Gas Turbine Analysis - Regeneration - Reheating, Isentropic Efficiency. Combustion Efficiency
Gas Turbine Analysis - Regeneration - Reheating, Isentropic Efficiency. Combustion Efficiency
Gas Turbine Analysis - Regeneration - Reheating, Isentropic Efficiency. Combustion Efficiency
01 2 Prime Mover: Engine for Two W eeler & T ree! W eeler ve i" les# Engine for passenger "ars# "ommer"ial an% ot er ve i"le# &uel system for "arburette% engine# '(&) engine an% Diesel engine# *ubri"ation an% "ooling system. + Auto Ele ctrical: Ele"tri" 'otor as prime mover# ,attery# generator# )gnition system# -tarting system# lig ting & signalling / Steering System: Devis steering & A"0erman steering system. 1a "0 & pinion# "am & lever# worm & se"tor system. $ Transmission System: &lyw eel & "lut" . 2earbo3 sli%ing an% "onstant mes type# Automoati" Transmission# 4niversal 5oint# (ropeller s aft. . Differential A!le: 6onstru"tion & fun"tion of %ifferential# Different types of front & rear a3les. 7 Sus"ension System: 6onventional an% in%epen%ent suspension system# appli"ation. 0+ 8 #ra$e System: Dis" & %rum bra 0e# Hy%rauli" bra0e# (ar0ing bra0e. -topping %istan"e. 0+ 9 Po%er &e'uirement: :arious resistan"es su" as air resistan"e# gra%ient resistan"e# rolling resistan"e. Tra"tive effort. Tor;ue! -pee% "urve. Horse power "al"ulation. 10 'aintenan"e of :e i"le. 02 T(TA) 3* 3rd Semester ME+EE,-..: T/ermal Po%er Engineering 0ontacts : 3) 0redits :3 Water Tube & &ire Tube boilers# 6ir"ulating (rin"iples# &or"e% 6ir"ulation# 6riti"al pressure# -uper eaters# 1e eaters# attemperators# in%u"e% %raug t# for"e% %raug t an% se"on%ary air &ans# ,oiler performan"e analysis an% eat balan"e. 6ombustion -ystems# Environmental (rote"tion E-(# 6y"lone -eparator# Dust 6olle"tor et".
0$ 0. 0+ 0. 0+
1otary T ermo%ynami" %evi"es -team turbines & t eir "lassifi"ations )mpulse & 1ea"tion type Turbines# T ermo%ynami"s of "ompressible flui%!flow# e;uation an% "ontinuity )sentropi" flow t roug no<<les# velo"ity %iagram# ,la%e effi"ien"y# optimum velo"ity ratio# multi!staging# velo"ity & pressure "ompoun%ing# losses in turbines# erosion of turbine bla%es# turbine governing# performan"e analysis of turbine# 6on%ensing system. )6 Engines "lassifi"ation. Analysis of a stan%ar% "y"le# fuel " ara"teristi" of -) & 6) Engine# 6ombustion# Engine performan"e. Automotive Engine e3 aust emission an% t eir "ontrol. 2as turbine Analysis 1egeneration ! 1e eating# )sentropi" effi"ien"y. 6ombustion effi"ien"y. Te!t: 1. (.=.>ag! Engineering T ermo%ynami"s T'H #2?e 2. ( = >ag! (ower (lant Engg. ! T'H (ub
+. (.-. ,allaney! T ermal Engineering = anna (ub /. Dom0un%war & Arora! (ower (lant Engineering .D anpat 1ai & 6o. &eference: 1. 6engel !!! T ermo%ynami"s # +?e #T'H 2. Et!Wa0il@(ower (lant Engineering # 'H +. ' W Aemans0y & 1.H.Dittman !Heat an% T ermo%ynami"s '"2raw Hill #7?e
*1-18 #lade Erosion Water %roplets in t e last stages of a turbine "an "ause erosion at t e lea%ing e%ge of moving bla%es# an% "ra"0s "an form. *ea%ing e%ges "an be prote"te% by surfa"e ar%ening or by wel%ing a s iel% of ar% material su" as tungsten " romium tool steel or satellite Ban alloy of "obalt an% " romiumC. - iel%s will probably nee% to be repla"e% on"e %uring t e lifetime of t e turbine. (1)'E 'D:E1 A machine that transforms energy from/to thermal, electrical or pressure to/from mechanical form, typically an engine or turbine
1. the original or primary force behind an idea, enterprise, etc. 2. (Engineering / Mechanical Engineering) a. the source of power, such as fuel, wind, electricity, etc., for a machine b. the means of extracting power from such a source, such as a steam engine, electric motor, etc. 3. (Philosophy) (in the philosophy of Aristotle) that which is the cause of all mo ement