Caller: in This Issue

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February 23, 2014

Issue 08

In This Issue
Pastors Corner/Statistics Remember in Prayer Spiritual Disciplines Wk Prayer Requests, Feb.16 Serving in the Military Sr. Book Club MMC Concert Summer Camp Sr. Adult Meeting Audio/Visual Committee Sunday 9 A.M Class Tri Tip Mexico Build Food Loving Guys Week of Compassion Disciples Mens Breakfast Region Elder Training Get on the Bus Stewardship Report Founders Day Serving Sunday 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9

Events - February 23 March 2, 2014

is published weekly (Deadline Wednesday at Noon) by First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 109 E. Wilshire Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 714.525.5525

The Caller

Senior Pastor: Rev. Darrell McGowan Associate Pastor: Rev. Debra Todd Editor: Donna Woodbridge

February 23: Week of Compassion Offering 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - Church History Study, Chapman Lounge 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 1:00 P.M. - Youth Group 2:00 P.M. - 8:00 p.m. PSWR Event, The Journey, FH & CL 5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH February 24: 6:30 P.M. - OT Class @ Woodbridges February 25: 7:00 P.M. - Casa use Sanctuary and Chapman Lounge February 26: 7:00 P.M. - Council of Elders Meeting, Chapman Lounge February 27: 5:00 A.M. - 6:00 A.M. Casa use Chapman Lounge for Prayer Time 3:30 P.M. - Bible Study, Chapman Lounge 6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir; 7:30 P.M. Choir Rehearsal February 28: March 1: 8:00 A.M. - DMF Breakfast, Chapman Lounge 9:00 A.M. - NOON. Chapel on Wheels Paper Drive March 2: Transfiguration Sunday 8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service 9:00 A.M. - Church History Study, Chapman Lounge 10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER, Traditional Service 5:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH March 3: 7:00 P.M. - Alzheimers Support Group, Chapman Lounge March 4: 10:00 A.M. - Mary Circle, Sean Lawrence, Giving Children Hope, Speaker, Chapman Lounge 11:30 A.M. - PSWR Golf Committee Meeting, Chapman Lounge 7:00 P.M. - Casa use Sanctuary and Chapman Lounge March 5: 5:00 P.M. - Hot Meal Ministry, Team A AA Groups: Sun. 8:00 P.M., Friday, 7:30 P.M., Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues., 7:30 P.M.

One of the praise songs we sing on Sunday morning has a verse that says, brokenness, brokenness is what I long for; brokenness is what I need; brokenness, brokenness is what you want from me. Im not so sure that even the holiest amongst us longs for brokenness. Part of us may know that brokenness draws us into a deeper reliance upon and trust in God, but most of us only gain the benefits of brokenness when we are broken despite our best efforts to avoid the experience. Nonetheless, those of us who have passed through experiences of brokenness can testify that the experience brought spiritual growth we probably wouldnt have gained any other way. On some level we know we need brokenness; we may even know that God wants us to embrace brokenness. Its just that our natural impulse is to avoid it at all costs. Until weve truly been broken, though, we really dont understand what it is to rely on someone else; we dont know what faith is all about. When life throws you a curve you cant handle and youre resources are tapped out, you reach a choice no one wants to face. Are you going to ask for help or are you just going to suffer? The people who embrace their brokenness, ask for help, and accept the aid thats offered become humble recipients. They place their faith in another to do for them what they could not do for themselves. They learn they are not alone, and if they stop and reflect on the experience, they soon recognize they have experienced a power greater than themselves at work in and through the people who answered their call. Broken people learn about grace. Generous givers help not because the broken have earned it, but because they need it and ask for it. The givers then become a conduit of divine grace which is always free. The Great Mystery that is the source and destination of all that is, the great I AM people of faith call God, is a force for healing, wholeness, and fullness of life. It lures us all toward lifelife in abundance. People who seek God with their heart, mind, soul, and strength do so not because they want life in abundance, but because they understand they already have it! The abundant life flows in and through all of us and when we allow it to flow through us into those whose burdens have broken them, we experience God amongst us, God within us, God within each other. We reconnect with our True Selves and we help others reconnect with their True Self. We are the greatest expression of the divine when we allow the healing, life-giving presence of God to flow through us. Most of us cannot live so vulnerably, so openly, so generously until we have been broken and experienced the abundant life being restored in us without cost or obligation. Then when we have received such a priceless gift, we seek to share it wherever we go. Jesus Christ offers us all the experience of Gods healing love. In order to receive it, we usually have to be broken. Maybe we should all learn to long for brokenness. Peace,

Sunday Statistics
Feb.16, 2014 112 (Remember Service) 8 (Reawaken Service) 88 (Casa 5 P.M. service) Weekly Giving: $3,500.10 Missions: $388.90 Budget Goal: $3,881 Week of Compassion: $512.03 2

Remember in Prayer
Continue to pray for: Sue Bacon, the family of Richard Bagley, Dottie Bense, Harold Brickens, Sandra Brown, Linda Christman, Chris Collett, Matt Davis, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Harold Horn, Anna Lou Horspool, Kevin Johnen, Carolyn Kenrick, Flora Miller, Sue Miller, Jim Piper, Norma Rill, Julie Stuart, Claudia Tammen, George & Dorothy Tanner, Connie Townsend and family, Anna Van Diest and Bob & Donna Vannoy Please pray for the following PSWR Church: First Christian Church 1915 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Elaine Schoepf

Prayer Requests: February 16, 2014

Linda Johnen Baxter-Herrera Family

Janice Whittington

Ed & Mariette Sammie Adams

Readings and Prayer Concerns for Week of Feb. 24 March 2, 2014

Monday, February 24: Reading: Exodus 24: 1215; pray for OT class meeting at Donnas tonight. Tuesday, February 25: Reading: Exodus 24:16 18; pray for our homebound. Congregational Prayer Day, February 26: Reading: Psalm 99; pray for the Council of Elders meeting tonight. Thursday, February 27: Reading: 2 Peter 1:1618; pray for the Bible Study meeting today in Chapman Lounge. Friday, February 28: Reading: 2 Peter 1: 19-21; pray for Global Ministries Missionaries, Jayanthi & Jim Wilson, in Botswana. Saturday, March 1: Reading: Matthew 17: 1-4; pray for DMF Breakfast taking place in Chapman Lounge this morning. Sunday, March 2: Reading: Matthew 17:5-9; pray for our worship leaders.

Mike Hogan

Continued prayers for Chris & Kevin Johnen. Praise Helenas Nana & Grandpa visiting for her 6th birthday and all the love that Helena, her Daddy and Papa have received from FCCF these past 6 years. Harold Horn has been moved to a special care facility and cannot receive calls or visitors. Cards are welcome. Matt Davis who has been diagnosed with an incurable brain disease Betty Ruth Buchanan fell and was in the hospital but is now home but not feeling well. Masumi Hogan broke her toe.

Serving in the Military:

Adam Hawley, Deb Taylors nephew, is now home from Afghanistan and back at Ft. Bliss with his family. Lt. Cmdr. Patrick OConner, Betty Rollos grandson-in-law, serving in Guam. Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos grandson. He is training on a submarine in the Pacific. PFC Brandon Vannoy, grandson of Bob & Donna Vannoy, is now stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Petty Officer Michael J. Borden, Nancy Geigers grandson, who is stationed in Guam for the next year.

Last Call For Tickets

If you'd like to attend the 20th Anniversary Concert of the Mountainside Master Chorale on either Saturday, March 1 at 7:30 P.M. or Sunday, March 2 at 3:30 P.M., be sure to obtain your tickets from Ed Linberg no later than this Sunday. The concerts will be presented at First Christian Church, Pomona, just north of 10 freeway, off of Garey, in Pomona. Tickets are $17 for Students and Seniors and $20 for Adults. 3

Senior Book Club

On Thursday, March 27, 2014, at 1 p.m., the Senior Book Club will discuss Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt

Audio/Visual Committee Appointed

Jack Townsend was the heart and soul of the audio/visual (A/V) for our Church. Jack had been working with an informal committee gathering information and bids regarding replacing the A/V, not only in our Sanctuary but other items including the Chapman Lounge. The informal committee that was working with Jack has been formalized and approved by the Administrative Elders and the Trustees. The A/V Committee will report to the Council of Elders and will work with the Memorial Committee, the Trustees that oversee the Memorial Funds and the Townsend family to carry on Jack's legacy and complete the work that he had begun. All funds donated towards the A/V effort will be under the oversight of the A/V Committee. Members of the Committee are: Craig Wallace Chair Darrell McGowan Paul Robidoux Travis Robidoux Barry Woodbridge Rogelio Martinez, Casa Jose Vasquez- Casa

March 12 at 10:30 am to greet the Alzheimers guests who come for worship. Each year we provide this service and Barbara Fenters has it all planned and tasks were assigned at our meeting. If you have questions contact her. Be sure to mark you calendar and join us on March 18 for our regular meeting.

Summer Camp is Coming!

Its time to start planning for Summer Camp for our children and youth. In addition to the regular summer camps, two new camps have been added to the schedule. They are: Special Needs camp for campers with developmental disabilities and will run simultaneously with Mini Camp, and Wee Camp for children ages 3 - 6 to experience camp for the first time with a parent, guardian, or grandparent. With the renovation of Campbell Lodge and the addition of new trails and outdoor meeting areas, Loch Leven is looking better than ever! Theme for camps this year is Come to the Table of Love. PSWR Scholarship applications are due on or before April 30. FCCF will pay ! of early bird registration. For forms and more information, see Debra Todd or check with Donna in the office. Here is the schedule: Wee Camp (adult/child) July 10 - 12; early bird registration deadline 6/2 - $200/pair Mini & Special Needs July 6 9; early bird registration deadline 6/2 - $260 Junior June 29 July 5; early bird registration deadline 5/26- $355 Chi Rho July 13 - 19; early bird registration deadline 6/9 - $355 CYF I July 20 - 26; early bird registration deadline 6/16 - $355 CYF II July 27 August 2 early bird registration deadline 6/23 - $355

Seniors Met Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Senior Adult Ministry Group met this past Tuesday, February 18, with 17 in attendance. We were happy to have Craig Wallace share his Washington DC travels over the past years and the impact those trips have had on Jr. High students. It was evident when listening to Craig that he was an outstanding History Teacher and touched students with his love of history. From the stories we heard many of his students were set on their future paths because of him. We thank you Craig for sharing your time and passion for teaching with us. Also, thank you for bringing your sweet wife, Alice, to the meeting with you. Next month the seniors meet on March 18, at 12 noon in Chapman Lounge. Our speaker will be Pastor Darrell McGowan. Pastor Darrell will be sharing his plans and dreams for his future and also his vision for our church in the future. Before that meeting the group will gather on

Adult Bible Study The Red Tent

Time is running out to sign up for the new biblical study, The Red Tent, March 2April 6 from 8:45-10:00 A.M. in Room 107 facilitated by Minde Findley and Pam Findley-Flor. During those six weeks, we will read and discuss The Red Tent, a novel by Anita Diamant. This saga reveals a female-centered story based on the Genesis narrative of Jacob and his wives as told from the perspective of his daughter, Dinah. As Sandra Hack Polaski writes, "it depicts women who share lives together, fully experiencing joy and sorrow. They love one another deeply, even when the shared experiences mean they cause each other pain." During this study, we will examine the role of women in the ancient world and the community and support networks they created to survive and thrive in a male dominated society. Each member will provide their own copy of The Red Tent. The book can be purchased at Amazon for $19 or new copies and used ones run $3 to $7. Local libraries may also have copies. The group will be limited to 8-10 participants. A sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex and both men and women are encouraged to attend.

To Tri-Tip Or Not To Tri-Tip?

With apologies to Shakespeare's melancholy Danish prince, Hamlet, the question before us in the next couple of weeks is this one: "Will we again have a Tri-Tip and Bratwurst sales project as part of the 2014 Farmer's Market of the City of Fullerton? Or, will we not?" The answer is pretty well-known, based on the responses of those who worked as volunteers with this project in 2013. Since most of them have said they are willing to be part of the project this year, this project is on! However, we can always use more volunteers to be part of this weekly activity on Thursdays that runs from the first Thursday in April through the last, or near the last, Thursday of October. Any way you look at it,

that's more than half a year of Thursdays. And each Thursday consumes a lot of hours of volunteer time with both set-up and clean-up as well as the time of sales when the market is open for business from 4 P.M. TO 8 P.M. Plus there are tasks to be done before Thursdays arrive each week--purchasing supplies, including meat, rolls, beverages, etc. etc. and getting them to the church in a timely manner. We know there is a lot of interest in this project, but we are always open to having more volunteers so that the workload can be spread out among many people. If you'd like to know more about this project, including the specific tasks that need to be done each week, you're invited to a brief orientation and recruitment meeting about the Tri-Tip Project for 2014 this coming Sunday, February 23 immediately after the 10:15 A.M. worship service. Come to Chapman Lounge to get all of the details and to decide if you'd like to be part of this project this year. If you can't make the meeting, but want to volunteer to help with this project, call Tom Beck, Dirk McCuen or Donna Woodbridge to get your name on the list of volunteers. Showing up at Sunday's meeting does NOT obligate you to be a volunteer. You will be free to say "yes" or "no" after you know what's involved in being a volunteer. Why do this project? First, it's a great way to raise funds for a variety of outreach projects our congregation supports. Last year we distributed some $13,000 to outreach projects from the proceeds of the TriTip/Bratwurst sales. Raising this amount of money some other way would be next to impossible. Second, it's a great way to create more visibility for our congregation in the community. People need to know us, not just by our location at Harbor and Wilshire, but also by what we do, especially what we do that benefits others. Third, those who work as volunteers get to know one another better and that builds community that strengthens our congregation. The Outreach Ministry

Mexico Build, March 22

FCCF and Sunrise Community Church, Anaheim, have teamed up to go to Mexico and build a house for Juana Adira (32) a single mother with two children, Jessica (14) and Luis (15) who works in a factory and earns $75 a week. Mike Silva invites anyone who would like to help to be at Sunrise Community Church, 701 S. Sunkist St, Anaheim, on the corner of South and Sunkist at 4:00 A.M. They usually return about 5 P.M. Phil Forbes and Tim Acquistapace are signed up so far. Please call Mike at 714-612-5064 to let him know that you would like to help out.

Food Loving Guys and Gals

Mark your calendar for Pathways of Hope Annual Fundraiser, March 16, at the Fullerton Community Center from 5:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. Ticket cost is $50 per person ($60 at the door.) They are looking for chefs or wanna be chefs to fix their favorite recipe and serve tasty bites to the 200 guests who will be in attendance. For more information on how to participate, contact Alycia, 714-680-3691 ext. 202 or email her at:


The 2014 Week of Compassion Offering will wrap up this coming Sunday. We are off to a good start in the pursuit of our goal of generating $1,500 for this year's Week of Compassion Offering. The total received to date is 997.08. Your gift should be placed in one of the Week of Compassion envelopes, which you'll find in the narthex, and dropped in the offering plate as is passed Sunday during the worship services. Write "WOC" in the memo line of your check if you can't locate an envelope. A couple of the Week of Compassion offering boxes, distributed to the children on February 2, were visible on top of the offering

plates as they were brought forward by the Diaconate this past Sunday. We remind all of the children who took an offering box home on Feb. 2 to be sure to bring them to worship this Sunday so that they can be presented for dedication along with the checks and the cash that is given by adults. Some Statistics and Facts to ponder as you consider your gift for the 2014 Week of Compassion offering are these. 1. Hunger is the world's No. 1 health risk. It kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. 2. There are more hungry people in the world than the combined population of the USA, Canada and the European Union. 3. Almost one billion people lack access to a supply of safe drinking water. 4. Because of diarrheal disease, two million deaths in the world each year are attributable to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene. 5. Over three million children die every year within a month of their birth. 6. About 20 million children worldwide suffer from severe malnutrition. Most children can be successfully treated at home for malnutrition with ready-to-use therapeutic foods. 7. An estimated 2.6 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation globally. Author Thomas Carlyle tells how, when he was a boy, a beggar came to the door. His parents were out and he was alone in the house. On a boyish impulse, he broke into his own savings bank and gave the beggar all that was in it. He comments about that experience: "Never before or since did I know such sheer happiness as came to me in that moment." There is indeed JOY in giving. We pray that all will know JOY in giving as each of us makes our gift of support for the 2014 Week of Compassion Offering. The Outreach Ministry

Disciples Mens Breakfast

All men are invited to share in a homemade breakfast and fellowship next Saturday, November 2, from 8-9:30 in Chapman lounge. All men of FCCF are welcome. You will be amazed at the inspiration and encouragement we all receive from these times we share together. Join us around the table and be surprised yourself.

Get On The Bus!

Get On The Bus brings children and their guardian/caregivers from throughout the state of California to visit their mothers and fathers in prison on Mothers Day and Fathers Day. This annual event, Get on the Bus, offers free transportation for the children and their caregivers to the prison, provides travel bags for the children, comfort care bags for the caregivers, a photo of each child with his or her parent, and meals for the day all at no cost to the childrens family. On the bus trip home, each child receives a teddy bear with a letter from their parent and post-event counseling. The Congregational Church & St. Juliana Catholic Community are sponsoring a fundraiser event on March 29, 5;00 P.M. at St. Julianas to help raise money for this worthwhile organization. Tickets are $40 per person which features the culinary talent of Chef Jon Sanders and a concert by renowned jazz pianist Ron Kobayashi and friends for a wonderful buffet dinner, silent auction and the concert. RSVP by March 15 to the St Juliana Parish Office. Attn: Barbara Dietterle, 1316 N. Acacia Avenue, Fullerton, 92831. For more info see the brochure and invitation on the bulletin board by the water fountain.

Calling all Elders and Diaconate! Worship Prayer - Praise - Learning!

All Elders and Deacons in the Pacific Southwest Region are urged to attend this exciting event to enhance & inspire your ministry! Event will be held at East Whittier Christian Church, March 1, 10:00 A.M. 3:30 P.M. This event is offered at no charge by the Regional Leadership Development Team. Lunch is provided. Message by Rev. Jose Morales, Regional Minister, Central Rocky Mountain Region! Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Workshops include: Working with Pastors and Pastoral Relations Committees - Ben Bohren Working with Victims of Violence Lisa Tunstall Moral Injury - Working with Veterans Matt Harris-Gloyer Ministering with Older Adults PSWR Older Adult Ministries Committee Ministering With Youth - Tim Cliffe Journeying with Grieving People Galen Goben What Does it Mean to Be a Deacon? Rebecca Littlejohn What Does it Mean to Be an Elder? And More Please RSVP: Call 626-296-0385 or, or

Chapel on Wheels Paper Drive

Chapel on Wheels Paper Drive will be Saturday, January 4, from 9:00 A.M. until noon at the following locations: Behind liquor store, corner of Chapman and Euclid. Parking lot east Raymond on Chapman Avenue next to Walgreens. Behind the Bank of America, on Laguna Road, between Bastanchury and Valencia Mesa.

Stewardship and Property Ministry Team - 2013 Annual Report

We began the year with the difficult task of closing the First Christian Pre-School and Child Care. The task was difficult emotionally and financially. The facility was running in the red, overstaffed, and had receivables rarely managed below $40,000 to $50,000 monthly. This was income due the Pre-School for care of children that was largely uncollectable. The final payment of employee salaries, vendor bills, and the settlement of numerous lawsuits filed against the church by former employees cost our church roughly $55,000. These monies came from our reserves (savings) set aside for facility maintenance, leaving us with approximately $50,000 remaining in savings. Gratefully, we navigated through 2013 without any major property maintenance crises. The Child Care equipment was sold and/or donated, and we dealt with the usual annual issues with furnaces in winter and air conditioners in summer. We continue to address the sanctuary lighting and have a long-term goal of solar energy for the church. We ended 2013 roughly $9,742 in the red. The ministry teams and administration of the church can be commended for the extent to which expenses were kept at or below budgeted levels. And we ended 2013 on another positive note. Our Saints Alive stewardship campaign and generosity tree generated financial commitments for 2014 exceeding those of 2013. We havent seen an increase in pledged support in the last five years, so this is an exciting and encouraging trend in the vitality our church financially. Despite this turnaround, we will continue to face fiscal challenges in 2014. Over the last half decade or more, we have had an ongoing need for church growth in order to support the staff we desire to maintain. We will continue to struggle until we achieve church growth. Without growth, we will face the eventual need to reduce staffing. With our prayers for guidance and wisdom in all our decision-making, Your Stewardship and Property Ministry Team

2014 FOUNDERS DAY AT CHAPMAN - March 13-15

Chapman University in Orange is holding its 31st annual Founders Day. ** John Dominic Crossan, prolific and provocative biblical scholar, who writes extensively on Jesus, Paul and the first century Christian community, will be delivering 5 lectures over the 3 days. The schedule lists times and topics. For more info, visit, You are also welcome to invite friends from other churches to come learn with you! ** Worship on Saturday morning in the Wallace All Faiths Chapel. Our preacher was featured at our Orlando General Assembly, Julian DeShazier of University Christian Church in Chicago. We will honor Wilfredo and Lillian Del Pilar as Disciples Church Leaders of the Year and Paul Kittlaus and Janet Vandevender as the United Church of Christ Church Leaders of the year. ** An hour concert by Chapman Universitys Concert Choir on Saturday afternoon after Crossans final lecture. **Workshops on Saturday morning for prospective students and their parents. ** Two reunion events on Friday evening for all alumni, Disciples on Campus parents and prospective parents and donors to Disciples on Campus scholarships and on Saturday evening for all Disciples on Campus alumni and families (graduates from 1987 to the present.) Chapmans Founders Day is a great way to see the exciting campus for the first time or to reconnect with alumni and friends from other churches. We hope that Founders Day will strengthen your congregations knowledge of scripture and your sense of connection to Chapman University and YOUR amazing students here. Costs: 3/13 Thursdays Lecture Free 3/14 Education Day (lunch included) $60 regular registration, $15 new church Pastors, $15 Seminary Student, $15 Young Chapman Alumni (2003 or later) 3/15 - Founders Day (lunch included) $35 regular registration, $20 young alumni (2003 or later) $15 High School Youth Registration closes on March 13. Nancy Malotte has detailed information, as well as registration forms and will be in the Narthex after church on Sundays. Detailed information and online registration is available at Scholarships are available.

First Christian Church 109 E. Wilshire Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832 Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M. Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M. Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M. Youth Groups: Sunday, 1:00 P.M. & Wednesday, 3:30 5:15 P.M.

Serving February 23, 2014

Greeter: Youth Guest Book: Mariette Linberg Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Angulo Sound: Clare Keech Video: PJ Vannoy Lay Leader: Christina Martinez Childrens Moment: Mary Ann Richmond Elders: Jodie Martin, Randy Langston, Judi Smedley Diaconate: Randys Team Prepare: Randy Baxter, Jamie Dorrough Ushers: Barbara Fenters, Dena Heathman Serve: Barbara Fenters, Annie Frater, Bill Henke, Kim Miller, Ben Stuart Clean Up: Randy Baxter, Nancy Knott, Ben Stuart Alternate: Mike Hogan

Serving March 2, 2014

Greeter: Guest Book: Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry Acolyte Parent: Henke Sound: Video: Clare Keech Lay Leader: Childrens Moment: Elders: Kathy Robidoux, Dwain Van Diest, Penny Fonches Diaconate: McCuens Team Prepare: Dirk McCuen, Beverly Reinke Ushers: Dirk & Jan McCuen Serve: Luanne Bailey, Dirk & Jan McCuen, Kelly & Shawn McCuen, Paul Robidoux Clean Up: Kelly & Shawn McCuen, Paul Robidoux Alternate: 9

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