Valley Traditional High School English 2 Course Syllabus - 2013-2014
Valley Traditional High School English 2 Course Syllabus - 2013-2014
Valley Traditional High School English 2 Course Syllabus - 2013-2014
General Description of the Course: This course will focus on reading and writing skills that will help students prepare for 21st century careers and live, as well as the End of Course exam. During each unit, students will be asked to take a critical stance on a set of texts. Students will also be required to write several pieces that demonstrate understanding of the writing skills we are learning in class. Materials Needed: One notebook (provided), loose leaf paper, pencil and blue or black pen, book for independent reading time (once you have a signed letter on file, you may check out books from my library or the school library). We will use a variety of texts throughout the year; these will be issued as needed and returned at the end of the lesson or unit. Theme for Learning This year our coursework will focus on one major questionWhere have I been? As part of the work we will do, each six weeks will have a focus which supports the major theme: Unit 1 - What makes us the same and different? (Major Text: Bronx Masquerade) Unit 2 - What does it take to survive? (Major Text: Speak) Unit 3 - How does history influence who I am? (Major Text: Various speeches) Unit 4 - How have others made a lasting impression? (Major Text: The Glass Castle) Unit 5 - Who has made a lasting impression on others? (Major Text: Othello) Unit 6 - How can my generation make an impression on others? (Major Text: TBA) These essential questions will be addressed throughout the unit as we analyze both real and fictional characters and perform inquiries into how characters lives relate to our own world in respect to these particular themes. For each unit, we will read a whole-class novel as well as other texts that will include: poetry, informational articles, historical documents, short stories, and various other text types. ***The major texts are subject to change to best meet student needs. Daily Academic Expectations: All students will: Demonstrate competency in each standard in a variety of ways before taking the end of unit assessment Demonstrate competency on each end of unit assessment Participate in daily independent reading. Participate in all class discussions. Complete all writers notebook and reading response journal entries during class time. Utilize in-class time for daily assignments
Complete any unfinished class work at home and turn it in before class begins on the following day
Daily Behavioral Expectations: All students in this class will: Come to class prepared and ready to learn EVERY day. Demonstrate respect for themselves, others, and the classroom learning environment. This includes respecting the opinions/beliefs, personal space, and personal belongings of others. We demonstrate respect through spoken language AND body language. Follow all school-wide rules and policies (for a detailed list, see your student agenda). Grading Procedures Your grade will consist of three elements: Summative Assessments (40%) There will be one end of unit assessment for each six-week grading period. Additionally summative work may include projects, tests, or writing pieces that are designed to demonstrate mastery of a standard. Please note that during the final trimester of the course, your end-of-course exam will constitute half of this category. Formative Work (40%) Formative work includes daily work in writing, grammar, and work in the focus standards (Knowledge of Forms, Voice and Method, and Literary Criticism) Reflection (20%) As we progress through each unit, you will keep a record of your successes and misunderstandings and reflect on your areas of strength and potential areas for growth. Please note that all students must meet proficiency standards in formative assessments and on the end of unit assessment before they will earn credit for the course. Please take this syllabus home and discuss it with your parents. If either of you have questions, feel free to call or e-mail your English teacher. All teachers may be reached by phone during school hours at 502-485-8339. My English Teacher: ________________________________________ She may be contacted at: ________________________________________________________________________