Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational Health and Safety
Health and safety of the employees is an important aspect of a company's smooth and
successful functioning. It is a decisive factor in organizational effectiveness. It ensures an
accident-free industrial environment. Companies must attach the same importance
towards achieving high OH&S performance as they do to the other key objectives of their
business activities. This is because, proper attention to the safety and welfare of the
employees can yield valuable returns to a company by improving employee morale,
reducing absenteeism and enhancing productivity, minimizing potential of work-related
injuries and illnesses and increasing the quality of manufactured products and/ or
rendered services.
The Constitution of India has also specified provisions for ensuring occupational health
and safety for workers in the form of three Articles i.e. 24, 39(e and f) and 42. The
regulation of labour and safety in mines and oil fields is under the Union list. While the
welfare of labour including conditions of work, provident funds, employers' invalidity
and old age pension and maternity benefit are in the Concurrent list.
The Ministry of Labour , Government of India and Labour Departments of the States and
Union Territories are responsible for safety and health of workers. Directorate General of
Mines Safety (DGMS) and Directorate General Factory Advice Services & Labour
Institutes (DGFASLI) assist the Ministry in technical aspects of occupational safety and
health in mines and factories & ports sectors, respectively.
DGMS exercises preventive as well as educational influence over the mining industry. Its
mission is the reduction in risks of occupational diseases and casualty to persons
employed in mines, by drafting appropriate legislation and setting standards and through
a variety of promotional initiatives and awareness programmes. It undertakes inspection
of mines, investigation of all fatal accidents, grant of statutory permission, exemptions
and relaxations in respect of various mining operation, approval of mines safety
equipment, appliances and material, conduct examinations for grant of statutory
competency certificate, safety promotional incentives including organization of national
awards and national safety conference, etc.
DGFASLI is an attached office to the Ministry of Labour and relates to factories and
ports/docks. It renders technical advice to the States/Union Territories in regard to
administration and enforcement of the Factories Act. It also undertakes support research
facilities and carries out promotional activities through education and training in matters
concerning occupational safety and health.
Major Initiatives undertaken by DGFASLI during the Xth Five Year Plan are:-
At present, safety and health statutes for regulating OH&S of persons at work exist only
in four sectors:-
It contains provisions for measures relating to the health, safety and welfare of
workers in the coal, metalliferous and oil mines.
The Mines Act, 1952, prescribed duties of the owner (defined as the proprietor,
lessee or an agent) to manage mines and mining operation and the health and
safety in mines. It also prescribes the number of working hours in mines, the
minimum wage rates, and other related matters.
Courts of Inquiry are set up by the Central Government to investigate into the
accidents, which result in the death of 10 or above miners. Both penal and
pecuniary punishments are prescribed for contravention of obligation and duties
under the Act.
It contains provisions for the health, safety and welfare of workers working in
The National Safety Council of India (NSCI) was set up to promote safety consciousness
among workers to prevent accidents, minimize dangers and mitigate human suffering,
arrange programmes, lectures and conferences on safety, conduct educational campaigns
to arouse consciousness among employers and workers and collect educational and
information data, etc. It has launched new initiatives in three sectors:-
At the international level, NSCI has developed close collaboration with International
Labour Organisation (ILO); United Nations Environment Programmes (UNEP); World
Bank ; Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC),Bangkok; World Environment Centre
(WEC), New York; and the member organizations of Asia Pacific Occupational Safety
and Health Organisation (APOSHO) of which NSCI is a founder-member.
The National APELL (Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local Level)
Centre (NAC) has been established since April 2002 in the NSCI Headquarters under the
MoU with the Division of Technology, Industry & Economics (DTIE) of UNEP, Paris. It
is the first APELL Centre in the world. It has the technical support and information from
UNEP and other international sources and the Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Government of India and the stakeholders. It is dedicated primarily to strengthen
chemical emergency preparedness and response in India through the use of the
internationally accepted APELL process.
Announcement of the National Policy On Safety, Health And Environment At Work Place
was also a step towards improvement in safety, health and environment at workplace
Extend coverage of work related injuries, fatalities, and diseases for a more
comprehensive data base as a means of better performance and monitoring.
In order to encourage occupational health and safety, certain awards have also been
instituted by the Government:-
The National Safety Awards for factories and docks, were instituted in 1965, to
give recognition to good safety performance on the part of the industrial
undertakings and to stimulate and maintain the interest of both management and
workers in accident prevention programmes.
The National Safety Awards for mines were instituted in 1983, to give recognition
to outstanding safety performances of mines of national-level which comes within
the purview of the Mines Act, 1952.
The Shram Vir Awards, now known as Vishwakarma Rashtriya Puraskar were
instituted in 1965. These are meant for workers of factories, mines, plantations
and docks and are given to them in recognition of their meritorious performance,
which leads to high productivity or economy or higher efficiency.
Indian Standard on OH&S management systems
Occupational Health and Safety demands adoption of a structured approach for the
identification of hazards, their evaluation and control of risks in the organisation. Hence,
Bureau of Indian Standards has formulated an Indian Standard on OH&S management
systems. It is called as the IS 18001:2000 Occupational Health and Safety Management
Systems. This standard prescribes the requirements for an OH&S Management Systems,
to enable an organization to formulate a policy, taking into account the legislative
requirements. It also provides information about significant hazards and risks, which the
organization can control in order to protect its employees and others, whose health and
safety may be affected by the activities of the organization.
The approach of India with regard to International Labour Standards has always been
positive. India has accordingly evolved legislative and administrative measures for
protection and advancement of the interests of labour in India. The practice followed by
India so far has been that a Convention is ratified only when the national laws and
practices are in conformity the provisions of the Convention in question. India has so far
ratified 41 ILO Conventions. The unratified Conventions of the ILO are also reviewed at
appropriate intervals in relation to our National laws and practices.