Battlelore Creatures Rulebook

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Welcome to the Creatures Expansion Pack!

This pack adds the following three new Creature units for use in BattleLore scenarios: One Green Banner Wood Giant unit with a Forest Lair hex One Blue Banner Hydra unit with six interchangeable neck pieces (three single heads and three double heads) One Red Banner Rock Elemental unit with a Vortex hex As a bonus, an extra card, poison tokens, and web tokens are included for a Blue Widow Spider (uses the Spider figure from the base game). The expansion comes with enough banners to field all included units (not the spider) for either camp (Pennant or Standard) and with five new, ready-to-play adventures. 41) of the BattleLore Players Guide, unless specifically indicated otherwise. Those rules include ordering a Creature out-of-section, morale, and trampling rules. An updated edition of the Creature rules can be found at

physical characteristics. Wood and Hill Giants are normally not found in the same territory, so it is unlikely that both Giant types would be on the same field of battle. When encountered, the best way to tell which type of Giant an army is up against is by the Creatures banner and the lair the Creature uses. Although weaker than his kin, rolling only two battle dice, the Wood Giant has a distinct advantage. A Forest Lair hex is deployed by the Wood Giants camp at the beginning of the adventure. All units treat the Forest Lair as Wooded Terrain. The Wood Giant, though, ignores movement and combat restrictions when in any Wooded Terrain hex and treats any Wooded Terrain as a Forest Lair.

Wood Giant
One Creature unit representing a Wood Giant.


Wood Giant Summary Card

Forest Lair Hydra Summary Card One Creature unit representing a Hydra.

A word about Creatures

Like all Creature units, the units introduced in this booklet follow the same rules governing Creatures found in Chapter 7 (pg.

Giants, like the Wood Giant and his distant cousin the Hill Giant, are almost impossible to tell apart as they share many of the same

This multi-headed creature has the ability to move quickly, deliver a powerful strike, and grow new heads when existing heads are damaged.

The Hydra is a figure with the following seven pieces: one body section, three neck pieces each with one head, and three neck pieces each with two heads. The Hydra starts an adventure with the three one-headed neck pieces attached to its body.

Hydra Heads
At the beginning of the adventure, the player controlling the Hydra puts three single heads into each of the Hydras empty necks.
When damaged, a number of head pieces are removed equal to the amount of hits taken. In this example, the Hydra is taking two hits. These heads are returned to the box and are out of the game. If a wounded Hydra attacks and rolls Lore symbols, the player controlling the Hydra can place a double-head into an empty neck space for each Lore symbol rolled. In this example, one Lore symbol is rolled.

rolled against the Hydra. When rolling battle dice for the Hydra when it battles, the player can use Lore to place a neck piece with two heads into an empty neck slot. Lore rolled by the Hydra is either used for this effect or is lost. The additional heads are valuable because, in combat, the Hydra rolls one battle die plus one additional battle die for each head it has.

During his turn, the controller of the Rock Elemental pays the Lore cost listed on the Magic Vortex card which allows the player to place the Magic Vortex hex on any vacant Countryside hex.

Rock Elemental Summoning

Rock Elemental
One Creature unit representing a Rock Elemental.

The Rock Elemental figure is then placed on the magic Vortex hex. During the turn in which it appears, the Elemental can battle but not move.

Rock Elemental Summary Card

Magic Vortex

Lastly, the Conjure token is placed on the Wizard in the War Council. If the Elemental leaves the board for any reason, the Conjure token and the Magic Vortex are also removed.

The Hydra is different from other Creatures since it does not have to suffer a critical hit in order to be wounded. Instead one neck piece attached to the Hydra of the Hydra owners choice is removed from the game for each hit

The Rock Elemental is a stronger, more powerful elemental than the Earth Elemental that can be summoned by troops on a Circle of Summoning. The Rock Elemental must be conjured by a Wizard Lore Master from an armys War Council. The Creature, when successfully conjured, arrives through a magical Vortex from another dimension.

Blue Widow Spider

may battle back (after it takes losses and if it is still in its original hex). Battle Savvy units with ranged weapons do not collect Lore tokens in ranged combat. Battle Savvy units with ranged weapons collect Lore tokens in melee combat.

Blue Widow Summary Card

Spider Not Included Game Design and Development: Richard Borg Additional Game Development: Robert A. Kouba Executive Developer: Christian T. Petersen Editing and Proofreading: Mark OConnor Graphic Design: Brian Schomberg and WiL Springer Artwork: Tim Arney-ONeil, Julien Delval, and Frank Walls Production Manager: Gabe Laulunen Playtesters: Dave Arneson, George Carson, Rik Fontana, Roy Grider, Pat Kurivial, Erik Lind, Steve Malecek, Bill Massey, Paul Miller, Wayne Minton, Steve Niedergeses, Stan Oien, Louis Rotundo, Bob Santiago, Ken Sommerfield, Jason Steinhurst, Rick Thomas, and Dan Van Horn
2009 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this product may be reproduced without specific permission. BattleLore and BattleLore: Creatures, Fantasy Flight Games, and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games is located at 1975 West County Road B2, Suite 1, Roseville, Minnesota, 55113, USA, and can be reached by telephone at 651-639-1905. Retain this information for your records.

The Blue Widow Spider is slower moving but more deadly than its little green sister, the Giant Spider (from the core game). Players can tell the difference between the two by the Creatures banner color.

Battle Savvy Troops

Scenarios in this expansion utilize rules for Battle Savvy troops that represent advanced fighting techniques. Battle Savvy units have the following rules:
A Battle Savvy unit attacked in melee combat that is not eliminated or forced to retreat from its hex may battle back. A retreating Battle Savvy unit may not battle back even if the retreat places the unit in a hex that is adjacent to the attacking unit. When a Battle Savvy unit in melee is unable to fulfill a required retreat movement, the unit

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