Training Undertaken At: A Project Study Report On
Training Undertaken At: A Project Study Report On
Training Undertaken At: A Project Study Report On
Training Undertaken at
Su!"itted to#$
Ms Nisha Malik ( ecturer!
%& the under si'ned S()*S+ K(MA"% here,- declare that the .ro/ect 0ork entitled 123B SA4%S5A64%3N7 53" B*S4 533) %M%4*) undertaken durin' the .eriod 5or # 8eeks is the result of m- 38n efforts and the same has not ,een 9re:iousl- su,mitted to an- *;amination of the K("(KS+*4"A (N%V*"S%4 K("(KS+*4"A or an- other (ni:ersit-<
S()*S+ K(MA"%
%t is mandator- for e:er- student of ,achelor of ,usiness administration from A"=A KAN=A MA+AV%)+ A=A >("(K( M3" MA2A"A KA"NA affiliated to K("(KS+*4"A (N%V*"S%4=& K("(KS+*4"A to under'o 9ro/ect trainin' at or'ani?ation location 8ith a 9ro/ect on li:e 9ro'ram< M- trainin' has ,een a faithful e;9erience for me< No8 % 'ot a ,road idea a,out the functionin' of or'ani?ation and this 8ill ,e hel9ful for me in the comin' da-s< %n this re9ort % descri,e the com9an- 9rofile and histor- of the com9an-<
S()*S+ K(MA"%
% 8ould like to take this o99ortunit- to e;9ress m- 'ratitude to8ards all those 8ho ha:e& in :arious 8a-s& hel9ed me in the com9letion of this 9ro/ect< % also e;9ress m- sincere thanks to m- 9ro/ect 'uide& Mr<SAN)*. .3( & for 'uidin' me ri'ht from the ince9tion till the successful com9letion of the 9ro/ect< % sincerelackno8led'e her for e;tendin' her :alua,le 'uidance& su99ort for literature& critical re:ie8 of 9ro/ect and the re9ort and the a,o:e all the moral su99ort she 9ro:ided me 8ith throu'hout all state of re9ort 9re9aration<
S()*S+ K(MA"%
Sr. No.
1 2 3 ! # $ % & 1' 11 12
2o, satisfaction in re'ards to one@s feelin' or state of mind re'ardin' nature of their 8ork< 2o, can ,e influenced ,- :ariet- of factors like Aualit- of one@s relationshi9 8ith their su9er:isor& Aualit- of 9h-sical en:ironment in 8hich the8ork& de'ree of fulfillment in their 8ork& etc< .ositi:e attitude to8ards /o, are eAui:alent to /o, satisfaction 8here as ne'ati:e attitude to8ards /o, has ,een defined :ariousl- from time to time< satisfaction is a 9erson@s attitude to8ards /o,< %n short /o,
2o, satisfaction is an attitude 8hich results from ,alancin' B summation of mans9ecific likes and dislikes e;9erienced in connection 8ith the /o,- their e:aluation ma- rest lar'el- u9on one@s success or failure in the achie:ement of 9ersonal o,/ecti:e and u9on 9ercei:ed com,ination of the /o, and com,ination to8ards these ends< Accordin' to 9estone/ee& 2o, satisfaction can ,e taken as a summation of em9lo-ee@s feelin's in four im9ortant areas< 4hese areC 1< 2o,-nature of 8ork (dull& dan'erous& interestin'!& hours of 8ork& fello8 8orkers& o99ortunities on the /o, for 9romotion and ad:ancement (9ros9ects!& o:ertime re'ulations& interest in 8ork& 9h-sical en:ironment& and machines and tools< 2< Mana'ementsu9er:isortreatment& 9artici9ation& re8ards and 9unishments& 9raises and ,lames& lea:es 9olic- and fa:oritism< 3< Social relations- friends and associates& nei'h,ors& attitudes to8ards 9eo9le in communit-& 9artici9ation in social acti:it- sociali,ilit- and caste ,arrier< 4< .ersonal ad/ustment-health and emotionalit-<
2o, satisfaction is an im9ortant indicator of ho8 em9lo-ees feel a,out their /o, and a 9redictor of 8ork ,eha:ior such as or'ani?ational citi?enshi9& A,senteeism& 4urno:er< 2o, satisfaction ,enefits the or'ani?ation includes reduction in com9laints and 'rie:ances& a,senteeism& turno:er& and terminationD as 8ell as im9ro:ed 9unctualit- and 8orker morale< 2o, satisfaction is also linked 8ith a healthier 8ork force and has ,een found to ,e a 'ood indicator of lon'e:it-< 2o, satisfaction is not s-non-ms 8ith or'ani?ational morale& 8hich the 9ossessions of feelin' ha:e ,ein' acce9ted ,- and ,elon'in' to a 'rou9 of 6
em9lo-ees throu'h adherence to common 'oals and confidence in desira,ilit- of these 'oals< Morale is the ,--9roduct of the 'rou9& 8hile /o, satisfaction is more an indi:idual state of mind<
E/o0+t)on o( HRM
-$e e#ol! ion of HRM can %e raced %ac* o .a! il,a /r $a 0$as ra w$ere $e reco""ends $a go#ern"en "!s a*e ac i#e in eres in p!%lic and pri#a e en erprise' He sa,s $a go#ern"en "!s pro#ide a proper proced!re for reg!la ing e"plo,ee and e"plo,ee rela ion +n $e "edie#al i"es $ere were e1a"ples of *ings li*e /lla!din .$il&i w$o reg!la ed $e "ar*e and c$arged fi1ed prices and pro#ided fi1ed salaries o $eir people' -$is was done o fig$ infla ion and pro#ide a decen s andard of li#ing
2!ring $e pre independence period of 1324 $e rade !nion e"erged' Man, a! $ors w$o $a#e gi#en $e $is or, of HRM sa, $a HRM s ar ed %eca!se of rade !nion and $e Firs 5orld 5ar' -$e Ro,al co""ission in 1331 reco""ended $e appoin "en of a la%o!r welfare officer o loo* in o $e grie#ances of wor*ers' -$e fac or, ac of 1342 "ade i co"p!lsor, o appoin a la%o!r welfare officer if $e fac or, $ad 544 or "ore $an 544 wor*ers' -$e in erna ional ins i ! e of personnel "anage"en and na ional ins i ! e of la%o!r "anage"en were se !p o loo* in o pro%le"s faced %, wor*ers o pro#ide sol! ions o $e"' -$e 0econd 5orld 5ar crea ed awareness regarding wor*ers rig$ s and 13446s o 13646s saw $e in rod!c ion of new ec$nolog, o $elp wor*ers'
-$e 13646s e1 ended $e scope of $!"an reso!rce %e,ond welfare' 8ow i was a co"%ina ion of welfare, ind!s rial rela ion, ad"inis ra ion oge $er i was called personnel "anage"en ' 5i $ $e second 5 ,ear plan, $ea#, ind!s ries s ar ed and professional "anage"en %eca"e i"por an ' +n $e )46s $e foc!s was on efficienc, of la%o!r wile in $e 746s $e foc!s was on new ec$nolog,, "a*ing i necessar, for new r!les and reg!la ions' +n $e 346s $e e"p$asis was on $!"an #al!es and de#elop"en of people and wi $ li%eraliza ion and c$anging ,pe of wor*ing people %eca"e "ore and "ore i"por an $ere %, leading o HRM w$ic$ is an ad#ance"en of personnel "anage"en '
1. H+3*n re,o+r-e, 10*nn)n4 56 H!"an reso!rce planning or HR9 refers o a process %, w$ic$ $e co"pan, o iden if, $e n!"%er of &o%s #acan , w$e $er $e co"pan, $as e1cess s aff or s$or age of s aff and o deal wi $ $is e1cess or s$or age' 2. Jo7 *n*08,), 9e,)4n 56 /no $er i"por an area of HRM is &o% anal,sis' :o% anal,sis gi#es a de ailed e1plana ion a%o! eac$ and e#er, &o% in $e co"pan,' ;ased on $is &o% anal,sis $e co"pan, prepares ad#er ise"en s'
3. Re-r+)t3ent *n9 ,e0e-t)on 56 ;ased on infor"a ion collec ed fro" &o% anal,sis $e co"pan, prepares ad#er ise"en s and p!%lis$es $e" in $e news papers' -$is is recr!i "en ' / n!"%er of applica ions are recei#ed af er $e ad#er ise"en is p!%lis$ed, in er#iews are cond!c ed and $e rig$ e"plo,ee is selec ed $!s recr!i "en and selec ion are ,e ano $er i"por an area of HRM' . Or)ent*t)on *n9 )n9+-t)on 56 <nce $e e"plo,ees $a#e %een selec ed an ind!c ion or orien a ion progra" is cond!c ed' -$is is ano $er i"por an area of HRM' -$e e"plo,ees are infor"ed a%o! $e %ac*gro!nd of $e
co"pan,, e1plain a%o! $e organiza ional c!l !re and #al!es and wor* e $ics and in rod!ce o $e o $er e"plo,ees' !. Tr*)n)n4 *n9 9e/e0o13ent 56 E#er, e"plo,ee goes !nder raining progra" w$ic$ $elps $i" o p! !p a %e er perfor"ance on $e &o%' -raining progra" is also cond!c ed for e1is ing s aff $a $a#e a lo of e1perience' -$is is called refres$er raining' -raining and de#elop"en is one area were $e co"pan, spends a $!ge a"o!n ' #. Per(or3*n-e *11r*),*0 56 <nce $e e"plo,ee $as p! in aro!nd 1 ,ear of ser#ice, perfor"ance appraisal is cond!c ed $a is $e HR depar "en c$ec*s $e perfor"ance of $e e"plo,ee' ;ased on $ese appraisal f! !re pro"o ions, incen i#es, incre"en s in salar, are decided' $. Co31en,*t)on 10*nn)n4 *n9 re3+ner*t)on 56 -$ere are #ario!s r!les regarding co"pensa ion and o $er %enefi s' + is $e &o% of $e HR depar "en o loo* in o re"!nera ion and co"pensa ion planning' %. Mot)/*t)on: ;e0(*re: .e*0t. *n9 ,*(et8 56 Mo i#a ion %eco"es i"por an o s!s ain $e n!"%er of e"plo,ees in $e co"pan,' + is $e &o% of $e HR depar "en o loo* in o $e differen "e $ods of "o i#a ion' /par fro" $is cer ain $eal $ and safe , reg!la ions $a#e o %e followed for $e %enefi s of $e e"plo,ees' -$is is also $andled %, $e HR depar "en '
<ne of $e "os i"por an c$allenge $e HR "anager faces is re en ion of la%o!r force' Man, co"panies $a#e a #er, $ig$ ra e of la%o!r !rno#er $erefore HR "anager are re=!ired o a*e so"e ac ion o red!ce $e !rno#er 2. M+0t)-+0t+r*0 ;or< (or-e 56 5i $ $e n!"%er of "!l i c!l !ral co"panies are increasing opera ions in differen na ions' -$e wor* force consis s of people fro" differen c!l !res' 2ealing wi $ eac$ of $e needs w$ic$ are differen $e c$allenge %efore $e HR "anager is in egra ion of "!l ic!l !ral la%o!r wor* force' 3. =o3en )n t.e ;or< (or-e 56 -$e n!"%er of wo"en w$o $a#e &oined $e wor* force $as dras icall, increased o#er a few ,ears' 5o"en e"plo,ees face o all, differen pro%le"s' -$e, also $a#e responsi%ili , owards $e fa"il,' -$e organiza ion needs o consider $is aspec also' -$e c$allenge %efore $e HR "anager lies in crea ing gender sensi i#i , and in pro#iding a good wor*ing en#iron"en o $e wo"en e"plo,ees' . H*n9)-*11e9 e310o8ee, 56 -$is sec ion of $e pop!la ion nor"all, faces a lo of pro%le"s on $e &o%, #er, few organiza ion $a#e &o%s and facili ies speciall, designed for $andicapped wor*ers' -$erefore $e c$allenge %efore $e HR "anager lies in crea ing a "osp$ere s!i a%le for s!c$ e"plo,ees and enco!raging $e" o wor* %e er'
!. Retren-.3ent (or e310o8ee, 56 +n "an, places co"panies $a#e red!ced $e wor* force d!e o c$anging econo"ic si !a ions, la%o!rers or wor*ers w$o are displaced face se#er pro%le"s' + also leads o a nega i#e a "osp$ere and a i !de a"ong $e e"plo,ees' -$ere is fear and increasing resen "en agains $e "anage"en ' -$e c$allenge %efore $e HR "anager lies in i"ple"en ing $e re renc$"en polic, wi $o! $!r ing $e sen i"en s of $e wor*ers, wi $o! an agonizing $e la%o!r !nion and %, crea ing posi i#e a i !de in $e e1is ing e"plo,ees' #. C.*n4e )n 9e3*n9 o( 4o/ern3ent 56
Mos of $e i"e go#ern"en r!les *eep c$anging' 5$ile a lo of freedo" is gi#en o co"panies so"e s ric r!les and reg!la ions $a#e also %een passed' -$e go#ern"en $as also !nder a*en $e disin#es "en in cer ain co"panies d!e o w$ic$ $ere is fear a"ong $e e"plo,ees regarding $eir &o%' -$e c$allenge %efore $e HR "anager lies in con#incing e"plo,ees $a $eir in eres will no %e sacrificed' $. In)t)*t)n4 t.e 1ro-e,, o( -.*n4e 56 >$anging $e "e $od of wor*ing, c$anging $e a i !de of people and c$anging $e percep ion and #al!es of organiza ion $a#e %eco"e necessar, oda,' /l $o!g$ $e co"pan, "a, wan o c$ange i is ac !all, #er, diffic!l o "a*e $e wor*ers accep $e c$ange' -$e c$allenge %efore $e HR "anager is o "a*e people accep c$ange'
S)4n)()-*n-e2)31ort*n-e2nee9 o( HRM
HRM %eco"es significan for %!siness organiza ion d!e o $e following reasons' 1. O7>e-t)/e 56 HRM $elps a co"pan, o ac$ie#e i s o%&ec i#e fro" i"e o i"e %, crea ing a posi i#e a i !de a"ong wor*ers' Red!cing was age and "a*ing "a1i"!" !se of reso!rces e c' 2. F*-)0)t*te, 1ro(e,,)on*0 4ro;t. 56
2!e o proper HR policies e"plo,ees are rained well and $is "a*es $e" read, for f! !re pro"o ions' -$eir alen can %e ! ilized no onl, in $e co"pan, in w$ic$ $e, are c!rren l, wor*ing %! also in o $er co"panies w$ic$ $e e"plo,ees "a, &oin in $e f! !re' 3. Better re0*t)on, 7et;een +n)on *n9 3*n*4e3ent 56 Heal $, HRM prac ices can $elp $e organiza ion o "ain ain co?ordinal rela ions$ip wi $ $e !nions' @nion "e"%ers s ar realizing $a $e co"pan, is also in eres ed in $e wor*ers and will no go agains $e" $erefore c$ances of going on s ri*e are grea l, red!ced' 3. He01, *n )n9)/)9+*0 to ;or< )n * te*324ro+1 56 Effec i#e HR prac ices eac$ indi#id!als ea" wor* and ad&!s "en ' -$e indi#id!als are now #er, co"for a%le w$ile wor*ing in ea" $!s ea" wor* i"pro#es' . I9ent)()e, 1er,on (or t.e (+t+re 56 0ince e"plo,ees are cons an l, rained, $e, are read, o "ee $e &o% re=!ire"en s' -$e co"pan, is also a%le o iden if, po en ial e"plo,ees w$o can %e pro"o ed in $e f! !re for $e op le#el &o%s' -$!s one of $e ad#an ages of HRM is preparing people for $e f! !re' !. A00o-*t)n4 t.e >o7, to t.e r)4.t 1er,on 56 +f proper recr!i "en and selec ion "e $ods are followed, $e co"pan, will %e a%le o selec $e rig$ people for $e rig$ &o%' 5$en $is $appens $e n!"%er of people lea#ing $e &o% will red!ce as $e will %e sa isfied wi $ $eir &o% leading o decrease in la%o!r !rno#er'
:o% sa isfac ion is defined as a pleas!ra%le, e"o ional, s a e res!l ing fro" appraisal of one6s &o%' /n effec i#e reac ion o one6s &o%' =e),, :o% sa isfac ion is general a i !de, w$ic$ is $e res!l of "an, specific a i !des in $ree areas na"el,A 0pecific &o% fac ors' +ndi#id!al c$arac eris ics' Bro!p rela ions$ip o! side $e &o% B0+3 *n9 N*80or :o% sa isfac ion is defined, as i is res!l of #ario!s a i !des $e person $old owards $e &o%, owards $e rela ed fac ors and owards $e life in general' "0)33er :o% sa isfac ion is defined as an, con ri%! ion, ps,c$ological, p$,sical, and en#iron"en al circ!"s ances $a ca!se a person r! $f!ll, sa,, C+ a" sa isfied wi $ ", &o%'( :o% sa isfac ion is defined, as e"plo,ee6s &!dg"en of $ow well $is &o% on a w$ole is sa isf,ing $is #ario!s needs Mr. S3)t. :o% sa isfac ion is defined as a pleas!ra%le or posi i#e s a e of "ind res!l ing fro" appraisal of one6s &o% or &o% e1periences' Lo-<e
wi $ ", &o%(' 0!c$ a descrip ion indica e $e #arie , of #aria%les $a infl!ence $e sa isfac ion of $e indi#id!al %! na !re of :o% sa isfac ion' :o% sa isfac ion $as %een "os ap l, defined %, pes on&ee D13)3E as a &o%, "anage"en , personal ad&!s "en F social re=!ire"en ' Morse D1353E considers :o% sa isfac ion as dependen !pon &o% con en , iden ifica ion wi $ $e co', financial F &o% s a !s F priding gro!p co$esi#eness <ne of $e %igges prel!des o $e s !d, of &o% sa isfac ion was $e Haw $orne s !d,' -$ese s !dies D1324?1333E, pri"aril, credi ed o El on Ma,o of $e Har#ard ;!siness 0c$ool, so!g$ o find $e effec s of #ario!s condi ions D"os no a%l, ill!"ina ionE on wor*ers6 prod!c i#i ,' -$ese s !dies !l i"a el, s$owed $a no#el c$anges in wor* condi ions e"poraril, increase prod!c i#i , Dcalled $e Haw $orne Effec E' + was la er fo!nd $a $is increase res!l ed, no fro" $e new condi ions, %! fro" $e *nowledge of %eing o%ser#ed' ell !s no $ing a%o! $e
-$is finding pro#ided s rong e#idence $a people wor* for p!rposes o $er $an pa,, w$ic$ pa#ed $e wa, for researc$ers o in#es iga e o $er fac ors in &o% sa isfac ion' 0cien ific "anage"en Da*a -a,loris"E also $ad a significan i"pac on $e s !d, of &o% sa isfac ion' Frederic* 5inslow -a,lor6s 1311 %oo*, 9rinciples
perfor" an, gi#en wor* as*' -$is %oo* con ri%! ed o a c$ange in ind!s rial prod!c ion p$ilosop$ies, ca!sing a s$if fro" s*illed la%or and piecewor* owards $e "ore "odern approac$ of asse"%l, lines and $o!rl, wages' -$e ini ial !se of scien ific "anage"en %, ind!s ries grea l, increased prod!c i#i , %eca!se wor*ers were forced o wor* a a fas er pace' Howe#er, wor*ers %eca"e e1$a!s ed and dissa isfied, $!s lea#ing researc$ers wi $ new =!es ions o answer regarding &o% sa isfac ion' + s$o!ld also %e no ed $a $e wor* of 5'G' ;r,an, 5al er 2ill 0co , and H!go M!ns er%erg se $e one for -a,lor6s wor*' 0o"e arg!e $a Maslow6s $ierarc$, of needs $eor,, a "o i#a ion $eor,, laid $e fo!nda ion for &o% sa isfac ion $eor,' -$is $eor, e1plains $a people see* o sa isf, fi#e specific needs in life p$,siological needs, safe , needs, social needs, self?es ee" needs, and self?ac !aliza ion' -$is "odel ser#ed as a good %asis fro" w$ic$ earl, researc$ers co!ld de#elop &o% sa isfac ion $eories'
:o% sa isfac ion can par iall, "edia e $e rela ions$ip of personali , #aria%les and de#ian wor* %e$a#ior' >o""on researc$ finding is $a &o% sa isfac ion is correla ed wi $ life s ,le' -$is correla ion is reciprocal "eaning $e people w$o are sa isfied wi $ $e life ends o %e sa isfied wi $ $eir &o%s and $e people w$o are sa isfied $eir &o%s ends o sa isfied wi $ $eir life' -$is is #i al piece of infor"a ion $a is &o% sa isfac ion and &o% perfor"ance is direc l, rela ed o one ano $er' -$!s i can %e said $a , / $app, wor*er is a prod!c i#e wor*er'( + gi#es clear e#idence $a dissa isfied e"plo,ees s*ip wor* "ore of en and "ore li*e o resign and sa isfied wor*er li*el, o wor* longer wi $ $e organiza ion'
&o% sa isfac ion %rings a pleas!ra%le e"o ional s a e $a can of en leads o a posi i#e wor* a i !de' / sa isfied wor*er is "ore li*el, o %e crea i#e, fle1i%le, inno#a i#e, and lo,al' For $e organiza ion, &o% sa isfac ion of i s wor*ers "eans a wor* force $a is "o i#a ed and co""i ed o $ig$ =!ali , perfor"ance' +ncreased prod!c i#i ,? $e =!an i , and =!ali , of o! p! per $o!r wor*ed? see"s o %e a %,prod!c of i"pro#ed =!ali , of wor*ing life' + is i"por an o no e $a $e li era !re on $e rela ions$ip %e ween &o% sa isfac ion and prod!c i#i , is nei $er concl!si#e nor consis en ' Howe#er, s !dies da ing %ac* o Herz%erg6s D135)E $a#e s$own a leas low correla ion %e ween $ig$ "orale and $ig$ prod!c i#i , and i does see" logical $a "ore sa isfied wor*ers will end o add "ore #al!e o an organiza ion' @n$app, e"plo,ees, w$o are "o i#a ed %, fear of loss of &o%, will no gi#e 144 percen of $eir effor for #er, long' -$o!g$ fear is a powerf!l "o i#a or, i is also a e"porar, one, and also as soon as $e $rea is lif ed perfor"ance will decline'
:o% sa isfac ion %enefi s $e organiza ion incl!des red!c ion in co"plain s and grie#ances, a%sen eeis", !rno#er, and er"ina ionH as well as i"pro#ed p!nc !ali , and wor*er "orale' :o% sa isfac ion is also lin*ed wi $ a $eal $ier wor* force and $as %een fo!nd o %e a good indica or of longe#i ,'
/l $o!g$ onl, li le correla ion $as %een fo!nd %e ween &o% sa isfac ion and prod!c i#i ,, ;rown D1336E no es $a so"e e"plo,ers $a#e fo!nd $a sa isf,ing or delig$ ing e"plo,ees is a prere=!isi e o sa isf,ing or delig$ ing c!s o"ers, $!s pro ec ing $e %o o" line('
c$allenging wor* and grea er responsi%ili ies, wi $ a endan increases in pa, and o $er recogni ion' 2e#elop e1cellen co""!nica ion s*ills' E"plo,er6s #al!e and rewards e1cellen reading, lis ening, wri ing and spea*ing s*ills' .now "ore' /c=!ire new &o% rela ed *nowledge $a $elps ,o! o perfor" as*s "ore efficien l, and effec i#el,' -$is will reli#e %oredo" and of en ge s one no iced' 2e"ons ra e crea i#i , and ini ia i#e' I!ali ies li*e $ese are #al!ed %, "os organiza ions and of en res!l s in recogni ion as well as in increased responsi%ili ies and rewards' 2e#elop ea"wor* and people s*ills' / large par of &o% s!ccess is $e a%ili , o wor* well wi $ o $ers o ge $e &o% done' /ccep $e di#ersi , in people' /ccep people wi $ $eir differences and $eir i"perfec ions and learn $ow o gi#e and recei#e cri icis" cons r!c i#el,' 0ee $e #al!e in ,o!r wor*' /pprecia ing $e significance of w$a one does can lead o sa isfac ion wi $ $e wor* i self' -$is $elp o gi#e "eaning o one6s e1is ence, $!s pla,ing a #i al role in &o% sa isfac ion'
-$e facili , wi $ w$ic$ $e ad&!s ed $i"self wi $ o $er person -$e rela i#e s a !s in $e social and econo"ic gro!p wi $ w$ic$ $e iden ifies $i"self -$e na !re of wor* in rela ion o a%ili ies, in eres and prepara ion of wor*er 0ec!ri , Go,al , Her%erg, "a!saer, 9e erson and capwell in 135) re#iewed "ore $an 154 s !dies and lis ed #ario!s &o% fac ors of &o% sa isfac ion' -$ese are %riefl, defined one %, one as followsA 1. Intr)n,)- *,1e-t o( >o7 + incl!des all of $e "an, aspec s of $e wor*, w$ic$ wo!ld end o %e cons an for $e wor* regardless of w$ere $e wor* was perfor"ed' 2. S+1er/),)on -$is aspec of &o% sa isfac ion per ains o rela ions$ip of wor*er wi $ $is i""edia e s!periors' 0!per#ision, as a fac or, generall, infl!ences &o% sa isfac ion'
3. =or<)n4 -on9)t)on, -$is incl!des $ose p$,sical aspec s of en#iron"en w$ic$ are no necessar, a par of $e wor*' Ho!rs are incl!ded $is fac or %eca!se i is
pri"aril, a f!nc ion of organiza ion, affec ing $e indi#id!als co"for and con#enience in "!c$ $e sa"e wa, as o $er p$,sical wor*ing condi ions' . =*4e *n9 ,*0*r)e, -$is fac or incl!des all aspec of &o% in#ol#ing presen "oni or, re"!nera ion for wor* done' !. O11ort+n)t)e, (or *9/*n-e3ent + incl!des all aspec of &o% w$ic$ indi#id!al sees as po en ial so!rces of %e er"en of econo"ic posi ion, organiza ional s a !s or professional e1perience' #. Se-+r)t8 + is defined o incl!de $a fea !re of &o% si !a ion, w$ic$ leads o ass!rance for con in!ed e"plo,"en , ei $er wi $in $e sa"e co"pan, or wi $in sa"e ,pe of wor* profession' $. Co31*n8 A 3*n*4e3ent + incl!des $e aspec of wor*er6s i""edia e si !a ion, w$ic$ is a f!nc ion of organiza ional ad"inis ra ion and polic,' + also in#ol#es $e rela ions$ip of e"plo,ee wi $ all co"pan, s!periors a%o#e le#el of i""edia e s!per#ision'
%. So-)*0 *,1e-t o( >o7 + incl!des rela ions$ip of wor*er wi $ $e e"plo,ees speciall, $ose e"plo,ees a sa"e or nearl, sa"e le#el wi $in $e organiza ion'
&. Co33+n)-*t)on + incl!des &o% si !a ion, w$ic$ in#ol#es spreading $e infor"a ion in an, direc ion wi $in $e organiza ion' -er"s s!c$ as infor"a ion of e"plo,ee6s s a !s, infor"a ion on new de#elop"en s, infor"a ion on co"pan, line of a! $ori ,, s!gges ion s,s e", e c, are !sed in li era !re o represen $is fac or' 1'.Bene()t, + incl!des $ose special p$ases of co"pan, polic,, w$ic$ a e"p s o prepare $e wor*er for e"ergencies, illness, old age, also' >o"pan, allowances for $olida,s, lea#es and #aca ions are incl!ded wi $in $is fac or'
+f $ere will %e low &o% sa isfac ion a"ong $e e"plo,ees $e ra e of a%sen eeis" will defini el, increase and i also affec s on prod!c i#i , of organiza ion'
: o % s a i s f a c i n low / low Ra e of !rn o#er and a%sences Hig$ Hig$ ;
9ercei#ed personal &o% inp! s Fig'no' 1 >!r#e s$owing rela ions$ip %e ween &o% sa isfac ion and ra e of !rn o#er and a%sen eeis"'
+n $e a%o#e diagra" line /; s$ows in#erse rela ions$ip %e ween &o% sa isfac ion and ra e of !rn o#er and ra e of a%sen ees"' /s $ &o% sa isfac ion is $ig$ $e ra e of %o $ !rn o#er and a%sen isees" is low and #ise a #ersa'
+n $!"an reso!rce refers o c$arac eris ics of a gi#en co"pan, or ind!s r, rela i#e o $e ra e a w$ic$ an e"plo,er gains and losses $e s aff' +f $e e"plo,er is said o %e $a#e a $ig$ !rno#er of e"plo,ees of $a co"pan, $a#e s$or er en!re $an $ose of o $er co"panies' 3.TRAININ" COST INCREASES /s e"plo,ees lea#es organiza ion d!e o lac* of &o% sa isfac ion' -$en H!"an reso!rce "anager $as o recr!i new e"plo,ees' 0o $a $e raining e1pendi !re will increases'
-$ere are no' of fac ors $a infl!ence &o% sa isfac ion' For e1a"ple, one recen s !d, e#en fo!nd $a if college s !den s "a&ors coinsided wi $ $eir &o% , $is rela ions$ip will predic ed s!%se=!en &o% sa isfac ion' Howe#er, $e "ain infl!ences can %e s!""erised along wi $ $e di"en ions iden ified a%o#e' T.e ;or< )t,e0( -$e concep of wor* i self is a "a&or so!rce of sa isfac ion' For e1a"ple, researc$ rela ed o $e &o% c$arac oris ics approac$ o &o% design, s$ows $a feed%ac* fro" &o% i self and a! ono", are wo of $e "a&or &o% rela ed "o i#a ional fac ors' 0o"e of $e "os i"por an ingriden s of a sa isf,ing &o% !nco#ered %, s!r#e, incl!de in ers ing and c$allenging wor*, wor* $a is no %oring, and $e &o% $a pro#ides s a !s' P*8 5ages and salaries are recognised o %e a significan , %! co"ple1, "!l idi"en ional fac or in &o% sa isfac ion' Mone, no onl, $elps people a ain $eir %asic needs %! e#el need sa isfac ion' E"plo,ees of en see pa, as a reflec ion of $ow "anage"ne #iew $eir conr i%! ion o $e organiza ion' Fringe %enefi s are also i"por an ' +f $e e"plo,ees are allowed so"e fle1i%ili , in c$oosing $e ,pe of %enefi s $e, prefer wi $in a o al pac*age, called a fle1i%le %enefi plan, $ere is a significan increase in %o $ %enefi sa isfac ion and o#erall &o% sa isfac ion' Pro3ot)on, 9ro"o ional oppor !ni ies are see" o %e $a#e a#ar,ing effec on &o% sa isfac ion' -$is is %eca!se of pro"o ion a*e n!"%er of differen for"s'
)' <ppor !ni , o ad#ance 7' 8o ar%i rar, ac ion? a #oice a "a ers affec ing $i" 3' 0a isfac or, wor*ing condi ions 14'>o"pe ence leaders$ip? %osses w$o" $e can ad"ire and respec as persons and as %osses' Howe#er, $e wo concep s are in errela ed in $a &o% sa isfac ion can con ri%! e o "orale and "orale can con ri%! e o &o% sa isfac ion' + "!s %e re"e"%ered $a sa isfac ion and "o i#a ion are no s,non,"s' Mo i#a ion is a dri#e o perfor", w$ere as sa isfac ion reflec s $e indi#id!al6s a i !de owards $e si !a ion' -$e fac ors $a de er"ine w$e $er indi#id!al is ade=!a el, sa isfied wi $ $e &o% differs fro" $ose $a de er"ine w$e $er $e or s$e is "o i#a ed' $e le#el of &o% sa isfac ion is largel, de er"ined %, $e co"fi s offered %, $e en#iron"en and $e si !a ion ' Mo i#a ion, on $e o $er $and is largel, de er"ine %, #al!e of reward and $eir dependence on perfor"ance' -$e res!l of $ig$ &o% sa isfac ion is increased co""i "en o $e organiza ion, w$ic$ "a, or "a, no res!l in %e er perfor"ance' / wide range of fac ors affec s an indi#id!al6s le#el of sa isfac ion' 5$ile organiza ional rewards can and do $a#e an i"pac , &o% sa isfac ion is pri"aril, de er"ine %, fac ors $a are !s!all, no direc l, con rolled %, $e organiza ion' a $ig$ le#el of &o% sa isfac ion lead o organiza ional co""i "en , w$ile a low le#el, or dissa isfac ion, res!l in a %e$a#ior de ri"en al o $e organiza ion' For e1a"ple, e"plo,ee w$o li*e $eir &o%s, s!per#isors, and $e fac ors rela ed o $e &o% will pro%a%l, %e lo,al and de#o ed' 9eople will wor* $arder and deri#e sa isfac ion if $e, are gi#en $e freedo" o "a*e $eir own decisions'
Herz%erg6sE :o% >$arac eris ics Model DHac*"an F <ld$a"E Ra ing scale 9ersonal in er#iews ac ion endencies :o% enlarge"en :o% ro a ion >$ange of pace 0c$ed!led res periods
0*ill E1perience -raining Effor s /ge 0eniori , Ed!ca ion >o lo,al , 9as perfor"ance
aK% sa isfac ion aL% dissa isfac ion aM% g!il +ne=!i , 2isco"for 9ercei#ed a"o!n recei#ed D%E
Edward E'lawler in 13)3 propoed a "odel of face sa isfac ion' -$is "odel is applica%le o !nders and w$a de er"ines a person6s sa isfac ion wi $ an, face of &o%' /ccording o $is "odel ac !al o! co"e le#el pla,s a *e, role in a person6s percep ion of w$a rewards $e recie#es' His percep ion infl!enced %, $is percep ion of w$a $is referen o $ers recie#es'
Edwin /' Goc*e6s Range of /ffec -$eor, D13)6E is arg!a%l, $e "os fa"o!s &o% sa isfac ion "odel' -$e "ain pre"ise of $is $eor, is $a sa isfac ion is de er"ined %, a discrepanc, %e ween w$a one wan s in a &o% and w$a one $as in a &o%' F!r $er, $e $eor, s a es $a $ow "!c$ one #al!es a gi#en face of wor* De'g' $e degree of a! ono", in a posi ionE "odera es $ow sa isfiedNdissa isfied one %eco"es w$en e1pec a ions areNaren6 "e ' 5$en a person #al!es a par ic!lar face of a &o%, $is sa isfac ion is "ore grea l, i"pac ed %o $ posi i#el, Dw$en e1pec a ions are "e E and nega i#el, Dw$en e1pec a ions are no "e E, co"pared o one w$o doesn6 #al!e $a face ' -o ill!s ra e, if E"plo,ee / #al!es a! ono", in $e wor*place and E"plo,ee ; is indifferen a%o! a! ono",, $en E"plo,ee / wo!ld %e "ore sa isfied in a posi ion $a offers a $ig$ degree of a! ono", and less sa isfied in a posi ion wi $ li le or no a! ono", co"pared o E"plo,ee ;' -$is $eor, also s a es $a oo "!c$ of a par ic!lar face will prod!ce s ronger feelings of dissa isfac ion $e "ore a wor*er #al!es $a face '
/no $er well?*nown &o% sa isfac ion $eor, is $e 2isposi ional -$eor, i is a #er, general $eor, $a s!gges s $a people $a#e inna e disposi ions $a ca!se $e" o $a#e endencies oward a cer ain le#el of sa isfac ion, regardless of one6s &o%' -$is approac$ %eca"e a no a%le e1plana ion of &o% sa isfac ion in lig$ of e#idence $a &o% sa isfac ion ends o %e s a%le o#er i"e and across careers and &o%s' Researc$ also indica es $a iden ical wins $a#e si"ilar le#els of &o% sa isfac ion'
/ significan "odel $a narrowed $e scope of $e 2isposi ional -$eor, was $e >ore 0elf?e#al!a ions Model, proposed %, -i"o $, /' :!dge in 1337' :!dge arg!ed $a $ere are fo!r >ore 0elf?e#al!a ions $a de er"ine one6s disposi ion owards &o% sa isfac ionA self?es ee", general self?efficac,, loc!s of con rol, and ne!ro icis"' -$is "odel s a es $a $ig$er le#els of self? es ee" D $e #al!e one places on $is selfE and general self?efficac, D $e %elief in one6s own co"pe enceE lead o $ig$er wor* sa isfac ion' Ha#ing an in ernal loc!s of con rol D%elie#ing one $as con rol o#er $erO$is own life, as opposed o o! side forces $a#ing con rolE leads o $ig$er &o% sa isfac ion' Finall,, lower le#els of ne!ro icis" lead o $ig$er &o% sa isfac ion
consider indi#id!al differences, con#ersel, predic ing all e"plo,ees will reac in an iden ical "anner o c$anges in "o i#a ingN$,giene fac ors'' Finall,, $e "odel $as %een cri icised in $a i does no specif, $ow "o i#a ingN$,giene fac ors are o %e "eas!redQ
2' 2ecisions are "ade *eeping in "ind $e good of $e e"plo,ees 3' Manage"en is e1 re"el, fair in personal policies 4' 9$,sical wor*ing condi ions are s!ppor i#e in a aining arge s 5' + nno#a i#eness is enco!raged o "ee %!siness pro%le"s' SATISFACTION =ITH SUPERVISION 1' + feel + can r!s w$a ", s!per#isor ells "e 2' M, s!per#isor rea s "e fairl, and wi $ respec 3' M, s!per#isor $andles ", wor*?rela ed iss!es sa isfac oril, 4' + ge fre=!en apprecia ion of wor* done fro" s!per#isors 5' + ge eno!g$ s!ppor fro" $e s!per#isor 6'+ndi#id!al ini ia i#e is enco!raged SATISFACTION =ITH COMPENSATION LEVELS 1' <#erall + a" sa isfied wi $ $e co"pan,6s co"pensa ion pac*age 2' + a" sa isfied wi $ $e "edical %enefi s 3' + a" sa isfied wi $ $e con#e,ance allowance 4' + a" sa isfied wi $ $e re ire"en %enefi s 5' + a" sa isfied wi $ $e rei"%!rse"en of $e e1penses as per $e eligi%ili , 6' + a" sa isfied wi $ $e $olida, D#aca ionE eligi%ili ies
SATISFACTION =ITH TAS? CLARITY 1' Manage"en decisions are /d Hoc and lac* professionalis" Dre#erse scaledE 2' R!les and proced!res are followed !nco"pro"isingl, 3' M, &o% responsi%ili ies are well defined and clear SATISFACTION =ITH CAREER DEVELOPMENT 1' + $a#e ade=!a e oppor !ni ies o learn and grow 2' + ge oppor !ni ies o $andle grea er responsi%ili ies 3' M, s*ills and a%ili ies are ade=!a el, !sed a wor* Fro" all a%o#e we can concl!de le#el of &o% sa isfac ion of o!r e"plo,ees'
+ is one of $e "os co""on "e $ods of "eas!ring &o% sa isfac ion' -$e pop!lar ra ing scale !sed o "eas!re :o% sa isfac ion is o incl!deA Minneso a 0a isfac ion I!es ionnairesA + $elps o o% ain a clear pic !re of per inen sa isfac ions and dissa isfac ions of e"plo,ees' :o% 2escrip ion +nde1A i "eas!res :o% sa isfac ion on $e di"ension iden ified %, 0"i $, .endall, H!llin' 9or er 8eed +den ifica ion I!es ionnairesA + faced %, "anagers' is !sed onl, for "anage"en personnel and re#ol#es aro!nd $e pro%le"s and c$allenges
Fredric* Her z %erg and $is /ssocia es pop!larized $is "e $od of "eas!ring :o% sa isfac ion' + in#ol#es as*ing e"plo,ees o descri%ed inciden s on &o% w$en $e, were par ic!larl, sa isfied or dissa isfied' -$en $e inciden s are anal,zed in er"s of $eir con en s and iden if,ing $ose rela ed aspec s responsi%le for $e posi i#e and nega i#e a i !des'
-$is "e $od facili a es an in?dep $ e1plora ion $ro!g$ in er#iewing of &o% a i !des' -$e "ain ad#an age in $is "e $od is $a addi ional infor"a ion or clarifica ions can %e o% ained pro"p l,'
;, $is "e $od, :o% sa isfac ion can %e "eas!red %, as*ing =!es ions and ga $ering infor"a ion on $ow $e, feel li*e %e$a#ing wi $ respec oppor !ni , o e1press $eir in?dep $ feeling' +n $is s !d, on /"erican e"plo,ees, $oppoc* iden ified si1 fac ors $a con ri%! ed o &o% sa isfac ion a"ong $e"' -$ese are as followsA 1' -$e wa, indi#id!al reac s o !npleasan si !a ions' 2' -$e facili ies wi $ w$ic$ $e ad&!s $i"self o o $er persons' 3' His rela i#e6s s a !s in $e social F econo"ic gro!p wi $ w$ic$ $e iden ifies $i"self' 4' -$e na !re of wor* in rela ion o $e a%ili ies, in eres F prepara ion of $e wor*ers' 5' 0ec!ri ,' 6' Go,al ,'
cer ain aspec s of $eir &o%s' -$is "e $od pro#ides e"plo,ees "ore
;eca!se $!"an reso!rce "anager of en ser#e as in er"ediaries %e ween e"plo,ees F "anage"en in conflc ' $e, are concern wi $ :o% sa isfac ion or general &o% a i !des wi $ $e e"plo,ees' 9$ilip apple w$i e $as lis ed $e fi#e "a&or co"ponen s of :o% sa isfac ion asA 1' / i !de owards wor* gro!p' 2' Beneral wor*ing condi ions' 3' / i !de owards co"pan,' 4' Moni or, %enefi s F 5' / i !de owards s!per#ision < $er co"ponen s $a s$o!ld %e added o $is fi#e are indi#id!al6s s a e of "ind a%o! $e wor* i self and a%o! $e life in general ' $e indi#id!al6s $eal $, age, le#el of aspira ion' 0ocial s a !s and poli ical F social ac i#i ies can all con ri%! e o $e :o% sa isfac ion' / person6s a i !de oward $is or $er &o% "a, %e posi i#e or nega i#e' JOB ENLAR"EMENT -$e concep of &o% enlarge"en origina ed af er 5orld 5ar ++' + is si"pl, $e organizing of $e wor* so as o rela e $e con en s of $e &o% o $e capaci ,, ac !al and po en ial, of wor*ers' :o% enlarge"en is o%li#io!s forer!nner of $e concep and p$ilosop$, of &o% design' 0 ep$an offers $ree %asic ass!"p ions %e$ind $e concep of &o% enlarge"en ' <! p! will increase if 1' 5or*ers a%ili ies are f!ll, ! ilized 2' 5or*er $as "ore con rol o#er $e wor* 3' 5or*ers in eres in wor* and wor*place is s i"!la ed'
:o% enlarge"en is a generic er" $a %roadl, "eans adding "ore and differen as*s o a specialized &o%' + "a, widen $e n!"%er of as* $e e"plo,ee "!s do $a is, add #arie ,' 5$en addi ional si"ple as* are added o a &o%, $e process is called $orizon al &o% enlarge"en ' -$is also pres!"a%l, adds in eres o $e wor* and red!ces "ono on, and %oredo"' -o c$ec* $ar"f!l effec s of specializa ion, $e engineering fac ors in#ol#ed in eac$ indi#id!al &o% "!s %e caref!ll, anal,zed' 9er$aps, $e asse"%l, lines can %e s$or ened so $a $ere will %e "ore lines and fewer wor*ers on eac$ line' Moreo#er, ins ead of assigning one "an o eac$ &o% and $en allowed o decide for $i"self $ow o organize $e wor*' 0!c$ c$anges per"i "ore social con ac s and grea er con rol o#er $e wor* process'
:o% ro a ion in#ol#es periodic assign"en s of an e"plo,ee o co"ple el, differen se s of &o% ac i#i ies' <ne wa, o ac*le wor* ro! ine is o !se $e &o% ro a ion' 5$en an ac i#i , is no longer c$allenging, $e e"plo,ee is ro a ed o ano $er &o%, a $e sa"e le#el $a $as si"ilar s*ill re=!ire"en s' Man, co"panies are see*ing a sol! ion o on? $e?&o% %oredo" $ro!g$ s,s e"a icall, "o#ing wor*ers fro" one &o% o ano $er' -$is prac ice pro#ides "ore #arie ies and gi#es e"plo,ees a c$ance o learn addi ional s*ills' -$e co"pan, also %enefi s since $e wor*ers are =!alified o perfor" a n!"%er of differen &o%s in $e e#en of an e"ergenc,'
/n, $ing $a will gi#e $e wor*er a c$ance o c$ange $is pace w$en $e wis$es will lend #arie , o $is wor*' F!r $er if wor*ers are per"i ed o c$ange $eir pace $a wo!ld gi#e $e" a sense of acco"plis$"en '
Re,e*r-. Met.o9o0o48
.1 INTRODUCTION Researc$ refers o a searc$ for *nowledge' + is a s,s e"a ic "e $od of collec ing and recording $e fac s in $e for" of n!"erical da a rele#an o $e for"!la ed pro%le" and arri#ing a cer ain concl!sions o#er $e pro%le" %ased on collec ed da a' -$!s for"!la ion of $e pro%le" is $e firs and fore"os s ep in $e researc$ process followed %, $e collec ion, recording, a%!la ion and anal,sis and drawing $e concl!sions' -$e pro%le" for"!la ion s ar s wi $ defining $e pro%le" or n!"%er of pro%le"s in $e f!nc ional area' -o de ec $e f!nc ional area and loca e $e e1ac pro%le" is "os i"por an par of an, researc$ as $e w$ole researc$ is %ased on $e pro%le"' /ccording o >lifford 5ood, researc$ co"prises defining and redefining pro%le"s, for"!la ing $,po $esis or s!gges ed sol! ionsA collec ing, organizing and e#al!a ing da aA "a*ing ded!c ions and reac$ing concl!sionsA and a las caref!ll, es ing $e concl!sions o de er"ine w$e $er $e, fi $e for"!la ing $,po $esis' Researc$ can %e defined as $e "anip!la ion of $ings, concep s or s,"%ols for $e p!rpose of generalizing o e1 end, correc or #erif, *nowledge, w$e $er $a *nowledge aids in cons r!c ion of $eor, or in $e prac ice of an ar ( +n s$or , $e searc$ for *nowledge $ro!g$ o%&ec i#e and s,s e"a ic "e $od of finding sol! ion o a pro%le" is researc$'
.2 DRAFTIN" DUESTIONNAIRE -$e =!es ionnaire is considered as $e "os i"por an $ing in a s!r#e,
opera ion' Hence i s$o!ld %e caref!ll, cons r!c ed' 0 r!c !red =!es ionnaire consis of onl, fi1ed al erna i#e =!es ions' 0!c$ ,pe of =!es ionnaire is ine1pensi#e o anal,sis and eas, o ad"inis er' /ll =!es ions are closed ended' .3SAMPLIN" + was di#ided in o following par sA S*310)n4 +n)/er,e /ll $e e"plo,ees are $e sa"pling !ni#erse for $e researc$' S*310)n4 te-.n)E+e :!dg"en al sa"pling 0a"ple was a*en on &!dg"en al %asis' -$e ad#an age of sa"pling are $a i is "!c$ less cos l,, =!ic*er and anal,sis will %eco"e easier' 0a"ple size a*en was 144 e"plo,ees' . RESEARCH OBJECTIVES -$e researc$ $as %een !nder a*en wi $ following o%&ec i#es' -o s !d, $e le#el of &o% sa isfac ion a"ong $e e"plo,ees of 0EJ/ /! o"o i#e 9# ' G d' if an,' -o s !d, $e "e $ods of "eas!ring &o% sa isfac ion of 0EJ/ /! o"o i#e 9# ' G d'
.! DATA COLLECTION -$e as* of da a collec ion %egins af er $e researc$ pro%le" $as %een defined and researc$ design c$al*ed o! ' 5$ile deciding $e "e $od of da a collec ion o %e !sed for $e s !d,, $e researc$er s$o!ld *eep in "ind wo ,pes of da a #iz' 9ri"ar, and secondar, da a' Pr)3*r8 D*t*5 6 -$e pri"ar, da a are $ose, w$ic$ are collec ed afres$ and for $e firs i"e and $!s $appen o %e original in c$arac er' -$e pri"ar, da a were collec ed $ro!g$ well?designed and s r!c !red =!es ionnaires %ased on $e o%&ec i#es' Se-on9*r8 D*t*5 -$e secondar, da a are $ose, w$ic$ $a#e alread, %een collec ed %, so"eone else and passed $ro!g$ s a is ical process' -$e secondar, da a re=!ired of $e researc$ was collec ed $ro!g$ #ario!s newspapers, and +n erne e c' .# RELEVANCE AND LIMITATIONS OF STUDY -$e s !d, was $o!g$ f!l for *nowing $e e1is ing &o% sa isfac ion le#el of $e e"plo,ees of ;'E'<'G', Rewa D"'p'E' Gi"i a ion for $e s !d,, $e s !d, was res ric ed o ;'E'<'G', Rewa onl,' .$ CHAPTERISATION 1' +n rod!c ion 2' Researc$ "e $odolog, 3' <rganiza ional profile 4' 2a a presen a ion, anal,sis and in erpre a ion
5' >oncl!sions and s!gges ions 46
Our Journey
T2e ta0te t2at30 tra/elled do4n t2e age0
3urs has ,een a /ourne- throu'h the a'es< 3ur rice - 8hether -ou ,oil it& steam it& fr- it& 9o8der it& flatten it or 9uff it& one thin' -ou cannot do is ,eat it< =ou 8ill find that rice is the main in'redient in a :ariet- of dishes from 9aella and ,ir-ani to sushi and dosa< %t is stee9ed in tradition and cultureD ,ut has a taste that is contem9orar-& modern and one that 'oes do8n 8ell 8ith e:en the fast-food eatin' set< No 8onder then that it is an indis9ensa,le 9art of almost all festi:als and cele,rations< 0e& at B*S4 5ood& are deli'hted to 9ro:ide connoisseurs of fine food 8ith rice of unmatched Aualit-& sourced from the foothills of the +imala-as and other 9rime rice 'ro8in' areas in %ndia< 0e 8ork 8ith farmers& 9artner food com9anies and res9ond to the needs of our customers to ensure that nothin' ,ut the :er- ,est rice 'races -our ta,le< B*S4 8ill al8a-s 'i:e -ou the ,est<
MD's vision
Our proce00e0
5or some -ears no8& 8e ha:e consciousl- chosen to in:est in cuttin' ed'e technolo'ies< 4his ensures that latest technolo'-& state-of-the-art facilities& modern machiner- and strin'ent Aualit- control 'oes into the makin' of B*S4 rice< 4he com9an- has an esta,lished infrastructure to run the ,usiness< 4his includes a lar'e area of land& ,uildin'& 9lant& machiner-& co-9o8er 'eneration& 'ood landsca9in'& 8ater har:estin' s-stem& 8ater 9urifier& effluent treatment 9lant& h-'ienicall- maintained rice and 9add- stora'e& 9ackin' material& en'ineerin' tools and 8orksho9< B*S4 5ood has the lar'est installed millin' ca9acit- at an- sin'le site in %ndia of a99ro; 1400 mt 9er da- and E00 Mt rice 9rocessin' and 9ackin' 9lants< 5or 9add- millin'& 8e ha:e used the 8orld@s ,est technolo'- from Satake& 2a9an and Buhler& >erman-< 5or final 9roduct 9ackin'& 8e em9lo- contem9orartechnolo'- from +assi-a and 6hronos and metal detection to a:oid contamination of forei'n 9articles to make the food untouched and h-'ienicall'ood for human consum9tion< 4he ,est technical kno8-ho8 and most ad:anced technolo'- 8hich are 'lo,allacce9ted ,- e:er- food 9rocessin' and 9ackin' industr- has ,een ado9ted to meet e;treme demands and ensure satisfaction of rice customers across the 8orld<
Our ac2ie/e"ent0
0ithin a decade of o9erations& the >rou9 has achie:ed si'nificant milestones in a hi'hl- com9etiti:e en:ironment& some of them ,ein' C AP.*A .5PORT A-AR* from Ministr- of6ommerce B %ndustr- & >o:t< of %ndia ,ein' the lar'est e;9orter of ,asmatirice from %ndia in the 5= 2010-11 B the second hi'hest e;9orter of thecountr- for last 3 consecuti:e -ears i<e<& 5= 200F-0E & 5= 200E-0G & 5=200G-10< T2ree Star .6port (ou0e rating from the >o:ernment of %ndia for su,stantial contri,ution to rice e;9orts BRC7 (ACCP 8 ISO 99::: certi1ication for maintainin' Aualitstandards Udyog Ratna a4ard to 6hairman& Mohinder .al 2indal ,- the %nstitute of *conomic Studies for the -ear 200F-0E< Bu0ine00 Sp2ere A4ard for No<1 rank in Manufacturin'& .roducti:it-& Hualit- B "ice *;9ort for the -ear 200E-0G< .6cellence A4ard from %nstitute of *conomic Studies for e;cellence standard in 9roducti:it-& Hualit- %nno:ation& Mana'ement B +i'h Hualit- "ice *;9ort to all ma/or rice markets for the -ear 200F-0E< CONCOR .6i" Star A4ard for enhanced 9erformance 8ith 1st 9osition in Northern "e'ion in .roducti:it-& +i'h Hualit- B "ice *;9ort for the -ear 200#-0F<
Our !rand0
0e su99l- entire ran'e of Basmati "ice in consumer 9acks of 1 k'& $ k'& 10 k' B 2$ k'& 1 k' /ar& $ k' /ar& Almonds I 0alnuts 9acks of100'ms& 2$0'ms and +one- in 9acks of 12$'ms& 400'ms in our ,rand< 3ur strate'- of um,rella ,randin' of 1Best7 is to assure the customers of our consistent Aualit-< (ealt2 and -ellne00 Be0t Bro4n Rice Be0t Organic Rice Be0t Al"ond0 Be0t (oney Be0t -alnut0 Pre"iu" Rice Range Be0t Royal )intage Be0t Super Pre"iu" Be0t Pre"iu" 'id /alue;.cono"y Be0t Select Be0t Special Be0t S2a2i Pak4an
Con/enience 1ood0
Socio-economic factors 'lo,all- ha:e resulted in an o99ortunit- for read--to-eat mealsIsauces< 4his has led Best 5oods to 'i:e food solutions 9ro:idin' con:enience to its customers< 4he food 8e make reAuire minimum 9re9aration& t-9icall- /ust heatin'& and are 9acka'ed for a lon' shelf life 8ith little loss of fla:or and nutrients o:er time< 4he 9roducts in this se'ment ha:e ,een selected after e;tensi:e research in consumer needs across :arious 'eo'ra9hies& consumer demo'ra9hic and 9s-cho'ra9hic strata< 3ur 9roducts are a 'reat 8a- to en/o%ndian food& 8ith a uniAue ,lend of Aualit- in'redients that can create a delicious unchI)inner in /ust 2 minutes< 3ur s9eciali?ed units 8ith ca9ti:e ca9acit-& 9rocesses and man9o8er are desi'ned for 8orld class 9roducts@ 8ith rele:ant certifications
Our look
S*310e S)Fe 56
I!es ionare is filled %, 24 e"plo,ees of ;E0- F<<2 G+M+-E2' -$e =!es ionnaire was filled in $e office and #i al infor"a ion was collec ed w$ic$ was $en s!%&ec s oA? / pilo s!r#e, was cond!c ed %efore finalizing $e =!es ionnaire' 2a a collec ion was also done wi $ $e $elp of personal o%ser#a ion' /f er co"ple ion of s!r#e, $e da a was anal,sed and concl!sion was drawn' / $e end all infor"a ion was co"piled o co"ple e $e pro&ec repor '
I 2a/e !een pa00ed up at lea0t once 1or a pro"otion in t2e pa0t 1e4 year0=
$0J 30J
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 20J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 30J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&$0J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that #0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 1$J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 1$J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&10J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that F$J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 10J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 10J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&$J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that E$J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 10J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& $J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&0J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
I 1eel t2at "y jo! 2a0 little i"pact on t2e 0ucce00 o1 t2e co"pany=
$0J 30J
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that $0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 30J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 20J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&0J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
I 2a/e an increa0ingly !ad attitude to4ard "y jo!7 !o007 and e"ployer
#0J Stron'l- A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 0J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 20J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree�J are disa'ree and rest 20J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 10J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 30J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& #0J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&0J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree =
I a" not !eing u0ed to "y 1ull capa!ilitie0=
0J 40J 40J
20J Stron'l- A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 40J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 20J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&40J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 40J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 3$J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 2$J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&0J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
I 1eel a0 t2oug2 "y !o00 and e"ployer 2a/e let "e do4n=
0J 3$J 10J
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint & 0J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 10J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&$$J are disa'ree and rest 3$J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 4$J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 20J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 3$J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&0J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
$0J 1$J
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 20J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 1$J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&1$J are disa'ree and rest $0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 0J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 10J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&30J are disa'ree and rest #0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
2$J 40J
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 1$J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 2$J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&40J are disa'ree and rest 20J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 2$J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 30J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 4$J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&0J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 1$J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 3$J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 30J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&20J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 10J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 2$J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 30J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&3$J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
I 1eel a0 t2oug2 "y e"ployer 2a0 !roken pro"i0e0 a!out "y 1uture 4it2 t2e organi<ation=
0J 40J 10J 2$J
2$J Stron'l- A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 10J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 2$J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&2$J are disa'ree and rest 40J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
2$J 4$J
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 1$J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 2$J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 4$J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&1$J are disa'ree and rest 0J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
10J 20J
A'ree )isa'ree
4his 'ra9h sho8s that 2$J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- a'ree a,out the 9oint& 2$J of em9lo-ees are a'ree on the 9oint& 20J are neither a'ree nor disa'ree&20J are disa'ree and rest 10J of em9lo-ees are stron'l- disa'ree<
o *m9lo-ees are not com9letel- satisfied 8ith their /o, althou'h their salar- is 'ood enou'h< o *m9lo-es are not 'ettin' :alue to their 8ork< o Most of em9lo-ees think that the- are nt on their actual 9ath< o Most of the em9lo-ees think that the or'ani?ation ha:en@t fulfill their 9romises&8hat the- do in ,e'innin' es9eciall- re'ardin' .romotion< o 4here is ne'ati:el- com9arison ,et8een 9eers es9eciall- re'ardin' tar'ets< o 4he- often feel o:er8orked<
+o8e:er % shall tr- m- ,est in collectin' the rele:ant information for m- research re9ort& -et there are al8a-s some 9ro,lems faced ,- the researcher< 4he 9rime difficulties 8hich % face in collection of information are discussed ,elo8C-
1< S2ort ti"e period# 4he time 9eriod for carr-in' out the research 8as short as a result of 8hich man- facts ha:e ,een left une;9lored<
3< S"all no= o1 re0pondent0# 3nl- 20 em9lo-ees ha:e ,een chosen 8hich is a small num,er& to re9resent 8hole of the 9o9ulation<
4< Un4illingne00 o1 re0pondent0# 0hile collection of the data manconsumers 8ere un8illin' to fill the Auestionnaire< "es9ondents 8ere ha:in' a feelin' of 8asta'e of time for them<
$< S"all area 1or re0earc2# 4he area for stud- 8as Kaithal& 8hich is Auite a small area to /ud'e /o, satisfaction le:el<
Boo<,5 6 Hi , Miller, >olella <rganiza ional ;e$a#ior / 0 ra egic /pproac$(, 5ile, 0 !den 6s Edi ion' G! $ans Fred <rganiza ional ;e$a#ior(, McBraw Hill ) $ Edi ion' 8ews ro" :o$n 5', 2a#is .ei $, <rganiza ional ;e$a#ior H!"an Reso!rce / 5or*(, 3 $ Edi ion, -a a McBraw Hill Edi ion' 9es on&ee 2' M' Mo i#a ion and :o% 0a isfac ion(, 1 s Edi ion' Mac"illan +ndia Gi"i ed' .o $ari >'R', Researc$ Me $odolog,, 8ew 2el$iH 8ew /ge +n erna ional 9!%lica ion, second edi ion' =e7,)te,A ? www'$rco!ncil'co" www'wor*force'co" www'google'co"
2< % s9end 9arts of m- da- da-dreamin' a,out a ,etter /o,< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
3< % find much of m- /o, re9etiti:e and ,orin'< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
4< % am mentall- andIor 9h-sicall- e;hausted at the end of a da- at 8ork< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
$< % feel that m- /o, has little im9act on the success of the com9an-< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
#< % ha:e an increasin'l- ,ad attitude to8ard m- /o,& ,oss& and em9lo-er < Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
F< % am no lon'er 'i:en the resources % need to successfull- do m- /o,< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree )3
Stron'l- )isa'ree
E< % am not ,ein' used to m- full ca9a,ilities< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
G< % ha:e recei:ed no ,etter than LfairL e:aluations recentl-< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
10< % feel as thou'h m- ,oss and em9lo-er ha:e let me do8n< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
12< % am freAuentl- stressed out at 8ork< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
13< % li:e for 8eekends and da-s a8a- from the /o,< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
14< % find m-self ne'ati:el- com9arin' m- situation to m- 9eers< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
1#< % often e;9erience a sensation of time standin' still 8hen % am at 8ork< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
1F< % ha:e ,een told that % am ,ecomin' a more c-nical 9erson< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
1E< % feel as thou'h m- em9lo-er has ,roken 9romises a,out m- future 8ith the or'ani?ation< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree 72
Stron'l- )isa'ree
1G< % ha:e lost si'ht of m- career 'oals and as9irations< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree
20< % no lon'er feel :alued for m- 8ork< Stron'l- A'ree A'ree Neither A'ree nor )isa'ree )isa'ree Stron'l- )isa'ree