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Hadiths 1-60 of Zad al-Talibin Provisions for the Seekers

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The Prophet said, Actions are only according to intentions, and a person receives only what
he has intended. Therefore, whoevers emigration is for Allh and His Messenger, his emigration
is [truly] for Allh and His Messenger. And whoevers emigration is for any worldly gain or a
woman he is to wed, then his emigration is for what he emigrated (Bukhr, Muslim).


1. The Religion (Islam) is to act with sincerity (Muslim).

2. Supplication is the essence of worship (Bukhr).

3. A person will be with whom he loves (Bukhr, Muslim).

4. Calmness and patient deliberation is from Allh and haste is from Satan (Tirmidh).

5. Gatherings are to be kept in confidence (Ab Dwd).

6. Modesty is a branch of faith (Bukhr, Muslim).

7. Alcohol constitutes many sins (Razn).

8. A believer is simple and noble and a transgressor is deceitful and ignoble (Ab Dwd, Tirmidh).

9. Oppression will be darknesses on the Day of Judgment (Bukhr).

10. The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever (Muslim, Tirmidh).

11. The upper [giving] hand is superior to the lower [taking] hand (Bukhr, Muslim).

12. Purity is half of faith (Muslim).

13. Bells are the flutes of Satan (Muslim).

14. The one who eats and is thankful is like the one who fasts and is patient (Tirmidh, Dram).

15. The one who initiates the salm is free of pride (Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).

16. The tooth-stick purifies the mouth and pleases the Lord (Bukhr without a chain [talqan], Nas,

17. Backbiting is worse than unlawful intercourse (Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).

18. The Qurn will either be evidence for you or against you (Muslim).

19. Women are the snares of Satan (Razn).

20. One who repents from sin is like one who has no sin (Ibn Mja, abarn, Al-Mujam al-kabr).

21. Moderation in spending is half of [ones] sustenance, friendliness toward people is half of
[ones] intelligence, and asking good questions is half of [ones] knowledge (Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).


22. The intelligent one is he who has subdued his lower self and who has worked for what comes
after death, and the stupid one is he who has put his lower self in pursuance of its desires and who
has vain hopes about Allh (Tirmidh, Ibn Mja).

23. The believer is one who is sociable [with others], and there is no good in one who is not
sociable [with others] nor in one who is not met sociably [by them] (Mustadrak, Bayhaq, Shuab almn).

24. Songs make hypocrisy grow in the heart just as water makes crops grow (Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).

25. Traders will be gathered on the Day of Judgement as transgressors, except those who feared
Allh, were righteous [in their oaths], and spoke the truth (Tirmidh, Ibn Mja, Dram).

26. A truthful and trustworthy trader will be in the company of the prophets, the very truthful,
and the martyrs (Tirmidh, Dram, Draqun).



27. The signs of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks he lies, when he makes a promises he
breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays the trust (Bukhr, Muslim).


28. The major sins are worshipping others besides Allh, disobeying parents, killing a human
being [unlawfully], and the immersing oath (Bukhr, Muslim).


29. Righteousness is good character, and sin is what causes uneasiness in your heart and what
you dislike others to become aware of (Muslim, Tirmidh).

30. All created beings are Allhs dependants, and the most beloved of creation to Allh is the one
who is good to His dependants (Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).

31. A [true] Muslim is he from whose tongue and hand other believers remain safe (Bukhr,

32. And a [true] believer is he whom people trust with their lives and possessions (Tirmidh).

33. And a [true] warrior is one who exerts himself in obedience to Allh (Amad, Bayhaq, Shuab almn).

34. And a [true] emigrant is he who abandons all wrongs and sins (Amad, Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).

35. The burden of proof is on the accuser and swearing the oath is on the one accused (Bayhaq).

36. A believer is a mirror for a believer, and a believer is the brother of a believer; he safeguards
him from destruction and protects him in his absence (Ab Dwd, Tirmidh, Bukhr, Al-Adab alMufrad).

37. Believers are like a single person; if his eye is in pain his whole body pains, and if his head is
in pain his whole body pains (Muslim).

38. Travelling involves a degree of punishment; it deprives one of his sleep, food, and drink.
Therefore, when one has accomplished his purpose at his destination, he should hurry back to his
family (Bukhr, Muslim).


39. The return from battle is like the battle itself [in reward] (Ab Dwd).

40. On a journey, the leader of the group is their servant (Ibn Mja, Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).

41. To seek sacred knowledge is an obligation on every Muslim (Ibn Mja).

42. The most truthful dreams are [seen] just before dawn (Tirmidh).

43. The best among you is he who learns the Qurn and teaches it (Bukhr).

44. The most beloved actions in the sight of Allh are the regular ones, even if they amount to
little in quantity (Bukhr, Muslim).

45. Delay in the repayment of debt by a wealthy person is a form of oppression (Bukhr, Muslim).

46. Your love for something blinds and deafens (Ab Dwd, Amad).

47. What is little but sufficient is better than that which is abundant but causes heedlessness (Ibn

48. To seek lawful earnings is an obligatory duty following other obligatory duties (Bayhaq, Shuab

49. Love of this world is the origin of all sin (Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).

50. The most virtuous charity is that you satisfy a hungry stomach (Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).


51. Two greedy people are never satiated: one who is greedy for knowledge can never get enough
of it, and one who is greedy for worldly possessions can never get enough of them (Bayhaq, Shuab

52. The most virtuous jihd is when one speaks a word of truth before an unjust ruler (Ab Dwd,
Tirmidh, Ibn Mja).

53. A morning or an evening spent in the path of Allh is more superior than the world and
whatever it contains (Bukhr, Muslim).

54. A single jurist is more severe on Satan than a hundred worshippers (Tirmidh, Ibn Mja).

55. Glad tidings are for him who finds abundant invocations for forgiveness recorded in his book
of deeds (Ibn Mja).

56. The pleasure of Allh is in the pleasure of the father, and the displeasure of Allh is in the
displeasure of the father (Tirmidh).

57. The right of an elder brother over the younger ones is like the right of the father over his
children (Bayhaq, Shuab al-mn).

58. The children of dam are all profuse wrongdoers, but the best of profuse wrongdoers are
those who repent (Tirmidh).

59. How many there are who fast but do not gain anything from it but hunger, and how many
there are who pass the night standing in prayer but do not gain anything from it but sleeplessness

60. Of the excellence of ones Islam is that he leaves that which does not concern him (Tirmidh,

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