Improving The Local Planning Process
Improving The Local Planning Process
Improving The Local Planning Process
Focus on the
December 2005
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
Page Number
1. Introduction 1
6. Conclusion 24
Bibliography 25
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
List of Tables
Page Number
List of Figures
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U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
All cities and municipalities are mandated by law to formulate their respective
comprehensive land use plan, comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan, and
public investment program. These documents are referred to in practice as
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP), Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) and
Local Development Investment Program (LDIP). The importance of these documents
cannot be overemphasized as they provide guidance and specific courses of action for
the sustainable development of the subject city or municipality.
It was noted that existing guidelines pertaining to the production of the CLUP, CDP and
LDIP contain conflicting provisions that would confuse preparers of these documents. In an
inter-agency meeting on local planning attended by representatives from the
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Board (HLURB), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Department of
Budget and Management (DBM), the League of Local Planners, University of the
Philippines School of Urban and Regional Planning (UP SURP), and the Local Government
Support Project (LGSP) held on 14 June 2005, it was decided that UP SURP would take the
lead in coming up with a position paper on the local planning process.
This paper presents the output of UP SURP. It outlines a planning process that underlines
the interactive and iterative nature of CLUP and CDP. It also shows their relationships with
the Executive Legislative Agenda (ELA) and the LDIP. Other contents of the paper include
time frames of the various planning documents, recommended definitions of important
planning terms and existing roles played by agencies concerned with local planning. It is
worth mentioning that this position paper represents the unanimous views of the faculty of
The production of this paper would not have been possible without the hard work and
dedication of many people and institutions. Let me acknowledge the works of the SURP
CLUP-CDP Committee and its core group, chaired by the undersigned, who drafted and
deliberated on the paper to succinctly embody the views of the entire SURP faculty. The
members of the committee are Dr. Zenaida A. Manalo, Prof. Carmelita R.E.U. Liwag and
Prof. Jose Edgardo A. Gomez Jr., who all belong to the core group, as well as Dr. Benjamin
V. Carino, Prof. Ernesto M. Serote, Dr. David Leonides T. Yap and Prof. Rabinder Dickton S.
Rye. Thanks are extended to Ms. Cyd B. Loza-Avendaño and Mr. Leoneil C. Maranan for
providing administrative support and to the LGSP through Ms. Divina Luz Lopez and Mr.
Charlie Singer for facilitating and supporting inter-agency coordination meetings. Special
mention also goes to the DILG, HLURB and NEDA representatives, particularly Assistant
Secretary Austere Panadero, Commissioner Francis L. Dagnalan, and Deputy Director
General Marcelina E. Bacani for their assistance and cooperation in the preparation of this
Finally, the publication of this paper is handled by the Research and Publications Division
of UP SURP under the directorship of Dr. Zenaida A. Manalo and financially supported by
the UP Planning and Development Research Foundation, Inc.
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
1. Introduction
2.1 Present a review of the current local planning process followed in the preparation
of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and the Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP) as well as a review of the legal mandates that defined
the roles of national and local agencies with respect to the local planning process;
2.2 Array the key definitions given to the planning terms commonly used in the
preparation of the CLUP and the CDP with the intent of reaching a consensus as
to the definitions that can be accepted by all national and local planning agencies
2.3 Address critical issues in planning specifically the relationship between the CLUP
and the CDP, the relationship between these plans and the Executive-Legislative
Agenda (ELA) and the time frames for these plans; and
The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) is the government’s
regulatory body responsible for land use and housing and in the land use planning
of local communities (LOI 729 s. 1978, PD 933, EO 648 s. 1981 as amended by
EO 90 s. 1986, PD 1396, RA 7160, EO 72 s. 1993, and RA 7279).
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
Volume IX, Guidelines for Plan Review, Adoption and Approval Process, is
intended to enlighten the local planners and all concerned parties on the
plan review, adoption and approval process. It seeks to ensure a
consistent review process and an expeditious and subsequent approval of
the CLUP and zoning ordinance.
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UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
How Strategic Planning Helps Make the CLUP More Responsive to Community
Another development in the field of local planning is the coming about of the
ELA. The following is from the Manual entitled “How to Formulate an Executive
and Legislative Agenda (ELA) for Local Governance and Development”. This
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
The ELA is defined as an integrated plan that is mutually developed and agreed
upon by the Executive and Legislative departments of the LGUs. The document
contains major development thrusts and priorities of both departments for their
3-year term of office consistent with the development vision and mission of the
locality. The ELA is envisioned to be many things. These are summarized
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
The ELA targets the following as its main users: Local Chief Executives,
Sanggunian members, the Local Development Council, LGU personnel and
local planning professionals. The principal uses of the ELA are as follows: to
lead the Executive and Legislative branches towards a unified vision, mission,
goals and objectives; to enable the Executive and Legislative branches to agree
to priority problems and issues; to help the LGU focus on a set of interventions
towards the attainment of a common set of goals and objectives; to increase the
chances for implementation of priority programs of the Executive department if
the Legislative branch formulates ordinances in support of the LCE program of
government; and to speed up the implementation of priority projects.
With respect to the relationship of the ELA to the other LGU plans, the manual
asserts that the ELA does not replace or supplant the existing plans of the LGU.
But rather, it builds on the existing plans which LGUs are mandated to prepare.
The ELA is considered as an implementing instrument of the Comprehensive
Development Plan. Figure 3 shows the relationship of the ELA to the CLUP,
the CDP, the Barangay Development Plans and other sectoral plans, the zoning
plan and ordinance.
Long-Term Comprehensive
Framework Land Use Plan
Zoning Plan/
Plan Ordinance
Local Development
Regulatory Measures
Investment Program
Annual Investment
The ELA process is a cyclical process made up of three (3) stages, namely, the
ELA preparation, the ELA implementation and the ELA performance
management. In the ELA preparation, the vision, mission, goals, priority
programs and projects, capacities needed and the supporting policy and
legislative measures are set in consultation with the various stakeholders. In the
ELA implementation, the priority programs and projects are carried out while in
the ELA performance management, a two-way feedback mechanism is
established which involves the Local Chief Executive reporting back the ELA to
the community, and the community giving back feedback to the LGUs on a
regular basis. The ELA process is described to be practical, needs-based,
action-oriented and participatory resulting in broad-based support from critical
In carrying out the ELA process, the following steps are suggested: planning to
plan; prioritizing issues; consulting with stakeholders; defining/revisiting the
LGU vision and mission; formulating goals and objectives; prioritizing programs,
projects and capacity development needs; determining legislative requirements;
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
The recommended CLUP and CDP interactive and iterative planning process is
depicted in Figure 4. It may be noted that the preparation of CLUP and the CDP is
basically divided into two parts. The first part, which is common to both plan
preparation, is aimed at coming out with a preferred spatial strategy that serves as
the backbone for both plans. The second part takes off from the first part and
adopts a process that is specific to each plan. The broad steps are described
Data Collection
and Analysis
Formulation of Vision,
Overall Development Preparation of
Goals and Objectives Short-Term CDP
Short-Term CDP
(3 years)
Formulation of • Sectoral Goals
Alternative Spatial and Objectives
Strategies • Strategies
• Policies,
Testing and Programs, &
Evaluation Projects
Preferred Spatial
Zoning Interpolation
Ordinance Other Tools
between Short- and
Long-Term CDPs
CDP (6 years)
Other Thrusts (3 YEARS)
and Priorities
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
As shown in Figure 4, data collection and analysis is first carried out. Also
referred to as Situational Analysis, it aims to obtain all relevant information
needed to gain a better understanding of the study area. The output of the
Situational Analysis is called Socio-Economic-Physical Profile or, the more
recent term, Ecological Profile.
With the Ecological Profile as the background, all the stakeholders in the
City/Municipality proceed to formulate the Vision, the Overall Development
Goals and Objectives. The Vision embodies where the City/Municipality
wants to be in the future. Overall Development Goals and Objectives are
the general and specific direction and quality of development desired by a
community and its population.
The Ecological Profile containing both sectoral and physical data, together
with the multi-stakeholder-generated Vision, Overall Development Goals
and Objectives, provide the preliminary basis for forecasting the future
situation. These in turn become inputs to the formulation of Alternative
Spatial Strategies. In this stage of the process and in the subsequent
testing and evaluation of such strategies, the results of the detailed sectoral
studies particularly the physical requirements of the proposed programs
and projects of the various sectors as well as the indicative financial
implications of such become main considerations in deciding on the
preferred spatial strategy. Needless to say, the consultative process is
observed to the fullest with participation from the POs, NGOs and the
private sector with the LGU as main facilitator inasmuch as the resulting
physical configuration of the City/Municipality and the future use of its land
and physical resources have tremendous implications on both the present
and future generations.
Like the spatial strategy, the CLUP is developed for a 15-year planning
period. This document will be the basis for the formulation of the zoning
ordinance, which is a local legal measure which embodies regulations
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
affecting land use. Other tools implementing the CLUP will also be
formulated such as the Investment Incentives Code, the Environmental
Code, Traffic and Transportation Code, Health and Sanitation Code and,
Gender and Development Code to name a few.
Detailed sectoral studies will be carried out in producing the long-term CDP
(15-year plan). For some sectors, this could entail the formulation of
options, use of mathematical models for option testing, and full evaluation
of each option. This step of the process will still be guided by the overall
vision and sectoral goals and objectives.
The ELA, as described in Section 3.2 of this paper, is adopted with a slight
modification on the relationship between the CLUP and the CDP. It is
proposed that the relationships depicted in Figure 4 should be adopted.
Basically, the ELA should contain the short-term CDP plus the legislative
measures proposed by the City/Municipal Council in order to provide all the
needed support (technical, financial, institutional, etc) to the programs and
projects programmed for the 3-year timeframe.
At best and if formulated properly, the ELA can be a good governance tool
inasmuch as it can effectively measure the performance of local
executives. It will be an agenda that local elective officials can commit to
within their 3-year term of office and for which they can be held
accountable for by their local constituents. The ELA as a “score card” can
definitely be a good basis for a well informed and intelligent choice by the
voters in the local community during the succeeding elections. This will
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
The frequency of updates is not the same for all plans. The shorter the
term of the plans, the more frequent the plans are to be updated.
a. The CLUP
The short-term CDP and the ELA should be updated annually, i.e. twice
during their term. The term remains the same and not rolled. For
example, a 2004-2007 CDP becomes a 2005-2007 CDP and not 2005-
2008 CDP. This is also true for the ELA. At the end of their term, new
short-term CDP and ELA are prepared based on the medium-term and
long-term CDPs.
As for the long-term CDP, it is updated at the same that the CLUP is
being updated. This will ensure that both documents remain consistent
with each other.
4.1.6 Reports
The first round of CLUP and CDP preparation is best presented in one
document, albeit with more than volume, to properly reflect the interactive
process that has been employed. The first volume may contain the
Ecological Profile of the study area, the second volume the CDP and the
third volume the CLUP.
The one and only update of the CLUP and CDP (after 6 years) may also be
reported under one document. However, updates of the short-term CDP,
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
Table 3 below provides the recommended timeframes for the CLUP and the CDP.
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
There are various levels of planning in the Philippines. At the national level, the
country has long-range planning, the medium-term planning and sectoral planning.
The highest level of planning agency is the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA). The plan formulation process starts when the national
government mandates the NEDA Board to prepare a set of guidelines for the
preparation of plans at the various levels. Other agencies provide inputs in terms
of sectoral development goals, objectives, targets, policies and strategies as well
as programs and projects.
Regional planning replicates the planning objectives at the national level. The
Regional Development Council (RDC) serves as the counterpart of the NEDA
Board at the regional level. It is composed of representatives from the local
government units, the regional line agencies and the private sector. Its functions
include the coordination, review and prioritization of socio-economic development
plans, policies and investment programs and their implementation. Apart from the
Executive Committee which acts for and in behalf of the Council when it is not in
session, Sectoral Committees are put in place to handle social, economic and
infrastructure development and development administration matters. It also has an
Advisory Committee that advises, assists and supports the Council in discharging
its functions.
At the Provincial and Municipal level, the Local Development Council (LDC) is the
planning body of the local government units, as mandated by the Local
Government Code.
The legal mandates of various agencies in relation to the formulation, approval and
monitoring of CLUP and CDP are given below.
4.3.1 Formulation
The Code mandates that each local government unit (LGU) shall have a
comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan to be initiated by its
development council (the local executive body) and approved by its
sanggunian (the local legislative body). Land use plans are to be prepared
through zoning ordinances which shall be the primary and dominant basis
for the future use of land resources. The municipal mayor is to direct the
formulation of the municipal development plan, with the assistance of the
municipal development council, and upon approval thereof by the
sangguniang bayan (municipal legislative body), implement the same.
Section 106, Title 6 of the Local Government Code (LGC) stipulates that
each local government unit shall have a comprehensive multi-sectoral
development plan to be initiated by its development council and approved
by its Sanggunian. For this purpose, the development council of the
province at the provincial, city, municipal, or Barangay level shall assist the
corresponding Sanggunian in setting the direction of economic and social
development, and coordinating development efforts within its territorial
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
The Local Government Code (LGC) has already established provisions and
guidelines for LGUs to be guided in project identification, project
prioritization, project fund-determination, project fund-sourcing, and project
fund allocation.
In the event of the shortage of funds LGUs can guide private investment
through incentives such as tax breaks after it has properly determined its
priority programs and projects.
The Local Planning and Development Office is tasked to screen and match,
compile and compare projects for extra-local agencies and organizations to
identify complementary projects so that such projects can be jointly
conducted and implemented.
The Local Finance Committee (LFC) in close coordination with the Local
(municipal) Development Council (MDC) are tasked to determine and
project fund available for these projects as determined by analysis of
appropriate revenue data from real property taxes, business fees and
licenses, other taxes, service operations income, Internal Revenue
Allotment, with due consideration of what are recurring and what are not. If
it has been determined that the actual funds available do not match the
programs and projects for implementation the LGU can choose to improve
fiscal management, incur public debt of credit financing, or both.
4.3.2 Evaluation/Approval
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UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
Section 2 – Plan review and approval – (a) pursuant to section 468 (a-
2-vii) of the LGC, the powers of the HLURB to review and approve the
implementation of the comprehensive land use plans of the component
cities and municipalities are hereby devolved to the province. Such
powers shall be exercised by the sangguniang panlalawigan, subject
to national standards and guidelines.
4.3.3 Monitoring
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 92-41 dated July 6, 1992 mandates the
local government units to prepare, as a minimum requirement, annual
investment programs.
4.3.4 Summary
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
I Formulation *** * * ** *
II Review/Approval *** * *** *
III Monitoring *** * *** *
Legend: *** Principal Role Applies to municipalities and component cities
** Major Supporting Role
* Supporting Role
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
The following arrays the various definitions for each planning term as taken from a
number of references. In this section, the UP SURP position paper puts forward a
recommended definition for each term.
5.1.2 A political act of crafting public policy whereby the state regulates the
acquisition, ownership, use and disposition of property to promote the
common good or general welfare (1987 Philippine Constitution in Endriga,, p. 126; 1997 DENR Guidebook on the Preparation of a Sustainable
Land Use Plan in Endriga,, 2004, p.126).
5.1.4 The long-term guide for the management of local territories. (Serote,
Ernesto M. Property, Patrimony & Territory: Foundations of Land Use
Planning in the Philippines. QC: UP-SURP & UP-PLANADES, 2004).
5.2.2 A long-term (10-30 years) guide for the development of the local area.
Guides the formulation of programs and projects of local officials to ensure
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
5.2.3 A translation into spatial dimensions and allocation of the various sectoral
land requirements of the socio-economic development plan (Serote, 2004,
p. 347).
5.2.4 A policy guide for the regulation of land uses throughout the LGU’s
territorial jurisdiction and as such covers 4 land use policy areas: Protected
areas; Settlement areas; Infrastructure areas; and Production areas
(Serote, 2004, p. 347).
5.2.5 A plan which includes a land use map, the factors indicating the socially
desired mix of land uses and a set of policies to guide future development
(Joint DAR, DA, DILG and HLURB Memorandum Circular Prescribing
Guidelines to Implement MC 54).
5.3.2 A written document that identifies the vision, goals, objectives, principles,
guidelines, policies, standards and strategies for the growth and
development of the community (Universal Glossary of Land Use Terms and
Phrases in the 1998 Land use Law Center Pace University of Law.
5.3.4 An action plan and an implementing instrument of the CLUP. Its time frame
should only cover the tenure of local officials (3 yrs.) so that it can serve as
their program of government (Serote, 2004, p. 156).
5.3.5 A medium-term (5-10 years) plan of action for implementing the CLUP. It
provides an overview of key aspirations, concerns and challenges to LGU
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
5.3.6 The document/s including maps, charts and other materials embodying
goals and objectives, policy guidelines strategies and proposals for over-all
socio-economic growth and development of the area. It has also been
defined as an integrated series of decision documents, including maps
specifying the nature of future physical, social, economic and
environmental development of the Urban Zone as outlined in the Concept
Plan, consisting of, among others, a land use plan, including area phasing,
sectoral programs, land acquisition and disposition programs and capital
improvement programs. (Endriga, Elum, Yap, and Alcalde, The Laguage of
Environmental Planning in the Philippines School of Urban and Regional
Planning, University of the Philippines, Quezon City, 2004,p.55)
5.4 Zoning
5.4.1 The legislative act of delineating areas or districts within the territorial
jurisdictions of cities and municipalities that may be put to specific uses and
their regulation, subject to the limitations imposed by law or competent
authority (l997 DENR Guidebooks on Sustainable Land Use Planning and
Management-Institutional Development Concepts on Land Use Planning
and Management, Vol V in Endriga,, 2004, p.238).
5.4.3 The division of a community into zones or districts according to the present
and potential uses of land to maximize, regulate and
direct their use and development in accordance with the comprehensive
land use plan of the community (HLURB Guidelines for the
Formulation/Revision of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Volume 10).
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
5.5.2 The principal and legal instrument for enforcing the locational policies and
performance standards of the CLUP (Serote, 2004, p.154).
5.5.4 A local legal measure which embodies regulations affecting land use.
The preparation of a zoning ordinance is based on the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan and is enacted by the Local Sangguniang through a
resolution. Such ordinance shall be presented in its full context, as a
separate document (Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, Guidelines
for the Formulation/Revision of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Model
Zoning Ordinance, Vol X. Quezon City : HLURB, 1997).
5.5.5 A law by local or regional authority (government) that sets parameters for
the uses of a property. (Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, Model
Zoning Ordinance, Vol. X, 4th Revised Edition, 1996).
5.5.6 Refers to a local legislation approving the development/land use plan and
providing for the regulations and other conditions on the uses of land
including the limitation on the infrastructure that may be placed within the
territorial jurisdiction of a city or municipality. (Department of Agriculture,
Administration Order 6 (1998) Implementing Rules and Regulations
Pursuant to Republic Act 8435 (AFMA, 1997)
5.5.7 Defines the different land use districts of the city or municipality, the
boundary description of the various zoning districts and the allowable or
permitted uses per zoning district. (HLURB Guidelines for the
Formulation/Revision of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Volume 5)
5.6.2 A document that contains the identified programs and projects that will
have a long-term impact on the physical character of the city or municipality
(Philippines. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. Guidelines for the
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
5.7.1 The annual component of plans and programs (Serote, 2004, p.164).
5.7.2 An integral part of the annual local government planning and budgeting
process. Basically, it is a tool by which a local government unit annually
manages and financially supports its 3-10 year sectoral plan and its LDIP
(DILG, NEDA, Leagues of Provinces, Municipalities and Cities, and Liga ng
mga Barangay, Guidebook No. 3 for Annual Investment Programming,
1994, p.7).
5.8.1 An integrated plan that is mutually developed and agreed upon by the
Executive and Legislative departments of the LGUs. The document
contains major development thrusts and priorities of both departments for
their 3-year term of office consistent with the development vision and
mission of the locality (2004 Philippines-Canada Local Government
Support Program Manual on How to Formulate an Executive and
Legislative Agenda (ELA) for Local Governance and Development).
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
priorities of both departments for their 3-year term of office consistent with
the development vision and mission of the locality (2004 Philippines-
Canada Local Government Support Program Manual on How to Formulate
an Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA) for Local Governance and
6. Conclusion
The paper is proposing an interactive and iterative CLUP-CDP process that integrates
the preparation of CLUP and CDP1. This process has been adopted for technical and
practical reasons. The CLUP is derived taking into account the supply of and demand
for land and other physical resources. It is mainly for this reason that the preparation
of the CLUP and the CDP should be done at the same time with the CDP providing the
sectoral demand for such resources. Likewise, the updating of the two plans should
also be properly synchronized. Moreover, majority of the data used are common to
both plans, so it is economical to undertake the preparation of both plans
simultaneously. The process, however, produces the CLUP and the CDP as separate
volumes under one document, considering that approval and monitoring of these
documents lie with different agencies. In particular, the CLUP is covered by the
regulatory function of the HLURB whereas the CDP is basically within the domain of
the LGU’s, with the DILG providing technical assistance.
- The CLUP and CDP are separate plans but they are the products of one
integrated process.
- The HLURB has regulatory functions over the CLUP, as well as extends technical
assistance in its preparation.
- The DILG provides technical assistance to the LGU’s in the preparation of both the
CLUP and the CDP.
- The CDP includes programs and projects of national line agencies therefore its
preparation should be coordinated with these agencies; this could be done
through membership of these agencies in the LDC concerned and/or through the
Approved by the Inter-Agency Technical Working Group on Improving the Local Planning Process
on 14 November 2005.
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
1987 Philippine Constitution. Cited by Endriga, Dolores; Pulumbarit-Elum, LM.; Yap, H.L.;
and Alcalde, D.R., The Language of Environmental Planning in the Philippines, p.
126. Quezon City: UP-SURP and UP-PLANADES, 2004.
DENR Guidebook on the Preparation of a Sustainable Land Use Plan. Cited by Endriga,
Dolores; Pulumbarit-Elum, LM.; Yap, H.L.; and Alcalde, D.R., The Language of
Environmental Planning in the Philippines, pp. 126, 133, 238. Quezon City: UP-
Endriga, Dolores; Pulumbarit-Elum, LM.; Yap, H.L.; and Alcalde, D.R. The Language of
Environmental Planning in the Philippines. Quezon City: UP-SURP and UP-
Philippines. Republic Act 8435 (1997). Cited by Endriga, Dolores; Pulumbarit-Elum, LM.;
Yap, H.L.; and Alcalde, D.R., The Language of Environmental Planning in the
Philippines, p. 126. Quezon City: UP-SURP and UP-PLANADES, 2004.
Serote, Ernesto M. Property, Patrimony and Territory: Foundations of Land Use Planning
in the Philippines. QC: UP-SURP and UP-PLANADES, 2004
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
Philippines. Department of the Interior and Local Government, National Economic and
Development Authority, Leagues of Provinces, Municipalities and Cities, and Liga
ng mga Barangay. Guidebook No. 3 for Annual Investment Programming. 1994.
Philippines. Department of the Interior and Local Government. DILG Local Legislators’
Toolkit. DILG, 2004.
Philippines. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. Guidelines for the
Formulation/Revision of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Quezon City: HLURB,
1996 and1998.
Philippines. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. Guidelines for the
Formulation/Revision of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Model Zoning
Ordinance, Vol. X. Quezon City: HLURB, 1997.
Philippines. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. Guidelines for the
Formulation/Revision of a Comprehensive Land Use Plan: Land Use Plan, Vol. V.
Quezon City: HLURB, 1997.
Philippines. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. Planning Strategically: Guidelines
for the Application of the Strategic Planning Process in the Preparation of the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Important Urban Area Issues and
Problems. Quezon City: HLURB, 2001.
The Ministry of Human Settlements. “Town Planning Under the Inter-Agency Local
Planning Assistance Program.” Philippine Planning Journal Vol XVI, No.2 (April
1985): 1-20.
Universal Glossary of Land Use Terms and Phrases in the 1998 Land Use Law Center,
Pace University of Law.
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)
UP SURP Position Paper on the Improvement of the Local Planning Process
Legal Issuances
Department of the Interior and Local Government Memorandum Circular No. 92-41 –
Guidelines for preparation of Local Development Plans and Annual Investment
Programs as basis for 1993 budget preparation. (July 6, 1992)
EO 90 – Abolishing the Ministry of Human Settlements and Creating the Housing and
Urban Development Coordinating Council. (December 17, 1986)
Executive Order No. 72 – Providing for the Preparation and Implementation of the
Comprehensive Land Use Plans of Local Government Units Pursuant to the Local
Government Code of 1991 and Other Pertinent Laws. March 25,1993.
HLURB Resolution No. 714 – Approving the Guidelines on the Application of Strategic
Planning Process to the Preparation of Comprehensive Land Use Plans (Planning
Strategically) (2001)
Joint DAR, DA, DILG and HLURB Memorandum Circular Prescribing Guidelines to
Implement MC 54
Presidential Decree 933 – Creating the Human Settlements Commission. (May 13, 1976)
Republic Act 7160 - Local Government Code of 1991 and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations. (June 1, 1992)
U.P. School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP)