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Should the public sector be privatized?

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Thiyagachozhan said: (Sun, Feb 16, 2014 12:50:10 PM)

Hi each and everyone, First of all why the Public sector should not to be privatized? The absence of private sector in many departments makes the public sector so lazy. The people working in the public sector is as not so informative to the people as the people working in the private sector. The one and only reason for this fact is that mostly the one who works in the private sector is not an permanent one but the one who is in the public sector is so. It is the major reason which makes them more lazy. The second thing is that the higher officials of the private sectors are more strict than than an public one because there are under the compulsion to finish the work at the fixed time and in the fixed manner. But the higher officials in the public sector due to political reasons and many there are not as strict as in the private sectors. I have many reasons for why the public sector to be privatized. They are: 1. Private sectors avail the same facility as that of the public sector in the low cost.

2. Private sectors is more customer friendly than the Public sector. 3. Private sector finishes the job more faster than the Public sector. 4. Negligible amount of corruption in the Private sector. But the Public sector is full of corruption. 5. Private sector people fears on the customers. But the customers fears on the public sector. We can come to the conclusion easily by seeing the following details:. The public sector is for people but mostly the people is not preferring the public sector. The ticket fare of the Government express bus is higher than the Private Express bus. Though it is not safe the people prefer the Private Bank than the Government Bank because of the worst service of the Banker in the Government Bank. Likewise there are many reasons why public sector to be privatized. The Private sector is more customer friendly than the Public sector. So the Public sector should be privatized for the best results. The Private sector can bring Wealth and Prosperity to any of the nation. Be corruptless. Work for the nation. Jai Hind.
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Priyanka Gupta said: (Thu, Feb 13, 2014 01:59:00 PM)

Hi to all! From my point of view rather to get the public converted to private the environment and the way of working should be like private. Today the people who are employed in the public sector have become lethargic as they take their duty for granted. Whereas, in the public sector there is nothing like discipline and creativity. So as per my opinion there should be strictness and target oriented as that in the private sector then only the economic growth will increase. Further, people think that being in public sector there is no one who can kick them out from their job that is why they do whatever they want. Today the private sector is giving fruitful results just because the employees are always in fear of losing their job so for their own sake they try harder and harder to get established in that company. So in conclusion, rather than privatization there is a need for proper and strict administration and the promotion should be on the basis of employee achievement and veterans rather than the number of year.
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Amelia said: (Sat, Feb 8, 2014 12:26:48 PM)

Hello Friends, Our topic of discussion is public sectors be privatized. In my opinion it should not be done. I don't believe that there is no corruption in private sectors and 'Private means more quality'. As we all know both has +ves and -ves. What should be done is try to implement the positives of private sector in public. In private sector employment is given on basis of talent and salary is paid on the work done. That policy should be acquired in public sector too. Employees of public sector may be talented, but once they gain a job in public sector, they have a feel that they are safe, and will be employed till 58/60 years regardless of their work. That attitude should be changed by implementing an organisation to keenly monitor their activities and action should be taken against such employees. This will solve the issue of delay and less quality in public sectors. Reason am saying privatization should not be done is, more than 50% of Indian population is still living below poverty line. Privatization will make life uneasy for them, as there is chance for increase in cost of goods n services. Also its a false belief that corruption doesn't prevail in private sectors. Though it prevails in public sec too, at least we have the right to question it. But in Private sec, we will be given no choice, other than keep mum.
Rate this: +14 -3

Varun Singh said: (Sat, Feb 8, 2014 12:28:17 AM)

HELLO Friends I want to share my views with you. During independence all the powers are in government hands there are no such thing like private sectors even its quite difficult to open up a new private organization due to strict legal measures. But when public sectors privatized there was drastic change occurred in progress, development, innovation, competition, quality of products. Like if we take an example of Indian banks before privatization, employees like women working there seem to be doing their own work like knitting etc. They were less interested in doing their work properly but after privatization huge change occurs they seem to be focussed in their job because of less security and competition. So to make our nation a developed from developing this could be a one method but also completely making all the public sectors privatized would also deviate from its goal. Because they more involved in money making processes. And now some public sectors are doing well but in some sectors there is a need of change. SO PUBLIC SECTORS SHOULD BE PRIVATIZED BUT UP TO SOME LIMIT.
Rate this: +4 -1

Upendra.Sangeeta said: (Sat, Feb 1, 2014 02:31:07 PM)

Hello friends, In my point of view public sectors should be privatised. Because, 1. The work efficiency of employees of private sector is much more high than that of public sector organisations. 2. Government Is trying to minimize the corruption. But it is just for a shouting. Practically too much corruption is there in public sector. But in private sector the organization is very much conscious about corruption. So it will be minimized. 3. The private organization are more eager to implement the advance technologies and trying to increase product value larger. 4. The employee who is loyal and efficient gets more scopes and rewards in private sector. 5. Private sector creates the environment such that the employ learning capacity improves, laziness of employ decreases. So private sector employ become more efficient than public sector. In public sector the good employs learn laziness and become less efficient. 6. Package of employee of skilled persons are too much in private sector. 7. Moreover for the same investment private sector earns more profit.
Rate this: +24 -4

Sudhakar Anand said: (Sun, Jan 26, 2014 12:36:02 PM)

Hello friends, I would like to suggest my points. I appreciate all the points mentioned. PUBLIC SECTOR: The government's main goal is to satisfy it's citizens in a variety of different ways: better transportation, better national security, better education, as well as allowing for citizens to keep more of their well-earned money. With that said, sometimes the only way to satisfy all these different societal values is to privatize. PRIVATE SECTOR: Private-means more effort and sincerity, punctuality, money based on work done. It doesn't provide life security. Good quality at relatively cheaper price. Manufacturing of goods and services will be on time. CONCLUSION: I think public and private sectors are necessary for India because improving in economics. Improves the GDP.
Rate this: +23 -5

Udit S said: (Mon, Jan 20, 2014 11:34:09 AM)

When we speak of bringing privatization, we expect the notion to bring along efficiency, completion of a task within scheduled dead line, establishment of liabilities on those who are expected to deliver services, better service experience for those who avail it and all these into an already malfunctioned govt system that is alleged of corruption, delayed performance and inefficiency. But privatization also brings along profit driven approach that somehow compensates the very ideology of delivering services to public at minimum cost.
Rate this: +10 -3

Mandar said: (Wed, Jan 15, 2014 01:30:08 AM)

I appreciate all the points mentioned. Friends, we see aesthetic buildings constructed around us at the same time we are moving on the roads with potholes and the interesting point is that both are constructed by private companies. Private sector not only constitutes of companies like TATA, Infosys, L&T etc but their are companies like satyam too. Since, we are working under public sector, we are finding flaws in it but, when we start working under private sector we will come to know its flaws and we won't be able to even complain about it. So, for a better society it is necessary to take a stand against the flaws of public sector and work upon it. Exactly the way AAP is working.
Rate this: +15 -4

Neeraj Singh said: (Tue, Jan 14, 2014 04:39:59 PM)

In my point of view both private sector and public sector should work parallel. I always heard about public sector that when we go for any service the officers denied to do it and ask for bribe. If you don't pay them they ask to next day, again next day or ask different types of documents even unnecessary documents. So, my suggestion is that people should aware for all service those are provided by public sector. Whats documents are needed, application fee, how long it will take to complete and finally what is process. If any officer denied to serve you take legal action against him and show them whats

are public (peoples) rights. In private sector all things are pre-compromised they serve according what price you have paid them but here also you need to aware about current market price of particular service. Never compromise with bad service irrespective of public or private sector, always take legal action against them. Be aware for everything and wipe-out corruption from country.
Rate this: +10 -3

Sivateja said: (Thu, Jan 9, 2014 07:47:46 PM)

Hello friends, After going through the discussion most of the people quoted that privatization is an necessary evil because in privatization decision are spontaneous but one must must think is the decision taken by the private management will be in favor of the public. Second point to be noted is services offered by will be wider extent ? thirdly regarding corruption as it is like virus it can be observed in wide section of working sectors. We can't give assurance that only private sector will make things possible for us but the fact is the private management creates sensation but not services which cannot be afford wide section of people. Instead of privatization government needed to take certain steps or should adopt certain guide lines which satisfies public.
Rate this: +3 -6

Ajay said: (Wed, Jan 8, 2014 08:12:30 PM)

Hello, friends! From my point of view when I heard public and private, thoughts that come in my mind are: 1) Public-means 'less effort and sincerity, careless, not punctuality, more money and corruption (black money). 2) Private-means 'more effort and sincerity, punctuality, money based on work done. Only pros of public sector is that minority (i.e. SC/ST). In private sector only talented persons will get the job. Privatization is incomplete solution until its is controlled by an third trusted party.
Rate this: +14 -14

Apoorv Tiwari said: (Tue, Jan 7, 2014 06:35:14 PM)

Hey everybody, Hmmm. All of you guys are hovering around the points like. Speed, and. Quality. In privatization, and Corruption in public sector. As far as the speed and quality is concerned, yes, private sector wins, but the virus of corruption exists therein as well, it is behind the curtain just because common janta of India is not au fait with the private world. And most important, there is no check on the private system so there would be tremendous hike in charges that you people are charged now. In competition there would be reduction in cost though, however we can't be so sure of that. Now coming to public sector, We need a stern system to look after the employees. No doubt that most of the population of India is below poverty line and subsidies given to them by public sector relieves their wounds. Things like corruption, speed can be brought in a day in public system. Why change the window when changing curtains is more than enough. The best example to illustrate here is AAP's work in Delhi.
Rate this: +19 -6

Balaji said: (Thu, Jan 2, 2014 10:56:50 PM)

I just want to share my recent incident, The Guy who is come for taking unit reading for electricity meter has advance the reading upto 2000 from the meter, and according to them I have to pay Rs - 10,000. While I paid my elec. Bill in advance & I have to pay only for 40 units, I went to electricity office several times but they people always denied to process my request, and they asked me to give him 4000 bugs to make them correct. After roaming 4 months they did not update my correct bill & disconnect my connection. I spend 2 weeks without electricity in my home. And on every day I went to office but they always said bring this & bring that. Means I can not do anything and ultimately I have to spend 2000 bucks to restore my connection. So my opinion is PUBLIC sector should be PRIVATE. That is more helpful for common man (MANGO PEOPLE).
Rate this: +12 -8

Jeet said: (Sat, Dec 28, 2013 10:48:18 PM)

Hi everyone, since we know that the public sector is full of corruption but still there is some useful things are like in public sector there is reservation for SC/ST etc which helps them to

improve. Public sector is only meant for service to citizen. But in private sector the main aim is to maximize profit and all the funds go to the owner of organization. So according to me the public sector shouldn't be privatized.
Rate this: +17 -8

Swastika said: (Wed, Dec 25, 2013 08:27:27 PM)

Hi everyone! we are talking only about corruption in public sector. But in real just think about our government. In private sector only the talented people are getting their job, but in public sector only who giving corruption will get their job. No matter is they really talented, they have capacity to work or not. Only money speaks. At-least people who really have their talents will get benefits by private sector.
Rate this: +11 -19

Jaleel said: (Wed, Dec 25, 2013 12:36:25 PM)

Today peoples also like privatisation because in public sector employers are not do their duty and not properly respond to peoples. Control corruption in privatisation who make mistake they will severely punish and they are properly answer to the peoples. In public sector they are not maintain punctuality The employers will come any time no one can ask them.
Rate this: +3 -7

Kishor said: (Mon, Dec 23, 2013 07:22:28 PM)

When we are discussing about privatisation it is important to understand its benefits and drawback, benefits like efficiency and control over corruption and drawbacks like "risk to poor people" and after analyzing both if benefits are overdoing to drawback, and if there are solution for drawback then we should go for privatisation. Let's take example of aviation industry after privatisation because of cut throat competition and other factor all of them went into a loss but if we could put some governing body over them who will govern them partly then this issues can be solved and we can relish benefits of privatization without getting affected by its drawbacks.
Rate this: +4 -4

K Mohan Reddy said: (Thu, Dec 19, 2013 11:42:52 PM)

Hello one and all. The proposition given for discussion is "should the public sector be privatized". All of we know that public sector means the sectors which having more than 50% sharing by

government itself whereas in case of private sectors more than 50% sharing by some individual or some individual organisations. To me public sectors should not be privatized there should be put strong legislation to minimize corruption in these sector. No.1 - Strong actions should taken against the employees those who do mistakes. No.2 - A proper agenda should be maintain. No.3 - Complain facility must be taken into consideration. If public sectors are privatized government should keep an eye on these sectors to maintain the cost of products because as we know that private sectors are profit oriented so there may be maximum chances increase in cost to increase their profit those may effects on poor or middle class people.
Rate this: +31 -2

Preethi said: (Tue, Dec 17, 2013 03:14:44 PM)

HELLO FRIENDS. ! I wish to appreciate everyone's thought. In my point of public sector can't be privatized and shouldn't too. We all know the fact that each coin has two sides. Like that taking everything it has both advantages and disadvantages. Why don't we take everything in a positive manner? All are mostly speaking about corruption. But why don't we take a step to avoid it?did you think about that?all of us are related with public sector. Everyone are responsible for our government. There is no need of privatization if public sector will do their work in a proper manner. Have a pleasant evening. ! Thank you.
Rate this: +23 -4

Vinay Sankar said: (Mon, Dec 16, 2013 03:55:29 PM)

Hello friends ! Public sector should be privatized. It is obvious that corruption is showering on people of India because of the drunken public sector, by introducing the schemes which benefit them rather than common people. It is always true that private sector seek for profits, but it is a single organizations profit. But in public sector every political leader tries to get profit, creating large body to be profited. Hence, controlled private sector is always far better than a public sector.

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Vijay said: (Tue, Dec 10, 2013 01:34:22 AM)

Hallo friends. According to me there is no need to make convert government entities into private sector because corruption is mainly due to one inner instinct and the culture of the organization best example to quote is Gujrat state all the government owned departments are free from corruption and setting new benchmark in following time lines also and all developed countries such as USA, France, Australia government owned co there is no sign of corruption. For eradication of corruption people should stop giving its a kind of vicious circle we have created for ourselves and get trap our self so in my opinion so should blame our self rather than changing the structure of organization.
Rate this: +8 -4

Sumit Singh said: (Fri, Dec 6, 2013 11:11:52 PM)

Yes, I think public sector must be privatized. Because in public sector corruption is flowing like a river. People involved in public sector think they got their position, this is end, no one can terminate them. They ignore their work, their responsibilities. It effects our system badly. They are pushing us in backward direction. They don't understand the value of time, responsibilities, human value. In private sector people always care for their work because they are always monitored by the higher authorities. They get their salary for their job not for their position.
Rate this: +35 -4

Ashish said: (Thu, Dec 5, 2013 08:37:01 PM)

Hello Everyone, I support privatization of public banks as privatization will increase competition and due to it, banks will try to focus more on the developing and more they develop, economy will get benefited sideways. The matter of face some people are telling that poor might be ignored in that race, people we have regulators like RBI present to stop that, they can or rather they have made it mandatory to give or lend some percentage of money to the sectors and people who are in real need of money. Corruption to the matter of fact will go if we will stop it which is quite a task in a developing nation like ours to stop but slowly and gradually we are improving on that front also. Employees should get the benefit of government perks even in private sector, something like that should come up to secure there JOBS, so that they can work there minds, heart and soul

out for the Employer. For welfare of society RBI should regulate terms, rest let the private sector come in and make benefit we will be benefited in the end.
Rate this: +6 -3

Mahadevan said: (Thu, Dec 5, 2013 02:58:15 PM)

Corruption is mixed in the blood of Indians, only way to tackle in some extend is Privatisation. TATA, Reliance, Infosys and so many others are doing extremely well in India and carried out lots of charity works in India. You people should realise the loss of nation in 2G and Cole-gate scandal and the culprits are roaming free without any guilty. Conversion of public sector into private is my prayer to God.
Rate this: +7 -6

Purti said: (Sun, Nov 24, 2013 04:35:22 PM)

Hello friends. I appreciate to all of you what you all said, but according to me it is not necessary to make public sector as a private because doing so it harm many departments. Public sector is backbone of our economic and social welfare and I don't mean that private sector is bad. Somewhere private sector is fulfill their employees need by providing them good salary but it doesn't provide life security. But rather than it Public sector provides life security, job security and providing some type of life insurance which help the employees at their unfortunate condition.
Rate this: +56 -10

Guddu Kumar said: (Tue, Nov 19, 2013 07:33:55 PM)

I think we do not have to do so if we can improve in our current condition of public sector like restrict the corruption because this the reason due to which we do not believe in public sector. And due to which unemployment is increasing and getting cheaper quality of goods. Thanks.
Rate this: +8 -3

Manu said: (Wed, Nov 13, 2013 08:47:40 PM)

Hello dear I am Manu, Privatization and public sector both play a important role to grow up the nation but privatization is more effective in India because India is a developing country where corruption rate is very High. Privatization tends to create a competition by the help of competition it will be better for public, it means they will use good services with limit price.

Privatization have following Advantage. - It pay high tax to government. - High quality product. - It provide effective service. In India corruption rate are really very high especially in Government office so I am always in the favor of privatization specially in India.
Rate this: +27 -6

Latika said: (Thu, Nov 7, 2013 09:51:07 PM)

Hello All, In my opinion, public sector should be privatized. I understood the concerns of people saying about the poor people that because private sector is meant for profit it will not concern the general public. But friends, we are ignoring some major points. If they are meant for profit they will also bring revenue to the country, more people will be employed. Think for a instance if a new manufacturing plant is set up, would not that need labour. We talk about government schools providing education, there are not even chairs and notebooks for students. Take the example of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, that have the minimum fare of Rs 8, comparing DTC buses charging 5, in 3 Rs we are ignoring the comfort, ease the person has, and it can be afforded by poor people. At last I would like to say, that privatization should be done and it should start as early asap, at least let economy grow rather than these politicians. Regards. Latika.
Rate this: +33 -11

Krishnb said: (Tue, Nov 5, 2013 10:12:21 PM)

Its a long discussion. But there is a very basic question we must answer before we go ahead. "whether India is ready for complete privatization ". There are certain advantages and disadvantages of both. I would like to point out some of the concerns regarding privatization at this juncture-. 1. A huge part of India is still undeveloped and in spite of Government subsidies and tax benefits private players are not eager to tap those markets. The very structure of Public-private existence is necessary until those areas develop to an optimum level so attract private companies. 2. Regulatory clearance is a major hurdle in India as of now. And no private sector is making any advance in mastering that. 300 coal mines were allotted to private sector since 1993. Only a few

of them (around 30) is producing coal today at a capacity which is mere 10% of their total potential. Whatever coal is produced in India today that is from CIL (a PSU) mining fields. And if you people are following news and recent CAG report, you would know, how many big private homes are named in the Coal scam. So, in no way one can buy the theory of "privatization means more productivity and less corruption". 3. Whereas private companies have more access to external capital markets and funds, this factor at the same time creates vulnerability in terms of job security in Indian market. With dollar or euro getting a bit up or down can create lots of job cuts and salary underpayment. You must follow the global economic trend and FDI s & FII s moving in and out of Indian market. So there is a serious concern about "Liability" of private firms at present time. 4. Particularly, in manufacturing sector-with privatization of major equipment manufacturer's and power sector giants- Indian market will fill up with Chinese machines. Chinese manufacturers have certain cost advantage over Indian manufacturers-first -they enjoy substantial government subsidy from their government. The structure of their financing is based on cheap state loans-unlike India where companies are dependent on equity and debt market for investments. Moreover China has a current capacity over-addition and they are looking for emerging countries to export their products. This will kill Indian industries. So in future if china fails to deliver, we no longer will have an industry in our country to look up to. 5. Although health care is grossly under developed in India, privatization of this sector is a big no. I don't need to elaborate much on this, as I am sure many of you are following "obama care" and recent US government Shutdown. With 30% of its population living below poverty line, India can't afford a health care industry modeled on health insurance policies. These were jut some of my concerns. I can go on and on. But before that, I would like too have your opinion.
Rate this: +41 -8

Raj Sharma said: (Sat, Oct 26, 2013 06:11:55 PM)

Public should be privatized but up to certain limit. Under private control there is no corruption and no time delay in working process while this all are there in public sector. And it may be possible that due to privatization cost may be increased because it is profit oriented sector. And process like compensation in government service like providing job to son of person who died during his job, I am not against the compensation provided but compensation in term of job, this must not be there. If a person who is more qualified for that job, give it to him/her rather than giving like compensation. So losses will be low, more economy, more growth etc.
Rate this: +19 -3

Naveen Pushpak said: (Sat, Oct 26, 2013 01:44:20 AM)

I think this can happen. +points.

The efficiency of every worker will increase tremendously. The GDP will increase. Good quality at relatively cheaper price (more competition). More jobs offering (creation of more sub companies). Manufacturing of goods and services will be on time. -ve points. High price of some essential items on which Government provides subsidy (like fertilizer, oil, petrol, water). The poorer will become more poor (no subsidy scheme for them, no employment since they lack education).
Rate this: +17 -4

Simmi Saxena said: (Thu, Oct 24, 2013 08:49:30 PM)

I think we should look on both side i.e. towards the development of the country and also towards the welfare of general public. There is a need to privatize some sectors like electricity because this sector is going under huge losses because illegal light connections and also education system because I don't think government school students have self confident in them or they prepared themselves as per the need of today's competitive world. The mind set up of these sector people should be in this way so that they can help in economic development of India as well as keep in mind that poor people can also live in better way in a developing India.
Rate this: +5 -7

Rahul Chadha said: (Tue, Oct 22, 2013 11:22:35 AM)

From my point of view privatization of PSU companies shouldn't be done because development aspect would get buried under profit making aspects. Facilities like medical, education, transport etc would become costlier. No doubt that private companies. 1). Make more profit than government companies. 2). Salaries of worker are high. But the expenditure is equally high. Private company provides: 1). No medical facilities. 2). No education facilities.

3). No job security. 4). If your father/son died during job family would get nothing on other hand PSU provides some relieving facilities. 5). Same product same price but weight get reduced. Ever viewed surf excel or RIN weight printed. So I think privatization shouldn't be done.
Rate this: +11 -21

Ankit said: (Sat, Oct 19, 2013 05:27:29 PM)

In my opinion, private sectors are well managed and cost effective. Government sectors have applied so many policies but they are not able to execute them properly which not only affects the customer experience but makes it also unprofitable for government too. So privatization can result in very cost effective policies, well management and satisfactory customer experience. Many have been saying that private sector will emphasize on making more and more profit, and that can be true too. But with transparency and proper co-ordination with government (like subsidies) , services can also be made affordable to poor people. SO ultimately, it will have a very good impact on our economy.
Rate this: +11 -1

Mohit Sorari said: (Fri, Oct 18, 2013 10:55:32 PM)

As the name public sector speaks itself this sector is for benefit of general public whereas private sector is for profit for either an individual or for a group of individuals. Privatizing public sector will result in transforming this sector into a profit making organisation rather than working for the growth of the country. Moreover privatizing is not the only solution to eradicate growing corruption in public sector. Indeed private sector feels like a blessing in disguise but you need to take into account both the negative and positive aspects. But still some of the Public sector sections like transport, education etc. Can be privatized but an eye must be kept over them. Its not the public sector we need to change but we need to change the mindsets of the people running these sectors.
Rate this: +7 -4

Anu said: (Fri, Oct 18, 2013 04:16:16 PM)

According to me public sector like transport should be privatized. Because public sector undergoes lot of corruption. They are not working properly. The vehicles are not maintained properly.

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Ravi said: (Wed, Oct 16, 2013 10:44:42 PM)

According to me the money in the world is not equally distributed among all. Those people who have more money can make use of private resources but others are not they have to use on public resources which is somewhat at low cost & this case happens in every field i.e. from from education to all aspect of life.
Rate this: +10 -2

Prateek said: (Tue, Oct 15, 2013 01:22:48 AM)

According to my opinion Public Sector should not be Privatized as we all know that the main aim of the Private company is to make profit so if Public sector go in their hand they can increase the price of the service. And also our Public sector like NTPC is doing their job Perfectly and which should not be disturbed.
Rate this: +15 -3

Aditya said: (Fri, Oct 11, 2013 11:00:31 PM)

According to me privatization is not imposed on every government sector but there is some other sector like electricity should be privatized means there is some sector where we need to make it private but education like sector is not privatized because poor people unable to get benefit of low cost education and low cost health facilities.
Rate this: +18 -2

Adithya said: (Fri, Oct 4, 2013 07:54:06 AM)

Hello friends, According to my opinion public sectors shouldn't privatized because the sectors like education, health, transport there serving the poor people a lot. If these sectors are privatized the poor people cannot afford the prices of private sector. And more over the public sector employees are more educated and talented but the thing is they are not working properly. By making stringent rules we can make them more efficient.
Rate this: +60 -8

Nirvik Das said: (Wed, Oct 2, 2013 06:32:08 PM)

As far as I am concerned, I think there is a huge difference between development and the process of making profit. As we know private sectors are chiefly centered on enhancing profit as

much as possible whereas the public sectors are more interested in development along with making profit. But it doesn't mean that private sectors have no part in our development. They indeed possess the ability of making our country prosperous. Actually the way they think about development differs with those public sectors. It is very much evident that corruption has expanded its evil effect everywhere, not even the private sectors can get rid of it. So we shouldn't blame only public sectors, which are politically inclined. So privatization of public sectors cannot solve this problem. I think proper selection of eligible candidates in different posts, making proper agenda of all-round development and being stick to the plan, maintaining public relationships are more important to make public sectors more acceptable.
Rate this: +35 -3

Vikas Mudhgil said: (Thu, Sep 26, 2013 10:31:47 AM)

Yes public sector should be privatized as government already did a lot of corruption in nearly every department whether it is education, coal fields, sports, telecommunication, railways etc and also many of these departments are under heavy losses. Government should handover these departments to private companies as they have all the required profit making formulas. And as they are profit oriented organisation whereas government is more politically inclined and they rarely care about the development.
Rate this: +7 -9

Subhash Chandra said: (Tue, Sep 24, 2013 04:28:22 PM)

Hey guys, I agree with all of your views and I'd like to share my view as well. I seriously suppose the privatization of a public sector. Basically the public sector and private sector both plays a nominal role in human life. The main theme of public sector deals with helping the people who in need and whereas on the other hand the private sector treats with corruption, inflation, enforcement. But in these days, the public sector will gradually changing the past theme to become a privatization theme. The public sector in now-a-days is not even working legally or seriously to humans. On the other hand, the same thing happens with the private sector too. So, the laws in public sector and the ethics followed by them are drastically decreasing day-by-day. Let me tell you the point of happening this way to humans i.e., corruption in everywhere in every-field. So, even in the public places there is no citizen which can abide this rule. So in my view, this has to be perfectly privatized. Thank you.
Rate this: +24 -8

Pulkit said: (Fri, Sep 20, 2013 09:01:40 PM)

According to me what public sectors provide to the people of country should be kept in mind like

free schools for poor children with food and uniform, private schools would never provide that because of profit. Similarly hospitals and cheap food for poor cannot be provided by private organization. If we are worried that the public employees do not work properly then there is a need of strict work ethic which is seen in private companies.
Rate this: +39 -3

Aniruddh said: (Thu, Sep 19, 2013 01:54:05 PM)

See, we will have to understand the fact that a part of government is not focusing on its work. Hence this thing of getting privatized came in existence. Basically there are two aspects. We know government gives tenders to private organization for constructing roads, bridges. But still there are a lot of accidents of breaking bridges in front of us so we can't say that just by privatizing we can overcome this. Indian rail is an example in front of us. It is being properly run by the government and does not need to be privatized. If we can make our government sector corruption free, efficient, resourceful, Then I think there is no need to be privatization.
Rate this: +87 -9

J V Sandeep said: (Thu, Sep 19, 2013 12:00:52 PM)

Hello my dear friends, The thought 'privatization of public sectors' comes into an idea only because the public sectors are not efficient in doing their works. So I think there is no need of privatization public sector indeed we must improve the efficiency of public sector by implementing stringent laws and always keeping an eye by an unofficial team on the work of each and every individual in public sector, by reducing the corruption we can gradually increase efficiency of the public sectors and by providing required amount of funds and also ensuring that fund is completely utilized to improve its efficiency only. Also by reducing the reservations and recommendations and only appointing capable persons to the applicable leading posts can govern the public sector to fulfil its colorful dreams. So I think its not necessary to privatize public sector indeed we can implement certain rules and laws ti increase efficiency of the public sector.
Rate this: +82 -5

Santhosh said: (Thu, Sep 19, 2013 11:21:55 AM)

Friends after your all statement I'm strongly agree that public sector organisation should not get privatized because all all are thinking that job, earnings profit, loss etc but whatever the public

sector carries it will be do the same in all other public sectors due to this reason if we thought to be privatized its our foolishness then all other public sectors should be make to privatized the main reason why I'm saying this means openly or hidden each and every private sector organisation in our country has background and support of foreign country investment and and foreign support its like a slow poison for our country in its development because it is also one of the reason for India yet not be in developed country list they will give the employment opportunity and give finished quality products even our country peoples may get the benefits but in a financial side our country will not even get a single percent growth due to this if we practice this in every public sectors then this will leads our country to get again slave in economically from other country.
Rate this: +6 -4

Tushar said: (Tue, Sep 17, 2013 11:35:05 PM)

Hello. According to me public sector should not be privatized because in public sector the scheme of pension exist which is beneficial after the retirement as it provide the path as to how to live the life further which is not so much prevalent in private sector. Apart from this various other facility of leaves and other facility such as working condition for women as also taken into consideration by public sector than private does.
Rate this: +7 -9

Vikas said: (Fri, Sep 13, 2013 01:07:50 PM)

In my opinion converting public sector into private sector is a good idea as government itself has disinvestment goal every year and it provides a healthy amount of money to our government which government can utilize it in other development works moreover private sector bring some new talent, new energy into the system as we all know private sector is very vibrant unlike the public sector dullness. They will bring some good customer relationship management skill which many of the public organisation even don't know. The greatest advantage is profit, private sector can change our loss earning public organisation into profit earning ones as the employees are driven in such a way that if their performance is good then they will receive promotion and money otherwise they will be penalized as most of the private firms do.
Rate this: +9 -9

Saumitra Pathak said: (Wed, Sep 11, 2013 04:52:31 PM)

Good evening friends, Thanks to all to provide your own opinion.

I agree with all of you but according to my point of view, it is just like the two parts of a coin, both private & public sector has their own advantages as well as disadvantages. In privatization, we will get more satisfactory services And this will also help to increase competition. But it will also affect on our economy, it increases inflation. People belonging below to poverty line will get affect very much. Whereas, if public sector focus on the people belonging below to poverty line then it also attract to slow system of government. Public servants does not work with full dedication and public sector does not provide satisfactory services to public. So if we will convert public sector into privatization so it will be bad for poor people, so instead of converting it into privatization, we must promote to hybrid topology. We should promote both, with strict rules and regulations. Thank You.
Rate this: +39 -6

Abhishek Chaudhary said: (Tue, Sep 10, 2013 02:49:58 PM)

Hello, According to me, public sectors should not be fully privatized. Some sectors like Indian railways, is doing so good and making lot of profit to the government. But some sectors are urgently needed to be privatized in which lot of scams are coming out like power sector, telecom. In order to eradicate corruption these sectors should be privatized, in many public sectors workers do not do their work properly as they do not have any fear to loose a job owing to which many problems are created and remain pending for the years and who have to suffer for all that is public (aam aadmi). So, government have two options to eradicate these loses and corruption and enhance the profit of sectors are either by making some strict rules in public sector and have a sharp eye on the whole work and procedures or if it unable to do so then those sectors should be privatized. Thank you.
Rate this: +9 -4

Phoenix Amit said: (Sat, Sep 7, 2013 03:51:03 PM)

Hi All, This is Amit, Privatization of public sector. Lot depends of which sector we are talking about. Let me clarify few doubts in the primary stage. Can we expect all private hospitals in our cities in our town

which do not have an entry for poor people, can we have only private sector telephone companies, can we have private companies have complete control on oil reserves, can we have all transport be provided by private sector and RTC vanishes, can we expect an private sector to take care of our defense. In the same way we can't expect the government to set up an IT industry on its own, we can't expect them to handle all the load of flight transport. My point over here is both are not mutually exclusive. We need to accept the fact that both are here to stay and we cannot make it without one. They do have their importance and we need to deal this issue according to the context. There are some strategic sectors, which need to be under control of Indian government like oil/gas sector. The subsidy we enjoy will be never provided by a private sector.
Rate this: +14 -5

Varun Gupta said: (Fri, Sep 6, 2013 02:47:11 PM)

Hi Friends, my name is Varun. I would like to inform you that, there is need of Public sector as well as Private sector. If there is no public sector, then there may be difficulty for middle or lower class family as the price is keep on rising. Further, there is lots of limitation in public sector but it can be improved by appointing one or two person's along with their defined responsibility, which if they do not fulfill then they may be liable. By doing this, I think that it can be improved.
Rate this: +1 -2

Waris Amin said: (Wed, Sep 4, 2013 12:10:16 PM)

Privatizing public sector is the only thing we are left with no doubt they have more work or more tension and all other things but they are paid a handsome money for that so their is no issue like more work or tension in private work and even if public sector is privatized their will be no corruption.
Rate this: +10 -8

Shalini said: (Tue, Sep 3, 2013 08:22:40 AM)

Along with profit oriented of private sector there is another problem I want to tell that is private sector does not have any mercy for their senior employees i.e. employees will be paid according to their work this tension cannot be handled by many of citizens on the other hand public sectors give LTC, mediclaims, pension and more security to their employees. And to me it is these reasons that people are fond of public sectors. To privatize public sector will built insecurities among people. So my opinion is to make public sector work environment target oriented with benefits to make a better future for the society.
Rate this: +15 -3

Barga Deori said: (Mon, Sep 2, 2013 03:25:30 PM)

Hello friends, Myself Barga deori, my opinion is that public sectors should be privatized because the the private sectors deals with every thing smoothly and punctually. Public sectors always delay in outsourcing any product. Moreover the jobs in public sectors are secure, and due to that the employees are free of tension that they do not get debarred from the job. And they think that they have to do their normal duties not for the actual development of Revenue. So the pubic sectors should be privatized so that people in the public sectors have to do work to improve revenue as well as development of the country.
Rate this: +15 -5

Pratik Prakash said: (Tue, Aug 27, 2013 02:45:40 PM)

Thanks to all my friends to give me an opportunity to be a part of this group discussion. According to my point of view we should first understand the need the public sector undertakings and private sector undertakings. In such fields where welfare of population is involved we should not privatize it like railways, banking. Because if all they are privatize then how will poor peoples survive? in other case we should privatize some sectors like retail industry to create competition this will lead to consumer welfare.
Rate this: +35 -4

N S Pande said: (Mon, Aug 26, 2013 04:28:56 PM)

It is something like comparing apples with oranges. In fact both have advantages & disadvantages. LPG has brought a revolution today we have choice of about 100 auto car & bike companies & consumer electronics with multiple models for consumers choice. Hundreds of media channels to watch 24x7 however motive of this is profit & not welfare. For population below poverty line Govt institutions are the only option. Subsidies by govt to agriculture & local bodies is must in rural India as private players gather where source & infrastructure are at ease to them. So finally there has to be better mix of both & even on private sectors Govt should control through regulators & statutory framework.
Rate this: +8 -2

Supraja said: (Sat, Aug 24, 2013 01:26:33 PM)

Hai friends, According to my opinion there is no need to convert public sector into private. If it happens common people suffers. Public sector is for the welfare of the common people. But some

middlemen are corrupting the whole system, so we should not blame the public sector. Government should pass a strict rules and strict office timings etc., I hope it is the best solution. Not only this there should be a change in mindset of Indians all of us think it is our duty.
Rate this: +13 -2

Kyathi said: (Sat, Aug 24, 2013 11:21:29 AM)

According to me, privatization of public sector may not be correct idea because only a few private organisations are concerned for the development of the country. But others may work for their personal profits. Proper monitoring may help the government to work effectively.
Rate this: +9 -2

Supraja said: (Fri, Aug 23, 2013 11:47:36 PM)

Hi friends, From my point of view it is not better idea that public sector should be privatised as though the public sectors are not as efficient as private. Public sector is for the welfare of the common people. If it is privatised common people suffers a lot. Government employees are as talented as private employees because it is not easy to get a government job but after getting the people are becoming lazy without proper rules. Most of them are corrupting and they are not sincere on their work. The corrupted people should be punished seriously so that every employee be afraid of corrupting. Not only these the efficiency of the public sector has to be increased by passing strict laws, strict timings etc. I hope it is the best solution solution for the countrys development.
Rate this: +13 -1

Vivek Rastogi said: (Wed, Aug 21, 2013 03:33:03 PM)

From my point of view Public sector should be privatized. Reason behind that Quality of products and services provided by private sector compare to Public Sector is far better. In this one of the main reason public sector people are more corrupt and as they think that because of Government Job their job is secured. Because of that they work lethargically and not pay attention towards giving services better to the people. Moreover privatization should be done where Indian Country is Lagging behind like Education, Hospitals, Roads and Transportation Sectors Etc. But it should be all under government Guidance and rules and regulation.

So that Transparency would be maintained.

Rate this: +25 -5

Deepshikha said: (Wed, Aug 21, 2013 09:35:23 AM)

What the real time need is "Development of the whole nation". I don't think privatization can be helpful in development of the whole nation. Its already disparity in the wages due to which India is still lagging to development. Private sectors are just meant for their own benefits. No doubt the work culture there is far much better than Government sectors but what would be its benefit if it can't take the nation as a team. So I think its only Government Sectors which can prove their best for upliftment of rural as well as urban areas though slowly. But its only "SLOW and Steady who win the race".
Rate this: +13 -2

Roktima said: (Sat, Aug 17, 2013 10:51:58 AM)

In my point of view, public sectors need not to be privatized. If we go on comparing between these two sectors, it's found the people working in public sectors are more relaxed in their lives with satisfactory salary in respect of their posts and workload. But in case of private sectors, generally the performance of an employee working there decides his/her salary. To some extent it's good, but it snatches the personal lives out of people working in a very high competitive environment. And second thing is, public sectors are not pure government These are government Of India (or any other nation) undertaking. Here the government Owns 51% of stake. So that public sectors also have the power to take its important steps by its own just like autonomic institute. So we can believe that there is less chance of corruption. So ordinary people have faith on it (the competition to fetch a job in public sectors proves this). THANKS.
Rate this: +9 -2

Ram said: (Fri, Aug 16, 2013 05:11:41 PM)

Hello friends. I think it depends on the sector itself. Sectors which are more associated to common man where government undertakings are necessary such as Indian Railways must remain public, whereas those which must emphasis on profit and global advancement must remain private.

We should consider the fact that Why we think of privatization of public sectors. It is because public sectors are not as efficient as private. Improving the efficiency of public sectors by various strategies such as controlling corruption, strict laws, strict office timings etc itself is the best solution thereby majority of Indians are benefited.
Rate this: +33 -6

Pooja Verma said: (Fri, Aug 16, 2013 08:56:03 AM)

Good morning friends, I am thankful to you all that you give me an opportunity to be a part of discussion. According to me public sector should not be privatize because in private sector cost of service I much as compare to public sector an not any as surety behind it there is aspect which I would like to share. In past when nationalization of banks was not done before 19 July 1969 at that time banking was BANKING FOR CLASSES because they creating a huge liquidity by poor an offer loans only to those who had excellent financial background hence it creating economic disparities and built gap between poor and rich. Hence to remove this problem government amend a act BRA to nationalized the private sector bank in public sector and now it is BANKING FOR MASSES. It is just a small example which reflect that the body which work under the must work for the society and support the class of society, private sector is also good but it can not fulfill the demand of poor as they are costlier.
Rate this: +17 -3

Sakshi Yadav said: (Mon, Aug 12, 2013 09:38:57 PM)

There should be privatisation of public sector as nowadays corruption is eating up the government. Officials are getting greedy. Although in public sector benefits like free education and mid day meal are there but we all are aware of the mid day meal tragedy in which many children were killed. Then is it correct how many of us go to public hospitals? very few. How many of us go to government schools? again very few. But why? we'll get free education there but still we don't go. Because in today's world people are more interested in the quality. No parent will sent their child to a school or a hospital which is not having basic essentials. And our government. We all know that the money for the welfare goes in the pockets of the ministers and babus. Whereas, in a private sector, even if it is costly, at least we are getting quality products. The companies even if not for our sake at least do there work in the fear of being closed. Therefore in my opinion there should be privatization of public sector.
Rate this: +30 -8

Kay said: (Thu, Aug 8, 2013 08:56:08 PM)

I believe that private companies would provide much better services than the gov. Even Though they work for their companies' own profit, but it would still lead to them competing against each other in terms of getting more and more customers which would lead to them keep improving their services at minimum cost to attract customer causing the society to get high-quality services at low-costs. Besides, privatization doesn't always have to mean the government gives total control to the private companies. Gov can still help subsidizing this by using the voucher system where they distribute redeemable certificates to help out people who actually can't afford the minimum cost of these services. That's my opinion, thanks :).
Rate this: +3 -5

Digwant said: (Thu, Aug 8, 2013 04:48:00 PM)

According to me privatization of public sector is not the solution of problem what we are facing today. In India more than 30% of people live below poverty line, they even can't afford the food to feed their hunger and now if we privatize the public sector how they manage the extra burden of tax, charge of benefits and all. For the workers belongs to private sector they work more than 10-12 hour and I'm public sector 8 hour, so the workers feel good in government sector and their jobs are also secure. If we are talking about corruption both sector has this giant.
Rate this: +6 -2

Preeti Choudhary said: (Wed, Aug 7, 2013 05:03:10 PM)

Hello, I am Preeti, according to my opinion, private sector is much better functioning than public sector. But rather privatise it, there is a need to improve the condition of public sector. As public sector is more beneficial for an ordinary people. There are some middlemen who corrupts whole system. We can't blame the public sector, rather the people who worked there, they work lethargically. So, better we should promise to ourself that we'll give our best effort. Government has given proper funds to all sectors according to their requirements, if suppose staffs work properly then our education, health etc groomed automatically. And in this way it reduces the pain of many and the country (India) become developed from developing.
Rate this: +20 -5

Poonam said: (Wed, Aug 7, 2013 09:17:01 AM)

Hi Friends, I would like to suggest my views on this topic. According to me private sector and public sector both are good and both have their disadvantages. In private sector people have good opportunity to grow. People can grow due to their work performance.

But they have to sit continuously for more than 13-14 hours. Due to this they have some disease like blood pressure, heart problem etc. In public sector growth opportunity is very less. But you have comfortable job. No health problem. Secure job. In short everything has pros and cons.
Rate this: +4 -11

Kaushik Patel said: (Wed, Aug 7, 2013 08:45:35 AM)

Hi friends, private sector is better than the public sector because of the private sector to good work by people because the private sector given salary of worker is their capacity and how much work in day. So that I'm given 1st priority of private sector.
Rate this: +3 -16

Ashok3029 said: (Sun, Aug 4, 2013 07:08:31 AM)

Private sector compare to public sector very helpful to poor people and educated people, because we knows now a days we can get job as per knowledge, qualifications in pvt sector. But in public sector very difficult to get job. You all knows how many private sector providing job. Only one disadvantage in pvt sector no job security apart from that good only.
Rate this: +3 -6

Sreedevi.I said: (Fri, Aug 2, 2013 10:23:20 PM)

According to me, both private as well as public sectors having equal important s in the society. I think there is no need to privatize the public sectors. If it is privatized, the process of selection of employees will be based on the relationships. Not based on the quality of a person. As one told later, even if it done so, there is no change for the people who are working in both. They will continue the same. Public sectors are the backbone of our nation. So in order to reduce the corruption, the only way is to follow strict rules and give heftily punishment for them who are violating it. So that it will help for the development of our country.
Rate this: +12 -9

Kavita said: (Sat, Jul 27, 2013 10:32:57 PM)

Hello, from my point of view public sector should not be privatized. Because if privatization made it lead to rise in price n poor people will not able to afford the cheaper facility like in education, health, railway, transport etc. And population is increasing day by day. It is true that public

sector work slower than private but at last poor people get their work done in lower price. Private companies can be fraud but public sector cannot. So we can trust on public sector more than private. People doing job in public sector is more secure than private.
Rate this: +43 -4

Praveen said: (Tue, Jul 23, 2013 01:00:17 PM)

Good Noon Guys. I am Praveen. The topic is good and it is not easy to answer whether to convert all the public sectors into private sectors. Firstly, the private sectors are doing good in our country, whose efficiency is increasing in a vast manner. Because of this we cannot say that we can change the pubic sectors into private. Our Economy is 80% of poor and the private sectors are costlier and it will affect the people. Secondly, People working in the public sectors are not afraid of their job security and so when we according to the result oriented the public sectors are not good than private. But the workers in private sectors are giving their full efficiency to their company. What I am concluding is that both the sectors are important for us. But some of the places in public sectors where we need more result and efficiency can be changed into private sectors with some conditions. The deciding power must be in the hands of the government. So that our country may reach a greater high.
Rate this: +42 -6

Akil Kumaresh said: (Tue, Jul 23, 2013 12:54:43 PM)

Good afternoon. I think some public sectors must be changed to private sectors. Because, when comparing to the private hospitals, the government hospitals have lack of the modern technologies and equipment's and also the diagnosing capacity of private doctors is very much high than the government doctors, it may be due to money but when compared to money the Human Life is more important! so the change of some public sectors to private sectors is very essential.
Rate this: +16 -8

Venkatesan.R said: (Thu, Jul 18, 2013 06:28:08 PM)

Social welfare in terms that, public sector is providing cheap education to the poor children through government schools and government colleges and if education is privatized, it becomes costlier resulting out of reach to the poor children. Also, for an employee, doing a job in public sector is more secure and provides more social and economic upliftment.
Rate this: +6 -3

Vasu said: (Wed, Jul 17, 2013 07:24:38 PM)

Privatisation of public resources will lead to lost of faith in government. This could never happen in a country like India. Privatisation will have an adverse effect in the society; people will be in a position to spend excess money than what is actually necessary. Though the quality of service will improve, privatisation will lead to instability in the society.
Rate this: +3 -8

Sumit Kumar said: (Sun, Jul 14, 2013 09:37:30 PM)

Good evening to all! I think some of the public sectors definitely need to be privatized. My dear friend told that still BSNL is at par with other telecom companies. But not to be forgotten those days when we had to face a long queue to get the sim card of BSNL or to get a landline number in our home. It was a very tedious job. And if today India is at par with other nation in field of telecom, if today a poor rickshaw puller can afford to talk to his distant relatives, it has become possible only because of the intervention of private sector. They created a competitive environment & result is before all of us! Second, yes we have IITs which are benchmark for science & technology. Still every students dream. But not be forgotten the limited seats they have. Yes I agree private engineering colleges are being opened in leap & bounds, but institutes like BITS PILANI, MIT, VIT, AMITY, XLRI, IIPM must not be forgotten as they provide an opportunity for students who can't make it in iits & iims. Still they have a hope to work with the best. These private colleges have global exposure too. Discipline is equally valued here and yes forget ragging!
Rate this: +29 -31

Sowmiya said: (Sun, Jul 14, 2013 10:28:47 AM)

I think both private sectors and public sectors are equally important. If public sectors are privatized it will affect middle class peoples. But in some public sectors employees are not afraid of losing their jobs. This makes lack of sincerity in employees. So both private sectors and public sectors has some disadvantages.
Rate this: +7 -1

Vipin said: (Sat, Jul 13, 2013 07:16:27 PM)

Good evening! Privatisation in basic terms means transfer of the state- owned or public owned sections to the private enterprises whose main concern is profit maximization. That means providing facilities to to less at the cost of many.

Experts defiantly debate that privatisation leads to employee morale degradation and in order to earn more profit the private enterprises put quality at stake! True, the present scenario sees the government as a VILLAIN, corrupted and lazy lad, but I think this villain has some or might I say many good, positive attributes too. We still have the brave and courageous defence, clean character politicians. Actually both the sectors have their own benefits and their own cons. So working collaboratively seems to be the option much favoured. But complete privatization would mean calling the reliance group to solve the disputes between India and pakistan! Thank you!
Rate this: +7 -1

Abhijeet said: (Fri, Jul 5, 2013 09:51:53 PM)

From what I think, public sector shouldn't be privatized. In fact both of them should 'co-exist'. Privatization has been successful in the west but in India it has more of less failed. Examples are education, banking and telecom. Even after such a large scale privatization of education, all we get year after year is an ostensibly large crowd of 'unemployable' engineers. SBI is still a preferred choice for banking for a large chunk of our population. BSNL services are at par with its competitors (all private). The rotten cancer of corruption ravages the private sector too. Recently three leading private banks were accused of lobbying and turning black money into white. A top notch private management college was reported to have 'blocked' the UGC page stating that it does not recognize this college. Then there was the 2G scam that also involved private players. In Germany a year or two back, the rick took out a procession demanding that more taxes be imposed on them so the poor could be benefitted. Unfortunately we don't have such people in our country. However I agree that private players have done incredibly well in certain sectors like IT. The TATA's have made an artillery gun so efficient, that talks of its features are already doing rounds in the international defense industry. So from my point of view, both private as well as public sector should be made to "SHARE" the market. Both should CO-EXIST. A regulatory body (like RBI) must be formed to monitor both the players. This way, private players can be kept under check and the lazy public sectors (only the lazy ones) would lose the race and eventually cease to exist. Sectors like defense should be strictly under government control but private companies must be allowed to manufacture defense equipment. This way we wouldn't have another LCA Tejas project which was commissioned way back in 1984, has crossed 10 times its initial sanctioned budget and would be outdated by the time it gets to see some action! P.S: Criticism, both positive as well as negative, would be highly appreciated.
Rate this: +57 -3

Suphala Pala said: (Fri, Jul 5, 2013 12:48:53 PM)

In my perspective privatization is better. Because they can provide best services then the public sectors. In public sectors they don't fear about anything due to loosing of job or any other. Once we have privatized then everybody can do his work properly. So, our country will be developed by privatization. Thank you.
Rate this: +6 -8

Angel said: (Thu, Jul 4, 2013 09:26:48 PM)

In my point of view Public sectors are also important as private sectors, because if there is only private sectors it will leads to inflation. Middle class families and poor men will effect by it.
Rate this: +5 -4

Nishu said: (Thu, Jul 4, 2013 02:24:53 PM)

According to my view, public sector should be privatized as of in many sectors employees are not sincere on their work, due to which large works remain pending and at last common people suffers. They don't have the fear of losing their jobs if they will not perform well. As in private sectors if you will not work you have to lose your jobs due to which each employee works hard which increases the production and profits increasing the country's development.
Rate this: +25 -4

Adi said: (Wed, Jul 3, 2013 10:43:54 PM)

In my point of view most of the indians are thinking to do private jobs and their minds are freaking so they don't want to do the government jobs because they privileged and in the private jobs most of the peoples are satisfied about their work and their ambition is to do in a top of MNC companies because they aint it the experience as well as their good income, but also the central government jobs also have more competition in that but we afford to do private jobs mostly whether some of peoples are trying to do in government jobs also, but the public sector be privatized mostly.
Rate this: +13 -2

Priyanka said: (Tue, Jul 2, 2013 02:44:37 PM)

Good evening to all. India is one of the developing country most of the developing has been happened depending on

both public and also private sectors but most of the people are interested to do the jobs in the public sector why because due to the aliveness provided by the government as we see all the people cannot be achieve the public sector jobs so they are approving the private sectors if the public sector has privatized so the there more benefits for all the people who are doing the jobs. As we observe in public sector the corruption has been increased. If it has privatized some amount of corruption will be controlled and also there are more benefits. As the public sector is under the maintenance of government only some people will involve and give the innovative ideas for the development. If it is privatized more number of people will involve in giving the ideas for the developing. So it is better to privatize the public sector.
Rate this: +5 -4

Gayathri said: (Sun, Jun 30, 2013 09:52:02 PM)

Privatization is obviously needed, because. For example, in education field I am not sure that we all are getting fruitful education. Our system should be changed so that it will helpful to improve our knowledge and also our country too. I am not satisfied with what we are studying without practical knowledge. If it would be privatized I think our education system may get changed. I don't think this is not possible with public sectors.
Rate this: +3 -9

Sachin said: (Mon, Jun 24, 2013 09:59:34 PM)

In my perspective, public sectors must be privatized because of many reasons. First of all, it will decrease the corruption which our country is suffering from. Second, employees in the private organizations work to the best of their capabilities as private organizations are so strict about the output. Third, the services will be much better and with higher reliability. It is a clear fact that a private company provide better and fast services than that of a government firm. It'll take care of the consumer's requirements also. Although, privatization has a disadvantage that the prices of those goods and services will be decided by them only. That is, the prices will be comparatively higher in the name of better quality and services.
Rate this: +39 -8

Bhuvnesh Kumar said: (Sun, Jun 23, 2013 02:11:28 AM)

Hello friends,

I don't think that privatization of public sector units is the only solution for the problem that our country facing. As we know that private organization first work for profit making, So for country like us where poor's contribute majority of nation population. For example, if Indian railway would privatized what would happen, firstly fare would be increased with very high rate that would burden those who used to railway as cheaper transport system. I accept that for doing this quality of service may be better under private organization. Apart from it, as PSU responsible to government from which government Earn revenue and that money government Use for making policy to people of nation. So making PSU privatized govt would not have any source of income and it could be huge loss to exchequer that comes out our nation under the control of corporate houses which might be threat to country sovereignty. So without making PSU privatized, we can improve our system like remove corruption, improve quality of service by hiring people on the basis of skill oriented eligibility criteria also there must be time to time performance major tests of employee that would help them do not become dull as this is the man problem in PSU as compare to private unit, less political interference, proper accountability and transparency etc. Are measures that would remove question mark on our public sector units. Thanks. Regard. Bhuvnesh Kumar.
Rate this: +44 -3

Pralad Dessai said: (Fri, Jun 21, 2013 07:04:07 PM)

Working in a public sector or govt sector means good salary, pension after retirement, better medical facilities to govt officials. However, public sector comprises of only a small section of our society. Not too many people can get such facilities. A major section of the society works in the private sector. According to me, govt should not give better facilities only to people working in public sector. Such facilities should be given to every Indian citizen because all of us pay our taxes to the government If govt cannot provide facilities to all then there should not be a separate sector for government All sectors should be privatized.
Rate this: +3 -15

Ayan said: (Wed, Jun 12, 2013 02:43:06 AM)

Public sector enterprises are the base of industrial development in our country. Under the Industrial Licensing Policy 1956 and also under the second five year plan (1956-1961) which we know as Nehru-Mahalanobis model, Indian govt stressed the need of developing public sector

enterprises as heavy or basic industries producing capital goods which can stand as a base for production and then development of other industries rather than depending on imports and foreign interventions. The role of Public sector organisations at that time was of completely socialistic view with the aim of reducing social inequality, regional development, goods at cheap prices to the economically weaker sections of the society and afterall to mitigate the causes of high unemployment which all were at its zenith after the independence. Moreover the private sectors were not in that position to mobilise resources to develop infrastructure nor were they interested to be socialistic and they supported the govt's immediate role in industrialisation. Most of the Pvt sectors like cement, Pharmas and others were gradually sloping downwards and it was the govt who undertook them and revived them. Gradually industrialisation paved way for many consumer goods industries and other industries (public than that of pvt) and production increased, employment increased, per capita income increased with passage of time. LIC and banks were then nationalised by the govt in 1969 to make use of the credits for the development of industries for public welfare rather than the credits to be completely diverted to meet private ends. But today some PSUs are getting sick units due to. * Lack of Autonomy given to them by the govt. * Corruption and dirty politics by trade Unions. * More expenditure than the revenue. * Low productivity. These can be overcome can there is no need to privatize all the sick units as the remedies if taken can help in revival of these sick units:-. * Complete autonomy to the PSUs. * Preventing corruption and unfair trade union practices. * Proper training of employees and workers. * Market study and ability to convert the industries as per the demand for the product or service. * Limited access to private sectors to certains areas and boost these industries to produce export oriented products. Its not necessary that all sick units need to be privatised as there were once the public sectors which gave India the time to revive even at the time of complete crisis and also when there were no Private companies at large and neither the MNCs were present. Even there were no sufficient skills which was required desperately. But still India found its way to grow and created a strong industrial base besides contributing to the economy and society at large.
Rate this: +16 -5

Kal said: (Fri, May 31, 2013 08:47:42 PM)

In my opinion there are good and bad sides for both public and private firms. Firstly in public firms its a lengthy procedure. There is corruption in public sector. Third quality cannot be fully assured. But what matters is public enterprises work for the benefit of the society. It makes services available to the poor people. Whereas in private sector, it takes less time. Since they are running after profit the return on investment for investors will be high. The quality of service or product will be guaranteed and the risk of doing is much less because, private firms do a thorough study of the project they are getting into. So in my opinion a public private partnership is going to be an effective and efficient model in many sectors such as infrastructure etc.
Rate this: +14 -3

Bithi said: (Thu, May 30, 2013 07:31:06 PM)

"INDIA", a country constituting of a population, who are engaged with agriculture. A wide section of people whose only ambition seems to be 2 square meal a day & more hardly a temporary roof over their head. A private sector runs with a concept of capitalism. Its main motive is profit oriented. Though it give a great field to compete for the producers and enlarges the choice for consumers. Lets take for an example the new pulsar 200ns, the newly discovered sports bike. Now its obvious it can only be afforded by certain young "RICHIE RICH" and not by those youngs who saw a scene of poverty from their childhood. So privatisation is a concept which beats for a certain classes. Now comes public sector, the name itself stands for public. Its main motive is the welfare of the public. Its production will be for the common people i.e. the products which can be afford by the commons. The most important thing to remember is that the root cause of these whole is "INDIVIDUAL". What do we want? The main problem of our system is the dirty politics that snatched the faith if the common people from the government whereas after debates privatization prove its management above all. SO, the most urgent what's needed is "good and perfect human beings" with a humanistic thought and then every sector can work side by side amiably and it will not be a dream to see our nation in top.
Rate this: +19 -3

Palash said: (Thu, May 23, 2013 03:05:46 PM)

According to my opinion public sectors should be privatized, because in private sectors there is no reservation and we cannot find that boon in private sectors and they will hire students who are having great strength of knowledge not reservation. But in public sectors they will hire only the students who are having reservation strength. So instead of taking very extreme decisions, I think it is good to improve the ongoing system.
Rate this: +8 -14

Deepanshu said: (Mon, May 20, 2013 12:05:26 PM)

Hello everyone ! I think public sector should be privatized but in a controlled manner, we should not give all the rights to the private companies. The govt sector has certain advantages over public sectors. 1. It is concerned with the social as well as the economic welfare of our country. 2. It increases the employment. 3. It does not neglect the poor man as in case of public sectors. 4. It does not take much work from their employees as in case of public companies. Disadvantages: 1. The reservation system in govt sectors is not good for society as it is a kind of burden in the growth of minded people. 2. Public sector is concerned with the maximization of money. 3. In public sectors every individual will work hard because the would have the fear of losing their job if they would not work harder. 4. It decreases the corruption.
Rate this: +14 -26

Sudheer Kumar Kalyanam said: (Tue, May 14, 2013 12:50:50 PM)

Hi Good Morning, The present scenario of Indian Government is, it is doing puppet dance in the hands of some rich individual owning a chain of Corporate Companies. The petrol prices in the country is decided by them. If one such individual gets angry on government the ruling government will collapse. This is a very severe threat to Indian Economy. The most economically crucial activities like petroleum exploration also should not be handed over to private firms instead of Government Companies like ONGC, Indian Oil etc. The Private sector should be developed and should compete with the public sector for good stronger economy and GDP growth. Privatizing the

existing government firms is a huge threat to the mixed economy due to which our country has been in this state today. Thank you.
Rate this: +24 -5

Shubham Wahi said: (Tue, May 14, 2013 12:47:21 PM)

Hello Everyone, This topic which we all are discussing is about the privatization. I first would like to define this It is an action of making any sector as your own, you have your own right to use and run that in your way. See we all are now in a competitive world which is growing very fast. So for surviving we will also to be fast. Private sectors increase the competition among themselves and create motivative environment to do best and get the success. So If there would be privatization our country will not only grow fast but also there will be strong economy of our country. It will also reduce the corruption, which is a big disease of any country, which is there in public sector because people will strictly follow the norms if they won't they will get fired. On the other hand privatization will make every sector money oriented and won't take care about public welfare their convenience and upliftment which is their in case of public sector. But I would still suggest to take a positive action and try privatization in the sectors where it can really bring the change like- Water, Electricity and LPG supply because people would have full control and limit of usage of resources so they would be able to use these in economic and efficient manner. So try because "Not trying is bigger failure than the failure after trying. ".
Rate this: +17 -6

Jainesh Gala said: (Fri, May 10, 2013 01:35:10 PM)

Hello Friends, According to me public sector should privatize in those areas where they are not much efficient. While in areas where they have their dominance, they should continue in those areas and also improving their skills. For eg:public transports like railways and bus are more effective means of transport for public and they are even cheap. While in areas like passport government has privatized it and it has been much more comfortable for the public to apply for passports.
Rate this: +11 -1

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