp to take continues readings //<CR>
} }