The Wonders of The Human Body

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The Wonders of the Human Body The Wonders of the Human Body may be termed "an enlarged edition

of the Tree of Life", containing more than double the amount of information. Alchemy, however, in its broader scope, means the science of solar rays. Gold may be traced to the sun's rays. The word gold means solar essence. The transmutation of gold does not mean the process of making gold, but does mean the process of changing gold, solar rays, into all manner of materialized forms, vegetable, mineral, etc. No wonder that the seers and alchemists of old declared that "Your bodies are the temple of the living God" and "The kingdom of Heaven is within you." There is not known in all the realms of architecture or mechanics one little device which is not found in the human organism. The pulley, the lever, the inclined plane, the hinge, the "universal joint," tubes and trap-doors; the scissors, grind-stone, whip, arch, girders, filters, valves, bellows, pump, camera, and Aeolian harp; and irrigation plant, telegraph and telephone systems all these and a hundred other devices which man thinks he has invented, but which have only been telegraphed to the brain from the Solar Plexus (cosmic centre) and crudely copied or manifested on the objective canvas. No arch ever made by man is as perfect as the arch formed by the upper ends of the two legs and the pelvis to support the weight of the trunk. No palace or cathedral ever built has been provided with such a perfect system of arches and girders. While it is true that flesh is made by a precipitation of blood, it is not true that blood is made from food. The inorganic or cell-salts contained in food are set free by the process of combustion or digestion, and carried into the circulation through the delicate absorbent tubes of the mucous membrane of stomach and intestines. Air, or Spirit, breathed into the lungs, enters the arteries (air carriers) and chemically unites with the mineral base, and by a wonderful transformation creates flesh, bone, hair, nails, and all the fluids of the body.
the rock (Peter or Petra,


stone) of the mineral salts




and the grave, stomach, or hell shall not prevail against it. The minerals in the body do not disintegrate or rot in the grave. The fats, albumen, fibrine, etc., that compose the organic part of food, are burned up in the process of digestion and transposed into energy or force to run the human battery.
structure built,
is made from air; thus all nations that dwell on earth. are of one blood, for breathe one air. The best food isthe food that burns up quickest and easiest; that with the least friction in the human furnace.



The vagus

nerve, so


because of



(vagrant) branches, is the greatest marvel of the human organism. Grief depresses the circulation through the vagus, a condition of malnutrition follows, and tuberculosis,
often of the hasty type, follows.


brings on kidney disease, but it is the vagus nerve, and especially that branch running to the kidneys which undue excitement or worry, or strain, brings about the paralysis of the kidneys in the performance of their functions.
the vital force set free through the process of physical regeneration by saving the seed and by the baptism in ointment (Christ) in the spinal cord, lifts the crucified substance wasted by the prodigal son in "riotous living" up to the "most






born of


doth not


for his seed remaineth

him." John.

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