Helicopter Theory Questions

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AE 2025 Helicopter Theory Unit I Question Bank

2M Questions 1) What is a Helicopter? 2) Differentiate between fixed wing aircraft and rotary wing aircraft. 3) What is the importance of Auxiliary Rotor? 4) What is Compound Helicopter? 5) Differentiate between Gyrodyne and Helicopter. 6) What are the three possible Degrees of Freedom for a helicopter blade? 7) What are the important parts of a Rotor System? 8) What is Hovering? 9) What are the advantages of Helicopter over an Aircraft? 10) What is meant by Blade Loading?

8M Questions 1) With neat diagrams point out the required forces direction and rotor plane of rotation for all possible flights of a helicopter. 2) Explain about Lift Dysymmetry for a helicopter. 3) Explain about Jet Rotor.

16M Questions 1) With neat sketches explain about advantages and disadvantages of different configurations of helicopter. 2) Explain about various rotor systems. 3) Explain about collective and cyclic control mechanism and its usage. 4) Write about the evolution of helicopter from history to till existing configuration.




Unit II Question Bank

2M Questions 1) What is induced velocity? 2) What are the types of drags acting on a Rotor blade? 3) What is ideal twist? 4) What are the drawbacks of momentum theory? 5) What is twisting and tapering? 6) What is importance of blade element theory? 7) Why helicopter blades should be twisted and tapered? 8) What is optimum hovering rotor? 9) What is ground effect? 10) What is tip loss? 8M Questions 1) By using momentum theory show that = (T/2 R2) 2) What is Rotor Figure of Merit and how it decides the performance of a rotor? 3) How tip speed influences the performance of rotor? 4) Describe about blade twist & taper on performance of rotor?

16M Questions 1) From blade element theory, by using Rotor Figure of Merit, estimate the performance of a rotor. 2) Explain the following a) Tip Losses b) Performance of ideally twisted & constant chord blades. 3) Derive the expression for induced & climb torque. 4) Prove that power requirement decreases in Ground Effect.




Unit III Question Bank

2M Questions 1) Why dynamics of forward flight is complex? 2) What is Energy method? 3) What is meant by Induced Power? 4) Write equation of Total Equivalent Drag Force. 5) What is Weighting Curve? 6) Write equation of Equivalent flat-plate drag area. 7) Why stall is concentrated more on the retreating side of the rotor? 8) How the stall of a helicopter differs from the stall of an autogyro? 9) Why aircraft wing aerofoils are not suited for rotors? 10) What is Drag Bucket problem?

8M Questions 1) Explain about References axes used for helicopter motion. 2) Explain about the concept of autorotation. 3) Explain about Dead Mans Curve and its significance for a helicopter. 4) Explain about the effects of aerofoil characteristics on performance of rotor.

16M Questions 1) Explain the procedure for solving the equations of motion of helicopter involving Drag to Lift ratio and Power to Lift ratio terms for estimating all non-dimensional coefficients. 2) Explain about the effects of operating conditions on profile drag. 3) What is rotor blade stall? In what way it differs from the stall of a fixed wing aircraft? 4) Explain about power losses due to blade stall and means of delaying rotor blade stall.




Unit IV Question Bank

2M Questions 1) In a flow field when is the momentum equation valid? 2) What is meant by Turbulence? 3) What is the significance of mean effective induced velocity? 4) Write the momentum equation in normal working state. 5) What is the influence of pitch & twist on the flow states of rotor? 6) Why the drag theory is under estimating the performance of rotor? 7) Which type of take off is preferable when helicopter is overloaded and why? 8) What is Critical Decision Point and Landing Decision Point? 9) When can vertical takeoffs best suited?

8M Questions 1) Explain the concept of finding the rotor drag coefficient in vertical descent. 2) Explain about general take off techniques. 3) Explain the importance of studying the working states of rotor. 4) Compare category A and category B helicopters.

16M Questions 1) Explain different working states of rotor with neat drawings. 2) Derive the equations for estimating the performance of rotor in vertical descent. 3) Explain different types of possible takeoff techniques of category A helicopter with necessary graphs.




Unit V Question Bank

2M Questions 1) Classify the stability. 2) Explain the condition of TRIM. 3) What is meant by DOUBLE and HALF AMPLITUDE? 4) What is Control Power? 5) Define Longitudinal Static Stability for a helicopter. 6) On what factors rotor damping depends and how it varies? 7) What are the important types of static stability that should be considered for a helicopter? 8) How can the dynamic stability for a helicopter in forward flight be reduced? 9) How rotor plane alignment contributes to the stability of the helicopter? 10) How NACA measured the static stability of the helicopter?

8M Questions 1) Explain the concept of Longitudinal Static Stability of the helicopter in forward flight. 2) Explain the concept of Control Sensitivity. 3) Explain about Damping in Pitch or Roll. 4) Explain about the Static Stability of helicopter in hovering.

16M Questions 1) Explain the concept of Rotor Control with respect to stability. 2) Explain how the helicopter stability changes with variation in speed and angle of attack? 3) Explain the concept of Dynamic Stability of helicopter in hovering considering the factors with and without damping. 4) Explain how helicopter is Dynamically Stable in forward flight?



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