Redox Definition

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CHAPTER : OXIDATION AND REDUCTION 1) The tables below describe the meaning of oxidation and reduction in terms of (a)

loss or gain of oxygen (b) loss or gain of hydrogen (c) transfer of electrons (d) changes in oxidation number Study each table below carefully and fill in the blanks. (a) Loss or gain of oxygen Loss or gain of oxygen Oxidation Reduction The process of gaining oxygen The process of losing oxygen Example : Mg + PbO MgO + Pb In the above redox reaction, Mg gains oxygen to form MgO. This process is called. .. PbO loses oxygen to form Pb. This process is called ..... Mg is a reducing agent because it .. lead(II) oxide to . PbO is an oxidizing agent because it magnesium to..

(b)Loss or gain of hydrogen Loss or gain of hydrogen Oxidation Reduction The process of losing hydrogen The process of gaining hydrogen Example : H2S + Cl2 2HCl + S In the above redox reaction H2S loses hydrogen to form S. The process is called .. ... Cl2 gains hydrogen to form HCl. This process is called .. . H2S is a reducing agent because it to ... Cl2 is an oxidizing agent because it to..

(c) Transfer of electrons Transfer of electrons Oxidation The process of losing electrons Example : Redox reaction: 2Na + Cl2 + Half-equations: Na Na + e Reduction The process of gaining oxygen 2NaCl // Cl2 2Cl


In the half-equations above, Na atom loses electron to form Na+. This process is called Cl2 molecule gains electrons to form 2Cl. This process is called .. Na is a reducing agent because it to .. Cl2 is an oxidizing agent because it .

(d) Changes in oxidation number Changes in oxidation number Oxidation Reduction The increase in oxidation number The decrease in oxidation number Example : Chemical equation: 2Na + Cl2 2NaCl Changes in oxidation number Na : 0 +1 // Cl : 0 1 Given above are the changes in oxidation number of Na and Cl, state which element is oxidized or reduced and which element is the oxidizing or reducing agent. Na is ............................. to Na+ : Na is the.. agent Cl2 is .to Cl : Cl2 is the . agent

2) What are redox reactions? . ..

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