Influence of particle and energy flux on stress and texture development in magnetron
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The real-time stress evolution during reactive dc magnetron sputter deposition of TiN films in
Ar+N2 plasma discharge was measured in situ using a multiple-beam optical stress sensor,
while the film texture was determined ex situ using x-ray diffraction. The influence of atomic
N/Ti flux and energy flux, previously quantified by combining plasma characterization and
Monte Carlo simulations (2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 053002), was investigated by
varying either the N2 partial pressure at fixed total pressure, the total working pressure or the
bias voltage applied to the substrate. The contribution of thermal stress was carefully taken
into account from thermal probe measurements to evaluate the intrinsic (growth) stress from
the measured film force data. A clear correlation between stress, film texture and energy flux is
evidenced: while underdense (1 1 1)-textured TiN films with ‘V’-shaped columnar growth
(zone T) are under tensile stress (up to +0.6 GPa), dense TiN films with zone II microstructure
develop a (0 0 2) texture and large compressive stress (up to 3 GPa) when the energy flux is
higher than ∼150 eV per incoming particle. However, it is shown that a positive or negative
bias voltage, though increasing the energy flux, did not promote a (0 0 2) texture. It is
concluded that compressive stress development and (0 0 2) preferential growth are both
kinetically driven processes in magnetron sputtered TiN layers, but exhibit distinct dependence
with the substrate fluxes.
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
0022-3727/13/055301+09$33.00 1 © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK & the USA
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 055301 G Abadias et al
from two kinetically competing stress generation mechanisms: a dc power supply. Another samples series was synthesized at
incorporation of defects associated with compressive stress and higher Ptot , from 0.40 to 0.80 Pa, by adjusting the total gas flow.
attractive forces at column boundaries which induce tensile The quantitative determination of energy flux and particle
stress [6]. Experiments carried out under higher energetic flux (both ion and metallic flux) towards the substrate
particle bombardment, e.g. using a lower working pressure was carried out previously by Mahieu and Depla [11] by
and/or applying a negative bias voltage to the substrate, combining Monte Carlo simulations using the SIMTRA code
were found to critically affect the overall film stress, by [22–24], energy resolved mass spectrometer and retarding field
enhancing the compressive stress contribution due to atomic energy analyser measurements [21]. This method enabled
peening [7, 8]. determining the atomic N/Ti flux, N/Ti = (N + N+ )/Ti ,
The deposition conditions also have an influence on where N , N+ and Ti are the atomic N neutral, N+ ions
the microstructure and texture evolution [9, 10], especially and metallic Ti flux, respectively. Under the condition used,
for transition metal nitride films which exhibit a distinctive N+ was always one order of magnitude lower than N . In
columnar microstructure, evolving from ‘zone T’ to ‘zone II’, this work, the deposition conditions were identical to those
with increasing adparticle mobility [9, 11]. A texture change used in [11] for plasma measurements, except the inclination
from (1 1 1) to (0 0 2) is concomitantly observed [11]. Several angle ϕ = 25◦ between the Ti target and the substrate normals.
studies have been reported in the literature over the last three However, this geometrical change does not significantly affect
decades to study the influence of several deposition parameters, the value of Ti , as SIMTRA calculations performed at
such as the N2 partial pressure, substrate temperature, ion- ϕ = 25◦ showed a loss of only ∼7% in the metallic Ti
to-atom ratio or bombarding particle energy on the preferred particles reaching the substrate compared with ϕ = 0◦ (normal
orientation in TiN films [12–18]. It is only recently that incidence).
Mahieu et al have categorized the microstructure and texture The in situ stress evolution during growth was measured
evolution of magnetron sputtered TiN films in terms of the in real-time using a multi-beam optical stress sensor (MOSS)
extended structure zone model [19] and quantitatively linked designed by kSA and implemented on the top flange of the
these evolutions to the particle fluxes reaching the substrate deposition system. The measured quantity is the relative
[11], in agreement with the atomistic model of Gall et al [20]. change in the wafer curvature, κ, which is related to the
They also showed that some of the film’s properties, such as average stress × film thickness product, σav × h, according
the hardness and elastic modulus, were directly related to one to Stoney’s equation: σav × h = 16 Ys h2s κ, where Ys is the
of these substrate fluxes [21]. However, it is not yet elucidated biaxial modulus of Si (Ys = 180.5 GPa) and hs is the substrate
how the intrinsic stress during growth relates to these fluxes thickness (hs = 170 ± 2 µm). Note that σav × h is equivalent
and whether stress and texture development are driven by the to the film force per unit width, F /w, quantity [25]. In a
graph of F /w versus h, the incremental stress is given by
same physical process.
the slope and represents the stress variation due to the newly
In an effort to address this issue, we carried out real-time
deposited layer or relaxation in the buried layers. The Si
stress measurements during growth of magnetron sputtered
wafers (1 × 1 cm2 ) were placed horizontally on the sample
TiN films under the same deposition conditions that were used
holder, without any external fixation, allowing unconstrained
by Mahieu and Depla to quantify the particle fluxes reaching
bending. The geometrical parameters of the system were
the substrate [11]. In particular, the dependence of the intrinsic
determined using reference mirrors with known radius of
stress on the atomic N/Ti ratio and energy per arriving particle
curvature. Details on the MOSS device and detection set-up
EPA was critically investigated by varying either the N2 flow,
can be found elsewhere [25, 26].
the total working pressure or the bias voltage applied to the
Although no intentional substrate heating was used, the
plasma discharge caused an unavoidable temperature rise in
the film, and consequently a variation in thermal stress due
2. Experimental procedures to the difference in thermal expansion coefficients between
the TiN film and Si substrate. To get the intrinsic (growth)
TiN thin films with thickness up to 300 nm were deposited on stress contribution only, the thermal stress contribution must be
(0 0 1) Si wafers covered with native oxide using unbalanced subtracted [27]. For this purpose, a passive thermal probe was
magnetron sputtering from 2 inch diameter planar Ti (99.97% used as a heat flux monitor [28] to determine the temperature
purity) targets under mixed Ar +N2 atmosphere. The target-to- change due to plasma heating. This set-up also enabled
substrate distance was fixed at 13 cm and the angle of incidence measuring the total energy flux (power per area) reaching the
of the Ti flux was ∼25◦ with respect to the normal of the substrate, Etot . This latter quantity is related to EPA (in eV/Ti)
substrate surface. Sputtering occurred at constant current through the relation Etot = EPA × Ti .
mode (0.85 A), with typical target powers of 0.3–0.45 kW. For The crystallographic orientation of the TiN films was
the first film series, the total working pressure, Ptot , was fixed investigated from ex situ x-ray diffraction (XRD) using a
at 0.30 Pa, corresponding to a total gas flow of 32 sccm at a D8 Discover Bruker diffractometer operating in the Bragg–
pumping speed of 183 l s−1 . The N2 flow was varied between Brentano configuration with CuKα wavelength and linear
0 and 18 sccm, resulting in a variation of the target discharge detector (LynxEye Silicon Strip Detector). Pole figures were
voltage from 425 to 530 V and of the deposition rate from 0.43 also performed on the selected samples using a Seifert XRD
to 0.16 nm s−1 , due to the target poisoning effect. Substrates 3000 four-circle diffractometer in point-focus geometry. Plan-
were either grounded or positively or negatively biased using view scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM) images were
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 055301 G Abadias et al
(a) 200 can be also observed that the subsequent magnitude of the
N flow = 12 sccm incremental stress is the same as prior to the first growth
stress×thickness (GPa.Å)
respectively. This value reaches T̃ ∼ 0.12 at Tdep = 150 ◦ C
-200 (see figure 2(a) and related discussion hereafter), which
remains much lower than the threshold value of T̃ ∼ 0.2
-400 reported for high-mobility materials. Therefore, the above
mentioned mechanisms hardly take place here.
The time-dependent temperature variation monitored
off under the same deposition condition (Ptot = 0.30 Pa, N2
h=262 nm flow of 12 sccm and grounded substrate) using a passive
h=136 nm
thermal probe located at the same target-to-substrate distance
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 of 13 cm is shown in figure 2(a). The temperature variation
t (s) T when plasma is turned ‘on’ and ‘off’ exhibits the same
trend as the film force evolution measured during growth
Figure 1. Time-dependent evolution of the film force per unit width
(stress*thickness product) during magnetron sputter deposition of interrupt/resumption (see figure 1). At a N2 flow of 12 sccm,
TiN films at Ptot = 0.30 Pa and N2 flow of 12 sccm on the grounded the temperature rises rapidly up to 120 ◦ C during the first
Si substrate: (a) early growth stages (0–500 s) and (b) sequence of hundred seconds of deposition, then saturates to ∼150 ◦ C.
interruption (plasma ‘off’) and growth resumption (plasma ‘on’). When plasma is turned off, the temperature falls down with
The corresponding film thickness at the growth interrupt is also a similar time constant. Taking into account the thermal
expansion coefficients of Si (αSi = 3.1 × 10−6 K−1 ) and
acquired on a FEI Quanta 2000F FEG-SEM to observe the TiN (αf = 9.35 × 10−6 K−1 ) [35], the corresponding change
film surface morphology, which gives an indication on the type in thermal stress, σth , can be calculated (see figure 2(b)),
of columnar growth regimes, as usually classified into zone assuming in a first step that mechanical properties of bulk TiN
I, zone T and zone II, according to structure zone diagrams (Ebulk = 456 GPa and ν = 0.24) also applies for the TiN thin
[10, 19]. film, where Ebulk and ν are Young’s modulus and Poisson’s
ratio of TiN [2]. A tensile (respectively compressive) thermal
3. Thermal stress stress evolution is obtained during interrupt (respectively
growth), in qualitative agreement with the experimental data.
Figure 1 shows a representative stress evolution, plotted as However, calculations yield to larger σth values and one has to
σav × h quantity versus time t, during and after growth of use a correction factor of ∼0.5 to fit the experimental data.
a TiN film sputter deposited at Ptot = 0.30 Pa and N2 flow The temperature rise during deposition, T , at various
of 12 sccm on a grounded substrate. In the early growth N2 flows and fixed working pressure, Ptot = 0.30 Pa, is
stages (figure 1(a)), a non-monotonic stress evolution is shown in figure 3(a), together with the corresponding energy
noticed. The incremental stress, initially compressive (3.2 GPa flux Etot , as measured from the thermal probe. One can
for t < 100 s), reverses back and becomes slightly tensile observe an increase in T from 120 to 165 ◦ C, as well as an
afterwards (t > 200 s). increase in Etot from 350 to 650 mW cm−2 , when the N2 flow
Figure 1(b) is plotted on a larger time scale (up to 2400 s), increases from 3 to 18 sccm. This evolution is consistent with
showing also a sequence of two interruptions and growth previous measurements, for which the different contributions
resumptions. At the first interrupt (t = 640 s, h ∼ 136 nm), to the energy flux were carefully investigated [11]. Even
a relatively abrupt tensile stress is observed, which saturates on a grounded substrate, it was found that the predominant
with time after ∼250 s. When deposition is resumed, a rapid contribution to EPA was the ion energy flux, as measured
compressive variation occurs up to approximately the same using a retarding field energy analyser [21]. This is primarily
film force level reached before interruption, ruling out any due to the relatively high ion-to-atom ratio under the present
possible stress relaxation mechanism in the buried layer. It deposition conditions. This ratio was shown to increase from
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 055301 G Abadias et al
12 sccm
∆T (˚C)
( )
∆T (˚C)
40 120
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 80 300
on 0 5 10 15 20
t (s)
N flow (sccm)
calc. (E ) N flow (b) 0.9
bulk 2
Calc. (E , α)
fit 12 sccm bulk f
data Calc. (E , α *ρ )
meas f r
0.7 data
σ (GPa)
on 0.5
600 700 800 900 1000 0 5 10 15 20
off t (s)
N flow (sccm)
300 N flow 9 sccm
Figure 3. (a) Influence of the N2 flow on the temperature change
(T ) and energy flux (Etot ), as measured using passive thermal
bias + 20 V probe at Ptot = 0.30 Pa; (b) Influence of the N2 flow on the thermal
stress σth change during growth interrupt: measured from in situ
∆T (˚C)
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 055301 G Abadias et al
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 055301 G Abadias et al
0.40 GPa
stress×thickness (GPa.Å)
P = 0.30 Pa
-4000 18 sccm, + 30 V bias
15 sccm, –60 V bias
15 sccm, grounded
-6000 3 sccm, –60 V bias –7.3 GPa
3 sccm, grounded
Intensity (cps)
36 38 40 42 44
2 θ (˚)
Figure 6. (a) Influence of the substrate bias on the film force per
unit width during magnetron sputter deposition of TiN films at
various N2 flows; (b) comparison of XRD patterns of TiN films
(h > 250 nm) deposited at grounded and −60 V bias conditions at
Ptot = 0.30 Pa and N2 flow of 3 sccm; (c) comparison of XRD
patterns of TiN films (h > 250 nm) deposited at +30 V, grounded
and −60 V bias conditions at Ptot = 0.30 Pa and N2 flow of 18 sccm
Figure 5. (a) Influence of the working pressure Ptot on the intrinsic
film force per unit width (corrected from σth contribution) during
magnetron sputter deposition of TiN films at fixed N2 flow of Bragg reflection is found to increase with Ptot (see figure 5(b)).
18 sccm on a grounded Si substrate; (b) corresponding evolution of Another striking feature is the asymmetry of the (1 1 1) XRD
XRD patterns of TiN films (h > 250 nm) with Ptot , (c) top view line, which exhibits a tail on the left angular side: this is
SEM image of the TiN film deposited at 0.30 Pa and N2 flow of particularly visible for the film deposited at 0.80 Pa, and attests
18 sccm, (d) top view SEM image of the TiN film deposited at
0.55 Pa and N2 flow of 18 sccm.
of the presence of vacancy-type point defects [38] and voids
in the film. This is consistent with the lower mass density of
these films. The surface morphologies of the films deposited
become the dominant stress source and govern the growth at 0.30 (figure 5(c)) and 0.55 Pa (figure 5(d)) are in agreement
stress evolution at Ptot 0.40 Pa. This is related to the with the XRD observations. Note also that TiN films deposited
decreasing contribution of the atomic peening process with at Ptot 0.40 Pa are systematically (1 1 1)-textured and under
increasing Ptot , as energetic sputtered atoms and reflected tensile stress, independently of the N2 flow used.
neutrals experience more collision in the gas phase, thereby In order to increase the contribution of atomic peening,
decreasing their kinetic energy [24]. This stress change from a negative substrate bias was applied to the substrate at the
compressive to tensile is correlated with a texture change lowest Ptot investigated (0.30 Pa). The consequence on the
from (0 0 2) to (1 1 1). The diffracted intensity of the (1 1 1) stress evolution is reported in figure 6(a) for a substrate bias of
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 055301 G Abadias et al
−60 V and for two distinct conditions of N2 flow corresponding bulk position. We also observe that the application of a
to low (3 sccm) and high (15 or 18 sccm) atomic N/Ti flux. As positive substrate bias has the same effect on the (0 0 2) texture
expected, a larger compressive stress is obtained for negatively degradation (see figure 6(c)).
biased substrates compared with grounded ones. However,
the texture appears distinctively altered with the application 5. Relation with particle and energy flux
of a negative bias: at low N/Ti flux, the texture remains
(1 1 1) (see figure 6(b)), while at high N/Ti, a loss of (0 0 2) As mentioned above, Mahieu and Depla [11] have categorized
diffracted intensity is found (see figure 6(c)). Note that, for the microstructure and texture development in magnetron
both conditions, no (2 2 0) peak could be detected around sputtered TiN films in terms of the extended structure zone
2θ ∼ 62◦ . model. The basis of this model is the adparticle mobility, which
Two important conclusions may be drawn from these is controlled by EPA . They clearly showed that the transition
experimental results: (1) the presence of compressive stress is from zone T to zone II was correlated with surface diffusion
not necessarily associated with a (0 0 2) preferred orientation processes (ripening and island diffusion) rather than a bulk
and (2) the application of a negative substrate bias does process (grain boundary migration). In this case, the relevant
not favour a (0 0 2) or (2 2 0) texture, at least in the bias quantity is the diffusion length L ≈ Exp(−1/EPA )/Ti
voltage range [−60 V, 0] investigated. The first conclusion rather than EPA itself. Also, under high atomic N/Ti flux,
clearly advocates against a strain energy minimization model typically for N/Ti > 5, a (0 0 2) texture was favoured [11].
to explain the development of a (1 1 1) preferred orientation In order to evaluate the relation between the substrate
in TiN films, as claimed earlier by several authors [39–41]. fluxes, texture development and growth stress build-up, we
The second point suggests that, under high N/Ti flux, EPA reproduce in figure 7 the experimental results obtained in
is large enough to promote a (0 0 2) texture and that the this study (intrinsic stress state and preferred orientation) as
contribution of an extra energetic ion flux (due to accelerated a function of N/Ti (figure 7(a)) and EPA (figure 7(b)). Since
Ar+ and N+ ions in the plasma sheath) acts in a deleterious these fluxes were previously quantified for grounded condi-
way: ion bombardment is likely to induce excessive defects in tions [11], only the data obtained on grounded Si substrates
the surface layer, thereby reducing the diffusion length of Ti will be reported for these plots. Note that direct measurements
adatoms, and promoting renucleation. This leads to a decrease of Etot from the thermal probe gave higher EPA values than
in the average grain size [16] and could explain the observed those reported in [11]; however, the trends in figure 7 remain
(1 1 1) + (0 0 2) mixed texture (see figure 6(c)). The present unchanged. One can see that the development of compres-
data are also in good agreement with the results of Petrov sive stress requires sufficient adatom mobility, i.e. typically for
et al on magnetron sputtered TiAlN films [42], for which the N/Ti > 5. However, a more direct relation is obtained when
increase in ion energy Ei at a fixed ion-to-atom ratio had little considering EPA , i.e. the energy delivered to the growing layer
effect on the film texture but significantly altered the lattice per incoming particle. In this representation (figure 7(b)), a
parameter due to lattice damage and increased compressive clear transition between intrinsic tensile and compressive stress
stress. They also found that for Ei = 100 eV, the XRD is obtained at a critical threshold EPA ∼ 150 eV/Ti, also corre-
peaks decreased in intensity. Finally, the absence of a (2 2 0) lated with a transition from (1 1 1) to (2 0 0) preferred orienta-
preferred orientation at −60 V is not surprising as this texture tion. TiN films deposited under this critical energy flux exhibit
is usually observed at very high negative substrate bias (above a mixed (1 1 1) + (2 0 0) texture, which corresponded to the
−400 V) and under strongly ionized plasma conditions, such intermediate N2 flow conditions reported in figure 4(a). Com-
as cathodic arc [40, 43] or plasma immersion ion implantation parison of figures 7(a) and (b) suggests that high enough ion
[41], as a result of ion channelling along the preferential flux (this flux is the dominant contribution to EPA ) is required
crystallographic directions. to induce compressive stress generation.
The influence of a positive substrate bias on the stress Figure 8 shows the evolution of the average stress
and XRD pattern evolutions of TiN films deposited at high (σav ) of TiN films, calculated at the same film thickness of
N2 flow has also been investigated. Results are shown in 120 nm, as a function of EPA for the different deposition
figures 6(a) and (c) for a bias voltage of +30 V. Compared conditions investigated in this study. Markers also indicate the
with grounded conditions, a larger compressive stress is again preferred crystallographic orientation. For grounded substrate
observed. Since in this case ion bombardment is no longer conditions, a direct dependence between the stress magnitude
effective, the enhancement of compressive stress cannot be and EPA is here demonstrated. It may be noticed, in particular,
due to the atomic peening process. However, a large flux that all tensile TiN films exhibit a (1 1 1) texture, corresponding
of electrons can reach the substrate, significantly increasing to low deposited energy conditions. Above a certain energy
the substrate temperature (see figure 2(c)). Therefore, the threshold (EPA ∼ 150 eV/Ti), compressive stress builds up.
total energy flux is again increased compared with grounded In this stress regime, the magnitude of σav scales with EPA ,
conditions, and a larger compressive stress is expected due to reaching ∼−3 GPa at EPA ∼ 325 eV/Ti.
larger thermal stress. It is remarkable that the stress level at +30 However, the data obtained under biased substrate
and −60 V bias is approximately the same: at a thickness of conditions (see figure 6) suggest that stress and texture
120 nm, the average stress in the TiN layer reaches −6.5 GPa. development exhibit distinct dependences with EPA . Indeed,
This is further qualitatively confirmed by the same angular while larger compressive stresses (up to −7 GPa) are reached
shift of the XRD lines towards lower angles compared with when a negative or positive bias voltage is applied to the
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 055301 G Abadias et al
(a) [111]
TiN films (h=120 nm)
[111] +[200]
[200] 0.30 Pa 0.0
-1.0 – 60V
σ (GPa)
0.40 Pa -2.0
10 -3.0
[111] bias
-4.0 [111]+[200]
5 [200]
tensile -5.0
0.55 Pa 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
0 E (eV/Ti)
3 6 9 12 15 18
N flow (sccm) Figure 8. Evolution of the average residual stress of 120 nm thick
2 TiN films, σav , with EPA . Circles correspond to grounded substrate
conditions and squares to biased ones. The preferential orientation
(b) is also shown, according to the symbol type (empty = [1 1 1],
[111] +[200] grey = [1 1 1] + [2 0 0] and black = [2 0 0]).
300 [200]
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 055301 G Abadias et al
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