Plus Minus
Plus Minus
Plus Minus
table of contents
Letters to the Editor Deaths Editaurus Using Diet and Positive Thinking To Cure Your STD (De)constructive Criticisms Magnet Personal Ad Plus/Minus Lists Letter Concerning the Religious Plus Sign Slash PSA Transcript of Keynote Address at the Association of Plus-Sized Models Annual Conference Guide to Pregnancy Test Symbology New Math Symbols Center Spread: New Product Additives More or Less The Pros and Cons of Being Imaginary John Maddens Turduckin Cookin More Plus/Minus Lists Dan Brown Excerpt Remember When They Discovered 2+2=4? Jazz Album Bonus Tracks Miscellaneous Thoughts Binary Word Search The Rise and Fall of the Single A Battery
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12-13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24
Sponsored in part by the Arts Initiative at Columbia University. This funding is made possible through a generous gift from The Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
- The oft-forgotten Transformer and younger brother of Megatron committed robosuicide by autorobotic asphyxiation on Friday. At a young age, Negatron was absorbed into a life of robot gang warfare. He could not go outside without worrying about an Autobot fly-by. The continuous threat of an Autobot attack wore down his robopsyche and he soon developed addictions to WD40 and Pennzoil. But Negatrons drug habit did not come without consequences. Following in his brothers footsteps, Negatron garnered an arrest record for Energon and motor oil trafficking. After serving his sentence as a prison septic tank, Negatron returned home only to find his girlfriend, Slutatron, in bed with his brother. Abandoned by his friends and family, Negatron yearned to escape the roboghetto and to obtain a degree in robopharmacology. But everyone scoffed at his robodreams saying, Nega, you a damn fool! Unable to deal with the robopressures of his sorry roboexistence, he took his own robolife. John Davidson, 52 - Salesman and family man. Aurthur Miller, you sick fuck - how many more must die to appease your bloodlust? Merrey Marburg, 26 - Committed suicide after discovering evidence that he was just another Madlib alias. Samwise Gamgee, 45 - Frodo shared needles with Gollum. Smeagols precious aint so pure. Alvin Applebaum, 78 - Beloved husband, father, and grandfather. Only beloved by his pet dog, Salazar von Puppytown.
Negatron, 3582
Dear Jester Overlords, Ye bastards spelt my name wrong on the last issue..and Im on the editorial staff. Please, do be so kind as to remove the obtrusive t in Gurevitch. My name is Gurevich, not Gurevitch. I strongly dislike my surname being associated with the damn scabies! I warn you, do not cross me. I have unearthed the Jesters deepest, darkest, most sexually depraved secrets and am not afraid to unleash them. Appease me and ye shall be spared. Cross meand may the gods have mercy on you. -EG Ms. Gurevich: Wee hum-blee uh-pol-uh-jahyz for ou-er spell-ing mis-take. Wee own-lee spell fo-net-ic-lee. -Jes-ter I have advised you to not listen to this filthy Slav and her crazy spelling conventions. The GOST transliteration orthopraxy has none of the noble charm of Francophonic Romanization. Her name is properly spelled Ghourevitch and you should hold her to this, no matter the jenkem addictions and decimal fetishes she may uncover.
-Niall OFlanagan
Niall: Weve already apologized. But... duly noted. -Jester Jester Pigs: Ill have you know that if I catch H1N1 from your glossy swine rag, I will have your asses fried in bacon fat. Symptoms of my wrath include persistent coughing, itchy redness, and horrible, horrible death.
-Germaphobic reader
Jester, my home: I hear you slighted a nice girl out of her own name... and within my domain! How dare you. As you know, I stand for accuracy and justice. Although I may stand to the left, this does not make me a leftist, socialist, or Scientologist. I just read the names as they are provided. If theres an error, it isnt my fault. Dont go passing the blame on me.
-Your Masthead
Porky: Ill have you know that Jester magazines have never been used as a vector of swine flu. One case of jaundice may have been caused by a previous issue, but a pending lawsuit prevents me from validating the truth of that statement. -Jester
Yo Head: Youre right there... about four inches from here. You had to write? Seriously, just yell it out, we aint deaf. -Jester
Jester of Columbia
Adam Nover
A +/- Sermon
Dearest reader,
SO, IF a man who is uncircumcised keeps the precepts of the law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? Romans 2:26 Right now I want yall to touch what God gave you. Down there, thats right. Yeah, Im talkin bout your specials. Come on, dont be shy now. Feel it up. Caress it up. Go ahead, I say STROKE IT UP. There. That felt good, now, didnt it? Aint no reason to be ashamed. What youre feelin is youGods fleshy sculpture. And what a mighty fine sculpture it is. Folks, weve all got our own distinct sculptures. About half of us have pistols on our statues and the other half holsters. Of the pistols, some are robust, others delicate. Of the holsters, some are taut, others slack. But they are all of equal worth. God made all of our sculptures not so we could compare them; He made them as instruments of proliferationor as I call them, proliferuments. He made these proliferuments so we can use them. They are what make us human. Theyre what separate us from the alligator, the emu, the lynx, and the GaGa. We shouldnt be uncomfortable around our proliferuments, although we often are. As a matter of fact, its been that way since the dawn of time.
Sadaf Shahid
Justin Chun Chris Crawford Kyle Davis Richard Deeping Max Goldberg Elana Gurevich Justine Hope Jack Jonathan P.eter Hussein Schamp Anton Wheel
Layout Staff
editorial Staff
Once Adam and Eve ate that forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, they used leaves to cover their pistols and holsters. They made clothes in part because they were embarrassed about their proliferuments. Also, the clothes stopped Adam and Eves proliferuments from flopping around every which way while they walked. Sort of a poor mans compression shorts and bra. But mostly, before the leaves, whenever Adam and Eve saw each others proliferuments, they couldnt resist the urge to go at it. Once they made leaves, since they werent constantly shagging anymore, they finally had the time to do other leisure activities such as climbing trees or riding bikes. I digress. Listen, when were young, those of us who have pistols have a little bit of our pistol cut off. Now, doctors say that it protects against infection, or that its just easier to clean a pistol that doesnt have a bayonet. But listen, folks. Im here to tell you that it doesnt matter. With or without a bayonet, God loves you the same. Youre still a human, and your pistol is just as good as anyone elses. PRAISE THE LORD. At this point I ask that you bow your heads in prayer and sit in silence for one minute. Plus or minus. Amen.
Ellen Liu Dylan Lonergan Audry Padgett Arianna Sanders Samantha Siegel
Brian Barwick Augusto Corvalan Jesse Horwitz Ryan Mendelbaum Frank Nestor Natalie Shibley Constance Castillo Louise McCune Marc Rios Samantha Siegel Kathy Zhang
Cover Design Art Staff
Emma Rosenberg
The Jester of Columbia, established 1901, is Columbia Universitys only humor magazine.
Jester is published as many as four times a year and is distributed free of charge to the Columbia University community. Please limit one copy per person. Views, ideas, opinions, or unsavory epithets expressed in Jester do not necessarily reflect those of Columbia University, its student body, or even the wise-ass college students who wrote them. Any similarities to actual people, places, or events are either coincidental or satirical in nature. Direct submissions, advertising inquiries, and other correspondence to
Advice from
IF YOURE LIKE ME, you know when you meet the right one. So you go out to the parking lot and fuck in his F150. And then you know youre going to be together for life. During this period of courtship, you may ask yourself, Might be a good idea to use some form of protection? The answer is no. Condoms reduce intimacy. Plus, if the guy smokes weed, you cant get pregnant. Besides, children are a gift from God. And if he thinks my twenty-year-old unemployed boyfriend and I would be good parents, Im not going to argue. As I have recently learned from my lady doctor, though, you still might get an STD. Who knew! I thought only sluts and sailors got those. Im a little confused about how it happened though. If youre satisfying your man, hes not going to IF THE GUY SMOKES sleep around, simple as that. And I know Im doing a good job because my man always comes really fast. Im so good he only needs a little bit of me. So when my WEED YOU CANT GET woman doctor told me I had HPV, I ignored it until I was tired of pissing tobasco PREGNANT sauce. She tried to give me medication, but I refused. I know that with exercise, a proper diet, and positive thinking, I can beat this-just like that time I ate fried chicken and my eye cyst was gone. Besides, she said I couldnt have sex for three days. Bitch crazy. So Ive decided on the following four steps to battle my STD: 1) Will myself against it. Things will only defeat you if you let them. Diseases are no exception. Its a known fact that cancer victims who think to themselves, I can beat this! die an average of 1.1 years later than those who do not. Using their example, and remembering the Little Engine that Could, I know that by telling myself I do not have HPV I will make it a reality. 2) Eating protein. Protein gives you lots of energy, which is what youre going to need to beat this thing. Consume lots of tasty meats. Including his. 3) Have more sex. By the law of averages, putting lots of good sperm into your body will cancel the bad, STD-carrying ones out. Also, the vigorous exercise will energize your body, strengthening it against your STD. 4) Wishful thinking. Wishes do come true. Remember on your birthday when you closed your eyes, made a wish, and blew out the candles, and the next day your brothers annoying gerbil was dead? The same principle can be applied to your medical problems. If not, contact the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
Jester of Columbia
(De)constructive Criticisms
About My Short Story: Zombietron Vs. The Intersapce Death Lord! From Prof. Blackman, Creative Writing 101
- Word choice: knowing the difference between affect/effect will change my affect and effect your grade. - Firstly, the genre is Sci-Fi, not Syfy. Secondly, Sci-Fi/Horror/ Zombie/Cyborg/Sapce isnt a genre, nor will it ever be. - The villain is an Interspace Death Lord? Try interstellar. - Your character just referred to himself in the third person. - This page only describes how the Death Lord has no face, but consumes a vast space-feast. How would s/he eat? Or communicate? Or express their feelings about a written atrocity?
- If Trite and Clich fell in love, married, settled down, and had a brood of disappointing children, they would be your characters. Making them zombie-cyborgs doesnt make them unique.
- Slow down, champ. How can a zombie be a cyborg? Zombies are undead and have greater than human strength. Cyborgs are half-man, half-machine with greater than human strength. But theyre cyborgs because the prosthesis saved them from dying! Dont you see!? Did your cyborgs die and come back from the dead? Do they feed on brains or bolts? These are the difficult questions you need to ask yourself before writing.
- Your wanton defilement of story structure and the English language is sapping my love for the written word.
- Because youre succeeding. - I believed in God for 46 years. - It has always been my personal nightmare that a student would produce a story of such putrid quality. I have no one to blame by myself. I hate my life. I hate your life. I hate life.
4 3.6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 Fail
Jester of Columbia
Noyota Nicoma Nicoma - ask your doctor how a coma can help you quit smoking Nicola - cold medicine less effective than hoped Nicoma Tesla G Nicoma at Niteoma Harold and Nicomar go to White Castle G roup acti v e The Knights Who Live in Nicosta Rica W tting sta ities save hite p bbed liv Nicompoop Fron eople is sexu es! a t doo live l and a rs are onger lly transm n itted t y disco thing he onl . . y exi upsta mfor t e s irs w very t and . C Th l wh inter ill cau osets s nal b ere ere leedi e slight Con is no su ng sider ch th utter Th ly d a dead b ing as o ere is estroyed ody still ver killin . g a thr no ri back eat u . g , nless fuck only lets ht or left dont out of he get the re com e bac and k.
t Typos LOLO Misan CAUST Boranthrape The oly Lible HellaH lujah Demoncr acy Pedop hile (a
Deodorant Styles
Clinical-strength Fatal-strength Pinewood Derby Mountain Sport Extra Cancer Candle Wax Arm and Hammer and Sickle Baking Soda Blast Intense Arctic Winter Blast
Things to Posit
What is love? Why are you reading this? Is this how you properly auto-erotically asphyxiate? Life, the Universe, you know... stuff What if God was one of us? Just a stranger on a bus? Isnt it Ironic? Who Will Save your Soul? Bananaramas Cruel Summer Does anybody remember Savage Garden? Do you believe in life after love? Have you every heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
Jester of Columbia
Various Girls: Of course! Do you think were sluts? Do thongs count? Slash: *plays the opening riff of Sweet Child O Mine* Slash: How many of you girls are wearing underwear now? Various Girls: Omygosh I just had it on! What happened! It wasnt a good idea to wear a dress today... Slash: Now see, I dont know what happens to them. They disappear into some sort of vortex. But rest assured if you were exposed to any more undiluted RAWK you would be begging to service me sexually right now. Teacher: But what about the drugs? I know youve shown us how unfulfilling casual sex is, but kids still might think drugs are cool! Slash: I almost forgot! Alright kids, everyone take a syringe! Five minutes later. Linsey: THIS IS THE BEST IVE EVER FELT! Rocker Boy: ALL HAIL SLASH! Slash: And there you have it kids: the rockstar lifestyle isnt all its cracked up to be. Stay in school so you can be an accountant. FIN
Jester of Columbia
Really Saying?
dsfdrf 8==3
* (o) ~ @ ^5^= # 8
yes no perhaps have you eated asparagus lately? its not yours consider abortion hes got a weenie gas hermaphrodite 27/30 virgin open to interpretation seek help ask again later
More or Less:
Scenario: After your date, which you decided to pay for like an idiot, you ask if she wants a drink. You cant afford anything nice though. You Say: Its sorta white and sorta red, the best of both worlds! What you mean: Its ros. Its cheap. It will get us fucked.
Scenario: While youre stumbling back to your place, arm in arm with your date, she asks if own this house. You say: No, I live with people. Theyre kinda like live-in housemates. What you mean: I live in the basement with my uncle and 16-year-old brother. He shares the basement with me. We put up a sheet though, so we have privacy, if thats what you mean.
4 Scenario: Youre descending the stairs to your half-room, which smells strongly of Vaseline and tears when youre uncle
yells out, asking for the plunger. You Say: Hes almost a live-in landlord, but more like a live-in super. What you mean: He is the landlord because he owns the house in which I pay rent.
Scenario: Its two weeks later and that blind date girl calls you up, asking if you used protection. You Say: Yeah, pretty much. I was as protected as I could be. You Mean: I pulled out. At least I think I did. We were both crazy and drunk. There was a lot going on, right?
Scenario: You ask her if theres a reason shes calling right now. She says: Im pregnant-ish. She means: Im pregnant.
Jester of Columbia
You dont exist. You dont exist. You dont exist.
You dont exist. You dont exist. You dont exist. You dont exist.
John Maddens
(Kangaroo + Wallaby)
Ingredients: Kangaroo (any number) - Wallaby (any number) - 1 cup lard per wallaby - 1 Teaspoon salt per wallaby - Onion per wallaby - Tomato per wallaby Spice to taste - Cilantro - Lime sauce - Jalapenos Maddens Cooking Tip: Kangaroos and wallabies both have pouches, so you can add one to the other forever! Theyre like those nest dolls they have in Russia! My personal best: 12 wallabies in 13 roos. It tasted like good tasting should taste: good. Remember, you need to marinate the Kangaroo overnight since their flavor is more boring than the 76 Buccaneers offense! Any marinade will work-Pat Summerall likes a green chili sauce and I like Seor Garzas Fiesta Loco Lime sauce. It makes the flavor boom! If you want juiciness, dont forget to put one cup of lard in each Wallaby pouch. When I cook these babies I always make sure theres enough room on the grill!
(Human + Human)
Ingredients: 1 Large Human - 2-3 Small humans - 8 Onions - diced 2 heads garlic - diced 15 tomatoes - 3 blocks cheddar cheese - cubed 10 Bell Peppers Maddens Cooking Tip: Because this is the most dangerous meal, its not the safest. But what it lacks in safety, it makes up for in being delicious. Delicious like a doinked field goal that doinked the right way: in! Now, you gotta keep in mind that you can fit a few smaller humans in one large human. Like with other people dishes, make sure your humans are as fresh. When I prepare this meal, I take notes on the largest and smallest people in my area and their habits. When you start drawing out the Xs and Os of this dish, it might not look technical. You gotta fit a few people in another person? How hard can it be? But it can be hard to estimate how many little people squeeze in Gilbert Brown or Refrigerator Perry! Dont worry about your first attempt, youll overestimate. Thats OK - cookin people is more art than science is what Pat always said when we cook Humanan on the bus, at the tailgate, in the studio. The best part of fall is eating Humanan. Makes you wonder how many people could fit in Steve Young is throwing the deep ball to Jerry Rice! You know how many defenders in the backfield they got covering Jerry Rice on the go-route? Post slant around the curl in back hes wide open! Its a touchdown because hes in the endzone! Niners win! Boom, baby!
(Human + Chimpanzee) Ingredients: 1 Large Chimpanzee - 1 Normal Human - 2 bottles white cooking wine - 2 Cup flour - 5 Tbps Herbs de Provence - 1 Cup rosemary - 2 Sticks butter - 2 Heads garlic Maddens Cooking Tip: If youre like me, you like your human fresh. Im gonna get serious here folks, because I dont like to fool around when it comes to cooking people: even a day old person will give you a gamey taste and overpower the chimps delicate character. You see, the chimps flavor is like John Elways arm its got the character to last sixteen years in the NFL and win you two late-career Superbowls! Black market corpses are all over the place in quality, so make sure you ask for the best dealer or murder someone with your own bare hands. Hey, its what I do, and if I do it, you know it should be done! Create a sauce from the wine, flour, and spices. Braise the Humanzee under moderate baking heat about 5 hrs on 325. A Humanzee cooked right will remind your palate of red meat. Ive eaten a lot of humans, and the experience is always like getting a first down, which give you a whole new set downs to go down the field and get a touchdown! And the best way to win is to score, just like the best way to eat is with food!
Jester of Columbia
Porn Novels
Black Beauty (same) The Cunt of Montie Christo Frank In Stein Heada Gobbler Lord of the Thighs A Midsummer Nights Cream Rumpleforeskin A Tale of Two Titties The Backswing of Notre Dome A Hymenbreaking Work of Staggering Dicksize A Prayer for Owens Weenie F. Cock Fuckgeralds The Great Orgasby J. D. Jiant Dick Salingers Catch er in er Eye Whora Kneel Hurstons Their Eyes Were Watching Porn Hurt Bone-a-guts Fuckfest of Champions Pippi Longsucking James and the Giant Pussy Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (same) Hairy Cooter & The Sorcerers Bone (Hairy Cooter & The Philosophers Bone in the U.K.) Hairy Cooter & Its Chamber of Secrets Hairy Cooter & The Prisoner of Ass Play Hairy Cooter & The Gobbler of Balls Hairy Cooter & The Order of the Penis Hairy Cooter & The Half-Foot Prince Albert Hairy Cooter & The Deftly Swallowed For More, check out
Masturbating Not RSVPing Making a joke involving the word caulk Burning down an orphange Killing several children Eating a live puppy Calling beers brewskies
Concentration Camp Hungry, Hungry Hitlers The Game of Death TwiSSter Guess Jew Connect Foreskin Shoots and Showers or Chutes and Showers Apple to Ashes or Ashes to Ashes Jew Clue Nahtzee! Scattergory Daddy Doesnt Wake Sorry
ark on D e l Jacks h e t uc s in Michae r B e ng tni hy ance ooks lik h g Li W D xl ny s o a C e n n so stee ourtneyergy y in NJ idnt hav a it d Re ring ause Cserve En tric oss oad c e l y R c B e Sp BeTo Cone is no es the under him crgo
er e h Th ar to Th caus e his an he else Be caus ne c place Be no o t no So s go He
and its already 10 P.M. and the bomb is going to go off at - and that time betwe midnight, a time tw en the moment that o hours from right is right now and mi getting smaller! Yo now dnight that is curren u have to do someth tly two hours is only ing to between the time tha increase the time am t is now and the tim ount of time - two hours - that is e that the bomb will Foe Rain-Akcent had go off, Mr. Langdo never spoken truer n! he would be perfor words. He had to act ming must solve the and act fast, and that action problem quickly - in fate of everyone at that fact be characterize MIT and the visitin d by its rapidity. Th g Pope rested literal able codex. He had e ly in his hands, in the see been running the rid mingly unsolvdle from the parchm body over and over ent they found nex in his head, but he t to the dead deans still did not have eve one and one two and n the slightest idea two and two four, the what it meant. I ma whole purpose of me answer that at this ke point was lost from is to create more. A four-le his mind, but he pau words that were his tter sed in thought at the clue: "Fuck, this, shi oth er four letter t". Despite every per had never found him ilous situation he had self more confused been in before, he than at this moment, edented confusion. as he stared at the cod This was truly the wo ex in unprecrk of an evil genius Back in the basement bent on destruction of the auditorium, Ho . immobile Pope, du ldz a Gr g e sat sting his top hat and in the dark corner sta stroking his moustach ring at the before the students e. It would only be and faculty piled in a matter of time to hear the Supreme out his plan, cappin Pontiff speak and he g his master schem could finish carrying e with the triumph going to see the po of the students who pe speak instead see thought they were ing his master plan. You will never get He laughed aloud at his away with this! cri genius. holiness" that forsha ed the Pope, fuming dowed something sev with Holy rage, a "bu eral lines down fro rning Oh but you see, I m this. most certainly will. After tonight, the edu never be the same! For years, I had to cat ion system and the put up with math tea Church will an imbecile and nu chers telling me I wa ns constantly remind s nothing more tha ing me that I should piling on more and n feel guilty for almost more shame with the everything I did, ir disapproval of my fact, one could des actions regardless of cribe their criticism their nature - in as false and counte loathing rather than rproductive, makin holy, a situation tha g me puritanical and t I find highly ironic behind my calculus self . Do book, abstaining fro you know how many m every sinful and days I spent prove them all wron carnal enjoyment of g? Day after day I a mans sat behind my book n life, just to ballooning with kn s, my body growing owledge. Today, I am weaker, but my mi using that knowled Springing up from nd ge to bri ng you down, Fathe the stool, Grge das r! hed over to the Pope, fluttering in the wi nd behind him. Reach his ominous and bil ing into his coat po lowy black cape thrust it in the Pope cket he pulled out a s bound hands. large crucifix and This isnt to save you father. This is a hydrogen bomb, Holy Water, and mi made from the vap rroring the "burning ors of evaporated holiness" in the rag Tonight at twelve, e you felt toward me when everyone piles several lines before in for your midnigh and I will have my ! t mass, my two nem vengeance! eses will be destroyed *** Twenty minutes and still no progress. He phrenic scientific gen knew that the Pope ius with the fashion was missing, a parano sense of Snidley Wh id schizosetts General Menta iplash had escaped l Ward, and that Fo from the Massachu e wa s a stereotypical and designed only to ser vice himself, a thinly sexist portrayal of a female sidekick veiled attempt of my see how they all add self to satisfy my ego ed up to this final clu , but he could not e. Holding his head and one two. He wa in thought he let ou s positively stumped, t a sigh. I make one letting out an additio before, neither the nal groan. Nothing Priori Scion, the Illu he had encountered minati, nor the Churc than whoever was h of Scientology, had behind the current clue. He had not sle confused him more through Boston, plu pt since yesterdays s the wound on his chaotic car chase side from the unsee He gazed up at the, n villains knife was to the cross behind beginning to throb. the dais where the that he could figure Pope would have spo out the symbols me ken, and only hoped aning. Then sudden any before, someth ly, he came upon a dis ing which summed covery greater than up all of human exp combined two opera erience into one gre nds into the totalality at whole, which of their value, makin what he didn't know g a new whole exactl the word for, but as y equal to... to he reflected upon his discovery, his excitm ent increased
Jester of Columbia
Im still not quite sold on the idea, but its an interesting concept. 2 + 2 = 4! I never... - Ben Pack, 88
My mother woke me up to watch the news. I was still in my pajamas, looking at the television in confusion; I didnt quite understand what was happening. When I looked over, illuminated by the flickering blue light of the television screen was a single tear running down my mothers pale face. - Ted Kloff, 76
I ran away from home. Only for a night at my friends house of course, and when I came back my parents had dinner ready on the table. We never spoke of it, but things werent the same again. - Gloria Umbert, 67
I was peeved because I had to go back and relearn my math, but it made sense because I remember wondering how 2 + 2 and 2 + 3 could equal the same thing. - Phil Hoff, 90
All I know is my pops gave me the longest, biggest hug I ever got from him. We never really said much to each other. But I could hear his sobs. And then he was gone. - Robert Stiegel, 69
It was the strangest thing. I could have sworn I saw the sky burning that night but no one will admit they saw it too. - Lana Cordry, 94
I was--this is funny, I remember it so clearly--I was in math class and we were being taught 2 + 2 = 5! When Tommy Patterson ran in shouting the news, the class went hogwild! We threw our papers out the window, turned our desks around(laughs) it was a real riot. The teacher couldnt get us to quiet down. We killed her. - Linda Schwartz, 84
Jester of Columbia
Bad idea:
placed thoughts
Dishonorable Discharges
-Atheist Pus -Tainted Semen
Important Equations
Ask a pretty girl if she wants to kiss your twenty year-old son.
-Gay best friend + Lesbian enemy = bi-transexual who still wont sleep with you -Truck 4 wheels = Junk Truck with an American flag 4 wheels = Trailer -Unicycle one wheel = sad clown
Jester of Columbia
Binary Words:
1. 10010101110 2. 11100010110000 3. 00101011101010 4. 100011101 5. 00011010110111 6. 1110010010110 7. 0010101110100 8. 0101110100 9. 111001001 10. 00111100101 11. 1101010101101001 12. 101010 13. 11010100 14. 10101001010010 15. 0011000 16. 0001111100010 17. 00101011101 18. 01010010101110
1994 AD
Used to power the first prototypes of electrical pencils but device failed. Side effects included the occasional leaking of battery acid, nausea, and impotency. Prior to the 90s, the single A battery had been used to help stimulate plant growth by generating an electrical current in crops. However, after a few incidents involving a combination of both battery and hallucinogenic acids and also crop circles, the practice ceased. Probably caused Y2K. The real reason MC Hammer lost all of his money.
1973 AD
Powers the blimp in the Hindenburg Disaster, somehow causing it to explode. It was literally all downhill from then.
1968 AD
Brief increase in popularity when hippies try licking the batteries in search of the perfect high.
1939 AD
The first ever video game, called AOff, is created using two A batteries. The game consisted of two people touching the two batteries together. The first person to die loses. The game never really caught on.
1872 AD
1765 AD
Several carriages running on the A battery are constructed. The term horsepower is first used.
Powers the first prototypes of typewriters called handwriters. They are soon banned due to the Catholic Church mistaking them for vibrators.
767 BC
Used to power Noahs Ark. Unfortunately, Noah was unaware that water and electric currents make for a disastrous combination. Thus, he can be blamed for the disappearance of unicorns.
Beginning of Time
Created along with humankind. God took one of man's ribs and made it into a battery, after which man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called A, because she was taken out of MAN."
Jester of Columbia