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Internship Report On Management Accounting Practice At Unicure (india) pvt Ltd: A Review Of Costing Function

Management Accounting Practice At Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd Ltd: A Review Of Costing Function

by AAMIR QAISAR Enroll:02121001711

Ideal institute of management and technology

G.G.S Indraprastha university,delhi

Management Accounting Practice At Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd: A Review Of Costing Function

Submitted By: AAMIR QAISAR Enroll:02121001711 Ideal institute of management and technology

Submitted To: ------------------------------------------------Mr. keshav Gupta Lecturer Ideal institute of management and technology

G.G.S Indraprastha University

Letter of Transmittal
August 10, 2011 Mr. keshav gupta Lecturer Ideal institute of management and technology G.G.S Indraprastha University New delhi Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear sir, I am submitting an internship report titled for Management Accounting Practice At Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd: A Review of Costing Function as a part of the requirement of the course. Your guideline has been followed in every aspect of preparing this report. I have really enjoyed working on this project and I hope that my work would meet the level of your expectation. Any query on this report is appreciated.

Thank You. Sincerely, Aamir qaisar Enroll:02121001711

Its difficult for me to thank all of those marvelous people who have contributed something of them to this report. There are of course some very special people who cannot go without mention. At first I express my gratitude and indebtedness to our respected faculty, Mr. Keshav Gupta for her continuous guidance, important advice, encouragement and suggestion during the preparation of the report. I thank of him for sparing her valuable time to read the report. Then, I express my sincere gratitude to Mr.Abdul Mateem, Managing Director, in Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd. for his guidance, constants supervision and constructive suggestions. Without his help this report might not have been a comprehensive one. I also like to thank Mr. Kamal Uddin Ahamed Deputy Manager, Accounts and Finance. Without his help I cannot prepare my report so informative. I have bothered him so many times in connection with my works, both during and after normal working hours. Finally I am grateful to all the cooperative staffs of the Accounts Department of Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd.

Executive summary

The report is based on Management Accounting Practice At Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd: A Review Of Costing Function. The purpose of this report is to understand how the cost elements of materials are being determined and to identify the factors which affect the costing procedure. Management Accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis in making informed business decisions that would allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions. Listed below are the primary tasks performed by management accountants generated by different cost accounting tools that are as follows: Variance Analysis, Rate & Volume Analysis, Product Profitability, Cost Analysis & Cost Benefit Analysis, Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Life cycle cost analysis, Capital Budgeting, Strategic Planning Strategic Management Advise, Internal Financial Presentation and Communication, Sales and Financial Forecasting & Annual Budgeting, Cost Allocation and Resource Allocation and Utilization. Basically, Cost accounting information -- and, more generally, accounting information has three basic roles in organizations: 1. Financial reporting, 2. Operational control and improvement, and 3. Decision making and planning. Costing procedure of a Pharmaceuticals company is very important and vast thing. It needs to update in a regular basis. Moreover, all Pharmaceuticals firms try to keep this information secret in this competitive market. Like all other pharmaceuticals company Unicure follows standard costing method for medicine productions. The unit price of each medicine is calculated by batch wise. About 70-80 percent of all manufacturing materials are purchased from the foreign county. Only 20- 25 percent of the total are collected from the local markets. Unicure purchases more than 600 items of raw materials and more than 3,000 packaging materials for manufacturing of medicine. Major reasons for which the price of the materials is affected are-LC opening charge, Demurrage charge, Inflation, Exchange rate changes and C & F commissions, etc. Yearly increment of

salary is one of the major issues of labor rate increasing. Unicure provides salary increment every year. Therefore, the cost of direct labor is increased. The reasons for increasing the overhead cost are- Markets rates of utilities like gas, electricity and water, Repair and the maintenance costs, Insurance premiums etc. are increased due to reducing the life of the machines. Product development costs are increased due to highly competition in the medicine markets both home and abroad. Pharmaceuticals sector of India like all other industries is going to face new challenges. Rising price of materials in the international market and higher domestic inflation is going to be a big issue. Besides, competition in the local pharmaceuticals market is expected to intensity further. UNICURE has to be aware of those issues to become a market leader in the industry. Though the sales revenue has decreased in the last year due to various reasons, it has the ability to regain its glorious pasts and advanced further.

Table of Content
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Origin Of The Report 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Scope 1.4 Methodology 1.5 Organization of the study 1.6 Limitations CHAPTER TWO: PART ONE- OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY 2.1.1 History Background Of Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd. 2.1.2 Vision Of Unicure (india) 2.1.3 Mission Of Unicure (india) 2.1.4 Board And Management 2.1.5 Organizational Structure Of Unicure (india) 2.1.6 Products 2.1.7 International Market 2.1.8 Corporate Strategies 2.1.9 Corporate Social Responsibility CHAPTER TWO: PART TWO- DESCRIPTION OF JOB 2.2.1 Specific Responsibilities Of The Job 2.2.2 Different Aspects Of Job Performance CHAPTER THREE: PART ONEINTRODUCTION OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 3.1.1 Definition of Management Accounting 3.1.2 Management Accounting Techniques 3.1.3 Management Accounting Functions 3.1.4 Relationship Among Cost Accounting, FinancialAccounting And anagement Accounting 3.1.5 Difference Among Cost Accounting, FinancialAccounting And Management Accounting 3.1.6 Management Accounting Information in DecisionMaking 3.1.7 Management Accounting Information in CorporateReporting

CHAPTER THREE: PART TWOMATERIALS - CONTROLLING AND COSTING 3.2 Materials Management 3.2.1 Procedure of Material Acquisition 3.2.2 Materials Acquisition Cost 3.2.3 Product Costing And Cost Allocations 3.2.4 Contemporary cost accounting methods and techniques used by Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd. 3.2.5 Factors That Affects The Costing Procedure At Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd.


Management Accounting Practice At Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd: A Review Of Costing Function


1. Introduction Part
1.1 Origin of the report:

The report is originated to make a study on the costing procedure and the internal control system of Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd. as a part of the fulfillment of internship program required for the completion of BBA program of G.G.S Indraprastha University. As the part of BBA curriculum this project is assigned to me by Jamal Ahmed Choudhury Executive Director, Accounts & Finance, Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd and approved by the academic Supervisor Mr. keshav Gupta, lecturer of Ideal institute of management and technology.

1.2 Objective of the report: The objectives of the report are as follows:Major objective of this report is to show what are the major functions or the chain works of Costing and Budgeting section of Accounts and Finance Departments at Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd. After reading this report learners will know the following issues: To have an idea about the background of Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd. To get an introduction about the organizational structure & how co-ordination among different set of activities is made.. To set a general idea about operating procedures and functions of Accounts and Finance Department of Unicure (india) , To explore the specific costing procedure followed by the Unicure (india) Pvt Ltd. To get idea about LC & Local purchase documentation & payment procedures; To identify the factors which affect the costing procedure To relate the theoretical learning with the real life situation. How the chain works are completing.

1.3 Scope of the report:

Costing procedure of a Pharmaceuticals company is very important and vast thing. It needs to update in a regular basis. Moreover, all Pharmaceuticals firms try to keep this information secret in this competitive market. So the study was basically

tried to identify the costing procedure followed by Unicure (india) and what are the factors concerned with this procedure. The study was also tried to identify and analyze the various expenses incurred by the Unicure (india) in an accounting year. A comparative study was conducted with the same aspects of Square Pharmaceuticals Limited. 1.4 Methodology of the report: The following methodology was followed throughout the study .The study is based on both primary as well as secondary data. Data regarding the organization profile collected in the following ways: Primary Source Careful observation of various activities of related section of that particular department, Discussions with the officials of Accounting and Finance department. Secondary Source Organizational Brochures/ Annual Reports. Online information. Different BPL publications. Other relevant written materials.

Data Collection Techniques: Some of the primary data were collected by observing others doing their jobs. Much of the primary data were collected by the informal interviewing of the company officials. Most of the secondary data were collected by the review and study of relevant reports and documents.

1.5 Organization of the study

The report is divided into five parts. The first part is the introductory chapter. The second part covers organizational part (a brief overview of Beximco Pharmaceutical Limited). The Third partdeals with report part. The fourth part includes overall findings with concluding remarks. The last part provides Bibliography and annexure.

1.6 Limitations:
Although I received co-operation from the concerned officials, they were not always able to give me much time, as they were busy with their works. Time is an important issue in Report writing. As I have been given a specific deadline for

submission, observation and learning all the functions of costing and budgeting within 3 months was really tough. Besides, all the comments made, conclusions reached and suggestions for possible improvement provided are purely based on my level of understanding, knowledge and my way of interpreting a particular statement. Because of the lack of information, I have to make some assumptions that may cause few errors or personal mistakes in the report. In spite of all these limitations, I have tried to put the best effort as far as was possible.



Pursuit of excellence in health care has been our motto since the company started in 1984 at Noida. Mr. Abdul Mateen founded the company with a lot of zeal and commitment to contribute to society by providing safe and affordable drugs. It was his sincere efforts and devotion which has brought this company to this platform which makes everybody associated with the company feel proud. With the successful mission to develop a successful and dedicated company for manufacturing and marketing wide range of safe, effective and cost effective drugs and spreading our network to the remotest locations in India and abroad to serve its valued customers,thereby helping them to lead healthier lives over past two decades Unicure (India) Pvt. Ltd. has become an epitome for efficacious medicines at most reasonable prices. Leading pharmaceutical companies are increasingly turning towards out-sourcing and contract manufacturing. It is becoming an integral, ongoing element of their business strategy to achieve efficiency in cost, capacity and time to the market.

A plant in Roorkee, Uttarakhand lies in excise exempted zone. It complies to WHOGMP norms. The plant is capable of manufacturing tablets(non Beta lactam and sex hormones ), capsules, liquid orals and ointments. Our facilty of sex hormone tablets is being used extensively and many reputed brands of sex hormones are being manufactured at our facility. Our other areas of expertise are antacids and nutritional supplements as oral prepartions. Unicures Noida plant is WHOGMP approved and ISO certified. It was the first plant in the state of Uttar Pradesh to comply with latest Schedule M specifications. It has facility to manufacture tablets(non beta lactam ,beta lactam and sex hormones), liquid orals, capsules, ORS and ointments. The plant is approved for manufacturing drugs for veterinary use also. In this plant drugs are manufactured for government agencies and for exports. Quality policy : At Unicure management value the well being of our consumers. And manufacture drugs while observing the most stringent standards and using

validated processes. infrastructure is certified and approved by many agencies like WHOGMP, ISO 9001, DGQA etc. Well trained and experienced personnel are employed ,regular seminars and lectures are conducted to adopt the latest techniques.

We boast of 10 years of quality contract manufacturing services to reputed pharmaceutical companies. Our sound technical know how has helped us in providing these companies with consistent high quality product much to their satisfaction and our delight .

Unicure intends to position itself as a strong & capable player in international markets through its rapidly expanding product linesUnicure actively seeks to register its products in various world markets. This process will increase our reach and allow many other countries in the world to benefit from the unique advantage Indian companies enjoy in the pharmaceutical market high quality manufacturing at reduced prices. This makes Indian medicines more affordable to the masses. The policy of equivalent quality at reduced prices is making our products popular in many world markets

Each of our activities must benefit and add value to the common wealth of our society. We firmly believe that, in the final analysis we are accountable to each of the constituents with whom we interact, namely: our employees, our customers, our business associates, our fellow citizens and our shareholders.

Definition of Management Accounting

Management Accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within organizations, to provide them with the basis in making informed business decisions that would allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions. Unlike financial accountancy information, management accounting information is used within an organization typically for decision-making and is usually confidential and its access available only to a select few. According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), Management Accounting is "The process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate and control within an entity and to assure appropriate use of and accountability for its resources. Management accounting also comprises the preparation of financial reports for non-management groups such as shareholders, creditors, regulatory agencies and tax authorities" (CIMA Official Terminology). The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA) states that management accounting as practice extends to the following three areas: Strategic ManagementAdvancing the role of the management accountant as a strategic partner in the organization. Performance ManagementDeveloping the practice of business decisionmaking and managing the performance of the organization. Risk ManagementContributing to frameworks and practices for identifying, measuring, managing and reporting risks to the achievement of the objectives of the organization. The Institute of Certified Management Accountants(ICMA), states "A management accountant applies his or her professional knowledge and skill in the preparation and presentation of financial and other decision oriented information in such a way as to assist management in the formulation of policies and in the planning and control of the operation of the undertaking." Management accounting practice helps an organization to survive in the competitive, everchanging world, because it provides an important competitive advantage for an organization that guides managerial action, motivates behaviors, supports and creates the cultural values necessary to achieve an organizations strategic objectives.

Books: 1. Managerial Accounting Ray H. Garrison Eric W. Noreen 2. Intermediate Accounting Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield 10th Edition 3.Cost Accounting: A Managerial Approach, Prentice Hall, Inc.; 12th Edition, 2007. 4. International Financial Reporting Standard; International Accounting Standard Board; as approved at 1 January, 2008. Websites: Previous Internship Report.

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