Emission Standards Diesel Engin Upto 800 PDF
Emission Standards Diesel Engin Upto 800 PDF
Emission Standards Diesel Engin Upto 800 PDF
Emission Limits for new diesel engines (upto 800 KW) for Generator Sets (GENSETS) were notified by the Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules 2002 vide GSR 371(E), dated 17th May 2002 at Sl. No. 95 and as amended vide GSR 520(E), dated 1st July 2003, GSR 448 (E) dated 12th July, 2004, GSR 520(E) dated 12th August 2004 and GSR 280(E) dated 11th April, 2008 under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986) Emission Limits for New Diesel Engines (Upto 800 KW) for Generator Sets (Gensets) Applications. 1. Emission Limits The emission limits for new diesel engines up to 800 KW, for gensets applications shall be as given in the Table below: TABLE
Capacity of Date of Emission Limits Smoke Limit Test Cycle diesel implem (g/kw-hr) for (light absorption engines coefficient, m-1) entatio (at full load) n
1 2 NO x HC 3 CO PM 4 Torque % 5 Weighting factors 0.05 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.10
100 75 50 25 10
Explanation: This extension for engines upto 19 KW shall be applicable only to those suppliers: (I) who have obtained Type Approval Certificate for atleast one of their engine models in this range upto 30th June, 2004. Or who have submitted the bank guarantee and also contributed towards the study being carried out by the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, for development of genset diesel engines to comply with emission limits.
Applicability These rules shall apply to all new diesel engines for genset applications (hereinafter referred to as engine) manufactured in India and all diesel engines for genset applications and diesel gensets (hereinafter referred to as product), imported into India, after the effective date: Provided that these rules shall not apply to:a) b) any engine manufactured or engine or product imported for the purpose of export outside India, or; any engine or product intended for the purpose of sample only and not for sale in India.
Requirement of certification Every manufacturer of engine or every importer of engine or product must have valid certificates of Type Approval and certificates of Conformity of Production for each year, for all engine models being manufactured or for all engine or product models being imported, after the effective date with the emission limit as specified in paragraph 1.
Sale, import or use of engine or product not complying with these rules No person shall sell, import or use of an engine or a product which is not having a valid Type Approval certificate and Conformity of Production certificate as per paragraph 3.
Requirement of conformance labelling i) ii) All the engines (individually or as part of the product) shall be clearly engraved Genset Engine on the cylinder block. The engine or the product must be affixed with a conformance label meeting the following requirements:a) b) the label shall be durable and legible; the label shall be affixed on a part necessary for normal operation of the engine or the product and not normally requiring replacement during the life of the engine or the product.
a) b) c) d) 6.
name and address of the engine manufacturer or engine or product importer (if the address is given in owners manual, it may not be included in the label); statement that this engine or product conforms to Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986; type approval certificate number; date of manufacture of engine or in case of import, date of import of the engine or the product.
Compliance with BIS specifications All engines up to 19 kW (individually or as part of the product) shall carry ISI mark and meet relevant BIS specifications (IS 10001).
Nodal agency i) ii) iii) The Central Pollution Control Board shall be the nodal agency for implementation of these rules. In case of any dispute or difficulty in implementation of these rules the matter shall be referred to the nodal agency. The nodal agency shall constitute a Committee to advise it on all matters, including the disputed matters, related to the implementation of these rules.
Authorised agencies for certification The following agencies are authorized to carry out such tests as they deem necessary for giving certificates of Type Approval and Conformity of Production tests for Diesel engines and to give such certificates:i) ii) iii) Automotive Research Association of India, Pune. Vehicle Research Ahmednagar. and Development Establishment,
Compliance and testing procedure The compliance and testing procedure shall be prepared and published by the Central Pollution Control Board with the help of the Certification Agencies.
Fuel Specification The specification of commercial fuel applicable for diesel gensets shall be the same as applicable for commercial HSD (High Speed Diesel) applicable for diesel vehicles in the area, from time to time.