Team Building Games
Team Building Games
Team Building Games
Teams of 4-8 people form dragons by linking elbows and attempt to grab the tail of another teams dragon. Last team remaining wins. Ages: 12 and up. Recommended # of people: Groups of 4-8 people. Messiness Factor: Might break a sweat! Materials required: One scarf or bandana for each team. Recommended Setting: Outdoors. Instructions for Dragon Tag Setup for the Dragon Tag Game You need an area with a lot of space. Form teams of 4-8 people. Make human chains by having team members hold on to each others waists or link elbows. Each team of connected people is now a dragon with a head and a tail. Place a scarf or bandana hanging in the back pocket of the last person in the chain (the tail of the dragon). Rules for the Dragon Tag Game People who are part of a human chain cannot let go and get separated! The goal of the game is to have the head of each dragon (the front of the chain) to grab the scarf or bandana off the tail of another teams dragon while staying linked. If any part of a teams dragon gets separated, the detached tail end cannot move; only the head and the people attached to the head can move. You cannot go after another team until you have reconnected your body together. Summary: An action oriented icebreaker that works especially well with large groups of people. A game of quick reflexes and passing on the pulse! Ages: All. Recommended # of People: At least 40 people. Messiness Factor: Might break a small sweat. Materials Required: A coin, a chair, and any small object like a tennis ball. Recommended Setting: Indoors. 2. Pulse Game The Pulse Game (also known as the Electric Current Game or the Electricity Game) is a great way to break the ice, especially if you have a large group people. In a fast paced action game, two long lines of humans resemble a fast moving electric current! Setup To set up the Pulse Game, you need to form two teams of equal size. The easiest way to do this is probably to have each player pair off with another person. When youve divided the group evenly, have each team member face the same direction, and have each team facing each other. Instruct each team to hold hands to form two long human chains. At the end of the two lines, place a chair with a small object (e.g. a tennis ball) on it. The referree stands at the front (see picture below).
Playing the Pulse Game To play the pulse game, have the two players at the front of the line watch the referee. Have everyone else close their eyes and face downward. Instruct everyone to be silent. For each round, the referee does the following: Flip a coin and quietly show it only to the first two players at the front of each team. Whenever the coin shows Heads, the two people at the front of the line must squeeze the hand of the next person in line as quickly as possible. Whenever that players hand gets squeezed, he or she quickly continues to pass the electric current by squeezing the next persons hand, and so on. As the electric current transfers along the line, the goal of the game is to be the first team to grab the object (the ball) on the chair. If heads was flipped and a team successfully grabs the ball, that team wins a point. On the other hand, if the team grabs the ball but heads was not flipped, then the point goes to the other team. After each coin flip, wait several seconds and then flip again. Keep flipping until the coin shows Heads. For a short game, the winner is the first team to score 10 points. For a longer game, you can increase the number of points. Have fun playing this fast paced, quick reflex action game. 3. How to Play Ghost in the Graveyard Gather everyone at the home base. Youll need a large outdoor play area for this game. Tell everyone the boundaries of play and make sure everyone knows not to go past these boundaries. To begin, choose a volunteer to be the ghost. This person leaves the base and hides somewhere within the boundaries while everyone else closes their eyes. After a minute or two, the rest of the group counts aloud: One oclock, two oclock, three oclock until they reach midnight. At this point, everyone leaves the base and searches for the ghost. The first person to spot the ghost yells Ghost in the graveyard! and all the seekers rush back as fast as they can to base. The ghost chases after everyone and whoever is tagged becomes next ghost. This game is best to play when it is early evening or dark, but be sure to take measures to keep everyone safe, as running in areas with low light can lead to possible injury. Keep safe and have fun!
4. To set up the Spud Game, have each player count off and remember their number. An optional variation is to have more than one person per number. After everyone is assigned a number, have each player group together in a bunch. One person starts with the ball in the center of the bunch. At the beginning of each round, the person with the ball (who is in the center of the bunch) throws the ball upwards to the sky while yelling a number. Everyone disperses and runs in all different directions away from the bunch except for the person(s) whose number was called. The person whose number was called catches the ball and then yells Spud! When he or she yells this, everyone must freeze. The person with the ball then is allowed to take three giant steps toward any player. He or she throws the ball and tries to hit someone. To dodge, players are allowed to move all parts of their body except they may not move their feet at all. If a player is hit the first time, he or she earns the letter S, eventually spelling the word S-P-U-D. The person who was hit becomes the new thrower; otherwise, the thrower who missed earns a letter. The next round begins and play continues. Whoever spells the letter S-P-U-D is out of the game; alternatively, if you do not wish to eliminate players, you can set a time limit and whoever has the least amount of letters when time expires is the winner. 5. The Banana Pass Game The banana pass is an outdoor action game that is essentially a messy relay race. The baton is a banana except the catch is that you can only use your feet to pass it! Eww.. How to Play Players lie down on the grass, head to toe in a straight line with each persons toes about 2 feet away from the next teammates head. When the game begins, the first people in line grab hold of the banana with their feet and pass it over their heads to the next persons feet. The next person receives the banana with his or her feet and passes again until the entire team is done. When the banana has been passed to the last person, this person must peel the banana and eat it (ewww!). After eating it, the person then must run back to the starting line, finishing the race for the team.