Caller, February 15, 2015 Final

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February 15, 2015

In This Issue
From Dales Desk
Remember in Prayer
Spiritual Disciplines Wk
Prayer Requests, Feb. 8
Serving in the Military
Save the Dates/Janelles sermon 4
Girls Night Out
Wedding Shower
Listening Session
Senior Adults
Thank Yous/Letters
Mission Trip/Office closed
Cookie Bakers Needed
Founders Day
Homeless 101
Week of Compassion Ideas
Pathways of Hope
Get on the Bus
Fair Trade Coffee
Summer Camp
Lent & Easter Activities

Serving Sunday

The Caller
is published
(Deadline Wednesday
at Noon)
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
109 E. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832

Interim Pastor:
Rev. Dale Suggs
Donna Woodbridge

Issue 07

Events February 15 February 22, 2015

February 15: Feb Camp @ Pilgrim Pines through Feb. 16.
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
11:30 A.M. - Final Listening Conference with Search Comm., CL
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
Youth Meeting
February 16: Office Closed, Presidents Day Holiday
10:00 A.M. OAMC Meeting, Chapman Lounge
6:00 P.M. Girls Night Out @ Lazy Dog
6:30 P.M. - OT Class meeting @ Woodbridges
February 17:
Noon Sr. Adult Ministry Meeting
6:30 P.M. - Bible Study @ Barrys
7:00 P.M. - Casa uses Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge
February 18: Ash Wednesday
6:00 P.M. Global Ministries Task Force, CL
7:00 P.M. - Ash Wednesday Service
8:00 P.M. World Outreach Ministry Team Meeting. CL
February 19:
5:00 A.M. - Casa Prayer Group, Chapman Lounge
6:30 P.M. - Bell Choir; 7:30 P.M. Chancel Choir
February 20:
10:00 A.M. - Speakers League, Room 107
February 21:
10:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. AA uses Fellowship Hall
5:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Casa Worship Band, Sanctuary
February 22: First Sunday in Lent
8:00 A.M. - REAWAKEN, Early Worship Service
10:15 A.M. - REMEMBER Worship Service
1:00 P.M. - Casa de Oracin Service, Sanctuary & FH
Youth Meeting
February 23:
6:30 P.M. - OT Class meeting @ Woodbridges
February 24:
6:30 P.M. - Bible Study @ Barrys
7:00 P.M. - Casa uses Sanctuary & Chapman Lounge
February 25:
7:00 P.M. Council of Elders, Chapman Lounge
AA Groups: Sun. 8:00 P.M., Thursday,, 8:00 p.m. Friday, 7:30 P.M.,
Sat. 8:30 P.M., NA Group, Tues. 7:30 P.M.


From Dales Desk

Lent Begins with Ash Wednesday, February 18
The church year sets aside the 40 days before Easter (not including Sundays) as the season of Lent.
Traditionally, Lent is a time of penitence marked by giving up something for the season. Long ago, I adopted
the tradition of taking up something for Lent as well. Either or both are good ways to be intentional about
preparing oneself to receive again the mystery and joy of Easter.
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18. We will honor the day with a
contemplative worship service at 7:00 P.M. in our sanctuary. In addition to quiet music, scripture readings and
prayer, participants will be given the opportunity to receive the sign of ashes. This traditional marking the
forehead or the back of the hand with a cross made with ashes is a long-standing tradition of the church. It is a
visible sign of our inward commitment to penitence preparation and change. I hope you will join us for this
meaningful time together.
Lenten Devotional Materials Available
Beginning This Sunday, February 15
As part of our Lenten preparations, all are invited to join in daily devotions. This year, those on our
Caller email list will receive the devotions each day via email. For those who do not have email or would
rather have hard copy in hand, a limited number of paper copies of all of the devotions for the season will be
available beginning this Sunday, February 15. Remember, Lenten devotions will begin next Wednesday,
February 18.
Co-Regional Minister, The Rev. Don Dewey,
To Preach on February 22
We are blessed to welcome our Co-Regional Minister, the Rev. Don Dewey, to our pulpit on Sunday,
February 22. Don will be preaching while I am away for the day. Dons sermon title is Life Choices and will
help us explore and encounter the temptations of Jesus. I pray that you will honor Don with your presence on
February 22. Even more than that, I pray that you will receive the blessing which is Dons insight into the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lenten Sermon Series March 1 22
A Call from the Catacombs
On Sunday, March 1, I will begin a Lenten Sermon Series entitled, A Call from the Catacombs.
Drawn from the Gospel of Mark, this series is a glimpse into the unique witness of the first written of the
Gospels. Because Mark is my favorite Gospel (followed closely by John), I am very, very excited about sharing
these sermons with you. I hope you will join us as we prepare our hearts and minds to hear the Good News of
the resurrection through the eyes of Mark on Easter Sunday.


Remember in Prayer

Continue to pray for: Jim &

Helen Bailey, Sue Bacon, Dottie Bense,
Harold Brickens, Sandra Brown, Linda
Christman, Lorna & Skip Farnum, Joyce
Finch, Annie Frater, Anna Lou Horspool,
Carolyn Kenrick, Flora Miller, Sue Malotte,
Kristine Perry, Audrey Poe, Norma Rill, Betty
Rollo, Marj
Schwenker, Claudia Tammen, Dorothy
Tanner, and Bob & Donna Vannoy.
Please pray for the following PSWR
First Christian Church, Hemet
200 East Acacia Avenue
Hemet, CA 92543
Gary Fowler, Pastor

Readings and Prayer Concerns for

Week of February 16 February
22, 2015

Monday, February 16: Reading: 2

Corinthians 5: 20b-6:10; Today is Presidents
Day Holiday to honor George Washington and
Abraham Lincoln. Please keep our present
President in prayer also.
Tuesday, February 17: Reading: Psalm 51: 1-17;
Pray for Sr. Adult Group meeting today in
Chapman Lounge.
Wednesday, February 18: Reading: Isaiah 58:
1-12; Join us for prayer at the Ash Wednesday
Service at 7:00 p.m. as we begin the season of
Thursday, February 19: Reading: Genesis 9:
8-17; Pray for Global Ministries Missionaries in
Japan, Martha & Jeffrey Mensendiek.
Friday, February 20: Reading: Psalm 25: 1-10;
Pray for the Speakers League meeting in room
107 this morning.
Saturday, February 21: Reading: 1 Peter 3: 1822; Pray for the AA group meeting in
Fellowship Hall today.
Sunday, February 22: Reading: Mark 1: 9-15;
Pray for our Regional Co-Minister, Don Dewey
who will be bringing the message today.

Prayer Requests February 8, 2015

Lorraine Albrecht
Steven Miller
Judi Smedley
Darlene Miller
Sherry Herrera

Michael Anderson, 2
yr-old grandson, who
has pneumonia
Mother, Flora, who
has a blood clot in her
Girlfriend, Abby, who
is having tests for
breast cancer.
Jeremiah a newborn
who has been in and
out of the hospital.
Junior, former student
who had a very
serious surgery.

Serving in the Military

Adam Hawley, Deb Taylors

nephew, is back at Ft. Bliss.
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick OConner, Betty
Rollos grandson-in-law deployed to the
Persian Gulf.
Lt. Patrick Rollo, Betty Rollos
grandson, is at sea for several months.
PFC Brandon Vannoy, grandson of Bob
& Donna Vannoy, has returned to Ft.
Petty Officer Michael J. Borden, Nancy
Geigers grandson, in Norfolk, VA.
Brandon Johnson, Army Chaplain,
Mariette Linbergs cousin has returned from
his deployment in Afghanistan.
Lt. Austen Packer, Laura Lee Wiggins
friend, is back at Oceana, NAS, in Virginia
Lt J.G. Kip Packer, friend of Laura Lee
Wiggins, Navy nurse stationed in Norfolk, VA.
Kash Cross, Ted & Sammies grandson,
is at boot camp in Ft. Benning, GA.
Mjr. Christopher Evans, cousin of
Annie Fraters who is serving in Seoul, Korea.
Ted and Sammies grandson has
written and would love to receive cards. His
address is: PVT1 Cross, Kash S
194th Armor Brigade
Alpha Company, 2nd BN, 47th INF
1st Platoon, Roster # 138
9375 Conway Drive, BLDG 3425
Fort Benning, GA 31905
(bottom left front envelope) Ruff Ryders

Save the Dates:

March 1 All-church
wedding shower for Emily Steward-Styffe
and Jaime Garcia. We will be having a salad
luncheon in Fellowship Hall. See related
article below.
March 13-14 Founders Day Weekend
at Chapman. Check Caller next week for more
info. Nancy Malotte is our coordinator.
May 19 & 20 Sr. Adult Retreat at Loch
Leven Camp and Conference Grounds
June 28 August 1 - Summer Camps at
Loch Leven. See Donna for registration forms.

Girls Night Out (GNO)

Hey you all. Its our first

meeting of the year are you
excited? Were meeting at the Lazy
Dog Caf and its Alices choice. Youll find it
in the parking lot of the Brea Mall. The date is
Monday, February 16 at 6 P.M. I know its a
holiday weekend, so what better plans could
you make. All women of the church are
invited. See you there!!!
Shar your GNO coordinator

Wedding Shower

We will be honoring
Emily Steward-Styffe and Jaime
Garcia on their upcoming wedding at an AllChurch Potluck Salad Luncheon shower in
Fellowship Hall after the 10:15 service on
Sunday, March 1. Please let Sammie Adams
know you are coming and what kind of salad
you are bringing.
Emily and Jaime are registered at
Target. You may also contribute to a Church
gift if you would like. Donna Woodbridge will
be collecting those donations.

Final Listening Session with Search


Today, Sunday, February 15, will be

your last chance to share your perspectives on
the future direction of our congregation and
pastoral leadership. Your input is extremely
Please meet with Search Committee
representatives in Chapman Lounge after the
10:15 service.

World Outreach Ministry Team Meeting

There is a change in time for the World

Outreach Ministry Team meeting due to the
Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 P.M.
We will meet at 8:00 p.m. right after the
service and hope to be done by 9:00 A.M.
Global Ministries Task Force will meet
at 6:00 P.M. as usual.

Another place to hear Janelles sermon:

If finding YouTube and finding Janelles
sermon is difficult, here is an easy way to hear it:
go to, click on Worship
in the top left corner, click on 2015 sermons,
and then click on Janelle Vannoy. It was great.

Senior Adult Ministry

Meeting, February 17

The seniors are meeting this

coming Tuesday, February 17, at 12 noon. Our
speaker for that day is the Reverend Dale
Suggs, our interim pastor. Pastor Dale has
faithfully attended our meetings since he came
to First Fullerton and we have all expressed
how much we have been inspired by his
sermons and appreciate his care for our
congregation. He has shared a little of his life
and journey before coming to serve us but we
thought it would be interesting to know a little
more. We have asked him to share his faith
journey with us and of course he has
graciously agreed. So bring your lunch on
Tues at 12:00 noon and get to know Pastor Dale
and how God is using him in ministry.


We are very grateful to the seven

volunteers from our congregation who worked
on the Habitat for Humanity Project in La
Habra on Saturday, February 7. You made a
difference! Thanks to: Tom Beck, Sherry
Herrera, Terry and Nancy Knott, Dirk
McCuen, Mike Vaughan and Craig Wallace.
Special thanks to Craig for coordinating this
activity on our behalf.
World Outreach Ministry Team

Thank You, April!

On behalf of Fullerton First Christian

Church, the Alzheimers Association, the
Support Group For Family and Caregivers of
Persons with Dementia and Alzheimers
Disease and, mostly myself, I want to thank
April Johnen for her 6 years serving with me as
Co-Facilitator of the Support Group. Her
steadfast dedication and passionate caring for
this Group has been a true blessing for all.
THANK YOU, APRIL! You will truly be
On a bright note, I am pleased to let you
know that Diane Daugherty will be the new
Co-Facilitator for the Support Group.
Welcome Diane!
Barbara Fenters

We Get Letters . . .

Dated January 28, 2015 we received

this message from Corazon:
Yes, Corazon is growing and hope is
alive! You helped us reach our program and
fundraising goals in 2014. Thank you so much.
39 families have new homes and 14 families
have room additions, new roofs or drywall due
to smaller construction projects. . . Your
donation of $290 in 2014 . . . helped make it
possible for the Corazon spirit to grow and
The full text of this letter is posted on
the bulletin board. Corazon is one of the
ministries that benefitted from our Alternative
Gift Faire last November as they have done
now for several years running. Their mission is
building community across borders.
World Outreach Ministry Team

Cookie Bakers Needed For Sweet

Ministry (Cookie Bakers)

Do you like to bake cookies? On the

first Wednesday of each month First Christian
Church provides a hot dinner for those in need
(Hot Meal Ministry). We have a dedicated
group of members who provide cookies for
these dinners dessert, if you will. Our
schedule works out to providing 5 dozen
cookies about every 5 months. A few of those
who have been providing cookies for the past
couple of years, have found it necessary to
withdraw their participation in the Sweet
Ministry and we could use a few more of you
to don your aprons and help us out.
If you would like to participate in this
important ministry of FCC, please contact
Barbara Fenters (, 714829-4134).

Mission Trip Meeting On

February 22, 2015

Following the 10:15 A.M.

worship service a week from Sunday there will
be a meeting of everyone interested in being
part of the Mission Trip to Loveland, Colorado,
June 7-13a little more than 3 months from
now. At this meeting those who have signed
up for this activity will be provided with a
packet of materials about the trip, including a
Liability Form and a Skills Assessment Form.
In addition, the packet will include a sheet
with information about the church that will be
housing our volunteers and what each
participant needs to bring. Well also have a
preliminary discussion about travel plans for
getting to and from Loveland.
If you want to be part of the Mission
Trip, or are just thinking about being part of it
at this time, be sure to attend this meeting. It
will likely be no longer that 20 minutes, if that
long. For more information, speak to Ed
Linberg about this activity.

Office Closed, Monday,

February 16
Presidents Day Holiday

Chapman Universitys
Founders Day
Chapman University will hold our 32nd
Annual Founders Day, March 13-14, 2015. The two
day event held on the Orange, CA campus has
many strong options for participants to enjoy:

Richard H. Lowery, Hebrew Bible scholar

and teacher, will relate foundational stories in
Genesis to contemporary issues in human rights.
His PhD is from Yale and he has taught at Phillips
Theological Seminary until joining his wife, the
Rev. Sharon Watkins, in Indianapolis while she
serves Disciples as the General Minister and
President. Rick is a witty and insightful teacher. He
will do three lectures on Friday, March 13 and one
the following day in the afternoon.
Worship on Saturday morning in the Wallace
All Faiths Chapel. Our preacher is returning to her
alma mater: Rita Nakashima Brock 72. Rita heads
the Soul Repair Center at Brite Divinity School,
doing research and public education about moral
injury. We will honor David Downing as Disciples
Church Leaders of the Year and as the United
Church of Christ Church Leaders of the Year.
An hour concert by Chapman Universitys
Concert Choir will be presented on Saturday
afternoon after Rick Lowerys final lecture.
Workshops on Saturday morning for
prospective students and their parents as well as a
talk on Mindfulness by Dr. Gail Stearns, Dean of
the Wallace All Faiths Chapel.
A big reunion eventa Friday evening
dinner for all alumni, Disciples on Campus parents
and prospective parents and Chapman friends.
Then we will be going to---A new, exciting event:
Godspell which will be performed in the Wallace
All Faiths Chapel on Friday and Saturday
nights at 7:30 pm and Sunday afternoon at 2 pm.
DOC senior David Ruby is the director.
Your church has detailed information and
online registration can be found at You are invited
to come for both days, but you may also elect only
a one-day option. Convenient online registration is
available at
Questions? Please call the Office of Church
Relations at 714.997.6760. And we are seriousdo
not let the cost of registration keep you away. If
you need a scholarship, please ask for it!

Homeless 101 Workshop

Eleven members of
FCCF (Luanne Bailey, Leslie
Beck, John and Cyndi Cairns. Phil Forbes,
Bill Martin, Ada Rodman, Laura Schaffel,
Amy Styffe, Pat Vannoy, and Donna
Woodbridge, attended the Homeless 101
workshop held last Saturday sponsored by
Fullerton ACT.
Speakers from Pathway of Hope, Future
in Humanity, VISTA and the Fullerton Police
Department Homeless Liaison Task Force gave
us great information on homelessness in
general and in the Fullerton area.
Michael Shepherd began his session
with the question What is Homelessness?
Answer: No home. If you do not have a
home, you have no bed, no shower, no food.
You are in constant crisis to find basic survival
needs which then affects and causes lots of
other issues. He challenged all of us to think
about our circumstances and how close are we
to being in that situation. Unless you have a
good savings to tide you over, if you lost your
job, you could be homeless very soon. I was
very impressed and it sure made me think as I
am sure it did for others. This is only a small
sampling of what we learned.
On March 7, there will be another
Homeless Training Seminar where we can all
learn some of the solutions for Fullerton and
the agencies that are making them happen.
As we are a downtown church and very
close to the homeless situation, I encourage
you to put this date on your calendar now and
plan to attend. The location will be
announced later.

Sunday Statistics

February 8, 2015
100 (Remember Service)
6 (Reawaken Service) 98 (Casa 1 P.M. service)
Weekly Giving: $2,995
Missions: $332.80
Budget Goal: $3,777
Souper Bowl: $100
Week of Compassion: $315

A Letter To The Congregation

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

Its that time of year when we are
given the marvelous opportunity to share in
the abundance of needs of our sisters and
brothers around the world by participating in
the Week of Compassion Offering. By Gods
grace, each of us has the power to give and the
gifts we give that make the world more the
way God intends for it to bea place where
everyone has what they need.
The Apostle Paul modeled this offering
in his Second Letter to the Church at Corinth
by appealing to them to join other first century
Christians in responding to the needs of their
sisters and brothers in Christ in Jerusalem who
were going through great adversity. His call
for a church-wide offering was not only
practical in increasing the amount of funds to
make an impact in Jerusalem, but also it was
one of the first visible expressions of the early
Churchs unity in Christ. It provides us with a
model to demonstrate our care and concern for
others even though we do not personally know
those who will benefit from receiving our gifts.
The Week of Compassion Offering
reaches those near and far, sometimes
changing the lives of someone in distress in a
congregation or community near us, such as
the funds that have gone to support the
Disciples Volunteering work that has been
done in Joplin, Missouri; Moore, Oklahoma;
and, now, Loveland, Colorado in which we
have had a direct hand through the volunteers
who went on mission trips to these sites in
2013 and 2014 and those who will be going to
Loveland in June. At other times our gifts will
impact persons who do not have enough to eat,
or who lack clean water, or who have limited
access to much needed medical care, or who
are refugees from the lives and livelihood they
knew until a disaster, or a war, changed
everything forever.
This years theme for the Week of
Compassion, as rendered in the paraphrase
known as The Message, reads as follows:
Nothing left over to the one with the
most; nothing lacking to the one with the
least. (2 Corinthians 8:13)

So our abundance becomes their need

and their need becomes our abundance.
Consider this question: What would happen if
all of us made choices based on this concept? I
hope you will reflect upon this text and this
question as you make a decision about your
gift in support of the 2015 Week of
Compassion Offering.
Your gifts, in any amount, will be
welcome this coming Sunday, February 15, or
the following Sunday, February 22. Use the
Week of Compassion envelope to make your
gift, or simply write Week of Compassion on
the memo line of your check.
With gratitude for your generosity in
helping us reach, or even exceed, our goal of
$1,750 for the 2015 Week of Compassion
Offering, I am,
Ed Linberg, Chair, World Outreach Ministry

Week of Compassion Sharing Calendar

Ideas for this week

At a time appropriate for your family,

read the Scripture for Week of Compassion, 2
Corinthians 8: 13-15, share your households
contributions for that day, and offer a prayer
for the people and situation highlighted in the
Sharing Calendar and deposit your offering in
the coin box that was provided or an envelope.
Day 1 Give one unit for each book or
notebook in your schooling or on your
Day 2 Give one unit for every one of
your familys doctors.
Day 3 Give one unit for every sister,
daughter, mother, stepmother, aunt and
grandmother in your life
Day 4- Give one unit for every sunny
day this week.
Day 5 Give one unit for every aisle in
your supermarket.
Day 6 Give two units for every time
you have moved.
Day 7 Give one unit for every blanket
or comforter in your home.

Pathways of Hope FoodLoving Guys and Gals


Annual Food-Loving Guys and Gals
Amateur Chef Competition is coming Sunday,
March 15, 2:30 4:30 at the Fullerton Community
Center, 340 W. Commonwealth, Fullerton.
FCCF will have a couple of entries. The
Monday Night OT Bible Study and the Greek Class
will be joining Barry Woodbridge as one of the
entries and Tom Beck and Dirk McCuen the other.
Still room for some of you other chefs to enter.
There will be food tasting, you get to vote for your
personal favorite, music by Creamin Color and a
silent auction.
Trader Joes, Brea, the Dhont Foundation
and St. Andrews Episcopal Church will be
receiving Friends of Pathways Awards.
Tickets are $50 per person in advance and
$60 at the door. Opportunity tickets are available
for $10 per ticket or 3 for $25.
$.92 of every dollar given to Pathways goes
to serving the clients. RSVP at 714-680-3691, fax
714-871-3032 or online at

Get on the Bus Fundraiser

You are invited to a
fundraiser, dinner and concert on
February 28, 5:00 p.m. at St. Juliana
Catholic Church. Funds are raised to reunite
children with their mothers and fathers who are in
Each year, St. Julianas, Congregation
Church of Fullerton and Morningside Presbyterian
send a group of adults with children by bus to go
visit their parents on Mothers Day and Fathers
Day. You are invited to attend. The cost is $50 per
person (a portion which is tax deductible), donate
items for their silent auction or just make a
Last year I attended this event for the first
time and plan to attend again this year. It was
heartwarming to see and hear from one of the
mothers who benefitted from this event. When she
felt all hope was lost, this group of people brought
her children to see her which was the turning point
for this woman to change her life.
I plan on attending again this year and
would like to have a full table. Please let me know
if you can join me?

Fair Trade Coffee


The Fair Trade

coffee cart is back. Donna
will be having products available for sale after
the 8:00 a.m. service and before the 10:15
service. Mary Anne Richmond and Jill Scott
will be handling the sales after the 10:15
service. We have a new array of products
available including the single cup serving
compatibile for use with the Keurig and other
single serve coffee makers. This coffee is equal
to or better than Starbucks, costs about the
same and helps the farmers to get their fair
share of profits.
The World Outreach Ministry Team has
chosen to partner with the Disciples of Christ
Coffee Project which is a partnership between
Week of Compassion, Disciples Home
Missions and Equal Exchange, a workerowned co-operative offering 100% fairly traded
coffee, chocolate, tea and foods. Fair Trade is
one of the ways we love our neighbors. It's that
simple. Says Jose F Morales, JR., regional
Minister Central Rocky Mount Region.
So stop by before or after church,
sample the coffee or you may always drop by
the office during the week and purchase any of
the products. This is not a fundraiser and we
sell the coffee for what we pay for it. We just
want to help the farmers get their fair share
of the profits.

Summer Camp is Coming!

With the renovation of Campbell

Lodge and the addition of new trails and
outdoor meeting areas, Loch Leven is looking
better than ever!
PSWR Scholarship applications are
due on or before April 30. FCCF will pay
of early bird registration. The schedule is
posted on the wall in the office. Call Donna in
the office for registration forms

Lent & Easter Activities:

Feb. 18: 7: 00 P.M. - Ash Wednesday
Feb. 22: First Sunday in Lent

March 1: Second Sunday in Lent


March 8: Third Sunday in Lent

Easter Lilies

Time to order Easter Lilies. They

are $8.50 per lily Make checks
payable to FCC with Easter Lilies in the memo
Name of Donor
___________No. of Lilies ______
In Memory or honor of

Kids Page

March 15: Fourth Sunday in Lent

March 22: Fifth Sunday in Lent

March 29: Palm Sunday

Choir Cantata,
Easter Week of Prayer
begins - Easter Offering
April 1: Maundy Thursday
Prayer Vigil begins 8:00 P.M.
7:00 p.m. Watch Caller for
April 2: Good Friday.
Prayer Vigil ends 7:00 P.M
April 4: Easter Week of Prayer
April 5: Easter Sunday
Easter Offering
Easter Egg Hunt, Patio

First Christian Church

109 E Wilshire Avenue
Fullerton, CA 92832
Reawaken (Early Worship Service) Sunday, 8:00 A.M.
Church School for all ages: Sunday, 9:00 A.M.
Remember (Traditional Worship Service) Sunday, 10:15 A.M.
Youth Group: Sunday, 1:00 P.M.

Serving February15, 2015

Serving February 22, 2015

Greeter: Phil Forbes

Guest Book: Beverly Reinke
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Beal
Sound & Video: Travis & Paul Robidoux
Lay Leader: Lisa Parks
Childrens Moment: Ed Linberg
Elders: Barry Woodbridge, Joshua
Dorrough, Phil Forbes
Diaconate: Randy Baxters Team
Prepare: Bill Henke, Terry Vannoy
Ushers: Barbara Fenters, Kyle Fought
Serve: Barbara Fenters, Annie Frater, Bill
Henke, Nancy Knott, Emily Steward-Styffe,
Terry Vannoy
Clean Up: Annie Frater, Emily StewardStyffe
Alternate: Dena Heathman

Greeter: Phil Forbes

Guest Book: Scott Brill
Coffee Host: Hospitality Ministry
Acolyte Parent: Angulo
Sound & Video: Kyle Fought, Clare Keech
Lay Leader: Sharlane Blakeley
Childrens Moment: Marguerite & JYF
Elders: Barbara Hasty, Bob Hasty,
Deb Taylor
Diaconate: Randy Baxters Team
Prepare: Randy Baxter, Kyle Fought
Ushers: Sybil Dittberner, Bill Henke
Serve: Randy Baxter, Kyle Fought, Annie
Frater, Dena Heathman, Nancy Knott,
Terry Vannoy
Clean Up: Annie Frater, Dena Heathman
Alternate: Barbara Fenters,
Emily Steward-Styffe

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