© Gregory Guida
Message from the President 1
The Vision of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation 2
Who Are We? 3
The Need for Conservation in Mauritius and Rodrigues 4
IUCN and Conservation Status 6
Common and Scientific Names 6
Financial Information 31
Our Donors 33
Our Partners 34
Our Staff 35
Note: Wherever 2007/8 or similar appears in this report, this refers to the Southern Hemisphere summer months between late August/early September to end February/early March. The following endemic animals breed during this period: Mauritius Kestrel, Echo Parakeet,
endemic passerines (including Mauritius Fody, Mauritius Olive White-eye, Rodrigues Fody and Rodrigues Warbler) and the fruitbats. However, one notable exception to this general trend is the Pink Pigeon, which breeds throughout the year. This period also corresponds
to the fruiting of a wide range of endemic plants, although there are also some endemic plants that fruit in winter e.g. bois de lait (Tabernaemontana mauritiana). Where stated otherwise (e.g. 2005), the dates correspond to a calendar year.
Message from the President
I have great pleasure in presenting to you the Annual Report 2007/8 of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation. This report, marking
twenty-five years of activities of the Foundation, will give our friends and supporters a comprehensive view of our endeavours
in favour of conservation in Mauritius and Rodrigues.
The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation was established in 1984 (initially as the Mauritian Wildlife Appeal Fund) by a small group of Mauritian
businessmen under the chairmanship of Colin Hare, motivated by the vision of Gerald Durrell, founder of the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust,
now known as the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. Over the years, we have maintained a very close relationship with Jersey and also have
the support of other conservation organizations such as Chester Zoo (UK), the World Parrot Trust, the Peregrine Fund, Philadelphia Zoo (USA)
and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), who are all working in close collaboration with us, providing funding
and sharing expertise in conservation management issues. Since MWF’s inception, we are proud to have been at the leading edge of
conservation work in Mauritius and Rodrigues. The passion and relentless dedication of our staff and volunteers in the field have led to some
of the world’s rarest endemic bird, reptile and plant species being brought back from the brink of extinction.
The first recovery programme was the one considered least likely to succeed when the Mauritius Kestrel became the world’s rarest bird.
© Vikash Tatayah
From only 4 individuals remaining in 1974, we have established a population of 500-600 individuals, which now live on the two main
mountain ranges of the island. To achieve this, and other success stories related in this report, we have pushed the frontiers of conservation
science and management, exploring innovative methodologies such as the genetic management of species restored from limited founders.
These approaches are of great benefit to our present and future programmes.
These achievements would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of the Mauritian Government, in particular
the National Parks and Conservation Service and the Forestry Service of the Ministry of Agro Industry and Fisheries. We value this relationship
and are also immensely grateful for the financial support we receive from the Government as well as from international organizations, local
corporations, and individuals, which enables us to continue in our efforts to preserve our native biodiversity.
I hope you will enjoy reading this report and learning about the work of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation. You can find out more by visiting
the nature reserve of Ile aux Aigrettes and can actively contribute to our projects by making a donation (see back cover). We need your
support and commitment to help us save our endemic wildlife and the habitat it needs to survive.
Felix Maurel
President, Mauritian Wildlife Foundation
M auritius has an unfortunate international reputation, as most people associate it with the Dodo and its demise.
The Dodo has gone, along with a host of other wonderful birds, lizards, bats, plants and invertebrates, and many have
felt that it is inevitable that Mauritius will continue to lose its precious wildlife. There has been extensive destruction of
the native habitat, together with continuous pressure on the remaining wildlife caused by introduced cats, rats and monkeys that kill the birds
and reptiles, and introduced plants that replace the native ones.
For the last quarter of a century the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation has been working to reverse this trend by conserving the rarest species
and rebuilding habitats. With the Government of Mauritius, and the help of international conservation organizations, we have been able to
reverse the downward trend of many of our rarest species. A recent survey showed that over the last twenty years more bird species have been
saved from extinction on Mauritius than in any other country. We have saved the Mauritius Kestrel, the Pink Pigeon, the Echo Parakeet,
the Rodrigues Fody and the Rodrigues Warbler, and soon we hope to add the Mauritius Fody to that list. In addition to these, the recovery of
the Rodrigues Fruit Bat is the most successful bat conservation project ever. It is also possible to add the recovery of many plant and reptile
species to our successes.
These restored populations are a great credit to us, but they are not enough; we must work towards rebuilding whole ecosystems, restoring
habitat and putting back the missing species. The projects on Ile aux Aigrettes, Round Island and Rodrigues are good examples of this
approach. On Rodrigues we have replanted a forest that is now home to fodies, warblers and bats, and on Ile aux Aigrettes and Round Island
we have removed introduced mammals and are restoring the vegetation and putting back the missing species. By restoring Ile aux Aigrettes
we are providing important sites for ecotourism and education so that our conservation work can be shown to the public.
A significant initiative that we are pioneering is the replacement of extinct species with closely related ones. The giant tortoises of Mauritius
© Anabelle de Chazal
have long since disappeared and we are replacing them with the Aldabra Giant Tortoise and the Radiated Tortoise from Madagascar.
These introduced tortoises fill the role of browsers and grazers, spreading the seeds of native plants. We have introduced tortoises to Ile aux
Aigrettes and Round Island and they have already started to fulfil the roles of the extinct tortoises. This approach can be developed further,
and we would like to bring flightless rails and egrets back to Ile aux Aigrettes.
We have made great strides but there is still a vast amount to be done. It is encouraging to see that in addition to our conservation work
we are developing increased capacity to restore our wildlife. The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation has long had the help and support of expatriate
scientists, and although this will continue all senior management roles within the organization are now being filled by local people. We have
developed a staff training programme and want to expand this to see Mauritius become a training school for conservationists from all over
the world in the practical skill of endangered species management. Increasing our capacity is a major objective and two of our managers
are in the process of getting their doctorates. We want staff development to be an important component of our work.
There are many challenges ahead and the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation will continue in its work to restore our animal and plant
communities and to become a shining example of good conservation.
The 1970s were a low point in conservation, with several birds, the Rodrigues Fruit Bat and a host of MWF and the Management Committee are also advised by a number of scientific associates from
plants on the brink of extinction. A number of key habitats (e.g. Round Island, Ile aux Aigrettes and various organizations, namely Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, the North of England Zoological
upland forests) were equally threatened. Against this gloomy background emerged the first significant Society, the International Zoo Veterinary Group, the Peregrine Fund (USA), the World Parrot Trust,
actions in favour of conservation. In 1976, Gerald Durrell visited Mauritius for the first time, and this New Zealand Department of Conservation and the Natural History Museum (London).
marks the turning of the tide in biodiversity decline. Durrell wanted to take a lead role in saving
animals in Mauritius and Rodrigues, but after several years of involvement he felt that a local Key Areas of Involvement
organization should be created to manage and conduct the field conservation programmes and help The organization has a history of successful species recovery programmes and those for the Mauritius
raise funds. In 1984, the Mauritian Wildlife Appeal Fund was created, with the support of the Kestrel, the Pink Pigeon, the Echo Parakeet and the Rodrigues Fruit Bat have become textbook cases
Government of Mauritius, BirdLife International (formerly the International Council for Bird in conservation. Mauritius is at a critical stage in the recovery of a number of species, which, although
Preservation) and the Peregrine Fund. In 1995, it was renamed the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation they have undergone significant increases in population size, will require continuous support until
(MWF). It is the only non-governmental organization (NGO) in Mauritius exclusively concerned with large-scale habitat restoration is implemented.
the conservation of the native wildlife of Mauritius and Rodrigues. MWF works in close cooperation MWF has established a number of habitat restoration projects on several offshore islets, including
with the Government of Mauritius, in particular with the National Parks and Conservation Service Round Island and Ile aux Aigrettes, and in mainland forest plots known as Conservation Management
(NPCS), the Ministry of Environment and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. Areas (CMAs). These involve the eradication of alien predators and plants, propagating and planting
native plant species and reintroducing the native fauna, starting with birds and reptiles. These projects
Our Mission will help to recreate the biodiversity of the unique native forests and contribute to the conservation of
• To save threatened Mauritian species through the restoration of entire ecosystems. the endangered endemic fauna.
• To seek new information through field research, data management, captive studies and scientific
collaboration for direct application to restoration methods and management.
• To share knowledge gained through restoration programmes with fellow Mauritian and international
• To share the joys and benefits of native wilderness and wildlife with the Mauritian people.
• To secure the future of Mauritian species through income generation and sound management
of human, fiscal and capital resources.
Organizational Structure
MWF is governed by the Management Committee, which consists of thirteen members comprising
prominent Mauritian businessmen and women, and representatives from the National Parks and
Conservation Service, the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and other international partners.
Currently, MWF employs about eighty Mauritian staff at all levels of responsibility, and up to twelve
expatriate staff. Their work is supported by around fifteen Mauritian and expatriate self-funded
volunteers at any one time. In addition, up to five international postgraduate students and up to eight
Mauritian undergraduate students annually carry out research projects that focus on practical
conservation management issues.
Mauritius, Rodrigues and Réunion form the Mascarene Archipelago, which is located in the western
Indian Ocean. These islands were never connected to a continental landmass and this isolation, and the
age of the islands, allowed some of the richest and most extraordinary terrestrial biodiversity to evolve,
giving rise to a high percentage of endemic species. This high endemicity and the species diversity per 1773
unit area have resulted in the islands (along with Madagascar, the Comoros and the Seychelles) being
classified by Conservation International as part of an Indian Ocean biodiversity hotspot.
Mauritius has a particularly diverse flora, with more than 670 native species of flowering plants,
of which 315 are endemic. About 200 of the endemics are threatened and some 5 species are known
only from less than 10 individuals in the wild. Rodrigues has 145 native species, of which 38 species are
endemic, nearly all of which are threatened, with 9 species down to less than 10 wild individuals.
When man first visited the islands, they were covered with luxuriant forest teeming with unique plant
and animal life. The forest contained trees such as lataniers (one unique to each island), bois d’ébène
and bois de natte (Mauritius), and bois pipe and café marron (Rodrigues). The forests provided a home
for Dodos and Blue Pigeons (Mauritius) and Solitaires (Rodrigues), as well as giant parrots, giant geckos,
giant skinks, giant tortoises, and fruitbats.
Uninhabited until 1598, Mauritius was occupied in turn by the Dutch, the French and finally the
British. In 1691, Rodrigues received its first colonists, who stayed for just two years, followed by 1872
occupations by the French and then the British. Each successive occupying power caused its own damage
to the islands and their native flora and fauna. Introduced invasive animals such as rats, cats, mongooses,
pigs and monkeys eat the eggs and young of endemic birds and reptiles. Introduced plants such as
Chinese Guava, Privet, Lantana and Traveller’s Palm grow rapidly, and out-compete the native plants for
space, light and soil nutrients. As the older trees die out exotic plants replace them.
Forest clearance for agriculture and construction, and overgrazing by introduced cattle also negatively
impacted on the native flora, so that after four centuries of human settlement less than 2% of the native
forest on Mauritius remains. In Rodrigues today there is no native forest remaining, only secondary areas
of mostly exotic species.
All the endemic giant tortoise species on the islands were exploited and hunted to extinction and
many other animal species, including the Dodo and the Solitaire, were simply unable to adapt to the
invaders and to the loss of their habitat, and rapidly became extinct.
Today many of the remaining flora and fauna species are extremely rare, restricted to remnants of 1997
native forest in remote mountainous areas of Mauritius or the national parks in Rodrigues, or on the
outer islets. Conservation interventions are essential to save the last forest fragments and to secure the
future of threatened species. Not only are these unique forests part of our natural heritage, but they also
play a vital role in our environment by conserving natural water resources and preventing soil erosion.
Deforestation of Mauritius since 1773
19 MWF Solitude
20 Grande Montagne
21 Anse Quitor
Note: The scientific name of key species is given upon first mention, thereafter only the common name is given.
In 2007/8, for the first time in six years, work was conducted on the Mauritius Kestrel population in
the Black River Gorges National Park and surrounding areas. In addition, a survey was carried out
in the Moka Range. The aim was to provide an accurate estimate of the current range and population
of this species following some anecdotal reports of a recent decline, especially in range-edge areas.
Monitoring work continued on the east coast population in the Bambous Mountains, as in previous
© Gregory Guida
On the west coast, thirty-one breeding attempts were confirmed and monitored, and at least thirty-
seven young fledged, comparing favourably with past seasons. It seems that the kestrels are thriving
in their core habitat in the National Park. As predicted, it does appear that there has been some
range contraction, with birds now seemingly absent from areas of less favourable habitat at the edges
Mauritius Kestrel
of their range.
Endangered in 1994, downlisted to Vulnerable in 2000. The Mauritius Kestrel recovery is the most spectacular of any raptor
The survey failed to locate any birds in the Moka Range and it is thought that this population, whilst conservation programme in the world.
never very large, may now have died out.
Based on the known population and estimates of breeding densities and non-breeding individuals ringed individuals is unique and has greatly added to our knowledge of the kestrel, in turn improving
there are likely to be 300-350 kestrels in the west coast population. Not all of the area was surveyed, our ability to conserve this species. Monitoring will continue next season.
due to access problems, so it is possible that the numbers are in fact slightly higher. The survey of the Including ringed non-breeders and young recruits into the breeding population, the east coast
west coast population will continue in the 2008/9 season, monitoring the known sites and extending population is estimated at 200-250 birds, giving a tentative combined total of 500-600 individuals.
the search for new ones. More time will be spent determining the full extent of the population, and in This is a decline on the estimates given in the late 1990s, though at that time the west coast population
searching for tree-cavity nest sites. This will allow us to further refine our population estimate and was perhaps artificially high because of the effects of released birds and supplementary feeding.
establish what are the limiting factors on the population. New sites for nest boxes will also be
selected to bolster the population, and trials may take place with a new, more durable nest box Main Donors 2007/8
Domaine d’Anse Jonchée
design. National Parks and Conservation Service
The 2007/8 period was the twenty-first season of the east coast monitoring, during which forty- Peregrine Fund
one individual nesting attempts were identified. This continuous data set of more than 95% known, University of Reading
© Gregory Guida
Service. It will be necessary to establish additional sub-populations to continue to increase the wild necessary due to food shortages for part of the
population and to encourage year, and it enables the birds to remain in
dispersal between different areas, in breeding condition. By monitoring the flowering
order to maintain genetic diversity. and fruiting patterns of known Pink Pigeon food
Aviaries are being constructed at Pink Pigeon
sources it will be possible to identify exactly Critically Endangered in 1994, downlisted to Endangered in
Petrin where new releases are when the shortages are and supplementary 2000.
planned. Other sites such as Ferney feeding can be more specifically tailored to
Valley are also being considered. those shortages. However, more importantly, by knowing these patterns we will be able to identify a
Each sub-population is intensively plant/forest complex of species, which should provide year-round food for wild Pink Pigeons.
managed by monitoring (including This information can then be used to find suitable areas for future releases and for restoration.
ringing each bird with a unique ID),
supplementary feeding, and predator
and disease management. Monitoring
© Vikash Tatayah
© Christopher Kaiser-Bunbury
wild nests that are prone to failure and rearing
these in captivity, and the release of chicks back
into the wild. However, with the significant
increase in the population size, captive breeding
is no longer required. Current techniques
© Gregory Guida
concentrate on supplementary feeding, provision
of additional nesting sites in the form of nest
boxes, habitat protection, regular inspection of Weighing an Echo Parakeet chick
active nests, and the weighing and monitoring
of chicks to check condition. The current wild
Female Echo Parakeet Echo Parakeet (grosse câteau verte)
population of Echo Parakeets is around 400
Psittacula eques
birds. IUCN status: Endangered.
The 2005/6 breeding season was to be the final year of intensive management, with the Originally, at least six native species of parrot could be found in the Mascarenes, but the Echo
population set to pass the 300 mark. However, an outbreak of the highly contagious and fatal Parakeet is the only one to still survive today. Although similar to the introduced, and much
Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) during 2005/6 forced a change of management strategy. more common, Ring-necked Parakeet (P. krameri) from India, the Echo Parakeet can readily
be distinguished by the lower pitch of its call, shorter tail and darker green plumage.
For the last three years the programme has been working to a minimal management strategy, aiming These parakeets feed on flowers, leaves and fruit of native and exotic trees. The species
to reduce the risk of spreading PBFD, whilst ensuring continued good breeding success. A major aim was once common in Mauritius but began to decline in the mid-1800s, largely due to the
is to screen the population for PBFD, in order to identify the extent of the disease. In 2007/8, we destruction of native forest and predation by rats and monkeys. Common exotic birds, such as
Common Mynahs and Ring-necked Parakeets, also compete with the Echo for food and nesting
managed to obtain samples from 258 individuals. Results from samples taken in previous seasons
have shown that 18% of birds tested so far are positive for the active virus. The population dwindled to just eight to twelve known individuals in the 1980s. Efforts to
This third season of minimal management was very successful. We monitored 68 breeding females recover the Echo Parakeet were initiated in the early 1970s and were intensified by MWF, the
and found that 101 chicks fledged in the wild from 149 eggs, making this, in terms of the numbers of National Parks and Conservation Service and the World Parrot Trust after 1987.The population
is predicted to exceed 400 individuals during the 2008/9 season. The present wild population
eggs laid and chicks fledged in the wild, the most productive season since the recovery project began. is restricted to less than 40 km2 of remnant native upland forest within the Black River Gorges
In the future, the management and monitoring of the population will be continued, with the focus National Park.
on gathering breeding data, ringing all birds and the continued screening of the population for PBFD.
In addition, gathering data on the use of natural food sources will be given greater emphasis.
Main Donors 2007/8
Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology
The Echo Parakeet was the only species in the world to be downlisted on The IUCN Red Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
List of Threatened Species in 2007, from Critically Endangered to Endangered.This was Ireland Blyth Limited
justified by the ‘steady and prolonged increase in numbers in the wild population as a result Kaytee
of intensive recovery management’ (IUCN, 2007). This is the world’s most successful parrot North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo)
recovery programme. University of Kent
Today only eight endemic passerine (or songbird) species remain, six on Mauritius and two on Rodrigues. The only passerine that is not threatened is the Mauritius Grey White-eye
They are all forest-living birds of which two, the Mauritius Fody and the Mauritius Olive White-eye, are (Zosterops mauritianus), with an estimated population of as many as
the subjects of intensive recovery programmes. MWF works in close collaboration with the National 50,000 or more pairs. This species is common all over Mauritius.
Parks and Conservation Service in Mauritius and the Forestry Service in Rodrigues for the recovery of
© Gregory Guida
endemic passerines, with funding and support from international organizations and private sources.
The other species, described briefly below, are not currently subjects of recovery programmes. However,
the Mauritius Cuckoo-shrike and Mauritius Paradise Flycatcher have recently been identified as suitable
for future translocation to parts of their former range.
Rodrigues had at least twelve endemic bird species of which only two remain: the Rodrigues Fody and
the Rodrigues Warbler. MWF has carried out regular censuses on the two remaining endangered
The Mauritius Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone bourbonnensis desolata)
passerines, both of which reached very low levels in the 1970s. We have implemented forest restoration
is an endemic subspecies of the Mascarene Paradise Flycatcher, the other
subspecies is common in Réunion. Flycatchers were once widespread on with native plants in nature reserves and this increase in habitat has resulted in the spectacular recovery
Mauritius but are now found in scattered localities across the island with just of these two species. Further habitat restoration will contribute to the long-term survival of these species,
© Gregory Guida
100-233 pairs in 1993. A recent survey has not been conducted although although cyclones can still be responsible for population declines.
they are still classified as Least Concern. We currently monitor nesting
attempts but would like to work more on this species, including establishing
additional populations.
Having once been abundant, the Rodrigues Fody (Foudia flavicans)
declined dramatically to around 6 pairs in 1968, yet by 2007 it had
recovered to around 3,000 or more individuals. This is one of the most
© Alfred Begue
The Mauritius Black Bulbul (Hypsipetes olivaceus) is listed as Vulnerable successful recoveries in the history of avian restoration. Predation by rats
and is currently estimated at a population of around 280 pairs. and cats is still a threat and the species is classified as Vulnerable.
This appears to have remained stable for the past fifteen years, although
© Dennis Hansen
This conservation programme aims to reduce the risk of extinction of the Mauritius Fody by means of
safeguarding wild nests, rescuing eggs and chicks to hand rear them before reintroduction to the
wild, and ecosystem restoration. The programme began in 2002, and by 2004 a population of
Mauritius Fodies had been successfully reintroduced to Ile aux Aigrettes, adding to the 100 or so
pairs found on the mainland. Today there are around 150 birds on Ile aux Aigrettes, the result of the
releases and subsequent breeding. Efforts are now concentrating on monitoring and management of
this population, including providing additional food. Monitoring improves our knowledge of the
species, which in turn can aid future translocation attempts and contribute to the development of
long-term management strategies.
From monitoring the Ile aux Aigrettes population, we have found that over the past four years
territory establishment and pair formation has increased each season, with a total of fifty pairs at the
end of the 2007/8 season. Rates of breeding success and productivity have slowed, but fifty fledglings
were produced from eighteen pairs during the season. Chances of survival on Ile aux Aigrettes remain
high at 72% per year. These figures are very encouraging for the long-term self-sustainability of the
© Lucy Garrett
Though the establishment of the Ile aux Aigrettes population has been a great success, the Mauritius
Fody still remains Critically Endangered. The isolation of the remnant populations, both on Ile aux
Aigrettes and the upland forests, makes them vulnerable to catastrophic events, such as a disease or Male Mauritius Fody
extreme weather conditions. Thus, in order to safeguard the species still further, our aim is to increase the
number of populations, and ultimately downgrade the species to Vulnerable. A proposal for the Mauritius Fody (cardinal de Maurice)
establishment of a second population of Mauritius Fodies was recently completed, and all relevant Foudia rubra
permissions have now been granted. Preparations for the translocation of Mauritius Fodies to Round IUCN status: Critically Endangered.
The Mauritius Fody is a small forest-dwelling songbird, which feeds on nectar and insects.
Island are well under way. It closely resembles the introduced, and much more common, Madagascar Fody
The main objectives for the 2008/9 season (F. madagascariensis), with which it is often confused. One distinguishing feature is that the male
are the ongoing preparations for the Mauritius Fody has a red head and breast during the breeding season, whereas the male
establishment of a population on Round Island, Madagascar Fody also has completely red underparts. Both male and female Mauritius Fodies
have white wing bars, unlike the Madagascar Fody.They also have a thinner bill, which they use
whilst continuing to monitor and manage the to probe for invertebrates, whereas the Madagascar Fody feeds predominantly on seeds.
population on Ile aux Aigrettes. This season will The Mauritius Fody is one of the rarest endemic birds of Mauritius, with just 98-126 wild
also see continued monitoring of the upland pairs remaining in 2002/3. The loss of suitable habitat has been a major threat to this species,
as well as nest predation. Due to the success of our work, population figures now stand at over
population at Pigeon Wood in order to estimate
400 birds.
the current rates of nesting success and
population size. Following the success of the
© Lucy Garrett
This beautiful small passerine has continued to decline in numbers, so in 2005 MWF began a project
to save the species from extinction. The remaining wild population was closely monitored to find nesting
attempts and to observe their behaviour. Where possible, the contents of nests that were at risk from
predators were rescued and the eggs and chicks taken to the hand-rearing facility at the Black River
Aviaries. Up to and including the 2007/8 season, we have been able to monitor eighty-four nests,
and numerous eggs and chicks have been rescued for hand rearing.
In 2006, this work resulted in the release of thirty-four Olive White-eyes on Ile aux Aigrettes, although
not all of these survived, and the current population now stands at seventeen individuals, comprising five
pairs. Research on the island aims to understand the species more thoroughly and to identify the pressures
facing this bird on Ile aux Aigrettes. It will also help to establish future plans for the long-term management
of the species.
The first breeding attempts of the Olive White-eye pairs on Ile aux Aigrettes were one of the main
highlights during the 2007/8 season. Twenty nesting attempts occurred throughout the season, three of
which produced chicks, although unfortunately these did not fledge. Following the 2007/8 season,
we have had many breeding attempts in the released population and in October 2008 one pair
successfully fledged two chicks. These are the first Olive White-eye fledglings on Ile aux Aigrettes and
this is extremely promising news for the breeding population.
Future plans include the continued monitoring of both populations, with ongoing egg and chick
rescues from the forests in the south, so that more birds can be hand reared and released onto Ile aux
Aigrettes. All breeding activity on Ile aux Aigrettes will be monitored in order to understand more fully
the individual roles of males and females. In 2008/9, we will also be studying provisioning rates (the
© Ruth Cole
number of times adult birds feed their chicks), and identifying predators. The failure to fledge chicks in
the 2007/8 season was thought to be due to the very dry conditions when the adults could not feed their
chicks enough. We are correcting this problem by feeding the birds and planting species that will provide
nectar and attract insects. Although Ile aux Aigrettes is free from mammalian predators, predation of
Juvenile Mauritius Olive White-eyes in Black River Aviaries
nests by other bird species still occurs. We aim to identify these predators in order to create an effective
management programme and to reduce the amount of nest failure for the threatened birds.
Mauritius Olive White-eye (oiseau à lunettes)
Zosterops chloronothos
IUCN status: Critically Endangered. Main Donors 2007/8
This is a small songbird that feeds primarily on nectar, but also on insects. It is easily identified African Bird Club
by its white eye-ring, olive-green plumage and fine curved bill. It is likely that this bill has been Boulle, N.
adapted over time for improved nectar feeding. This is the least known of all the Mauritian birds. Conservation International
In 2001, a survey showed that approximately only 100 or so pairs of this species were still Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
to be found, mainly in the Black River Gorges National Park. Numbers have declined Gamma Civic Ltd
New Noah Program (Wildlife Preservation Canada)
continuously over the previous 100 years, largely due to habitat degradation and nest predation
North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo)
by mammals and other bird species, both native and exotic. Between 1975 and 2001 the habitat Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation
range of the Mauritius Olive White-eye contracted by 50%, with the species now occupying less Ruth Smart Foundation
than 25 km2 on mainland Mauritius. Sun Resorts Ltd
Bats are the only mammals native to the Mascarenes. There used to be three fruitbat species on the
islands: one is now extinct, leaving one species each on Mauritius (Pteropus niger) and Rodrigues
(P. rodricensis). They feed on fruit and the nectar of flowers, and both species play an important role
in seed dispersal and the pollination of fruiting trees.
© Gregory Guida
Mauritius Fruit Bat currently exists in relatively high numbers, it is facing a new and serious risk to its
existence. In September 2006, the Mauritian Government began to discuss the possibility of culling
this species, despite its IUCN listing, in order to protect the interests of fruit farmers. MWF fears that
the revised Wildlife and National Parks Act may
legalize the shooting of bats on Mauritius Mauritius Fruit Bat
In 2007/8, three complete population surveys were conducted at eleven roost locations over three
consecutive days in order to estimate current bat numbers and to monitor the population. Weekly bat
surveys are also conducted at the Cascade Pigeon roost, which is one of the major roost sites on the
island. From these surveys it has been found that the number of individuals now stands at around 5,000-
6,000. To continue with this level of monitoring, volunteers from the local community have been trained
to carry out some of the work, in addition to MWF staff. Similar surveying levels will be maintained in the
© Anabelle de Chazal
A database comprising the data from the surveys has been established and will continue to be
maintained to provide a unique and comprehensive source of information on this species. This will
increase our knowledge of the Rodrigues Fruit Bat and contribute to the development of long-term
conservation strategies.
Western Indian Ocean Islands Pteropus Fruitbat Workshop, 2008
The first ever Western Indian Ocean Islands Pteropus Fruitbat Workshop, funded by
Conservation International (Madagascar), was held in Mauritius in November 2008. Participants
from the islands of Madagascar, Zanzibar, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Seychelles, Réunion, Pemba
and Comoros attended as well as interested parties from Denmark, France, the United
Kingdom and the United States of America.
The Western Indian Ocean Islands are home to seven surviving Pteropus fruitbat species,
three of which are Critically Endangered.The objective of the workshop was to bring together
representatives from these islands, to understand the work being carried out in each location,
to appreciate the different threats facing the bats and to investigate possibilities for inter-
island cooperation in bat conservation.
The initial meeting was a success, formalizing links between the individual NGOs and
providing a practical forum for the exchange of experiences, research results, monitoring
protocols and environmental education initiatives. The group was keen to build on the
progress made in this workshop, in particular to formally establish a regional bat conservation
© Vikash Tatayah
The re-establishment of reptile communities within Mauritius is an initiative building on over thirty years
of reptile research and offshore island conservation management by the Government of Mauritius, Durrell
Wildlife Conservation Trust and MWF. The project involves translocating vulnerable reptile species, such
as Telfair’s Skink (Leiolopisma telfairi) and the Orange-tail Skink (an undescribed Gongylomorphus),
found only on one or a few offshore islands, to additional islands in order to form new populations and
thus enhance their chances of survival. These new populations are monitored to assess the success of the
translocations and also the impact on other species in their new habitat, to discover more about the
reptile’s role within the ecosystem.
This high-profile project aims to increase public awareness of biodiversity issues in Mauritius.
© Nik Cole
This is done by including the translocated Telfair’s Skink in the Ile aux Aigrettes ecotour for members of
the public, and also by promoting progress and results of the project on national radio and television
broadcasts, and in newspapers, leaflets, posters, websites and scientific publications.
Monitoring released Telfair’s Skinks on Ile aux Aigrettes and Gunner’s Quoin has shown that skink
Telfair’s Skink
survival and reproductivity is high, and for the first time in more than 150 years Telfair’s Skinks have
hatched in the wild outside Round Island. There have been no significant declines in endemic or native of those that were released. In addition, eighty-two Orange-tail Skinks were translocated from Flat Island
terrestrial vertebrate populations as a result of the translocations. However, certain persistent invasive to Gunner’s Quoin and monitoring shows evidence of successful reproduction.
species have noticeably declined or disappeared since the skink’s arrival e.g. Indian House Shrews, Future plans include the continued monitoring of the resident and translocated populations and
Giant African Land Snails and Indian Wolf Snakes. another translocation of twenty Bojer’s Skinks to Ile aux Fouquets. We are currently creating artificial
A total of forty Ilot Vacoas’ Bojer’s Skinks (Gongylomorphus bojeri) have been translocated to nearby nesting sites for Telfair’s Skinks to increase the success of egg survival on Ile aux Aigrettes.
Ile aux Fouquets, and are currently thriving, with more than 95% of captures now representing the offspring In addition, we will initiate the second phase of the reptile translocation project, which will continue
monitoring the translocations to date, and start building upon what has been learnt to conduct additional
reptile translocations.
Before man arrived in Mauritius some 400 years ago, it was an island of unique reptiles
and birds.The reptiles flourished and adapted to fill many of the roles that mammals usually
occupy: giant tortoises were the grazers and browsers; snakes ate smaller reptiles and
birds; and large lizards, that were also predators, and smaller lizards both helped to
disperse plant seeds and pollinate flowers.
However, man brought with him a number of invasive animal and plant species from
elsewhere and cut down much of the original Mauritian forests.These disturbances caused
the loss of more than 60% of the unique Mauritian reptiles from the main island. Five
endemic reptile species became extinct. Some species managed to persist on a few of the
offshore islands, particularly those that had not been invaded by predators, such as rats
and mongooses. In Rodrigues, all of the endemic reptiles became extinct.
Currently, the majority of Mauritian reptiles are restricted to either Round Island or
another one of six of the forty-nine islands around Mauritius.
© Nik Cole
The Mascarene Islands have suffered the to look closely at, and touch, representations of
disappearance of a number of unique species extinct native species. In addition to the life-size
since the arrival of man over 400 years ago. bronzes, hand-made mini-bronzes are also
A project was conceived jointly by MWF and available for sale.
Pangolin Editions in England to recreate some of
these extinct creatures in the form of life-size Another exciting project is the Dodo
bronze sculptures. The ten sculptures are the work footprint, which has been modelled on the
of Nick Bibby, and include species such as the preserved remains of a Dodo foot from the
Dodo, the Giant Skink, the Rodrigues Giant Natural History Museum (London). The original
Gecko and the Red Rail. The aim is to draw foot is now lost, but fortunately we have a cast of
attention to the tragedy of extinction and also to the foot and from this we have been able to
inspire a deeper understanding of the need for make this 100% authentic Dodo footprint, which
conservation. is available for sale.
© Vikash Tatayah
A complete collection of the bronze replicas The sale of these items raises funds for our
has been donated to the Mauritian Wildlife conservation projects and at the same time the
Foundation and is now exhibited on Ile aux projects enhance the ecological, historical and
Aigrettes. This nature reserve is particularly educational aspects of Ile aux Aigrettes.
suitable for this role as it encompasses all aspects
If you are interested in purchasing either the bronzes or the Dodo footprint, they are available at Ile
aux Aigrettes, or see back cover for our contact details.
of our work and is accessible to the general
public. This is a unique opportunity for visitors
Mauritius has been ranked by the IUCN as having the third most endangered flora in the
world. Around 200 of the 315 endemic plant species are threatened and Mauritius may
already have lost as many as 70 plant species.
The island has experienced four centuries of large-scale forest clearance for
agriculture and urban development, and when combined with the introduction of invasive
species of plants and animals, this has had a disastrous effect on native flora. Some
endemic plants such as the palm Hyophorbe amaricaulis have been reduced to just one
© Christopher Kaiser-Bunbury
individual in the wild.
Rodrigues, with its highly endangered flora, endemic, mandrinette (Hibiscus liliiflorus), which had been thought to be extinct in the wild but hundreds
has had an active rare plant conservation of individuals have been propagated and planted in protected areas over the last few years. Even for this
project for over two decades, although initially species the recovery work is not yet complete since most of the planted individuals are still young and
this work was modest. In collaboration with the more reintroduction sites are required.
Forestry Service, a larger, improved nursery was To secure the survival of rare species we have been working on a field gene bank. Valuable genetic
erected in 1996 at Solitude to produce native diversity of the last wild individuals of threatened Rodriguan endemic plants can be replicated and
plants for the restoration of both Grande secured for the long term. Cuttings are then taken from the individuals in the field gene bank rather
Montagne and Anse Quitor nature reserves, than from plants in the wild. The field gene bank at Solitude has been in operation for ten years,
and more recently Ile Cocos and Ile aux Sables. targeting thirty species including café marron (Ramosmania rodriguesii) and palmiste blanc
© Anieta Shan Yu
At Solitude, plants are also produced for private (Dictyosperma album var. aureum), which both have less than ten individuals left in the wild. The gene
restoration projects, such as the François Leguat bank aims to have several copies of each individual. Monitoring of the plants and detailed nursery
Giant Tortoise and Cave Reserve, and for records will continue to be maintained to ensure the ongoing success of the project in saving not just
donation to schools, local communities and species but also genetic diversity.
social organizations. In addition, the nursery is
Hibiscus liliiflorus used to train local villagers in horticultural
techniques to improve native plant production in Invasive alien woody weeds dominate all forest areas on Rodrigues and, with the exception of
intensively restored areas in the nature reserves, no contiguous areas of native forest exist.
backyard and village nurseries. Propagation trials of rare Rodriguan endemic species are conducted here.
Elements of the original biodiversity do remain in some forest fragments, but without restoration
Plant conservationists have spent a great deal of effort in recent years in locating, propagating work these will degrade into thickets of entirely introduced vegetation of the type that covers
and reintroducing Rodrigues’ rarest plant species into protected areas. In some cases this has resulted much of the island.
in bringing individual species back from the brink of extinction. This has been the case for one Rodriguan
Round Island is
Round Island covers just 214 ha, and is situated 22.5 km northeast of Mauritius. It has often home to a community
been stated to have more endangered species per unit area than any other comparable area
of seabirds and at
on earth. Many species are unique to the island.The last remnants of palm savannah are found
there, including latanier (Latanier loddigesii) and palmiste blanc (Dictyosperma album var. least seven species
conjugatum). breed here. The rarest
The island was (until the Reptile Translocation Project) the only location for some reptile is the Trindade Petrel
species including the Round Island Boa (Casarea dussumieri), three skink species and three
species of gecko. (Pterodroma arminjoniana),
Also important are the seabirds, which have their breeding grounds here, with relatively which only breeds
© Christine Griffiths
large populations of shearwaters, tropicbirds and petrels. here and on Trindade
The island was classified as a nature reserve in 1957 and is administered jointly by the Island off Brazil and is
National Parks and Conservation Service and MWF.
classified as Vulnerable.
Recent studies have
Projects on Round Island include work on both the plant and animal communities. The main priorities shown that this rare
are to restore the plant community and to monitor and manage the reptiles and seabirds. Since 2002, petrel is hybridising Aldabra Giant Tortoise
work has greatly progressed with the presence of the field station and the wardens, who have the
day-to-day responsibility for activities on the island. Wardens are posted on the island for four weeks with two other species, the Kermadec Petrel
at a time and while there have to be largely self-sufficient, due to the isolation of the island. Round (P. neglecta) and the Herald Petrel (P. heraldica).
Island is a basaltic volcanic cone, with steep slopes, and half of which is bare rock. Access is difficult This is the only place in the world where we have
and dangerous by boat, as the island has a rocky shoreline and the sea is usually rough; the preferred a three-species hybrid mix. Petrel monitoring is
form of transport to and from the island is the helicopter. carried out monthly, with the ringing of new
A nursery has been set up, and during the current year over 4,000 plants were raised, with an individuals. For the much larger populations of
additional 1,119 plants from Ile aux Aigrettes. Nearly 2,500 individuals from different species of Red-tailed Tropicbirds (Phaethon rubricauda) and
hardwood, including vetiveria indigène (Vetiveria arguta) and bois de chandelle (Dracaena concinna), White-tailed Tropicbirds (P. lepturus) monitoring is
were planted out during this period. Plant survival was monitored in July and December 2007 and restricted to an area close to the field station.
March 2008; and fixed-point photos were taken (to record changes in vegetation structure) in July
© Gregory Guida
Future plans include the release of the
2007 and May 2008. Ongoing weed management remains important, and at least two species of Mauritius Fody on Round Island and the
weeds have not been seen for around two years, which means that we may have succeeded in translocation of the Wedge-tailed Shearwater
eradicating them. A strict quarantine protocol is in place to prevent introduction of new plant and (Puffinus pacificus) and White-tailed Tropicbird
animal species. from Round Island to Ile aux Aigrettes.
As part of a PhD study, two experiments were conducted; one was a telemetry study of Telfair’s White-tailed Tropicbird
Skink, Guenther’s Gecko (Phelsuma guentheri) and the Round Island Boa, gathering information on
their home range size and movement. The second was a germination study of eight species of
Round Island is being considered by the Government of Mauritius as a candidate for nomination
differently treated fruits, after they had passed through the gut of Telfair’s Skinks. Biannual reptile as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
monitoring and monthly boa searches were carried out as usual.
Aldabra Giant Tortoises (Geochelone gigantea) and Radiated Tortoises (G. radiata) were
translocated to Round Island in July 2007 as part of a PhD study to determine whether these two Main Donors 2007/8
Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd
species can fulfil the ecological role of the extinct Mauritian species. It is planned that the population National Parks and Conservation Service
of Aldabra Tortoises will be boosted with the release of about fifty sub-adult tortoises annually.
Located in the bay of Mahébourg, about 800 m off the southeast coast of Mauritius, these
26 ha of coralline limestone, partially overlain with sand and humus deposits, are what remain
of an eroded dune exposed after a drop in the sea level some 10,000 years ago.
Previously much degraded and weed invaded, this islet is the last refuge of the dry coastal
forest, an ecosystem once common around much of coastal Mauritius.
Free from human presence for a long time, Ile aux Aigrettes became a natural museum with
a remarkable collection of endemic species of Mauritian fauna and flora. However, the arrival
of man on the islet in the early 1600s disturbed and almost totally destroyed this island
ecosystem. Tree felling, particularly of ebony, continued even after the island was first declared
a nature reserve, in 1965.
MWF initiated a habitat restoration project here in 1985, taking over full management of the
island in 1987.
© Vikash Tatayah
Restoration work on the island began with a weeding programme to eradicate introduced invasive
plants such as the faux acacia (Leucaena leucocephala) and prune malgache (Flacourtia indica).
This type of forest was once rich in the unique and Critically Endangered species of ebony (Diospyros
egrettarum), the Endangered bois de chandelle (Dracaena concinna), and a species of orchid
(Oeoniella polystachys), amongst others. The next step was to eradicate introduced predators such Oeoniella polystachys
as rats, paving the way for the reintroduction of native fauna. Interestingly, once the rats had gone
there was a dramatic emergence of ebony seedlings.
In 1997, a nursery was built for the propagation of endangered native plants for replanting on
the island. The nursery now produces about 25,000 plants per year of which most are planted on Ile
aux Aigrettes, although some are sent to Round Island. The entire island has now been weeded at least
once and replanted with around thirty threatened endemic plant species.
With the establishment of native forest on the island we began to reintroduce the endemic species
of birds and reptiles, which would once have populated Ile aux Aigrettes. The Mauritius Kestrel was
the first species to be reintroduced. However, it transpired that this unique bird of prey prefers the
nearby mainland Bambous Mountains, and birds rarely come back to the island. Pink Pigeons,
Mauritius Fodies and Mauritius Olive White-eyes have also been reintroduced, along with the Aldabra
Giant Tortoise (to replace the extinct giant tortoise once found here) and Telfair’s Skink. The beautiful © Nik Cole
endemic Ornate Day Gecko (Phelsuma ornata) still occurs on the island naturally.
Ile aux Aigrettes has become a showcase for the work undertaken by MWF with animal and plant
species unique to Mauritius found in a habitat restored, as closely as possible, to its natural state of
Ornate Day Gecko
400 years ago. Members of the public have been able to visit the island since 1997 to experience
for themselves this transformation as part of our ecotours project (see page 27).
As the island is central to many ongoing species recovery projects, as well as the ecotours, liaison
between the guides and scientists working on the island has been more formally structured with Main Donors 2007/8
Air Mauritius
programmed training and interaction sessions, and the involvement of guides in other MWF projects. Ecotour visitors
These measures ensure knowledge-sharing and effective cooperation by all staff. North of England Zoological Society (Chester Zoo)
© Vikash Tatayah
© Vikash Tatayah
Mondrain Nature Reserve
Chassalia boryana
This reserve was created in 1979 following the rediscovery there (in 1968) of Hibiscus genevii,
which had been considered to be extinct for over 150 years. The 5 ha private reserve is leased by the
Medine Sugar Estate to the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences and represents the last native forest on
the Vacoas Ridge, in the west of the island. The reserve can be visited upon approved request only.
The plant species in the reserve include both those from the humid upland forest as well as some from
the drier lowland. Another rare plant found there is bois corail (Chassalia boryana), a shrub with
distinctive white coral-like flowers. The single plant in the reserve was thought for a long time to be
the last surviving individual in the world. However, several others have been found recently in a private
forest at Chamarel.
Since 1984, MWF has been very closely associated with the restoration work, having carried out
a detailed study of the reserve and through the employment of a botanist to supervise the weeding of
exotics and replanting of rare and endangered natives. The Medine Sugar Estate and the nearby
hunting estate regularly supply workers to carry out weeding and to maintain the fence. As recently
© Vikash Tatayah
as 2007, a new native plant species was discovered following the weeding process.
Mondrain is a shining example of the conservation of native flora, where species reintroduction
is actively undertaken. Rare species are planted here after propagation and this reserve provides
a further safety net for endangered species.
Hibiscus genevii
Ile Cocos (15 ha) and Ile aux Sables (8 ha) are important island nature reserves in the lagoon
of Rodrigues. Ile Cocos is a key tourist site, whereas Ile aux Sables is a nature reserve with
restricted access.
Both are home to important coastal vegetation communities and seabird populations, which
are under threat from introduced weeds and unmanaged tourist development. With habitat
© Vikash Tatayah
restoration and appropriate management the populations of seabirds found on the islands
should increase, with the potential to become internationally important seabird reserves.
Seabirds native to these islets include the Common Noddy (Anous stolidus), Lesser Noddy
(Anous tenuirostris), Fairy Tern (Gygis alba) and Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata).
Mauritian Wildlife Foundation has had a long-term involvement with these islets, although the relationship Common Noddies on Ile Cocos
has only been formalized since 2006. This project aims to restore the native flora of the islets, both of
The intense programme of work has comprised land preparation and general weeding, plant
which are home to thousands of seabirds, and to encourage increasing numbers of Rodriguans to visit
propagation in the Solitude Native Plant Nursery, and planting of over 10,000 plants of 19 different
Ile Cocos, which will serve as an educational and ecotourist resource. For this project, MWF is working
species. These include vacoas (Pandanus heterocarpus), latanier jaune (Latania verschaffeltii) and Lycium
in collaboration with the Forestry Service and the Fisheries Department of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly,
tenue. Volunteers from youth and community groups, secondary schools and the Scouts have been active
and with other local stakeholders, who are included in the decision-making process and in the project’s
in helping with the planting of seedlings on these islands. As part of the ecotourism component on Ile
implementation. As part of the project, stakeholders were given a one-week theoretical and practical
Cocos a new pathway for tourists has been proposed, giving options of either a short or a long walk,
training in September 2007 on the history, flora, fauna, legislation and marine life of the two islets. It is
without disturbing or damaging the flora and fauna.
believed that this approach will encourage those that make a living from tourism to Ile Cocos to have a
Rodrigues staff received specialist training on seabird monitoring techniques and two monitoring
greater involvement in the islands, to participate in long-term planning and to take responsibility for
surveys have already been carried out in the past year on the four native seabird species. Seabird
preserving the restored habitat.
monitoring will help us to learn about the breeding cycle of the species, and their population patterns.
An integral part of the programme has been the creation of a field guide on the native flora and fauna
of Ile Cocos (Guide de la Faune et de la Flore de l’Ile Cocos). This colourful book will be printed on water-
resistant paper so that it can be used on site for species identification. A complimentary copy will be given
to the stakeholders who participated in the training session in September 2007 along with each primary
and secondary school on the island, whilst the remaining copies will be available for purchase.
With the increasing public awareness of the conservation work on Ile Cocos and Ile aux Sables some
of the abuses, including littering, have already declined. It is hoped that Ile aux Sables will continue to be
maintained as a strict nature reserve, without trespass from fishermen or tourists.
Future plans to complete the projects will involve ongoing planting, the publication of the Ile Cocos
field guide, gaining Rodrigues Regional Assembly approval to implement the new pathway, erecting
educational signboards for Ile Cocos, and the continuation of quarterly seabird surveys.
© Alfred Begue
Gerald Durrell Endemic Wildlife Sanctuary, or Black River Aviaries as it is commonly referred to, was
established in 1976 and is run jointly by MWF and the National Parks and Conservation Service.
Originally, the project was concerned with the captive breeding and hand rearing of the Mauritius Kestrel
and the Pink Pigeon for release into the wild. Due to the success of these programmes there is no longer
a need for captive breeding of these two species. Echo Parakeets were also captive bred in the aviaries
for release but with the increase in the population this, too, has been discontinued. A number of
parakeets remain here for captive studies.
The Black River Aviaries has many roles, including the rehabilitation of sick or injured rare native birds
and bats, training staff in animal handling and general vet practices, and passerine and reptile work in
support of ongoing projects. The facilities were upgraded in 2004 to strengthen the recovery
programmes for our endemic bird species, with the focus on two of the endemic passerines, the Mauritius
Fody and the Mauritius Olive White-eye. Currently, eggs and chicks are rescued or harvested from the
wild, the eggs are then incubated and the young are hand reared and later released.
This centre is also used as a quarantine station for animals, such as the reptiles recently translocated
to the nearby islets, or, in the case of fruit bats, prior to being sent overseas.
© Vikash Tatayah
Female Echo Parakeets at feeding time
© Gregory Guida
The role of the aviaries has evolved over time and has become
more complex as it has greater involvement and integration with
the fieldwork of MWF. Future work will concentrate on the
© Vikash Tatayah
© Vikash Tatayah
encouraging interest in science. Ninety pupils from three participating schools were
taught botanical drawing, and were introduced to the restoration and conservation
work being carried out in Mauritius, including a visit to Monvert Nature Reserve, where
they practised their newly acquired skills.
We are also collaborating with education authorities in Mauritius to make Schoolchildren learning botanical drawing
conservation information and resources available to science teachers.
Our books
Coming soon
The campaign mascot is the Ornate Day Gecko, named Miss T, which will be used to promote the
important role of the gecko in local biodiversity.
In late 2007, an educator was recruited and then attended an intensive twelve-week course at the
University of Kent (UK), in biodiversity science, conservation and the law, social science and learning
theory, and the skills necessary to run an outreach campaign. Once in Mauritius, the first task was to
plan a comprehensive campaign, with objectives, activities, and tools for monitoring and assessing the
impact so that future recommendations can be made.
Activities are planned to run from November 2008 to April 2009 and will concentrate on targeting
the local boat skippers who take visitors to the islands. Through a programme of workshops they will be
educated and motivated so that they become ambassadors for the local wildlife. The skippers have
been involved in choosing the mascot and slogan, as well as in formulating a code of conduct for island
visits, and will continue to be central to the campaign. Raising awareness in the local community is
another key component. Various techniques will be used to communicate the environmental message,
such as posters, stickers, brochures, temporary tattoos, children’s drawing competitions, special
awareness days, sports activities, puppet shows and many other community-based activities.
Once the skippers are trained and the awareness-raising programme is complete, monitoring will
be carried out to assess the impact of the campaign.
Rare is an international conservation organization that has worked in over forty countries to
equip people in the world’s most threatened natural areas with the tools and motivation they
need to care for their own natural resources. This is particularly important where wildlife is
threatened by a lack of public awareness and community support. Rare’s Pride Campaign aims
to establish grassroots support for environmental protection, by training local conservationists to
use social marketing tactics to increase awareness, influence attitudes and to enable positive
Campaigns are implemented locally by conservation partners, such as MWF. Conservation
educators are trained and financed by Rare and other collaborators. This is the first time that a
national conservation awareness campaign of this type has been carried out in Mauritius.
Campaign poster
The campaign in Mauritius is centred on endemic reptiles – the Lesser Night Gecko (Nactus
coindemirensis), Ilot Vacoas’ Bojer’s Skink and Telfair’s Skink – with a focus area of Mahébourg. Some
of the endemic geckos are Critically Endangered and are only found on the southeast islets of Mauritius.
It is hoped that the campaign will stop damage caused by humans, such as littering, introducing alien Main Donors 2007/8
British High Commission
invasive species and lighting of barbeques out of designated areas, and that the Mauritian people will Mautourco Ltd
begin to play an active role in safeguarding their natural heritage. The National Parks and Conservation Price Waterhouse Coopers
Service is a partner in the campaign. Rare
Taylor, D., Jr
Mauritius Fody, Aldabra Giant Tortoise and the recently reintroduced Telfair’s Skink. The visitors’ centre
presently houses a collection of life-size bronzes of Mauritian and Rodriguan extinct endemic animals
including the Rodrigues Giant Tortoise, the Giant Mauritius Skink, the Red Rail and the Dodo. The tour
introduces visitors to the natural heritage of Mauritius, from which they gain a deeper understanding of
our natural surroundings, ideally leading to a desire to protect them.
At the national forum on tourism (Les Assises du Tourisme) held in February 2006, the Ile aux Aigrettes
Visitors’ Programme was hailed as the only genuine ecotourism project in Mauritius and it has become
a benchmark in this specialized tourism sector.
During 2007/8, visitor numbers increased compared with previous years and the target for next
season has been set at over 14,500 visitors. Future goals include upgrading the existing tours and creating
additional tours to encourage more visitors. The website will be improved to promote the project.
Since 1985, MWF has managed this islet as a restoration project, conserving native plants and
reintroducing the native fauna to recreate pristine Mauritius. Ten years later we adopted an objective to
‘Promote ecotourism, as a means to raise public awareness, generate income and employment and to
© Vikash Tatayah
contribute towards the sustainable development of Mauritius and Rodrigues’, and in 1997 Ile aux Aigrettes
opened to the public. The main aims of the project are to help finance the ongoing restoration programme
and to raise awareness about our conservation work. We also endeavour to show that biodiversity
conservation need not be an exclusion activity but can, and should, lead to employment and educational
and recreational opportunities for the improvement of local communities, through responsible and Schoolchildren on an ecotour
sustainable tourism.
Visitors must pre-book their tour, which starts with a short boat ride from the mainland, and continues We are currently designing an environmental education programme for schools and community
with a guided tour of the island, lasting one and a half hours. To avoid damage to the vegetation, visitors groups in Mauritius, which will include visits to Ile aux Aigrettes. The aim is to raise awareness
are required to remain on the specially designed trail that goes around the island to the main sites of amongst the citizens of tomorrow and instil in them pride in their native wildlife.This programme
is being developed in cooperation with the Education Division at Chester Zoo. The tours will be
interest. With an informed guide leading the way visitors can learn about various species of plants that
curriculum based and will include a new, longer education trail with support materials and
have been rescued from extinction, such as bois de boeuf (Gastonia mauritiana) and vacoas (Pandanus worksheets. Schools will pay a nominal fee, although the actual cost will be paid for by income
vandermeeschii), and their importance in the functioning of the ecosystem. In addition to the flora, visitors generated from the existing ecotours programme. We also hope to erect an education centre
can view the local fauna including the Ornate Day Gecko, Pink Pigeon, Mauritius Olive White-eye, on the mainland, opposite the island.
Environmental education programmes aim to improve ecological awareness and understanding, and
encourage better appreciation and conservation of our natural resources. To further our belief that
conservation goes hand-in-hand with education in order to be successful, MWF employs a full-time
environmental educator on Rodrigues. The Rodrigues Environmental Education Project (REEP) started in
1998, targeting both primary school children and local communities. MWF liaises with the Commission
for Education, part of Rodrigues Regional Assembly, and has been present in primary schools since
2001. Although the educator post was vacant in 2007, we were still able to deliver talks in schools and
local communities on request. More recently, MWF has met with the head teachers of all thirteen primary
schools to relaunch the school programme, now that the educator post has been filled.
Usually classroom presentations in each school are every two weeks and introduce topics related to
native flora and fauna, the water cycle and pollution, and the importance of conserving our environment.
These are integrated with science, history and geography elements of the curriculum. Getting the children
to understand the environmental challenges that the world currently faces and how even they can make
a difference is fundamental to the project. Field outings are an important component, and cover the plant
nursery, nature reserves, local rivers and water sources, and treatment plants. During 2007/8,
57 students visited Grande Montagne, and 234 visited Anse Quitor to experience the restored habitat
© Anieta Shan Yu
of these important reserves.
School community projects are another way to involve both children and teachers in environmental
issues, and include the planting of endemic shrubs in school gardens or playground areas. We provide
the expertise and then the teachers, parents and children take on the project on a day-to-day basis.
This three-way involvement and commitment is vital to meet the programme’s aims. Schoolchildren visiting Grande Montagne Nature Reserve
In the wider local community, MWF’s environmental educator organizes workshops, exhibitions,
clean-up days and question-and-answer sessions. Highlights this year included organizing volunteer
groups on twenty separate days throughout the year and involving them in different projects in the current
conservation work on Rodrigues. We participated in World Environment Day by donating 3,000 plants
for the One Plant per Household campaign and forming part of a panel of judges for a school
competition for each primary and secondary school to develop its own environmental project.
MWF also works with the Government and other NGOs to coordinate island-wide awareness-raising
projects, and has donated plants to the Rodrigues Human Resource Centre to create an endemic garden.
Future plans include the continuation of educational talks in all primary schools and to undertake
more visits to the nature reserves and plant nursery. It is also hoped that volunteer groups can be
organized to inform and involve the population on conservation. In the coming year, educational posters
© MWF Rodrigues
and other tools will be devised and distributed, with a focus on the Rodrigues Fruit Bat.
Figures are in rupees millions.
The Government of Mauritius, organizations and individuals contribute goods and services to the projects at no cost or at cost. The value
of no-cost goods and services is not included in our accounts, except if they are fixed assets when they are accounted for at market value.
Individuals 3%
Private Sector
19% Private Sector Trusts
Private Sector &
NGOs 34%
International 16% Individuals
Private Sector International
10% 47% 24%
25% 59% Trusts
Government Individuals NGOs
Organizations 21% Government 4%
9% 16% Government
Government Organizations
11% 3%
3% Bats 4% Bats
12% Data Management Data Management
Echo Parakeet 22% 13% Echo Parakeet
11% Education Education
19% Kestrel Kestrel
Mauritius Fody 6% Mauritius Fody
3% Olive White-eye Olive White-eye
7% Pink Pigeon 5% Pink Pigeon
Plants Plants
12% 7% 7%
10% Reptiles 4% Reptiles
12% 9%
Rodrigues Rodrigues
Round Island Round Island
The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation is a non-profit organization, which can only operate through the support of voluntary donations. We are proud to list the businesses, organizations and individuals who have
contributed during 2007 and 2008. Every donor is important to us, large or small, for without your continuing participation our work would not be possible. We thank all of you equally.
Abdul Rahim Osman & Co Fideco Global Business Services Rogers Group
Administrator & Consultants Ltd Fidelity Trust Ltd Sega Sail Charters
Air Mauritius Finlease Company Ltd Service Bureau
Anglo-Mauritius Assurance Society Ltd Flacq United Estates Ltd Shell Mauritius Ltd
Anthurium Export Co Ltd Fondation Espoir et Développement Skål International Mauritius
Associated Textiles Ltd Food & Allied Industries Ltd SKC Surat & Co Ltd
Barclays Bank Plc François Leguat Ltd Société Rouillard Frères & Cie
Beau Vallon Ltée Gamma Civic Ltd Sofap Ltd
Beechand Co Ltd Les Gaz Industriels Ltd Solis Indian Ocean Ltd
Bel Air Sugar Estate Ltd General Construction Company Ltd Star Knitwear Ltd
Bel Ombre Golf Club Ltd Harel Frères Ltd State Bank of Mauritius Ltd
Bel Ombre Sugar Estate HSBC Sugarex Ltd
Bioculture (Mauritius) Ltd IBL Staff Association Sun Resorts Ltd
BR Property Ltd IFS Trustees Le Telfair Golf & Spa Resort
British American Tobacco (Mauritius) Ireland Blyth Ltd White Sand Tours Ltd
Bulk Bitumen Co Ltd Kalachand & Co Ltd Women’s Corona Society
Carambole Export Ltd Kathrada & Sons Yemaya
Cellplus Livestock Feed Ltd
Ceres Ltd Marbella Espace Maison Ltée Individuals
CIEL Group Maritim Hotel (Mauritius)
Compagnie Agricole de Labourdonnais Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd Boulle, N.
Compagnie d’Exploitation Agricole Ltée Mauritius Housing Co Ltd Burrenchobay, D.
Connections Ltd Mauritius Oil Refineries Ltd (Moroil) D’Arifat, F.
Consultancy & Co Mauritius Research Council Degrissac, P.
Cosmos (Indian Ocean) Ltd Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute Lim Fat, R.
Data Communications Ltd Mautourco Ltd Monia, E.
Domaine d’Anse Jonchée Mechanisation Co Ltd Montocchio, J.
Domaine de la Vallée de L’Est Ministry of Agro Industry and Fisheries Moollan, C.
Dry Cleaning & Steam Laundry Ltd Naïade Resorts Ramasamy, L.
Ebony Ltd National Parks and Conservation Service Ramhotar, P.
Emcar Ltd New Mauritius Hotels Ltd Richard, R
Ernst & Young Oberoi, Mauritius
Etude Roland Constantin Price Waterhouse Coopers
Local Staff
Marie Estel Agathe
Genevieve Ah-Yen
Bibi Zairabee Ahamud
Liliana Ally
Sunita Ancharaz
Patricia Antoine
Nadine Armelle
V. Armoogum
Jennifa Augustin
Marie Michella Azie
Marie Sabrina Azie
Roshan Bacorisen
Sylvain Baptiste
Alfred Begue
© Dennis Hansen
Harel Begue
Fristina Bernard
Lekhram Bissoo
Faizal Boochanah
Vanisha Boodhram
Martine Brasse Mauritius
Steeves Buckland
Anissa Calloo
Christiana Casimir Martine Gebert Jean Michel Laurent Mary Jane Raboude Andrea Waterstone
Jenifer Cezar Martine Joelle Goder Denis Li Lung Hok Emilie Raffa Nicolas Zuel
Roberto Cezar Poonam Gungaram Marie Daniella Lolo Lone Raffray
Aurelie Chowrimootoo Marie Joera M. Harrison Joseph Jokenson Manan Shoma Devi Ramdhany Local Volunteers
D. Choytun Benny Henry Isabelle Martine Marie Frissot Raphael Jamiil Chady
J. Chrishna Christio Speville Hortense J. Matoka Marie Florese Raphael Anabelle de Chazal
S. Chumbit Alain Husseiney Nicole Matoka Nabiiha Roomaldawo Frederic de Fleuriot
Yuvna Chuttoo Christine Issah Marie Vanessa Mirbelle Joanna Salece Elie DeRidder
Preetam City of Palaces Fabrice Jean Corinne Montocchio Lilowtee Seechurn Harry Earle-Mundil
Sylvie Clair John Cliff Jean Fabiola Monty Avinash Seegoolam Ashley Gooljar
Gianni Clarisse Zayd Jhumka Annejinee Moonoosamy Pushpa Seepaul James Kong Win Chang
Cathleen Cybele Diane Juhoor S. Mootoocurpen Jean Claude Sevathian Fabiola Lamarque
Gabriel D’Argent Jacques Jullienne Kevin Nundloll Mesack Sham Mundhi Ling Gunawan
Dominique De Marasse Enouf Ashok Khadun Jose Palmire Anieta Shan-Yu Jean Christophe Lubois
Dorine Duguesclin Padmini Khurtoo Jocelyn Pariapen Hans Soman Jason Lun Leung
Cindy Duval-Kouame Stephen Kirsakye Richard Payendee Vikash Tatayah Gavin Poonoosamy
Souraj Dwarika Frederique Koenig Jean Olan Joyce Perrine Danny Thisbe Hansradah Ramburn
Jean Karl Emilien Amanda Ladkoo Jean Daniel Pierre Louis Valerie Thummadoo Sophie Robin
Louis Stanley Espiegle K. Lallsing Jean Tonio Polimon Bruno Vardapanaicken Dinesh Seechurn
Hans Etwaroo Denis Lamarque Sandra Poongavanan Rudy Virassamy Anaelle Souci
Karen Francoise Nadine Lamarque Asha Poonyth Yannick Virginie
Anne Morris
Marie Nevoux
Charlotte Packman
Zoe Pittaway
Madeleine Pott
Rodrigues Claire Raisin
Amruta Rane
Expatriate Staff Thomas Churchyard Iwan Fletcher Julie Hanta Razafimanahaka
Julie Cole John Fletcher Anna Reuleaux
and Volunteers
Nik Cole Elaine Fraser Nicholas Reynolds
Laura Bambini
Ruth Cole Lucy Garrett Heather Richards
Sally Baross
Suzanne Coombes Andrea Gear Cassandra Ridley
Richard Baxter
Sarah Cunningham Mathew Gee Regula Rieser
Ewa Bednarczuk
Richard Dale Thomas Gerner Yoann Rocton
Sophie Bell
Christina Davy Morgan Gilmour Alexander Sandham
Mathew Bidski
Erika Dawson Harriet Good Richard Seaton
Nicholas Bolton
Kimberly Dawson Kiri Green Andrew Skinner
Henry Brown
Heather Dixon Ben Grief Joey Skinner
Amy Campbell
Kelly Edmunds Christine Griffiths Donal Smith
Samantha Cartwright
Gareth Evans Jerome Guelat Marielle Smith
Madeleine Charlton
Robert Ferguson David Hamilton Jennifer Stockdale
Emilie Chavel
Scientific Director Production of this annual report was generously funded by La Prudence Mauricienne Assurances
Prof. Carl G. Jones MBE Ltée and Précigraph Ltd.
Scientist (Mauritius/UK)
Honorary Treasurer
Mrs Deborah de Chazal
Chartered Accountant (Mauritius)
Deputy Treasurer
Mr Gerard Pascal
Certified Accountant and retired Chief Finance Executive (Mauritius)
Mr Christian Dalais
Company Director (Mauritius)
Mr Luc Pilot
Retired Sugar Estates Administrator (Mauritius)
Mr Manickchand Puttoo
Director, National Parks and Conservation Service (Mauritius)
Dr Andrew Greenwood
Veterinary Surgeon
Specialist in Zoo and Endangered Species (UK)
Mr Paul Masterton
Director, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (UK)
Dr Roger Wilkinson
Head of Conservation and Science, Chester Zoo (UK)