Material Safety Data Sheet: Cairox Potassium Permanganate

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CAIROX Potassium Permanganate

Section 1

Chemical Product and Company Identification

TRADE NAME: CAIROX potassium permanganate

PRODUCT NAME: CAIROX potassium permanganate, KMnO4 SYNONYMS: Permanganic acid potassium salt Chameleon mineral Condy's crystals Permanganate of potash MANUFACTURER'S NAME: CARUS CHEMICAL COMPANY MANUFACTURER'S ADDRESS: Carus Chemical Company 1500 Eighth Street P. O. Box 1500 LaSalle, IL 61301


AFTER HOURS NO. 815/223-1565 5:00 PM-8:00 AM Central Standard Time Monday-Friday, Weekends and Holidays CHEMTREC TELEPHONE NO.: 800/424-9300

Section 2
Material or component Potassium permanganate

Composition/Information on Ingredients
CAS No. 7722-64-7 % 97% min. KMnO4 Hazard Data PEL-C 5 mg Mn per cubic meter of air


0.2 mg Mn per cubic meter of air

Section 3

Hazards Identification

1. Eye Contact Potassium permanganate is damaging to eye tissue on contact. It may cause severe burns that result in damage to the eye. 2. Skin Contact Contact of solutions at room temperature may be irritating to the skin, leaving brown stains. Concentrated solutions at elevated temperature and crystals are damaging to the skin. 3. Inhalation Acute inhalation toxicity data are not available. However, airborne concentrations of potassium permanganate in the form of dust or mist may cause damage to the respiratory tract. 4. Ingestion Potassium permanganate, if swallowed, may cause severe burns to mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach.

Section 4

First Aid Measures

1. Eyes Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes holding lids apart to ensure flushing of the entire surface. Do not attempt to neutralize chemically. Seek medical attention immediately. Note to physician: Soluble decomposition products are alkaline. Insoluble decomposition product is brown manganese dioxide. 2. Skin Immediately wash contaminated areas with large amounts of water. Remove contaminated clothing and footwear. Wash clothing and decontaminate footwear before reuse. Seek medical attention immediately if irritation is severe or persistent. 3. Inhalation Remove person from contaminated area to fresh air. If breathing has stopped, resuscitate and administer oxygen if readily available. Seek medical attention immediately. 4. Ingestion Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. If person is conscious, give large quantities of water. Seek medical attention immediately.

Section 5
(less than 1 hour exposure)

Fire Fighting Measures

1 = 0 = 0 = OX =

Flammability Hazard Reactivity Hazard Special Hazard

Materials which under fire conditions would give off irritating combustion products. Materials which on the skin could cause irritation. Materials that will not burn. Materials which in themselves are normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and which are not reactive with water. Oxidizer

*National Fire Protection Association 704

Red Flammability 0 Blue Yellow Health Stability 1 0 White Special

FIRST RESPONDERS: Wear protective gloves, boots, goggles, and respirator. In case of fire, wear positive pressure breathing apparatus. Approach site of incident with caution. Use Emergency Response Guide NAERG 96 (RSPA P5800.7). Guide No. 140.


None Lower: Nonflammable Upper: Nonflammable

Use large quantities of water. Water will turn pink to purple if in contact with potassium permanganate. Dike to contain. Do not use dry chemicals, CO2, Halon or foams. If material is involved in fire, flood with water. Cool all affected containers with large quantities of water. Apply water from as far a distance as possible. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing.



Section 6

Accidental Release Measures

STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Clean up spills immediately by sweeping or shoveling up the material. Do not return spilled material to the original container. Transfer to a clean metal drum. EPA banned the land disposal of D001 ignitable waste oxidizers. These wastes must be deactivated by reduction. To clean floors, flush with abundant quantities of water into sewer, if permitted by Federal, State, and Local regulations. If not permitted, collect water and treat chemically (Section 13). PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS Personnel should wear protective clothing suitable for the task. Remove all ignition sources and incompatible materials before attempting clean-up.

Section 7

Handling and Storage

WORK/HYGENIC PRACTICES Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling potassium permanganate, and before eating or smoking. Wear proper protective equipment. Remove contaminated clothing. VENTILATION REQUIREMENTS Provide sufficient area or local exhaust to maintain exposure below the TLV-TWA. CONDITIONS FOR SAFE STORAGE Store in accordance with NFPA 430 requirements for Class II oxidizers. Protect containers from physical damage. Store in a cool, dry area in closed containers. Segregate from acids, peroxides, formaldehyde, and all combustible, organic or easily oxidizable materials including anti-freeze and hydraulic fluid.

Section 8

Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION In the case where overexposure may exist, the use of an approved NIOSH-MSHA dust respirator or an air supplied respirator is advised. Engineering or administrative controls should be implemented to control dust. EYE Faceshield, goggles, or safety glasses with side shields should be worn. Provide eye wash in working area. GLOVES Rubber or plastic gloves should be worn. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Normal work clothing covering arms and legs, and rubber or plastic apron should be worn.


Section 9

Physical and Chemical Properties

Dark purple solid with a metallic luster, odorless Not applicable Not applicable 6% at 20oC (68o F), and 20% at 65oC (149oF) Not volatile


EVAPORATION RATE (BUTYL ACETATE=1) Not applicable MELTING POINT OXIDIZING PROPERTIES SPECIFIC GRAVITY VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=1) Starts to decompose with evolution of oxygen (O2) at temperatures above 150o C (302oF). Once initiated, the decomposition is exothermic and self-sustaining. Strong oxidizer 2.7 @ 20oC (68o F) Not applicable

Section 10

Stability and Reactivity

STABILITY Under normal conditions, the material is stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID Contact with incompatible materials or heat (>150oC/302oF).

INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS Acids, peroxides, formaldehyde, anti-freeze, hydraulic fluids, and all combustible organic or readily oxidizable inorganic materials including metal powders. With hydrochloric acid, toxic chlorine gas is liberated. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS When involved in a fire, potassium permanganate may liberate corrosive fumes. CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION Material is not known to polymerize.

Section 11
Potassium permanganate:

Toxicological Information
Acute oral LD50(rat) = 780 mg/kg Male (14 days); 525 mg/kg Female (14 days) The fatal adult human dose by ingestion is estimated to be 10 grams. (Ref. Handbook of Poisoning: Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment, Twelfth Edition)

EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE 1. Acute Overexposure Irritating to body tissue with which it comes into contact. 2. Chronic Overexposure No known cases of chronic poisoning due to potassium permanganate have been reported. Prolonged exposure, usually over many years, to heavy concentrations of manganese oxides in the form of dust and fumes, may lead to chronic manganese poisoning, chiefly involving the central nervous system. 3. Carcinogenicity Potassium permanganate has not been classified as a carcinogen by OSHA, NTP, IARC. 4. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure Potassium permanganate will cause further irritation of tissue, open wounds, burns or mucous membranes. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances RTECS #SD6476000


Section 12
Entry to the Environment

Ecological Information

Potassium Permanganate has a low estimated lifetime in the environment, being readily converted by oxidizable materials to insoluble manganese dioxide (MnO 2). Bioconcentration Potential In non-reducing and non-acidic environments manganese dioxide (MnO2 ) is insoluble and has a very low bioaccumulative potential. Aquatic Toxicity Rainbow trout, 96 hour LC50 : 1.8 mg/L Bluegill sunfish, 96 hour LC50 : 2.3 mg/L

Section 13

Disposal Consideration

DEACTIVATION OF D001 IGNITABLE WASTE OXIDIZERS BY CHEMICAL REDUCTION Reduce potassium permanganate in aqueous solutions with sodium thiosulfate (Hypo), or sodium bisulfite or ferrous salt solution. The thiosulfite or ferrous salt may require some dilute sulfuric acid to promote rapid reduction. If acid was used, neutralize with sodium bicarbonate to neutral pH. Decant or filter, and mix the sludge with sodium carbonate and deposit in an approved landfill. Where permitted, the sludge can be drained into sewer with large quantities of water. Use caution when reacting chemicals. Contact Carus Chemical Company for additional recommendations.

Section 14

Transport Information

U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION: Proper Shipping Name: ID Number: Hazard Class: Division: Packing Group: 49 CFR 172.101 49 CFR 172.101 49 CFR 172.101 49 CFR 172.101 49 CFR 172.101 ................... Potassium Permanganate ................... UN 1490 ................... Oxidizer ................... 5.1 ................... II

Section 15

Regulatory Information

Listed in the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory Hazardous Substance Reportable Quantity: RQ - 100 lb 40 CFR 116.4; 40 CFR 302.4 40 CFR 261.21


Oxidizers such as potassium permanganate meet the criteria of ignitable waste.

SARA TITLE III Information Section 302 Extremely hazardous substance: Not listed Section 311/312 Hazard categories: Fire, acute and chronic toxicity Section 313 CAIROX potassium permanganate contains 97% Manganese Compound as part of the chemical structure (manganese compounds CAS Reg. No. N/A) and is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR 372.


Section 15

Regulatory Information (cont.)

Michigan Critical Materials Register: California Proposition 65: Massachusetts Substance List: Pennsylvania Hazard Substance List: Not listed Not listed 5 F8 E Listed Listed 2317603


Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL) Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EINECS)

Section 16

Other Information
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Mine Safety and Health Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration National Toxicology Program International Agency for Research on Cancer Toxic Substances Control Act Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit-OSHA Ceiling Exposure Limit Threshold Limit Value - Time Weighted Average (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)

Kenneth Krogulski May 2000

The information contained is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, data, safety standards and government regulations are subject to change; and the conditions of handling, use or misuse of the product are beyond our control. Carus Chemical Company makes no warranty, either express or implied including any warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Carus also disclaims all liability for reliance on the completeness or confirming accuracy of any information included herein. Users should satisfy themselves that they are aware of all current data relevant to their particular uses. CAIROX is registered trademark of Carus Corporation. Responsible Care is a service mark of the Chemical Manufacturers Association.

Rev. 5/ 00

Form # CX 1028

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