Infrared Systems For Tactical Aviation: An Evolution in Military Affairs?
Infrared Systems For Tactical Aviation: An Evolution in Military Affairs?
Infrared Systems For Tactical Aviation: An Evolution in Military Affairs?
January 2002 Occasional aper !o. 2" Center #or Strategy an$ %ec&nology Air 'ar College Air Uni(ersity )a*+ell Air Force Base, Alaba,a
%&e Occasional apers series +as establis&e$ by t&e Center #or Strategy an$ %ec&nology as a #oru, #or researc& on topics t&at re#lect long-ter, strategic t& about tec&nology an$ its i,plications #or U.S. national security. Copies o# !o. 2" in t&is series are a(ailable #ro, t&e Center #or Strategy an$ %ec&nology, Air 'ar College, /20 C&ennault Circle, )a*+ell AFB, )ontgo,ery, Alaba,a /"112. %&e #a* nu,ber is 2//34 50/-"1067 p&one 2//34 50/-"3"082560. Occasional aper !o. 2" Center #or Strategy an$ %ec&nology Air 'ar College Air Uni(ersity )a*+ell Air Force Base, Alaba,a /"112
age 9isclai,er:::::::::::::::::::::::.::i re#ace..::::::::::::::::::::::..:::iii ;. ;ntro$uction:::::::::::::::::::::::.1 ;;. <lectro,agnetic Spectru, an$ )ilitary Operations...::..:::.:./ ;;;. Operational ;,plications o# ;n#rare$ Syste,s:::...::::..:1/ ;=. Current %ec&nologies an$ %actical A(iation::::.:::::.1> =. Concept o# !atural <(olution::::::..:::::::::20 =;. Conclusions::::::::::::::...:::::::..25 !otes::::::::::::::::::::::::::../1
%&e (ie+s e*presse$ in t&is publication are t&ose o# t&e aut&or an$ $o not re#lect t&e o##icial policy or position o# t&e 9epart,ent o# 9e#ense, t&e Unite$ States Go(ern,ent, or t&e Air Uni(ersity Center #or Strategy an$ %ec&nology.
%&e concept o# using natural e(olution to un$erstan$ #or &o+ ,o$ern organi?ations a$apt to a c&aotic, rapi$ly c&anging +orl$ situation is currently popular in t&e business +orl$. %&is stu$y e*a,ines +&et&er t&e c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent ,o$el is pertinent to t&e U.S. ,ilitary@s ability to a$apt to pre(ailing national security con$itions in t&e t+enty-#irst century. ;n particular, it e*a,ines t&e e(olutionary $e(elop,ent o# in#rare$ 2;A4 syste,s #or tactical a(iation to un$erstan$ &o+ t&e natural e(olution ,o$el can be applie$ to t&e $e(elop,ent o# ,ilitary syste,s, an$ &o+ t&at co,pares +it& t&e ,ore tra$itional $e(elop,ent o# ra$ar syste,s. %&e central argu,ent in t&is stu$y is t&at t&e c&aotic e(olution o# ;A syste,s &as success#ully in#luence$ t&e current state o# air operations, an$ #urt&er t&at t&e natural e(olutionary $e(elop,ent ,o$el o##ers ,any use#ul analogies #or &o+ ;A syste,s +ere $e(elope$ an$ e,ploye$. Un$erstan$ing t&is analogy an$ its li,its ,ay &elp to create ,ore #le*ible $e(elop,ent syste,s t&at can better able to a$apt to uncertain security con$itions. Finally, t&is stu$y e*a,ines &o+ e(olutionary $e(elop,ent ,ig&t be applie$ to t&e Ae(olution in )ilitary A##airs. ; +oul$ li.e to$ge ,y a$(isors in t&e Center #or Strategy an$ %ec&nology, 9r. Grant Ha,,on$ an$ Colonel 2ret.4 %e$ Hailes #or gi(ing ,e t&e ti,e an$ opportunity to t&in. about t&is proble,. ; +oul$ also li.e to t&an. Lieutenant Colonel Bet& Baspar an$ Lieutenant Colonel Jo&n Brun$er,an #or t&eir intellectual support an$ encourage,ent. %&at being sai$, t&e aut&or alone is responsible #or t&e contents o# t&is stu$y.
I. Introduction
<(olutionary $e(elop,ent is base$ on using continuous e*peri,entation an$ a$aptation in c&anging circu,stances to re+ar$ success, +&ile allo+ing, but e(entually eli,inating, #ailure. Since t&is approac& is agile, #le*ible, Cuic. reacting, an$ t&ri(es on c&ange, it contrasts +it& strategic planning in +&ic& syste,s are $e(elope$ in a planne$ an$ or$erly #as&ion to ,eet #uture reCuire,ents. A planne$ syste, is rigi$, slo+ to react, an$ resists or ignores c&ange, +&ic& contrasts +it& &o+ t&e ,ilitary tra$itionally $e(elops +eapon syste,s. One +or$ t&at $istinguis&es bet+een e(olutionary an$ planne$ $e(elop,ent is Dc&aos.E C&aos, li.e ris., is una(oi$able, an$ &ence s&oul$ be ,anage$ rat&er t&an a(oi$e$. ;n$ee$, a certain $egree o# c&aos is $esirable because it generates t&e necessary set o# a$aptations an$ i$eas t&at can e(entually be Dselecte$E #or e(olutionary i,pro(e,ent. %&e 9ar+inian concept o# Dsur(i(al o# t&e #ittestE can be applie$ to i$eas, syste,s, an$ organi?ations t&at see. to ,aintain a co,petiti(e a$(antage.1 A si,ple e*a,ple t&at illustrates t&is line o# t& is ;B)@s #ailure to anticipate t&e s+itc& #ro, ,ain#ra,e co,puters an$ re,ote ter,inals to s,aller, stan$-alone, personal co,puters, +&ic& o#ten is cite$ as an e*a,ple o# poor strategic planning. ;n ter,s o# an e(olutionary para$ig,, t&e argu,ent is t&at it +as so impossible #or ;B) to logically $e$uce suc& a ra$ical $e(elop,ent t&at no strategic plan coul$ &a(e succee$e$. ;nstea$ o# #ocusing on poor planning, an i,portant conclusion #or ;B) is to $e(elop an organi?ation t&at is su##iciently c&aotic to $e(elop all rele(ant #iel$s, +&ile a$apting +&en t&e D#ittestE syste,s sur(i(e. Since c&aos is not usually associate$ +it& ;B)@s culture in t&e 1560@s, its #ailure is not surprising #ro, an e(olutionary stan$point. ;# +e substitute t&e 9epart,ent o# 9e#ense 29o94 #or ;B) an$ t&e #all o# t&e Berlin 'all #or t&e co,puter re(olution, a si,ilar story e,erges #or national security. %&e argu,ent is t&at t&e ra$ical s&i#t to an in#or,ationbase$ society ,ig&t pro(i$e a better gui$e #or ,ilitary ,o$erni?ation. %&e t+o ter,s critical to t&is paper are Dc&aoticE an$ De(olutionary.E C&aotic $oes not i,ply total unpre$ictability or Da state o# utter con#usion,E but s&oul$ be t&oug&t o# in ter,s o# t&e ne+ science o# c&aos t&eory in +&ic& or$er an$ stability can be $eri(e$ #ro, in&erently unpre$ictable states. For t&e purposes o# t&is stu$y, it is use#ul to t&in. o# c&aotic as Dunplanne$E or Dot&er t&an planne$.E At t&e sa,e ti,e,
e(olutionary $e(elop,ent $oes not necessarily i,ply a Dprocess o# gra$ual an$ relati(ely peace#ul a$(ance,E but is t&e a$aptation o# syste,s to a c&anging en(iron,ent by an unbiase$ selection process t&at re+ar$s success. ;t can lea$ to ra$ical, as +ell as gra$ual, s&i#ts in a syste,. %o un$erstan$ t&e potential o# c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent, t&is stu$y consi$ers t&e &istorical e*a,ple o# ,ilitary syste,s +&ose $e(elop,ent e*&ibite$ c&aotic e(olutionary traits, speci#ically t&e $e(elop,ent o# in#rare$ syste,s #or tactical a(iation, +&ic& pro(i$es a use#ul e*a,ple #or se(eral reasons. First, t&e $e(elop,ent o# ;A syste,s procee$e$ in a relati(ely unplanne$ ,anner an$ e*&ibite$ ,any c&aotic an$ e(olutionary aspects. Secon$, ;A syste,s are rele(ant to current U.S. Air Force 2USAF4 operations. %&ir$, ;A syste,s can be e*a,ine$ in ter,s o# co,bat, +&ic& is t&e ulti,ate test o# ,ilitary syste,s. Fourt&, an$ per&aps ,ost i,portantly, t&e e(olutionary $e(elop,ent o# ;A syste,s can be co,pare$ +it& t&e ,ore tra$itional $e(elop,ent o# ra$ar syste,s, +&ic& also e*ploit t&e electro,agnetic spectru, #or ,any o# t&e sa,e ,ilitary tas.s. %&is stu$y e*a,ines t&ree cases o# c&aotic ;A syste,s $e(elop,ent t&roug& t&eir $e(elop,ent, procure,ent, an$ e,ploy,ent across t&e spectru, o# tactical a(iation -- air-to-air, air-to-groun$, an$ sur#ace-to-air. %&e operational i,plications o# ;A syste,s #or tactical a(iation +ill also be a$$resse$. %&e lessons learne$ #ro, e*a,ining t&ese cases an$ t&eir operational i,plications o##er i,portant insig&ts #or current air operations an$ #uture $e(elop,ent e##orts. A later section o# t&is stu$y $iscusses &o+ t&e concept o# c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent ,ig&t apply to t&e in#or,ation-base$ Ae(olution in )ilitary A##airs 2A)A4. 'it& t&is approac&, t&e rea$er can un$erstan$ &o+ current ;A an$ ra$ar syste,s as +ell as sensor tec&nology syste,s ,ig&t be $e(elope$ in t&e #uture.
Ho+e(er, t&e a$(ent o# ra$ar greatly e*pan$e$ t&e ,ilitary@s ability to DseeE an$ #ig&t, an$ $ra,atically a##ecte$ air operations. ;n 1530, pri,iti(e ra$ar syste,s &a$ a $ecisi(e e##ect on t&e Battle o# Britain because it e*ten$e$ t&e Aoyal Air Force@s 2AAF4 ability to DseeE across t&e <nglis& C&annel.2 Gi(en t&e necessities o# +ar, ra$ar ,a$e great stri$es in $e(elop,ent as syste,s beca,e su##iciently s,all an$ rugge$ to #it on large aircra#t, +&ic& allo+e$ AAF bo,bers to Di,ageE t&e groun$ #or DaccurateE nig&t bo,bing 2or at least as accurate as conte,porary A,erican $aylig&t bo,bers4./ By t&e en$ o# t&e +ar, t&e Ger,ans &a$ $e(elope$ ra$ar syste,s #or use on #ig&ter aircra#t t&at li,ite$ t&e nig&tti,e sanctuary #or bo,bers.3 Since A,erica entere$ t&e +ar later, it lagge$ be&in$ in ra$ar $e(elop,ent. A year a#ter t&e Battle o# Britain, a $e(elop,ental US ra$ar syste, Dsa+E t&e Japanese attac. on earl Harbor +&ile t&e aircra#t +ere still +ell out to sea, but t&is in#or,ation +as not acte$ upon because t&e ra$ar +as still in $e(elop,ental testing.0 Ho+e(er, t&e Unite$ States e(entually e,brace$ t&e ne+ tec&nology, as A,erican bo,bers use$ ra$ar to DseeE t&roug& t&e s,o.e an$ &a?e o# t&e Au&r in$ustrial area an$ t&e usually clou$y <uropean +eat&er. %&e Unite$ States also $e(elope$ ra$ar-eCuippe$ nig&t #ig&ters #or use in t&e aci#ic t&eater 2 -"1 Blac.
'i$o+s4." %&is tec&nology also &elpe$ turn t&e ti$e against t&e U-boats in t&e Battle o# t&e Atlantic.> %actical a(iation +as not t&e only +arti,e bene#iciary o# ra$ar. A$,iral !i,it? in t&e aci#ic %&eater o# '';; consi$ere$ ra$ar to be as re(olutionary as t&e stea, engine.6 %&e +arti,e success o# ra$ar ensure$ t&at t&is tec&nology +oul$ be &ea(ily e*ploite$ a#ter t&e +ar. )ilitary reCuire,ents #or , ra$ar units lig&ter +it& better resolution an$ lo+er po+er consu,ption, an$ #or speci#ic purposes suc& as +eat&er $etection continue$ to increase. %&e story o# ra$ar-base$ syste,s since '';; &as been c&aracteri?e$ by tec&nology pull, +&ic& signi#ies t&at ,ilitary reCuire,ents spur t&e $e(elop,ent o# tec&nology. Ho+e(er, $espite t&e tre,en$ous a$(antages o##ere$ by t&is ne+ tec&nology #or ,ilitary operations, ra$ar &a$ so,e serious liabilities an$ li,itations in co,parison +it& &u,an (ision. %&ese inclu$e$ lo+ resolution, large si?e an$ po+er reCuire,ents, an$ ra$ar@s non-intuiti(e nature. %&e ,ost glaring $i##erence +as t&e Dacti(eE nature o# ra$ar syste,s an$ t&eir subseCuent susceptibility to counter,easures. ;t is #or t&is reason t&at t&e tec&nological co,,unity turne$ to t&e $e(elop,ent o# ot&er capabilities, o# +&ic& in#rare$ tec&nologies are a critical e*a,ple.
Infrared Spectrum
%&e in#rare$ portion o# t&e electro,agnetic spectru, o##ers ,any o# t&e bene#its associate$ +it& ra$ar but +it&out its li,itations. Since t&e in#rare$ spectru, is Fust outsi$e t&e (isible spectru,, t&e concept #or $esign an$ t&e i,agery pro$uce$ by in#rare$ syste,s is relati(ely straig&t#or+ar$. %&e syste,s si,ulate &u,an (ision to pro$uce i,agery t&at Dloo.sE li.e a (isual picture. %&e $i##erence bet+een ra$ar an$ in#rare$ syste,s at t&e en$ o# '';; +as t&at ra$ar +as , substantial contributions to t&e +ar e##ort, +&ile t&e bene#its o# in#rare$ syste,s +ere still largely t&eoretical. %&e only +arti,e in#rare$ syste, in t&e Allie$ in(entory in '';; +as a sniper scope, +&ic& +as e,ploye$ at ;+o Ji,a an$ allo+e$ nig&tti,e targeting at a range o# >0 yar$s.5 %&e Ger,ans use$ ;A searc&lig&ts an$ si,ple ;A (ision $e(ices to con$uct ar,or attac.s at nig&t, but t&ese e*peri,ents +ere largely unsuccess#ul.10 %&ere#ore, +&ile ra$ar pro(i$e$ Dpulle$E ,ilitary AG9, ;A syste,s largely relie$ on tec&nology pus&,
+&ic& largely e*plains $i##erences in t&e patterns o# $e(eloping ra$ar an$ ;A syste,s. %&roug&out t&e Col$ 'ar, ra$ar syste,s $o,inate$ tactical a(iation applications. %&e prospect o# +ar +it& t&e So(iet Union $ecisi(ely in#luence$ t&e $e(elop,ent o# ra$ar syste,s an$ tec&nologies. Operationally, t&e Unite$ States e,p&asi?e$ t&e $e(elop,ent o# #ig&ter aircra#t t&at coul$ $estroy So(iet bo,bers at long range +it& ra$ar ,issiles, an$ lo+ #lying attac. aircra#t t&at use$ terrain-#ollo+ing ra$ar to a(oi$ t&e ra$ars o# t&e So(iet integrate$ air $e#ense syste, 2;A9S4. Ho+e(er, t&ere +ere ,any opportunities #or t&e 9o9 to pursue c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent in t&ree areas o# tactical a(iationH air-to-air, airto-groun$, an$ sur#ace-to-air. As a result, ;A syste,s ,a$e inroa$s as bot& as a co,pli,ent to an$ co,petitor +it& ra$ar syste,s.
Military Applications
Air-to-Air: Sidewinder ;n t&e 15"0@s, t&e F-3 &anto, +as t&e USAF@s pri,ary #ig&ter an$ +as ar,e$ +it& t&e A;)-> Sparro+ ra$argui$e$ ,issile. %&e Sparro+ &a$ been un$er $e(elop,ent #or ,ore t&an a $eca$e, an$ +as a large, e*pensi(e, long-range, all-+eat&er ,issile t&at ga(e t&e &anto, a ,ar.e$ a$(antage in t&e air-to-air co,bat against So(iet bo,bers.11 !ot surprisingly, +&en t&e USAF #oun$ itsel# #ig&ting t&e =ietna, 'ar, t&e ene,y $i$ not #ly in ba$ +eat&er. At t&e sa,e ti,e, restricti(e rules o# engage,ent, +&ic& +ere establis&e$ a#ter t&e t&ir$ Sparro+ $estroye$ an A,erican aircra#t, negate$ its range a$(antage.12 A#ter t&at #rien$ly #ire inci$ent, t&e pilots &a$ to establis& positi(e i$enti#ication (isually be#ore #iring, an$ once insi$e (isual range, t&e ene,y@s s,all, ,aneu(erable #ig&ters &a$ t&e a$(antage. Since t&e &anto, #ig&ter $i$ not &a(e an internal gun, it relie$ on t&e Sparro+@s ra$ar gui$ance, +&ic& +as poorly suite$ to close-in, (isual aerial co,bat. %&e Sparro+ $i$ not &a(e its o+n ra$ar trans,itter, but instea$ relie$ on t&e aircra#t@s ra$ar to gui$e it to t&e target. Bno+n as se,i-acti(e ra$ar &o,ing, t&is reCuires t&e aircra#t to .eep its nose 2ra$o,e4 pointe$ in t&e $irection o# t&e opposing #ig&ter.1/ Gi(en t&e &ig& closing spee$s o# ,o$ern #ig&ter aircra#t, ene,y #ig&ters o#ten coul$ #ire t&eir o+n s&ort-range +eapons +&ile t&e Sparro+ +as in #lig&t. ;n e(olutionary ter,s, t&e USAF &a$ an un#ille$ nic&e t&at +as #ille$ by t&e ;A-gui$e$ Si$e+in$er ,issile. Aat&er t&an being a pro$uct o#
t&e stan$ar$ ,ilitary researc& an$ $e(elop,ent process, a s,all tea, at t&e !a(al 'eapons Center at C&ina La.e pursue$ a te*tboo. case o# c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent to create t&e prototype #or t&e Si$e+in$er, +&ic& it $i$ +it&out o##icial support an$ in opposition to o##icial gui$ance.13 %&e tea, at C&ina La.e $e(elope$ an in#rare$-gui$e$ D#ire-an$-#orgetE ,issile, in +&ic& t&e pilot use$ t&e ,issile@s ;A to Dloc. onE to t&e target. '&en #ire$, t&e ,issile +oul$ gui$e on t&e in#rare$ e,issions o# t&e target aircra#t@s Fet engines, +&ic& reCuire$ no #urt&er action #ro, t&e pilot +&o coul$ loo. #or anot&er target or e(a$e ene,y counter-action. <(en a#ter t&e !a(y a$opte$ t&e Si$e+in$er in t&e ,i$-1500@s, t&e USAF ignore$ t&e ;A ,issile because Air Force reCuire,ents clearly speci#ie$ an Dall +eat&er capability,E +&ic& t&e Si$e+in$er $i$ not possess.10 Ho+e(er, t&e Si$e+in$er +as e(entually a$opte$ by USAF an$ pro(e$ to be e*tre,ely e##ecti(e. For e*a,ple, in Operation Aolling %&un$er 215"0-"64, Sparro+ ,issiles accounte$ #or t+enty-se(en air-toair .ills, +&ile t&e Si$e+in$er accounte$ #or t+enty-nine .ills. ;n Operation 215>1->/4, Sparro+s accounte$ #or t+enty-nine airto-air .ills +&ile t&e Si$e+in$er accounte$ #or #i#ty-t+o .ills.1" %&us, t&e Si$e+in$er ,issile consistently &a$ t+ice t&e .ill ratio o# aircra#t .ills per ,issile launc&e$ in co,parison +it& t&e Sparro+ ,issile $uring t&e =ietna, 'ar.1> Furt&er,ore, t&e Si$e+in$er +as consi$erably c&eaper t&an t&e Sparro+, an$ it is esti,ate$ t&at its $e(elop,ent costs +ere onetent& t&at o# t&e Sparro+ ,issile.16 Air-to-Air: A"#AA" and AI"-$% %&e A)AAA) 2A$(ance$ )e$iu, Aange Air-Air )issile4 +as $e(elope$ in a tra$itional progra, to replace t&e Sparro+ ,issile, but t&e progra, +as plague$ by $elays an$ cost o(erruns.15 Ho+e(er, t&e A)AAA) is a success story +&ose relati(ely s,all D#ire-an$-#orgetE ra$ar ,issile is gui$e$ to+ar$ ene,y aircra#t in t&ree stages. '&ile on t&e aircra#t, t&e ,issile recei(es target in#or,ation #ro, t&e aircra#t@s ra$ar syste,, +&ic& pre$icts +&ere t&e ene,y aircra#t is going an$ t&en #ires t&e A)AAA) to+ar$ t&at spot. %&en, t&e A)AAA) #lies to t&at spot using internal inertial gui$ance syste,s, an$ +&en it reac&es t&e target area t&e A)AAA) uses its internal ra$ar to get a #inal #i* on t&e target #or ter,inal gui$ance.20 '&ile t&e ,issile &as a long range, it uses its internal ra$ar #or a s&ort ti,e, +&ic& ,eans t&at t&e ra$ar can be s,all, lo+ po+er, an$ (ulnerable to Fa,,ing #or only a s&ort ti,e. By ,erging t&e t+o $i##erent sensing ,ec&anis,s o# inertial na(igation an$ ra$ar, A)AAA) $esigners
o(erca,e ,any o# t&e li,itations associate$ +it& ra$ar gui$e$ ,issiles. By t&is stan$ar$, A)AAA) represents a re(olutionary a$(ance,ent in air-to-air +eapons. %&e Si$e+in$er, gi(en its success in t&e =ietna, 'ar, also beca,e part o# t&e tra$itional USAF acCuisition syste,, but continue$ on an e(olutionary $e(elop,ent pat&. Se(eral generations o# Si$e+in$er ,issiles too. a$(antage o# ,ore reliable an$ sensiti(e ;A $etectors until t&e A;)-5L, +&ic& +as so sensiti(e t&at it coul$ DseeE t&e &eat pro$uce$ by #riction on t&e #ront o# t&e aircra#t an$ t&e plu,e trailing be&in$. !o longer ,ust a pilot ,aneu(er to t&e rear o# an ene,y aircra#t to point Si$e+in$er ,issiles at t&e &ot engine e*&aust. As an Dall aspectE ,issile, li.e t&e ra$ar gui$e$ Sparro+ an$ A)AAA), t&e all-aspect Si$e+in$er +as an e*traor$inarily let&al +eapon. 9uring t&e Fal.lan$s con#lict, t&e A;)-5L trans#or,e$ t&e air-to-groun$ Britis& Harriers into potent #leet $e#ense interceptors, as seen by t&e $estruction o# eig&teen Argentine planes +it& only t+enty-si* ,issiles #or a se(enty-#i(e percent success rate.21 Air-to-'ro(nd: %ow Altit(de )avi*ation and Tar*etin* Infrared for )i*+t ,%A)TI#)- ;n (ie+ o# t&e success o# s,art bo,bs in t&e later stages o# t&e =ietna, 'ar, t&e USAF began to $e(elop a +i$e range o# Ds,arterE ,unitions. %&e )a(eric. ;,aging ;n#rare$ ,issile, +&ic& +as a natural upgra$e #ro, t&e %=-gui$e$ )a(eric., +as able to DseeE at nig&t an$ t&roug& s,o.e. %&e proble, +it& )a(eric. ,issiles +as t&at t&ey reCuire$ signi#icant attention #ro, t&e +eapons o##icer +&o &a$ to select an$ loc.-on to targets. As t&e USAF ,o(e$ a+ay #ro, t&e F-3 #ig&ter an$ #ille$ its in(entory +it& single seat A-10 an$ F-1" aircra#t, t&e +eapons o##icer beca,e a rare bree$. %&ere#ore, t&e story o# t&e )a(eric. ;A ,issile is really t&e story o# t&e syste, t&at +as suppose$ to ,a.e it usable in co,bat #or t&e post-=ietna, USAF, +&ic& beca,e LA!%;A!. %&e LA!%;A! syste, consiste$ o# t+o po$s t&at coul$ be retro#itte$ onto e*isting aircra#t #or a nig&t attac. capability against ar,or, +&ic& +as critical to $e#en$ing against a 'arsa+ act attac. t&roug& t&e Ful$a Gap in 'est Ger,any. LA!%;A! +as $esigne$ to enable F-1" an$ A-10 pilots to searc& #or an$ engage tan.s at nig&t. '&ile one po$ pro(i$e$ a laser range #in$er an$ )a(eric. ,issile targeting syste,, t&e ot&er po$ pro(i$e$ nig&t na(igation capability, +&ic& consiste$ o# an in#rare$ picture $isplaye$ on a +i$e-angle &ea$-up $isplay t&at t&e pilot (ie+e$ t&roug& t&e $isplay to DseeE t&e outsi$e +orl$. ;n t&e ,i$-60@s, t&e #irst LA!%;A! #lig&t si,ulator #or t&e F-1" $e(elope$ at t&e Air
Force Hu,an Aesources Lab at 'illia,s AFB, Ari?ona, +as a state-o#t&e-art si,ulator +it& a #ully #unctional coc.pit t&at use$ ra$ar i,agery an$ si,ulate$ LA!%;A! in#rare$ i,agery.22 '&en F-1" pilots use$ t&e si,ulator, t&ey +ere less ent&usiastic t&an t&e $e(elop,ent tea,. %&ey in#or,e$ t&e $e(elopers t&at #lying #ro, t&e ;A i,age +as li.e t&roug& a so$a stra+,E +&ile being color-blin$ an$ $ept& perception. Ho+e(er, t&ey +ere suppose$ to use t&is syste, +&ile #lying at &ig& spee$ near t&e groun$ +&ile na(igating, a(oi$ing t&e terrain, scanning #or t&reats, an$ engaging targets. LA!%;A! +as a tec&nological ,ar(el but +as li,ite$ by a #la+e$ operational concept.2/ Alt&oug& LA!%;A! +as an initial #ailure, it e(entually beca,e success#ul +&en it +as a$apte$ #or t&e con(ersion o# t&e F-10 #ig&ter aircra#t in t&e late 1560@s. '&en t&e F-10 +as being $esigne$ in t&e 15>0@s, it +as $esigne$ to be a DpureE air superiority #ig&ter. Ho+e(er, a later ,o$el o# t&e F-10, t&e F-10< Stri.e <agle, is t&e USAF@s pre,ier attac. aircra#t. %&e .eys to its Dre(olutionaryE c&ange in ,ission +ere a$$ing a secon$ seat, re#ining its ra$ar, an$ a$$ing LA!%;A! po$s, +&ic& +oul$ allo+ t+o a(iators to na(igate, a(oi$ terrain, scan #or t&reats, an$ engage targets. %&is Dc&aoticE ,erger o# t&e F-10 air#ra,e an$ LA!%;A! po$s create$ a signi#icant operational success in t&e 1550@s. S(rface-to-Air: Stin*er ;n 9ece,ber 15>5, +&en t&e So(iet Union stage$ a ,ilitary coup $@etat in A#g&anistan, it began a nine-year con#lict bet+een t&e So(iet ,ilitary an$ t&e )usli, #ree$o, #ig&ters, .no+n as )uFa&i$een. %&e So(iet ,ilitary an$ its a$(ance$ tec&nology #oug&t pri,arily against s,all ban$s o# poorly ar,e$ guerrilla #ig&ters. !e(ert&eless, re,iniscent in ,any +ays o# A,erica@s =ietna, e*perience, t&e So(iets su##ere$ a se(ere strategic $e#eat.23 )uc& o# t&e cre$it #or t&e So(iets@ $e#eat goes to t&e intro$uction o# t&e Stinger ,issile into t&at con#lict. %&e Stinger is a s,all ;A ,issile t&at +as $e(elope$ an$ procure$ #or t&e U.S. Ar,y to gi(e in#antry,en a portable air $e#ense capability, +&ic& is a sur#ace-to-air ,issile eCui(alent o# t&e Si$e+in$er. ;t +as so e##ecti(e t&at t&e Central ;ntelligence Agency initially a$(ise$ against supplying Stingers to t&e )uFa&i$een.20 Ho+e(er, a#ter C;A-supplie$ So(iet Strella an$ Britis& Blo+pipe ,issiles #aile$ to signi#icantly curb t&e use o# So(iet airpo+er, A,erica supplie$ Stingers to t&e guerrillas, +&ic& i,,e$iately a##ecte$ t&e con#lict.2" So(iet losses o# aircra#t, especially &elicopters, rose s&arply, an$ e(entually reac&e$ 2,000. So(iet #ig&ter
aircra#t +ere #orce$ to con$uct &ig&-altitu$e operations, +&ic& se(erely li,ite$ t&eir e##ecti(eness. '&en t&e So(iets +ere #orce$ to se(erely restrict all air operations, it se(erely a##ecte$ t&eir ,ilitary capabilities.2> %&us, t&e relati(ely c&eap an$ si,ple Stinger, +&en use$ in its Dc&aoticE role as a guerrilla +eapon, &a$ signi#icant conseCuences #or U.S. ,ilitary capabilities. %&e Stinger@s unplanne$ success is only part o# its c&aotic story because its secon$- an$ t&ir$-or$er c&aotic e##ects continue to &aunt t&e Unite$ States. For e*a,ple, t&e %aliban, successors to t&e )uFa&i$een o# A#g&anistan, are in po+er partly because o# A,erican inter(ention, an$ no+ s&elter Usa,a-bin-La$en, A,erica@s ,ost +ante$ terrorist.26 C&ina &as increase$ its ,ilitary capability by copying Stinger tec&nology supplie$ by a.istan, +&ic& &elpe$ to s&ip Stingers to t&e )uFa&i$een. As partial repay,ent, a.istan got a$(ance$ ,issile an$ nuclear tec&nology #ro, C&ina an$, in turn, proli#erate$ t&at tec&nology to !ort& Borea to up$ate t&e SCU9 ,issiles t&at t&reaten A,erican troops. %&e uninten$e$ conseCuence o# supplying Stinger ,issiles to t&e A#g&an rebels is a per#ect e*a,ple o# t&e e##ects associate$ +it& c&aos t&eory.25 S(rface-to-Air: /om 0ipp(r 1ar ;n t&e 15>/ Io, Bippur 'ar, sur#ace-to-air engage,ents +ere critical to t&e outco,e o# t&e air +ar. !one o# t&e Arab sur#ace-to-air ,issile syste,s +ere particularly e##ecti(e. Aoug&ly 2,000-/,000 ra$ar-gui$e$ ,issiles +ere launc&e$ but $estroye$ only #orty ;sraeli aircra#t./0 A$$itionally t&ey launc&e$ ,ore t&an 0,000 SA-> Strella@s +&ic& $estroye$ only t&irty aircra#t./1 Ho+e(er, t&ese SA)s +ere e##ecti(e because t&e ;sraeliJs +ere #orce$ to s&i#t t&eir groun$ attac. ,issions #ro, t&e planne$ role o# supporting t&e ar,y to counter-SA) ,issions./2 '&ile t&ey e(entually $estroye$ ,any SA) ,issiles, t&e c&aotic $i(ersion o# e##ort nearly cost ;srael t&e +ar.// '&ile t&e ;sraeli #orces &a$ $ealt success#ully +it& <gyptian ra$ar ,issiles in pre(ious,is&es o(er t&e Sue? Canal in pre(ious years, in t&e Io, Bippur 'ar a 'estern air #orce #ace$ a D,assi(e, integrate$ SA) an$ anti-aircra#t gun air $e#ense net+or.E #or t&e #irst ti,e./3 %&e tactics an$ training t&at &a$ +or.e$ #or ;srael in t&e past +ere no longer e##ecti(e against t&is ne+ t&reat, particularly, t&e tactic o# using lo+-le(el #lig&ts to a(oi$ or brea. ra$ar contact./0 Gi(en t&e nee$ to press t&eir groun$ attac.s early +&ile t&e ;sraeli Ar,y ,obili?e$, t&ere +as no ti,e #or t&e ;sraeli Air Force 2;AF4 to a$apt. Ho+e(er, a rapi$ resupply e##ort by t&e A,ericans, inclu$ing so,e o# t&e latest electronic counter,easures, &elpe$ t&e ;AF reco(er./" !e(ert&eless, only t&e
$isruption o# t&e air $e#ense net+or. by t&e a$(ance o# t&e groun$ #orces later in t&e +ar, #inally allo+e$ t&e ;AF to operate t&e +ay it &a$ inten$e$./>
t&e #irst signal #ro, ra$ar +arning recei(ers.33 %&e air-to-air Dtur.ey s&ootE +as spectacular an$ con#ir,e$ ;sraeli ,astery in air-to-air co,bat t&at &a$ been $e,onstrate$ in pre(ious +ars. %&e ;AF use$ t&e Si$e+in$er +it& great success, an$ use$ t&eir +arti,e e*perience to ,o$i#y t&e ,issile. '&en ;srael #irst use$ t&e Si$e+in$er ,issile, t&e pri,ary ene,y aircra#t o#ten encountere$ +as t&e )iG-2/ Flogger, +&ic& e(en by So(iet stan$ar$s is a robust, stur$y airplane. ;srael learne$ t&at t&e Si$e+in$ers +ere so accurate t&at t&ey o#ten #le+ into t&e tailpipes o# t&e Flogger Fet engines, +&ic& $estroye$ t&e engine but containe$ t&e blast o# t&e Si$e+in$er@s s,all +ar&ea$. %&e pilot o#ten baile$ out o# t&e Flogger to return an$ #ig&t anot&er $ay. Since t&e pilot is an integral part o# t&e #ig&ter syste,, an$ s.ille$ pilots +ere at a pre,iu,, allo+ing t&e ,ost critical part o# t&e #ig&ter syste, escape #ro, air-to-air engage,ents +as ine##ecti(e. %&ere#ore, ;srael put a larger +ar&ea$ in t&e Si$e+in$er ,issile an$ rena,e$ it t&e yt&on, an$ +&en t&e yt&on &it a )iG-2/, it $estroye$ t&e entire aircra#t.30 Air-to-'ro(nd )ost air-to-groun$ $e(elop,ent e##orts $uring t&e Col$ 'ar #ocuse$ on attac. aircra#t t&at +ere $esigne$ to penetrate So(iet ra$ar syste,s. %&e B-1 bo,ber +as $esigne$ to go un$er ra$ar co(erage, +&ile t&e F-11> stealt& #ig&ter +as $esigne$ to be Din(isibleE to ene,y ra$ar.3" Ho+e(er, t&ere +ere reasons to $oubt t&e (alue o# t&is &ig& tec&nology approac&. For e*a,ple, t&e B-1 bo,ber +as .no+n as a D&anger CueenE because o# its serious ,aintenance proble,s an$ insu##icient electronic counter,easures.3> Furt&er,ore, t&e F-11> bo,bing o# an unoccupie$ #iel$ $uring Operation Just Cause in ana,a in 1565 +as a less t&an auspicious co,bat $ebut.36 By t&e early 1550@s, t&ere +ere serious $oubts about USAF in(est,ents in t&e &ig&-tec&nology attac. aircra#t t&at +ere pri,arily $esigne$ to penetrate t&e no+-$e#unct So(iet air $e#enses.35 S(rface-to-Air %&e ability o# t&e USAF to operate in a sur#ace-toair t&reat en(iron,ent +as (ie+e$ +it& cautious opti,is,. ;n t&e Be..a =alley in 1562, ;srael $e,onstrate$ t&at a ra$ar-base$ integrate$ air $e#ense syste,, +&ic& &a$ generate$ so ,any proble,s $uring t&e Io, Bippur 'ar, coul$ be $e#eate$. Furt&er,ore, ol$er generation ;A ,issiles $i$ not pose a signi#icant t&reat because $ecoys coul$ #ool t&ese ,issiles.00 But t&e single e*perience in t&e Be..a =alley coul$ not easily be e*trapolate$ to all o# t&e situations t&at t&e USAF ,ig&t con#ront. %&e entire engage,ent o(er t&e Be..a =alley +as o(er so an$ apparently e##ortlessly t&at it +as ,ore o# a lesson in ;sraeli ,ilitary s.ills
an$ Syrian inco,petence t&an a true test o# air $e#enses.01 ;n a$$ition, ;srael +as inti,ately #a,iliar +it& t&e co,bat area an$ t&eir opponent, an$ &a$ practice$ against Syrian air $e#enses #or nearly a year in t&e !ege( $esert.02 Suc& a situation +as &ig&ly unli.ely #or U.S. #orces #acing a c&aotic +orl$ +&ere t&reats ,ig&t arise any+&ere an$ anyti,e. %o #urt&er co,plicate ,atters, t&e A#g&anistan con#lict &a$ $e,onstrate$ t&at ,o$ern ;A ,issiles coul$ be e*tre,ely e##ecti(e e(en +&en use$ in s,all nu,bers in a pri,iti(e air $e#ense syste,. Alt&oug& t&e USAF &a$ $e(elope$ plat#or,s t&at coul$ sur(i(e t&e SA) t&reat, t&e issue re,aine$ in $oubt as A,erica &ea$e$ into its #irst post-Col$ 'ar con#lict. S(rface to Air: )ear 3efeat Sp(rs Adaptation and 4vol(tion %&e reCuire,ent #or close air support pre(ente$ t&e ;AF #ro, e*peri,enting an$ a$apting $uring t&e Io, Bippur 'ar. 9uring t&e ne*t ,aFor con#lict bet+een t&e ;AF an$ Arab SA)s o(er t&e Be..a =alley in Lebanon in 1562, Syrian #orces e,ploye$ nearly t&e sa,e ,i*ture o# air $e#ense assets t&at &a$ been so success#ul in 15>/, notably ra$ar-gui$e$ SA-2, SA-/, an$ SA-" long-range ,issiles integrate$ +it& SA-> in#rare$ ,issiles, an$ nu,erous types o# anti-aircra#t 2AA4 guns. Ho+e(er, t&e ;AF +as prepare$ t&is ti,e.0/ %&e ;sraeli@s nulli#ie$ t&e & Strellas +it& #lares an$ t&er,al balloons, an$ lost only one aircra#t to SA>s $espite ,any lo+ le(el attac.s.03 %&eir ability to $o,inate ra$argui$e$ ,issiles +as e(en ,ore spectacular -- t&e ;AF $estroye$ se(enteen o# nineteen Syrian SA-" sites an$ se(eral SA-2 an$ SA-/ sites in less t&an t+enty ,inutes o# acti(e co,bat.00 Alt&oug& ;srael &as use$ security an$ $eliberate ,isin#or,ation to protect its ra$ar SA)-$e#eating secrets, t&e basis o# its success is +ell .no+n. %&e ;sraeli@s &a$ superior pre-attac. intelligence on t&e location an$ e,ission c&aracteristics o# t&e Syrian SA)s. %&ey began t&e attac. +it& re,otely pilote$ (e&icles, so,e +it& sensors to pinpoint t&e ,issile sites, so,e as $ecoys to entice t&e ra$ars to e,it, an$ so,e +it& let&al +ar&ea$s to &o,e-in on ra$ar e,issions. Once t&e sites +ere locate$, a +ell-coor$inate$ attac. plan +as e*ecute$ +it& t&e &elp o# Ha+.eye airborne +arning an$ control aircra#t. %&e attac. aircra#t +ere +ell protecte$ +it& t&e latest counter,easures, inclu$ing support #ro, large $e$icate$ 2Boeing >0> (ariant4 electronic counter,easures aircra#t. <(en so,e sur#ace-to-sur#ace ,issiles an$ artillery s&ells +ere specially $esigne$ to attac. air $e#ense ra$ars.0" !o ;sraeli aircra#t +ere lost, an$ #ro, t&e start o# t&e con#lict, t&e Syrian air $e#ense syste, +as e##ecti(ely $estroye$.
;n neit&er 9esert Stor, nor Allie$ Force $i$ ene,y air #orces, $espite being eCuippe$ +it& #airly ,o$ern #ig&ters, seriously c&allenge coalition air #orces. ;raC atte,pte$ se(eral interceptor sorties $uring t&e opening $ays o# 9esert Stor,, but reac&e$ t&e sa,e conclusion as &a$ t&e Syrians o(er t&e Be..a =alley t&at #lying against 'estern air #orces +oul$ be suici$al. Coalition #orces s&ot $o+n 31 ;raCi aircra#t, 23 +it& Sparro+s an$ 12 +it& Si$e+in$ers.0> An ;raCi )iG-20 ,ay &a(e score$ a single aerial .ill Fust be#ore it +as s&ot $o+n.06 ;n a sign o# &o+ co,pletely t&e coalition #orces $o,inate$ t&e aerial battles, ;raCi aircra#t +ere not sa#e e(en after t&ey retreate$ into &ar$ene$ s&elters, because coalition aircra#t syste,atically $estroye$ t&e s&elters an$ anyt&ing insi$e t&ose s&elters.05 %&e ;raCi@s +ere #orce$ into t&e truly $esperate act o# running t&e gauntlet o# coalition co,bat air patrols in or$er to escape to ;ran, a country +it& +&ic& t&ey +ere still tec&nically at +ar."0 O(er Boso(o an$ Serbia, t&e story +as ,uc& t&e sa,e. '&ile t&e ene,y air #orces &a$ capable aircra#t, suc& as t&e )iG-25, !A%O #orces +ere (astly superior. %&e sa,e co,bination o# superior aircra#t, pilots, ,issile syste,s, an$ situational a+areness t&at &a$ ser(e$ t&e ;sraeli Air Force pro$uce$ one-si$e$ aerial battles. As +it& t&e ;sraeli e*perience, t&e principal lessons #ro, t&e air-to-air contests o# t&e 1550@s +as t&at t&e 'est is totally $o,inant.
5peration 3esert Storm 6 T+e I# 1ar Historians &a(e clai,e$ ,any D#irstsE #or t&e ersian Gul# 'arH t&e #irst ;n#o 'ar, t&e #irst A)A +ar, an$ t&e #irst success#ul air +ar. ;n any case, 9esert Stor, +as t&e #irst +ar in +&ic& ;A syste,s playe$ a $o,inant role. %&e nig&tly ne+s (i$eo t&at s&o+e$ t&e e##ecti(eness o# precision-gui$e$ +eaponry nearly al+ays in(ol(e$ ;A syste,s. An$ F-10< Stri.e <agles eCuippe$ +it& LA!%;A! po$s +ere (ery e##ecti(e, +&ic& le$ to rus&ing ,ore LA!%;A! syste,s into t&e t&eater."1 %&e Dc&aoticE use o# ;A syste,s increase$ t&roug&out t&e +ar. %&e s,all, lo+ resolution i,age #ro, )a(eric. ,issile see.ers, +&ic& +ere $esigne$ +it& su##icient resolution to (eri#y a target, +ere use$ instea$ by A-10 pilots as D,ini-LA!%;A!sE to searc& #or targets in t&e $esert."2 F-111 pilots use$ t&eir =ietna, 'ar (intage a(e %ac. po$s to attac. tan.s because tan. ar,or staye$ +ar,, an$ t&ere#ore &ig&ly (isible to e(en lo+-resolution ;A syste,s, long a#ter t&e $esert san$ coole$."/ %&e F-11> stealt& #ig&ter, t&e ,ost ,o$ern stri.e aircra#t o# t&e +ar, &a$ no ra$ar at all. Follo+ing t&e $ictu, t&at a stealt&y aircra#t s&oul$ not e,it, t&e F-11> relie$ on ;A syste,s #or na(igation an$ targeting."3 9uring 9esert Stor,, ;A syste,s $e,onstrate$ t&at t&ese &a$ e(ol(e$ to t&e point o# being critical to t&e USAF $o,ination o# t&e battle#iel$."0 0osovo -- T+e '7S 1ar A+ay #ro, t&e $esert, t&e +eat&er li,itations associate$ +it& ;A syste,s +ere e(en ,ore critical. An i,portant syste, $uring t&e Boso(o con#lict +as t&e B-2 bo,ber an$ t&e Joint 9irect Attac. )unition 2J9A)4, +&ic& is gui$e$ by an inertial na(igation syste, t&at uses t&e Global ositioning Syste, 2G S4. G S +as una##ecte$ by +eat&er, +&ic& ,eant t&at t&e B-2 +as one o# t&e #e+ syste,s t&at coul$ bo,b t&roug& t&e o(ercast +eat&er +&ic& c&aracteri?e$ t&e #irst #e+ +ee.s o# t&e air ca,paign."" %&e initial $e(elop,ent o# a satellite-base$ na(igation syste, +as as co,ple* as t&at #or t&e Si$e+in$er ,issile."> '&ile t&e B-2 bo,ber +as $esigne$ to $rop nuclear bo,bs on ,obile So(iet ballistic ,issile launc&ers $uring a nuclear +ar, t&e B-2 bo,ber +as &ig&ly e##ecti(e against stationary targets, suc& as bri$ges an$ air#iel$s, $uring a s,all-
scale con#lict. Alt&oug& not part o# t&e $e(elop,ent o# ;A syste,s, t&e syste,s use$ to bo,b Serbia pro(i$e #urt&er e(i$ence o# Dc&aoticE e(olutionary $e(elop,ent. 0osovo 6 4vol(tion of Tomcat 8i*+ter %&e U.S. !a(y@s F-13 %o,cat aircra#t un$er+ent a ra$ical c&ange bet+een 9esert Stor, an$ Allie$ Force. %&e %o,cat sy,boli?es t&e ra$ar-base$ #ig&ter aircra#t. ;t uses a large ra$ar to support t&e A;)-03 &oeni* ,issile. %&e &oeni* gre+ #ro, t&e sa,e ra$ar-#ocuse$ planning, as $i$ t&e Sparro+ ,issile."6 ;ts large ra$ar, couple$ +it& its &ig&ly capable #ire control syste,, gi(es t&e F-13 an e*tre,ely long range."5 9esigne$ to .noc. $o+n So(iet bo,bers an$ cruise ,issiles at long range, t&e F-13 +as on its +ay to e*tinction +&en t&e Col$ 'ar en$e$. ;n its ti,e an$ role in #leet $e#ense, t&e %o,cat +as &ig&ly capable, but $uring t&e Gul# 'ar, t&e rules o# engage,ent $i$ not allo+ t&e e*tre,ely long-range ,issile engage,ents in +&ic& t&e co,bination o# &oeni* ,issiles an$ %o,cat aircra#t speciali?e$.>0 %&e proble, +as t&at t&e %o,cat +as a superb aircra#t t&at lac.e$ a role in t&e post Col$ 'ar +orl$. Ho+e(er, t&e %o,cat sur(i(e$ because U.S. !a(y lac.e$ a precision gui$e$ capability $uring 9esert Stor,. By ,erging t&e %o,cat an$ its &ea(y +eapons loa$ +it& LA!%;A! po$s, t&e !a(y +as able to create DStri.ecatsE relati(ely an$ ine*pensi(ely.>1 =irtually +it&out precision capability in t&e early 1550s, U.S. !a(y aircra#t e##ecti(ely participate$ in Operation Allie$ Force using al,ost e*clusi(ely precision +eapons.
Air 3ominance ;t is $i##icult to co,pare t&e Gul# 'ar an$ t&e Boso(o con#lict +it& t&e USAF@s pre(ious e*periences in t&e =ietna, 'ar. Kuantitati(e nu,bers or percentages o# .ills are not rele(ant because o# t&e $isparate nature o# t&ese air +ars.>2 A ,ore rele(ant co,parison +oul$ be Cualitati(e. Aa$ar ,issiles pose$ a constant $anger o(er !ort& =ietna,, an$ ;A ,issiles +ere a t&reat to lo+ #lying, slo+ aircra#t, especially &elicopters, in Sout& =ietna,. Ho+e(er, in t&e ersian Gul# 'ar t&e ;raCi air $e#ense syste, +as e##ecti(ely $estroye$ in t&e opening ,inutes o# con#lict. %&is +as acco,plis&e$ t&roug& t&e use o# superior intelligence, ra$ar-baiting $ecoys, electronic counter,easures,
+ell-coor$inate$ co,,an$ an$ control, anti-ra$iation ,issiles, an$ con(entional attac.s +it& special operations #orces an$ Apac&e &elicopters. %&e si,ultaneous attac. against t&e entire air $e#ense syste, pro$uce$ Cuic., o(er+&el,ing (ictory.>/ A#ter t&e #irst #e+ $ays o# suppressing ;raCi air $e#enses, t&ere +as (irtually no ra$ar ,issile t&reat.>3 Ho+e(er, t&e in#rare$ ,issile t&reat $uring t&e ersian Gul# 'ar +as ,uc& *reater t&an $uring t&e =ietna, or ;sraeli con#licts an$ it persiste$ t&roug&out t&e +ar because t&e Allie$ air #orces $i$ not &a(e a +ay to suppress or $estroy passi(e ;A syste,s. %&e Allie$ #orces, li.e t&e So(iets in A#g&anistan, c&ose t&e tactic o# re,aining at ,e$iu,-to-&ig& altitu$es to a(oi$ t&e ;A t&reat.>0 ;n t&e $eca$e since t&e ersian Gul# 'ar, Allie$ aircra#t en#orcing no-#ly ?ones continue to attac. ra$ar ,issile sites +it& (irtual i,punity +&ile staying abo(e t&e ;A ,issile t&reat. ;n Boso(o, t&e tren$ o# a lo+er air $e#ense t&reat continue$. %&e truly a,a?ing statistic o# no Allie$ aircre+ an$ only t+o aircra#t lost to ene,y air $e#enses $uring a se(enty-nine $ay air ca,paign spea.s #or itsel#. Ho+e(er, once again Allie$ aircre+s +ere #orce$ to con$uct operations at altitu$es abo(e t&e ;A t&reat, +&ic& in practical ter,s ,eant t&at ,e$iu, altitu$e attac.s against tactical targets in Boso(o +ere routinely critici?e$ #or t&eir ine##ecti(eness.>" As in t&e A#g&anistan con#lict, relati(ely si,ple an$ c&eap ;A ,issiles seriously ero$e$ t&e e##ecti(eness o# a ,o$ern air #orce. Apac+e 9elicopters %&e Apac&e #iasco, .no+n as %as. Force Ha+., represents t&e ,ost glaring e*a,ple o# $octrinal ,is,atc& $uring Operation Allie$ Force. Since lo+, slo+-#lying aircra#t cannot sur(i(e in t&e #ace o# lo+ altitu$e, ;A ,issiles, t&e Ar,y belie(e$ t&at t&e only +ay to suppress passi(e ;A syste,s $uring Apac&e operations +as to t&e area +it& s&rapnel in or$er to .ill or $a,age any Dso#tE targets. %o acco,plis& t&is, t&e Ar,y $eploye$ t&e )ultiple Launc& Syste, +it& %as. Force Ha+. because a#ter a $e(astating artillery stri.e, t&e Apac&es +oul$ be able to sa#ely #ly in an$ $estroy re,aining &ar$ targets.>> '&ile t&is approac& is consistent +it& $octrine, blan.eting a large area +it& s&rapnel is i,practical $uring &u,anitarian operations, suc& as Boso(o. Furt&er, t&is $e#ie$ t&e con(entional +is$o, t&at t&e Ar,y ,ust ,a.e its &elicopter $eploy,ent lig&ter an$ leaner so t&at it can incorporate Apac&e stri.e #orces into air ca,paigns. %&us, t&e $ecision to bring Apac&e &elicopters into an air ca,paign t&at +oul$ operate in t&e presence o# unsuppresse$ lo+-le(el ;A t&reats ,isse$ ,any o# t&e lessons learne$ $uring recent con#licts.
%&e ,ost telling statistic about USAF air-to-air $o,inance is t&at a 'estern pilote$ F-10 or F-1" aircra#t &as never been s&ot $o+n in air-toair co,bat.>6 )uc& o# t&e cre$it belongs +it& t&e $e(elop,ent o# superior air-to-air ,issiles gui$e$ by ra$ar an$ ;A sensors. %&e A)AAA), #irst use$ in t&e ersian Gul# 'ar, re,ains a state-o#-t&e-art ra$ar-gui$e$ ,issile. 9espite ,inor i,pro(e,ents in let&ality, range, an$ electronic counter-counter,easures, it is not clear t&at a DbetterE ra$ar-gui$e$ ,issile is necessary, as s&o+n by t&e continue$ success o# t&e A)AAA) in +ar. %&e all-aspect Si$e+in$er &as been eCually success#ul. %&e progra, to replace t&e Si$e+in$er +it& an ASAAA) 2A$(ance$ S+ortAange Air-Air )issile4 or A;)-5L &as not pro$uce$ any signi#icant i,pro(e,ents.>5 !onet&eless, t&e ASAAA) ,issile +ill go t&roug& one ,ore e(olutionary i,pro(e,ent, +&ic& +ill be base$ on t&e t&reat pose$ by t&e )iG-25 aircra#t an$ its AA-11 Arc&er ,issile.60 As t&e So(iet Union #ell be&in$ t&e 'est in t&e #iel$s o# electronics an$ co,putational po+er, t&eir ability to #iel$ a$(ance$ ra$ar syste,s $ecline$. As a result, t&e So(iets increasingly relie$ on ,ore reliable, easier to $esign, co,putationally si,pler, an$ toug&er-to-Fa, ;A syste,s, +&ic& surprise$ 'estern intelligence agencies. For e*a,ple, +&en t&e )iG-25 Fulcru, aircra#t +as #iel$e$ in t&e 1560s, its ra$ar syste, an$ associate$ ,issile +ere i,pressi(e by So(iet stan$ar$s but at least a generation be&in$ 'estern syste,s. Ho+e(er, it also &a$ a bu,p on t&e nose, +&ic& +as not an electronic +ar#are antenna as #irst suspecte$, but an ;n#rare$ Searc& an$ %rac. Syste, 2;AS%4, +&ic& +as t&e #irst to be #iel$e$ in an operational #ig&ter.61 Once ,erge$ +it& a laser range #in$er, t&e ;A syste, coul$ $etect aircra#t and pro(i$e targeting $ata at longer ranges +it&out alerting t&e target aircra#t t&at it &a$ been $etecte$. <(en i# a target aircra#t suspecte$ it +as being trac.e$, t&ere is no practical +ay to DFa,E t&is ;A syste,. %&e )iG-25@s ;A syste, +as integrate$ +it& t&e i,pro(e$ ;A ,issile, .no+n as t&e AA-11 Arc&er, +&ic& not only &a$ t&e all-aspect #eature o# t&e latest Si$e+in$ers, but it also &a$ Do##-boresig&tE capability M ,eaning t&at t&e ,issile coul$ Dloo.E
to its le#t an$ rig&t to DseeE target aircra#t. %&us, t&e pilot coul$ #ire a ,issile +it&out pointing t&e aircra#t nose at t&e target aircra#t, as Si$e+in$er eCuippe$ pilots ,ust $o. %&is e*pan$s t&e #iring en(elope #or t&e ,issile, sa(es precious secon$s in a $og#ig&t, an$ co,pli,ents t&e ,aneu(erability o# a #ig&ter because it is ,uc& easier to ,aneu(er t&e #ig&ter into a #iring position. ;n a$$ition, Aussian pilots &a$ a &el,et,ounte$ t&er,al sig&t +&ic& per,itte$ t&e, to ai, t&e ,issile ,erely by at t&e targete$ aircra#t, in e##ect gi(ing t&e, an ;A D&ea$s-up $isplayE +&ere(er t&ey loo.e$, not Fust on t&e #ront o# t&e instru,ent panel, as in 'estern coc.pits. %&e $etails o# t&is syste, $i$ not #ully e,erge until t&e <ast Ger,an )iG-25@s beca,e part o# t&e uni#ie$ Ger,any@s Lu#t+a##e. Once t&ey $i$, it +as clear t&at an ;A-eCuippe$ )iG-25, #lo+n by a s.ille$ pilot, &a$ an a$(antage, an$ t&e AA-11 Arc&er ,issile seriously c&allenges t&e tec&nological pri,acy o# t&e Si$e+in$er.62 '&ile it is not clear t&at t&e Arc&er represents a s&ort#all in our air superiority capabilities, t&e USAF is ,o(ing to close t&e ;A ,issile gap. Until t&en, t&e USAF a$(antage in pilot training, situational a+areness syste,s, an$ long-range ,issiles ,a.e t&e prospect o# an e(enly balance$ close-in $og#ig&t &ig&ly unli.ely.6/ Ho+e(er, t&e USAF acCuisition syste, &as been energi?e$ to con$uct a signi#icant $e(elop,ent progra, to $e(elop a U.S. eCui(alent to t&e Arc&er.63 9espite t&e $e(elop,ent o# its &ig&ly capable ,issiles, t&e USAF &as accepte$ engineering co,ple*ity an$ $esign tra$eo##s to ensure t&e basic 20,, cannon +ill still re,ain integral to #uture #ig&ter aircra#t. %&is $ecision is base$ on =ietna,-era lessons learne$ in t&e F-3 co,,unity, yet t&ese lessons ,ay not be rele(ant. %&e F-3 #unctione$ as a $og#ig&ter because t&e USAF lac.e$ t&e situational a+areness in t&e 15"0s to &an$le long-range ,issile engage,ents an$ because o# t&e serious tactical li,itations +it& se,i-acti(e ra$ar &o,ing. Ho+e(er, t&e F-22 aircra#t &as none o# t&ese li,itations. ;t +ill carry A)AAA) ,issiles, +&ic& are a true D#ire-an$-#orgetE long-range ra$ar ,issile, as +ell as a$(ance$ Si$e+in$ers t&at +ill allo+ s&ort range .ills +it&out t&e tra$itional nee$ to #ly $irectly to+ar$ t&e ene,y aircra#t. ;n a$$ition, t&e USAF &as largely sol(e$ t&e ;$enti#ication Frien$-or-Foe 2;FF4 proble, t&at &in$ere$ ,issile engage,ents $uring t&e =ietna, 'ar.60 ;n t&e 15"0@s, t&e #ailure to $esign t&e F-3 aircra#t to $og#ig&t +it& t&e )iG-21 in t&e )iG@s operational en(elope +as a serious o(ersig&t. Ho+e(er, $esigning t&e F-22 to $og#ig&t against t&e )iG-21 in t&e )iG@s operational en(elope coul$ be a serious ,ista.e.
Since 1550, ;A syste,s &elpe$ t&e USAF signi#icantly i,pro(e t&e ability to $eli(er precision +eapons an$ con$uct aroun$-t&e-cloc. operations. ;n Allie$ Force, U.S. #orces i,pro(e$ t&eir per#or,ance by $e,onstrating unparallele$ all-+eat&er per#or,ance an$ nearly total precision.6" %o$ay, nu,erous precision stan$o## +eapons are in a$(ance$ $e(elop,ent stages an$ +ill enter t&e USAF in(entory in t&e near #uture #urt&er en&ancing per#or,ance.6> Syste,s t&at can selecti(ely engage ,ultiple targets, suc& as t&e Lo+ Cost Autono,ous Stri.e Syste, 2LOCASS4 an$ t&e Sensor-Fu?e$ 'eapon, are only slig&tly #urt&er be&in$ in $e(elop,ent. %&ree tec&nological $e(elop,ents are , t&ese +eapons #easible no+. 'it& costs $ri(en lo+er by t&e ci(ilian sector, ;A sensors an$ G S recei(ers are no+ su##iciently ine*pensi(e so t&at t&ese can be put on e*pen$able ,unitions, not Fust $eli(ery plat#or,s. Furt&er,ore, t&e ,icroprocessor re(olution &as i,pro(e$ t&e DbrainsE o# ,unitions, +&ic& &as i,portant e##ects #or t&e ne+ generation o# DbrilliantE ,unitions. '&ile eac& tec&nological $e(elop,ent is po+er#ul, ,erging t&ese t&ree tec&nologies is pro$ucing a tec&nological brea.t&roug&.
%&ere are $i##erences bet+een t&e e##ecti(eness o# ra$ar an$ ;A ,issiles in $enying U.S. aircra#t t&e use o# airspace to prosecute ,issions. Aa$ar ,issiles &a(e been unsuccess#ul against USAF aircra#t +&ile ;A ,issiles &a(e been spectacularly s(ccessf(l. ;n t&e Gul# 'ar, t&e no-#ly ?one o(er ;raCi, an$ in t&e air o(er Boso(o an$ Serbia, t&e airspace belo+ 10,000 #eet &as been (irtually o##-li,its to Allie$ aircra#t gi(en t&e t&reat pose$ by ;A ,issiles. Furt&er, USAF aircra#t &a(e a li,ite$ ability to re$uce t&eir signature against ;A ,issiles an$ (irtually no +ay to locate or suppress t&ese passi(e syste,s. %&e $angers associate$ +it& lo+ altitu$e operations +ere $e,onstrate$ by t&e loss o# ,ore t&an one $o?en lo+ #lying un,anne$ aerial (e&icles $uring Operation Allie$ Force.66 %&e USAF &as success#ully use$ Fa,,ing, stealt& aircra#t, special operations
rai$s 2t&e a(e Lo+-le$ Apac&e attac. on early +arning ra$ars in t&e Gul# 'ar4, an$ in#or,ation +ar#are to co,bat ra$ar ,issiles.65 %&e i,plication is t&at t&e USAF &as (irtually conCuere$ t&e ra$ar t&reat, +&ile t&e ;A t&reat in t&e lo+-le(el en(iron,ent re,ains a proble,.50 Operation Allie$ Force s&o+s t&e result o# t&e USAF@s pulling tec&nology to $e(elop a$(ance$ ra$ar syste,s an$ counter,easures in contrast +it& incorporating an$ countering ;A syste,s at +&ate(er pace t&e tec&nology e(ol(es. ;# t&en Allie$ Force is t&e nor, #or #uture air ca,paigns, t&is poses serious $octrinal, training, an$ acCuisition issues #or t&e USAF. For no+, t&e USAF operates its aircra#t abo(e 10,000 #eet to a(oi$ t&e ;A t&reat. %&is raises se(eral $i##icult c&oices. ;# t&e li,it o# 10,000 #eet beco,es a per,anent tactic, t&en t&e lo+-le(el #lying an$ $og#ig&ting s.ills, +&ic& +ere t&e &all,ar.s o# Col$ 'ar #ig&ter pilots, are irrele(ant.51 Future aggressors ,ay t&en notice t&at s&orter-range ;A syste,s +ere (irtually unc&allenge$ by coalition aircra#t. ;# regional po+ers in(est t&eir li,ite$ resources in ;A syste,s, t&e 10,000-#oot li,it coul$ constrain USAF operations, inclu$ing UA= sensor plat#or,s. By relying on ca,ou#lage, conceal,ent, $eception, an$ &u,anitarian concerns an$ placing ,ilitary ,ateriel in close pro*i,ity to sensiti(e sites, a potential aggressor coul$ potentially s&iel$ its #orces #ro, USAF long-range +eaponry. '&en co,bine$ +it& t&e ability to Fa, or spoo# so,e o# t&e USAF@s precision gui$e$ +eaponry, +e ,ig&t see t&e $e(elop,ent o# an uneasy stan$o## in +&ic& USAF aircra#t +ere sa#e abo(e 10,000 #eet but unable to e##ecti(ely stri.e ene,y #orces. %&e current U.S. ,ilitary strategy, +&ic& relies &ea(ily on airpo+er, +oul$ be un$er,ine$. An$ i# t&e USAF is un+illing to be banis&e$ #ro, lo+-le(el operations, it ,ust re-e(aluate its approac& to ;A syste,s. Since t&e current tren$ to+ar$ less e*pensi(e sensors an$ s,arter ,icroprocessors strongly #a(ors t&e ,issile $e(elopers, t&ere is no straig&t#or+ar$ solution to suppressing or $estroying passi(e syste,s. Catc&ing up to an$ staying a&ea$ o# t&e ;A ,issile t&reat +oul$ reCuire a progra, +it& t&e resources an$ priority o# a tra$itional planne$ progra, an$ t&e #le*ibility an$ a$aptability o# a c&aotic e(olutionary progra,. %&e air,en t&at le$ Allie$ Forces belie(e t&at #uture generations o# ra$ar ,issiles an$ interceptor aircra#t +ill pose a serious c&allenge to t&e ability o# t&e USAF to ,aintain air $o,inance.52 reli,inary lessons learne$ #ro, Boso(o inclu$e t&e nee$ #or larger nu,bers o# ,ore capable Fa,,ing aircra#t, suppression aircra#t, an$ procure,ent o# t&e F-22.5/ ;n
a$$ition, t&e one co,bat ,ission t&at air,en are +illing to relegate to Dun,anne$E aircra#t is t&e suppression an$ $estruction o# ene,y ra$ar air $e#enses. As a result o# t&ese operational reCuire,ents, t&e USAF +ill be better able to ,eet #uture ra$ar t&reats.53 But +&at i# t&e ra$ar ,issile t&reat $oes not ,ateriali?eN Certainly, any regional po+er ,ay &a(e learne$ a $i##erent lesson t&an t&e nee$ to buy a$(ance$ long-range air $e#ense syste,s. ;nterceptor aircra#t an$ a$(ance$ ra$ar SA)s are e*pensi(e syste,s t&at reCuire signi#icant training an$ ,aintenance support. ;n Operation Allie$ Force, stealt&y aircra#t &a$ to plan ,issions in conFunction +it& electronic support aircra#t, but ra$ar gui$e$ ,issile syste,s &a$ little e##ect on t&e air ca,paign an$ ,any +ere e(entually $estroye$.50 8(t(re 3evelopments -- "illimeter 1ave %&e ,illi,eter +a(e 2))'4 portion o# t&e spectru, lies bet+een in#rare$ an$ ra$ar #reCuencies8+a(elengt&s 2appro*i,ately 10 M 100 GH?4. %&e ,illi,eter +a(e spectru,, as t&e crosso(er point bet+een ra$ar an$ ;A syste,s, represents t&e last untappe$ region o# t&e spectru, #or sensor $e(elopers to e*ploit #or tactical a(iation. Fortunately, ))' syste,s o##er great pro,ise because t&ese coul$ co,bine t&e bene#its o# ;A syste,s an$ ra$ar syste,s +&ile ,ini,i?ing t&eir correspon$ing li,itations. '&ile ))' syste,s can be $e(elope$ bot& as ;A an$ as ra$ar syste,s, so,e inno(ati(e ))' syste, concepts can co,bine t&e ele,ents o# i,aging 2;A4 an$ processe$ 2ra$ar4 syste,s.
One lesson learne$ #ro, t&e $e(elop,ent o# ;A syste,s is t&at t&e e(olution in ,ilitary a##airs is in progress, as seen by t&e +ay in +&ic& t&e ,ilitary is e*ploiting ;A syste,s, but t&ere is no reason to belie(e t&at t&is state o# a##airs is uniCue to ;A syste, $e(elop,ent. Once t&e concept o# c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent is un$erstoo$, ,any e*a,ples o# suc& $e(elop,ent in ,ilitary syste,s $e(elop,ent can be recogni?e$. %&e ne*t section $iscusses &o+ t&ese $e(elop,ents co,pare +it& t&e concept o# natural e(olution.
t&eir appen$i*, #ig&ters &a(e outgro+n t&e nee$ #or t&e gun. ;n air-to-air co,bat, an a$(ance$ o##-boresig&t ;A ,issile can #unction as a $og#ig&ting ,issile in t&e unli.ely e(ent t&at USAF #ig&ters are #orce$ to engage in close co,bat. 9espite t&is, t&e F-22 +ill incorporate a 20,, cannon, li.ely to be useless in ,o$ern air operations. Anot&er parallel +it& nature is t&e $i##iculties associate$ +it& i$enti#ying t&e e(olutionary +inners in t&e long ter,. %&e big, po+er#ul ra$ar SA)s o# t&e =ietna, era are no+ (ulnerable to USAF aircra#t, +&ile t&e s,aller, &ig&ly ,obile Strella@s represent a signi#icant t&reat. C&anges in t&e en(iron,ent ,a.e e(en s&ort ter, pre$ictions ris.y. For e*a,ple, t&e ;sraeli Air Force &a$ $o,inate$ t&e )i$east s.ies until all t&e air $e#ense syste,s, +&ic& t&e ;AF &a$ al+ays $e#eate$ separately, +ere integrate$ into a single syste, $uring t&e Io, Bippur 'ar. Finally, +&ile t&e Unite$ States &as no ob(ious peer co,petitor, co,petition in nature is t&e ,ain #orce be&in$ e(olutionary $e(elope,ent. ;srael@s ability to turnaroun$ #ro, near $e#eat $uring t&e Io, Bippur 'ar to co,plete $o,ination o# t&e air $uring engage,ents in t&e Be..a =alley is a classic e*a,ple.
()n!'atural* Evolution
9espite t&e (alue o# t&e natural e(olution analogy, t&is construct +ill #ail un$er certain circu,stances because t&ere are ,any cases in +&ic& syste, $e(elop,ent base$ on tec&nological e(olution $oes not #ollo+ t&e analogy o# natural e(olution. First, unli.e nature, syste, $e(elop,ent $oes not $epen$ on ran$o, c&ange. Alt&oug& t&is stu$y stresses t&e c&aotic nature o# t&e $e(elop,ent o# ;A syste,s, t&is s&oul$ not be con#use$ +it& t&e ran$o, ,utations in nature t&at $ri(e e(olution. Unplanne$ or Dot&er t&an planne$E $e(elop,ent successes still $epen$ on in$i(i$uals or organi?ations to sol(e a proble, or recogni?e a solution t&at ot&ers &a$ not seen or $i$ not reali?e. %&is is c&aotic, but not ran$o,. Since syste,s $e(elop,ent $oes not occur o(er ,illions o# years an$ in(ol(e billions o# subFects, t&is is a crucial $i##erence. '&ile syste, $e(elop,ent is rational at so,e le(el, syste,s e(ol(e in $istinctly $i##erent +ays. ;n nature, ran$o, c&ange generates success t&at lea$s to e(olution. ;t is a +ell-establis&e$ ,ilitary ,a*i,
t&at $e#eat, not success, $ri(es c&ange, because t&ose +&o lose see. to ,a.e c&anges t&at ,ay be success#ul. %&e ,ost notable &istorical e*a,ple is t&e e,brace o# t&e ''; $e#ensi(e ,entality by t&e (ictorious Frenc&, +&ile t&e $e#eate$ Ger,ans $e(elope$ t&e ra$ically $i##erent blit?.rieg o##ensi(e. Si,ilarly, ;srael@s near-loss in t&e Io, Bippur 'ar le$ to ne+ priorities an$ inno(ati(e tactics, +&ile Syria@s integrate$ air $e#enses re,aine$ relati(ely unc&ange$. On a s,aller scale, t&e U.S. !a(y@s li,ite$ role in t&e ersian Gul# 'ar spurre$ inno(ati(e solutions, suc& as ra$ically c&anging t&e role o# t&e F-13 %o,cat in or$er to an$ cost-e##ecti(ely prepare #or #uture air operations. Since A,erica is t&e biggest +inner o# t&e last $eca$e an$ Aussia is t&e ,ost conspicuous loser, t&e un-natural aspect o# losers e(ol(ing an$ +inners stagnating raises pro#oun$ly i,portant Cuestions #or t&e U.S. ,ilitary. Anot&er i,portant $i##erence is t&at natural e(olution ten$s to close out co,petition in nature as nic&es are #ille$, but #or $e(elop,ent base$ on tec&nological e(olution, t&e situation is e*actly re(erse$. So,eti,es t&e .no+le$ge t&at a tec&nology is possible gi(es t&e a$(ersary an incenti(e, +&ic& e*plains in part +&y t&e USAF protecte$ stealt& tec&nology #or so long. ;n ot&er cases, t&e ne+ tec&nological $e(elop,ent is sol$ or gi(en a+ay an$, as in t&e case o# t&e Stinger ,issile, ,ay en$ up in an uninten$e$ #as&ion in un#rien$ly &an$s. An$, o# course, espionage can so,eti,es allo+ a ,ilitary co,petitor to catc& up tec&nologically, as see in t&e case o# ;A gui$e$ ,issiles +&en t&e So(iets $e(elope$ t&eir Atoll ,issile $irectly #ro, stolen blueprints o# t&e Si$e+in$er.56 '&ile t&e U.S. ,ilitary &as ,aintaine$ a signi#icant lea$ in i,portant tec&nologies, ci(ilian researc& an$ $e(elop,ent e##orts increasingly set t&e pace #or tec&nological $e(elop,ent.55 ;# co,,ercial #ir,s are t&e #irst to $e(elop ne+ tec&nologies an$ are not encu,bere$ by a slo+ procure,ent syste,, t&ese organi?ations ,ig&t be able to a$apt to ne+ tec&nologies at a (ery rapi$ pace. For e*a,ple, t&e $e(elop,ent o# ;A syste,s ,ay alrea$y be $o,inate$ by co,,ercial organi?ations, particularly in t&e area o# e*ploiting c&arge$ couple$ $e(ices 2CC94 an$ uncoole$ t&er,al $etectors. %&ese t+o tec&nologies +ill allo+ nearly any ,ilitary #orce to #iel$ t&e types o# ;A syste,s t&at &a(e been $o,inate$ by t&e U.S. ,ilitary. ;n t&at case, special operations #orces, +&ose tactical a$(antage &as long reste$ on nig&t (ision $e(ices, ,ay no longer Do+n t&e nig&t.E
'&ile t&e Dun-naturalE aspect o# syste,s $e(elop,ent is t&at it coul$ occur by ,erger, c&aotic syste, e(olution by ,erger is a recurring t&e,e. %&ere are ,any e*a,ples. A)AAA) ,a$e ra$ar gui$e$ ,issiles &ig&ly success#ul because it co,bine$ ra$ar an$ inertial sensors. %&e Harrier an$ t&e %o,cat e(ol(e$ into entirely $i##erent nic&es +&en ,erge$ +it& t&e all-aspect Si$e+in$er an$ LA!%;A!, respecti(ely. <gypt@s integration o# ra$ar an$ ;A SA)s an$ AA artillery in t&e Io, Bippur 'ar +as a success#ul ,erger on a ,assi(e scale. Brilliant ,unitions are an e,erging success no+ t&at ;A sensors can be ,erge$ +it& inertial sensors an$ c&eap ,icroprocessors. otentially, ;A ,issile $e(elopers ,ay soon per#or, a si,ilar e(olution by ,erger.100 Anot&er i,portant $i##erence is t&at nature stops at Dgoo$ enoug&,E but syste,s $e(elop,ent base$ on tec&nological e(olution &as no natural en$. Bureaucracies #ocuse$ on syste,s $e(elop,ent create t&e pressure #or continuous i,pro(e,ent #or ,any reasons, inclu$ing inertia +&ic& $ri(es syste,s $e(elop,ent past Dgoo$ enoug&.E %&is is probably t&e case +&ere t&e USAF is $e(eloping an ;A ,issile syste, in reaction to t&e So(iet Arc&er ,issile +&ic& cannot be Fusti#ie$ base$ on t&e t&reat it poses to t&e USAF@s $o,inance in t&e air-to-air roll. %&e #inal $i##erence in syste,s $e(elop,ent e(olution is t&at it can be t&e pro$uct o# planning. Since it +oul$ be i,practical to allo+ unplanne$ $e(elop,ent to beco,e t&e nor,, logic an$ analysis are &elp#ul #or #ocusing t&e e(olution o# tec&nological syste,s. Generally, t&e less ob(ious t&e solution, t&e ,ore (arie$ t&e e*peri,entation an$ t&e ,ore #le*ible an$ a$aptable t&e organi?ation ,ust be. %&e e(olution o# t&e ;sraeli yt&on #ro, t&e Si$e+in$er is an e*a,ple o# a practical an$ e##icient solution to a straig&t#or+ar$ proble,.
pre#erence #or planne$ $e(elop,ent is li.ely to gui$e t&e A)A. ;,portantly, t&ere are se(eral lessons #ro, t&e c&aotic $e(elop,ent o# ;A syste,s #or tactical a(iation t&at are applicable to t&is tec&nological re(olution. First, since c&aotic e(olution +or.s, a planne$ re(olution is not necessary because t&e use o# constant e*peri,entation an$ i,pro(e,ent can result in re(olutionary i,pro(e,ents in capabilities an$ syste,s. Secon$, c&aotic e(olutionary Dre(olutionsE ,ay be &ar$ to recogni?e, as seen by t&e #act t&at t&e USAF still struggles +it& t&e i,plications o# t&e ne+ ,o$e o# ,e$iu, altitu$e, beyon$-(isual-range air +ar#are t&at #irst appeare$ o(er t&e Be..a =alley al,ost 20 years ago. Since t&is ,o$e o# air +ar#are $epen$s &ig&ly on co,,an$, control, co,,unications, co,puters an$ intelligence 2C3;4, ,issiles, aircra#t, an$ pilots, t&e in#or,ation-base$ A)A ,ay alrea$y &a(e arri(e$ #or tactical a(iation. At t&e sa,e ti,e, c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent &appens in an unpre$ictable #as&ion. Since unplanne$ successes +ill un$oubte$ly a##ect t&e A)A, t&e 9epart,ento# 9e#ense ,ust continue to e*peri,ent to preser(e t&e ,ost capable tec&nologies an$ capabilities. %&e .ey is to ,anage c&aotic $e(elop,ent rat&er t&an a(oi$ it. One i,plication is t&at syste, $e(elopers s&oul$ be+are o# (estigial co,ponents. For e*a,ple, t&e U.S. Ar,y@s atte,pt to $igiti?e t&e in$i(i$ual sol$ier &as reac&e$ t&e point +&ere consi$erable +eig&t &as been a$$e$ to t&e sol$ier@s e*isting loa$.102 ;# t&e A)A +ill ,a.e U.S. ,ilitary #orces ,ore capable, +e ,ust consi$er &o+ to ,a.e t&ose tec&nologies practical in operational as +ell as $e(elop,ental ter,s. A critical Cuestion #or t&e A)A is t&e point at +&ic& t&e &u,an in a co,bat plat#or, is t&e eCui(alent o# pro(i$ing use#ul #unctions but in(ol(ing $isproportionate ris.. A critical lesson #ro, t&e c&aotic $e(elop,ent o# ;A syste,s is t&at e(olution by ,erger is consistently success#ul. Since an in#or,ationbase$ A)A is &ig&ly $epen$ent on a$(ance$ tec&nologies in t&e #iel$s o# so#t+are an$ &ar$+are $e(elop,ent, t&e proponents o# an in#or,ationbase$ A)A s&oul$ be a+are o# t&e $angers associate$ +it& in-bree$ing an$ tunnel (ision. ;t is possible t&at i# t&e A)A $e(ol(e$ into in#or,ation e*perts +&o $esign co,ple* in#or,ation syste,s t&at are part o# increasingly co,ple* in#or,ation net+or.s t&at e*ist in isolation, it coul$ ,iss t&e ,ulti-$isciplinary successes t&at pro$uce re(olutionary capabilities.
A #urt&er lesson #ro, t&is analysis is t&at losers inno(ate an$ co,petition $ri(es e(olution. A,erica alrea$y $o,inates t&e ,ilitary application o# in#or,ation syste,s because +e &a(e no peer co,petitor an$ o#ten engage in ar,s race +it& oursel(es. <(en our allies belie(e t&at +e are e(ol(ing too on t&e in#or,ation #ront.10/ One lesson #ro, nature is t&at co,petition is necessary #or c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent. '&ile Fointness &as &a$ positi(e e##ects on U.S. ,ilitary capabilities, inter-ser(ice ri(alry &as pro(en use#ul. )any obser(ers belie(e t&at a single Ser(ice coul$ be a #or,ula #or stagnation in t&e $e(elop,ent o# ne+ syste,s. %&is is an i,portant consi$eration bot& as in#or,ation operations ,igrate to t&e Space Co,,an$ an$ t&ere are pressures to create a separate Foint space ser(ice. Finally, an i,portant lesson is t&at tec&nological e(olution is easier #or successi(e generations o# $e(elopers, especially #or in#or,ation syste,s gi(en t&e rise o# t&e internet an$ globali?ation. %&e corollary about t&e ascen$ancy o# ci(ilian tec&nologies in lea$ing e$ge ;A syste,s is e(en ,ore applicable to in#or,ation syste,s. As t&e +orl$@s lea$ing in#or,ation-base$ society, it is not possible to turn bac. or slo+ $o+n t&e pace o# t&e in#or,ation re(olution in t&e society an$ t&e ,ilitary. Ho+e(er, t&e U.S. $epen$ence on in#or,ation syste,s also , t&e U.S. econo,y an$ ,ilitary ,ost (ulnerable to ne+ #or,s o# +ar#are. One ris. is t&at in#or,ation +ar#are ,ay be enable$ by ci(ilian $e(elopers an$ be e,ploye$ on #un$ing an$ ti,e sc&e$ules t&at are inconsistent +it& 9o9@s $e(elop,ent syste,.
%I. Conclusions
'&ile or$erly planne$ $e(elop,ent is t&e pre#erre$ ,et&o$ #or 9o9 an$ t&ere#ore recei(es ,ost o# t&e resources, $eliberate planning also +or.s. Un$er t&e 9o9@s &ig&ly structure$ planning an$ bu$geting syste,, t&e U.S. ,ilitary &as been eCuippe$ +it& t&e #inest ,ilitary &ar$+are in t&e +orl$, inclu$ing suc& &ig&ly success#ul e*a,ples as t&e ra$ar syste,s in tactical a(iation an$ t&e electronic counter,easures t&at $e#eat ene,y ra$ar syste,s. '&ile bot& are pro$ucts o# t&e tra$itional syste,, t&is ,ilitary ,ateriel &as been $e(elope$ at great cost. )any$ge t&at t&e tra$itional $e(elop,ent cycle is too lengt&y to support t&e ,o$ern ,ilitary. As $e,onstrate$ by t&e in#rare$ syste,s e*a,ine$ in t&is stu$y, c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent regularly occurs in 9o9, &as pro$uce$ ,any co,bat successes, an$ ,ay be c&eaper an$ ,ore responsi(e in a rapi$ly c&anging tec&nological en(iron,ent. %&e proble,, &o+e(er, is t&at t&is type o# $e(elop,ent is e*ploite$ on an a$ &oc basis t&at co,petes +it& establis&e$ plans, as seen in t&e $e(elop,ent o# t&e Si$e+in$er ,issile. %&e Unite$ States s&oul$ s&i#t ,ore to+ar$ t&e c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent ,o$el t&at is beginning to play a $o,inant role in t&e business +orl$. Un#ortunately, un$er t&e current bu$get syste,, suc& a s&i#t +ill be e*tre,ely $i##icult #or 9o9 to acco,plis&. %&e ne*t generation 2Super Hornet, F-22 Aaptor, an$ Joint Stri.e Fig&ter4 are alrea$y planne$ an$ ,ay e*cee$ bu$get proFections. Gi(en t&is, t&ere +ill be #e+ resources to spen$ on inno(ati(e #or,s o# $e(elop,ent. %&e .ey Cuestion is &o+ to $e(elop a culture an$ organi?ation t&at a$(antage o# c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent. %&e ,ost i,portant step is #or 9o9 to stop treating Dc&aoticE $e(elop,ent as an aberration. %&is reCuires t&at unplanne$ or Dot&er t&an planne$E successes not be consi$ere$ #ailures. At a ti,e +&en t&e ris.s o# #aile$ e*peri,ents are lo+, e(olutionary $e(elop,ent s&oul$ be e,brace$ so t&at t&e #orces o# inno(ation, creati(ity, an$ Dout-o#-t&e-bo*E t& are nurture$ rat&er t&an tolerate$. Ho+e(er, a$$ing c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent into t&e current bu$get syste,, +&ic& calls #or long-range planning, +ill be $i##icult because it raises Cuestions about 9o9@s syste, #or planning, progra,,ing, an$ bu$geting as it relates to e*peri,entation an$ a$aptation.
Fortunately, t&ere is no lac. o# a$(ice. Stu$ies #ro, t&e business +orl$ are #ull o# a$(ice on &o+ to structure organi?ations in c&aotic ti,es. %&e original ,anage,ent guru, %o, eters, suggests t&at organi?ations can Dt&ri(e on c&aos.E103 Speci#ic a$(ice #or t&e ,ilitary is also a(ailable.100 %&ere are +ays in +&ic& t&e Joint Forces Co,,an$ can accelerate t&e pace o# Foint e*peri,entation, an$ t&e establis&,ent o# a center #or e*peri,entation is an e(olutionary step #or+ar$ t&at nee$s to be (igorously pursue$ +it&in t&e $e#ense establis&,ent.10" %&e U.S. Special Operations Co,,an$ 2USSOCO)4 #orces are a use#ul e*a,ple. '&ile our Special Operations Forces 2SOF4 are so s,all an$ speciali?e$ t&at it is $i##icult to $ra+ broa$ conclusions about its acti(ities, t&ese #orces &a(e e,brace$ in#rare$ syste,s ,ore #ully t&an con(entional a(iators, an$ t&us &a(e ta.en a$(antage o# c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent. ;,portantly, e(olution by ,erger is a constant t&e,e in special operations, as seen in t&e ,erging o# cargo aircra#t, ;A sensors, an$ Ar,y artillery into special operations #orces SOF #i*e$-+ing guns&ips. %&e ability to react to un#ille$ ,ilitary nic&es is c&aracteristic o# SOF, +&ic& is consistent +it& t&e ,ission o# using guns&ips to counter lo+ tec&nology transportation ,et&o$s t&at +ere relati(ely i,,une to con(entional USAF attac. ,et&o$s. '&ile &ar$ly a per#ect ,o$el #or $e(elop,ent, procure,ent, or e,ploy,ent, SOF pro(i$e i,portant lessons #or &o+ to incorporate c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent ,ore #or,ally into t&e 9o9 acCuisition process. Finally, +&ile t&is stu$y &as #ocuse$ on t&e $e(elop,ent o# syste,s an$ tec&nologies, a legiti,ate criticis, is t&at it &as #ocuse$ on ,ateriel rat&er t&an t&e organi?ational an$ $octrinal issues t&at constitute t&e ot&er t+o legs o# t&e tria$ #or a true Dre(olution in ,ilitary a##airs.E Ho+e(er, it is i,portant to un$erstan$ t&at t&e business co,,unity argues t&at t&e concept o# c&aotic e(olutionary $e(elop,ent can be applie$ to organi?ation an$ ,et&o$ology Fust as rea$ily as it to syste,s $e(elop,ent.10> By i,plication, t&e o(erall concept o# applying c&aotic, e(olutionary $e(elop,ent is essential i# t&e U.S. ,ilitary is to continue to $e(elop t&e tec&nologies an$ capabilities t&at allo+ it to ,aintain tec&nological superiority
6 Serbia and ?ietnam: A 7reliminary ;omparison of = S 3ecisions to =se 8orce Je##rey Aecor$, )ay 1555 5 Airborne and Space-@ased %asers: An Analysis of Tec+nolo*ical and 5perational ;ompatibility Bennet& '., June 1555 10 3irected 4ner*y and 8leet 3efense: Implications for )aval 1arfare 'illia, J. )cCart&y, February 2000 11 9i*+ 7ower "icrowaves: Strate*ic and 5perational Implications for 1arfare <ileen ). 'alling, )arc& 2000 12 #e(sable %a(nc+ ?e+icles and Space 5perations Jo&n <. 'ar$, Jr., )arc& 2000 1/ ;r(ise "issiles and "odern 1ar: Strate*ic and Tec+nolo*ical Implications 9a(i$ J. !ic&olls, )arc& 2000 13 3eeply @(ried 8acilities: Implications for "ilitary 5perations <ric ). Sepp, )arc& 2000 10 Tec+nolo*y and ;ommand: Implications for "ilitary 5perations in t+e Twenty-8irst ;ent(ry 'illia, B. )cClure, July 2000
1" =nmanned Aerial ?e+icles: Implications for "ilitary 5perations 9a(i$ Gla$e, July 2000 1> ;omp(ter )etwor:s and Information 1arfare: Implications for "ilitary 5perations 9a(i$ J. Gruber, July 2000 16 8ailed States and ;as(alty 7+obia: Implications for 8orce Str(ct(re and Tec+nolo*y ;+oices Je##rey Aecor$, 9ece,ber 2000 15 1ar as 1e 0new It: T+e #eal #evol(tion in "ilitary AffairsB=nderstandin* 7aralysis in "ilitary 5perations Jan S. Bree,er, 9ece,ber 2000 20 =sin* %asers in Space: %aser 5rbital 3ebris #emoval and Asteroid 3eflection Jonat&an '. Ca,pbell, 9ece,ber 2000 21 1eapons for Strate*ic 4ffect: 9ow Important is Tec+nolo*yC Collin S. Gray, January 2001 22 = S Army Apac+e 9elicopters and = S Air 8orce 4<peditionary 8orces: Implications for 8(t(re "ilitary 5perations Bra$ )ason, June 2001 2/ T+e 4nd of SecrecyC "ilitary ;ompetitiveness in t+e A*e of Transparency Bet& ). Baspar, August 2001
23 7rompt 'lobal Stri:e T+ro(*+ Space: 1+at "ilitary ?al(eC Larry G. Sills, August 2001 20 7recision 4n*a*ement at t+e Strate*ic %evel of 1ar: '(idin* 7romise or 1is+f(l T+in:in*C %i,ot&y J. Sa.ulic&, 9ece,ber 2001
Bro+n, S&ona L. an$ <isen&ar$t, Bat&leen )., ;ompetin* on t+e 4d*e: Strate*y as Str(ct(red ;+aos, Har(ar$ Business Sc&ool ress, Ca,bri$ge, )assac&usetts, 1556, p. 23/. Bro+n an$ <isen&ar$t apply e(olutionary an$ c&aos t&eory to business ,o$els. Co,peting Don t&e e$geE ,eans Dt&e unpre$ictable, o#ten uncontrolle$, an$ e(en ine##icient strategy t&at nonet&eless $e#ines best practice in t&e presence o# per(asi(e c&ange.E 2 Beegan, Jo&n, T+e Second 1orld 1ar> enguin, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 1550 p. 52. /, Aalp&, T+e #A8 at 1ar, %i,e-Li#e Boo.s, Ale*an$ria, =irginia, 1561, p. 132. 3 9el(e, Ben, )i*+tfi*+ter: T+e @attle for t+e )i*+t S:ies> Sterling ublis&ing Co,pany, ;nc., !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 1550, pp. 10>-161. 0 Spector, Aonal$ H., 4a*le A*ainst t+e S(n, =intage Boo.s, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 1560, p. /. " 9el(e, Ben, )i*+tfi*+ter: T+e @attle for t+e )i*+t S:ies> Sterling ublis&ing Co,pany, ;nc., !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 1550, pp. 1"/. > Beegan, Jo&n, T+e Second 1orld 1ar> enguin, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 1550 p. 120. 6 )iller, <$+ar$ S., 1ar 7lan 5ran*e, !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, 1551, p. /00. 5 Hu$son, Aic&ar$ 9., Infrared System 4n*ineerin*> Jo&n 'iley G Sons, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 15"5, p. 5 10 'estru,, Aon, Sidewinder: ;reative "issile 3evelopment at ;+ina %a:e, !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, 1555, p. 36. 11 Ibid., p. 3" 12 Ibid., p. 21/. 1/ Gunston, Bill an$ Spic., )i.e, "odern Air ;ombat> Crescent Boo.s, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 156/, p. 31. 13 'estru,, Aon, Sidewinder: ;reative "issile 3evelopment at ;+ina %a:e, !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, 1555, pp. 11/, 115. 10 Ibid., p. 1/" 1" Ibid., p. 210. 1> Ibid. 16 Ibid., p. 205. See also, Gunston, Bill, an$ Spic., )i.e, "odern Air ;ombat> Crescent Boo.s, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 156/, p. 166. 15 DA)AAA) )eets Fun$ing,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, !o(e,ber 3, 1560, pp. 20-2". 20 Gunston, Bill, '(ide to t+e 1orldDs Airborne "issiles> Sala,an$er Boo.s, Lt$., Lon$on, Unite$ Bing$o,, 155/, pp. 22-2/. 21 'estru,, Aon, Sidewinder: ;reative "issile 3evelopment at ;+ina %a:e, !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, p. 216. 22 %&e aut&or, as a proFect engineer, D#le+E about 100 &ours in t&e si,ulator +it& t&e LA!%;A! syste,. 2/ Clar.e, atric. <., DLitening,E ;itiAen Airman, February 1555, pp. 12-1/. ;ronically, a LA!%;A!-li.e po$ calle$ L;%<!;!G is a &ig& priority #or t&ese sa,e aircra#t in t&e Air !ational Guar$ an$ Aeser(e. 23 Cor$es,an, Ant&ony H., an$ 'agner, Abra&a, A., T+e %essons of "odern 1ar> ?ol(me III: T+e Af*+an and 8al:lands ;onflicts> 'est(ie+ ress, Boul$er, Colora$o, 1550, p. 3. 20 Ibid., p. 1>3. 2" Ibid. 2> Ibid., pp. 1>"-1>>. %&e Stinger clearly &a$ Da po+er#ul tactical, i# not strategic, i,pact on t&e So(iet $ecision to +it&$ra+ #ro, A#g&anistan.E 26 AFa,i, Foua$, D)r. Bin-La$en@s !eig&bor&oo$,E = S )ews E 1orld #eport, Septe,ber >, 1556, p. 2". AFa,i notes t&at, D;n Osa,a bin La$en, an$ in t&e p&eno,enon o# t&e %aliban, t&e puritanical
?ealots +&o &a(e conCuere$ ,uc& o# A#g&anistan, so,e Arabs sa+ an A,erican instru,ent being turne$ against its creator. ;t +as in t&e last battle o# t&e col$ +ar, t&e $ra+n-out struggle #or A#g&anistan, t&at t&ose ra$icals &a$ been #orge$. %&ey &a$ been gi(en A,erican-,a$e Stinger ,issiles an$ A,erican ,oney an$ succor. 'it& suc& tools &a$ bin La$en an$ &is acolytes t&+arte$ co,,unis,7 no+ t&ey &a(e turne$ on t&e Great Satan. )ost )usli,s s&e$ no tears #or t&e Unite$ States. %&e A,ericans, a#ter all, &a$ so+n t&e +in$ in t&e i,penetrable &ills o# a.istan an$ A#g&anistan7 no+ t&ey are reaping t&e +&irl+in$.E 25 Gleic., Ja,es, ;+aos: "a:in* a )ew Science, enguin Boo.s, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 156>, p. 6. /0 Cor$es,an, Ant&ony H., an$ 'agner, Abra&a, A., T+e %essons of "odern 1ar> ?ol(me I: T+e Arab-Israeli 1ars 1$&3 6 1$.$> 'est(ie+ ress, Boul$er, Colora$o, 1550, p. 60. /1 Ibid., p. 62. /2 Ibid. D<(en t&oug& .ill rates +ere lo+, t&e Arabs +ere please$ at t&e +ay t&eir So(iet SA)s .ept t&e ;AF PsicH ;sraeli Air ForceQ at bay.E // Ibid. D%&e suppression e##ort too. so long t&at ,uc& o# t&e ;AF@s air superiority coul$ not be broug&t to bear PsicH on t&e groun$ battlesQ.E /3 Ibid. /0 Ibid., p. 60 %&e AAA an$ especially RSU-/3 represent $e(iations, +&ic& +ere &ig&ly e##ecti(e in t&e lo+ altitu$e en(iron,ent, especially +&en pilots #lattene$ out #ro, t&e steep $i(es an$ split-S ,aneu(ers t&at t&ey use$ to a(oi$ SA)s. %&e RSU-/3 +as e*pecte$ to be Cuite e##ecti(e in any scenario in +&ic& tactical aircra#t &a$ to attac. ar,or on t&e ,o(e, but t&is scenario ne(er &appene$ a#ter t&e Io, Bippur 'ar. Furt&er,ore, planners ensure$ t&at RSU-/3 +as one o# t&e ,ost &ea(ily countere$ ra$ar syste,s, partly because o# t&eir $e,onstrate$ e##ecti(eness an$ because ,any +ere li.ely capture$ $uring t&e ;sraeli groun$ ca,paign. /" Ibid., p. 60. /> Ibid., p. 63. /6 'estru,, Aon, Sidewinder: ;reative "issile 3evelopment at ;+ina %a:e, !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, 1555, p. 15>. /5 Cor$es,an, Ant&ony H., an$ 'agner, Abra&a, A., T+e %essons of "odern 1ar> ?ol(me I: T+e Arab-Israeli 1ars 1$&3 6 1$.$> 'est(ie+ ress, Boul$er, Colora$o, 1550, p. 60. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid., p. 6". 32 Ibid., p.201. 3/ Ibid., pp. 51, 201. 33 Ibid., p.201. 30 Gunston, Bill, '(ide to t+e 1orldDs Airborne "issiles> Sala,an$er Boo.s, Lt$., Lon$on, Unite$ Bing$o,, 155/, p. 32. %&e ;sraeli@s &a$ t&e sa,e e*perience +it& t&e )a(eric. air-to-groun$ ;A ,issile, but ,a$e e*actly t&e opposite ,o$i#ication. %&e )a(eric. +as also (ery accurate, consistently scoring $irect &its on tan.s. Since it is a ,assi(e ,issile t&at &its +it& &ig& (elocity on t&e (ulnerable top ar,or, t&e .inetic energy o# t&e i,pact is su##icient to .ill a tan.. %&e e*plo$ing +ar&ea$ +as super#luous, unless, as t&e ;sraeli@s note$, s&rapnel #ro, t&e tan. .ille$ $is,ounte$ in#antry +&o are in t&e (icinity. %&ere#ore, t&e ;sraeli@s re,o(e$ t&e +ar&ea$ #ro, so,e o# t&eir )a(eric.s in or$er to generate signi#icant +eig&t sa(ings, +&ic& increase$ t&e range an$8or payloa$ o# t&e #ig&ter an$ t&e range o# t&e )a(eric. ,issile. 3" Grant, Aebecca, T+e #adar 'ame> ;A;S ;n$epen$ent Aesearc&, Arlington, =irginiaH 1556, p. 2>. '&ile stealt& aircra#t are not in(isible to ra$ar, t&e goal o# stealt& tec&nology is to $ecrease t&e e##ecti(e $etection an$ area o# t&e ra$ar. 3> DUSAF Generals Concur on B-1 Bo,ber Upgra$e,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, !o(e,ber 0, 1552, p. >0.
)orrocco Jo&n 9., DF-11>A Fig&ter Use$ in Co,bat #or First %i,e in ana,a,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, January 1, 1550, pp. /2-//. 35 )orrocco Jo&n 9., D!e+ ASOCs Lin. Aegional Airspace,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, )arc& 22, 1555, pp. 0>-06, #or a $iscussion o# proble,s +it& integrating ele,ents o# e*-'arsa+ act integrate$ air $e#ense syste,s into !A%O. 00 Cor$es,an, Ant&ony H., an$ 'agner, Abra&a, A., T+e %essons of "odern 1ar> ?ol(me I: T+e Arab-Israeli 1ars 1$&3 6 1$.$> 'est(ie+ ress, Boul$er, Colora$o, p. 16" 01 Ibid., p. 15/ 02 Ibid., p. 16>. 0/ Ibid., p. 16". DUnli.e 15>/, t&e ;AF ,a$e SA) suppression one o# its ,ost critical obFecti(es o# t&e +ar. ;t +as so success#ul in t&is area t&at it beco,es $i##icult to $iscuss any aspect o# per#or,ance by t&e So(iet SA) syste,s in Syrian an$ LO &an$s.E 03 Ibid., p. 16". 00 Ibid., p. 15/. 0" Ibid., p. 166. 0> Co&en, <liot A., '(lf 1ar Air 7ower S(rvey> ?ol(me 5: A Statistical ;ompendi(m and ;+ronolo*y, U.S. Go(ern,ent rinting O##ice, 'as&ington 9.C., 155/, pp. "0/-"03. 06 Beaney, %&o,as A., an$ Co&en, <liot A., '(lf 1ar Air 7ower S(rvey S(mmary #eport> Air Uni(ersity ress, )a*+ell AFB, Alaba,a, 2000, p. 06. 05 )urray, 'illia,son, Air 1ar in t+e 7ersian '(lf, %&e !autical G A(iation ublis&ing Co,pany o# A,erica, ;nc., Balti,ore, )arylan$, 1550, p. 160. <(entually />0 o# 053 2"/ percent4 o# t&e s&elters +ere $estroye$. "0 Beaney, %&o,as A., an$ Co&en, <liot A., '(lf 1ar Air 7ower S(rvey S(mmary #eport> Air Uni(ersity ress, )a*+ell AFB, Alaba,a, 2000, p. 16. "1 Ibid., p. 201. "2 Al,on$, 9enise L., 3esert Score: = S '(lf 1ar 1eapons, U.S. !a(al ;nstitute, Annapolis, )arylan$ 1551, p. 21. "/ )urray, 'illia,son, Air 1ar in t+e 7ersian '(lf, %&e !autical G A(iation ublis&ing Co,pany o# A,erica, ;nc., Balti,ore, )arylan$, 1550, p. 166. "3 Al,on$, 9enise L., 3esert Score: = S '(lf 1ar 1eapons, U.S. !a(al ;nstitute, Annapolis, )arylan$ 1551, p. 02. "0 Ibid , p. 260. A signi#icant use o# ;A tec&nology $uring Operation 9esert Stor, +as not #or tactical a(iation an$ t&us $i$ not recei(e ,uc& publicity. %&e Dt&er,al sig&tsE t&at +ere e,ploye$ by U.S. ar,or #orces see,e$ +ell suite$ to t&e groun$ battles $uring t&e Gul# 'ar. '&ile bot& si$es@ ar,or #orces &a$ large caliber, &ig& (elocity cannon t&at coul$ engage targets at long ranges, t&e .ey to ,o$ern ar,ore$ con#lict is not t&e range o# t&e gun, but t&e range o# t&e sensors #or $etecting ene,y ar,or. %&e san$ an$ s,o.e on battle#iel$s $uring t&e ersian Gul# 'ar +ere transparent to t&e t&er,al sig&ts o# U.S. Abra, tan.s, Bra$ley #ig&ting (e&icles, an$ Apac&e &elicopters. '&ile U.S. #orces coul$ $estroy ;raCi targets at long range, t&e ;raCi@s +ere re$uce$ to #iring nearly blin$ at t&e occasional ,u??le #las& t&at penetrate$ t&e ot&er+ise opaCue at,osp&ere. "" Scott, 'illia, B., DBa$ 'eat&er !o 9eterrent #or !e+ Long-Aange 'eapons,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, )ay /, 1555, pp. ""-">. "> Aut&or inter(ie+ +it& Lieutenant Colonel Bet& Baspar, USAF, +&o ser(e$ as a progra, ,anager at t&e 9e#ense A$(ance$ Aesearc& roFects Agency 29AA A4. "6 'estru,, Aon, Sidewinder: ;reative "issile 3evelopment at ;+ina %a:e, !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, 1555, pp. 2>, 150. "5 Gunston, Bill, '(ide to t+e 1orldDs Airborne "issiles, Sala,an$er Boo.s, Lt$., Lon$on, Unite$ Bing$o,, 155/, p. 33.
Gor$on, )ic&ael A., an$ %rainor, Bernar$ <., T+e 'eneralDs 1ar> Little, Bro+n, an$ Co,pany, Boston, )assac&usetts, 1550, p. 216. >1 Scott, 'illia, B., DLA!%;A! Gi(es %o,cat !ig&t Attac. Aole,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, June 10, 155", pp. 30-3/. >2 Beaney, %&o,as A., an$ Co&en, <liot A., '(lf 1ar Air 7ower S(rvey S(mmary #eport> Air Uni(ersity ress, )a*+ell AFB, Alaba,a, 2000, p. "1. 9uring t&e ersian Gul# 'ar, ra$ar SA)s accounte$ #or 1" percent o# t&e Allie$ losses, +&ile lo+ altitu$e $e#enses 2;A ,issiles an$ AAA4 accounte$ #or >1 percent. ;n t&e Boso(o con#lict, ra$ar ,issiles accounte$ #or 100 percent o# Allie$ losses. >/ Ibid., p. 230 >3 Ibid., p. 2/0 >0 <(en so, t&e single largest aircre+ loss, an AC-1/0 aircra#t, +as $ue to an ;A ,issile t&at +as able to pic. up t&e contrast o# t&e large aircra#t against t&e ,orning t+ilig&t s.y, +&ic& +as a ti,e o# $ay +&en t&e Guns&ip s&oul$ not &a(e been in t&e area. >" )orrocco, Jo&n 9., DBoso(o Con#lict Hig&lig&ts Li,its o# Airpo+er an$ Capability Gaps,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, )ay 1>, 1555, pp. /1-//. >> )ann, aul, DBoso(o Lessons Calle$ A,biguous,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, June 26, 1555, pp. /2-/". >6 Hallion, Aic&ar$ ., ;ontrol of t+e Air: T+e 4nd(rin* #eF(irement, Air Force )useu,s an$ History rogra,, 'as&ington, 9C 1555, p. "0. For re#erence, F-10 an$ F-1" aircra#t &a(e s&ot $o+n 1/0 ene,y aircra#t. >5 Hug&es, 9a(i$, DLu#t+a##e )iG ilots <##ecti(e +it& Arc&er,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, October 1", 1550, p. /5. 60 Aut&or inter(ie+ +it& AFAL researc&er on o##-boresig&t ,issile an$ ;AS% an$ H)%S. 61 Hug&es, 9a(i$, DLu#t+a##e )iG ilots <##ecti(e +it& Arc&er,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, October 1", 1550, p. /5. 62 Ibid. 6/ Ibid. %&is +as t&e opinion o# t&e USAF general in c&arge o# procure,ent, +&ile t&e )iG-25 +as being e(aluate$. He also note$ t&at t&e USAF alrea$y &as a s&ort range, o##-boresig&t capability in t&e A)AAA). 63 Aut&or inter(ie+ +it& AFAL researc&er on o##-boresig&t ,issile an$ ;AS% an$ H)%S. 60 Beaney, %&o,as A. an$ Co&en, <liot A., '(lf 1ar Air 7ower S(rvey S(mmary #eport> Air Uni(ersity ress, )a*+ell AFB, Alaba,a, 2000, p. 230. 6" %&e #ollo+ing $ata can be use$ to esti,ate t&e accuracy o# ,unitions $roppe$ #ro, aircra#tH 15>2 -- 300 #eet #or con(entional ,unition7 30 #eet #or precision ,unition, but (ery #e+ U.S. aircra#t &a(e t&is capability7 1551-- /0 #eet #or precision ,unition, +it& 10 percent o# t&e #orce &a(ing t&is capability7 1555 -- 10 #eet #or precision ,unitions, +it& 50 percent o# t&e #orce &a(ing t&is capability7 1555 -- 30 #eet #or precision ,unitions +it& all +eat&er capability, but #e+ aircra#t &a(e t&is capability. 6> %irpa., Jo&n A., DBrilliant 'eapons,E Air 8orce "a*aAine, February 1556, pp. 36-0/. 66 Fulg&u,, 9a(i$ A., DBoso(o Con#lict Spurre$ !e+ Airborne %ec&nology Use,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, August 2/, 1555, pp. /0-/1. 65 Ibid. 50 Ibid. 51 Coonts, Step&en, 8li*+t of t+e Intr(der> !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, 156", p. /. Coonts note$ t&at an A-" pilot +oul$ penetrate ene,y $e#enses by #lying as lo+ Das &is s.ill an$ ner(es allo+e$, +&ic& +as (ery lo+ in$ee$.E 52 Fulg&u,, 9a(i$ A., DSecurity Lea.s an$ t&e Be$e(ile$ Boso(o Co,,an$ers,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, !o(e,ber 1, 1555, pp. //-/3.
'all, Aobert, DS<A9 Concerns Aaise$ in Boso(o,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, July 2", 1555, p. >0. 53 )ew 1orld ?istas: Air and Space 7ower for t+e 21st ;ent(ry: Attac: ?ol(me> USAF Scienti#ic A$(isory Boar$, 'as&ington, 9.C., 1550, p.11. 50 Fulg&u,, 9a(i$ A., D;,pro(e$ )issiles %rigger Ja,,er !ee$,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, Septe,ber 2>, 1555, p. /2. 5" Goul$, Step&en Jay, T+e 7andaDs T+(mb> '.'. !orton G Co., !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 1560, p. 1>5. 5> Gleic., Ja,es, ;+aos: "a:in* a )ew Science, enguin Boo.s, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 156>, p. 6. 56 'estru,, Aon, Sidewinder: ;reative "issile 3evelopment at ;+ina %a:e, !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, 1555, p. 20". 55 DClinton lans )aFor ;nitiati(e on Scienti#ic Aesearc&,E 1all Street Go(rnal, 9ece,ber /1, 1555, p. A12, +&ic& notes t&at $uring t&e last 0 years, $e#ense AG9 $ecline$ slig&tly, +&ile non-$e#ense AG9 increase$ by 12 percent. 100 ;A sensors &a(e alrea$y incorporate$ ,any #eatures t&at coul$ ,a.e ;A ,issiles e(en ,ore t&reatening. )arginally ,ore t&reatening $ual-ban$ &ea$s are alrea$y being o##ere$ as lo+-tec& retro#it .its #or ol$er Strella@s, but true ,ulti-ban$ &ea$s coul$ be $e(elope$ t&at +oul$ be (ery $i##icult to spoo#. %&e CC9 i,agery, +&ic& is t&e latest in c&eap sensor tec&nology, coul$ easily be applie$ to ,issiles to re$uce t&eir (ulnerability to counter,easures. )ost t&reatening, t&e ,arriage o# c&eap ,ulti-sensor see.ers an$ c&eap ,icroprocessor po+er coul$ pro$uce truly re(olutionary a$(ances in t&e let&ality o# ;A ,issiles. 101 )ational Sec(rity Strate*y 2222, U.S. Go(ern,ent rinting O##ice, 'as&ington, 9.C., 2000, p. 21. 102 Time "a*aAine, January 1, 2000, p. /3. 10/ )orrocco, Jo&n 9., DBoso(o Con#lict Hig&lig&ts Li,its o# Airpo+er an$ Capability Gaps,E Aviation 1ee: and Space Tec+nolo*y, )ay 1>, 1555, pp. /1-// A Dretire$ senior Frenc& na(al a(iatorE suggeste$ t&e US s&oul$ slo+ its $ri(e #or ne+ $igital battle#iel$ en&ance,ents to be ,ore in line +it& its <uropean allies in or$er to sustain co&esion o# t&e transatlantic alliance. 103 eters, %&o,as J., T+rivin* on ;+aos: 9andboo: for a "ana*ement #evol(tion, Al#re$ A. Bnop#, !e+ Ior., !e+ Ior., 156>, p. *ii. 100 'estru,, Aon, Sidewinder: ;reative "issile 3evelopment at ;+ina %a:e, !a(al ;nstitute ress, Annapolis, )arylan$, 1555, p. 1"6. 10" Jo&nstone, )ar. A., Ferran$o, Step&en A. an$ Critc&lo+, Aobert '., DJoint <*peri,entationH a !ecessity #or Future 'ar>E Goint 8orces H(arterly, Autu,n8'inter 1556-55, pp. 10-23. 10> Bro+n, S&ona L., an$ <isen&ar$t, Bat&leen )., ;ompetin* on t+e 4d*e: Strate*y as Str(ct(red ;+aos, Har(ar$ Business Sc&ool ress, Ca,bri$ge, )assac&usetts, 1556, p. 23/.