PBL Project Central Dogma & Protein Synthesis

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Entry 'event' to launch project:

Expected, prior knowledge: the structure of DNA and RNA, and the replication of DNA (syllabus Units: 3.3 & 3.4 [SL]; 7.1 & 7.2 [HL]. Reflection on the concepts which are central to biology (diversity, universality, evolution, homeostasis, cell theory and the central dogma). Reflection on the need for models, theories, etc. Quizzes, tests: Plans/Outlines: (Objective B) Notes: (Objective A) Bibliographies: Journal/Log: Drafts: Checklists: Graphs/Stats: Written presentation: Test/Exam: (Objective A) Poster, etc: Peer evaluation:

Assessments Formative
Assessments (during project)

Summative Assessments (end of project)

Oral presentation: (Objective C) Construction/Model: (Objective C) Exp. Inv. Write-up: Self evaluation:

Resources required

Materials: Equipment: Chemicals: Rooms/Labs: On-line: Group Individual

Textbooks; Cornell note format

Library or IT Lab Appropriate pages incl. www.bsqbioyear12.wikispaces.com


Focus group: Fishbowl discussion: Journal/Log: Open-ended questions:

Whole class discussion:

Survey: Completion of evaluation format

Prepared and adapted by John Osborne, using a template available from Buck Institute for Education: www.bie.org

PROJECT-BASED-LEARNING (PBL) PLANNING - PROJECT OVERVIEW 8? contact hours CENTRALDOGMA IN BIOLOGY Name of Project: Duration: Year 12 IB Diploma Biology Subject/Course: Grade: John Osborne Other subject links: Teacher(s) Project idea:
Summary of the issue(s), challenge(s), investigation(s) or problem(s)
The challenge is to present the CENTRAL DOGMA IN BIOLOGY in a comprehensible way by means of model(s) or flow chart(s) or other devices. This means resourcing and understanding TRANSCRIPTION (from DNA to mRNA), TRANSLATION and PROTEIN SYNTHESIS. The level of outcome will depend upon the HL or SL content of the IB syllabus. CAN THE CENTRAL DOGMA BE TURNED FROM A BELIEF INTO SOMETHING TANGIBLE I CAN HOLD IN MY HAND? Diploma IB Biology syllabus Units: 3.5 (SL & HL); 7.3 (HL); 7.4 (HL) Critical thinking Oral communication Research Use of technology Experimental planning and design Practical manipulative skills Problem solving Analysis of data Collaboration Transfer of information from one form to another Data collection

Focus Question: Content (syllabus): Skills:

Products and Outcomes:

1. Group presentation of model (or whatever can be held in the hands) (Objective C - Research and Communication) 2. Group, oral description and explanation of model (Objective C)

Complete set of notes covering expected outcomes from the unit (as described in the syllabus 3.5, 7.3 & 7.4) (Objective A - Knowledge & Understanding)

Presentation to:

Class/Group Specialists

School Community




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