EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory: Non-Rectangular Constellation Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory: Non-Rectangular Constellation Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
EE4513 Analog and Digital Communications Laboratory: Non-Rectangular Constellation Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
Figure 3.26 The Simulink simulation of rectangular 16-QAM (pp 120-127) is to be modified for this new digital communication system. You are to chose a random carrier amplitude from the values AC = 2.5, 5, 10 or 15 V and a single random bit rate from rb = 2 to 20 kb/sec in steps of 2 kb/sec. AC = _____ V rb = ________ kb/sec
amplitude AS is ACCS, where CS is the nominal constellation amplitude for that tribit symbol. For example, the maximal in-phase (I, sine reference) amplitude is AC(1 + 30.5) = AC (2.732). You need to modify the 16-level bit-to-I,Q symbol subsystem in Figure 3.27 for these specified 8 levels. Map the tri-bits of the non-rectangular 8-QAM using a Gray code of your own design to mitigate adjacent symbol error and show your choice. A Gray-code mapping of tri-bits for 8-PSK could be modified for this nonrectangular 8-QAM. Verify that this is correct and show your symbol to tri-bit mapping. You also need to modify the QAM modulator (Figure 3.28), the 16-QAM correlation receiver (Figure 3.30) and the 16-level symbol-to-bit subsystem in Figure 3.31 for 8 levels.
Figure 3.28
Figure 3.30
Determine the average energy per bit Eavg, b and the upper-bound of Pb given by Eq. 3.73 (p. 127) of the Simulink text for this non-rectangular 8-QAM. Compare this to the upper bound of Pb for 8-PSK (Stern and Mahmoud Eq. 5.126 and 5.129). The basic concepts of average energy per bit Eavg, b and the upper-bound of Pb in QAM and Mary PSK are salient and will be considered on the Third Exam and Final Exam. Determine the observed BER for this non-rectangular 8-QAM using the standard methodology that you have used in the Laboratory and the first-null spectral bandwidth. Compare this first-null bandwidth to that of 8-PSK at the same data rate rb. This is a multiple week Laboratory for Week 12 (starting November 16), the partial Week 13 (Thanksgiving) and Week 14 (starting November 30). The Laboratory is to be complete and due to the Instructor (not the TA) on Monday December 7th. Fall 2009