Pipeline Construction Procedure

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Any proposed natural gas facility is designed, constructed, tested, and operated at a minimum in accordance with all applicable requirements included in the DOT regulations in 49 CFR Part 192, Transportation of Natural Gas and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards, and other applicable federal and state regulations. These regulations are intended to ensure adequate protection for the public and to prevent natural gas pipeline accidents and failures. Among other design standards, Part 192 specifies pipeline material and qualification, minimum design requirements, and protection from internal, external, and atmospheric corrosion.

2.1 GENERAL PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES Before construction starts, engineering surveys are conducted of the ROW centerline and extra workspaces, and complete land or easement acquisition of private and state lands is finalized. If the necessary land rights or easements are not obtained through good faith negotiations with landowners and the project is approved by the FERC, the pipeline company could use the right of eminent domain granted it an easement under Section 7(h) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA). The pipeline company is still required to compensate the landowners for the ROW, as well as for any damages incurred during construction. The pipeline company generally pays the market price for the property. However, the level of compensation is determined by the court system according to state laws regarding eminent domain. Eminent domain is used only as a last resort, because the process can take up to 2 to 3 years (FERC 2007). The landowner normally is compensated a fair market value for a permanent easement, which typically allows the landowner continued use and enjoyment of the aboveground property, with some limitations. The limitations typically prohibit excavation as well as the placement of structures and trees within the easement to preserve safe access for maintenance equipment when necessary and allow for uninhibited aerial inspection of the pipeline system. The landowner is generally compensated at an amount lower than fair market value when the pipeline company needs only a temporary construction easement, since this land reverts back to the landowner after construction for full use and enjoyment without any restrictions, although ROW cleanup could continue for several years. Additionally, landowners are compensated for any damages or losses they may incur, such as the loss of crop revenues, as a result of construction across their property. Normally, they are compensated through several growing seasons. Overland pipeline construction in a rural environment generally would proceed as a moving assembly line, as summarized below. Typically, job-specific work crews would construct the facilities associated with the compressor stations.


Standard pipeline construction is composed of specific activities, including survey and staking of the ROW, clearing and grading, trenching, pipe stringing, bending, welding, lowering-in, backfilling, hydrostatic testing, tie-in, cleanup, and commissioning. In addition to standard pipeline construction methods, the pipeline company would use special construction techniques where warranted by site-specific conditions. These special techniques would be used when constructing across rugged terrain, waterbodies, wetlands, paved roads, highways, and railroads.

2.1.1 Permits Prior to construction, a proposed pipeline project must obtain numerous local, state, and federal permits and clearances. The permits address all natural resources land, air, water, vegetation, and wildlife as well as the interests of the general public. Requirements generally include: Local Building permits Road-crossing permits State Land (Erosion and Sedimentation Permit) Water (Hydrostatic Testwater Acquisition and Discharge Permit, Stormwater Discharge Permit) Stream and river crossings (State Environmental Agency) Cultural resources preservation (State Historic Preservation Office) Threatened and endangered species preservation (State Fish and Wildlife Agency) Air emissions (State Environmental Agency) Highway permits (Federal Highway Administration [FHWA]) Federal Wetlands preservation and crossings (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE]) Streams and rivers (USACE) Threatened and endangered species (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) Air emissions (EPA) Environmental resource reports Noise (FERC) Highway permits (FHWA) as well as private company owner permits (such as railroads)


Copies of all permits and permit applications are submitted to FERC prior to beginning construction, if required. 2.1.2 Survey and Staking The first step of construction involves marking the limits of the approved work area (i.e., construction ROW boundaries, additional temporary workspace areas) and flagging the locations of approved access roads and foreign utility lines. Wetland boundaries and other environmentally sensitive areas also are marked or fenced for protection at this time. Before the pipeline trench is excavated, a survey crew stakes the centerline of the proposed trench. 2.1.3 Clearing and Grading Before clearing and grading activities are conducted, the landowners fences (if any) are braced and cut, and temporary gates and fences are installed to contain livestock, if present. A clearing crew follows the fence crew and clears the work area of vegetation and obstacles (e.g., trees, logs, brush, rocks). Grading is conducted where necessary to provide a reasonably level work surface, as shown in Figure 2.1-1. Rootstock is left in the ground in areas where the ground is relatively flat and does not require grading. More extensive grading is required in steep side slopes, vertical areas, or wherever else necessary to avoid bending the pipeline excessively. 2.1.4 Trenching The trench is excavated to a depth that provides sufficient cover over the pipeline after backfilling. Typically, the trench is about 4 to 6 feet wide in stable soils and about 2 to 5 feet deep to the top of the pipe, depending on the pipelines diameter and DOT Class location. This depth allows for the required minimum of 30 to 36 inches of cover. Additional cover for the pipeline is provided at road and waterbody crossings, while less cover (a minimum of 18 inches) is required in rock. The trenching crew uses a wheel trencher or backhoe to dig the pipe trench (Figure 2.1-2).

FIGURE 2.1-1 Bulldozer Grading Pipeline ROW (Source: Photo courtesy of U.S. Pipeline, Inc. Reproduced with permission.)


FIGURE 2.1-2 Pipeline Trenching Operations (Source: Photo courtesy of U.S. Pipeline, Inc. Reproduced with permission.)

When rock or rocky formations are encountered, tractor-mounted mechanical rippers or rock trenchers are used to fracture the rock prior to excavation. In areas where mechanical equipment could not break up or loosen the bedrock, blasting is required. The contractor would be required to use explosives in accordance with state and federal guidelines to ensure a safe and controlled blast. Excavated rock would then be used to backfill the trench to the top of the existing bedrock profile. In areas where there is a need to separate topsoil from the subsoil, the topsoil is graded prior to trenching. The topsoil over the ditch line is segregated for the majority of the project (unless requested otherwise by the landowner). Clearing activity on the spoil side is limited to what is necessary for construction activity. Topsoil is stored in a pile that is separate from the subsoil to allow for proper restoration of the soil during the backfilling process. Spoil typically is deposited on the nonworking side of the ROW, and gaps are left between the spoil piles to prevent stormwater runoff from backing up or flooding. Topsoil is returned to its original ground level plus some mounding to account for soil subsidence after the subsoil is backfilled in the trench. As backfilling operations begin, the soil is returned to the trench in reverse order, with the subsoil put back first, followed by the topsoil. This process ensures that the topsoil is returned to its original position.

2.1.5 Pipe Stringing, Bending, and Welding Prior to or following trenching, sections of externally coated pipe up to 80 feet long (also referred to as joints) are transported to the ROW by truck over public road networks and along authorized private access roads and placed, or strung, along the trench in a continuous line.


After the pipe sections are strung along the trench and before joints are welded together, individual sections of the pipe would be bent where necessary to allow for fitting the pipeline uniformly with the varying contours of the bottom of the trench. Workers would use a trackmounted, hydraulic pipe-bending machine to shape the pipe to the contours of the terrain. The bending machine uses a series of clamps and hydraulic pressure to make a very smooth, controlled bend in the pipe (Figure 2.1-3). All bending must be performed in strict accordance with federally prescribed standards to ensure the integrity of the bend. When a section of pipe requires multiple or complex bends, that work is performed at the factory, or else pipeline fittings such as elbows are installed. Welding is the process that joins the various sections of pipe together into one continuous length. After the pipe sections are bent, the joints are welded together into long strings and placed on temporary supports. The pipe gang and a welding crew are responsible for the welding process. The pipe gang uses special pipeline equipment called side booms to pick up each joint of pipe, align it with the previous joint, and make the first part (a pass called the stringer bead) of the weld. Additional filler passes are made by welders who immediately follow the stringer bead on what is called the welding firing line. Stringer, hot-pass, and capping welders make up the firing line, and they are followed in certain locations by tie-in welders. (On difficult-fit welds, the welder sometimes also back-welds the pipe by welding the welds from the inside to assure the integrity of the weld.) The pipe gang then moves down the line to the next section and repeats the process. The welding crew follows the pipe stringing gang to complete each weld (Figure 2.1-4). In recent years, contractors have used semiautomatic welding units to move down a pipeline and complete the welding process. Semiautomatic welding must be completed to strict specifications and still requires qualified welders, and personnel are required to set up the equipment and hand-weld at connection points and crossings.

FIGURE 2.1-3 Pipe Bending Machine (Reproduced with permission.)


FIGURE 2.1-4 Pipeline Welding (Source: Photo courtesy of U.S. Pipeline, Inc. Reproduced with permission.)

As part of the quality assurance process, each welder must pass qualification tests to work on a particular pipeline job, and each weld procedure must be approved for use on that job in accordance with federally adopted welding standards. Welder qualification takes place before the project begins. Each welder must complete several welds using the same type of pipe as that to be used in the project. The welds are then evaluated by placing the welded material in a machine and measuring the force required to pull the weld apart. Interestingly, the weld has a greater tensile strength than the pipe itself. The pipe must break before the weld. One hundred percent of the welds undergo radiographic inspection (X-ray), as outlined in 49 CFR Part 192. A second quality assurance test ensures the quality of the ongoing welding operation on-site. In this test, qualified technicians take X-rays of the pipe welds to ensure that the completed welds meet federally prescribed quality standards. The X-ray technician processes the film in a small, portable darkroom at the site. If the technician detects any flaws, the weld is repaired or cut out, and a new weld is made. Another type of weld quality inspection employs ultrasonic technology. A protective epoxy coating or mastic is applied to the welded joints once the welds are approved. Line pipe receives an external coating, which inhibits corrosion by preventing moisture from coming into direct contact with the steel. This process is normally completed at the coating mill where the pipe is manufactured or at another coating plant location before it is delivered to the construction site. All coated pipes, however, have uncoated areas 3 to 6 inches from each end of the pipe to prevent the coating from interfering with the welding process. Once the welds are made, a coating crew coats the field joint, the area around the weld, before the pipeline is lowered into the ditch (Figure 2.1-5). Pipeline companies use several different types of coatings for field joints, the most common being fusion-bond epoxy, polyethylene heat-shrink sleeves, or heated mastic tape. Prior to application, the coating crew thoroughly cleans the bare pipe with a power wire brush or a sandblast machine to remove any dirt, mill scale, or debris. The crew then applies the coating and allows it to dry prior to lowering the pipe in the ditch. Before the pipe is lowered into the


FIGURE 2.1-5 Crew Coating a Pipeline Field Joint (Source: TAPS 2001)

trench, the coating of the entire pipeline is inspected to ensure it is free of defects. The pipeline is then electronically inspected, or jeeped, for faults or voids in the epoxy coating and visually inspected for faults, scratches, or other coating defects. Damage to the coating is repaired before the pipeline is lowered into the trench.

2.1.6 Lowering-in and Backfilling Before the pipeline is lowered into the trench, an environmental inspector inspects the trench to be sure it is free of livestock or wildlife that may have become trapped in the trench, as well as free of rocks and other debris that could damage the pipe or protective coating. At the end of the day after welding is completed, the pipe crew installs end caps (rubber expandable plugs) at the end of the pipeline to prevent debris and wildlife from entering the pipe. In areas where the trench had accumulated water since being dug, dewatering could be necessary to allow inspection of the bottom of the trench. The pipeline then is lowered into the trench. On sloped terrain, trench breakers (stacked sandbags or foam) are installed in the trench at specified intervals to prevent subsurface water movement along the pipeline. In rocky areas, the pipeline is protected with a rock shield (a fabric or screen that is wrapped around the pipe to protect it and its coating from damage by rocks, stones, roots, and other debris) or sand aggregate. In an alternative method, the trench bottom is filled with padding material (e.g., finer grain sand, soil, or gravel) to protect the pipeline. Topsoil is not used as padding material. Lowering the welded pipe into the trench demands the close coordination of skilled operators. By using a series of side-booms (tracked construction equipment with a boom on the side), operators simultaneously lift the pipe and carefully lower the welded sections into the trench. Nonmetallic slings protect the pipe and its coating as it is lifted and moved into position (Figure 2.1-6).


FIGURE 2.1-6 Crew Lowering a Pipeline into a Trench (Source: Photo courtesy of U.S. Pipeline, Inc. Reproduced with permission.)

The trench is then backfilled using the excavated material. As with previous construction crews, the backfilling crew takes care to protect the pipe and coating as the soil is returned to the trench. The soil is returned to the trench in reverse order, with the subsoil put back first, followed by the topsoil. The segregated topsoil is restored to its original grade and contour last by using either a backhoe or padding machine, depending on the soil makeup (Figure 2.1-7). In areas where the ground is rocky and coarse, crews will either screen the backfill material to remove rocks, bring in clean fill to cover the pipe, or cover the pipe with a material to protect it from sharp rocks. Once the pipe is sufficiently covered, the coarser soil and rock can be used to complete the backfill.

2.1.7 Hydrostatic Testing The pipeline is hydrostatically tested to ensure the system is capable of withstanding the operating pressure for which it was designed. This process involves isolating the pipe segment with test manifolds, filling the line with water, adding pressure to the section to a level commensurate with the maximum allowable operating pressure and class location, and then maintaining that pressure for a period of 8 hours. The hydrostatic test is conducted in accordance with 49 CFR Part 192. Depending on the location of the pipeline, the water used in a hydrostatic test is drawn from a local river, stream, or lake; taken from municipal supplies; or trucked to the site. Water for hydrostatic testing generally is obtained from surface water sources through specific agreements with landowners and in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. The pipeline is hydrostatically tested after completing the backfilling and all construction work that would directly affect the pipe. If leaks are found, the leaks are repaired and the section of pipe retested until specifications are met. Once a test section successfully passes the hydrostatic test, the water is emptied from the pipeline in accordance with state and federal requirements.


FIGURE 2.1-7 Trench Backfilling Operations (Source: TAPS 2007)

Water used for the test is then transferred to another pipe section for subsequent hydrostatic testing or analyzed to ensure compliance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System discharge permit requirements; if necessary, it is treated and discharged.

2.1.8 Final Tie-in Following successful hydrostatic testing, test manifolds are removed and the final pipeline tie-ins are made and inspected.

2.1.9 Commissioning After final tie-ins are complete and inspected, the pipeline is cleaned and dried by using mechanical tools (pigs) that are moved through the pipeline containing pressurized dry air. The pipeline is dried to minimize the potential for internal corrosion. Once the pipe has dried sufficiently, pipeline commissioning commences. Commissioning activities involve verifying that the equipment has been properly installed and is working, that controls and communications systems are functional, and that the pipeline is ready for service. In the final step, the pipeline is prepared for service by purging the line of air and loading the line with natural gas; in some cases, the gas is blended at the distribution end until achieving a certain moisture content level.

2.1.10 Cleanup and Restoration After backfilling, final cleanup begins as soon as weather and site conditions permit. Trash and construction debris are cleaned up both during and after construction. Every reasonable effort is made to complete final cleanup (including final grading and the installation of erosion control devices) within 20 days after backfilling the trench. Construction debris is cleaned up and taken to a disposal facility, and work areas are final-graded. The crews restore the work areas to preconstruction contours, unless the landowner or land management agency directs otherwise. Appropriately spaced breaks are left in the mounded topsoil and spoil piles to prevent


interference with groundwater runoff and irrigation. Segregated topsoil is spread over the surface of the ROW, and permanent erosion controls are installed. The restoration crew carefully grades the ROW and, in hilly areas, installs erosionprevention measures such as interceptor dikes, which are small earthen mounds constructed across the ROW to divert water. The restoration crew also installs riprap, which consists of stones or timbers, along streams and wetlands to stabilize soils. After permanent erosion control devices are installed and final grading has been completed, all disturbed work areas are attended to as soon as possible. For instance, reseeding takes place to stabilize the soil, improve the appearance of the area disturbed by construction, and, in some cases, restore native flora. The timing of the reseeding efforts depends on weather and soil conditions and is subject to the prescribed dates and seed mixes specified by the landowner or land management agency or on the basis of other recommendations. Access along the ROW is restricted by using gates or other barriers to minimize unauthorized entry by all-terrain vehicles. Pipeline markers are installed at fence, waterway, and road crossings to show the location of the pipeline. Markers identify the owner of the pipeline and provide emergency information. Special markers are also installed to provide information and guidance to aerial patrol pilots. Construction crews are typically on-site for about 6 to 12 weeks, and a typical crew installs 1 mi of pipe per day. Table 2.1-1 provides a breakdown of the composition of a typical workforce during pipeline construction. Direct emissions result from the construction of pipeline segments, although construction impacts are usually temporary and transient, and the short-term exposure levels are considered minimal. The emissions from pipeline construction are generally similar along any section of the pipeline route. These emissions include exhaust from the construction equipment and vehicle engines and fugitive dust from the disturbed areas along the ROW. Table 2.1-2 provides a

TABLE 2.1-1 Percent Breakdown of a Typical Pipeline Construction Workforce

Labor Category Pipe fitters and welders Equipment operators Truck drivers Laborers (including welders helpers) Supervisory Others (construction inspectors, camp and catering, electricians, iron workers, etc.) Source: BLS (2006).

Percent of Total 6 27 29 18 6 13

27 TABLE 2.1-2 Typical Emissions from the Construction of a Pipeline Segment

Pollutant Emissions (pounds [lb]/day) Type of Construction Equipment Diesel track-type tractors Diesel wheel-type tractors Fugitive dust from disturbed acreage Heavy-duty diesel vehicles Heavy-duty gasoline vehicles Light-duty diesel trucks Light-duty gasoline trucks Light-duty gasoline vehicles Miscellaneous equipmentgasoline Miscellaneous equipmentdiesel Total

CO 233.7 396.7 51.6 7,058.0 62.6 540.4 33.3 10.1 437.9 NA 8,824.3

HC 81.6 20.8 11.6 237.2 24.7 44.8 18.3 1.8 55.0 NA 495.8

NOx 849.5 140.2 129.4 170.8 90.4 20.1 29.8 1.8 29.8 NA 1,461.8

SO2 32.8 3.5 3.9 3.3 4.2 NAa 3.7 NA NA NA 51.4

TSP 30.1 6.0 4.2 4.3 3.4 0.2 3.7 <0.1 0.1 773.0 825.1

NA = not applicable.

Source: EPA (2000).

summary of the construction emissions inventory for the construction of a typical pipeline segment. Carbon monoxide emissions are emitted in the largest quantities during construction, followed by nitrogen oxides (NOx), total suspended particulate (TSP), hydrocarbon (HC), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions (EPA 2000). It is not possible to estimate the amount of water needed for pipeline hydrotesting purposes, because the volume is dependent on the location of shut-off valves and other features. The amount of water needed for pipeline hydrotesting, however, may be on the order of millions of gallons (gal) (FERC 2005b). Typical fuels, lubricants, and hazardous materials stored or used during construction are as follows (FERC 2005b). Diesel and gasoline: pipeline contractors yard/bulk (tank trailer) containers (10,000 gal); Hydraulic oil and engine oil: pipeline contractors yard/bulk (drum) and individual (quart, gallon, and 5-gal) containers (100 gal); Lithium grease: pipeline contractors yard/bulk (5 gal) and individual (tube) containers (200 lb);


Antifreeze: contractors/pipeline companys yard/bulk (drum) and individual (gallon) containers (60 gal); Drilling mud (volume is highly site-specific).

It should be noted that the fuels and lubricants listed above are generally contained on a fuel truck that services the construction equipment along the ROW. A typical fuel truck has the storage capacity for 2,000 gal of fuel, 55 gal each of hydraulic and engine oil, 50 lb of lithium grease, and 55 gal of antifreeze mix. Off-site pipe and equipment yards are needed during pipeline construction for the temporary storage of pipe joints, mainline valves, etc. The contractor also uses these yards to stage personnel, equipment, new pipe, and other materials necessary for construction of the facilities, and the yards could include contractor trailers, construction equipment, fuel/lubricants, and parking areas. The yards typically consist of warehouses or open lots located in areas of existing commercial or industrial use and typically range in size from 5 to 15 acres (FERC 2005a). All yards are leased from willing landowners and, upon completion of construction activities, are returned to their preconstruction condition and prior use.

2.2 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES In addition to standard pipeline construction methods, special construction techniques are used when warranted by site-specific conditions, such as when constructing across paved roads, highways, railroads, steep terrain, waterbodies, and wetlands, and when blasting through rock. The techniques are described below. Additional construction areas, or temporary extra workspaces, are required for construction at road crossings, railroad crossings, crossings of existing pipelines and utilities, stringing truck turnaround areas, wetland crossings, horizontal directional drilling (HDD) entrance and exit pits, and open-cut waterbody crossings. These extra workspaces are located adjacent to the construction ROW and could be used for such purposes as spoil storage, staging, equipment movement, material stockpiles, and pull-string assembly associated with HDD installation. Individual extra workspaces would range in size from less than 0.1 to 2 acres and would be returned to their preconstruction condition and former use following completion of construction activities.

2.2.1 Road, Highway, and Railroad Crossings Construction across paved roads, highways, and railroads would be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate road and railroad crossing permits and approvals obtained by the pipeline company. In general, major paved roads, highways, and railroads are crossed by boring beneath the road or railroad. Boring requires excavating a pit on each side of the feature, placing the boring equipment in the pit, and then boring a hole under the road at least equal to the diameter of the pipe. Once the hole is bored, a prefabricated pipe


section is pushed through the borehole that would consist of either extra-heavy wall-thickness carrier pipe or two pipes consisting of an outer casing pipe and the inner carrier pipe. For long crossings, sections could be welded onto the pipe string just before being pushed through the borehole. Boring activities would result in minimal or no disruption to traffic at road, highway, or railroad crossings. Each boring project is expected to take 2 to 10 days. Operations typically are conducted 24 hours per day, 7 days per week until the boring is completed. Most smaller unpaved roads and driveways are crossed using the open-cut method where permitted by local authorities or private owners. The open-cut method requires temporarily closing the road to traffic and establishing detours. In instances where a reasonable detour is not feasible, at least one lane of traffic is kept open except during brief periods when it is essential to close the road to install the pipeline. Most open-cut road-crossing construction projects (including road resurfacing) take some weeks to complete, depending on soil settlement after compaction. (In general, most pipeline companies prefer to wait several weeks before final resurfacing.) Posting signs at open-cut road crossings and other measures are undertaken to help ensure safety and minimize traffic disruptions.

2.2.2 Steep Terrain Additional grading may be required in areas where the proposed pipeline route crosses steep slopes. Steep slopes often need to be graded down to a gentler slope to accommodate pipebending limitations. In such areas, the slopes are cut away and, after the pipeline is installed, reconstructed to their original contours during restoration. In areas where the proposed pipeline route crosses laterally along the side of a slope, cut-and-fill grading may be required to obtain a safe, flat, work terrace. Generally, on steep side slopes, soil from the high side of the ROW is excavated and moved to the low side of the ROW to create a safe and level work terrace. Under these circumstances, the topsoil is stripped from the entire width of the ROW. After the pipeline is installed, the soil from the low side of the ROW is returned to the high side, the topsoil is replaced, and the slopes original contours are restored. In steep terrain, temporary sediment barriers such as silt fences and certified weed-free straw bales are installed during clearing to prevent the movement of disturbed soil off the ROW. Temporary slope breakers that consist of mounded and compacted soil are installed across the ROW during grading, and permanent slope breakers are installed during cleanup. Following construction, seed is applied to steep slopes, and the ROW is mulched with certified weed-free hay or nonbrittle straw or is covered with erosion-control fabric. Sediment barriers are maintained across the ROW until permanent vegetation is established.

2.2.3 Waterbody Crossings The generally preferred method of crossing a waterbody that is flowing at the time of construction is HDD compared to the open-cut method, since HDDs decreasing cost and lack of


environmental impact are making it more popular. The open-cut crossing method involves trenching through the waterbody while water continues to flow through the trenching area. If no water is flowing at the time of construction, the waterbody is crossed using conventional upland cross-country construction techniques. The open-cut crossing method involves excavating a trench across the bottom of the river or stream to be crossed with the pipeline. Depending on the depth of the water, the construction equipment may have to be placed on barges or other floating platforms to complete excavation of the pipe trench. If the water is shallow enough, the contractor can divert the water flow with dams and flume pipe, which can allow backhoes working from the banks or the streambed to dig the trench. The contractor prepares the pipe for the crossing by stringing it out on one side of the stream or river and then welding, coating, and hydrostatically testing the entire pipe segment. Sidebooms carry the pipe segment into the stream bed just as they do for construction on land, or the construction crew floats the pipe into the river with flotation devices and positions it for being buried in the trench. Concrete weights or concrete coating ensure that the pipe will stay in position at the bottom of the trench once the contractor removes the flotation devices (Figure 2.2-1). The flume, dam-and-pump, and HDD methods also could be considered as alternative crossing methods. The flume crossing method involves diverting the flow of water across the trenching area through one or more flume pipes placed in the waterbody. The dam-and-pump method is similar to the flume method except that pumps and hoses are used instead of flumes to move water around the construction work area (Figure 2.2-2). The HDD method involves drilling a hole under the waterbody and installing a prefabricated segment of pipe through the hole. Before a directional drill is designed, core samples are taken on both sides of the crossing to evaluate the underground rock and sand formations. If the subsurface will support a directional drill, the engineer can design a crossing that establishes the entry and exit points of the pipeline crossing and its profile as it would traverse under the crossing. The HDD method involves drilling a pilot hole under the waterbody and banks and then enlarging the hole through successive reamings until the hole is large enough to accommodate a prefabricated segment of pipe. Throughout the process of drilling and enlarging the hole, a slurry made of nontoxic fluids (e.g., bentonite and water) is circulated through the drilling tools to lubricate the drill bit, remove drill cuttings, and keep the hole open. This slurry is referred to as drilling mud. While this drilling is in progress, the line pipe sections are strung out on the far side of the crossing for welding. Once welded, the joints are X-rayed, coated, hydrostatically tested, and then placed on rollers or padded skids in preparation for being pulled through the drilled-out hole.


FIGURE 2.2-1 Typical Open-Cut Waterbody Crossing Method (Source: FERC 2006a)


FIGURE 2.2-2 Typical Dam-and-Pump Waterbody Crossing Method (Source: FERC 2006a)


Once the drilling operation is complete, the cutting head is removed and the drill string is attached to the welded pipeline segment. The crew uses the drilling rig, winches, or dozers to pull the pipeline segment through the drilled hole, where it is then connected into the pipeline on both ends. Once the hole is bored, a prefabricated pipe section is pushed through the borehole that consists of either extra-heavy wall-thickness carrier pipe or two pipes consisting of an outer casing pipe and the inner carrier pipe. Ideally, there are no impacts on the banks, bed, or water quality of the waterbody being crossed by using the HDD method. Figure 2.2-3 shows an HDD waterbody crossing in process, and Figure 2.2-4 shows a conceptual plan for an HDD crossing.

FIGURE 2.2-3 Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Operation (Source: Photo courtesy of U.S. Pipeline, Inc. Reproduced with permission.)

FIGURE 2.2-4 Typical HDD Waterbody Crossing Method (Source: FERC 2006a)


Regardless of which crossing method is used, additional temporary workspace areas are required on both sides of all waterbodies to stage construction, fabricate the pipeline, and store materials. For most crossings, these workspaces are located at least 50 feet away from the waters edge, except where the adjacent upland consists of actively cultivated or rotated cropland or other disturbed land. Before construction, temporary bridges (e.g., clean rock fill over culverts, timber mats supported by flumes, railcar flatbeds, flexi-float apparatus) are installed across all perennial waterbodies to allow construction equipment to cross. Construction equipment must cross by using the bridges, with the exception of the clearing crew, which is allowed one pass through the waterbodies before the bridges are installed.

2.2.4 Wetland Crossings Pipeline construction across wetlands is similar to typical conventional upland crosscountry construction procedures, with several modifications and limitations to reduce the potential for pipeline construction to affect wetland hydrology and soil structure. Another option is to employ HDD methods for crossing the wetlands (as discussed in previous paragraphs). In one technique, crews place large timber mats ahead of the construction equipment to provide a stable working platform. The timber mats act much like snowshoes, spreading the weight of the construction equipment over a broad area. The mats make it possible to operate the heavy equipment on the unstable soils. Typically, a 75-foot-wide construction ROW is maintained through wetlands. Additional temporary workspace areas are required on both sides of wetlands to stage construction, fabricate the pipeline, and store materials. These additional temporary workspace areas are located in upland areas a minimum of 50 feet from the wetland edge (Figure 2.2-5). Construction equipment used while working in wetlands are limited to only those pieces of equipment that are essential for clearing the ROW, excavating the trench, fabricating and installing the pipeline, backfilling the trench, and restoring the ROW. In areas where there is no reasonable access to the ROW except through wetlands, nonessential equipment is allowed to travel through wetlands only if the ground is firm enough or has been stabilized to avoid rutting. Otherwise, nonessential equipment is allowed to travel through wetlands only once. Vegetation clearing in wetlands is limited to trees and shrubs, which are cut flush with the surface of the ground and removed from the wetland area. Stump removal, grading, topsoil segregation, and excavation are limited to the area immediately above the trenchline to avoid excessive disruption to wetland soils and the native seed and root stock within the wetland soils. A limited amount of stump removal and grading could be conducted in other areas where there may be safety-related concerns. During clearing, sediment barriers such as silt fences and staked, certified weed-free straw bales are installed and maintained adjacent to wetlands and within additional temporary workspace areas as necessary to minimize the potential for sediment runoff. Sediment barriers


FIGURE 2.2-5 Typical Pipeline ROW in Wetlands (Source: FERC 2006a)


also are installed across the full width of the construction ROW at the base of slopes adjacent to wetland boundaries. The silt fence and/or certified weed-free straw bales installed across the working side of the ROW are removed during the day when vehicle traffic is present and replaced each night. Alternatively, drivable berms can be installed and maintained across the ROW in lieu of the silt fence or certified weed-free straw bales. Sediment barriers also are installed within wetlands along the edge of the ROW where necessary to minimize the potential for sediment to run off the construction ROW and into wetland areas located outside the work area. The method of pipeline construction used in wetlands depends largely on the stability of the soils at the time of construction. For instance, if wetland soils are not excessively saturated at the time of construction and can support construction equipment on equipment mats, timber riprap, or certified weed-free straw mats, then construction occurs in a manner similar to conventional upland cross-country construction techniques. In unsaturated wetlands, topsoil from the trenchline is stripped and stored separately from the subsoil. Topsoil segregation generally is not possible in saturated soils. Where wetland soils are saturated and/or inundated, the pipeline can be installed using the push-pull technique, which involves stringing and welding the pipeline outside of the wetland area and excavating and backfilling the trench using a backhoe supported by equipment mats or timber riprap. The prefabricated pipeline is installed in the wetland area by equipping it with buoys and pushing or pulling it across the water-filled trench. After the pipeline is floated into place, the floats are removed and the pipeline sinks into place. Most pipe installed in saturated wetlands is coated with concrete or equipped with set-on weights to provide negative buoyancy (Figure 2.2-6). Because there is little or no grading when constructing in wetlands, restoration of contours is accomplished during backfilling. Prior to backfilling, trench breakers are installed

FIGURE 2.2-6 Pipeline for Wetland Installation Encased in Concrete to Counteract Positive Buoyancy (Source: Photo courtesy of U.S. Pipeline, Inc. Reproduced with permission.)


where necessary to prevent the subsurface drainage of water from wetlands. In areas where topsoil has been segregated from subsoil, the subsoil is backfilled first, followed by the topsoil. Topsoil is replaced to the original ground level, leaving no crown over the trenchline. In some areas where wetlands overlie rocky soils, the pipe is padded with rock-free soil or sand before backfilling with native bedrock and soil. Equipment mats, timber riprap, gravel fill, geotextile fabric, and/or certified weed-free straw mats are removed from wetlands following backfilling. In areas where wetlands are located at the base of slopes, permanent slope breakers are constructed across the ROW in upland areas adjacent to the wetland boundary. Temporary sediment barriers are installed where necessary until revegetation of adjacent upland areas is successful. Once revegetation is successful, sediment barriers are removed from the ROW and disposed of properly. In wetlands where no standing water is present, the construction ROW is seeded in accordance with the recommendations of the local soil conservation authorities. Lime, mulch, and fertilizer are not used in wetlands.

2.2.5 Blasting Strict safety precautions are followed if blasting is required to clear the ROW and fracture the ditch. Extreme care is exercised to avoid damage to underground structures, cables, conduits, pipelines, and underground watercourses or springs. Adjacent landowners or tenants are provided adequate notice in advance of blasting so they can protect their property and livestock. Blasting activity is performed during daylight hours and in compliance with federal, state, and local codes and ordinances and manufacturers prescribed safety procedures and industry practices. Blasting does not typically occur in streams except in areas where hard rock is encountered and HDD is not economical. After blasting, the remnants typically are removed by backhoes or similar construction equipment.

2.2.6 Fences and Grazing Grazing permittees are contacted prior to the start of construction and reclamation on their allotments. If gaps in natural barriers used for livestock control are created by the pipeline construction, the gaps are fenced according to the landowners or land management agencys requirements. Any openings in the fenceline are temporarily closed when construction crews leave the area, to prevent livestock from passing through the construction area. In addition, a minimum of 10 feet of undisturbed area is maintained whenever possible in areas where the pipeline runs parallel to a fenceline. All existing improvements, such as fences, gates, irrigation ditches, cattle guards, and reservoirs, are maintained during construction and repaired to preconstruction conditions or better.

2.2.7 Rugged Topography It is possible that some portions of a proposed pipeline route would traverse areas containing side slopes and rolling terrain that could require the two-tone construction


technique to provide for safe working conditions. In the two-tone construction technique, the uphill side of the construction ROW is cut during grading. The material removed from the cut is used to fill the downhill side of the construction ROW to provide a safe and level surface from which to operate heavy equipment. The pipeline trench is then excavated along the newly graded ROW. Figure 2.2-7 provides a typical cross section of the two-tone construction technique. The two-tone construction technique usually requires extra workspace areas to accommodate the additional volumes of fill material generated by using this technique. Following pipeline installation and backfill of the trench, excavated material is placed back in the cut and compacted to restore the approximate original contours. All disturbed areas are then stabilized.

FIGURE 2.2-7 Typical Two-Tone Construction ROW (Source: FERC 2006b)


2.2.8 Construction Immediately Adjacent to Other Pipelines The company that owns the existing pipeline must be notified according to state law before construction begins in the vicinity of its facilities. This notification shall be made through the appropriate states One-Call notification service, but follow-up contact must be made to the existing pipelines company to seek approval for the proposed construction. Workers must use hand tools to dig approved excavations above, below, or within 3 feet of either side of the pipeline. No construction or excavation activities of any kind, including blasting, shall be carried out on an existing pipelines ROW before its personnel have established the actual locations of all affected facilities and the limits of the ROW. Personnel from the existing pipeline company would be present during any construction or excavation activities. The existing pipelines owner may require heavy-equipment operators to install mats, dirt pads, or other approved protective materials to adequately protect its pipeline from potential damage by heavy equipment crossing the ROW. The existing pipelines personnel would evaluate all proposed road crossings of buried facilities. Any additional overburden would be removed after construction unless directed otherwise by the existing pipelines owner. Figure 2.2-8 illustrates one potential construction ROW where the proposed pipeline is located parallel to an existing pipeline (FERC 2005a). Any blasting proposed within 300 feet of existing pipeline facilities is submitted to the attention of the existing pipelines owner in advance, along with a blasting plan outlining the proposed activity. No blasting can begin until the existing pipelines owner provides written confirmation that it does not object to such blasting. Any modifications to the blasting plan are also submitted to the existing pipelines owner for review and are not implemented unless the owner provides written confirmation that it does not object to such modifications. The blasting contractor may be required to monitor and record seismic shock at the existing facilities. Any directional drilling or boring proposed under an existing pipelines buried facilities must be submitted to the existing pipeline company for review and approval. Adequate clearance must be maintained from the existing facilities, and additional excavations may be required to ensure adequate clearance. As-built plans are required for all borings. The existing pipeline company must be notified of any construction or excavation proposed to occur within 300 feet in any direction of a natural gas storage well. For safety, the existing pipeline company reserves the right to object to any such proposed activities or the placement of objects closer than 300 feet to a storage wellhead. Any proposed pipeline is constructed 40 feet from the existing pipelines wherever possible. In locations where this is not feasible, the new pipeline is located within 20 feet or less of one or both of the existing pipelines, generally between the two existing pipelines. The pipeline company must contact the operator of the existing pipeline to restrict flows or reduce pressure in the existing pipeline during construction periods to allow heavy equipment to work


FIGURE 2.2-8 Typical Construction ROW When Adjacent to Existing Pipeline (FERC 2005a)

over the existing line. Spoil from the ditch is cast away from the existing pipeline, and no equipment will move back and forth over that particular pipeline. Once construction is completed, flows and/or pressures in the existing pipeline can resume at normal levels.

2.3 ABOVEGROUND FACILITY CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES The aboveground facilities are constructed concurrent with pipeline installation, but construction is conducted by special fabrication crews that generally work separately from the pipeline construction spreads.

2.3.1 Compressor Stations Construction of the compressor stations involves clearing, grading, and compacting the sites to the surveyed elevations where necessary for placement of concrete foundations for buildings and to support skid-mounted equipment. Prefabricated segments of pipe, valves, fittings, and flanges are welded at the shop or on-site and assembled at the compressor station site. The compressor units and other large equipment are mounted on their respective


foundations, and the equipment is micro-leveled to reduce vibration; then the compressor enclosures are erected around them. Noise-abatement equipment (including sound-attenuating enclosures around the turbines, exhaust stack silencers, and air inlet silencers) and emission control technology are installed as needed to meet applicable federal, state, and/or local standards. Electrical, domestic water and septic, and communications utilities are installed as necessary. Facility piping, both above and below ground, are installed and hydrostatically tested before being placed into service. Controls and safety devices such as the emergency shutdown system, relief valves, gas and fire detection facilities, and other protection and safety devices are also checked and tested. Upon completion of construction, all disturbed areas associated with the aboveground facilities are finish-graded and seeded or covered with gravel, as appropriate. All roads and parking areas are graveled. Additionally, the compressor station sites are fenced for security and protection. Somewhat less than 100 workers and five inspectors are required to construct a typical compressor station. Initial site preparation typically takes approximately 16 to 20 weeks, while actual installation requires more than 6 months. The lead time needed to purchase some equipment, such as compressors, is more than 1 year. Direct emissions would result from the construction of a natural gas compressor station, although construction impacts are expected to be temporary and transient, and the short-term exposure levels are considered minimal. These emissions include exhaust from the construction equipment and vehicle engines and fugitive dust from the disturbed areas along the ROW. Table 2.3-1 provides a summary of the emissions inventory for the construction of a typical compressor station. Carbon monoxide emissions are emitted in the largest quantities during construction, followed by TSP, NOx, HC, and SO2 emissions.
TABLE 2.3-1 Typical Emissions from the Construction of a Natural Gas Compressor Station

Pollutant Emissions (lb/day) Type of Construction Equipment Track-type diesel tractors Wheel-type diesel tractors Misc. equipmentgasoline Heavy-duty diesel vehicles Light-duty gasoline trucks Fugitive dust from disturbed acreage Total

CO 23.5 30.5 556.6 4.7 16.8 NAa 632.1

HC 8.2 1.6 18.2 1.9 2.1 NA 32.0

NOx 85.7 10.8 13.5 6.8 1.2 NA 118.0

SO2 3.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 NA NA 4.2

TSP 3.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 <0.1 155.6 159.8

NA = not applicable.


Relatively small amounts of water (on the order of 300,000 gal) are needed to meet the hydrotesting requirements of the compressor station and associated piping (FERC 2005b).

2.3.2 Meter Stations, Valves, and Pig Launcher/Receiver Facilities Construction of meter and regulator stations, mainline valves, and pig launcher/receiver facilities that are not colocated with the compressor stations are generally similar to that described above for compressor station sites, and entail site clearing and grading, installation and erection of facilities, hydrostatic pressure testing, cleanup and stabilization, and installation of security fencing around the facilities. However, construction is usually completed in 1 to 3 months. Mainline valve sites consist of a 40-foot by 40-foot fenced area installed within the confines of the permanent pipeline ROW. Thus, construction and operation of those facilities do not require additional land beyond that already noted for the permanent pipeline ROW. Relatively small amounts of water (on the order of 100,000 gal) are needed to meet the hydrotesting requirements of the meter station and associated piping (FERC 2005b). On small sections of pipe, air or nitrogen may be used for hydrotesting purposes.

2.3.3 Telecommunications Towers Tower construction involves erecting a 40-foot-tall, three-leg communications tower with associated microwave parabolic dish antennas, as well as a self-contained 11-foot by 21-foot by 9-foot-tall concrete communications building on a simple slab foundation within a 40-foot by 60-foot (0.06-acre) area. A propane tank is typically installed on the site to supply fuel to a backup emergency generator located inside the building. The 40-foot by 60-foot area is graveled and fenced.

2.3.4 Corrosion Protection and Detection Systems Corrosion in pipelines is a common phenomenon, and must be controlled effectively to prevent pipeline leaks or structural problems. Although modern pipes are constructed of highquality steel, this material will nevertheless corrode over time. Corrosion occurs when an electrical current flows naturally from a pipe into the surrounding soil, causing metal loss, or corrosion. One way to impede this process is to insulate the metal from the soil, which occurs when the pipe is coated in the manufacturing process. The coating is rechecked at the construction site using a detector that looks for imperfections or gouges that could occur during transportation. A new coating is then applied at the welded joints between pipe sections by sandblasting the weld and then applying the new coat.

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