Netapp ® Snap Creator™ Framework 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide
Netapp ® Snap Creator™ Framework 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide
Netapp ® Snap Creator™ Framework 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide
NetApp, Inc. 495 East Java Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Telephone: +1 (408) 822-6000 Fax: +1 (408) 822-4501 Support telephone: +1 (888) 4-NETAPP Documentation comments: Information Web: Part number: 215-06466_A0 12 January 2012
Table of Contents | 3
Snap Creator overview ................................................................................ 7
Architecture of Snap Creator ....................................................................................... 7
New features of Snap Creator ..................................................................... 9 Security features of Snap Creator ............................................................ 11 Snap Creator Integration .......................................................................... 15 Snap Creator Policies ................................................................................. 17 What Snap Creator Agent is ..................................................................... 19 Snap Creator Agent Multithreading ........................................................ 21 Preparing to install Snap Creator ............................................................. 23
Downloading Snap Creator software ........................................................................ 23 Creating a Data ONTAP user .................................................................................... 23 Installing Java on Snap Creator Server ..................................................................... 24 Pre-installation steps for Domino plug-in ................................................................. 24 Linux/Solaris/AIX specific settings .............................................................. 25 Pre-installation steps for Domino plug-in on Windows ................................ 25
Installing Snap Creator on Windows ....................................................... 27 Installing Snap Creator on UNIX ............................................................. 29
Installing Snap Creator Server .................................................................................. 29 Installing Snap Creator Agent ................................................................................... 30
Uninstalling Snap Creator from Windows .............................................. 31 Upgrading Snap Creator ........................................................................... 33
Upgrading from Snap Creator 3.4.0 .......................................................................... 33 Upgrading from Snap Creator 3.3.0 .......................................................................... 34 Upgrading Snap Creator GUI .................................................................................... 35
4 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide MaxDB plug-in ......................................................................................................... 49 Lotus Domino plug-in ............................................................................................... 51 SnapManager for Microsoft Exchange plug-in ......................................................... 53 SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server plug-in ...................................................... 54 Archive log plug-in ................................................................................................... 55
Snap Creator Agent configuration ........................................................... 85 Snap Creator Backup process ................................................................... 87
List of commands ...................................................................................................... 87
Running Snap Creator Server using CLI ................................................ 89 Running Snap Creator Agent using CLI ................................................. 99 Running Snap Creator using GUI .......................................................... 101
Creating a schedule ................................................................................................. 101 Creating multiple users ............................................................................................ 102 Job monitoring ......................................................................................................... 103 Viewing data and log details ................................................................................... 103
Using the Plug-in Framework to create custom plug-ins ..................... 113 Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues ..................................................... 115
Logs ......................................................................................................................... 115 Troubleshooting Snap Creator GUI error ................................................................ 117 Troubleshooting Network issues ............................................................................. 118 Error messages ........................................................................................................ 119
Table of Contents | 5
Trademark information ........................................................................... 197 How to send your comments .................................................................... 199
EMS logging for ASUP data mining Cluster-Mode EMS logging for ASUP data mining Operating system or File System plug-in
Network communications are done through HTTP (80) or HTTPS (443), so you must have one or both of these ports open between the host where Snap Creator runs and the storage controllers. A user must be created on the storage controllers for authentication purpose. In the case of HTTPS, ensure that the user is enabled and configured on the storage controllers. Snap Creator Agent security Snap Creator uses host security to allow only authorized hosts to access the agent. Additionally, it checks the user name or password if you are not using a Snap Creator Server to communicate with the agent. This feature allows you to specify multiple host lines. To restrict access for third party applications through SOAP, the agent offers a user/password authentication. If a command contains the path of the Snap Creator installation directory, it is blocked. RBAC for Snap Creator users through GUI You can create and manage multiple user accounts within Snap Creator GUI. The existing user in the GUI (which is created during installation or profile setup) acts as a super user and has access to the
12 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide complete system. The ability to assign a set of profiles restricts a user to operate in a defined area. This is useful in a multi-tenant environment. There are four types of users: Super user: Has access to everyone's work space and is the only user that can create users and profiles. The super user can perform actions, such as the following: Adding new user by providing user name and password Changing password for a user Assigning a set of GUI actions to the user Reviewing the list of users and the profiles and actions that they can perform Admin user: Has access only to a set of profiles and can perform all actions without any restrictions only on those profiles. Read-only user: Has access to a set of profiles but can only perform a set of read-only operations. This user cannot perform write or execute operations like creating a Snapshot copy or creating a configuration. Custom user: Has access to a set of profiles and a set of actions.
The user can be assigned the following list of GUI actions: Add Schedule Administrator Archive Log Create Configuration Delete Configuration Delete Schedule Delete Snapshot Discover Download Configuration LUN Clone Quiesce Read Only Rename Configuration Rename Snapshot Restore Run Schedule Scdump Snapshot Unquiesce Update Configuration Update Schedule Upload Configuration Volume Clone
The maximum age value is a global parameter and it applies to all the policies. To configure an additional weekly policy, define it and then call it in Snap Creator once a week using Cron or task manager with SNAP_TYPE set to Weekly.
Snap Creator uses the Snap Creator Agent, which runs as a daemon, to quiesce the application. The default port used is 9090, but any other port can also be used. SOAP is used over the HTTP for communication. Based on a WSDL, any SOAP client can interact with the agent. Currently, Apache CXF (for Java) and PowerShell (for Windows) can be used. The supported application plug-ins are built into the agent. Other community plug-ins are available as source codes and can be added to the /plug-ins directory. In addition to the application plug-ins, all PRE commands, POST commands, and APP commands can be executed remotely through the agent. This provides the ability to mount file systems or to perform additional application processing remotely. The agent has an access file under /path/so/scAgent_v<#>/config/agent.conf where certain commands are allowed to run. By default, all commands are denied. This means that only the built-in or community plug-ins
20 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide can execute commands through the agent. PRE or POST scripting commands or scripts must be allowed in the agent.conf.
Note: Snap Creator 3.5.0 does not support Snap Creator 3.3.0 agent.
Simple deployment In simple deployment, Snap Creator Server opens a connection to the Snap Creator Agent and sends the requests. Unless Snap Creator Server stops, the connection is open and the agent is blocked from accepting further requests. Deployment using a Watchdog After accepting the Snap Creator request to quiesce the database, Snap Creator Agent creates a separate process (watchdog). This watchdog inherits the environment and all the settings of the parent process and unquiesces the database after a configured timeout. In this scenario, the agent is blocked until the Snap Creator Server stops or explicitly closes the connection. Multithreaded deployment using Watchdog
22 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide In the intended multithreaded deployment, the Snap Creator Agent immediately creates an additional process (SC-A') and passes the "communication responsibility" (req') to this process. This newly created process inherits the basic Snap Creator Agent settings. Snap Creator Server communicates with this process. If configured, this process creates a watchdog when the quiesce operation is called. After the additional process is created, the Snap Creator Agent is able to accept additional requests.
Note: Multi-threaded agent is not supported on Windows platform
1. Select the version of Snap Creator to download by selecting View & Download. 2. At the bottom of the page under the Software download instructions, click CONTINUE. 3. Read and accept the End User License Agreement by clicking Accept. 4. Select the operating system and bit level of the software package(s) to download.
Related information
These tasks must be completed using the Data ONTAP CLI (SSH, console connection, or telnet).
Note: Copy and paste the given commands into a text editor and verify before pasting it in the CLI console. Steps
1. Create a role defining the rights required for Snap Creator on the storage system by entering the following command:
2. Create a new group on the storage system and assign the previously created role to the group by entering the following command:
useradmin group add groupname -r rolename
3. Create a user account in the previously created group that will be used for Snap Creator by entering the following command:
useradmin user add username -g groupname
2. Verify the version of java by entering the following command: java -version
Example C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>java -version java version "1.7.0_04-ea" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_04-ea-b01) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 23.0-b03, mixed mode, sharing)
The output of the command lists the installed version of Java. If the Java installation is 64-bit that will be listed. If there is no mention of the bit-level then the installation is 32-bit.
1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties (If My Computer is not on the Desktop it can usually be found in the Start menu). 2. Click the Advanced tab in Windows 2003 or the Advanced system settings task in Windows 2008. 3. Click Environmental Variables. 4. Use a system variable. There are two sections: User variables and System variables. With a user variable the Snap Creator service must be run as that particular user. 5. Locate and select PATH, then click Edit. 6. Append ; after the last value then add the Domino path. 7. Click Ok on each window until you exit to the Desktop.
1. Extract the .exe file to C:\. 2. Run the install package executable and proceed through the installation wizard. If you want to enable job monitoring, select the Enable Job monitor checkbox. The Job monitor size should be between 1 and 1000.
Note: Do not close any window until the installation is complete. Related tasks
Downloading Snap Creator software on page 23 Installing Java on Snap Creator Server on page 24 Creating a Data ONTAP user on page 23
1. Extract the .tgz file to /usr/local. Change directory to the Snap Creator Server root directory/path/to/scServer_v<#>. 2. Run Snap Creator setup by entering the following command:
./snapcreator --profile setup. Note: The Snap Creator executable should already be configured upon extraction with the
proper permissions to be executed. If profile setup command does not work, the permissions must be added by running following command:chmod 755 snapcreator 3. Accept the EULA license agreement. 4. Optional: Enter the serial number of the storage system that will be used with Snap Creator.
Note: The intent is to add the controller serial number applicable to the Snap Creator application. The Snap Creator application archives this information for later use. The user can run -version command to retrieve this serial number information when contacting technical support to open a Snap Creator case.
7. Enter the user name and password for the administrative user for the GUI. 8. Start the Snap Creator GUI by following the instructions provided on the screen.
30 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide 9. To start Snap Creator GUI, type the following URL in the web browser: http:// <HostName>:<port> where: HostName is the host name or IP address of the Snap Creator Server Port is the port number where the Snap Creator Server is running. By default this is port 8080.
Related tasks
Downloading Snap Creator software on page 23 Installing Java on Snap Creator Server on page 24 Creating a Data ONTAP user on page 23
1. Extract the .tgz file to /usr/local. 2. Change directory to the Snap Creator Server root directory /path/to/scAgent_v<#>. 3. Run Snap Creator setup by entering the following command:
./snapcreator --profile setup
Snap Creator Agent setup on UNIX configures the /path/to/scAgent_v<#>/xscript and prints usage information. 4. Install the agent. The Snap Creator Agent has the ability to run as a daemon under UNIX. The agent uses either the default port 9090 or a user-specified port. To set a non-default port number, configure the following environment variable: SC_AGENT_PORT. If the SC_AGENT_PORT environment variable is not set, then the agent defaults to port 9090. To ensure that the agent starts when rebooting, a start script must be set up under /path/to/ rc2.d. Start scripts must begin with S9x (S99scagent). The start script should contain the following:
/path/to/scAgent_v<#>/bin/scAgent start
You must have backed up the log and config files to retain the existing configuration. If the server is manually started from the console, you must have stopped it.
1. Select All programs > Snap Creator > Uninstall NetApp Snap Creator Framework.
Note: To upgrade from versions prior to Snap Creator 3.3.0, contact technical support.
You must have stopped Snap Creator Server . You must have backed up the profiles in the scServerX.Xx/configs folder. You must have backed up the Snap Creator database folder scServerX.Xx/gui/ snapcreator. If using Windows, you must have uninstalled the current Snap Creator version.
1. Install new Snap Creator version. 2. Stop the Snap Creator Server service on Windows. 3. Copy the backed up profiles to the new scServerX.Xx/configs folder. 4. Delete the newly created Snap Creator database folder scServerX.Xx/gui/snapcreator. 5. Copy and paste the backed up Snap Creator database folder to scServerX.Xx/gui directory. 6. Open CLI and change to directory scServerX.Xx/gui. 7. Run the upgrade command java -jar snapcreator.jar -upgrade. 8. Start Snap Creator Server.
38 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameters APP_IGNORE_ERROR Setting (Y|N) Description Determines if Snap Creator should ignore errors from application plug-ins. This is useful when the user wants to back up multiple databases and does not want to stop the backup based on quiesce or unquiesce of single database failing. Enables application based restores. In the event of a restore, Snap Creator sends a request to the application plugin and the plug-in handles the request. Enables application auto discovery. Snap Creator sends discover request to application plug-in and the plug-in is then responsible for the discovery of the storage configuration. This can be done dynamically or persistent with the APP_CONF_PERSISTENCE parameter if information is to be saved to the config file. This parameter is similar to VALIDATE_VOLUMES but allows one through plug-in framework to add discover functionality to any application plug-in. Enables auto discovery to be persistent, which means changes are dynamically updated in config file.
Information required to configure Snap Creator | 39 Parameters VALIDATE_ VOLUMES Setting DATA Description Snap Creator validates that all volumes where the database resides are part of the backup. Currently, there are some limitations. Only NFS is supported. Currently, this option checks data files only for the supported databases. Determines which plug-in is being used for file system operations. Allows for Snapshot copy of specified volume to occur after unquiesce. This can be valuable for certain plug-ins where Snapshot copy of data must be taken at different times. The meta data volume must not be only volume specified: controller1:volume1 (Y|N) The built-in cloning abilities of Snap Creator will be ignored. Instead the plug-in is responsible for handling all clone activities including vol or LUN clone creation and deletion. The built-in plug-ins do not this type of clone. Setting which points to the Java Virtual Machine which should be used for executing .class and .jar files. If set, $JAVA_HOME/bin/java will be used, otherwise just java to run the .class/.jar file #
40 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameters JVM_ARGS Setting Text Description Setting to control the Java Virtual Machine when executing native Java .class or .jar files. The default setting is -Xms32M Xmx128M Setting which defines the Java classpath. Per default, plugins/native is configured and can be completed with this environment variable, which will be appended to the default. Setting which points to the Perl interpreter which should be used for executing .pl files. If set, $PERL_HOME/bin/perl will be used, otherwise just perl to run the .pl file Setting to control the Perl interpreter when executing native Perl files. Options for settings additional include directories (-I) etc. can be passed to the Perl interpreter. Setting which points to the Python interpreter which should be used for executing .py files. If set, $PYTHON_HOME/python will be used, otherwise just python to run the .py file Setting to control the Python interpreter when executing native Python files.
Oracle plug-in
The Oracle plug-in supports only Oracle 10g database or higher. The Oracle plug-in uses SQL*Plus to communicate with the database. The following table lists the Oracle plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter APP_NAME ORACLE_DATABASES Settings oracle Description The application name A list of Oracle databases and the user name, that is, db1:user1;db2:user2. The path to the sqlplus command. The path to the directory where the user should store backup control files (Oracle user must have permissions). The path to a directory to store temp file, that is, /tmp (Oracle user must have permissions). (Y|N ) Informs Oracle Plug-in to only perform a switch log. This setting is useful if you are handling archive logs separate from data backup. The path to the oracle home directory PATH to Oracle home directory for a given SID. When backing up multiple databases it might be important to specify more than one Oracle home.
42 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter ORACLE_EXPORT_PARAM ETERS Settings (Y|N ) Description The ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment parameters are exported using the export command. This is applicable only in UNIX or Linux based environment.
MySQL plug-in
The MySQL plug-in supports MySQL 5.x. The MySQL plug-in uses Net-MySQL to communicate with the database. The following table lists the MySQL plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter APP_NAME MYSQL_DATABASES Settings mysql Description The application name A list of MySQL database(s) and the user name/password that is, db1:user1/ pwd1;db2:user2/pwd2 Name of the host where the databases are located: localhost (Y|N) A list of database(s) and the ports they are listening on, that is, db1:3307;db2:3308 Specifies the database(s) to be part of the MASTER/SLAVE environment.
DB2 plug-in
The DB2 plug-in supports DB2 9.x. The DB2 plug-in uses the db2 command to communicate with the database. The following table lists the DB2 plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter APP_NAME Settings db2 Description The application name
Information required to configure Snap Creator | 43 Parameter DB2_DATABASES Settings Description A list of db2 database(s) and the user name, that is, db1:user1;db2:user2 The path used by the db2 command to interact with the database.
Note: For Windows, you must first give a path to db2cmd.exe For example
44 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide The following table lists the VMware plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter VIBE_VCLOUD_IPADDR VIBE_VCLOUD_USER Description IP addresses or hostname(s) of the vCloud Director to log into (vCloud ONLY) User name to log in to the vCloud Director (vCloud ONLY). You must set @<org> or @system (top level vCloud database) Example: VIBE_VCLOUD_USER=administrator@syste m
Note: vCloud Director system administrator user name must be used to perform backup or restore. Backup or restore fails if the user is an organization admin or any other user.
Password associated to the VCLOUD_USER specified (vCloud ONLY) User name to use toog in to vCenter Password associated to the VCENTER_USER specified List of Organization, vDC and vApp object names to backup (vCloud ONLY) Example:VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES=ORG:VD C1,VDC2:VAPP1,VAPP2;ORG2:VDC3:;ORG3 ::VAPP6 List of Datastores and VMs to backup per vCenter (vSphere ONLY) Example: VIBE_VSPHERE_NAMES=VCENTER1:DS1: VM1;VCENTER2;DS2,DS3:;VCENTER3::VM 4 List of VMs to remove from backup per vCenter (vSphere ONLY) Example: VIBE_TRIM_VSPHERE_NAMES=VCENTER 1:VM99;VCENTER2:VM5,VM12 Time between each restore check (default: 30 seconds) Total time to wait for complete restore (default: 3600 seconds)
Information required to configure Snap Creator | 45 Parameter VIBE_VMWARE_SNAPSHOT VIBE_NOPING VIBE_DYNAMIC_VOLUMES_UPDATE Description Take a VMware Snapshot copy during backup (default: Y) Do not ICMP ping VMware or storage controllers (default: N) If set to 'N', does not perform dynamic volume update, which you have to set VOLUMES, SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES, SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES and NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET manually (default: not set)
should be same. The following are important data points regarding vCloud backup and restore processes: The backup and restore processes for both VMware and vCloud are very similar except the discovery process, where vCloud backups require additional discovery of the vCloud Director (vCD) metadata using REST APIs. You should provide with details of the vCloud with the organizations, vDCs or vApps to be backed up. If a vDC is listed, all the vApps in the vDC are backed up. The vCloud module discovers VMs associated to any vApp that need to be backed up and puts them on a backup list. If a vApp selected for backup is contained within an Organization or vDC also selected for backup, it will be backed up only once.
Note: For Virtual Machine File System(VMFS) restore operations through the VMware plug-in, there must be enough space in the volume to create a LUN clone that is equal to the size of the LUN. Note: User must close and reopen the config file in the GUI before running restore on a VMware configuration because volumes discovered are not updated automatically.
For restore operations, you should provide the backup parameters and the Snapshot copy name to be used for the restore. You should keep the following points in mind when performing VMware backup and restore processes: If a VM is listed and is not available, the plug-in displays an error message. It will not be able to restore a lost VM even if it is backed up. If a Datastore is listed, all the VMs in the Datastore will be backed up. Only the listed VMs or VMs located on the Datastores specified will be backed up. If a VM selected for backup is contained within a Datastore that is also selected for backup, it will be backed up only once. This plug-in supports both NFS and VMFS Datastores. VM restores on an NFS Datastore use a Single File SnapRestore (SFSR) on the storage system, which avoids host copies. To restore VM on a VMFS Datastore, perform the following steps: 1. Use FlexClone or LUN clone of the LUN contained in a specific restore Snapshot copy. 2. Map that to the cluster. 3. Use vCenter API calls to copy contents from the Snapshot VMFS datastore to the original VMFS datastore.
Sybase plug-in
The Sybase plug-in uses the isql command to interact with the Sybase database. The Sybase plug-in can quiesce one or more databases. The Sybase ASE plug-in supports Sybase ASE 12.5.x, Sybase ASE 15.0.x, and Sybase ASE 15.5. The following table lists the Sybase plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter SYBASE_SERVER Setting Description The Sybase data server name (S option on isql) Example:
Information required to configure Snap Creator | 47 Parameter SYBASE_DATABASES Setting Description The list of databases within the instance to back up. Format is DB1:USER:PASSWD;DB2:US ER:PASSWD. The master database is added. If a database named"+ALL" is used, then database autodiscovery is used and the sybsyntax, sybsystemdb, sybsystemprocs and tempdb databases are excluded. Encrypted passwords are supported if NTAP_PWD_PROTECTION is set. Example: SYBASE_DATABASES=DB Atest2:sa/ 53616c7465645f5f76881b465c a8ce3745c239b60e04351e Example: SYBASE_DATABASES= +ALL:sa/ 53616c7465645f5f76881b465c a8ce3745c239b60e04351e Allows databases to be excluded if the +ALL construct is used, use ';' to allow multiple databases. Example: SYBASE_DATABASES_EXC LUDE=pubs2;test_db1. Allows post Snapshot Sybase transaction dump to be performed. Each database requiring a txn dump needs to be specified. Format is "DB1:PATH;DB2:PATH" where path is a directory. Example: SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP=pub s2:/sybasedumps/pubs2
48 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_FO RMAT Setting Description Allows the user to specify the dump naming convention. Three "keys" can be specified, %S = Instance name from SYBASE_SERVER %D is database from SYBASE_DATABASES and %T is a unique timestamp. Default format is %S_%D_ %T.cmn Example: SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_FO RMAT=%S_%D_%T.log Allows native Sybase transaction dump compression to be enabled. Example: SYBASE_TRAN_DUMP_CO MPRESS=Y Defines the path to the "isql" command to be used. Example: SYBASE_ISQL_CMD=/opt/
sybase/OCS-15_0/bin/ isql
Defines the directory where Snap Creator logs are placed. Example: SYBASE_LOGDIR=/usr/
local/ntap/ scServer3.3.0/logs
Specifies the databases for which the manifest file should be created along with the location where the manifest file should be placed. Example: SYBASE_MANIFEST=DBAte st2:/t_inf_nzl_devs/
Information required to configure Snap Creator | 49 Parameter SYBASE_MANIFEST_FORM AT Setting Description Allows the user to specify the manifest file naming convention. Three "keys" can be specified: %S = Instance name from SYBASE_SERVER, %D is database from SYBASE_DATABASES, and %T is a unique timestamp which is the same as used for Snapshot naming. Default format is %S_%D_ %T.manifest Example: SYBASE_MANIFEST_FORM AT=%S_%D_%T.manifest (Y|N ) Allows the manifest to be deleted once the Snapshot has been performed. The manifest file should be captured within the Snapshot so it is always available with the backup. Example: SYBASE_MANIFEST_DELE TE=Y
MaxDB plug-in
The MaxDB plug-in supports MaxDB 7.8. The following table lists the MaxDB plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter APP_NAME XUSER_ENABLE Setting maxdb (Y|N) Description The application name Enables the use of an xuser for maxdb so password is not required for db user Executes suspend logwriter/ resume logwriter if set to Y
50 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter DBMCLICMD Setting Description The path to the MaxDB dbmcli command, if not set dbmcli on the search path is used The path to the MaxDB sqlcli command, if not set sqlcli on the search path is used Tells the maxdb backup program if it should update maxdb history log List of database(s) and their username/password separated by a comma of which you want to backup Example: MAXDB_DATABASES=db1: user1/password;db2:user2/ password Setting to check, if a Snap Creator Snapshot copy operation was successful and the Snapshot copy has been taken. NFS only. Directory must point to the directory which contains the .snapshot directory. Multiple directories can be specified as a comma separated list Multiple databases can be specified as a semicolon separated list In case of MaxDB 7.8 and newer, the database backup request will be marked as Failed in the backup history. The shown error code identifies the number of missing snapshots. Example: MAXDB_CHECK_SNAPSHO T_DIR=SID:directory[,director y...] [SID2:directory[,directory...]
If any database is corrupt, then the Domino plug-in continues with the backup of the remaining databases if APP_IGNORE_ERROR option is enabled. This is useful in a scenario where the user wants to back up multiple databases and does not want to stop the backup based on quiesce or unquiesce of single database failing. The following table lists the Domino plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter DOMINO_DATA_PATH DOMINO_INI_PATH Setting Description Path to Domino Data directory. Example: /notes/notesdata Path to notes.ini file (include notes.ini in path) Example: /
notes/notesdata/ notes.ini
52 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter DOMINO_CHANGE_INFO_P ATH Setting Description Path where change info files should be saved. Use a different volume than Domino Data or Log paths. Change info should not be captured in the same Snapshot copy. Example:/
notes/changeinfo Note: To delete the old
change info files, enable archive log option DOMINO_DATABASE_TYP E Can be any of the following values: 0 = Backup everything ( 1+2+3 below) 1 = Backup only for *.BOX files 2 = Backup only for *.NSF, *.NSG and NSH files. 3 = Backup only for *.NTF files. Path where Domino is installed. Example: /opt/ibm/lotus Path that contains Domino shared object (.so or .dll) files. Example: /opt/ibm/lotus/
LOTUS Notes_ExecDirectory
The Domino plug-in applies change information to databases after a restore. In order to do this properly, this parameter must be set to the location where Domino Data is being restored. Use the same path as DOMINO_DATA_PATH if restoring to the same location. If performing a single file restore, provide the path where you are restoring your databases. Example: /notes/
The following table lists the SnapManager for Microsoft Exchange plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter SME_PS_CONF Setting Description Path to the Powershell configuration file for SnapManager for Microsoft Exchange. Example: SME_PS_CONF=C:
\Program Files\NetApp \SnapManager for Exchange\smeShell.psc1
SnapManager for Microsoft Exchange backup options. Snap Creator uses a Powershell cmdlet for new-backup. Example: SME_BACKUP_OPTIONS=Server 'EX2K10-DAG01' GenericNaming ManagementGroup 'Standard' NoTruncateLogs $False RetainBackups 8 StorageGroup 'dag01_db01' BackupCopyRemoteCCRNode $False SnapManager for Microsoft Exchange server name (Y|N) Setting to enable use of 32-bit version of Powershell.
The following table lists the SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server plug-in parameters, the settings, and the description: Parameter SMSQL_PS_CONF Setting Description Path to the Powershell configuration file for SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server. Example: SMSQL_PS_CONF=C:
\Program Files\NetApp \SnapManager for SQL Server\smsqlShell.psc1
SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server backup options. Snap Creator uses a Powershell cmdlet for new-backup. Example: SMSQL_BACKUP_OPTIONS =-svr 'SQL' -d 'SQL \SHAREPOINT', '1', 'WSS_Content' -RetainBackups 7 -lb -bksif RetainSnapofSnapInfo 8 -trlog -gen -mgmt standard SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server name (Y|N) Setting to enable use of 32-bit version of Powershell.
This example uses the name oraprod01. The default template is located in /path/to/ scServer_v<#>/configs/default/default.conf.
2. Copy or rename the following default template to your new configuration directory:
cp /path/to/scServer_v<#>/configs/default/default.conf /path/to/scServer_v<#>/configs/oraprod01/oraprod01.conf
3. Edit your configuration file by using VI (UNIX) or any text editor in Windows.
1. Open the web browser to the following URL: and login. 2. In the Management Configurations screen, click profile name. Add backup profile and enter the new
58 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide The profile name should relate to the application being backed up. Adding a profile creates a directory under the/path/to/scServer_v<#>/configs directory. The new backup profile is created. 3. Right click the backup profile and select New Configuration.
4. Proceed through the configuration wizard. 5. Review the summary and click Finish.
Note: You can view configuration files listed under the profile. It contains all the configuration specific details. You can rename and delete a configuration by right-clicking and selecting Delete or Rename. The GUI creates the same configuration files you would create by using the CLI. You can update and edit configuration files created by the GUI from the CLI or from the CLI to the GUI.
Referencing is the ability to define variables within the configuration file. The configuration file is dynamic, which means that you can create and set variables within the configuration itself. This is done by using the % character. For example, use of SnapDrive instead of Data ONTAP API to create the Snapshot copies. As the Snapshot copy names need to be unique, you must set a dynamic variable. The following is an example from a Windows SnapDrive configuration:
NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD1="c:/Program Files/NetApp/SnapDrive/sdcli" snap create -m fx1b4 -s %SNAME-%SNAP_TYPE_%SNAP_TIME-D E:
NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_CMD1="c:/Program Files/NetApp/SnapDrive/sdcli" snap create -m fx1b4 -s %SNAME-%SNAP_TYPE_recent -D E:
The following table lists the built-in variables that can be referenced: Variables %SNAP_TYPE Description This is given when you run Snap Creator and it is your retention policy, that is, daily, weekly, monthly. This is a timestamp (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) used in the naming of Snapshot copies to create a guaranteed unique name for every Snapshot copy. It is also used to name the backup reports and Sybase transaction logs.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 59 Variables %ACTION Description This is the given action when you run Snap Creator: (snap|clone_vol|clone_lun|
arch|restore|delete|snaplist| clonelist|pmsetup|ossv)
This is used to send an error message to another program such as e-mail or Tivoli. It can only be used with the SENDTRAP function. This passes a user-defined argument to the Snap Creator configuration file. For example, To integrate with a backup application like NetBackup, CommVault, or Legato NetWorker you might have to pass the desired backup product's schedule into the configuration file when you have multiple schedules and want to call NetBackup, CommVault, or Legato NetWorker with a certain schedule. You could also achieve this by having multiple configuration files for the different scenarios.
The following table lists the parameters required in a basic configuration: Parameter SNAME (REQUIRED) Setting Description Snapshot copy naming convention should be unique. Snapshot copies are deleted according to the naming convention and retention policy used. (Y|N ) If set to Y, Snapshot copies end with YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. Otherwise, new Snapshot copies are renamed to end with YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. List of primary storage controllers and volumes you want to create a Snapshot copy of, that is, controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3; controller2:vol1;controller3:vol 2,vol3.
60 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter NTAP_SNAPSHOT_ RETENTIONS (REQUIRED) Setting Description Determines the number of Snapshot copies you want to retain for a given policy, that is, daily:7,weekly:4,monthly:1. This is the list of appliances and their corresponding user names/passwords, that is, controller1:joe/ password1;controller2:bob/ password2;controller3:ken/ password3.
Note: If you want to use protected passwords, first run ./snapcreatorcryptpasswd
and then save the scrambled password in the config file. NTAP_PWD_ PROTECTION (REQUIRED) (Y|N) Enables password protection. You must encrypt all passwords (storage system and applications or plug-ins) and save encrypted passwords in config file when this option is set to Y. This allows you to choose the protocol for API communications.
Note: HTTPS may require openssl-devel libraries.
This is the used to communicate with the storage controller(s), normally (80/443). This is the number of .debug and .out reports that Snap Creator has to retain.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 61 Parameter Setting Description We can have two types of configuration: plug-in, standard. We can use multiple plug-in configs to build up complex quiesce and unquiesce backup workflows. List of primary/secondary Cluster-Mode clusters and their corresponding usernames/ passwords Example: cluster1:joe/ password1;cluster2:bob/ password2 # Name of the primary ClusterMode cluster (Y|N) Setting which forces deletion of Snapshot copies which should be deleted based on Snapshot policy (Y|N) Setting which enables trace messages. Trace messages are an extra level of debug
The following table lists the parameters required to connect to vFiler units and interfaces: Parameter VFILERS Setting Description This is the list of vFiler units and their hosting appliances or volumes, that is, vFiler1@controller1:vol1,vol2, vol3;vFiler2@controller2:vol1; vFiler3@controller3:vol2,vol3.
Note: HTTPS is not supported with vFilers
62 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter MANAGEMENT_ INTERFACES Setting Description This is an interface that you can specify for every physical appliance. All Data ONTAP API communications between Snap Creator and the controller occur through this interface. For example: MANAGEMENT_INTERFAC ES=controller1:controller1mgmt;controller2:controller2mgmt For every appliance or vFiler unit, you can specify a secondary interface source/ destination pair (name or IP). It is used for SnapMirror and SnapVault updates. For example, controller1:controller1-backup/ controller2-backup. Where: controller1 - Storage controller or VFiler unit name controller1-backup - Secondary interface for controller1/vFiler1 controller2-backup - Secondary interface for controller1/ vFiler1's SnapMirror or SnapVault destination
Note: The SnapVault/ SnapMirror relationships must be configured to use this secondary interface. Snap Creator does not manage SnapMirror/ SnapVault relationships.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 63 Parameter USE_PROXY Setting (Y|N) Description Setting which allows API calls to go through DataFabric Manager server proxy instead of storage controller directly. If this option is used, NTAP_USERS is no longer required. Setting which allows IP address to be used for storage system. This applies to SnapVault, SnapMirror, and Protection Manager. Using IPs can create problems and should only be used under certain conditions.
The following table lists the parameters required to set up Snapshot copy: Parameter NTAP_SNAPSHOT_ RETENTION_AGE Setting Description Allows you to define a retention age (in days) for Snapshot copies. If configured, Snapshot copies are deleted only if they exceed the number defined in NTAP_SNAPSHOT_ RETENTIONS and if they are older than the retention age (in days). (Y|N) Allows you to use SnapDrive instead of Data ONTAP API to create a Snapshot copy. Enables use of SnapDrive for the discovery feature. Requires SnapDrive to be configured and working on host where discovery is performed.
64 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter NTAP_SNAPSHOT_ DISABLE Setting (Y|N) Description Disables the Snap Creator from creating a Snapshot copy so that Snap Creator can handle SnapVault or SnapMirror for SnapManager. For this setting to work, the SnapManager Snapshot copies need to follow this naming convention: <snapshot copy name><policy>_recent. Overrides NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENT IONS and prevents Snapshot copies from being deleted. Leaving this variable on can make the volume full. Requires NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENT ION_AGE and forces deletion based on Snapshot copy age rather than the number of Snapshot copies. Applies only to Snapshot copy deletion menu "-action delete". Manually deleting Snapshot copies with a dependency is not permitted. This SnapDrive command creates a Snapshot copy and flushes the file system buffers. < #> is a number from 01-99.
Note: This is required if you enable the SNAPDRIVE option. Data ONTAP API is still used to perform everything else, but the SNAPDRIVE option creates Snapshot copies.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 65 Parameter NTAP_CONSISTENCY_ GROUP_SNAPSHOT Setting (Y|N) Description Enables use of consistency groups. By using this setting, you can take a consistent (I/O fencing) Snapshot copy across more than one volume and multiple storage controllers.
Note: Enabling this option requires NTAP_CONSISTENCY_G ROUP_TIMEOUT
Specifies the wait time for I/O fencing between volumes. Before we can create a Snapshot consistency group, all volumes must be quiesced (I/O fencing). The default setting and recommendation is medium (7 seconds); however, this depends on the number of volumes you have and the number of appliances that are involved. Urgent is 2 seconds, Medium is 7 seconds, Relaxed is 20 seconds. Setting which can improve performance of the CG Snapshot by forcing a CP through a wafl-sync before the cg-start. Setting which if disabled always forces a SFSR when doing a single file restore.
The following table lists the parameters required to set up SnapVault: Parameter NTAP_SNAPVAULT_ UPDATE Setting (Y|N) Description Allows you to turn off and turn on the SnapVault update function.
66 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter SNAPVAULT_ VOLUMES Setting Description This is the list of source appliances and volumes on which you want to perform a SnapVault update, that is, controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3;contr oller2:vol1;controller3:vol2,vol 3.
Note: For SnapVault and SnapMirror updates to work, the relationships must exist. Snap Creator does not create the relationships. Note: The host name(s) in the SnapMirror or SnapVault relationship must be the same as specified in the VOLUMES, SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES , and SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES options. Also, the host where Snap Creator runs must be able to resolve the hostname(s). Note: For vSphere/vCloud
the short host name (name that appears on storage controller command prompt), not the FQDN.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 67 Parameter SNAPVAULT_QTREE_ INCLUDE Setting Description This is the list of source appliances and qtree paths that should be included in the SnapVault update. Without this option, all qtrees under a volume are vaulted by SnapVault if a relationship exists. Qtrees listed in the following example are vaulted by SnapVault and the rest are ignored by SnapVault: controller1:/vol/qtree/ qtree1,/vol/volume/ qtree2;controller2:/vol/volume/ qtree1. Determines the number of Snapshot copies on the SnapVault secondary that you want to retain for a given policy, that is, daily: 21,weekly:12,monthly:3. Allows you to define a retention age (in days) for SnapVault Snapshot copies. If configured, SnapVault Snapshot copies are deleted only if they exceed the number defined in NTAP_SNAPVAULT_ RETENTIONS and if they are older than the retention age (in days).
68 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter Setting Description Enables use of SnapVault Snapshot copies; that is, Snapshot copies that are compatible with the Storage Controller SnapVault scheduler. When using this option, Snapshot delete is handled by the Storage controller and not by the Snap Creator. Additionally, Snapshot copies are named as follows: sv_<POLICY>.<##>. The policy name comes from the NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENT IONS parameter and the retention set is also applied to the Storage Controller SnapVault schedule. Overrides NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETEN TIONS and prevents Snapshot copies from being deleted. Leaving this on can cause your volume to fill up. In the case of SnapVault restore, it forces Snap Creator to wait for the operation to complete. This is recommended because after the SnapVault restore completes, Snap Creator prompts the user to delete the restore Snapshot copies that get created on primary storage and are no longer needed. This is the wait time (in minutes) for the SnapVault update process to complete before taking a Snapshot copy on the SnapVault secondary.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 69 Parameter NTAP_SNAPVAULT_MAX_ TRANSFER Setting Description This is the maximum bandwidth SnapVault is allowed to use in kbps. If it is not set, SnapVault uses the maximum available bandwidth.
The following table lists the parameters required to set SnapMirror: Parameter NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_ UPDATE NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_ CASCADING_UPDATE Setting (Y|N) Description Allows you to turn off and turn on the SnapMirror update function. Allows you to turn off and turn on the cascading SnapMirror update function. This is a SnapMirror update using a SnapVault destination volume.
Note: This is not supported for Data ONTAP 8.1 ClusterMode
This is the list of source appliances and volumes on which you want to perform a SnapMirror update, that is, controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3;contr oller2:vol1;controller3:vol2,vol 3. Note: For vSphere/vCloud plug-in set the value to auto:detect List of SnapVault destination appliances and volumes where, after a SnapVault update, you want to perform a SnapMirror update, that is, seccontroller1:vol1-sec,vol2-sec.
70 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_ WAIT Setting Description This is the wait time (in minutes) for the SnapMirror update process to complete before creating a clone on the SnapMirror destination. If NTAP_CLONE_SECONDAR Y=Y, Snap Creator waits until the SnapMirror update is complete before proceeding.
Note: This can only be used with NTAP_CLONE_SECONDA RY and ACTION clone_vol (only volume clones are currently supported).
If enabled, the SnapMirror update uses the newly created Snapshot copy, thus creating a Snapshot copy on the SnapMirror destination.
Note: This is required for NTAP_CLONE_SECONDA RY because a Snapshot copy is needed in order to create a clone on the SnapMirror destination.
This is the maximum bandwidth SnapMirror is allowed to use in kbps. If it is not set, SnapMirror uses the maximum available bandwidth.
The following table lists the parameters required to set up cloning: Parameter NTAP_VOL_CLONE_ RESERVE Setting none | file volume Description This is the space guarantee for a cloned volume.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 71 Parameter NTAP_LUN_CLONE_ RESERVATION Setting true | false Description If set to true, space is reserved for the cloned LUNs if the clone_lun Action is selected. Otherwise, space is not reserved. Specify the appliance, source volume, and an IGROUP. The IGROUP is then mapped to cloned LUNs that reside in the source volume or cloned LUNs that reside in the volume clone, that is, controller1:src_volume1/ igroup1;controller2:src_volume 2/igroup2.
Note: LUN clones assume the same name as their parent volume or LUN and end with _CLONE, that is, if the volume is called myvol, its clone would be myvol_CLONE Note: Volume clones start with "cl_" and end with "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS".
If enabled, clones (volume and LUN) are created and then deleted after the other operations are complete. Otherwise, clones are deleted before operations complete.
Note: If you are backing up clones to tape, this should be set to Y. If you are doing database refreshes, then you should set it to N.
72 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter NTAP_CLONE_ SECONDARY Setting (Y|N) Description If enabled, clones are created on the SnapMirror destination after the SnapMirror update is complete.
This is a mapping of primary/ secondary appliances and the secondary volumes. This is required so that Snap Creator can find the secondary volumes, that is, controller1:controller1-sec/ vol1,vol2,vol3;controller2:contr oller2-sec/ vol1;controller3:controller3sec/vol2,vol3. This is the number of volume clones you want to retain. This works in a similar way to the Snapshot retention policy.
Note: This only works for volume clones that require a FlexClone license on the storage controller.
Host IP
The hostname or IP address where the clone should be exported. This is the host where the user wants to mount the clone volume by using NFS.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 73 Parameter NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_ACCE SS Setting root | read-write | read-only Description The host specified in NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_HOST receives access or permission to the clone volume. root - Root access is granted read-only Read-only access is granted read-write - Read/Write access is granted. Determines if NFS export is persistent. If true is selected, the clone volume is exported and the /etc/exports file on the Storage Controller is updated.
true | false
The following table lists the parameters required to set up Protection Manager: Parameter NTAP_PM_UPDATE Setting (Y|N) Description Allows you to turn off and on the Protection Manager update that registers Snap Creator Snapshot copies in Protection Manager.
Note: If
NTAP_PM_UPDATE is enabled, you must configure NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET. NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET This is a list of appliances and Protection Manager data sets to volume correlations, that is, controller1:dataset1/ vol1,vol2;controller1:dataset2/ vol3. (Y|N) Starts the Protection Manager backup, checks the progress and status, and waits for it to complete.
74 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter NTAP_DFM_SNAPSHOT_FO RMAT Setting Description Optional setting for the format of the secondary Snapshot copies when using Protection Manager. This option requires OnCommand 5.0 (DataFabric Manager) or higher. Required variable: %T - timestamp Optional variables are: %R - retention type
%L - dataset label %H - storage controller %N - volume name %A
- application specific data. If this option is not set then the default Protection Manager naming convention will be used. The naming convention can only be set at the time of dataset creation. The following table lists the parameters required to set up Open Systems SnapVault: Parameter NTAP_OSSV_ENABLE Setting (Y|N) Description Enables the Open Systems SnapVault integration. This option must be used in combination with the NTAP_OSSV_HOMEDIR parameter. Open Systems SnapVault is also required on the host running Snap Creator.
Note: When Open Systems SnapVault option is enabled, the path is specified as volumes. When specifying paths in windows for Open Systems SnapVault : should not be used. For example, if the path is E:\DB then it should used as E\DB.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 75 Parameter NTAP_OSSV_HOMEDIR Setting /usr/snapvault Description The path to the Open Systems SnapVault home directory, that is, /usr/snapvault This setting also requires the NTAP_OSSV_FS_SNAPSHO T_CREATE_CMD<##> and allows to create a file system Snapshot copy using OS / Filesystem command. The File system Snapshot copy is then transferred to the storage system using SnapVault. These are scripts or commands to be executed during or before the Open Systems SnapVault backup process, where ## is a number from 01- 99. This can be used to perform backup file system Snapshot copies by using Open Systems SnapVault.
The following table describes the Operations Manager settings: Parameter OM_HOST OM_USER Setting Description The name or IP address of the Operations Manager host. The user name of an Operations Manager user who has permission to create events. The password for the Operations Manager user. The port to use for communications with Operations Manager; 8080 is the default http port that the Operations Manager uses.
76 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter OM_EVENT_GENERATE Setting (Y|N) Description Enables or disables event creation in Operations Manager.
The following table describes the different APP commands: Command APP_CLONE_FOLLOW_ UP_ CMD<##> Setting Description These are scripts or commands to be executed after the database is cloned, where ## is a number between 01- 99. This can be used to perform application-specific follow-up activities on SAP systems, such as, installing a SAP license, adjusting database tables, deleting or updating content, and starting up the application. These are scripts or commands that put your application into backup mode where, "##" is a number between 01-99.
Note: This is ignored if you use APP_NAME because it is handled internally in Snap Creator.
These are scripts or commands that take your application out of backup mode, where "##" is a number from 01-99.
Note: This is ignored if you
use APP_NAME because it is handled internally in Snap Creator. ARCHIVE_CMD<##> Handles database archiving. It can also be used as a wrapper to run other scripts. The archive command, where ## is a number from 01-99.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 77 The following table describes the different PRE commands: Command PRE_APP_QUIESCE_ CMD<##> Setting Description This is the pre application backup start command, where##is a number from 01-99. This is the pre Snapshot command, where##is a number from 01-99; it runs before all operations. This is the pre application backup stop command, where##is a number from 01-99. This is the pre clone delete command, where## is a number from 01-99.
Note: The purpose of clone delete command(s) is to call a mount script or commands so that cloned LUNs can be mounted for the purpose of backing up (probably to tape).
This is an optional command that is run after a fatal error occurs but before Snap Creator exits. This is useful to revert to the state it was before Snap Creator ran.
Note: This command returns an application into normal operation mode before Snap Creator exits due to an error. Note: This is ignored if you use APP_NAME because it is handled internally in Snap Creator.
78 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Command PRE_RESTORE_CMD<##> Setting Description This is an optional command that can be run before you enter an interactive restore. This allows you to interact with the application being restored. For example, you might want to shut down the application before performing a restore.
Note: This is not supported with MySQL plug-in.
This is an optional command that can be run before Data ONTAP API cloning operations occur, where##is a number from 01-99.
The following table describes the different POST commands: Command POST_APP_ QUIESCECMD<##> Setting Description This is a post application backup start command, where##is a number from 01-99. This is a post command, where##is a number from 01-99. This runs after all operations are complete. This is a post application backup stop command, where##is a number from 01-99. This is a post data transfer command that runs after SnapVault or SnapMirror transfer, where##is a number from 01-99.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 79 Command POST_RESTORE_ CMD<##> Setting Description This is an optional command that can be run after you complete an interactive restore. It allows you to interact with the application being restored. After your restore is complete, you might want to start the application.
Note: This is not supported with MySQL plug-in.
This is an optional command that can be run after Data ONTAP API cloning operations occur, where##is a number from 01-99. The commands are used to perform operations such as mounting cloned file systems.
The following table describes the mount and Umount commands: Command MOUNT_CMD<##> Setting Description Mount commands are used to mount file system for cloning or mount actions where##is a number starting from 01 - 99. Umount commands are used to mount file system for cloning or mount actions where##is a number starting from 01 - 99.
Note: You should use MOUNT_CMDS and UMOUNT_CMDS for mount/umount commands instead of Snap Creator pre/post commands for cloning.
The following table lists the parameters required to set up event management:
80 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter NTAP_ASUP_ERROR_ ENABLE Setting (Y|N) Description Enables Snap Creator error messages to also log an auto support message on the storage controller. Snap Creator always creates an info auto support message when the backup has started and is complete. This command interfaces with your monitoring software or email allowing you to pass alerts generated from Snap Creator into your own monitoring infrastructure. The %MSG variable is the message sent from Snap Creator. The following is an example of how to send an email on a UNIX system:
SENDTRAP=/usr/bin/mailx -s %MSG </dev/null
This command interfaces with your monitoring software or email allowing you to pass the success message generated from Snap Creator into your own monitoring infrastructure. The %SUCCESS_MSG variable is the success message for Snap Creator. The following is an example of how to send an email on UNIX system:
SUCCESS_TRAP=/usr/bin/ mailx -s %SUCCESS_MSG </dev/null
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 81 Parameter SUCCESS_MSG Setting Description After a successful Snap Creator backup, this setting logs the message defined and also sends it to SUCCESS_TRAP, if defined, or to SENDTRAP, if SENDTRAP is defined.
The following table lists the parameters required for client/server configuration: Parameter SC_AGENT Setting <hostname or IP >:<port> Description Snap Creator has the capability to perform tasks on remote hosts. A task is either a defined plug-in (parameter APP_NAME) or a command specified with the parameters _CMD , for example, NTAP_SNAPSHOT_CREATE _CMD01. To specify a remote host, enter its name or IP address followed by a colon and the port the Snap Creator Agent is listening on. On the remote host, start the Snap Creator Agent by running the command:
<path to scAgent_v<#>>/ snapcreator-start-agent <port>
Snap Creator has the capability to perform clone operations. Using the action clone_vol in combination with {PRE| POST}_CLONE_CREATE_C MDxx, you can handle the storage objects on the remote side. For example, mounting/ unmounting file systems. To specify a clone target, enter its name or IP address followed by a colon and the port the Snap Creator Agent is listening on.
82 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter SC_AGENT_ TIMEOUT Setting Time (in seconds) Description Specifies the timeout in seconds. The implemented client/server architecture uses a timeout mechanism. This means that if the client does not respond in the specified interval, the server fails with a timeout message. However, the task on the client is not aborted and requires further investigation. On a server with high load or known longrunning tasks like own scripts or complex SnapDrive operations, it might be necessary to extend the timeout and adapt this value to your own requirements. By default, a timeout of 300 seconds is used. Enables or disables the agent watchdog process. When the agent receives a quiesce request, the watchdog process starts. The watchdog process waits for the SC_AGENT_UNQUIESCE_TI MEOUT and unquiesces the application. If an unquiesce request is received by the agent, the watchdog process is terminated.
Note: For all plug-ins the default setting is Y. For VIBE plug-in the default setting is N, and it should always be N.
Configuring Snap Creator Server | 83 Parameter Setting Description This optional setting specifies the timeout in seconds. If the communication with the agent is not possible and an application is in the quiesce state, the agent automatically returns the application into its normal mode of operation without communication from the server. If this setting is not set, then the unquiesce timeout is set to whatever the SC_AGENT_TIMEOUT is plus 5 seconds. Allows you to use a userdefined, alternate temporary directory to store the Snap Creator related files. The user creates the directory and manages the user access. The plug-ins use temporary files to interact with the database. The temp files are created in the host's default temp directory, which has write access to all the users. If the directory is full, Snap Creator displays an error while creating the temp files. Setting which enables logging on agent. The Snap Creator Server sends operations to the agent. If something happens before agent sends callback to server it is possible messages could be lost. This allows agent messages to be logged on agent so they are never lost.
In this example, the agent allows the Snap Creator Server to run echo ,/ bin/mount, or / path/to/myscript in addition to the application plug-ins. If the application plug-ins are not used and the agent is required, run the application quiesce and unquiesce commands for application consistency. Additionally, the wildcard * can be used to allow all commands but it is not recommend it for security reasons.
command: *
List of commands
Application quiesce and unquiesce commands The quiesce and unquiesce commands are used to achieve application consistency when not using Snap Creator application plug-ins. Snapshot copies of volumes without application consistency are only crash consistent. Archive commands Archive commands are user-defined commands or scripts that are run before the POST commands (last command that runs). The purpose of the archive commands is to provide the ability to interface with archiving tools after a backup is performed. PRE commands PRE commands are user-defined commands or scripts that are run before the following operations: The application quiesce commands or application integration plug-ins The Data ONTAP API or SnapDrive calls The application unquiesce command or application integration plug-ins The volume or LUN clone delete commands are run
88 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide The following are the different types of PRE commands:
PRE app quiesce PRE NetApp PRE app unquiesce PRE clone create PRE NetApp clone delete PRE exit PRE restore (in the case of interactive restore)
A PRE command can be used for a file system synchronization or consistency check before calls using Data ONTAP API or SnapDrive are made. For example, run the file system command or script as a PRE NetApp command.
Note: PRE commands or scripts that do not exit with status 0 are handled as an error within Snap Creator.
POST commands POST commands are user-defined commands or scripts that are run after the application quiesce command, the Data ONTAP API calls, and the application unquiesce command. The following are the different types of POST commands:
POST application quiesce POST NetApp POST application unquiesce POST data transfer POST clone create POST restore (in the case of interactive restore)
A POST command can be used after the application unquiesce command is run to make sure that the database is running in normal mode. For example, run the database check command or script as a POST application unquiesce command.
Note: POST commands or scripts that do not exit with status of 0 are handled as an error within Snap Creator.
You should schedule the Snap Creator Server from either UNIX Cron, Windows task manager, or the Snap Creator built-in GUI scheduler. When scheduling through the Windows task manager, create a .bat file.
The following table lists the Snap Creator Server parameters: Parameter --profile <Profile> Description The name of the profile should be the name you gave to the directory/file without the .conf suffix. To create alternate config files under the same profile, use the - config option. Displays all configs known to Snap Creator. Do not use list as a profile name as it only displays configs. For example:
./snapcreator --profile list
Runs the Snap Creator setup that configures both the GUI and Snap Creator itself. For example:
./snapcreator --profile setup
90 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter --action <Action> (snap|clone_vol|clone_lun| clone_del|arch|quiesce|unquiesce|discover| restore|delete|snaplist|clonelist|pmsetup|ossv| mount|umount) Description There are currently ten possible actions: create a Snapshot copy (snap), perform an Open Systems SnapVault backup, make a Snapshot copy as well as a volume clone (clone_vol), make a Snapshot copy as well as a LUN clone (clone_lun), handle only archiving for an application (arch),perform an interactive restore (restore), perform an interactive delete (delete), list Snapshot copies for a given policy (snaplist), list volume clones (clonelist), configure a Protection Manager data set (pmsetup). Makes a Snapshot copy. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action snap --policy Policy Optional Arguments
Uses Open Systems SnapVault to perform the backup; no Snapshot copy is created. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action ossv --policy Policy Optional Arguments
Running Snap Creator Server using CLI | 91 Parameter clone_vol Description Makes a Snapshot copy plus whatever else is configured and then uses that Snapshot copy to make a volume clone. This requires a FlexClone license. Once the volume is cloned, an IGROUP is mapped to all the LUNs that reside in the cloned volume using the NTAP_CLONE_IGROUP_MAP option in the configuration file.
Note: The format of cloned volume in Snap Creator 3.5.0 is cl_configfile_volume_ YYYYMMDDhhmmss as compared to Snap Creator 3.4.0 ( cl_<source volume>_YYYYMMDDhhmmss) Hence Snap Creator 3.5.0 does not list the old format cloned volumes. The user has to delete the old cloned volumes and create a new cloned volume. ./snapcreator --profile Profile clone_vol --policy Policy Optional Arguments
If the SC_CLONE_TARGET parameter and the options necessary for the database clone handling are set after cloning the volume, the database cloning is complete. clone_lun Creates a Snapshot copy plus whatever else is configured and then uses that Snapshot copy to make a LUN clone of all LUNs that reside in the source volume. Once the LUNs are cloned, an IGROUP is mapped to all the cloned LUNs that reside in the source volume using the NTAP_CLONE_IGROUP_MAP option in the configuration file. Note: Because there is a possibility that Snapshot copies can get locked by cloned LUNs, this is not a recommended method. However, this depends on whether the customer owns a FlexClone license. If the customer owns a FlexClone license, clone_vol, which uses FlexClone, should be used.
./snapcreator-profile Profile -action clone_lun --policy Policy Optional Arguments
92 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter clone_del Description Deletes a volume clone(s) created by Snap Creator according to the volume clone settings defined in the configuration file. You can use this option to separate the clone delete workflow from that of clone create. Some third party integrations, such as BRTools by SAP, require separate clone create and delete workflows. Provides archive log management functionality as a separate workflow based on application plug-in settings as defined by the config file. Snap Creator performs archive log management for a given application. The purpose of this action is to provide granularity allowing other tools to better integrate with Snap Creator. Additionally, this functionality allows for multiple application backup workflows that are required in certain virtualized environments. For example:
./snapcreator-profile Profile -action arch Optional Arguments
Provides quiesce functionality as a separate workflow based on application plug-in settings as defined by the config file. Snap Creator quiesces a given application. The purpose of this action is to provide granularity allowing other tools to better integrate with Snap Creator. Additionally, this functionality allows for multiple application backup workflows that are required in certain virtualized environments. For example:
./snapcreator-profile Profile -action quiesce Optional Arguments
Running Snap Creator Server using CLI | 93 Parameter unquiesce Description Provides unquiesce functionality as a separate workflow based on application plug-in settings as defined by the config file. Snap Creator unquiesces a given application. The purpose of this action is to provide granularity allowing other tools to better integrate with Snap Creator. Additionally, this functionality allows for multiple application backup workflows that are required in certain virtualized environments. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action unquiesce Optional Arguments
Provides discover functionality as a separate workflow based on application plug-in settings as defined by the config file. Snap Creator performs discovery for a given application. The purpose of this action is to provide granularity allowing other tools to better integrate with Snap Creator. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action discover Optional Arguments
Collects all support information for technical support and places everything into a .zip file located under the root Snap Creator directory. Collected information consists of logs, config files, storage controller, OS, database (if applicable), and SnapDrive (if applicable) information. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action scdump Optional Arguments
94 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter restore Description Provides an interactive restore. You can perform a volume, file, or SnapVault restore. File restore is for LUNs. A volume restore is only recommended in case of a disaster. Otherwise, you should always recover files. For NAS, you can recover files by simply copying files out of the ~snapshot directory so that there is no need to handle NAS file restore with Snap Creator. A SnapVault restore restores a qtree on secondary storage back to primary storage either on its original or alternate location. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action restore --policy Policy Optional Arguments
Guides you through an interactive Snapshot copy delete menu for a given Snap Creator policy. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action delete --policy Policy Optional Arguments
Lists all Snapshot copies that are being managed by Snap Creator. It displays Snapshot copies on primary as well as secondary storage. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action snaplist Optional Arguments
Lists all volume clones that are being managed by Snap Creator. It shows volume clones on primary as well as secondary storage. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action clonelist Optional Arguments Note: This action only lists the volume clones created using Snap Creator 3.5.0 and does not list the volume clones from previous versions of Snap Creator.
Running Snap Creator Server using CLI | 95 Parameter dpstatus Description Shows detailed information about SnapVault or SnapMirror relationships. For example:
./snapcreator --profile profile -action dpstatus
--policy <Policy>
The name of the Snapshot policy defined in NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS and possibly NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTIONS. You can name the Snapshot policy whatever you want but it is important that the name you pass Snap Creator as- policy be exactly the same as defined in NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RETENTIONS as well as possibly NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTIONS if you are using SnapVault. You can also have as many of these as you want all with different retentions.
Note: If you use SnapDrive to create the Snapshot copies, use lowercase. SnapDrive (at least Windows) cannot differentiate between uppercase and lowercase.
mount umount
Mount a Snapshot copy using NFS or SnapDrive Unmount a Snapshot copy using NFS or SnapDrive
96 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Parameter --config Description Allows you to specify an alternate config file located under the /path/to/ scServer_v<#>/Config> directory. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action Action --policy Policy -config Alternate Config Note: This option is required when the profile / path/to/scServer_v<#>/ configs/<profile> and the config does not match /path/to/scServer_v<#>/ configs/<profile>/<config>.conf
Allows you to use a global config file. There are two possible global config files you can have. Environment Global Config: configs/ global.conf Profile Global Config: configs/ <profile>/global.conf Parameters are loaded first from environment global, then the profile global, and finally your actual config file. Any duplicate parameters are overwritten by your actual config file. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action Action --policy Policy -config Alternate Config --global
Displays all logging information to STDOUT. This is an optional setting and is used mostly for testing and running Snap Creator manually. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action Action --policy Policy -config Alternate Config --verbose
Displays all logging information to STDOUT and the log file. This is an optional setting and is for debugging problems. For example:
./snapcreator --profile Profile -action Action --policy Policy -config Alternate Config --verbosedebug
Running Snap Creator Server using CLI | 97 Parameter --version Description Prints the Snap Creator version. For example:
./snapcreator -version
Encrypts a password for storing it in a config file. For example: ./snapcreator -cryptpasswd
Specifies an alternate path to the Snap Creator /configs directory. This is a CLI only option and is not supported by the GUI. Specifies an alternate path to the Snap Creator /logs directory. This is a CLI only option and is not supported by the GUI. The name of the Snapshot copy which should be used. Applies to action clone_vol, mount, and umount and restore operations The name of the clone which should be used. Applies to action clone_del and umount. The name of the primary volume which should be used. Applies to action restore and delete A comma separated list of the full path to files or LUNs which should be restored. Applies to action restore when using non-interactive mode Runs the operation in non-interactive mode. Applies to action restore and delete
-- snap_name <snapshot>
where: <port>: Starts the Snap Creator Agent on the specified port. If no port is specified, port 9090 is used. <Optional arguments> are: - - debug : Displays all logging information to STDOUT and the log file.
Note: You can start the agent automatically on UNIX by using the /path/to/ scAgent_v<#>/bin/scAgent script.
You can start the agent in multithread mode by using the following command:
./snapcreator --start-multithreaded-agent <port>
You can perform the following actions by using the Content pane. LUN clone Volume clone Snapshot Scdump Unquiesce Discover Archive Log Quiesce Restore
Note: Snap Creator 3.5.0 GUI supports performing the preceding actions with global options enabled.
Creating a schedule
You can create a schedule and run the tasks using the GUI.
1. Click the Schedules tab on the left to load the Management Schedules screen. 2. Click Add new task
The new schedule is listed and you can view the details in the Configuration Details pane on the right. To run the task, click Run task and to edit the task, click Edit task.
Note: If you create as hourly schedule with n minutes, the first job runs after n minutes and thereafter after every 1 hour.
Example: If you create a schedule on 12.56 PM with Hourly and 25 minutes. The job first runs at 1.21 PM then it runs at 2.21 and so on. For information about creating a schedule using cron refer the Cron Trigger tutorial.
Related information
1. Click the Users tab to load the Management Users screen. 2. 3. Click Add new user and enter the details in New User window. Assign profiles.
4. In the Assign profiles to the user window, select the profiles, drag and drop from the left pane to the right pane and click 5. Select the user and click Save. Add User actions.
6. In the Assign Actions to user window, select the actions, drag and drop from the left pane to the right pane and click Save.
Job monitoring
You can monitor the jobs using the GUI.
1. Click the Job Monitor tab to load the Management Job Monitor screen. You can see list of jobs and details like Job ID, Job status, Start time, End time, and so on. 2. To start or stop job monitoring, select the job and click Monitor.
Note: To download the logs, click
Stop job
Download Logs on the right side of the screen and you can set the Job Monitor size and the left bottom of the screen.
1. Click the Volumes tab under Data to view the volume details like Total size, size available, state, and so on. 2. Click the Snapshots tab to view the Snapshot copy details like Snapshot copy name, access time, dependency, and so on. The Snapshot copies can be renamed or deleted by clicking the rename and delete icons. 3. Click Volume Clones to view Volume clone details like Controller, clone, parent Snapshot, and so on. 4. Click Logs tab under Reports and select the Backup profile, configuration, log type, and log to view the Backup log details.
1. Depending on whether you want to use CLI or GUI, perform the appropriate action:
If you want to use CLI Do this
Enter the following command: ./snapcreator --profile <Profile> --config <config> --action restore --policy <Policy> Note: To perform a volume restore non interactively, use the following command: ./snapcreator --profile <Profile> --action restore --policy <Policy>--config <config> --volume_name <volume> --snap_name <snapshot> --non_interactive --debug --verbose
Select the configuration file and in the configuration content pane, click select Restore.
Action and
b. Enter Restore details and in the Restore type drop-down list, select Volume Restore. c. Proceed through the wizard.
1. Depending on whether you want to use CLI or GUI, perform the appropriate action:
If you want to use CLI Do this
Enter the following command: ./snapcreator --profile <Profile> --config <config> --action restore --policy <Policy> . Note: To perform a single file restore non-interactively, use the following command: ./snapcreator --profile <Profile> --config <config> --action restore --policy <Policy>--volume_name <volume>--snap_name <snapshot> --file_names <files> --non_interactive --verbose .
Select the configuration file and in the configuration content pane, click select Restore
Action and
b. Enter Restore details and in the Restore type drop-down list, select Single file Restore. c. Proceed through the wizard.
In certain VMware environments, restores can take a long time. In this case, you can either use the Snap Creator CLI or set up two agents - one for backup and one for restore.
Note: VMware restore using the GUI is supported only for Snap Creator Agent. Step
1. Depending on whether you want to use CLI or GUI, perform the appropriate action:
b. Enter Restore details and in the Restore type drop-down list, select VMware Restore. c. Proceed through the wizard.
All these options are available in both the GUI and the CLI.
Note: Single File Restore operations work only with NFS. For Up-to-the-minute and Selectable point-in-time single file restore, Domino transaction logging must be enabled.
In all the options the changeinfo is written back to database(s) after a restore. The DOMINO_RESTORE_DATA_PATH parameter in the config file must be set to the path where the Domino data is being restored. It is likely that this path changes depending on the type of restore being performed. Typical use cases for setting the DOMINO_RESTORE_DATA_PATH variable are: For a volume restore: DOMINO_RESTORE_DATA_PATH = DOMINO_DATA For a single database restore: DOMINO_RESTORE_DATA_PATH= a subdirectory on the same volume that the Domino Data volume exists on.
108 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide If the DOMINO_RESTORE_DATA_PATH is not set properly, the change info will not be applied to the database which results in a post restore error. The file will still be restored, but the necessary changeinfo will not be applied.
Note: While performing a single file restore, the replication of the database will be disabled.
where --action restore: Indicates the action taken. In this case restore will be performed. --profile domino: Indicates the name of the profile in this case domino. --policy daily: Indicates the policy used. In this case daily. --config lindom8: Indicates that the lindom8 config file is used. This parameter is required when multiple config files are present within the profile or when the profile name is different from the config name
2. Select the volume to be restored by typing the number next to the volume name. 3. Select the Snapshot copy to be restored by typing the number next to the volume name. 4. Select the type of restore. 5. Confirm the selected settings. 6. Select another volume to restore if desired.
Note: It is not recommended to use option q unless an error has occurred. Using q or quit option causes Snap Creator to exit without performing any post restore activities.
Select the configuration file and in the configuration pane, click Restore.
2. An optional prompt appears asking if a global config file will be used. If yes, select the checkbox. If no, accept the default unselected status. 3. Enter Restore details and select Volume restore in the Restore type drop-down list. 4. Proceed through the wizard to complete the restore process.
After you finish
where --action restore: Indicates the action taken. In this case restore will be performed. --profile domino: Indicates the name of the profile in this case domino. --policy daily: Indicates the policy used. In this case daily. --config lindom8: Indicates that the lindom8 config file is used. This parameter is required when multiple config files are present within the profile or when the profile name is different from the config name
110 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide 2. Select the volume to be restored by typing the number next to the volume name. 3. Select the Snapshot copy to be restored by typing the number next to the volume name. 4. Select the type of restore. For single file restore, select option 02. 5. This step asks for the file to be selected. For applications or file systems with a small number of files an automated menu can be displayed allowing for selected of a file. For Domino there can be hundreds or thousands of files, so it is recommended to manually enter the name of the file to restore.
Example Would you like to bypass file selection and manually enter a file for restore (y|n)?
7. Enter the local path on the storage system of the restored file. 8. Select the restore type:
Note: After this point the restore process is the same for all three restore types except for Selectable point-in-time restore you must enter the time and date to which the Domino transaction logs will be played.
9. Select the replication option for this database. 10. Confirm the summary of the single file restore details. 11. Select if you want to restore to the file's original location. 12. Enter the alternate path to restore. 13. Confirm the settings and continue. 14. The restore process is complete at this stage but none of the post restore activities, such as applying change info, have yet occurred. To restore files on other volumes enter
15. The post restore processes run in the background and typically will not be displayed on screen.
Example INFO: Completing restore and running an post-restore commands that may be defined
Select the configuration file and in the configuration pane, click Restore .
2. An optional prompt appears asking if a global config file will be used. If yes, select the checkbox. If not, accept the default unselected status. 3. Enter Restore details and select Single File restore in the Restore type drop-down list. 4. Browse through the directory structure and select the file to restore. With Domino, only a single file can be restored at a time.
Note: The path is from the perspective of the storage system, not the server file system. This is because the file is restored at the storage system level.
5. Browse through the directory structure and select the location where the file will be restored.
Note: The path is from the perspective of the storage system, not the server file system. This is because the file is restored at the storage system level.
For more information about the plug-in framework, plug-ins, and a plug-in user guides, see the Snap Creator Developer Community.
You can use Snap Creator logs to begin troubleshooting. The logs contain information about everything Snap Creator does. Messages can be INFO, CMD, OUTPUT, DEBUG, WARN, or ERROR. Anything with INFO is considered to be a standard, normally occurring operation. Anything with CMD is an external command or script that Snap Creator runs (according to configuration) and the return code from the command or script is logged. Typically, these are PRE, POST, or APP Quiesce/Unquiesce commands. Anything with OUTPUT is a Data ONTAP API call. Anything with DEBUG is debug information. Anything with WARN is considered to draw your attention, but, again under normal circumstances, it is considered to be normal activity and should require no action (an example is when we delete Snapshot copies). Anything with ERROR is a problem and most likely requires manual action to fix the error. Snap Creator exits on any ERROR, so it is important to fix whatever problem occurred before it runs again. Snap Creator does not automatically fix problems but you can specify Snap Creator what to do before exiting by using the PRE_EXIT_CMD defined in the configuration file. The logs contain the output from any external commands or scripts run by Snap Creator, for example, SnapDrive. If you call other scripts through Snap Creator, it is important that you properly set up exit codes and output for those scripts. You should never exit with status 0 if a problem occurs. The out, debug, stderr, and agent logs are retained as defined by the LOG_NUM value in the configuration file while the error log is always appended. All logs are written to the /path/to/ scServer_v<#>/logs/<profile> directory. The four logs for every profile and configuration are as follows: Out Debug Error Stderr
Out log The out log contains only verbose logging information.
116 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Debug log The debug log contains verbose and debug logging information. Trace messages are an extra level of debug logs which can be used by the plug-in to show trace messages. LOG_TRACE_ENABLE - (Y|N) Setting enables or disables trace messages. Error log The error log contains a history of all the ERROR events for a given configuration. The error log helps in viewing information about errors that occurred in the past so you can correlate things better and get a historical perspective. You can also monitor this log file and use it as a means to integrate Snap Creator with your monitoring application. Stderr log This is usually empty but contains stderr if there are any issues. This usually shows bugs in code Snap Creator Agent The Snap Creator Agent optionally creates logs. This is enabled by default with the following option: SC_AGENT_LOG_ENABLE=Y The three logs for every profile and configuration created on agent are as follows: Out Debug Stderr
Additionally the agent console debug can be enabled by specifying the additional -- debug option:
/path/to/scAgent_v<#>/bin/scAgent --debug
SCDUMP Snap Creator collects all support information using scdump and places it into a .zip file located under the root Snap Creator directory. This information is useful for troubleshooting. The .zip file consists of the following items: Snap Creator version (build info, date, and so on) Host OS and architecture Database and version SnapDrive version Other environment variables
If the symlinks do not exist please cd to /usr/lib or /usr/lib64 and run following command to link them. ln -sf ln -sf
Protection Manager The storage controller name defined in the Snap Creator config parameter VOLUMES must match 1:1 with the storage controller name in Protection Manager. If they do not match, you can use the operating systems host file to force things to match 1:1. Firewall If there is a firewall between the host running Snap Creator and your storage system, make sure you have ACLs (bidirectional) open for 80, 443, or both. 80: Used to communicate with storage system if http is selected. 443: Used to communicate with storage system if https is selected.
If the agent is running, the port on which the agent is running must be open. Make sure the return traffic from the storage system is allowed to go to the system running Snap Creator on at least nonprivileged ports. NAT If you use NAT, make sure the source/destination IP addresses are not changed in the TCP packet. The host and storage systems need to know who they are talking to. Presenting a firewall IP instead of the actual host or controller IP might cause problems.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 119 HTTPS To use HTTPS (443) for Linux, Solaris, or AIX, install the openssl-devel RPM. This RPM contains the openssl libraries, which are required to use SSL.
Error messages
You can review the error messages associated with different Snap Creator operations. Each error message comprises of an area code and a five digit unique identifier. For example, ERROR: [<area code>-<unique area error identifier>] <error message>. The area code identifies where the error occurs. The following is the list of different area codes: scf - Snap Creator Framework agt - Snap Creator Agent ora - Oracle Plug-in mys - MySQL Plug-in db2 - DB2 Plug-in syb - Sybase Plug-in ltd - Lotus Domino Plug-in psg - PostgreSQL Plug-in vmw - VMware Plug-in max - MaxDB Plug-in sme - SnapManager for Microsoft Exchange Plug-in sms - SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in gui - Snap Creator GUI
Snap Creator Framework error messages Error code scf-00001 Error message Could not get serial number <error message> Description/resolution Make sure a serial number is set or blank. Serial number when set can only be numeric. This probably means Snap Creator setup was not run. Run
snapcreator --profile setup
120 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00002 Error message Couldn't Create directory <log directory>: <error message> Description/resolution Log directory creation for profile failed. Make sure the user running Snap Creator has read/write access to /
directory. scf-00003 Application environment set for plugin <plugin name> encountered errors <error message> , proceeding with backup! Couldn't redirect STDERR to <debug log name>: <error message> This means APP_IGNORE_ERROR is set and we are not exiting due to application errors from plug-in. Check the logs to troubleshoot problem further. STDERR is redirected to *.debug logs. Make sure user running Snap Creator has read/ write access to scServer/ logs directory. Open System SnapVault does not support all actions, use a different action. Restore failed due to application error. Check logs and application settings. Pre restore handling failed due to application error. Check the logs and application settings.
The action <action> is not supported with OSSV, Exiting! Restore handling of plug-in <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! Pre restore handling of plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting!
This type of restore requires Set both options and retry SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY= command. Y and NTAP_CONSISTENCY_GRO UP_SNAPSHOT=Y, Exiting! Clone handling of plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! Pre clone handling of plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! Cloning failed due to application error. Check logs and application settings. Pre clone handling failed due to application error, to troubleshoot check logs and application settings.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 121 Error code scf-00011 Error message Post clone handling of plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! NetApp Cloned Lun Igroup Map of <lun clone name> to <igroup> on <controller> failed! Exiting Indicates a ZAPI Error Description/resolution Pose clone handling failed due to application error, to troubleshoot check logs and application settings. The igroup map for LUN clone failed. Check error you most likely have a Manage ONTAP Solution error which may reveal the cause of the problem. Snap Creator Framework error. Indicates error is coming from Manage ONTAP Solution, to troubleshoot check error message and logs on storage controller or Data Fabric Manger server.
NetApp PM backup list is Snap Creator started a backup undefined, no Backups for in Protection Manager but no dataset <data set> exist! Exiting Snapshot copies exist. Make sure Snap Creator is registering backup and check config parameters NTAP_PM_UPDATE and NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET. Protection Manager dataset List Snap Creator determined the for dataset <data set> is dataset does not exist or is undefined, check you dataset in empty and not setup correctly. Protection Manager! Exiting Protection Manager dataset <data set> was not created by snapcreator, please create dataset from within snapcreator! The dataset must be created by Snap Creator. Datasets not created by Snap Creator are not application datasets and will not work. Please run
snapcreator --profile <profile> --action pmsetup
to create dataset.
122 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00018 Error message Protection Manager dataset <data set> is <conformant status>, Exiting! Description/resolution Protection Manager dataset <data set> is <conformant status>, Exiting! In order to run a Protection Manager backup the dataset must be conformant. This indicates a problem with the dataset, please log into protection manager and conform the dataset. Volumes were not found. Please check VOLUMES parameter and if Protection Manager is used ensure NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET and the dataset itself were created/ configured properly. You have enabled vFiler tunneling by using vFiler parameter in the config file. If this is Data ONTAP 7.3.x you don't need to do vFiler tunneling. Configure source vFiler directly in VOLUMES and NTAP_USERS. If
snapmirror status
NetApp Snapmirror Source VFiler <source vfiler> and vfiler specified in config <vfiler> don't match! Exiting
shows a secondary interface for vFiler then use SECODARY_INTERFACES parameter to tell Snap Creator what maps to vFiler. scf-00021 NetApp Snapmirror Source controller <source controller> and controller specified in config <controller> don't match! Exiting Snapmirror for <controller> is not enabled, please enable snapmirror on <controller>! Exiting Check VOLUMES and SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES parameter, controller name should be same in both and should be the source controller. Log into storage controller and setup SnapMirror properly.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 123 Error code scf-00023 Error message Description/resolution
No Snapmirror Relationship for Snap Creator was unable to find <controller>:<volume> exist! SnapMirror relationships for Exiting the given controller/volumes. Logon to storage controller and run a
snapmirror status
and ensure the relationships so up for given controller name. If a different name is used then you need to configure SECONDARY_INTERFACES parameter to tell Snap Creator what maps to storage controller. scf-00024 NetApp Snapvault Source controller <source controller> and controller specified in config <controller> don't match! Exiting NetApp Snapvault Source VFiler <source vfiler> and vfiler specified in config <vfiler> don't match! Exiting Check VOLUMES and SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES the same source controller name and volumes should be used in both parameters. You have enabled vFiler tunneling by using vFilers parameter in the config file. If this is Data ONTAP 7.3.x you don't need to do vFiler tunneling. Configure source vFiler directly in VOLUMES and NTAP_USERS. If
snapvault status
shows a secondary interface for vFiler then use SECONDARY_INTERFACES parameter to tell Snap Creator what maps to vFiler.
124 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00026 Error message No Snapvault Relationship for <controller>:<volume> exist! Exiting Description/resolution Snap Creator was unable to find SnapVault relationships for the given controller/volumes. Logon to storage controller and run a
snapvault status
and ensure the relationships so up for given controller name. If a different name is used then you need to configure SECONDARY_INTERFACES parameter to tell Snap Creator what maps to storage controller. scf-00027 NetApp Snapvault Status is undefined, check your configuration for <controller>! Exiting Snap Creator was unable to determine SnapVault status. Please check config parameters VOLUMES and SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES. Check the storage controller primary and secondary and ensure relationships exist on both end for given controller/ volumes. The SnapMirror update took longer than configured wait time. You can adjust the wait time by increasing value for NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_WAIT in the config file. Check error and storage controller settings for SnapMirror. The SnapVault update took longer than configured wait time. You can adjust the wait time by increasing value for NTAP_SNAPVAULT_WAIT in the config file.
NetApp Snapmirror Update on source <controller>:<volume> failed to complete in <snapmirror wait time> minutes, Exiting! Snapmirror Transfer Error detected - <transfer error>! Exiting NetApp Snapvault Update on source <controller>:<volume> failed to complete in <snapvault wait time> minutes, Exiting!
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 125 Error code scf-00031 Error message Snapvault Transfer Error detected - <transfer error>! Exiting Post restore handling of plugin $ENV{'APP_NAME'} failed with exit code $result>{exit_code}, Exiting! You have selected snapshot <snapshot name> for deletion but it has a dependency <snapshot dependency>, Exiting! Description/resolution Check error and storage controller settings for SnapVault. Post restore handling failed due to application error. Check the logs and application settings. You have selected a Snapshot copy to delete which has a Snapshot dependency. This is not allowed by default. To override this set NTAP_SNAPSHOT_DEPEND ENCY_IGNORE=Y. Open Systems SnapVault command failed, check Open Systems SnapVault logs on host. Check permissions of user running Snap Creator against directory. The --profile argument is required. This is the name of your profile under scServer/ configs. use snap| ossv| clone_lun| clone_vol |clone_del | restore|delete |snaplist| clonelist |dpstatus| pmsetup |arch|quiesce | unquiesce|discover |mount| umount |scdump The config file was not found. Please check the arguments -profile and --config.
OSSV snapvault status command failed with return code <exit code> and message <error message> Couldn't open directory <directory> Missing Required option -profile
126 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00040 Error message Couldn't open filehandle: <error message> Description/resolution We could not open a file. This is usually a permissions problem, check the user running Snap Creator and ensure the permissions are correct. The PORT parameter is a required setting, check config file.
PORT is a required parameter and was not defined, please check your configuration file!
TRANSPORT is a required The TRANSPORT parameter is parameter and was not defined, a required setting, check config please check your configuration file. file! LOG_NUM is a required The LOG_NUM parameter is a parameter and was not defined, required setting, check config please check your configuration file. file! NTAP_PWD_PROTECTION is a required parameter and was not defined, please check your configuration file! The NTAP_PWD_PROTECTION parameter is a required setting, check config file.
NTAP_USERS is a required The NTAP_USERS parameter parameter and was not defined, is a required setting, check please check your configuration config file. file! VOLUMES is a required parameter and was not defined, please check your configuration file! The VOLUMES parameter is a required setting, check config file. For VMware plug-ins which auto detects the volume parameters, the user should set VOLUMES = auto: detect
SNAME is a required The SNAME parameter is a parameter and was not defined, required setting, check config please check your configuration file. file! Invalid application plugin <plugin name>, supported applications are oracle db2
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 127 Error code scf-00049 Error message Auto Discovery for plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! Description/resolution Application discovery failed due to application error. Check logs and application settings. In addition auto discovery can be disabled by setting APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY=N and commenting out VALIDATE_VOLUMES. The application plug-in is not supported for using auto discovery. Disable auto discovery by setting APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY=N.
Auto Discovery for plugin <plugin name> failed because env is empty, Exiting!
Discovering for <plugin name> Application discovery failed failed with return code <exit due to application error. Check code> config and application settings. You can disable auto discovery by setting APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY=N and commenting out VALIDATE_VOLUMES. Discovering discovered no storage objects", <error message> Application discovery using VALIDATE_VOLUMES=DAT A failed. Snap Creator was unable to discover any data volumes residing on storage system. To disable auto discovery comment out VALIDATE_VOLUMES. Application quiesce failed due to application error. Check logs and application settings. To ignore application errors and proceed with backup you can set APP_IGNORE_ERROR=Y.
Application quiesce for plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting!
128 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00054 Error message Application unquiesce for plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! Description/resolution Application unquiesce failed due to application error. Check logs and application settings. To ignore application errors and proceed with backup you can set APP_IGNORE_ERROR=Y. The scdump action failed due to an application error. Check the logs and application settings. The scdump action failed because Snap Creator could not create the zip archive. Check permissions on user running Snap Creator. The serial number must be numeric. Enter numeric number or press enter to leave blank. The password entered does not match, please re-enter password correctly. Application plug-in not defined. This probably means you are running a community plug-in. If so check with plugin developer or Snap Creator community. Application plug-in is using unknown object. This probably means you are running a community plug-in. If so check with plug-in developer or Snap Creator community.
NetApp Snap Creator Framework dump for plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! Couldn't write to file $scdumpFile: <error message>
SC_AGENT has to be specified The syntax of the SC_AGENT as :n"; parameter is not correct. Check config file and set parameter to be host:port.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 129 Error code scf-00062 Error message SC_AGENT_TIMEOUT must be a positive, numeric value Description/resolution The syntax of the SC_AGENT_TIMEOUT is not correct. Check config file and set parameter to be numeric positive value. The scAgent could not be started. The most likely cause is another scAgent is already running on port or something else is using port.
NetApp Snap Creator Framework Agent could not be started: <error message>
Application environment set for Failed due to application error. plugin <plugin name> failed Check the logs to troubleshoot <error message>, Exiting! problem further. Discovery is only supported for Discovery was run but is not application plugins implemented in your application plug-in. Make sure APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY=N so we don't try and do a discover. <policy> is not a defined snapshot retention policy in the configuration! Exiting The policy you are using -policy is not valid. Please check config file and configure NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RESTEN TIONS properly. Check NTAP_USERS and make sure user name/password is defined for storage controller. You are trying to clone a cloned LUN which isn't supported.
controller <controller> has no username or password defined in config file <config file>, Exiting! Lun <lun> is either a CLONE or an actual lun, it is not supported to perform Lun Clone(s) on luns that end with _CLONE, rename the lun or use Volume Cloning! NetApp Protection Manager backup for job-id <job id> completed with errors - <error message>
Check Protection Manager errors to find out why the backup job completed with errors.
130 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00100 Error message No Snapmirror Relationships found, check your configuration for <controller>! Exiting Description/resolution Snap Creator was unable to find SnapMirror relationships for the given controller/volumes. Logon to storage controller and run a
snapmirror status
and ensure the relationships so up for given controller name. If a different name is used then you need to configure SECONDARY_INTERFACES parameter to tell Snap Creator what maps to storage controller. scf-00101 No Snapvault Relationships found, check your configuration for <controller>! Exiting Snap Creator was unable to find SnapVault relationships for the given controller/volumes. Log on to storage controller and run a
snapvault status
and ensure the relationships so up for given controller name. If a different name is used then you need to configure SECONDARY_INTERFACES parameter to tell Snap Creator what maps to storage controller. scf-00102 internal error, not all mandatory Snap Creator is trying to options are set for executing execute a command but commands something isn't being set. Find out what CMD is being run and try using a different CMD. Couldn't open plugin dir <plugin dir>, Exiting! Check permissions of user running Snap Creator and ensure read/write access to scServer/plugins directory.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 131 Error code scf-00105 Error message Description/resolution
Discovery is only supported for Discovery is enabled but no application plugins application plug-in was specified. Check APP_NAME and if no plug-in is to be used disable discovery by setting APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY=N and commenting out VALIDATE_VOLUMES. Volume <volume> on <controller> is not included in the config file. Validation failed, at least one volume is not included in the config Check the VOLUMES setting in config file and ensure the correct controller:volumes are configured. Application discovery detected that some volumes are missing. Check which volumes are missing and add them to VOLUMES parameter so they can be included in backup. The scdump action failed due to error collecting operating system information. Check the logs and try running the command manually by hand. The scdump action failed due to error collecting SnapDrive information. Check the logs and try running the command manually by hand. The scdump action failed because Snap Creator could not create the zip archive. Check permissions on user running Snap Creator. The scdump action was partially successful. Check logs to determine error.
132 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00112 Error message Archive Log Deletion failed, Exiting! Description/resolution Snap Creator could not delete archive logs for a given application. Check permissions where on Snap Creator user, this could be the scServer or scAgent depending on the configuration. Verify that the file path exists on the storage controller A file exists which is an unknown format. This means anything other than a directory or a file. A LUN would be a file. Verify clone status on the storage controller.
scf-00113 scf-00114
No files found under $path for controller! Exiting Unknown file format for <controller> <file type> on <controller>:<volume>
NetApp Single File Restore (sis The sis clone restore failed. clone) on $controller: Make sure you are using Data $restorePath failed! Exiting ONTAP 8.1 or greater. You can also set NTAP_SNAPSHOT_RESTOR E_AUTO_DETECT=N to default to SFSR. Action: mount requires the -snap_name option. To list available Snapshot copies for a give profile use the "snaplist" action The mount option requires additional parameter -snap_name. Please add parameter and retry operation.
Invalid snapshot name You didn't specify a valid <snapshot name> specified in -- Snapshot name. Run snap_name parameter, Exiting!
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 133 Error code scf-00130 Error message End User License Agreement was not accepted, please run "./ snapcreator --profile setup" to accept the End User License Agreement Description/resolution The Snap Creator Server requires acceptance of the EULA, please run
snapcreator --profile setup
and accept the EULA. scf-00133 The <plugin name> plugin does not support restore from the NetApp Snap Creator Framework. Restore must be done through the Snap Manager, Exiting! Application plug-in does not support restore since this is an integration with Snap Manager which is responsible for the application data.
OM_HOST is a required The OM_HOST parameter is a parameter and was not defined, required setting, check config please check your configuration file. file! OM_USER is a required The OM_USER parameter is a parameter and was not defined, required setting, check config please check your configuration file. file! OM_PWD is a required The OM_PWD parameter is a parameter and was not defined, required setting, check config please check your configuration file. file! OM_PORT is a required The OM_PORT parameter is a parameter and was not defined, required setting, check config please check your configuration file. file! Action scdump is not supported with CONFIG_TYPE PLUGIN, please check your configuration file! Missing options for noninteractive restore There are two types of config files STANDARD and PLUGIN. The PLUG-IN configs only support actions quiesce, unquiesce, discover, and arch. Make sure --snap_name and --volume_name are defined they are both required parameters.
134 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00140 Error message Description/resolution
The volume specified did not Check VOLUMES parameter match any controller or volume in config file and ensure it is specified in config configured correctly Data OnTap Cluster mode detected but CMODE_CLUSTER_MGMT_ NAME is not configured, please check config parameter! Exiting Discover cmode cluster nodes failed Check the CMODE_CLUSTER_MGMT_ NAME setting in config. This is the name of the cluster mgmt LIF and is required for ClusterMode. Check to make sure CMODE_CLUSTER_MGMT_ NAME is configured correctly, it should be the cluster mgmt LIF. Also check the nodes and ensure proper operation of cluster. Check configuration and change parameter. Cmode does not support snapvault.
Snapvault is not supported in Check configuration and cmode, please set change parameter. Cmode does NTAP_SNAPVAULT_SNAPS not support snapvault. HOT to N in configuration Plugin <plugin name> is not executable The native or external plugins must have execute permissions, please check permissions on plugin under /plugins directory This happens if the META_DATA_VOLUME is not specified in VOLUMES. Please add to VOLUMES the meta data volume.
The META_DATA_VOLUME is defined but controller:volume specified does not match what is configured in VOLUMES parameter, please check configuration!
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 135 Error code scf-00147 Error message Data OnTap Cluster mode detected but CMODE_CLUSTER_NAME is not configured correctly, please check config parameter! Exiting Consistency Group snapshot is not supported with the META_DATA_VOLUME option Description/resolution The parameter CMODE_CLUSTER_NAME is required and used for ASUP and SnapMirror, please define this correctly in config file. Set NTAP_CONSISTENCY_GRO UP_SNAPSHOT=N in config when using the META_DATA_VOLUME option.
Protection Manager only Update config file and set the supports timestamp snapshots, SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY please set option to Y SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY= Y A data protection option is enabled in configuration file and IP address was detected. Please ensure no IPs are used in VOLUMES, SNAPMIRROR_VOLUMES, SNAPMIRROR_CASCADING _VOLUMES, SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES, or NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET Mount handling of plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! Check configuration file and use names not IP. You can set ALLOW_IP_ADDR=Y to allow IPs.
Mount is being handled by plugin, check for any plugin errors or errors coming from storage system. As alternative you could set APP_DEFINED_CLONE=N and use standard SC interface for mounting Snapshot copies.
136 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code scf-00152 Error message Umount handling of plugin <plugin name> failed with exit code <exit code>, Exiting! Description/resolution Umount is being handled by plug-in, check for any plug-in errors or errors coming from storage system. As alternative you could set APP_DEFINED_CLONE=N and use standard SC interface for mounting Snapshot copies.
Snap Creator Agent error messages Error code agt-00001 Error message Port <port> is being used Description/Resolution The Snap Creator Agent or some other process is running on the port specified, try another port. The parameters given were not correct for starting the Snap Creator Agent, check the required parameters The SC_AGENT config parameter must be defined when using a remote agent.
invalid parameters
Another quiesce operation or You are not allowed to do back watchdog is already running on to back quiesce operations and this config one is already running, please wait or run unquiesce. cannot create watchdog, resources are not available The watchdog process is unable to spawn, most likely the system has reached maximum number of processes, disable watchdog in config or check OS settings.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 137 Error code agt-00008 Error message Either no quiesce operation performed or forced unquiesce operation already triggered from watchdog, backup might not be useable Description/Resolution The quiesce and unquiesce operation did not complete and backup is only crash consistent, please check logs to see why. This can happen if quiesce takes too long and you are using watchdog, the watchdog process will perform a forced unquiesce after x seconds as defined in config.
Agent configuration is empty, PRE and POST CMDs must be no commands are allowed to be allowed in the agent.conf on the executed remotely agent side. Please update the agent.conf and allow necessary commands. Reloading configuration from <agent.conf> failed with message <message> Command <command> is not allowed The agent could not read its configuration file, please check permissions on the agent.conf file. A command was sent to the agent but is not allowed, please update agent.conf to allow command. This error has to do with loading a plug-in, please check the plug-in and APP_NAME setting. This error has to do with running the setENV method inside plug-in, please check plug-in and ensure syntax.
<error message>
<error message>
GUI error messages Error code gui-00001 Error message Unable to decrypt password Failed to decrypt the controller password. Description/resolution Make sure encrypted password in the configuration file is correct.
138 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code gui-00002 Error message Unable to encrypt password Failed to encrypt the controller password given. Description/resolution Make sure you are using the correct Snap Creator executable. Verify that /etc/ snapcreatorgui.conf is correct.
Unable to get a list of log files - Ensure that logs and Failed to get the list of log files. corresponding profile folder Either log or corresponding exist. profile folder does not exist. Unable to find profiles path Unable to find /logs/ Unable to load configuration file - Configuration file corresponds to a particular profile does not exist. snapcreator.conf file not found - Failed to load snapcreatorgui.conf file under /gui/etc. Check if /logs/ exists. Check if corresponding profile and configuration exists in the configs directory. Try running
snapcreator profile setup
gui-00004 gui-00005
, if the
snapcreatorgui.conf is
lost. gui-00007 Unable to update configuration file - Failed to write into particular profile config file. Same is deleted or renamed. Invalid username or password Failed to login to the system. Either because of wrong username/password or not done the --profile setup Check if your config is renamed or deleted.
Check your user name and password and verify if you ran
snapcreator profile setup.
Unable to delete file - Unable Check if permissions on file/ to delete profile folder or config folder and if they exists. file. File does not exist or does not have the permission to perform the operation
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 139 Error code gui-00010 Error message Description/resolution
Unable to rename file - Unable Check if permissions on file/ to rename profile folder or folder and if they exists. config file. File does not exist or does not have the permission to perform the operation. Directory exists - Cannot create Choose a different profile or a new profile. Profile with same delete the already existing one. name already exist. Unable to find configs directory Verify if configs directory containing the profiles - Unable exists and if you ran to find /configs folder snapcreator profile setup. Unknown failure. Check Check the logs for more service logs for more details information. Unexpected error or RuntimeException happened. Needs to check the log for more details. Unable to update configuration property Configuration file not found. Unable to retrieve vCenter Datacenter information! Error while retrieving VM List for Datastore Error while retrieving VM information for Datastore. Close the configuration and open it again. Check if permissions on file and if they exists. Check if your vCenter is correct and has a valid Datacenter. Try again, as the datastore might have been deleted during retrieval. Try again, as the datastore might have been deleted during retrieval.
Error while retrieving Datastore Try again, Verify your vCenter List! is correct. No Datastores found! Add Datastores to your vCenter.
Error while retrieving Datastore Try again, verify your vCenter. Information!
140 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code gui-00024 gui-00025 gui-00026 Error message Unsupported vCloud API version Invalid vCloud Credentials! Unable to find Organizations! Description/resolution The version of vCloud Director you are using is unsupported. Enter correct credentials and try again. Organizations not found for vCD. Create Organizations and retry. Check your vCenter credentials. Check the controller details/ NTAP_USERS. Verify the vCloud Director URL. Check if vDCs exist for the organizations. Check if vApps exist for the vDCs. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file.
Unable to Login to vCenter. Please check IP/Hostname and Login details. Verify controller details/ NTAP_USERS config parameter. Invalid vCloud Director Organization URL! Unable to retrieve VDC List! Unable to retrieve vApp List! Snapshot list operation failed.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 141 Error code gui-00037 Error message Post restore operation failed. Description/resolution Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. Check controller credentials and volume parameters in the configuration file. You need to log in as an admin user to perform this operation, Use a different username. No need to assign profiles to admin user. Admin user already has access. Either select just Administrator or just Read-only or a combination of other actions. No need to assign actions to admin user. Admin user already has access. Check with your administrator and request for permissions.
Failed to get API version information. Volume restore operation failed. Only admin user can perform this operation. User already exists. Admin user has access to all profiles, invalid operation! A user can only be assigned All(Administrator) or None(ReadOnly) or a set of Other actions! Admin user has access to all actions, invalid operation! Action is not allowed for this user.
142 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code gui-00050 Error message Verify Cluster details/ CMODE_CLUSTER_USERS config parameter. Cluster details are not valid, please verify. Controller already exists! You can update the username/ password, just by a double click. Cluster already exists! You can update the username/password, just by a double click No host systems found at the VCenter. ZAPI Execution IO Error! Description/resolution Check and correct Cluster details/ CMODE_CLUSTER_USERS parameter. Check cluster details in configuration as they seem to be invalid. You are adding the same controller again to the configuration, please add a new controller or update the existing one. You are adding the same cluster again to the configuration, please add a new controller or update the existing one. vCenter doesn't have any ESX hosts. Please add and try again. IO error thrown by the controller.
ZAPI Execution protocol Error! Protocol error was thrown by the controller. ZAPI Execution API Failure Error! API failed, check the error description in logs.
ZAPI Execution Authentication Invalid controller/cluster Error! credentials Error setting job monitor size, verify SNAPCREATOR_JOB_MONI TOR_SIZE entry in snapcreatorgui.conf Error stopping job monitor, verify SNAPCREATOR_JOB_MONI TOR entry in snapcreatorgui.conf Correct value of SNAPCREATOR_JOB_MONI TOR_SIZE in snapcreatorgui.conf. Correct value of SNAPCREATOR_JOB_MONI TOR in snapcreatorgui.conf.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 143 Error code gui-00061 Error message Error starting job monitor, verify SNAPCREATOR_JOB_MONI TOR entry in snapcreatorgui.conf Log file not found. Description/resolution Correct value of SNAPCREATOR_JOB_MONI TOR in snapcreatorgui.conf. Log file you are looking to download is not available on the server. Log in again. You cannot run the same task again while it is already running. Set the job monitor size only between 1-1000.
gui-00063 gui-00064
User session expired, please login again. This task is already running.
Oracle Plug-in error messages Error code ora-00001 Error message Verifying correct version of database <db> failed Database <db> is running Oracle <ver>, only 10g or higher are supported! Verifying RAC status for database <db> failed Verifying archive log mode of database <db> failed Database <db> is not configured in Archive Log Mode Creating a backup controlfile for <db> to <control file> failed Description/resolution Verification failed, check ORA error and re-run sqlplus manually. Oracle 8 and 9 are not supported by Snap Creator. RAC check failed, check ORA error and re-run sqlplus manually. Archive log mode check failed, check ORA error and re-run sqlplus manually. Archive log mode must be set. Please configure db in archive log mode and restart backup. Check permissions of directory where backup control file is being created.
144 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code ora-00007 Error message Archive Log only backup for database <db> failed Description/resolution The archive log only mode was selected and failed. The oracle plug-in will do an archive log current, look at ORA error and try running manually. The hot backup mode begin sqlplus command failed, check ORA error and re-run sqlplus manually. Quiesce completed but with errors, check logs. The hot backup mode end sqlplus command failed, check ORA error and re-run sqlplus manually.
ora-00009 ora-00010
Quiescing databases finished with errors Ending hot backup mode for database <db> failed
ora-00012 ora-00013
Unquiescing databases finished Unquiesce completed but with with errors errors, check logs. Retrieving database objects of database <db> failed Discovery is enabled but cannot locate data files and archive logs, check ORA error and rerun sqlplus manually. Database discovery failed, check log. SCDUMP failed and we were unable to collect OS information, check command that was run and try running manually. SCDUMP failed and we were unable to collect SnapDrive information, check path to SnapDrive command and permissions. SCDUMP failed and we were unable to collect Oracle information, check ORA error and re-run sqlplus manually.
ora-00014 ora-00015
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 145 Error code ora-00019 Error message No SQLPLUS_CMD defined Description/resolution The SQLPLUS_CMD is a required oracle plug-in config parameter. The sqlplus command failed check error.
Oracle SQL*Plus command <sqlplus cmd> failed with return code <exit code/> and message <error message>
MySQL plug-in error messages Error code mys-00001 Error message Database connection does not exist Description/resolution A connection to database cannot be established, try telnet to port usually 3306, this could be local firewall or network issue. A connection to database cannot be established, try telnet to port usually 3306, this could be local firewall or network issue. Quiesce failed, please check log. A connection to database cannot be established, try telnet to port usually 3306, this could be local firewall or network issue.
mys-00003 mys-00004
Quiescing databases finished with errors Database connection does not exist
mys-00006 mys-00007
Unquiescing databases finished Unquiesce failed, please check with errors log. SQL command <sql query> did The sql query didn't return not return any lines output, please check for additional errors. Discovering databases finished with errors Discovery failed, please check log.
146 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code mys-00009 Error message Collection of OS information failed - <error message> Description/resolution SCDUMP failed, couldn't collect OS information, please check error and ensure OS command is specified in path. SCDUMP failed, couldn't collect SnapDrive information, please check error and ensure SnapDrive command is specified in path.
DB2 plug-in error messages Error code db2-00001 Error message Description/resolution
Quiescing database <db> failed Quiesce failed for db, check with message <error message> error message and try running command manually. Quiescing databases failed Unuiescing database <db> failed with message <error message> Unquiescing databases failed Retrieving database path used for database <db> failed Retrieving tablespaces for database <db> failed Retrieving tablespace containers for database <db> failed Retrieving database configuration for database <db> failed Quiesce of databases failed, check log. Unquiesce failed for db, check error message and try running command manually. Unquiesce of databases failed, check log. Discovery of database failed could not find path, check PATH settings. Discovery could not retrieve table spaces, check database error and try running manually. Discovery could not retrieve table space containers, check database error and try running manually. Discovery could not retrieve database configuration, check database error and try running manually.
db2-00002 db2-00003
db2-00004 db2-00005
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 147 Error code db2-00010 db2-00011 Error message Discovering databases failed Collection of OS information failed - <error message> Description/resolution Discovery failed, please check log. SCDUMP failed, could not collect OS information, check command and ensure it is in PATH. SCDUMP failed, couldn't collect SnapDrive information, check command and ensure it is in PATH.
Collecting DB2 information for SCDUMP failed, couldn't database <db> failed with collect DB information, check message <error message> database error and try running manually.
Lotus Domino plug-in error messages Error code ltd-00001 Error message Domino plugin cannot work with SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY = N. SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY should be set to Y. Quiescing databases finished with errors Description/resolution For Domino plug-in to work SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY should always be set to Y in the config file. This error is displayed if SNAP_TIMESTAMP_ONLY is set to N. Domino plug-in was unable to quiesce all the databases successfully. Check the logs to find the exact reason for the error or run snapcreator in debug mode to find the error.
Unquiescing databases finished Domino plug-in was unable to with errors unquiesce all the databases successfully. Check the logs to find the exact reason for the error or run snapcreator in debug mode to find the error.
148 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code ldt-00004 Error message Discovering databases failed Description/resolution Application discovery failed due to application error. Check config and application settings. You can disable auto discovery by setting APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY=N and commenting out VALIDATE_VOLUMES. The scdump action failed due to error collecting OS information. Check the logs and try running the command manually by hand. The scdump action failed due to error collecting SnapDrive information. Check the logs and try running the command manually by hand. Domino plug-in was unable to restore all the databases successfully. Check the logs to find the exact reason for the error or run snapcreator in debug mode to find the error. Reasons could be 1) Domino plug-in is not supported on this platform.2)Prerequisites for domino plug-in to run are not satisfied. Please check documentation(domino plug-in setup).
SnapManager for Microsoft Exchange plug-in error messages Error code sme-00001 Error message SME is only supported on windows operating systems Quiescing databases failed Description/resolution SnapManager for Microsoft Exchange is only supported on Windows. Quiesce failed, check other error messages and log.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 149 Error code sme-00003 Error message Collection of OS information failed - <error message> Description/resolution SCDUMP failed, could not collect operating system information, ensure operating system command is in path and check log. SCDUMP failed, could not collect SnapDrive information, ensure SnapDrive command is in path and check log. The Powershell command failed, please check error message and try running manually.
Collection of SnapDrive information failed - <error message> Command <command> failed with return code <exit code> and message <error message>
SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server plug-in error messages Error code sms-00001 Error message SMSQL is only supported on windows operating systems Quiescing databases failed Collection of OS information failed - <error message> Description/resolution SnapManager for Microsoft SQL Server is only supported on Windows. Quiesce failed, check other error messages and log. SCDUMP failed, could not collect operating system information, ensure operating system command is in path and check log. SCDUMP failed, could not collect SnapDrive information, ensure SnapDrive command is in path and check log. The Powershell command failed, please check error message and try running manually.
sms-00002 sms-00003
Collection of SnapDrive information failed - <error message> Command <command> failed with return code <exit code> and message <error message>
150 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code syb-00001 Error message SYBASE:QUIESCE: Quiescing database <db> failed, it is already quiesced! Description/Resolution Wait for unquiesce to complete or run a unquiesce manually.
SYBASE:QUIESCE: Could not Couldn't verify database, check get Database <db> status, to make sure it is running and ensure database is running! try running command manually. SYBASE:QUIESCE: Quiescing databases failed SYBVASE:UNQUIESCE: Unquiescing databases failed Quiesce failed, please check log. Unquiesce failed, please check log.
SYBASE:DISCOVER: Error in Error running isql command, running isql. Exiting check additional error information and try running command manually. SYBASE:DISCOVER: Error in Error running isql command, running isql. Exiting check additional error information and try running command manually. SYBASE:DISCOVER: Error in Discovery failed, couldn't send throwing back the paths to the necessary information back SC_Framework to framework. Check for additional errors and info in log. Collection of OS information failed - <error message> SCDUMP failed, couldn't collect OS info. Please ensure OS command is in path and check log. SCDUMP failed, couldn't collect SnapDrive info. Please ensure SnapDrive command is in path and check log. A Sybase command failed, check error and try running manually.
Collection of SnapDrive information failed - <error message> SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command xxxxx failed with return code <exit code> and message <error message>
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 151 Error code syb-00013 Error message SYBASE:RUN_CMD: <error message> Description/Resolution Generic error message, check error and log.
VMware plug-in error messages Error code vmw-00001 Error message Could not remove (leftover) snapshot for VM <vm_name>: <msg>>! Description/resolution A SOAP error (web access) occurred while trying to call RemoveSnapshot() in VMware for a Snapshot taken as part of the backup or restore operation. Use Snapshot Manager in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted. Calling the CreateSnapshot() function in VMware did not work as expected -- either the VM cannot make a Snapshot or a vSphere error occurred. Use the vSphere Infrastructure Client to evaluate the Snapshot error condition. The IP address associated to the NFS datastore could not be translated, meaning based on the storage controllers specified, there is no IP address on any storage controller associated to an NFS export. Verify all the appropriate storage controllers are listed in the NTAP_USERS field of the Snap Creator configuration file.
152 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00004 Error message <remote_host> not found in storage appliance list! Description/resolution The hostname and IP address associated to the NFS datastore could not be translated, meaning based on the storage controllers specified, there is no IP address on any storage controller associated to an NFS export. Verify all the appropriate storage controllers are listed in the NTAP_USERS field of the Snap Creator configuration file. The VIBE module could not find a disk extend associated to the VMFS datastore, which means a matching datastore to disk translation did not appear based on VMware query of the VMFS disk extent list. Verify the VMFS datastore listed in the backup has disk extents associated to it.
Could not find identifying LUN Based on a translation of LUN on any storage appliance for to VMware UUID, a matching VMFS datastore! LUN was not found. This means the LUNs on the storage controllers associated to the NTAP_USERS field do not map to this VMFS datastore. Verify all the appropriate storage controllers are listed in the NTAP_USERS field of the Snap Creator configuration file.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 153 Error code vmw-00007 Error message ONTAP API call lun-list-info failed: <msg> Description/resolution The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call.
ONTAP API call lun-get-serial- The reported Data ONTAP API number failed: <msg> call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. Query of Datacenter failed: <msg>! A SOAP error (web access) occurred while trying to query the list of DataCenter objects in VMware. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted.
154 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00010 Error message Query of Datacenter failed! Description/resolution A general vSphere API error occurred while trying to query the list of DataCenter objects in VMware. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted. A general vSphere API error occurred while trying to query the Managed Object reference to a given DataCenter object in VMware. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted. The datastore specified for backup is not associated to the DataCenter in the vCenter server. The VIBE module currently supports one Datacenter per vCenter server. In addition, verify the Datastore name is properly listed in the Snap Creator configuration file.
<controller_name> not found in The set of Snapshot locations storage appliance list (private queried through the process of subnets for NFS Datastores?)! collecting VMFS and NFS datastore information found a datastore that does not have an associated Snapshot location. Verify that all storage controllers are listed in the NTAP_USERS field in the Snap Creator configuration file. VIBE_TRIM_VSPHERE_NA MES format is wrong (no extra colons, semi-colons or commas allowed per entry)! The format of the VIBE_TRIM_VSPHERE_NA MES field is incorrect. Review the format in the Snap Creator configuration file for accuracy.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 155 Error code vmw-00015 Error message Description/resolution
Query of VirtualMachine object A SOAP error (web access) failed: <msg>! occurred while trying to query a specific Virtual Machine object in VMware. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted. Query of Virtual Machine object failed! A general vSphere API error occurred while trying to query a specific Virtual Machine object in VMware. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted. The REST API call /api/ versions to the vCloud Director failed. This call should always succeed, which may mean the vCD server specified in the Snap Creator configuration file is not correct. Verify the Snap Creator configuration file or check the vCD logs for more information.
Could not get login URL in The REST API call /api/ API versions results from vCD: versions to the vCloud Director (<code>: <msg>)! did not return a proper authentication cookie. This call should always succeed, which may mean the vCD server specified in the Snap Creator configuration file is not correct. Verify the Snap Creator configuration file or check the vCD logs for more information.
156 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00019 Error message Could not login to vCD: (<code>: <msg>)! Description/resolution The REST API call /login to the vCloud Director failed. Verify the proper user name, password and URL for the vCD and review the vCD logs for any RBAC or other error conditions. The REST API call to list all Organizations within vCloud Director failed. Verify the proper user name, password and URL for the vCD and review the vCD logs for any RBAC or other error conditions. The REST API call to query a specific Organization within vCloud Director failed. Verify the proper user name, password and URL for the vCD and review the vCD logs for any RBAC or other error conditions. The REST API call to query the list of vApps associated to a vDC within vCloud Director failed. Verify the proper user name, password and URL for the vCD and review the vCD logs for any RBAC or other error conditions. The REST API call to collect the vCenter server associated to a given vApp within vCloud Director failed. Verify the proper user name, password and URL for the vCD and review the vCD logs for any RBAC or other error conditions.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 157 Error code vmw-00024 Error message Could not get vCD VMs: (<code>: <msg>)! Description/resolution The REST API call to get the specific VMs associated to a vApp within vCloud Director failed. Verify the proper user name, password and URL for the vCD and review the vCD logs for any RBAC or other error conditions. The gethostbyname() call for the specified vCenter server in the Snap Creator configuration file could not be translated. Verify the specified vCenter name can be translated to an IP address, or specify an IP address instead. The IP address associated to the vCenter server cannot be pinged via ICMP. Verify the IP address is correct, or use the VIBE_NOPING=Y field in the Snap Creator configuration file. The permissions associated to the vCenter user name or password is invalid. Verify vCenter server access with the vCenter user name and password specified in the Snap Creator configuration file. A general login error occurred using the vCenter user name and password in the Snap Creator configuration file. Review event and access logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client for more details.
158 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00029 Error message vCenter server login failed -check authentication and firewall settings (<msg>)! Description/resolution An authentication error occurred using the vCenter user name and password in the Snap Creator configuration file. The either user name or password are likely incorrect. Review event and access logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client for more details. The IP address associated to the storage controller cannot be pinged via ICMP. Verify the IP address is correct, or use the VIBE_NOPING=Y field in the Snap Creator configuration file. The Data ONTAP API call system-get-info failed. If RBAC is in use, verify the user has access to the system-getinfo API call. In addition, verify API access is available to the default HTTPS port for Data ONTAP API access. Execution of the Data ONTAP API call system-cli was unsuccessful, and the 'ifconfig a' output could not be pulled from the controller. Verify network interface and Data ONTAP API network configuration information is available and correct.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 159 Error code vmw-00033 Error message ONTAP API inquiry snapshotlist-info on <volume_name> failed: <msg> Description/resolution The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. A general SOAP error occurred when executing the PowerOffVM() operation in vSphere. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for details on why the operation could not be completed. The vSphere PowerOffVM() call was unsuccessful. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for details on why the operation could not be completed.
160 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00037 Error message Problem powering on VM <vm_name>: <msg>! Description/resolution A general SOAP error occurred when executing the PowerOnVM() operation in vSphere. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for details on why the operation could not be completed. The vSphere PowerOnVM() call was unsuccessful. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for details on why the operation could not be completed. The vCloud power off REST API operation failed. Review the vCD logs for specific reasons why the operation could not be completed. The vCloud power on REST API operation failed. Review the vCD logs for specific reasons why the operation could not be completed. The volume path does not consist of <controller_name>:<volume_n ame>. Review the logs and see where the volume or storage controllers are not being translated properly.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 161 Error code vmw-00042 Error message Description/resolution
ONTAP API file-list-directory- The reported Data ONTAP API iter-next failed: <msg> call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. ONTAP API call snapshotrestore-file failed: <msg> The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call.
ONTAP API file-list-directory- The reported Data ONTAP API iter-start failed: <msg> call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call.
162 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00045 Error message Timer expired on busy singlefile snap restore, still running (increase VIBE_RESTORE_TIME)! Description/resolution There are situations where the restore operation on the storage controller takes a very long time, either due to a busy Filesystem or a large amount of data requiring to be restored. In this case, the VIBE_RESTORE_TIME value in the Snap Creator configuration file must be increased to allow for a longer restoration period. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 163 Error code vmw-00048 Error message ONTAP API call lun-createclone failed: <msg> Description/resolution The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call.
164 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00051 Error message ONTAP API call lun-destroy failed: <msg> Description/resolution The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 165 Error code vmw-00054 Error message Description/resolution
Initiators for LUN <lun_name> The LUN with the appropriate do not exist! UUID mapped to an vSphere host does not have any initiator groups associated to the LUN, which means the Datastore may have either been unmapped or removed in the middle of a restore operation. Verify the LUN IDs on the storage controller are unique and that there are no forced mounts of duplicate datastores in the vSphere environment. ONTAP API call lun-map failed: <msg> The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. Execution of the RefreshStorageSystem() vSphere API call failed due to a general SOAP error (web services). Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper vSphere host and cluster configuration within the vSphere environment where the VM restore is taking place.
166 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00057 Error message Storage query of host system <esx_host_name> failed! Description/resolution Execution of the RefreshStorageSystem() vSphere API call failed to the vCenter server. Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper vSphere host and cluster configuration within the vSphere environment where the VM restore is taking place. Execution of the RescanVmfs() vSphere API call failed due to a general SOAP error (web services). Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper vSphere host and cluster configuration within the vSphere environment where the VM restore is taking place. Execution of the RescanVmfs() vSphere API call failed to the vCenter server. Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper vSphere host and cluster configuration within the vSphere environment where the VM restore is taking place. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 167 Error code vmw-00061 Error message ONTAP API call snapshotdelete failed: <msg> Description/resolution The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. A SOAP error occurred when refreshing the vSphere session to the vCenter server. This is called after a restore operation, primarily for situations where a long restore operation is taking place and the connection to the vCenter server times out. Verify the timeout values in the vCenter server or ensure proper network connectivity to the vCenter server. A general error occurred when refreshing the vSphere session to the vCenter server. This is called after a restore operation, primarily for situations where a long restore operation is taking place and the connection to the vCenter server times out. Verify the timeout values in the vCenter server or ensure proper network connectivity to the vCenter server.
168 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00064 Error message vCenter view validation of session failed: <msg>! Description/resolution A SOAP error occurred when refreshing the session manager Managed Object view of the vSphere session to the vCenter server. This is called after a restore operation, primarily for situations where a long restore operation is taking place and the connection to the vCenter server times out. Verify the timeout values in the vCenter server or ensure proper network connectivity to the vCenter server. A general error occurred when refreshing the session manager Managed Object view of the vSphere session to the vCenter server. This is called after a restore operation, primarily for situations where a long restore operation is taking place and the connection to the vCenter server times out. Verify the timeout values in the vCenter server or ensure proper network connectivity to the vCenter server. Creation of a new vCenter session after a long restore operation has failed. Verify the timeout values in the vCenter server or ensure proper network connectivity to the vCenter server. This should normally not occur unless someone is changing the vCenter configuration and authentication during an active restore operation.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 169 Error code vmw-00067 Error message vCenter new login failed -internal error! Description/resolution Creation of a new vCenter session after a long restore operation has failed. Verify the timeout values in the vCenter server or ensure proper network connectivity to the vCenter server. This should normally not occur unless someone is changing the vCenter configuration and authentication during an active restore operation and is even more unique in that the vSphere API call has come back with an undefined error condition. The permissions associated to the vCenter user name and password is invalid. Verify vCenter server access with the vCenter user name and password specified in the Snap Creator configuration file. This would only happen if there is an active restore, a timeout has occurred to the vCenter server and the authentication parameters to the vCenter server for the user have changed. A SOAP error (web access) occurred while trying to query a specific Host System object in vSphere during a restore operation on an NFS datastore. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted.
170 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00070 Error message Query of host systems failed! Description/resolution A general occurred while trying to query a specific Host System object in vSphere during a restore operation on an NFS datastore. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted. When querying for host systems associated to the vCenter server, no hosts came back as connected to the vCenter server. This is a highly improbable error -- verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper configuration of host systems through the vSphere Infrastructure Client. The datastore specified for restore does not show up on any host system in vSphere. This is highly unlikely to occur unless the Datastore is disconnected in the middle of a restore operation. Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper configuration of host systems through the vSphere Infrastructure Client.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 171 Error code vmw-00073 Error message Query of host system view failed: <msg>! Description/resolution Collection of the entity view of the Host System specified for restore where the original VMFS datastore is found could not be executed to the vCenter server. Given the restore host system has already been uncovered, this query should always be successful unless there is a connectivity problem or an vSphere host is put into maintenance mode during a restore operation. Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper configuration of host systems through the vSphere Infrastructure Client. Query of the entity view on the restore host could not be executed to the vCenter server. Given the restore host system has already been uncovered, this query should always be successful unless there is a connectivity problem or an vSphere host is put into maintenance mode during a restore operation. Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper configuration of host systems through the vSphere Infrastructure Client.
172 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00076 Error message Description/resolution
Could not find new Datastore to Discovery of the new VMFS copy VMs from! datastore that has been cloned, mapped and rescanned to the restore host has failed. This means that despite multiple HBA and VMFS rescans, mapping of the cloned LUN associated to the VMFS datastore and refreshing of the restore host, the new Datastore was still not shown. Verify advanced options settings with the vSphere host, make sure resignatured VMFS volumes can be discovered, verify connectivity to the vCenter server and validate proper configuration of host systems through the vSphere Infrastructure Client. vCenter validation of session failed: <msg>! A query of the session manager in the vCenter server object failed due to a SOAP error (web services). Verify the connection to the vCenter server has not timed out. A query of the session manager in the vCenter server object failed. Verify the connection to the vCenter server has not timed out. Data cannot be copied from the VMFS datastore Snapshot into the original Datastore for the VM. The <msg> output will outline why the VMware API call failed. Verify proper configuration and permissions to the Datastore folder through the vSphere Infrastructure Client.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 173 Error code vmw-00080 Error message Problem reverting to VM snapshot for <vm_name>: <msg>! Description/resolution A SOAP error (web access) occurred while trying to execute the RevertToCurrentSnapshot() on a VM in vSphere during a restore operation on a VMFS datastore. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted.
Problem reverting VM snapshot A general error occurred while for <vm_name>! trying to execute the RevertToCurrentSnapshot() on a VM in vSphere during a restore operation on a VMFS datastore. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted. Could not clear LUN -- LUN/ volume clone must be cleared manually! The LUN or volume clone associated to the restore of a VM on a VMFS Datastore could not be taken offline or destroyed. If FlexClone licensing exists on the storage controller, it is the volume clone that cannot be taken offline or destroyed. If a LUN clone was created, the cloned LUN cannot be taken offline or destroyed. Review the storage controller event messages for errors related to the ONTAP API calls.
174 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00083 Error message Could not destroy temporary snapshot -- may need manual cleanup! Description/resolution The VIBE restore Snapshot copies created as part of the restore process cannot be removed. The storage controller Snapshot on the volume where the Datastore was created must be removed manually. The single-file snap restore (SFSR) operation on the storage controller failed. There will generally be another error message in the Snap Creator log displaying exactly why the SFSR operation did not complete. Look for timeout conditions, space availability or vSphere refresh times for more clues as to why the SFSR operation did not complete. If the first SFSR restore operation on the NFS Datastore did not complete, and the second SFSR restoring back to the VIBE restore Snapshot also fails, this message appears. Review storage controller and Snap Creator logs for more detailed messages as to why the SFSR operations are not completing. A SOAP error (web access) occurred while trying to execute the RevertToCurrentSnapshot() on a VM in vSphere during a restore operation on an NFS datastore. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 175 Error code vmw-00087 Error message Description/resolution
Problem reverting VM snapshot A general error occurred while for <vm_name>! trying to execute the RevertToCurrentSnapshot() on a VM in vSphere during a restore operation on an NFS datastore. Review the event logs in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any Snapshot copies created that is unwanted. Could not destroy temporary snapshot -- may need manual cleanup! The VIBE restore Snapshot created as part of the restore process cannot be removed. The storage controller Snapshot on the volume where the Datastore was created must be removed manually. If the storage does not appear in an internal list based on a vCenter and Datastore pair internally to VIBE, then the list was improperly configured based on data collection of existing vSphere and vCloud objects. Review the logs and Snap Creator configuration files and ensure all parameters are properly defined and no other errors appear in the Snap Creator log files. The Snapshot copy specified with the --snap_name option does not exist for the volume and storage controller listed. Confirm the spelling and existence of the Snapshot copy being restored.
Could not find matching storage appliance for vCenter/ Datastore pair!
Restore snapshot <restore_snapshot_name> does not exist on storage appliance <controller_name>, volume <volume_name>!
176 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00091 Error message Description/resolution
Could not query state The Data ONTAP API call information on restore snapshot snaphost-list-info failed -- look <restore_snapshot_name>! in the Snap Creator log for other error messages indicating why the Data ONTAP API call failed. Restore snapshot <restore_snapshot_name> is in a busy state -- select a different snapshot! VIBE requires that the Snapshot copy being used for restore purposes on the storage controller not be busy -- it cannot be part of a clone or be busy according to the status on the storage controller. Running snap list on the storage controller and looking at the state of the Snapshot copy in the volume where the Datastore is located will indicate whether the Snapshot copy is busy, and why. This is a general failure message - look for other error messages for specific failure conditions. The VIBE_VCENTER_USER field in the Snap Creator configuration file must always be defined. Check the Snap Creator configuration file and make sure the value is defined and not commented out. The VIBE_VCENTER_PASSWD field in the Snap Creator configuration file must always be defined. Check the Snap Creator configuration file and make sure the value is defined and not commented out.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 177 Error code vmw-00096 Error message VIBE_VCLOUD_USER not defined! Description/resolution The VIBE_VCLOUD_USER field in the Snap Creator configuration file must always be defined when the VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES configuration option is being used. Check the Snap Creator configuration file and make sure the value is defined and not commented out. The VIBE_VCLOUD_PASSWD field in the Snap Creator configuration file must always be defined when the VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES configuration option is being used. Check the Snap Creator configuration file and make sure the value is defined and not commented out. The action field must be defined. This generally happens through use of the --action option when executing Snap Creator. Verify proper command line use of Snap Creator. When performing a restore operation, the Snapshot name must be specified on the command line or through execution in the GUI in order to know which Snapshot to perform the restore from. Verify the Snap Creator command line for proper syntax.
178 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00101 Error message VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES format is wrong (no extra colons, semi-colons or commas allowed per Org entry)! Description/resolution The format of VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES must be defined based on the format specified in the comments of the Snap Creator configuration file. If any Organizations, vDCs or vApps have colons in the names, or any objects within vSphere use colons, please use different naming conventions so that parsing of VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES will work properly. When defining a new backup set within a Snap Creator configuration file, the Organization field must always be specified. Verify the VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES syntax in the Snap Creator configuration file. The format of VIBE_VSPHERE_NAMES must be defined based on the format specified in the comments of the Snap Creator configuration file. If any vCenters, Datastores or VMs have colons in the names, please use different naming conventions so that parsing of VIBE_VCLOUD_NAMES will work properly.
VIBE_VSPHERE_NAMES format is wrong (no extra colons, semi-colons or commas allowed per vCenter entry)!
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 179 Error code vmw-00104 Error message vCenter field must be defined for each VIBE_VSPHERE_NAMES entry! Description/resolution When defining a new backup set within a Snap Creator configuration file, the vCenter field must always be specified. Verify the VIBE_VSPHERE_NAMES syntax in the Snap Creator configuration file. This value must be either Y (the default) or 'N' to specify not to take VMware Snapshot copies. Check the NTAP_USERS value in the Snap Creator configuration file for proper syntax and format. Check the NTAP_USERS value in the Snap Creator configuration file for proper syntax and format. The VM Snapshot creation process failed. There will be another error message in the log indicating the failure. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for VMware error messages. At least one of the VMs where Snapshot copies were being created did not execute properly. Review the Snap Creator and vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for error messages. The VM snapshot removal process failed. There will be another error message in the log indicating the failure. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for VMware error messages.
VIBE_VMWARE_SNAPSHO T must be set to Y or N! NTAP_USERS value must be <ip>:<user>/<passwd> pairs (separated by semi-colons)! NTAP_USERS value must be <ip>:<user>/<passwd> pairs (separated by semi-colons)! Could not create snapshot for VM <vm_name>!
180 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00111 Error message Snapshot removal process was NOT completed successfully! Description/resolution At least one of the VMs where Snapshot copies were being removed did not execute properly. Review the Snap Creator and vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for error messages. The scdump() function used for support debugging requires collection of OS information. The internal request to check the operating system version did not succeed. Review the Snap Creator logs for information as to why the error occurred. The scdump() function used for support debugging requires collection of OS information. The internal request to check the operating system version did not succeed. Review the Snap Creator logs for information as to why the error occurred. Check the NTAP_PM_UPDATE value in the Snap Creator configuration file for proper syntax and format. The datastore system associated to the vSphere session context is invalid. Check that the vSphere host used for restores is operational and not in maintenance mode. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for more information about the vSphere host status.
NTAP_PM_UPDATE value set from VOLUMES environment variable has an invalid number of array items! No datastore systems available on vSphere host <esx_host_name>!
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 181 Error code vmw-00116 Error message No storage systems available on vSphere host <esx_host_name>! Description/resolution The storage system associated to the vSphere session context is invalid. Check that the vSphere host used for restores is operational and not in maintenance mode. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for more information about the vSphere host status.
Collection of datastore systems The datastore system associated for vSphere host failed: <msg>! to the vSphere session context does not have any managed object reference. Check that the vSphere host used for restores is operational and not in maintenance mode. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for more information about the vSphere host status. Collection of storage systems The storage system associated for vSphere host failed: <msg>! to the vSphere session context does not have any managed object reference. Check that the vSphere host used for restores is operational and not in maintenance mode. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for more information about the vSphere host status. Scan of unresolved VMFS volumes for vSphere host <esx_host_name> failed! The QueryUnresolvedVmfsVolume s() vSphere API call on the host system failed. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for more information about the vSphere host status.
182 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00120 Error message Resignature of unresolved VMFS volumes on vSphere host failed: <msg>! Description/resolution The ResolveMultipleUnresolvedVm fsVolumes() vSphere API call on the host system failed. Review the vSphere Infrastructure Client logs for more information about the vSphere host status. The reported Data ONTAP API call was unsuccessful. Read the error message and contact technical support for any necessary assistance in translating the error message. The condition can normally occur in situations where RBAC is in use and the Snap Creator user on the storage controllers do not have sufficient access for the API call. A SOAP error (web access) occurred while trying to call RemoveSnapshot() in VMware for a snapshot taken as part of the backup or restore operation. Use Snapshot Manager in the vSphere Infrastructure Client to remove any snapshot created that is unwanted. Execution of the RescanAllHba() vSphere API call failed due to a general SOAP error (web services). Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper vSphere host and cluster configuration within the vSphere environment where the VM restore is taking place.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 183 Error code vmw-00124 Error message Storage query of host system <esx_host_name> failed! Description/resolution Execution of the RescanAllHba() vSphere API call failed to the vCenter server. Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper vSphere host and cluster configuration within the vSphere environment where the VM restore is taking place. A query of the file manager in the vCenter server object failed due to a SOAP error (web services). Verify the connection to the vCenter server has not timed out. A query of the file manager in the vCenter server object failed. Verify the connection to the vCenter server has not timed out.
Query of VirtualMachine object Collection of the entity view of failed: <msg>! the VirtualMachine during the VM iteration process could not be executed to the vCenter server. This is specifically for when vCloud objects are retranslated to VM objects in vSphere. Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper configuration of host systems through the vSphere Infrastructure Client and that the vCenter IP address is correct.
184 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00128 Error message Description/resolution
Query of VirtualMachine object Collection of the entity view of failed! the VirtualMachine during the VM iteration process could not be executed to the vCenter server. This is specifically for when vCloud objects are retranslated to VM objects in vSphere. Verify connectivity to the vCenter server and proper configuration of host systems through the vSphere Infrastructure Client and that the vCenter IP address is correct. Power off condition of vApp <vm_name> unknown: (<num>: <msg>)! When the vApp powerOff REST API is executed, the REST return status indicates an unknown condition. The powerOff call should always return a Task or Error, so it means a third condition of unknown type was returned. Check with VMware on the possible return codes for vCloud powerOff API operations. When the vApp powerOn REST API is executed, the REST return status indicates an unknown condition. The powerOn call should always return a Task or Error, so it means a third condition of unknown type was returned. Check with VMware on the possible return codes for vCloud powerOn API operations.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 185 Error code vmw-00131 Error message Could not power off vApp <vm_name> unknown: (<num>: <msg>)! Description/resolution When the vApp powerOff REST API is executed, the REST return status indicates an error condition. Review the error code for information about the failure, and check with VMware on the possible return codes for vCloud powerOff API operations. When the vApp powerOn REST API is executed, the REST return status indicates an error condition. Review the error code for information about the failure, and check with VMware on the possible return codes for vCloud powerOn API operations.
186 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00133 Error message Scan for unresolved VMFS volumes did not find any entries! Description/resolution This condition occurs when VMware is unable to see new Datastores listed in the vSphere environment during restore operations. The sequence of events is to clone, map and online the new LUN associated to the VMFS datastore being restored on the identified ESX host. Once this is done, the vSphere API call QueryUnresolvedVmfsVolume s() is called to find unresolved VMFS volumes not currently mapped to a datastore or resigned on the ESX host. Essentially, the API call returned no new entries, which means VMware does not see the new LUN. Check the existing vSphere configuration to determine if new Datastores can be provisioned on the restore ESX host, as well as check with VMware on the condition of the ESX host when new Datastores are connected.
Collection of storage systems This condition occurs when the for vSphere host failed: <msg>! vSphere API call QueryUnresolvedVmfsVolume s() fails on the ESX host identified for restore. Check the existing vSphere configuration to determine if new Datastores can be provisioned on the restore ESX host, as well as check with VMware on the condition of the ESX host when new Datastores are connected.
Troubleshooting Snap Creator issues | 187 Error code vmw-00135 Error message Could not remove snapshot(s) for VM <vm_name>! Description/resolution Snap Creator deletes VM Snapshot copies on VMs about to be restored before starting the restore process. It is called to remove leftover Snapshot copies if any exist. If this operation fails, it means Snap Creator has found leftover VM Snapshot copies (created by Snap Creator) that it cannot delete. Delete these VM Snapshot copies manually before attempting the restore operation. When attempting to remove VM Snapshot copies, the remove function could not find a Snap Creator created VM snapshot. Verify the existing VMware Snapshot copies and also ensure two Snap Creator backup jobs of the same VM objects are not taking place at the same time. The restore operation failed. Look for additional vmw<num> errors in the log output for more details as to what failed during the restore process.
188 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Error code vmw-00138 Error message No root snapshot list found for VM <vm_name>! Description/resolution When attempting to remove VM Snapshot copies, the remove function could not find a Snap Creator created VM snapshot. In addition, there were no Snapshot copies (period) for the VM .There is no root Snapshot list when this error occurs. Verify the existing VMware Snapshot copies and also ensure two Snap Creator backup jobs of the same VM objects are not taking place at the same time.
These settings are always required. In this example, we have only created one retention policy set to daily, which retains seven Snapshot copies. Application-consistent backup This example combines an application quiesce and unquiesce with a Snapshot copy. Configuration option APP_NAME APP_IGNORE_ERROR APP_DEFINED_RESTORE APP_AUTO_DISCOVERY Setting oracle|db2|mysql|<plug-in> N N N
190 | Snap Creator 3.5.0 Installation and Administration Guide Configuration option APP_CONF_PERSISTENCE Run Snap Creator with the following options:
./snapcreator --profile Profile Name --action snap --policy Policy Name Optional Arguments
Setting Y
Snapshot copy and backup to tape This example uses Snap Creator to create and clone a Snapshot copy, mount this clone, and then back up the mount point to tape using third-party backup software. Configuration option NTAP_CLONE_FOR_BACKUP NTAP_CLONE_SECONDARY NTAP_CLONE_IGROUP_MAP NTAP_VOL_CLONE_RESERVE NTAP_NUM_VOL_CLONES NTAP_LUN_CLONE_RESERVATION PRE_NTAP_CLONE_DELETE_CMD1 PRE_NTAP_CLONE_DELETE_CMD2 Setting Y N controller1:src_volume1/igroup1 none 1 false Mount script or SnapDrive command CLI command to start backup of mountpoint
Backup to disk (Open Systems SnapVault) This example uses the Open Systems SnapVault client to perform a SnapVault update or create a Snapshot copy on the secondary storage. Configuration option NTAP_OSSV_ENABLE NTAP_OSSV_HOMEDIR Setting Y /usr/snapvault
Snap Creator examples | 191 Configuration option NTAP_OSSV_FS_SNAPSHOT Run Snap Creator with the following options:
./snapcreator --profile Profile Name --action ossv --policy Policy Name Optional Arguments
Setting N
Snapshot copy and backup to disk (SnapVault) This example uses Snap Creator to create a Snapshot copy, perform a SnapVault update, and create a Snapshot copy of the SnapVault secondary. Configuration option SNAPVAULT_VOLUMES NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTIONS NTAP_SNAPVAULT_RETENTION_AGE NTAP_SNAPVAULT_MAX_TRANSFER NTAP_SNAPVAULT_UPDATE NTAP_SNAPVAULT_WAIT NTAP_SNAPVAULT_NODELETE Run Snap Creator with the following options:
./snapcreator --profile Profile Name --action snap --policy Policy Name Optional Arguments
Snapshot copy and backup to disk (SnapMirror) This example uses Snap Creator to create a Snapshot copy and perform a SnapMirror update. Configuration option SNAPMIROR_VOLUMES NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_USE_SNAPSHOT NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_MAX_TRANSFER NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_UPDATE Run Snap Creator with the following options: Setting controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3 Y kbps or blank Y
Snapshot copy and database refresh (primary) This example uses Snap Creator to create and clone a Snapshot copy. Configuration option NTAP_CLONE_FOR_BACKUP NTAP_CLONE_IGROUP_MAP NTAP_VOL_CLONE_RESERVE NTAP_LUN_CLONE_RESERVATION NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_HOST NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_ACCESS NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_PERSISTENT MOUNT_CMD01 MOUNT_CMD02 UMOUNT_CMD01 Setting Y controller1:src_volume1/igroup1 none false hostname root True Mount Script or SnapDrive command to mount clone CLI command or script to start cloned database Mount script or SnapDrive command to umount clone
Snapshot copy and database refresh (secondary) This example uses Snap Creator to create a Snapshot copy, perform a SnapMirror update, and clone the SnapMirror destination volume. Configuration option SNAPMIROR_VOLUMES NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_USE_SNAPSHOT NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_MAX_TRANSFER Setting controller1:vol1,vol2,vol3 Y kbps or blank
Snap Creator examples | 193 Configuration option NTAP_SNAPMIRROR_UPDATE NTAP_CLONE_SECONDARY_VOLUMES NTAP_CLONE_SECONDARY NTAP_CLONE_FOR_BACKUP NTAP_VOL_CLONE_RESERVE NTAP_NUM_VOL_CLONES NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_HOST NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_ACCESS NTAP_NFS_EXPORT_PERSISTENT MOUNT_CMD01 MOUNT_CMD02 UMOUNT_CMD01 Setting Y controller1:controller1-sec/vol1,vol2,vol3 Y Y none 1 hostname root true Mount script or SnapDrive command to mount clone CLI command or script to start cloned database Mount script or SnapDrive command to umount clone
For volume clone, run Snap Creator with the following options:
./snapcreator --profile Profile Name --action clone_vol --policy Policy NameOptional Arguments
Snapshot copy and Protection Manager update When using Snap Creator to create a Snapshot copy, register the Snapshot copy with Protection Manager and then use Protection Manager to manage SnapVault or SnapMirror. Configuration option NTAP_PM_UPDATE NTAP_DFM_DATA_SET NTAP_SNAPSHOT_NODELETE NTAP_PM_RUN_BACKUP NTAP_DFM_SNAPSHOT_FORMAT Run Snap Creator with the following options: Setting Y controller1:dataset1/ vol1,vol2;controller1:dataset2/vol3 Y Y mysnap_%T
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Copyright 19942012 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this document covered by copyright may be reproduced in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or storage in an electronic retrieval systemwithout prior written permission of the copyright owner. Software derived from copyrighted NetApp material is subject to the following license and disclaimer: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NETAPP "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NETAPP BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. NetApp reserves the right to change any products described herein at any time, and without notice. NetApp assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the use of products described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by NetApp. The use or purchase of this product does not convey a license under any patent rights, trademark rights, or any other intellectual property rights of NetApp. The product described in this manual may be protected by one or more U.S.A. patents, foreign patents, or pending applications. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.277-7103 (October 1988) and FAR 52-227-19 (June 1987).
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