Keramandir & Its Adjoining Villages WS Scheme
Keramandir & Its Adjoining Villages WS Scheme
Keramandir & Its Adjoining Villages WS Scheme
Executive Summary
The rural population of India comprises more than 700 million people residing in about 1.42 million habitations spread over 15 diverse ecological regions. It is true that providing drinking water to such a large population is an enormous challenge. Our country is also characterized by non-uniformity in level of awareness, socio-economic development, education, poverty, practices and rituals which add to the complexity of providing water. The health burden of poor water quality is enormous. It is estimated that around 37.7 million populations are affected by waterborne diseases annually, 1.5 million children are estimated to die of diarrhea alone and 73 million working days are lost due to waterborne disease each year. The resulting economic burden is estimated at Rs. 3000.00 Crore a year. The problems of chemical contamination are also prevalent along with poor water quality. The major chemical parameters of concern are fluoride and arsenic. Iron is also emerging as a major problem with many habitations showing excess iron in the water samples. The provision of clean drinking water has been given priority in the Constitution of India, with Article 47 conferring the duty of providing clean drinking water and improving public health standards to the State. The government has undertaken various programmes since independence to provide safe drinking water to the rural masses. Till the 10th plan, an estimated total of Rs.1.05 billion spent on providing safe drinking water. One would argue that the expenditure is huge but it is also true that despite such expenditure lack of safe and secure drinking water continues to be a major hurdle and a national economic burden. On one hand the pressures of development is changing the distribution of water in the country, access to adequate water has been cited as the primary factor responsible for limiting development. The average availability of water is reducing steadily with the growing population and it is estimated that by 2020 India will become a water stressed nation. The 2001 Census reported that 68.2 per cent of households in India have access to safe drinking water. Data available with the Department of Drinking Water Supply shows that of the 1.42 million rural habitations in the country, 1.27 million are fully covered (FC), WAPCOS Limited Page 1
0.13 million are partially covered (PC) and 15,917 are not covered (NC).However, coverage refers to installed capacity, and not average actual supply over a sustained period or the quality of water being supplied which is the most essential part. Water quality is affected by both point and non-point sources of pollution. These include sewage discharge, discharge from industries, run-off from agricultural fields and urban runoff. Water quality is also affected by floods and droughts and can also arise from lack of awareness and education among users. The need for user involvement in maintaining water quality and looking at other aspects like hygiene, environment sanitation, storage and disposal are critical elements to maintain the quality of water resources. The government policies and programmes have also undergone a series of transition ever since independence. To begin with, the emphasis was on setting up physical infrastructure in form of hand pumps. Thereafter one has seen a transition from technology measures to a socio technological approach seeking close participation of people. A national water policy was drafted in 1987 which was subsequently revised in 2002. For ensuring sustainability of the systems, steps were initiated in 1999 to institutionalize community participation in the implementation of rural drinking water supply schemes through the sector reforms project. Sector Reform ushers in a paradigm shift from Government oriented supply driven approach to People oriented demand responsive approach. The Government of India launched the National Rural Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Programme in February 2006. This envisages institutionalization of community participation for monitoring and surveillance of drinking water sources at the grassroots level by gram panchayats and Village Water and Sanitation Committees, followed by checking the positively tested samples at the district and state level laboratories. One major problem when it comes to addressing the problems related to water is that the provisions for water are distributed across various ministries and institutions. With several institutions involved in water supply, inter sectoral coordination becomes critical for the success of any programme. When it comes to dealing with maintaining water quality, the users and in large the communities have to play a key role in maintaining hygiene near water sources. One has to improve the ways in which we collect and store water so as to avoid contamination while WAPCOS Limited Page 2
collection, storage and use. With the decentralisation of programmes for water supply it is essential that communities and institutions like panchayats are actively involved in the planning, implementation and execution of programmes for water supply. These institutions will also have to undertake the monitoring of water sources and be made aware so simple remedial measures. It is true that this will require training and capacity building at a large scale.
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The preparation of DPR and PMC for Rural piped water supply Scheme for Keramandir and its adjoining villages in the district of Saraikala is entrusted to WAPCOS by the Drinking Water and Sanitation Circle, Chaibasa, Govt. of Jharkhand. In Jharkhand drinking water is provided to the rural areas by Drinking Water and Sanitation Department, through hand pump wells and piped water supply schemes. However, due to increase in population and decrease in ground water levels because of the over-exploitation in some places they are unable to meet the demand. In addition to this, the spatiotemporal variations in rainfall and regional / local differences in geology and geomorphology have led to uneven distribution of water resource. As a result, there is scarcity of drinking water in many parts of the state. The annual average rainfall is 1168 mm, that too being very erratic and highly capricious. About 80 % of the annual precipitation occurs between July and September with south-westerly monsoon. The livelihood of the area is agriculture. The proposed project envisages providing safe and reliable drinking water to three (3) villages coming under Chakradharpur Block is located adjacent to the Barhamani River. Keramandir and adjoining villages are in the district of Saraikala, Jharkhand is village. The village has shown rapid growth in respect of population resulting from development urbanization. It is situated in the eastern side of Chhotanagpur plateau. This village is well connected with S.E. Railways and State Highways. In order to provide a dependable source of water to the existing population as well as the future growth of population it was decided to use water from River Barhamani which is within 3.00Km from Keramandir proposed W.T.P. site. 2.1.1. Authority This project has been prepared under the instruction of the Superintending Engineer, D.W. & S. Circle, Chaibasa, vide work order no. 511 Chaibasa dated 25.06.2012 as per guideline of Rajib Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.
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District Saraikela- Kharshawan lies in the eastern region of Jharkhand and the project area under consideration i.e. five villages of Block Gamharia of district Saraikela-Kharshawan included in the Project. Saraikela is well connected by road to Ranchi, the state capital, the distance of Saraikela by road from Ranchi is 150km. the village covered in the project is situated about 20km. approx from saraikela, district head quarter. 2.1.3 History In the year 1620, Kumar Bikram Singh I, the third Maharaja Jagannath Singh, established the Saraikela state, which was merged with Bihar state after independence and ranked as subdivision merged with the boundaries of Kharsawan state. Later on the basis of territories act in 1950, 39 villages of Chandil, Nimdih and Tamar area were included into it. Saraikela has become the "Mecca" for connoisseurs of music and dance. Here lies the citadel of world famous Chhau dance. The soil of Saraikela is vibrant with the rhythm of "Chhau" which fancied the imaginations of not only Indian art lovers, but also allured and captivated art lovers across the world, due to its grace unique charm and grandeur. Surrounded by lush green forests, hillocks, serpent like rivers and rivulets, Saraikela Town is situated on the bank of Kharkai River. The district has not only a rich cultural heritage but also has large deposits of minerals like Kyanite,Asbestos, quartz etc. and other valuable minerals. The district also includes the Adityapur Industrial Area which is one of the biggest industrial areas in Asia. Its development in Bihar was lackadaisical but after formation of Jharkhand state it has been made a district and many development plans have been started to strengthen its economic structure. Titirbilla bridge on the road joining Saraikela Rajnagar, the bridge on Tikar River at Ichagarh, causeway at Barhamani river outlines the developing steps of the District. The road joining the distant rural areas, blocks and district headquarters are being built. Tube wells, tanks and dams are being built for the source of drinking water and irrigation. The older canals are also being renovated. Ayurvedic medical college, Private engineering College, Hospitals and ITI for women are being planned to be established for its educational development. New development programs have been taken up in all eight blocks of the district. The government has announced the district as a tourist center as it has many historical and sightseeing places. The day is not very far off when Saraikela will become an important district and a center of tourist attraction.
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Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme and other purposes.
water could be used after proper Treatment and disinfection by post chlorination for drinking purpose
The villages are not having any dependable source of drinking water Detailed Report duly supported by VWSC/PRI and their consent to take up operation and maintenance will be obtained before finalization of the Schemes.
2.1.8 Geology
The geological sequence established in the area on the basis of regional reconnaissance is given below:Saraikela has predominantly flat terrain with hard rocks in the underground. Entire district has topography with high ridges and valleys bounded by mountains and rivers. The fertility of soil is poor due to extensive erosion acidic character and low retaining capacity soils are sandy loam to clay load, non-calcareous. The soils are generally shallow on ridges and plateaus and deep in the valleys. It is a plain of a highly deformed and metamorphic archean terrain consisting of a metamorphic gneisses intruded by a suit of syntectonic basic igneous rocks which metamorphosed to the same grade as the country rocks.. The parametamorphics include various types of granite gneisses as the dominant member together with sillirnanite granite gneiss, amphibolites, feispathic quartzite and minor caic silicate rocks. The suit of syntectonic basic igneous rocks are represented by the orthoamphibolites, metadolerite, divine metadolerite, hybridized noritic anorthosite. The pegmatite and vein quartz rocks are in some cases bracciated and crushed in nature showing development of epidote in the crushed pegmatites. It appears, therefore, that the small granite, pegmatite and quartz veins represent the late to post tectonic intrusive in the area. The post Archean dolerites are unmetamorphosed and occur in the form of long and comparatively thin dyke, discordantly cutting across some of the Archean intrusive viz. pegmatite.
2.1.9 Climate The forests like between latitude and with the usual tropical seasons, namely, the hot, the rain and the cold, the humidity being very high during the rains and very low during the hot weather, typical of a Bihar Gangetic plain. The hot seasons begins from the end of February and ends in middle of June. If the monsoon is late it may go up to the end of June. The temperature rises to a maximum of 45C. WAPCOS Limited Page 7
Thunder storms usually occur in May or even in April causing a temporary relief in temperature. The monsoon usually breaks in the middle of June and continues until the end of September. The cold weather extends from about the beginning of November to February, during which period the days are pleasantly warm with temperature in open of about 14C. The nights are cool and often cold with heavy falls of dew. The temperature drops to 8C .Fogs are not so common except in the deep valleys right inside the forest. The usually occur in December and January.
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Intake Type
7. 8.
(i) Infiltration gallery : No. (ii) Intake Well : Yes (iii) Floating Jetty : No. (iv) Tube Well : No. (v) Spring collecting chamber : No. (vi) Boulder filled gallery : No. (vii) Other : No. Nature of Water Treatment Plant (i) Sedimentation .Yes (ii) Coagulation .Yes (iii) Filtration Yes (iv) Disinfection Chlorination (v) Any other means (mention name)No Location and Land for Water Site selected least cost based Works And availability of Land.Yes Conveyance (i) Gravity Raising main.No. (ii) Pressure/ Raising main ..Yes.
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Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme 9. 10 . a) Raw water rising main Disinfectant
Type of Size Class of Length Pipe pipe 1) D.I. 150 mm K-9 1000mtr. i.a.) Type of Chlorinator no..01 nos. b) Electro-Mechanical Diaphragm type liquid..No. Chlorinator. ii.a) Dosing Capacity.2.0 PPM iii) Residual chlorine suggested ...0.20 PPM D.I. 200 mm K-9 100 mtr.
11 . 12 . 13 . 14 .
DI 200 mm K-7 500 mtr., 110mm dia. UPVC-2000 mtr., 90mm dia. UPVC-1500 mtr., 75 mm dia. UPVC1000 mtr. Residual at terminal point of 7 m distribution system Financial implementations a) Total estimated cost : b) Population for : c)Per capita cost : d) Total water production (Annually) in KL Annual Expenditure (Rs. in Lakh) Rs. 2,80,40,250.00 Initial Stage Mid Stage 1713 2019 16369 13888 119.00 141.60 Ultimate Stage 2348 11942 164.70
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Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total Village Panchayat SC Dudra Kamalpur Parwatipur Gillingoura Mahuldihi Dudra Dudra Dudra Dudra Dudra 296 22 20 As per 1991 Census ST 69 60 20 592 154 OBC 602 146 180 89 Gen 896 54 50 Total 967 978 220 822 263 3250 SC 329 26 49 404 As per 2001 Census ST 72 71 22 655 239 1059 OBC 688 200 192 142 1222 Gen 943 66 59 1068 Total 1083 1040 288 906 415 3732 1232 1274 294 903 531 4234 Total 2011
4.1 Population Projection Base year = 2014 Mid year = 2029 Design year = 2044
P91 = Population as per 1991 Census = 3250 (assumed) P01 = Population as per 2001 Census = 3732 P11 = Population as per 2011 Census = 4234 Increment during 1991 & 2001 Census = (3732 - 3250) = 482 persons Increment during 2001 & 2011 Census = (4234 - 3732) = 502 persons x = Average increment per deride = (782+522)/2 = 492
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Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme y = Incremental increase = 502 - 482 = 20
n1 = Number of decade for Base year (i.e. 2014) = (2014-2001)/10 = 1.3 n2 = Number of decades for Mid year (i.e. 2029) = (2029-2001)/10 = 2.8 n3 = Number of decades for design year (i.e. 2044) = (2044-2001)/10 = 4.3 4.1.1Arithmetical Increase Method: P2029 = P2001 + n2 x = 3732 + 2.8 492 = 3732 + 1378 P2029 = Population in Mid year (i.e. 2029) = 5110 person P2044 = Population in Mid year (i.e. 2044) = 3732 + n3 x = 3732 + 4.3 492 = 5848 person P2014 = Population in Base year (i.e. 2014) = 3732 + {(2014-2001)/10} 492 = 3732 + 640 = 4372 person Growth rate = 1.32% 4.1.2 Geometrical Increase Method: i) ii) iii) Percentage of growth rate between 1991 and 2001 = (482/3732) 100 = 12.915% Percentage of growth rate between 2001 & 2011 = (502100)/4234 = 11.856% Average growth rate per decade = (12.915+11.856)/2 = 12.385%
P14 = Projected population in Base year 2014 = 3732+{(373212.385)/100}1.3 = 3732 + 601 = 4333 Persons P29 = Projected population in Base year 2029 = 3732+{(373212.385)/100}2.8 = 3732 + 1294 = 5026 Persons P44 = Projected population in Base year 2044 = 3732+{(373212.385)/100}4.3 = 3732 + 1988 = 5720 Persons Growth rate = 1.24% 4.1.3 Incremental Increase Method WAPCOS Limited Page 12
P14 = Projected population in Base year 2014 = P 2001+n1x+[{n1 (n1 + 1)/2}y] = 3732 + 1.3 492 + [1.3{(1.32.3)/2}]20 = 3732 + 640 + 30 = 4402 P29 = Projected population in Base year 2029 = P 2001+n2x+[{n2 (n2 + 1)/2}y] = 3732 + 2.8 492 + [2.8{(2.81)/2}]20 = 3732 + 1378 + 107 = 5217 P44 = Projected population in Base year 2014 = P 2001+n3x+[{n3 (n3 + 1)/2}y] = 3732 + 4.3 492 + [4.3{(41.31)/2}]20 = 3732 + 2116 + 228 = 6076 Growth rate = 1.46% 4.1.4 Population growth rate in Rural areas of Jharkhand = 2.239%
P14 = Projected population in Base year 2014 = P 2001 + (2.239/100) (2014 - 2001) P 2001 = 3732 + 1086 = 4818 Persons P29 = Projected population in Base year 2029 = P2001+ (2.239/100) (2029 - 2001) P2001 = 3732 + 2340 = 6072 Persons P44 = Projected population in Base year 2044 = P 2001+(2.239/100) (2044 - 2001) P2001 = 3732 + 3593 = 7325 Persons Note: Considering projected population as shown above projected population in Base year (2014), Mid year (2029) and Design year (2044) derived from Incremental Increase Method are most realistic and hence recommended for acceptance.
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Water Demand
Source of water Supply Rate of Water Supply : : Surface Water from Kharkai River To Lpcd for 70% population through house connection and 40 Lpcd for 30% population though street stand posts = 61 Lpcd
5.1 Daily Net Clear Water demand in = 6144 x 61 = 374784 Litres Base year (2014) Add 15% UFW wastage = 56217.60 Litres Total daily water demand = 431001.60 Litres
5.2 Daily Net clear water demand in = 7132 x 61 = 435052 Litres Mid year (2029) Add 15% UFW wastage = 65257.80 Litres Total daily water demand = 500309.80 Litres
5.3 Daily Net Clear Water demand in = 8311x 61= 506971 litres Base year (2044) Add 15% UFW wastage = 76045.65 Litres Total daily water demand = 583016.65 Litres
Considering 10% loss in Conveyance Main and distribution system, total clear water supply for design of clear water Reservoir, Clear Water Conveyance and Distribution System 0.58 MLD (580 M3/day) Considering 5% loss in Treatment Process Design raw Water demand = 0.61 MLD (610 M3/day)
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Institutional and Commercial need, Total Daily Raw Water through put M3/day)
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme Roads, tracks, footpaths etc. Railway lines, level crossing & other railway structures Drains (Kancha/pucca) Religious structures Trestles, pylons, poles of electric and telephone lines Underground utility markers Individual solitary trees having girth 30cms and above. Cluster of trees, plantation area, forest area and their limits Agricultural land, barren land etc. Water bodies Rivers, streams, nallas, reservoirs and their extent Bridges, culverts with their dimensions 6.5 Spot Heights:
Spot heights is being taken in the entire area at an interval as required in both directions or at closer intervals where the topography so requires. 6.6 Contours: Contour of the entire WTP area will be drawn at 0.25m or as desired interval to find out the characteristic of the land. 6.7 Sustainability of source including certificate from competent authority with help of field officers: The certificates from the competent authority will be obtained. 6.8 Intake Location The intake is proposed to be constructed in Barhamani River in Keramandir Mouza 6.9 Location of WTP The WTP is proposed to be constructed in Keramandir Mouza at Plot no. and Khata no. 6.10 Water Testing Report is attached herewith NOC for utilization of Source from competent authority with the help of local officers: WAPCOS Limited Page 16
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme The certificates from the competent authority will be obtained.
Availability of electricity supported by certificate from JSEB: Follow up action for issuing the electricity certificate (Consent letter) from JSEB will communicate to DW & SD after calculation of detailed load required for WTP and Intake. Provision of Electricity: Provision of L.T. connections for both Raw Water and Clear Water Pumps shall be made from the nearest Transformer of J.S.E.B. if necessary by augmentation of capacity of the existing transformer. Availability of land for different structures supported by NOC from competent authority with the help of local officers: The certificates from the competent authority will be obtained in due course. Strategy of Operation and Maintenance: After implementation of the Scheme by the D.W. & S. Department, Govt. of Jharkhand, the scheme will be handed over and maintained by V.W.S.C. / P.R.I. Flow diagram of scheme with location of each component and its R.L.: The detailed Flow diagram of scheme with location of each component and its R.L. is enclosed. Cost estimate of scheme: Cost estimate of scheme have been given in Report. Necessary drawing: Necessary drawing of scheme such as i) Survey drawing of Rural Water Supply Scheme for Keramandir Panchayat, Political Map of Saraikela Kharsawan, Hydraulic flow diagram of treatment process etc., Water Treatment Plant Layout, GA drawing of Staff Quarters, GA Drawing of Duty Room, GA drawing of Stand post and GA drawing of Pipe supporting column is attached.
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Design of Structures
7.1 Type of Intake: Surface water will be abstracted from the Kharkai River by constructing one RCC circular Intake Well in the river bed of Kharkai. The Intake Well has been designed for abstraction of river water from different levels to cope up with second variations of depth of water in the river, by providing ports. Adequate area of opening in the intake crib has been provided to restrict the entrance velocity of water to a minimum 1 (one) meter per second. Fine screens are provided at the accessible point for preventing entry of small fish and other objects around the Intake Pipes. The coarse screens are provided at the inner face of Intake crib to restrict the entry of large objects into the well (Considering 8 hours operation of Raw Water Pumps, Water Treatment Plant and Clear Water Pumps). Raw Water Discharge per hour = 630/8 = 78.75 M3 / hour. Minimum depth of water to be stored in the well = 3.0 Meters. (during driest part)
Provide Inner diameter of Intake Well = 4 Meters Power is available at the adjacent village. The location of Intake well shall be within 15 metres from the Raw Water Pump House which will be constructed on the other side of river bank in order to avoid construction of suction well and Raw water conduit for conveyance of raw water. The Raw Water Pumps will be erected at a level below Ground level so that suction pipes to Raw Water Pumps remain always under submerged condition and shall not draw air. The Intake well will be connected by constructing of a RCC foot bridge for movement of operating personnel and also for carrying materials. There will be steel gates for opening and WAPCOS Limited Page 18
closing of Ports in order to facilitate drawls of river water from different level as and when necessary level as and when necessary. There will be 3 (three) nos. of Ports at different levels and remain always under submerged condition. Maximum velocity of water entering through the port shall be less than 0.6 Meters/sec. Cross sectional area of each port = 78.75/(3600x0.07065) = 0.309M2
Provide 2 nos. 300 mm dia ports one below lowest water level and another below average high water level in the river. Velocity of water entering in the Intake Well through each port = < 0.6 M/sec. Design of Water Treatment Plant 7.2 Design of Cascade Aerator: Design flow of raw water = 62.5 M3/hour = 0.017 M3/Sec Rate of surface loading (as per CPHEEO Manual) = between 0.015 to 0.045 M2/M3/hour Surface area required providing surface loading rate @ 0.04 M2/M3/hour = 62.5 0.04 = 2.50 M2 Provide 3 nos. of cascades of 0.9 M, 1.5 M and 2.1 M diameter respectively each with a drop of 0.25 Meter to be constructed with one RCC Central Shaft of 300 mm inner diameter. Total area provided = = 5.86 M2 = 0.256 M/sec
R.L. at the entry level of Aerator = EL+100.00 M Velocity of flow of water to be = 0.2 m/sec in the channel = 0.009 M3/sec
Considering half channel flow = Area of channel = 0.3 0.15 = 0.045 Velocity of water = WAPCOS Limited = 0.2 M/sec
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7.3Design of Raw Water Inlet Channel, Hydraulic Jetty and Parshall Flume: Normal Design flow of raw water = 62.5 M3/hr = 0.017 M3/sec Flow with 25% overloading = 81.25 M3/hr = 0.0226 M3/sec Provide 450 mm wide channel and velocity of water through inlet channel = 0.2M/sec
= 0.2511 metre
Provide overall depth of channel with 150 mm free board = 250+150 = 400 mm Provide a Parshall Flume of 250 mm Throat and 450 mm wide channel Head loss through the Parshall Flume is given by = Q = where Q = 25% overloaded flow = 0.0226 M3/sec Cv = Coefficient of velocity = range 1.04 to 1.15 Ce = Effective coeff. of discharge range varies from 0.885 to 0.99 depending upon the value
of varying from 0.05 to 0.07 where l = Length of Throat in the direction of flow. Head loss through the Parshall Flume at 25% over loaded flow = 0.15 (approx) = 150 mm Top water level at the upstream of Parshall Flume = EL+99.10 M Top water level at the downstream of Flume = EL+98.95 M Provide a fall of 150 mm So Top water level at the entry to Flash Mixer = EL+98.80 M 7.4Design of Chemical House Considering maximum dosing of Ferric Alum during rainy season = 50 mg/litre for 5 months and minimum dosing of Alum = 20 mg/litre for 7 months
= 32.5 mg/litre
Normal Design flow = 65 M3/hr = 0.018 M3/sec Duration of dosing = 8 (eight) hours WAPCOS Limited Page 20
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme Weight of Alum required per day =
= 16.9 kg say 17 kg
Alum required per annum = 17 365 = 6205 kg = 6.205 Tonnes Considering wastage Alum required per annum = 6.50 Tonne Therefore, a two storied Chemical House for storing Ferric Alum for 6 (six) months storage i.e. 3.25 Ton to be provided at the Ground Floor.
7.5 Size of Alum Tank: Considering maximum dosing of Alum @ 50 mg/litre of raw water and assuming strength of solution 5%.
Volume of solution =
Provide 2 nos. Alum Solution Tank (1 in operation + 1 stand by) size of each tank = 1.20 M in length 0.75 M in width 0.90 M in depth (depth of solution = 0.75 M and Free Board = 0.15M) Overall depth of Alum Tank = 0.90 + 0.30 (For Alum Tray) = 1.20 M Effective volume of Tank = 1.20 0.75 0.75 = 0.675 M3 For 25% overloaded flow volume required = 1.25 0.52 = 0.65 M3 < 0.675 M3 7.6 Size of Chlorine Solution Tank Apart from Alum Solution Tanks there will be two tanks for Bleaching power solution in one tank Bleaching power solution in one tank Bleaching powder will be mixed with water and in another tank supernated solution of Bleaching power after settling of lime will be stored considering maximum 5 mg/litre of chlorine for pre chlorination and max. 2 mg/litre of Chlorine for post Chlorination.
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Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme for 8 hours operation. Requirement of Bleaching Powder per day for 25% overloaded flow
2 (two) quantity of Bleaching Powder (assuming 25% chlorine content in Bleaching Powder)
= 2.275 kg/day Requirement of Bleaching Powder per month = 68.25 kg say 75 Kg per month including wastage. Size of Bleaching Powder Solution for Chlorination: Considering 5% strength of chlorine, volume of solution Tank required = = 45.5 litres
Say 50 litres = 0.05 M3 Provide 2 Bleaching Powder solution tank each 1 M x 1 M x 0.9M (including free board) One for preparation of Bleaching powder solution and another for storing of supernatant Tank of chlorine solution. Chlorine solution for pre-chlorination shall be done by 2 nos. very small capacity Metering pumps (2W+1 Standby) There will be 2 (two) rooms in Ground floor each 4M x 3 M x 3.50 m for storing of Alum and Bleaching Powder. There will be 2 (two) Alum solution tanks 1.20M x 0.75M x 0.90M size as well as two chlorine solution Tanks of 1M x 1M x 0.9M size on the First Floor. There will also be one Laboratory cum Office Room on the First Floor. Provision of Toilet and Bath and necessary water supply arrangements will be there. 7.7 Design of Flash Mixer: Normal design flow = 65 M3 / hour = 0.018 M3 / sec. 25% overloaded flow = 1.25 x 65 = 81.25 M3 / hour = 0.0226 M3 / sec. Detention period = 30 sec to 60 sec. Provide detention time 45 sec. WAPCOS Limited Page 22
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme Volume of Flash Mixer Tank = = 0.8125 M3
Provide 0.90 M diameter of Tank and 1.5 Metre depth of water, volume of Tank = 1.5= 0.9538 M3
This is less than the volume of tank provided Depth : Diameter = 1.67 : 1 Size of Impellers : Diameter of Impeller = 0.4 x Diameter of Flash Mixer Tank = 0.4 x 0.9 = 0.36 M = 360 mm Provide 4 nos. of Impeller blades of size 100mm x and 360 mm in diameter. RPM of Impeller blades of 360mm diameter = R = 100 RPM Velocity at tip = Vr = 2rn =
= 1.884 M/sec.
A x Vr3
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme Area provided = 4 0.05 0.10 = 0.02 M2 (OK) 7.8 Design of Drinking unit of Impeller of Flash Mixer: Mechanical Power required in Shaft for driving The Impeller = Np n3 d5
[Where d= Diameter of Impeller Np = 1000 n = RPM = 100]
= 1000 3 (100/60)3 x (0.36)5 = 84 Watts Hydraulic power input in shaft = 76.40 Watts Torque in shaft is given by the following equation P = (2nT/60) T = (60P/2 n) ={ (60x 76.4)/(2x100)} = 7.299 Say 7.5 NM Starting Torque = 2 7.5 = 15 NM Design Torque (with service factor = 2) = 15 2 = 30 NM Provide 1.5 HP, 1500 rpm Motor 7.9 Design of Flocculation Tank Normal Design flow = 65 m3 / hr Provide Detention time = 45 minutes = (30 to 60 minutes) Volume of Tank = (65 x45/60) = 48.75 m3 Taking Depth of water = 2.0 meter and Circular Tank Surface area of Tank = (48.75/2.0) = 24.3752 Provide Diameter of Tank = 5.75 m. and Overall depth = 2.0 + 0.50 = 2.50 metre Volume of tank Provided = ( x 5.752 x2/4) = 51.91 m3 (ok) Detention time for 25% Overloaded flow = minutes (minimum) Detention time for normal flow = WAPCOS Limited Page 24 = (51.91 x 60/65) = 47.92 minutes (ok) ( 51.91 x 60 /1.25 x 65) = 38.33 minutes > 30
Surface loading rate = (65 /24.375) = 2.67 m3/m2/hr ( for normal design flow within 2 to 3 m3/m2/hr ) Surface loading rate for 25% Overloaded flow = (1.25 x 65/24.375) = 3.33 m3/m2/hr Velocity of flocculated water in weir connecting the Flocculator to Tube Settler (Settling Chambers) should preferably be kept between 0.20 m/sec to 0.30 m/ Sec. Necessary piping arrangements for sludge collection from Flash Mixer, Flocculator and Tube Settlers shall be made. 7.10 Design of Tube Settlers Design Criteria: 1. 2. Surface loading rate = Relative length (LR) = 4.5 m3/hr/m2 l/d
Where l = length of tubes d = diameter of least dimension of the tubes It is recommended to increase the dimensionless length (LR) of tube by an additional length L V0 d Where L = .058 NR = .058 Vs V0 = Flow through velocity of tube settler in m/day Vs = Kinematic viscosity of water in m/day 3. 4. Loss of water in dislodging = 2% of output required Vs ( Sin LCos ) Flow through velocity of tube settler, S = V0 Normal Design flow = 65 m3/hr 25% overloaded flow = 81.25 m3/hr Provide length of tube = 1m = 1000 mm Size of tubes = 50mm50mm square Angle of inclination = 60 It is observed that maximum efficiency of tube settler is obtained when tubes are included at 35 to 45. A slight decrease in efficiency is found when the angle of inclination approaches 60. But a self WAPCOS Limited Page 25
cleansing action is enhanced when the angle of inclination is increased to 60. Therefore, to ensure adequate sludge removal from the Tube settler 60 angle of inclination is preferred. Therefore LR = L
l 1000 = = 20 d 50 V0 d = .058 NR = .058 Vs
Effective relative length of tubes L = LR L = (20 - .033V0) Now flow through velocity of tube settler is given by S=
Vs ( Sin +LCos ) V0
Where S = Parameter giving the performance of tube settler. Vs = Settling velocity of the particles in vertically down ward direction. V0 = Flow through velocity along tube settler. = angle of inclination of tube settler. If value of S equals or exceeds critical value Sc for any particle then it is completely removed in the tube settler under ideal condition. For laminar flow regime in tube settler, the value of Sc have been determined as 4/3 to11/8 and 1 for circular, square and parallel plates type of tube settlers assuming uniform flow. Vs ( Sin +LCos ) Therefore S = Sc = V0 Where S = Sc = Vs = 120 Metres/day 11/8 =
120 [Sin60 + (20 0.03V0) Cos60] V0
Therefore V0 = 388.65 m/day Computation of total tube entrance area and number of tubes: WAPCOS Limited Page 26
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme Tube entrance area = V = 0 Number of tubes =
= 4.014 m2
For 25% over loaded flow Q = 81.25 M3/hr Tube entrance area = V = 0 Number of Tubes =
= 5.018 M2
Provided 2000 number of 50mm50mm square tubes shall be provided. 50 nos. of tubes along the length of the module and 40 nos. of tubes along the width of the modules shall be placed. Length of the tube modules = No. of tubes inside dimension of square tubes + 2x thickness of tubes. Length = 50 x (0.05 + 2x .0015) = 2.65 m Width = 40 x (0.05 + 2 x .0015) = 2.12 m Height of tube modules = 1m x Sin60 = .087 m say .09 m
Therefore overall dimension of each tube module with side space Length = 3.0 m, Width -= 2.50 m and depth = 0.9m Two such modules to be provided. 7.11Design of Rapid Gravity Filter Design Criteria:1. Flow 25% over loaded flow 2. 3. 4. = 65 m3/hr = 81.25 m3/hr = 3% of the filter out put. = 12 minutes. = 4.8 m3/m2/hr to 6 m3/m2/hr
Quantity of back wash water used Time required for back washing Design rate of filtration (for normal flow)
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Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme 5. 6. 7. 8. Length to width ratio Filter run Under drainage system Size of perforation Filter Dimensions: Required flow of filtered water = 62 m3/hr = 1.25: 1 to 1.33 to 1 = 24 hr. = Central manifold with laterals = 8 mm
Design flow considering backwash = 62 x (1+.03) x (3% of treated water for back washing) Plan area of filter required =
Minimum 2 nos. of Filters are to be provided (one standby). Length: width ratio Hence width of the filter Length of filter Provide Length = 4.50 M and Width = 3.50 M Total area of filter provided Again 25 % overloaded flow. Q = 81.25 M3/hour Rate of filtration = 5.16 m3/m2/hr This is less than 6 m3/m2/hr (OK) Hence, 2 nos. of filter each 4.5 M length and 3.5 M width. Filter sand of 0.5mm effective size and 60 cm depth to be provided Gravel size in mm:2 mm 5 mm WAPCOS Limited = = Page 28 9.2 cm 21.3 cm =
81.25 15.75
= 1.25: 1 =
14 = 3.35 M 1.25
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme 10 mm 20 mm 40 mm 7.11.1 Design of Under Drainage system Plan area of each filter bed Total area of perforation = 15.75 M2 = 0.3% plan area = = = 30.5 cm 40 cm 49 cm
Total Cross-sectional area of laterals = 3 940 ( 0.4 ) 2 (3 x area of perforations) = 1416.76 cm2 Providing 80 mm dia GI laterals
8 2
Provide 15 nos. of laterals on either sides of the Manifold Cross sectional area of central manifold = 2 30 ( 4 ) 2 = 3014.40 cm2
= 2 x area of laterals
Diameter of manifold
= 61.95 cm say 62 cm
Provide 80 mm dia laterals 15 nos. @ 280 mm c/c Total number of laterals WAPCOS Limited = 30 nos. Page 29
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme Therefore number of perforation in each laterals = 31.14 nos. say 32 nos. in each lateral =
940 30
Provide 16 nos. of 8 mm dia perforation in two rows (total 32) @ 140 mm c/c staggered in each of 30 nos. of laterals. 7.11.2 Design of wash water trough Considering wash water rate = 36 M3/hr/M2 of filter area. Hence wash water discharge for one filter = 36 x 12 = 432 M3/hr = 0.12 M3/sec. Providing 3 nos. of wash water troughs in each filter bed which will run in longitudinal direction of the filter unit, spacing between the wash water trough = 1 M. Discharge in each trough = (0.12/3) = 0.04 M3/sec. Considering the width of trough = 0.3 M, the water depth at the upper end of the trough is given by Q b h Q = = = = 0.04 M3/sec width of trough = 0.30 M
1.376 bh
or, or,
= 0.211 M
Providing free board of 0.1 M, depth of trough = 0.311 M say 0.30 M= 300 mm depth
3 Nos. of wash water troughs each 0.30 M width and 0.30 M deep shall be provided.
7.11.3Total depth of R.G. Filter Box Total depth of Filter Box = = = WAPCOS Limited Depth of under drains + depth of Gravels and Sand + Water depth + Free Board 0.60 + 0.45 + 0.60 + 1.20 + 0.5 3.20 Meters Page 30
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme 7.11.4Design of Back Wash Pumps & Back Wash Reservoir Quantity of back wash water used = 3% of Filter output =
or, 600 liters per minute / sqm of Filter for a period of 10 minutes = 600 x 10 x 15.75 = 94.50 M3 say 95 M3 Total quantity of water required for back washing, for Alum Solution, for Lime Solution and for use in T.P. = 95 + 5 = 100 M3 = 1,00,000 liters capacity.
7.12 Capacity of underground Clear Water Reservoir (G.L.S.R.) Storage capacity of service Reservoir at the Treatment Plant shall be designed to i) ii) iii) Reservoir inflow equal to reservoir outflow. Performing a flow balance over 24 hours taking into consideration Peak day demand and Peak hourly demand. Distribution losses = 10% of Average Net Daily Demand
Capacity of CWR = (Average Net Daily Demand + 10% Distribution Loss) /4 = 120 M3 (4 Hours detention) Add water required for back washing = 100 M3 Total capacity = 220 M3 Adopting 3 M water depth, surface area of the Ground level service Reservoir = say 75 M2 Provide G.L.S.R. of length 10 M, width 7.5 M and total depth 3.5 M (including free board 0.50 M). 7.13 Clear Water Rising Main and Pumps Total clear water to be pumped to the Elevated Reservoir (s) = Average Daily Demand + Distribution loss + Back wash water = 500 + 100 = 600 M3/day = 75M3/day.
220 = 73 M2 3
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Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme Head of Pump = 15 M + 4 M + 3 M + 2 M = 24 M
2 nos. of clear water pumps including (1 W + 1 Standby) capable of pumping 1250 liters per minute against a total head 25 M shall be provided. Diameter Velocity Head loss Length Total Head loss Total Head of Pump = = = = = = DN 200 DI Rising Main 1.0 M/sec 6 M per 1000 M 100 Meter 6 x 100/1000 = 0.6 m say 1 m 24 M
Note:- Storage is required for :i) ii) iii) 7.14 Maintaining the required head in the system. Balancing the diurnal variations in demand and the steady water production rate. Providing on emergency reserve to cover interruptions in supply
Design of Elevated Reservoir Treated Water from the underground RCC Clear Water Reservoir shall be pumped to the elevated reservoir. Treated water shall be supplied to Dudra & Kamalpur group of villages. One RCC elevated reservoir shall be constructed within WTP sufficient to supply water by gravity to the supply area with 7 M of residual head at the terminal end of the formal area, administrative and business locality , the informal housing locality of Middle and Low class population; Capacity of RCC elevated reservoir = =
1 ( 500 100 ) 4
225 M3
One RCC elevated conical type reservoir of capacity 225 M3 (50000 gallons) shall be constructed in the first phase. WAPCOS Limited Page 32
Keramandir and its adjoining villages Rural Water Supply Scheme 25. Pumping Machinery Sl. no. i. Raw Water : Description Pump at Intake
Details of Pump and Motor for Centrifugal pump = 2 nos. i.e. 1(W) + 1 of head. H.P Pump and 22.5KW 415V3Ph. Motor. for Centrifugal Pump = 2 nos. (1(W) + 1(S))
conveyance of 0.50 MLD Raw Water in (S) capacity 17.50 Ltr./Sec. with 55Mtr. eight hours to W.T.P per day. ii. Clear Water Pump at W.T.P
transportation of clear water of 0.48 Capacity 16.67 ltr/sec. X 25.0 Mtr. head MLD in eight hours to E.S.R. for Pump and 7.50KW -415V-3Ph. Motor. distribution in eight hours of operation in a day.
Keramandir and its adjoining Mouzas Rural Water Supply Scheme under Drinking Water and Sanitation Circle, Saraikela, Jharkhand
Cost of Estimate
Sl. no. 1. 2. 3. 4. Description of Item Design, drawing and construction of Intake structure and Raw water Pump House at Barhamani River near the existing Intake of UCIL (L.S) Design, drawing and construction of Approach Road from Intake to Raw Water Pump House. Design, drawing providing and laying of Raw Water Rising Main from Intake cum Pump House to Water Treatment Plant (2500Mtr, 150mm dia D.I. (K-9) pipe a. Design, Supply, Construction, Installation and successful commissioning of 0.30MLD capacity Water Treatment Plant (W.T.P) including cost of Boundary wall in all complete. @ 1,25,00,000/- per MLD. b. Design, drawing and construction of Underground clear water reservoir (UGR) at WTP capacity of 30000Ltr. c. Construction of Duty Room d. Construction of Staff quarters e. Approach road within WTP Design, drawing, providing and laying of clear water Rising main from W.T.P. to one. ESR. Total = 100Mtr. 150mm dia DI(K9) Pipe Design, Drawing and Construction of Elevated Service Reservoir (ESR) one number capacity of 1,50,000 ltr. With 20 mtr. staging height including piping works Design, Drawing, Providing and laying distribution system Page 33 Total Cost in Rs. 45,00,000.00 1,00,000.00 21,25,000.00 37,50,000.00
5. 6. 7.
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including supply, fitting, fixing of valves and joints for, i) 200 mm dia DI (K7) Pipe =500mtr.@Rs. 1948=9,74,000 dia Mouzas (OD) UPVC Pipe Water = 2000mtr.@ Rs. Itagarh and ii) its 110mm adjoining Rural Supply Scheme Under District 388=7,76,000 SaraiKela of Jharkhand iii) 90 mm dia (OD) UPVC Pipe = 1500mtr.@ Rs. Cost Estimate for Electro- Mechanical Component of Works 303=4,54,500 SL. Water Rs. For Water Total for Each iv) Description 75 mm dia (OD) UPVC Pipe Raw = 1000mtr.@ No Pump House Treatment Scheme 245=2,45,000 (Rs. In Lakh.) at Intake (Rs. Plant 29,80,000.00 8. Cost Estimate for Electro- Mechanical Component of Works In Lakh.) (Rs. In Lakh.) 9. L.T Power service connection charge 1,00,000.00 HSC type Pump fitted with L.T (415V, 3Ph. 2.0 1.5 3.5 1. 10. Annual Operation & Maintenance charges 25,20,000.00 Motor) 2. Station Pipes, Valves & accessories 1.5 3.5 Total 2.0 2,67,05,000.00 3. Instruments & Gauges 0.8 1.5 2.3 Contingency @5% on total cost 13.35,250.00 4. H.O.T Crane 1.3 2.3 Grand Total 1.0 2,80,40,250.00 5. L.T MCC cum Starter Panel Board 1.2 1.5 2.7 6. Electrical Installation Works 4.5 6.0 10.5 7. Installation of Lightning Conductor at Intake 0.50 0.50 8. Pump House Other Electro- Mechanical Equipments of WTP (Flash Mixer, Flocculator-Agitator, Air Blower, Sludge Pumps etc,) Sub Total 9. 10. L.T Power service connection charge Annual Operation & Maintenance charges:i) Repair & Maintenance Charges for Civil Works other than Pipe Line @ 2% of Capital Cost ii) Repair & Maintenance Charges for Raw Water & Clear Water Rising Main & Distribution System @ 3% of Capital Cost iii) O & M Charges for Electro- Mechanical Equipments @ 5% of Capital Cost iv) Electricity Charges @ Rs. 25000/- Per Month Per Plant v) Cost of Lubricant, Chemical & Sundries for WTP Equipments @ Rs. 10000/- Per Month vi) Charges for Operation & Maintenance crews (2 nos. Operator, 1 no. Mechanic/ Electrician & 2 nos. Helpers for each Plant) @ 50000/- Per Month 11.8 0.50 18.0 0.50 29.80 1.0 4.30 1.20 1.50 5.0 1.2 4.5 4.5
Rupees Two Crore Eighty Lacs FortyThousand Two Hundred & Fifty only.
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