Textual Criticism: An Introductory Survey: by James Naumann

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Textual Criticism: An Introductory Survey

By James Naumann [Pastor-Delegate Conference, Texas Mission District, January 23, 1981] !n 18"" #$en $e #as not yet t$irty years of age, Tisc$en%orf& 'egan an extensi(e )ourney t$roug$ t$e *ear +ast in searc$ of ,i'lical -anuscri.ts/ 0$ile (isiting t$e -onastery of 1t/ Cat$erine at Mount 1inai, $e c$ance% to see so-e lea(es of .arc$-ent in a #aste-'as2et full of .a.ers %estine% to lig$t t$e o(en of t$e -onastery/ 3n exa-ination t$ese .ro(e% to 'e .art of a co.y of t$e 1e.tuagint (ersion of t$e 3l% Testa-ent, #ritten in an early 4ree2 uncial scri.t/ 5e retrie(e% fro- t$e 'as2et no fe#er t$an forty-t$ree suc$ lea(es, an% t$e -on2 casually re-ar2e% t$at t#o 'as2et loa%s of si-ilarly %iscar%e% lea(es $a% alrea%y 'een 'urne% u.6 7ater #$en Tisc$en%orf #as s$o#n ot$er .ortions of t$e sa-e co%ex, $e #arne% t$e -on2s t$at suc$ t$ings #ere too (alua'le to 'e use% to sto2e t$eir fires/ T$e forty-t$ree lea(es #$ic$ $e #as .er-itte% to 2ee. containe% .ortions of 1 C$ronicles, Jere-ia$, *e$e-ia$ an% +st$er, an% u.on returning to +uro.e $e %e.osite% t$e- in t$e 8ni(ersity li'rary at 7ei.9ig, #$ere t$ey still re-ain/ !n 18": $e .u'lis$e% t$eir contents, na-ing t$e- co%ex ;re%erico-<ugustanus/ !n 18=3 Tisc$en%orf re(isite% t$e -onastery of 1t/ Cat$erine, $o.ing to ac>uire ot$er .ortions of t$e sa-e -anuscri.t/ T$e excite-ent #$ic$ $e $a% %is.laye% on t$e occasion of $is %isco(ery %uring $is first (isit $a% -a%e t$e -on2s cautious, an% $e coul% learn not$ing furt$er a'out t$e -anuscri.t/ !n 18=9 $is tra(els too2 $i- 'ac2 once -ore to Mount 1inai, t$is ti-e un%er t$e .atronage of t$e C9ar of ?ussia, <lexan%er !!/ T$e %ay 'efore $e #as sc$e%ule% to lea(e $e .resente% to t$e ste#ar% of t$e -onastery a co.y of t$e e%ition of t$e 1e.tuagint #$ic$ $e $a% recently .u'lis$e% in 7ei.9ig/ T$ereu.on t$e ste#ar% re-ar2e% t$at $e too $a% a co.y of t$e 1e.tuagint, an% .ro%uce% fro- a closet in $is cell a -anuscri.t #ra..e% in a re% clot$/ T$ere 'efore t$e astonis$e% sc$olar@s eyes lay t$e treasure #$ic$ $e $a% 'een longing to see/ Concealing $is feelings, Tisc$en%orf casually as2e% .er-ission to loo2 at it furt$er t$at e(ening/ Per-ission #as grante%, an% u.on retiring to $is roo- Tisc$en%orf staye% u. all nig$t in t$e )oy of stu%ying t$e -anuscri.t A for, as $e %eclare% in $is %iary& Bit really see-e% a sacrilege to slee.@, $e soon foun% t$at t$e %ocu-ent containe% -uc$ -ore t$an $e $a% e(en $o.e%C for not only #as -ost of t$e 3l% Testa-ent t$ere, 'ut also t$e *e# Testa-ent #as intact an% in excellent con%ition, #it$ t$e a%%ition of t#o early C$ristian #or2s of t$e secon% century, t$e +.istle of ,arna'as/ /an% a large .ortion of t$e 1$e.$er% of 5er-as, $it$erto 2no#n only 'y title/ T$e next -orning Tisc$en%orf trie% to 'uy t$e -anuscri.t, 'ut #it$out success/ T$en $e as2e% to 'e allo#e% to ta2e it to Cairo to stu%yC 'ut t$e -on2 in c$arge of t$e altar .late o')ecte%, an% so $e $a% to lea(e #it$out it/ 7ater, #$ile in Cairo, #$ere t$e -on2s of 1inai $a(e also a s-all -onastery, Tisc$en%orf i-.ortune% t$e a''ot of t$e -onastery of 1t/ Cat$erine, #$o $a..ene% to 'e in Cairo at t$e ti-e, to sen% for t$e %ocu-ent/ T$ereu.on s#ift ,e%ouin -essengers #ere sent to fetc$ t$e -anuscri.t to Cairo, an% it #as agree% t$at Tisc$en%orf #oul% 'e allo#e% to $a(e it >uire 'y >uire to co.y it/ T#o 4er-ans #$o $a..ene% to 'e at Cairo an% #$o 2ne# so-e 4ree2, an a.ot$ecary an% a 'oo2seller, $el.e% $i- transcri'e t$e -anuscri.t an% Tisc$en%orf re(ise% carefully #$at t$ey co.ie%/ !n t#o -ont$s t$ey transcri'e% 11D,DDD lines of text/ T$e next stage of t$e negotiations in(ol(e% #$at -ay 'e calle% eu.$e-istically Becclesiastical %i.lo-acy@/ <t t$at ti-e t$e $ig$est .lace of aut$ority a-ong t$e -on2s of 1inai #as (acant/ Tisc$en%orf suggeste% t$at it #oul% 'e to t$eir a%(antage if t$ey #oul% -a2e a gift to t$e C9ar of ?ussia, #$ose influence, as .rotector of t$e 4ree2 C$urc$, t$ey %esire% in connexion #it$ t$e election of t$e ne# a''ot A an% #$at coul% 'e -ore a..ro.riate as a gift t$an t$is 4ree2 -anuscri.t6 <fter .rolonge% negotiations t$e .recious co%ex #as %eli(ere% to Tisc$en%orf for .u'lication at 7ei.9ig an% for .resentation to t$e C9ar in t$e na-e of t$e -on2s&

!n 18:2, on t$e one-t$ousan%t$ anni(ersary of t$e foun%ing of t$e ?ussian +-.ire, t$e text of t$e -anuscri.t #as .u'lis$e% in -agnificent style at t$e ex.ense of t$e C9ar in four folio (olu-es& &<fter t$e re(olutions in ?ussia, t$e 811?, not 'eing intereste% in t$e ,i'le an% 'eing in nee% of -oney, negotiate% #it$ t$e Trustees of t$e ,ritis$ Museu- for t$e sale of t$e co%ex for E=DD,DDD& Just 'efore C$rist-as Day, 1933, t$e -anuscri.t #as carrie% un%er guar% into t$e ,ritis$ Museu-/F 1o #e let ,ruce Met9ger in $is 'oo2 The Text of the New Testament intro%uce us to t$e sc$olarly, often interesting, occasionally ro-antic an% at ti-es -isun%erstoo% %isci.line of textual criticis-/ !t s$all 'e our .ur.ose in t$is .a.er to .ro(i%e a (ery 'asic intro%uction to t$is %isci.line/ !n so %oing #e #ill tal2 a'out !/ !!/ !!!/ !G/ G/ G!/ The Making of Early Books The Cause of Variant eadings The Science of Choosing the eadings The Most Im!ortant Manuscri!ts The "revailing School of Thought# $%estcott and &ort' The Case Against the Textus ece!tus# I# 0e #$o li(e in t$e %ays of $uge #e%-fe% .resses, so.$isticate% co.y -ac$ines an% -ass .ro%uce% literature #$ic$ ena'le -any c$urc$es to gi(e a#ay co.ies of t$e 1cri.tures on e(angelis- (isits #ill fin% it so-e#$at %ifficult to i%entify #it$ t$e scri'e #$o sat #it$ $is .arc$-ent on $is 2nees, $is >uill in $an% an% $is co.y of t$e 1cri.tures o.ene% to t$e first .age of t$e se(eral t$ousan% in t$e ,i'le/ 5e face% a tas2 of incre%i'le .ro.ortions, to co.y 'y $an% for se(eral years, .age after .age in %i- lig$t, in %a-. an% col% acco--o%ations an% for (ery long $ours/ +ac$ co.y of 1cri.ture for 1"DD years #as a treasure, t$e (alue of #$ic$ coul% scarcely 'e -easure% in %ollars an% cents/ ;or t$at -any years, t$ere #ere only -anuscri.tsF of 1cri.ture, t$at is $an% #rittenF co.ies/ <ll of t$ese -anuscri.ts #ere #ritten on eit$er .a.yrus or .arc$-ent/ Pa.er $a% not yet 'een in(ente% an% #oul% not 'eco-e co--on until late in t$e -i%%le ages/ Pa.yrus #as -a%e 'y .ressing toget$er t$in slices of t$e triangular ree% t$at gre# in t$e *ile %elta / 3ne layer #as lai% east an% #est an% t$e ot$er .resse% onto it #it$ t$e grain running nort$ an% sout$/ Parc$-ent or (ellu- #as -a%e fro- t$e s2in of cattle, s$ee., goats an% antelo.e/ <fter t$e $air $a% 'een scra.e% off, t$e s2i- #as #as$e%, s-oot$e% #it$ .u-iceH an% %resse% #it$ c$al2 to .ro(i%e a (ery fine #riting surface/ ;or -any centuries t$e -aterials #ere se#n toget$er into long stri.s 3D to 3= feet in lengt$ an% t$en rolle% u. fro- eit$er en% to for- #$at #e call a scroll/ T$e scroll #as sel%o- #ritten on 'ot$ si%es/ T$e colu-ns, usually t#o to t$ree inc$es #i%e, ran .er.en%icular to t$e lengt$ of t$e stri., <'out t$e ti-e t$at t$e C$ristians 'egan to co.y t$e 'oo2s of t$e *e# Testa-ent, a ne# -et$o% %e(elo.e% of 'in%ing toget$er t$e fol%s of -any lea(es on a co--on s.ine into #$at #as calle% a co%ex/ T$is forerunner of our .resent %ay 'oo2s -a%e it easier to inclu%e all t$e 4os.els in one (olu-e, or all t$e Pauline +.istles, #$ic$ #oul% $a(e re>uire% a nu-'er of scrolls/ T$e co%ex #as also far 'etter suite% to .aging 'ac2 an% fort$ to consult .roof texts, not to -ention t$e fact t$at t$e ex.ensi(e #riting -aterial coul% 'e use% on 'ot$ si%es (ery con(eniently/ ,ecause of its grain, t$e .a.yrus $a% its o#n 'uilt in lines on one si%e, #$ile on t$e ot$er si%e, it #as >uite %ifficult to #rite against t$e grain/ Parc$-ent $a% no suc$ grain so t$e scri'es .ric2e% a series of $oles on eit$er e%ge an% score% lines 'et#een t$e .in.ric2s/ T$e letters $ung fro- t$ese lines rat$er t$an resting on t$eas t$ey %o in our #riting/ T#o styles of #riting existe% fro- t$e *e# Testa-ent %aysH cursive, 'eing use% in e(ery%ay #ritings, 'ut al-ost ne(er in t$e -anuscri.ts of t$e ,i'le, an% uncialsF, a ty.e of .rinting #$ic$ utili9e% only ca.ital letters/ <roun% t$e ti-e of t$e *int$ Century a refor- in #riting too2 .lace an% s-aller letters calle% -inusculesF #ritten in a running $an% 'egan to 'e use% al-ost exclusi(ely/ Minuscules #ere -ore econo-ical

since t$ey coul% 'e #ritten far -ore ra.i%ly t$an uncials an% -uc$ -ore of t$e text coul% 'e #ritten on a single .age of -inuscule -anuscri.t t$an of uncial/ Partly for t$ese reasons of econo-ics -inuscule -anuscri.ts outnu-'er uncials ten to one/ ,ecause of t$e $ig$ cost of #riting -aterial, not a fe# of t$e uncial -anuscri.ts t$at $a(e 'een %isco(ere% are .ali-.sests, t$at is, t$ey are co.ies of t$e ,i'le #ritten earlier an% t$en erase% at a later ti-e to allo# so-e ot$er text to 'e #ritten on t$e recycle% .arc$-ent/ 3ne out of fi(e of t$e uncial -anuscri.ts extant are .ali-.sests / Mo%ern -et$o%s utili9ing ultra-(iolet lig$t an% c$e-icals $a(e ena'le% sc$olars to rea% t$e erase% text #$ic$ is al#ays -ore (alua'le to us t$an its successor/ T$e scri'es utili9e% a ty.e of #riting calle% scriptio continua #$ic$ -eans t$at t$ey #rote all t$e letters rig$t next to eac$ ot$er #it$ no ga.s 'et#een t$e #or%s/ 1uc$ a -et$o% coul% at ti-es -a2e it %ifficult to %eter-ine #$ere t$e %i(isions 'et#een t$e #or%s #ere to 'e .lace%/ <s an exa-.le t$e #or%s 4o%isno#$ere coul% 'e %i(i%e% in eit$er of t$e follo#ing t#o #aysH 4o% is no# $ere, or 4o% is no#$ere/ T$e scri'es also -a%e fre>uent use of contractions for #riting fa-iliar #or%s/ T$e na-e of 4o%, Theos, #as often #ritten Ths #it$ a line o(er it to s$o# t$at t$e #or% #as contracte%/ Christos, t$e na-e C$rist, #as #ritten Chs or Chrs (ery often/ ;ro- t$e earliest %ays of t$e *e# Testa-ent co.ies #ere -a%e 'y in%i(i%uals eit$er for t$e-sel(es or for ot$ers/ ,ut 'ecause C$ristianity #as an illegal religion in t$e ?o-an e-.ire until t$e ;ourt$ Century, (ery fe# co.ies #ere -a%e 'y .rofessional scri'es in esta'lis$-ents calle% scriptoria/ <fter Constantine 'eca-e a C$ristian an% or%ere% =D %eluxe co.ies of 1cri.tures to 'e .ro%uce%, t$e scri.toria 'egin to .lay an i-.ortant role in t$e .ro%uction of -anuscri.ts of t$e ,i'le t$e scri.toria of t$e ;ourt$ Century a lector #oul% rea% an% se(eral scri'es #oul% #rite #$at t$ey $ear% $i- rea%/ *aturally suc$ a syste- $a% fla#s/ < -o-entary la.se in attention, a coug$ or so-e ot$er noise -ig$t cause a scri'e to -iss a #or% or sylla'le/ !n a%%ition t$e .ro'leof $o-ony-s #as a fre>uent t$reat to accuracy/ T$e +nglis$ #or%s greatIgrate an% t$ereIt$eir #ill ser(e as exa-.les of t$e .ro'le-/ < corrector $a% t$e )o' of .roofrea%ing t$e finis$e% .ro%uct 'ut -any errors sli..e% .ast $is eyes/ Pro%ucing a 'oo2 in suc$ a -anner #as extre-ely costly/ < ,i'le at t$at ti-e coul% cost a..roxi-ately t$irty years .ay/ During t$e ,y9antine Perio%, fro- t$e ;ift$ to t$e ;ifteent$ Centuries -ost of t$e co.y #or2 #as %one 'y -on2s #$o si-.ly co.ie% in%i(i%ually rat$er t$an listening to %ictation/ 1uc$ a -et$o% $a% its o#n .ro'le-s, in(ol(ing t$e follo#ing four ste.sH 1/ ?ea%ingC 2/ ?etaining in -e-oryC 3/ Dictating fro- -e-oryC "/ 5an% -o(e-ent/ Consi%ering t$e -agnitu%e of t$e effort entaile% in -a2ing suc$ co.ies it is not sur.rising t$at t$e scri'es often a%%e% a (erse of re)oicing at t$e en% of t$eir la'or suc$ as, T$e +n% of t$e ,oo2C T$an2s 'e to 4o%6F !n a%%ition to t$e actual text of 1cri.ture, t$e scri'e often co.ie% t$e notes or glossesF #ritten in t$e -argins of t$e -anuscri.t fro- #$ic$ $e #as co.ying/ ;re>uently suc$ notes ser(e% as a running co--entary on t$e text an% ser(e% to lengt$en t$e o(erall .ro)ect of co.ying consi%era'ly/ <t ti-es t$e glosses foun% t$eir #ay into t$e text itself an% 'eca-e res.onsi'le for so-e of t$e (ariant rea%ings in 1cri.ture/ II # 0e $a(e allu%e% to so-e of t$e causes of (ariant rea%ings a'o(e/ T$ere #ere -any ot$er causes as #ell/ ;aulty eyesig$t an% .oor $an%#riting are %ou'tless res.onsi'le for a $ost of (ariants/ Certain 4ree2 letters loo2e% >uite si-ilar, nota'ly sigma, epsilon, theta an% omicronC as #ell as gamma, pi an% tau/ T#o lambda@s #ritten too close toget$er 'eco-e a mu/ < lambda an% an iota run toget$er for- a nu/ 0$en t#o lines in t$e -anuscri.t 'eing co.ie% $a..en to en% in t$e sa-e #or%, #or%s or sylla'le, t$e eyes of t$e scri'e -ig$t #an%er fro- t$e first to t$e secon%, acci%entally o-itting an entire line or .assage lying 'et#een t$e en%ings/ 1uc$ an o-ission is calle% .ara'le.sis/ !ts cousin is calle% %ittogra.$y an% consists in co.ying t$e sa-e #or% or line t#ice/ ;aulty $earing #e $a(e referre% to alrea%y in t$e case of $o-ony-s/ ,ut a%%itional .ro'le-s occurre% #$en in later years se(eral of t$e letters of t$e 4ree2 al.$a'et ca-e to 'e .ronounce% in a (ery si-ilar #ay/ 3ften (ariants occur #$en t$e 4ree2 #or% yourF is confuse% #it$ ourF/ +rrors of t$e -in% -ig$t cause t$e


scri'e to in(ert t$e #or% or%er of a sentence or t$e or%er of letters in a #or% so-eti-es #it$ %isastrous effects/ 3ne -anuscri.t #$ic$ at Jo$n =H39 oug$t to rea% t$ey 'ear #itness concerning -e,F rea%s instea% t$ey are sinning concerning -e/F <not$er error of t$e -in% #as li2ely to occur #$en a scri'e #oul% unconsciously su'stitute a synony- for t$e original #or%, suc$ as a.ostleF@ for %isci.leF/ Gery often t$e #or%ing of a .assage #as ina%(ertently ex.an%e% to inclu%e t$e #or%ing of a .arallel 'ut longer .assage fa-iliar to t$e scri'e/ 1o in Col/ 1H1" in #$o- #e $a(e re%e-.tion, t$e forgi(eness of sinsF a fe# -anuscri.ts a%% t$e #or%s t$roug$ 5is 'loo%F, a .$rase %eri(e% fro- t$e .arallel in +.$/ 1H J/ +rrors of )u%g-ent constitute anot$er 2in% of unintentional c$ange in t$e text of -any -anuscri.ts/ 0e@(e alrea%y -entione% t$at on occasion notes stan%ing in t$e -argins of so-e -anuscri.ts $a(e foun% t$eir #ay into t$e text in ot$ers/ T$is -ay 'e t$e ex.lanation for t$e rea%ing at Jo$n =H" in #$ic$ t$e -o(ing of t$e #ater is attri'ute% to an angel #$ic$ #ent %o#n to t$e .ool at a certain seasonF/ !n one $u-orous case t$e scri'e #rote in t$e text t$e o'ser(ation of an early textual critic, so t$at 1t/ Paul is -a%e to say, t$ey urgently .lea%e% #it$ us for t$e .ri(ilege of s$aring in t$is ser(ice to t$e saints #$o recei(e% us Kit is foun% t$us in -any of t$e co.iesLF/ !n anot$er $orri'le 'lun%er a scri'e #$o #as co.ying t$e genealogy of C$rist in t$e 4os.el of 7u2e %i%n@t reali9e t$at t$ere #ere t$ree colu-ns in t$e list an% co.ie% straig$t across/ Conse>uently, e(eryone #as gi(en t$e #rong fat$er, 4o% #as sai% to 'e t$e son of <ra- an% P$ares #as t$e fat$er of t$e #$ole $u-an race, rat$er t$an 4o%/ T$ere #ere also a nu-'er of categories of intentional c$anges t$at t$e scri'es inflicte% on t$e text of 1cri.ture at %ifferent ti-es/ 3ccasionally t$ey felt t$ey coul% i-.ro(e t$e gra--ar, style, s.elling or logic of t$e #riter an% #ere not a(erse to %oing so/ 1o-eti-es >uotes of 3l% Testa-ent .assages #ere i-.ro(e%F 'y t$e scri'e to 'ring t$e- into $ar-ony #it$ t$e 1e.tuagint, an% early 4ree2 translation of t$e 3l% Testa-ent, -any of #$ose .assages t$e scri'es 2ne# 'y $eart/ 3n t$ose occasions #$ere t$e scri'e #as co.ying fro- t#o -anuscri.ts, if t$ey %i% not agree, it #as not unco--on for $i- to co-'ine t$e t#o/ !f one text sai% .raisingF an% t$e ot$er 'lessingF, t$e scri'e -ig$t #rite .raising an% 'lessingF/ 3ccasionally alterations #ere also -a%e %ue to %octrinal consi%erations/ Marcion, an early $eretic, re#rote t$e 4os.els eli-inating all references to t$e Je#is$ 'ac2groun% of Jesus/ <t 7u2e 1H3 #$ere 7u2e says-, !t see-e% goo% to -e to #rite an accountF, so-e -anuscri.ts $a(e inserte% an% to t$e 5oly 1.iritF to $el. 7u2e s.ea2 -ore in line #it$ t$e %octrine of ins.iration/ 1till anot$er cause of (ariants #as t$e occasional inclusion of t$e na-es of saints referre% to in 1cri.ture 'ut not na-e% 'y t$e original #riter/ 3ne scri'e ga(e t$e na-e 1te.$anus as t$e na-e of t$e )ailer at P$ili..i/ <not$er na-e% t$e co-.anion of Cleo.as on t$e roa% to +--aus, 1i-on/ 7est #e get t$e i-.ression t$at #$at #e $a(e in our 1cri.ture is only a guess an% not t$e ins.ire% 0or% of 4o% #e nee% to re-e-'er t$at 'y far t$e (ast -a)ority of (ariants are extre-ely -inor in nature so as to not affect t$e -eaning of t$e text/ < goo% s$are of t$e rest are so o'(iously -ista2es of scri'es t$at t$ey cause no %ifficulty/ <n% t$e conclusion t$at Jo$ann ,engel reac$e% in t$e 1JDD@s after exten%e% stu%y of t$e (ariants is still true to%ay/ 5e sai% t$at t$ere are far fe#er (ariants t$an one #oul% $a(e ex.ecte% gi(en t$e -et$o% of transcri.tion/ T$ose t$at %o exist %o not s$a2e any article of e(angelical %octrine/ III# T$ere is -oreo(er a science of c$oosing 'et#een t$e (arious rea%ings/ < nu-'er of stan%ar% rules $a(e 'een lai% %o#n #$ic$ are 'ase% on co--on sense -ore t$an anyt$ing else/ 3ne rule states t$at t$e %ifficult rea%ing is to 'e .referre% to t$e easy one/F T$e reasoning 'e$in% #$at see-s to 'e a 'ac2#ar% rule is t$at a scri'e is -ore li2ely to -a2e a %ifficult construction easy t$an to -a2e -ore %ifficult #$at alrea%y is easy/ !n ot$er #or%s if a section is %ifficult to translate into goo% sense, t$e scri'e is -ore li2ely to -o%ify it to -a2e it easier to translate t$an $e is to t$ro# into it a%%itional %ifficulties/ < secon% i-.ortant %ictu- rea%s, Manuscri.ts -ust 'e e(aluate% 'y t$eir #eig$t not 'y t$eir nu-'er/F T$e reasoning 'e$in% suc$ a rule is t$is/ Most -anuscri.ts are of -ore recent origin/ T$at -eans t$ey $a(e 'een co.ie% fro- earlier -anuscri.ts/ !t see-s t$at certain -anuscri.ts, .er$a.s 'ecause of t$eir location an%

a(aila'ility #ere co.ie% far -ore t$an ot$ers/ T$e result is t$at great nu-'ers of -anuscri.ts are (ery si-ilar to eac$ ot$er/ T$ey incor.orate% t$e errors -ore or less of t$eir -anuscri.t ancestor/ Manuscri.ts can in fact 'e grou.e% 'y fa-ily tree, so to s.ea2/ !f one fa-ily tree is (ery large an% anot$er is (ery s-all 'ut contains (ery ancient -anuscri.ts, t$e s-all fa-ily can 'e gi(en )ust as -uc$ #eig$t in -a2ing textual %ecisions as t$e large fa-ily, 'ecause it is as close to t$e original as t$e fat$er of t$e large fa-ily/ < t$ir% rule of criticis- states t$at t$e s$orter rea%ing is to 'e .referre%/F T$e rule rests on t$e notion t$at a scri'e is far -ore li2ely to a%% t$an to %elete so-et$ing fro- t$e -anuscri.t/ 3ne -ore rule a%(ises t$at t$e critic c$oose t$e rea%ing #$ic$ 'est ex.lains t$e origin of t$e ot$ers/F Co--on sense is at t$e root of t$is gui%eline also/ IV# Manuscri.ts of t$e 4ree2 *e# Testa-ent are categori9e% accor%ing to t$e #riting -aterial use%, accor%ing to t$e ty.e of scri.t use% an% accor%ing to #$at t$e -anuscri.t #as to 'e use% for/ T$ere are four 'asic categoriesH !a!yri Kt$ose #ritten on .a.yrusL 81 are extantC uncials Kt$ose #ritten in t$e large uncial scri.tL 2:: are extantC minuscule Kt$ose #ritten in t$e s-aller -inuscule scri.tL 2J=" are extantC an% lectionaries Kt$ose collections of rea%ings selecte% to 'e use% %uring t$e c$urc$ year on gi(en 1un%ays, i/e/, .ortions of t$e ,i'leL 213= are extant/ ,y #ay of co-.arison t$ere are only :"J -anuscri.ts of t$e !lia%, t$e 'i'leF of 4ree2 -yt$ology/ 1o-e of t$e -ore i-.ortant -anuscri.ts inclu%e t$e follo#ingH T$e C$ester ,eatty .a.yri %esignate% ": . is a co.y of -ost of t$e +.istles of 1t/ Paul an% t$e +.istle to t$e 5e're#s/ 8: of t$e original 1D" .ages are still in existence/ P": is significant 'ecause it %ates fro- a'out t$e year 2DD </ D/, -a2ing it t$e ol%est of t$e -anuscri.ts of any lengt$ containing t$e Pauline +.istles/ T$e ,o%-er .a.yri %esignate% . :: is t$e ol%est co.y of t$e 4os.el of Jo$n of any lengt$/ 1c$olars $a(e fixe% its %ate at 2DD </ D/ or earlier/ 1D" lea(es are still in existence / <not$er of t$e ,o%-er .a.yri, . J= , is fro- a'out t$e sa-e ti-e an% contains t$e 4os.els of 7u2e an% Jo$n/ !t -ay 'e e(en -ore significant 'ecause t$e text see-s to co-e fro- a -ore relia'le fa-ilyF t$an t$at of . :: / Per$a.s t$e -ost significant .a.yrus of all is t$e Jo$n ?ylan%s .a.yrus, . =2 / T$is little frag-ent -easures only 2 MF N 3MF 'ut sc$olars $a(e fixe% t$e %ate of its #riting 'et#een 1DD an% 1=D </ D/ !t is t$erefore t$e earliest 2no#n -anuscri.t of t$e */T/ an% -ay $a(e 'een #ritten 'y a conte-.orary of t$e original aut$or/ T$e effect of its %isco(ery in 198" #as to %iscre%it t$e entire sc$ool of t$oug$t t$at $a% s.eculate% t$at t$e 4os.el of Jo$n $a% not 'een #ritten 'y t$e <.ostle 'ut #as not #ritten until as late as 1:D </ D/ P =2 .ro(es t$at t$e 4os.el accor%ing to Jo$n -ust $a(e 'een #ritten (ery early, as ort$o%ox t$eologians $a(e al#ays taug$t/ <-ong t$e uncial -anuscri.ts Co%ex 1inaiticus, a'out #$ic$ #e $a(e s.o2en alrea%y at lengt$, is )oine% 'y Co%ex <lexan%rinus an% Co%ex Gaticanus as t$e -ost significant -anuscri.ts #$ic$ contain al-ost t$e #$ole ,i'le as #e 2no# it to%ay/ Gaticanus o-its t$e ,oo2 of ?e(elation, ": c$a.ters of 4enesis, 3D Psal-s, an% se(eral +.istles/ T$e re-ar2a'le as.ect of t$ese t$ree is t$at t$ey are fro- as early as 32=-"DD </ D/ !n fact, sc$olars $a(e s.eculate% t$at 1inaiticus an% Gaticanus -ay $a(e 'een t#o of t$e =D co.ies of t$e ,i'le co--issione% 'y +-.eror Constantine/ < leaf fro- Co%ex Pur.ureus Petro.olitanus, a %eluxe e%ition #ritten on .ur.le (ellu- #it$ sil(er an% gol% letters is in t$e Pier.ont Morgan 7i'rary in *e# Oor2/ 1e(eral ot$er -anuscri.ts are in t$e 1-it$sonian Museu- in 0as$ington an% at t$e 8ni(ersity of Mic$igan 7i'rary in <nn <r'or/ V# T$e .re(ailing sc$ool of t$oug$t in textual criticis- to%ay is t$at %e(elo.e% 'y t#o +nglis$ sc$olars ,/;/ 0estcott an% ;/ J/ </ 5ort to#ar% t$e en% of t$e 19t$ Century/

T$ey t$eori9e% t$at t$ere are four 'asic fa-ilies of texts #$ic$ t$ey ter-e% 0estern, <lexan%rian, *eutral an% 1yrian/ T$e 0estern, <lexan%rian an% *eutral fa-ilies are t$e earliest #e 2no# of an% are t$erefore t$e -ost relia'le/ T$e 1yrian, $o#e(er, is t$e -ost co--on -anuscri.t 'ecause its ancestor #as a co-'ination of t$e ot$er t$ree .ut toget$er late in t$e "t$ Century to ser(e as a s-oot$er stan%ar% text fro- #$ic$ co.ies coul% 'e -a%e an% %isse-inate% t$roug$out t$e ,y9antine #orl%s T$ey furt$er t$eori9e t$at t$is e%ite%F -anuscri.t #as t$e one -ost co--only co.ie% 'y t$e -on2s %uring t$e -onastic .erio% fro- "DD </ D/ to t$e in(ention of t$e .rinting .ress in 1"=D </ D/ T$e significance of t$e 0estcott an% 5ort syste- is t$at it relegates to lesser i-.ortance t$e (ast -a)ority of -anuscri.ts an% .uts great e-.$asis .articularly on t$e t#o great early uncials Gaticanus an% 1inaiticus/ VI# T$e i-.ortance of all t$is to us in t$e 2Dt$ Century an% to our Congregations is its effect u.on t$e ne# translations of 5oly 1cri.ture 'eing .u'lis$e% so regularly to%ay/ ,ut let us lea% u. to t$at #it$ a %iscussion of t$e Textus ?ece.tus/F !t #as not until 1"=D t$at Jo$ann 4uten'erg .erfecte% -o(a'le ty.e an% use% it to .rint a large nu-'er of 7atin ,i'les/ <n% it #as not until 1=1: t$at t$e first .rinte% 4ree2 ,i'le #as .u'lis$e%/ ?eally t$ere #ere t#o 4ree2 ,i'les .rinte% at a'out t$e sa-e ti-e early in t$e 1=DD@s/ T$e one calle% t$e Co-.lutensian PolyglotF #as 1D years in t$e -a2ing an% -a%e an effort to .resent t$e 4ree2 text #it$ as relia'le a set of rea%ings as #ere a(aila'le/ Muc$ researc$ #ent into t$e .rinting of t$e Polyglot/ T$e ot$er e%ition of t$e 4ree2 #as t$e #or2 of +ras-us an% re.resente% a rus$ )o'/ T$e .rinter Jo$ann ;ro'en sa# t$e nee% for an% -ar2et for a 4ree2 e%ition an% at t$e sa-e ti-e sa# t$e a%(antage of issuing suc$ an e%ition 'efore or near t$e .u'lication %ate of t$e Polyglot/ 5e an% +ras-us in 1=1= set out to .u'lis$ a 4ree2 Testa-ent/ +ras-us too2 t$e 'est -anuscri.ts a(aila'le at ,asel in July of 1=1= 'ut foun% t$e- to 'e inferior an% inco-.lete/ 5e t$erefore -a%e corrections on t$e- an% .laces e(en translate% t$e 7atin into 4ree2 to co-.lete t$e-, an% rus$e% t$e texts to t$e .rinter, #$o 'egan .rinting in 3cto'er 1=1= an% co-.lete% t$e )o' 'y Marc$ 1 of 1=1:/ T$e incre%i'ly s$ort ti-e ta2en to .u'lis$ t$e text resulte% in $un%re%s of ty.ogra.$ical errors/ !n a%%ition, as coul% 'e ex.ecte%, t$e translations +ras-us -a%e fro- t$e 7atin into 4ree2 resulte% in rea%ings #$ic$ are no#$ere else recor%e% in any 4ree2 -anuscri.t/ !n%ee% +ras-us e(en in(ente% a #or% in ?e(, 1JH", -eaning uncleanness, a #or% #$ic$ no#$ere else occurs in any 4ree2 literature/ T$e text #as .rinte%, $o#e(er, an% #as consi%era'ly c$ea.er an% -ore a(aila'le t$an t$e Polyglot/ !t #as t$erefore far -ore #i%ely use% an% rea% an% 'eca-e, #it$ all its errors an% i-.erfections, t$e 'asis of (irtually e(ery succee%ing 4ree2 text until al-ost t$e T#entiet$ Century/ !n 1:33, t$e +l9e(ir e%ition -a%e t$e state-ent t$at its text #$ic$ #as 'ase% on +ras-us@s text #as t$e text #$ic$ is no# recei(e% 'y all/F 5ence t$e %esignation ?ecei(e% TextF or Textus ?ece.tusF KT?L/ T$is T? #as t$e 'asis of t$e translation aut$orise% 'y Ping Ja-es in 1:11 an% also at least in .art of 7ut$er@s translation of 1=3"/ !n%ee%, a 2in% of su.erstition %e(elo.e% a'out t$is ?ecei(e% Text/ <nyone #$o suggeste% t$at rea%ings #ere .referre% to t$e rea%ing of t$e T? #as eit$er ignore% or .ersecute% for >uestioning t$e aut$ority of 1cri.ture/ 1o in t$e late 18DD@s #$en t$e ?e(ise% Gersion #as .u'lis$e% it ca-e in for so-e scat$ing attac2s at t$e $an%s of t$e %efen%ers of t$e T? 'ecause it a%o.te% so-e of t$e (ariant rea%ings of t$e earlier -anuscri.ts/ +(en to%ay so-e critics -aintain t$at t$e ?ecei(e% Text is t$e one 4o% #ante% .reser(e% an% t$erefore it 'eca-e t$e 'asis of t$e PJG an% so -any 4ree2 e%itions/ Oet it #oul% see- at least a stan%off if t$e textual critics s$oul% argue t$at t$e 7or% is #or2ing t$roug$ t$e- to ai% in t$e restoration of t$e corru.te% text T$e co-forting fact in t$e %e'ate is t$at #e are not face% #it$ any (ariants #$ic$ affect t$e %octrinal content of 1cri.ture/ !t can 'e unner(ing to fin% in ,i'le Class t$at your co.y of t$e *!G o-its Jo$n =H" #$ile t$e PJG inclu%es it/ !t -ay %istur' us to fin% t$at in ! Jo$n = Gerses J-9 are consi%era'ly s$orter t$an in t$e PJGC an%

t$at a text #$ic$ see-e% to su..ort t$e %octrine of t$e Trinity is eli-inate%/ ,ut #$en #e un%erstan% t$e/ reasons 'e$in% suc$ an o-ission #e can $ar%ly >uarrel #it$ t$e %ecision/ !t see-s t$at t$e longer rea%ing #as in no 4ree2 -anuscri.ts until +ras-us un%er criticis- state% t$at if only one suc$ -anuscri.t coul% 'e foun%, $e #oul% inclu%e it in $is text/ 0$ereu.on at lengt$ suc$ a co.y #as foun% or rat$er #as -a%e to or%er6 <s it no# a..ears, t$e 4ree2 -anuscri.t $a% .ro'a'ly 'een #ritten in 3xfor% a'out 1=2D 'y a ;ranciscan friar na-e% ?oy, #$o too2 t$e %is.ute% #or%s fro- t$e 7atin Gulgate/ +ras-us stoo% 'y $is .ro-ise an% inserte% t$e .assage in $is t$ir% e%ition/ ,ut #oul% anyone to%ay suggest t$at suc$ a rea%ing is correctQ ?at$er let us reali9e t$at t$e -iracle is in t$e .reser(ation of t$e text as to its %octrinal content an% t$at t$e %isci.line of textual criticis- is a 4o%-.leasing en%ea(or t$at in no #ay t$reatens our fait$ or our ort$o%oxy/ ;or a%%itional infor-ation on t$is su')ect t$e stu%ent is referre% toH Met9ger, ,ruce Manning, The Text of the New Testament K*e# Oor2/ 3xfor%/ 19:8L , #$ose #or2 t$e #riter $as trie% to su--ari9e #it$ so-e %egree of accuracy/

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