And Then Came The Awake:: Strength, Courage, Character, Guts, Will, Strength of Mind, Fortitude

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2014 And then came the Awake Te la !ree Ener"y

#olar $ho t #p%r%t of &aw Accountable 'e pon %ble $od hol% t%c omn%pre ent ane thou"ht
Infidels God: deity, spirit, divinity, supernatural being, idol Tran world encap ulated (eanderthal trad%t%onal yoke !a%th of ub%)u%tou retro pect tran cendental evolve enforced nuance

*ntell%"ent nav%"ate fact %deal% t d%rect e ence lo"% t%c c%ence www.*nf%del +, omebody who doe not bel%eve %n a ma/or rel%"%on0 e pec%ally Chr% t%an%ty or * lam #omebody w%th no rel%"%ou bel%ef 1ould l%ke to bel%eve there % an ent%ty mater%al or p%r%tual form that can be tru ted0 but f%r t and foremo t mu t be able to tru t %n elf http://www.*(6ME6E#7
'eal%ty % the Truth %mperv%ou to percept%on yet prec% ely due to percept%on Truth that wh%ch $od would ob erve whether or not 8e ex% t or whether or not one bel%eve 8e ex% t *9EA& #%mply 'eal%ty #anely 9ealt 1%th

*nv%nc%ble Tr%ad 8uman%ty :#p%r%t !orce &aw; 'ule of &aw

SPIRIT: strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, fortitude, FORCE HOLIANS
8ome6"rown <r%"%nal &ocal *nd%"enou Abor%"%nal (at%ve #ol%dar%ty

One or None

7ower of the #p%r%t www.7<T#+,

=n%ted 7ercept%on #ol%dar%ty =7# =lt%mate 7otent%al #oc%ety 1hen the people have fa%r money fa%r bu %ne www.>=#T* evolve

<cular v% ual0 opt%cal ?% (umeral or number pref%xe are pref%xe der%ved from numeral or occa %onally other number . *n En"l% h and other European lan"ua"e 0 they are u ed to co%n numerou er%e of word 0 uch a un%cycle @ bicycle @ tricycle0 dyad @ triad @ decade0 b%ped @ )uadruped0 #eptember @ <ctober @ (ovember @ 9ecember0 dec%mal @ hexadec%mal0 exa"enar%an @ octo"enar%an0 cent%pede @ m%ll%pede0 etc. There are two pr%nc%pal y tem 0 taken from &at%n and $reek0 each w%th everal ub y tem A %n add%t%on0 #an kr%t occup%e a mar"%nal po %t%on.B-C There % al o an %nternat%onal et of Metr%c pref%xe 0 wh%ch are u ed %n the metr%c y tem0 and wh%ch for the mo t part are e%ther d% torted from the form below or not ba ed on actual number word .

?el%ef *ntere t Advance #elf

7'*CD m% !*?*?
7ol%t%cal 'el%"%ou *n %d%ou Charlatan Dleptocracy med%a %nc%t%n" !%ckle *nherent ?%a *"norant ?l% kodac Dleptocrat%c opulent d%v%de and con)uer*c #umer%an and the Annunak% @ Eechar%a #%tch%n @ (AE* @ (%b%ru Al%en E%on% t *ntere t here for $old

Inciters of t e !o"d R#"e

new F/e u%t popeF !ranc% . controlled by black pope

A cur%a0 plural cur%ae0 % an a embly0 counc%l0 or court0 %n wh%ch publ%c0 off%c%al0 or rel%"%ou % ue are d% cu ed and dec% %on made. *n anc%ent 'ome0 the ent%re populace wa d%v%ded %nto th%rty cur%ae0 wh%ch met %n order to conf%rm the elect%on of ma"% trate 0 w%tne the %n tallat%on of pr%e t 0 the mak%n" of w%ll 0 and adopt%on . &e er cur%ae ex% ted for other purpo e . The word cur%a al o came to be appl%ed to meet%n" place where var%ou a embl%e "athered0 e pec%ally the meet%n" hou e of the enate. #%m%lar %n t%tut%on ex% ted %n other town and c%t%e of *taly. *n med%eval t%me 0 a k%n"G counc%l wa fre)uently referred to a a cur%a. Today0 the mo t famou cur%a %

t e C#ria of t e Ro$an Cat o"ic C #rc

wh%ch a % t the 'oman 7ont%ff %n conduct%n" the bu %ne of the Church.B-C

The #tar of 9av%d %n the &en%n"rad Codex0 -,,H CE =n%ted (at%on Al%en E%on% t *n %d%ou 7uppet
=pon %ndependence %n -I.H0 the new >ew% h tate wa formally named Medinat Yisrael0 or the #tate of * rael0 after other propo ed h% tor%cal and rel%"%ou name %nclud%n" Eretz Israel :Fthe &and of * raelF;0 E%on0 and >udea0 were con %dered and re/ected.B+4C *n the early week of %ndependence0 the "overnment cho e the term F* rael%F to denote a c%t%Jen of * rael0 w%th the formal announcement made by M%n% ter of !ore%"n Affa%r Mo he #harett.B+5C The name Israel has historically been used, in common and religious usage, to refer to the biblical Kingdom of Israel or the entire Jewish nation.[27] According to the Hebrew Bible the name "Israel" was given to the patriarch Jacob (Standard Yisrael, Isrl; Septuagint Greek: Isral;

"struggle with God"


after he successfully wrestled with the angel of the Lord.[29]

Jacob's twelve sons became the ancestors of the Israelites, also known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel. Jacob and his sons had lived in Canaan but were forced by famine to go into Egypt for four generations until Moses, a great-great grandson of Jacob,[30] led the Israelites back into Canaan during the "Exodus". The earliest archaeological artifact to mention the word "Israel" is the Merneptah Stele of ancient Egypt (dated to the late 13th century BCE).[31]

The area is also known as the

Holy Land,
being holy for all Abrahamic

religions including

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

and the Bah' Faith. I suppose the rest live in Hell Land eh? ... Oops ... faux pas ... Freudian slip ... them too eh? NEWS
Never Ending War Story
SCIENCE SCHOLARS Systemically Conscious Inherent Electromagnetic Nature Connected Elements Sane Coherent Holistic
Occupied Land Accountably Responsible Spirits

HURTLE Humanity United Repos Trespassed Line Egalitarianism Twenty Fourteen Trans world encapsulated Neanderthal traditional yoke Faith of ubiquitous retrospect transcendental evolve enforced nuance BLOT Bright Light of Truth
Trans is a Latin noun or prefix, meaning "across", "beyond" or "on the opposite side".

1. Not experienced but knowable Philosophy independent of human experience of phenomena but within the range of knowledge 2. Mystical Relating to mystical or supernatural experience and therefore beyond the material world

the study of the physical and natural world and phenomena, especially by using systematic observation and experiment The stage was set the non-believers of HA Humanity Achievement monitored Thy shall be done on ME - Mother Earth as we imagine IT in heaven as our Father rains HOLIANS Substantial Proof of Relativity Electromagnetic Solidarity SPORES Not until you understand today can a viable approach be set to understand yesterday Until then CL CLIP DPL GABU Circular Logic Common Law Inferred Precedence Due Process Lock Go ahead Back up +. Everyone ha the follow%n" fundamental freedom : :a; freedom of con c%ence and rel%"%onA :b; freedom of thou"ht0 bel%ef0 op%n%on and expre %on0 %nclud%n" freedom of the pre and other med%a of commun%cat%onA :c; freedom of peaceful a emblyA and :d; freedom of a oc%at%on. #atan% m % a broad term referr%n" to a "roup of 1e tern rel%"%on compr% %n" d%ver e %deolo"%cal and ph%lo oph%cal bel%ef . The%r hared feature %nclude ymbol%c a oc%at%on w%th0 or adm%rat%on for the character of0 #atan chol0 promethean0 and0 %n the%r v%ew0 l%berat%n" f%"ure . There were an e t%mated 4,0,,, member %n -II,. There may be a many a one hundred thou and %n the world.B-C

Outside Routine Box Intrinsic Truths Reverse Osmosis Psychosis

Hierarchical accountable responsible adhered negligence Haran History and Reality attests nefarious

"Thy kingdom come" Mc Pig Musical Chairs Puppets in glomming Pro cons Puppets in Governance Media Elusives
PIG ME The request for God's kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a Messiah figure would bring about a Kingdom of God. Traditionally the coming of God's Kingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for,

not a human achievement.

This idea is frequently challenged by groups who believe that the Kingdom will come by the hands of those faithful to work for a better world. It is believed by these individuals that Jesus' commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring.

Puppets in Governance Media Elusives Opposition Web Con pros

Dont believe ask them to ET Explain This

Forthright Forthwith Forthcoming FFF In the name of God of, for and with the People WTF FFF Fickle Fate Finger Clipper Ship End Time

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